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INSTITUT FUR KULTUR- UND GEISTESGESCHICHTE ASTENS DER OSTERREICHISCHEN AKADEMIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN, INSTITUT FUR SUDASIEN., TIBET- UND BUDDHISMUSKUNDE DER ‘UNIVERSITAT WIEN WIENER ZEITSCHRIFT FOR DIE KUNDE SUDASIENS ‘VIENNA JOURNAL OF SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES. Horausgegeben von GERHARD OBERHAMMER CHLODWIG H. WERBA Band XLVI 2002 DER OSTERREICHISCHEN Arlo Griffiths The Textual Divisions of the Paippalida Samhita* Iyrropuctiox ‘There are two reasons why Vedie scholars ~ especially those who are engaged in preparing editions of texts (whether they style their work tical” or not) ~ ought to pay close attei isions of the text they offer to the public.' In the first place: Vedic texts have a his- tory of transmission and belong to various schools of tradition. The textual divisions — the places where they are made, the names they are given — are an integral part of the tradition, being among those marks that distinguish individual schools from each other, and as such are in themselves object of indological enquiry:* In the second place: given the way Vedic ritual manuals refer to mantras to be recited during the ritu- als, and given the importance of an understanding of the procedure of the ritual in question to the exegesis of the mantras being used, precise knowledge of a mantra-text's divisions is a sine qua non for the inter pretation of those manuals and rituals, and the mantra-text itself, In the case of the Atharvavedic Saunaka Sakha, the Kausikasftra, e.g. presupposes knowledge of parydyas, anuodkas, sitkias, stanzas and he- mistiches;* the Atharvavedaparigistas presuppose the same knowledge * Abhijit Ghosh, Jan Houben, Werner s of this paper, and made guest liged to Chlodwig H. Werba for his dotai ler 1999 and Lubotsky 2002 can easily get the impression knows no kinda subdivisions besides hymns and n Bhattacharya. The o jons in the portions of text treated by them is thus, npared to Bhattacharya’s edition, whi fn (some of) sticed by the reviewers ndex of “Designations of the same", p, 382 in Bloomfiele’s e 0), Arlo (paryayas: AVParié 32.8, 32.18, 33.6.9 [1], 37.12.1, 46.9.7; arthasaktas: 32.18, 32.25): Known or accessible ancill ly ‘ecessible ancillary texts Paippalada Sakha do so as well. Paueeatnett with the In his pat g article of 1957, Renou (then still working o with Barret’s transcriptions of the Kashmir ms.) made the following ons of the Paippalada Samhita (PS quia tous égards est serrer le sectionnement: l'état dél 1a pas permis de conserver davantage Thus was the state of our knowledge around the time that Bhatta charyya made his famous discovery of PS mss. in Orissa (1957), In the eyelet 8] ‘See the references ts Or: mss,, and jund after PS ‘ashi me.: ily The Text visions of the Paippalada Samhita “Introduction” to Bhattacharya’s edition of the first 15 kandas* we are informed in passing about the textual divisions as they are marked in the Orissa mss. (p. xxix): “The Or. MSS indicate half-verses, verses, hymns and Kandas. Most of