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Mirando, Mark B. English 23: Reflection Paper on Hamlet (Act 1) Prof.

Judy Ick

“Midnight to Dawn: the era of a new regime in Denmark and England”

“Hamlet” was known to be first published in 1603 as “The Tragicall Historié of HAMLET Prince

of Denmarke. By William Shakespeare”.1 Within this year, on the 24th of March 1603, Queen Elizabeth

I of England perished from an unknown cause.2 If one looks at the history of England and the date

of the earliest published text of “Hamlet”, one can assume that Shakespeare may write “Hamlet”

before and/or after the death of the Queen. Using this lens, one can look at the historical and

political context that may influence the conception of “Hamlet”. One can assume that England of

that time faces a huge dilemma and that is the idea and/or reality of the death of the Queen and the

question of who will occupy the throne. In addition to this problem was the possibility of a Scot as

the next heir to the throne - James of Scotland (which later on became the next king of England).

This dilemma was also reminiscent in the first act of “Hamlet”. This scene introduces the

remembering of the late King by Horatio, Marcellus, and Barnardo as they saw the ghost who wore

the same apparel as the King. The ghost of the late king may allude the idea and/or the event of

Elizabeth’s death and Claudius’ presence in the second scene may allude the idea of the reign of

James of Scotland. This juxtaposition was also highlighted by Shakespeare as he manipulates time in

the first scene of the play. The first scene’s transition from midnight to dawn marks the rupture of

Denmark and its transition to another regime. This rupture serves as the beginning of the play and

marks the era of a new regime, perhaps not only in Denmark but also in England.


1 William Shakespeare. Hamlet: Prince of Denmark, ed. Philip Edwards (Cambridge University Press: 2003) 9.
2 Claire Ridgway. The Death of Elizabeth I and possible causes of death by Alexander Taylor.
(accesed 23 October 2017).

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