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Final Assessment Test (FAT) – May 2017

Course: MAT3003 - Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations

Class NBR(s): 4528 / 5191 /5192 /5194 /5195 / 5196 Slot: C1+TC1+TCC1
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 100

Answer any FIVE Questions

(5 X 20 = 100 Marks)
1. a) Determine the analytic function ( ) = + , given that − = and = 0. [10]

b) If ( ) = + is an analytic function of = + , prove that ∇ | ( )| = 0. [10]

2. a) Find the bilinear transformation that maps the points = 0 , = 1 = −1 into the points [10]
= −1, = ∞ and = 0. Find the invariant points of the transformation. Show that this
transformation maps the unit circle in the w-plane on to the imaginary axis in the z-plane.
b) Find the image in the w-plane of the region of the z-plane bounded by the straight lines [10]
= 1, =1 + = 1 under the transformation = .

3. a) Evaluate ∫ , using contour integration, where a> 0. [10]
( )

b) Evaluate ∫ by contour integration. [10]

4. a) Find the complete solution and the singular solution of the partial differential equation [8]
= + +
b) Form a partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary function from [12]
( , + + ) = 0 and hence solve the equation.
ʹ ʹ
5. a) Solve: ( +4 −5 ) = +sin(2 + 3 ). [10]

b) Solve: −2 + = 0 by the method of separation of variables. [10]

− | |, | | <
6. a) Find the Fourier transform of ( )= . [10]
0, | |>
∞ ∞
Hence find the values of (i) ∫ and (ii) ∫ .

b) A string is tightly stretched and its ends are fastened at two points = 0 = . Motion is [10]
started by displacing the string into the form = from which it is released at time = 0.
Find the displacement of any point on the string at a distance of from one end at time .

7. a) Find the Laurent’s series expansion of ( )= in the region [10]

( )( )
) 1 < | + 1| < 3 ) | + 1| > 3 .

b) Using Fourier transforms, solve the one dimensional heat equation = for a rod with [10]
insulated sides extending from -∞ ∞ and with initial temperature distribution given by
( . 0) = ( ), ( . )→0 → ±∞ .


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