them indicate pada. mation is ineomplete, even when compared with Renou’s outdated summary. It can be enhaneed significantly hentie pal leaf n ‘side of the Bhattachary(y)a family (Griffiths 2003). Information gathered during, to date, three years of work using these mss. is confronted in the final art of this paper with the important information available in an an lary text of the Paippalada Sakha used by AV brahmins in Orissa. It is to the relevant section of that text, the Karmapanjika, that I now turn, ‘Tue Vi Karuapassixa pAVRATAVIDHT SECTION panjika (KP), a text whose existence was ~ to my knowledge — first taken note of hy Bhattacharyya (1968: 2, 23, 41), has been used here and there, but has nowhere been discussed, by Bhattacharya in hi dition of PS 1-15." The KP claims to follow an otherwise lost Sutra of Paithinasi, and at several points quotes directly have not yet been able to find a ridhara, or his dates on the subject of this paper. This after the Cyutavratipunarupanayanavidhi, and precedes the Br: mac&risnanavidhi. It shows important: phraseological and thematic parallels to the Uttamapatala (AVParis 46), on which ef. Weber 1858 and Modak 1971, In order to give some impression of the nature of the KP as a whole, this section has been edited here beyond what is strictly necessary for the ‘The KP is evidently an im- © Note that in the list 0 Cf, “karmapa. 4.1899: 17, and Chintamani 1999. Paithinast’s work r en © counterpart of the Kausikasntra of the Si ppallda Saka, ran Atharvavedie Dharmasitra ofthese interesting poss portant text, deserving close attention by students of the (Paippalada| Atharvavedie tradition. A eee 1973. (rey Museum ported as Novem| Ms. of the Kaviraja house ‘ara Panda”) in the village Guhiapal iffiths 2002: 170). Written by V le Dayan king Kigoradeva (the post Soradevanka a {+} #8" nke phalgunya sukla catuthi tithive go- vinda Sarmamatmaya dayanidhi sarn takam samaptam) ma idam likhidam pus- his must be the same ruler as the o ma, It is complete, with the Vedavratay is incompleti to be the most carefi 9014-9512. Pai ‘Textual Di Use of other sigla for PS mss, in the apparatus criticws and in the ensu ng “analysis” follows that established in Griffi Only si cant variant readings are reported. In the edited text of KP, the pl , which tend to write | ( throughout. I use [...] to report a shift to a new folio or folio-side, (...) to identify prattkas, and a dot after a consonant to mark the virdma. In text qi PS in my footnotes, readings marked with a aised * are emendations with basis in the mss. (rest archetyp emended beyond what is re tible for the archetype. In my apparatus criticus, capital letters signs and brackets: * for i The Ve ntras. Except in insi prattkas attempts to give the m of the mantras as it may have been fam not in all cases (¢.g. 1.55.4, 19.16.19, 20.50.8, 20.5 of the mantra, but in other cases (e.g, 1.21.1, 2.31.6/7 have been authentic where the PS mss. ado bhava uti | catursu ve- vedavratam caris iti! | tatha ca jyotihsast jeyam svadhai ¢ || parasarah! agny aiva yajfiadanavratar vedavratam vpsotsargam