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e-EFM entrepreneurial youth population has come as

a rude jolt for senior academics and university
administrators. It is indeed both hilarious and
K R Y Simha heartening to witness premier institutions vy-
ing with each other in luring students for
Engineering Fracture Mechanics conducting research in mathematics, science,
K Ramesh
medicine, agriculture and engineering. This
Published by IIT, Madras, Continuing Education Cell
Multimedia Book Series. academic auction in the global knowledge
Distributed by Online Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. market leads to randomly and rapidly as-
sembled research groups headed by the high-
est rather than the brightest bidder. It is even
We live in an increasingly fragmented world
more ironical that our best young minds from
of social, cultural, political, economical and
premier science, mathematics, medical and
technological change. Instantaneous dissemi-
engineering schools desert their disciplines
nation of information via satellites, optical
and enter desultory jobs upon receiving their
fibers and computer networks has swept away
degrees. It is against this grim and grimy
archaic institutes and universities like a tsu-
backdrop that Professor Ramesh offers a new
nami. The languid pace of learning has been a
beacon of hope for disillusioned teachers and
major cause for youngsters to drop out of
students by bringing out his maiden e-book on
school and venture on their own. The dra-
fracture mechanics to motivate and stimulate
matic drop in school enrollment all over the
bright minds.
world in direct contrast to a spectacular rise in

86 RESONANCE ¨ June 2007


Tremendous effort and planning have gone tute a vivid part of the teaching and learning
into the development of this first ever e-book theme throughout this e-book. Professor
on engineering fracture mechanics (e-EFM) Ramesh has taken full advantage of his expe-
to enable learning and teaching through gen- rience and expertise in photoelasticity to em-
erous use of pictures, tables, graphs and ani- phasize basic principles underlying fracture
mations. The book is studded with nearly 700 mechanics. This approach will certainly stimu-
colourfully illustrated slides requiring 1000 late students to embrace experimental research.
screen shots, 294 animations, 225 figures and Optical methods of engineering analysis have
18 tables. Spread over 14 chapters e-EFM witnessed a sudden spurt following photonics
begins with a historical overview of major revolution combining electronics and fiber
brittle fracture calamities pertaining to ships, optics technologies. Photoelasticity furnishes
aircraft, tanks and bridges. Other examples of a rapid means for appraising elastic stress
failure of components like shaft, bolt, rail, etc. fields dominated by the crack tip singularity.
highlight fundamental fracture modes and Characterizing stress fields and quantifying
mechanisms. The following three chapters mixed mode stress intensity factors become
discuss Griffith-Irwin theory of LEFM (Lin- enormously simplified through photo-elastic-
ear Elastic Fracture Mechanics) leading to the ity. It is for this primary reason that the
definition of SIF (Stress Intensity Factor) in photoelastic technique pioneered the growth
Chapter 5. Chapters 6 and 7 present theoreti- of experimental fracture mechanics. The meth-
cal, experimental and numerical methods for ods of caustics and moiré interferometry have
SIF evaluation. Crack tip plasticity (Chapter lent additional admirable support to experi-
8) and J-integral (Chapter 12) provide a flavour mental research. By including these tech-
of nonlinear effects while Chapter 13 briefly niques, e-EFM is a worthwhile companion for
describes mixed mode fracture under com- beginners of the subject of fracture. Fracture
bined loading. Fracture toughness testing in of complex materials under dynamic electri-
Chapter 9 delineates various specimen geom- cal, thermal and magnetic loading constitutes
etries, R- curve and plane stress / plane strain the bulk of modern research published widely
crack tip behaviour. Chapters 10 and 11 deal in a variety of specialist journals from ortho-
with fatigue crack propagation and crack ar- paedics to earthquakes. It is precisely this
rest of great relevance to maintenance and universal appeal of the subject that has sus-
repair technology in vogue today in aircraft, tained the explosive growth of this field for
marine and bridge engineering. Finally, Chap- well over 60 years.
ter 14 offers exercises and common examina-
tion questions for the benefit of teachers and In many respects, fracture mechanics shares
students. many similarities with the subject of turbu-
lence which began with Taylor shortly after
Captivating photoelastic illustrations consti- he communicated Griffith’s landmark paper

RESONANCE ¨ June 2007 87


on fracture to the Royal Society in 1921. suggestions received from students and teach-
There was little progress on turbulence and ers.
fracture research during the war years, but the
activity exploded in the aftermath and en- The glorious spirit of educating engineers
gaged the attention of some of the greatest began with Timoshenko whose texts have
twentieth century minds like Raman, Mott, become evergreen classics in classrooms
Heisenberg, Chandrashekar, Kolmogorov, von across the world. His book on elasticity intro-
Karman, Batchelor, Irwin, Westergaard and duced the photoelastic technique which was
de Gennes. Thus, studying fracture and turbu- perfected further by his student Frocht whose
lence that began with Leonardo da Vinci over student Srinath spurred the growth of experi-
500 years ago continued with Galileo, New- mental mechanics in India by creating centres
ton, Hooke, Euler, Bernoullis, Navier, Stokes, of excellence at Kanpur, Bangalore and
Lagrange, Maxwell, Airy, Hertz, Rayleigh, Chennai, and authored many books to inspire
Lamb, Love and Prandtl. Even today, fracture generations of students like Ramesh, who
and turbulence continue to inspire and chal- coincidentally, has worked at Kanpur, Ban-
lenge scientists, mathematicians and engi- galore and Chennai. This great tradition of
neers. teaching and training students through books
continues with Ramesh whose book on digital
Modern cyberworld of internet, e-mail and i- photoelasticity has become a standard inter-
pod has unleashed an array of opportunities national reference.
and challenges for teachers and students alike.
In this respect, e-EFM by Ramesh is an im- I congratulate the author and IIT Madras au-
provement over the first generation of merely thorities for initiating a new trend in technical
attaching pdf/power point files. Now, sound education. I recommend that this maiden e-
and animation make it possible to attach video EFM version be published immediately at an
clips of fracture catastrophes recorded for affordable price. I strongly recommend e-
movies and documentaries. This could add EFM to all engineering students and teachers;
some thrill to the introductory historical over- and, to all educational and R&D organiza-
view (Chapter 1). Chapter and section num- tions including engineering societies and pub-
bers could also be added in the text, figures lic libraries. Hope that more will come out of
and animations for easy reference. Wherever IIT Madras e-books initiative (meaning aes-
possible, it would be helpful to cite journals thetic books with beautiful isochromatics as
with hyperlinks in the slides to enable readers in e-EFM!!).
to access the web online to get more informa-
tion. These features could be implemented in
K R Y Simha, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
the second version of e-EFM along with other
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India.

88 RESONANCE ¨ June 2007

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