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 NAME OF THE BOOK :- The Meth

 PRICE OF BOOK :- Rs 150/-
 PAGES :- 195
 PUBLISHED ON :- 1 December 2012
 PUBLISHER :- Mahaveer Publishers

About the Book: When a lie takes

away life ,while being a love story, has
been used as a vehicle to raise public
awareness against the pitfalls of drug
dependency in general &
methamphetamine in particular. It is a
tale about Arush and Trisha, who
though they love each other, fall victim
to the snares of the
'METHAMPHETAMINE', the bond of love
may be as strong as they wish it to be,
but nothing or no one can withstand
the buffeting of the craving for this
drug. It is a fact that nobody will deny.
It has been the ruination of
innumerable lives and continues to be.
Most live in denial by lying hence the
punch line that 'a lie takes away a life'.
The people who embark on a course of
this drug abuse are bound to cause
ruination of families, of partners and
most importantly, life itself. The
message is strong, unambiguous and
very powerful. The Meth is the cry
against any more loss of life due to
students, and is a remarkable way to
launch the campaign, so that no
student can fall prey to this drug.

About the Author: Tanmay

Kulshreshtha is as different as can be
from the popular image of other
authors. He is a natural gentleman who
lives austerely, litters his conversation
with fellow mates and sails with young
and ambitious friends to professional
and delightful harbours where sky is
the limit. Tanmay is currently pursuing
his B.Tech in Information Technology
from KIIT University and is set to
graduate in 2014. Right from his school
days, he had a flair to write and pen
down his feelings and expressions.
This dream has today come alive in the
form of 'The METH' - When a lie takes
away a life.!! Being an Engineer who
has now become an author, Tanmay's
personality demarcates the
truthfulness within him. He has much
more in his bags than just drafters,
dreams and documents.!! His good
points cannot be enumerated as he has
plenty of them. Many a times, Tanmay
has turned out to
My views towards the Novel :- Tanmay
is obviously a writer who wants to
bring a change in society through his
writing. He may have seen something
during his Engineering days that led
him to speak on the consumption of
drugs by youth in his debut novel itself.
Though I would like to suggest the
author to improve his language a bit
more. He has a beautiful thought
process but because of lack of reading
habits or I must say, grammar and
language too, he couldn't speak
exactly what he has in his heart. As I
am myself a writer who wrote
miserably, I can easily understand
what writer wants to convey and what
he couldn't because of lack in
grammar. Mr. Tanmay, read more
books and I can surely say that you
will come up with a surprising element
in your next.

The first chapter has an excellent

language. I was too happy to read it.
It was written as great journalists
write. But just after that, author has
written in the same manner as few
young authors write these days,
often. The story starts with a great
story of how a boy scores in
examination and move out of his
home in a quest to study from a
great institute from where no one
has ever studied in his home town.
Finally, he finds a good friendship in
Trisha and the saga of friendship
starts. The whole segment is
beautiful described. But the
conversations that both of them have
with each other are so childish that I
wanted to skip them all. But later the
description of personal experiences
of the protagonist after consuming
Meth is described fine up to an
extent. I am happy as writer hasn't
dragged story after 150th page. I
liked the way he directly came to the
Post Script part where he tells all the
information related to Meth and how
it causes destruction to a human

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