eidakaranamekhal varnprada Gul rata 2.40.19ab ita uv 10 Arlo Griffiths ‘The Textual Divisions of the Paippalads margalyam'® abhigekam ca malamase vivarjayed iti | (1.66.1) | yebhih pasair dadhisupatih* (1.70.4) lI agnis te [Ni 917] v tatradau Sisyah® Acdryasya samipam gatva sw 71.1) || vastos pata iti ghane na” (1.75.4) II ardhvo bhava (1 mau nipatyacaryaya nivedayet | bho bhagavan vedam bhavan upaki suparnas tvabhy ava pasyat (1.80.5)"" lI yajfasya cakgul (1.81.1) | rudrebhyah (1.86.1 uktivalgam (1.90.4) | payo devesu (1.91.1) I y& I rayasp | yatha kuma- 1m (1.106.6) 1 tam iti || tata acdryah om iti vadati || svikaram kptvety arthah bhadram vacam nantaram [Ku 101¥] dciryo nakgatrakalpoktam tantram krtva”! aman gam angarogam trakam ksiraudanam srapayati* | vratadesaganasyaintyastktadvayam, fesuly patat™ parityajya mahavyahrtyadibhis ca ksiraudanam juhuyat | tedananta rah (1.1004) I trini patrani (1 s ityady anuvakadyannvakottama reah || kandadikin. 1 vatasya nu (1.107.1) I éatam® paam™ 12.) 1 hf vargadivargottama reah arasam pra reah® | kstraudanam juhuyat ll ta rea ueyante | tam adhy neva mamse ( is mayah parvatesu (2.15.5) | ya satran™ (2.16 amsy agvam (1.10.4) fab ano agne (2.21.1) anumatih (2. 4) | naktam jata (1.16.1 parivrajan® (2.31.6/7") I ya uttarat sivena ma (1.25.4) 1! suparno jat: | imam me kustha (1.31 yah purastad aa agne bhyavar venas tat (2.6.1) I adh ate (2.11.1) | dirghayatvaya’ nasa na- h (1.26.1) | ka idam 1 indraya sabtyase (1.35.4) : inti ya va (1.36.1) || mama gavo mamaéva (1.40.4) (aid na te (1.45.4) Il asya tvam yas tv ninaya” (1.50.4) || gato havih (1.51.1) (1.55.4) | preta jayata (1.56.1) | ut tistha mama v mptyub (1.61.1) | anya vo anyam (1.65.4) | dhruvas tistha ghana-"! But ef. the prattkas fc we find such instrumental endings. as to make suparnas trabhy 4 (with just two padas ow (see p. 21 wi stanzas of the own Sambi have been prahitesur avantu nah. Tt seems more authentic. fn. 170. P pratika retains the {figura elymologiea gives toward ing of the text (a pple. nom, mase. sg) given as pari vrajam in Bhatt 2) The om the KP to the in Bhatt, 159), wherein the J: (3) The support from the KP to the anuedla div iths 2002: 45, and n praka Gul Ku Ni. Thi 6 ‘so K) ~ ninaneya Ki dhuman mama \e pratike, ‘The Textual Divisions of the Paippatada Samhita 13 Khananti tva (4.21.1) devainim asthi (4.25.7) 26.1) | devah saranakyta® sarvabhyah (4.30.9)* 1) mam anikam (4.35.7) | manve vam Siva apo vateebhyah (4.40.7) 418 | pta saryat® (5.6.1) te sauviryam (2.47.1) kanya varavayatt ( bphaspatim vayam trataram* yajamahe (2.51.5) Il ye kesinah (2.52. I pratar agnim (4 anaturena, dyavaprthivt (4.36.1) ye pisiea (2.62.1) 2.66.5) || yas namah piganga (5.1.1) | sama vasa si (5.5.9) | s ) twarayah (2.67.1) I agnir ivaitu (2.71.5) | agnir dyumnena (2.72.1) asimati (5.10.10) | anu te manyatam" (5.11.1) Il ye ea desta ye cadrstah payo mahyam dyavaprthivT (2.76.5) I aham bibharmi** (2. (5.15.9) I dyaus cemam (5.16.1) | tilam tardal) (5.20.8) || dyaus ea yasyah suparnah (2.81.5) |i agnim te harah (2.82.1) | ordhvam nah pité (5.21.1) | Satena ma (5.25.8) | arity (5.26.1) Il jyesthasya (2.86.6) | manayai tantum (2.87.1) | vatajtte (2.01.5) 2 118.1% tva (5.30.9) Il atyasarat (5.31.1) | sapta samnamab (5.35.12) Il ye var 4 tva gan (3.1.1) || asau ya send (3.5.6) | agnir no vidvan (3.6.1) | ma na (5.36.1) || Satadharam (5.40.8) temanyau (3.10.6) || ye sthasyam pracyam disi (3.11.1) | agrabham sam tad xyaths bhatam ca (6.5.13) || madhuman me nikrama agrabham (3.15.6) | paidvo 16.1) | a tva kumarah (3.20.6) | nam* (6.6.1) | eyam agan vasita" tim (6.10.9) | brahma yajfar imam indra vardhaye (3.21.1) | indro balenasi (3.25.14) II grhanaivi (3.26.1) | navaratnt® ( I deva marutah (3.31.1) | abhays trat (3.35.6) | jaya [Ni 9Lv] prehi ma" (3.36.1) | asthad dyaub (3.40.6) 81 (Gul 1047] hiranyagarbhah (4.1.1) | ut tistho ‘gra (4.5.10) || hiranya- Srigah (4.6.1) 1 yad vareo gavi (4.10.8) II yengcarat (4.11.1) | ut tistha prehi samidha (4.15.7) | udyann adityah (4.16.1) || ago nu mah (6.11.1) | & tva Kanva (6.17.11) | sam® rath® mptis ca (6.23.12) | supargas tva (7.1.1) ‘irgalakam (7.10.10) ye parvatah (7.11.1 hb (7.16.1) Il pavamanaya n that of t Bhatt. 158, and tho perseverated spurious anwvtha mat fee Bhatt. 226. Gul, Saranakytta Ku. the app. evil. in Bhatt. 164 (Or, mas). ae 2.16411 we app. crit 12, 1641 Ni below. 20, , 172. ka ought to be namah pisangabaheai, ul Ku Ni. The pratrka ought to be sapta sitrya Ku, bibharmami °f the app. ert. in Bhatt. 221 (Ox. mss) 12080Gul, P2011 #1 ideo asi Gul, paidrosi Ku (thus as 1 Ku Ni Cf. the app. ert in B weiratn) Ni. The pre sndpa Ku, i astha dyouh Gul Ku. CE. the app. orit in Bhatt. 203 (Or: ms.) an : 106 be- 126) have mis m the app. ert. iF anuvakea CF n. 38 above, im md and not sam ma (as K id anuedal colophon after 468 and 471. A simi in Bhatt. read). Note that an anueaka . is omitted Bhatt. mm came (8.5.11) | a pasyasi (8.6.1) || patim te ) | catasras te (8.11.1) I ya utthaya kilbig nava ca ya (8.16.1) | asya™ (9.1.1) | mardhno devasya (9.5.14) ric cit (9.11.14) 2) I yo va ckasaravam ha amba te Gort | gobhis tva pat raksitarah (10.16.11)* 110 | (Ls. us Ku ~ Airnmayena Gul Ni, Cf ‘ya Ku, wattacharya's accep ). A less ext the text; of. ‘The Textual Divisions of the P: ia Sambita 15 agnis takmanar vedih (12.1.1) oni (12.11.9)" ll indrasya nu (12.12.1) | yat samudrah (12.22.14) #12 12 1 antarhitam me (13.1 imam stomam (13.5.1) 1 tasmaj jatat (13.9. endro bahubhyam (14.1.1) uusase nah (14.9.7) | 14 samyan digbhyah (15.1 iva (14.5.1) | ganaih (15.4.10) | ayurda dey. (15.5.1) | trirel ‘itasyeva (15.10.1) || bhotam bra- mah (15.14.11) || yavad dyaur* ity osadhe® (15.15.1) | ya gachanti I t wulukabhyah™ (15.19.12) bvaj jata (15.20.1) |i yah samudrad yah" (15.23.13)" | [Gul Lody] 15 antakaya (16.1.1) || ye mrtyave (16.5.8) ceaksu" (16.1.5) | ya babhravah (16.12.1) | ar 258): of on of the text (see second anuvtka after 12.22.14 ( as utlama rhe (of 1, 103). Perl anwodka cat anwoika here; mss. RM, V At the end of th anwodka. RM gives no not available. It see Bhatt, 793) is a s 16 Arlo Griffiths tau (16.18.1) ll prana ma vat" (16.23.6) | sihasras twesah (16.24.1) | ndro badhnatu (16.28.11) Il indro manthatu (16.29.1) || anv enam pra. yam kalpayanti (16.35.1) | svaha devebhyo disodi (16.48.5) | yad deva sv amptam (16.65.4) niyanam (16.69.13) | dyaur yen’ ‘tnahan® (16.76 sya. vamasya ( 16.70.1) | pifiga jahi (16.81.8) | ucchiste (16.82.1) a (16.891) lI tasyaudanasyodaram saptargayah” pratihitah (16.103.11) i vasam devah (16.110.4) I yo va (16.126.4)" visam asyam' [Ku 103v | priyan upainam ropam (16.139.27) 2v]sa © Th 4.26 mat. The aksaras cha. sarly indistinguishable with Thus also all at arose in the predecess “iavena (0) u Ni~sapatnahan Gul as uttama rh (ef. Ni, The prattka ou, as yet to Ww San sxtual Divisions of the Paippala \sy vapant (17.6.10) | kasminn aitge antahpatre (1 vyadi hutam (17 (17.26.21) satyam, 7.1.1) || tvam (17.7.1) Il asti vai tat (17.114) 5.10) li dacamiti'™ (17.161) amusyamusydiyanasya! 1 vajram, nadam & roha \ parnam nari i dige (17.55.10) 1) m (18, (18.19.11) | vedim bhimim (18.20.1) || imam esam (18.26.4) lI vratyo (1827.1) | pate vai paramesthinah (18.32.10)! I atispstah (18.44. (8.49.1) F va ntra has been dadamsty eva Ku yonanasya Cul, amusyayanasya Ku. This rearrange! ng there indicat to the 0 ms to 18 Arlo Griffiths (18.53.4)" | vigasahim (18.54.1) | agnir ma gopah (18.56.12)! | 0 eit sakhayam (18.57.1) | dyumantas tva (18.62.7) angiraso nab (18.63.1) Il ud irgvam'"* nari (18.68.12)"" | apasyam yuvatnn™ (18.69. yete parve 8 (18.82.10)' dogo gaya (19.1.1) « 9.8.15) Il idavatsaraya krnuta (19.9.1 prieyam di (19.12.15) Il abhi tvendra (19.13.1) F deva samsphan"™ (19.16.19) J 19.17.1) 1 a Samim mamake (19.20.17) lI yatha soryah (19.21.1) | yad ahuh sakadhomaham" (19.24.19) I yape garte (19. (19.28.15)! 7 man me (19.32.18) candrima apsv tntar 'S by the K reading (PSK 18, w (ef n. 119). PSK 18.32 eorresp number 10) of 18.82. ppratcka ends with the samsphan. My Or. mss, Pa anc ts to tena ish the practha fro prattkas for 1.75.4 and 15, by the Or. mss, against t LIMB assign eighteen stanzas umber against Barret's nineteen ‘The Textual Divisions of e Paippalida Samhita 19 (19.33.1) I yady asy apsaravi™® (19.36.18) || abhi tva (19.37.1) | yam papaca (19.40.15) II somas vib éa[Kn 104r}pati (19.44.24) | pragi indram vay 1)" I prabha[Ni v& ye (20.1.1) |i sam jénfdhvam (20. ya viévatah (20.11.13)" i upa hvaye yareo "ham te (20.17.4)" || abhi pragat dnrad bhesajam (20.25.1) tara (20.311) I yat svapne asmabhyam (20.37 stanza 20 wh 19.48.19be. The pared with Kafl ahasthau Sar a tentative 3146-149 and Vad iéednaw yamaigirasah | yasasvinam ma yosasah kppnta havamabe, K ranijam. text as presented by the Or. mss, revious note, I make reference fied prattha (ef. n. 53) 1e next note 20 A tenaham (20.42.10)! || indra jiva (20.43. | ut tabhnami (20.51 : gan (3.1.1) (3.40.6) | hiranyagarbhah (4.1.1) | Siva apah!™ tama N 33, tha dyauh Gut 13, and n, 50, 21 katha dive (8.1.1 nyayena!™ (8.20.11 9.1.1) kustham ha at (10.1.1) | vigve deva (10.16.11)" n (ILD) I tasam va (11.16.14) | agni takmanam yat samudrah (12.22.14) | antarhitam me (13.1.1) | tasmaj jatat (13.9.1) || endro nah (14.9.7) | samyan dighhyah (1 hyaim (14.1.1 yah samudrat (15.2; ardhvayai di antar a (18.82.10) dhitr va ye (20.1.1) tama" yeah | atha padadipadottama peah (5.25.4) | vibhindatt dogo gay: salalavam (20.65.11) || [Ku 104] i alalavam (20.65.1) atha vargad ( tama reah atha ve (20.65.1 ove p. 10), the text Itirased Ni lama reah of 1S!” Ku inserts an unclear double in G Ni here, which is not fo riffs ‘a agne vratapate vratam carigyaim tad (PS 1.30.1) iti kandikam ca kstraudanam juhuyat || tadanantaram Scaryah™ ma- havyahrtisévitrisantivacanadhan mas toktah | tata acaryah sigyahaste puspam dattva caryam dvadasavarsikam havisyabhaksanam keéadharai kasaiyavastr yathoktadharmavisistam so- Saktitas carigyami tad agnau nam" asty iti Sigyam vaca. yitvagnau puspam dapayet | tata acdryah punar mahavya Santivaean LLL) ity anuvakam prsnipary igyam karayet |i tadanantaram sam no d PS 1.1.1) syam acamed" abhyukgee" ea madakarmoktakau i 94r] atha madakar: sa ucyate | sarvesin parenagner lohitam anadi prastirya | tatraémamandalc® somam 5, wit hanya Ni ‘The Tex! Divisions of the Paipp grhnati lI dvypeair™ dvadasaih | tryreais trayodasail?” caturdasaih | paficarcaih pafteadaéaih | godasareaih*” sodasail saptarcaih saptadasaih | astarcair astadasaih | navarcair navadaéaih | dagareair viméatibhih’™* | ekanreair mahadbhih s yad nati rasan havisim*" (?) | rasan iti bahuvacan sayam | dadhani ca ghrtam caiva madhiiny udakam eva ete rash samakhyatal sadeti atha madakarmabrahmanam hamana rir asit sa aharahal surakilalaposah?" (”) prajépatih indrah somasukho bhaitvadhya aram avpnita sa[Ku 105v]) Anda. sarvesd adhipatih sarvesim bhatanam sarve- sydmit"* | sa tasmai sm devaindm sarvesiin lokanam bhatanam madhye sarvesai 2 deyarecat 24 ma** kuryad iti brahmanam 1! 0 | athoktakarmavidhim vyakhyasya- laraprabhrtin upakalpayet || tatah karta citrépaurna- eayatantrenagnim upasamadhiya 1 daksinardhe vujyadikam juhuyat | & yatu mit ye juhuyat | rasesuttarasampatan Ktavyam ll gurususrass [Gul m na bhoktavyam |) tandu yakadini® nagnty rtd uttaratantram kuryat nanmahi Phe Textual Divisions of the Paippalada Samhita ANALYS' ‘The above edition of the relevant section of the KP, its Vedavratavii rate di 8 where textual K (ef these agreements with K, in sa, against the “ Samhita mss., that lead me to conclude that the textual divisions indi- cated in the KP can truly be called the textual divisions of the PS. In f, and in addition to ich Renou (quoted at the be; n 1957, several new facts have are tradition: PS: anuedkas and kandas were padas and vargas has h of the textual divisions of the PS (1) Stanzas (and Parts thereof): res and ardhareas, P as ardharea) a single (/) a reliably s0, a single da 198). Some Or. PS ns of an apostr’ r=), Since there is no trace of jeate stanza-qui raised stroke (wh 8 (except for Wits 46) gives a “tab the KP, incidentally at 1.80.5 and 2.31.6/7, w yzas of the hymns in question 26 A 27 o Griffiths the Textual Di such marking in K, this pada-marker is probably not an the abbreviation is simply a plus a number, or where the anuevka colophons write the word in full). ‘The KP's Vedavratavidhi demonstrates how essential a part of the tradition s yrs in Bhattacharya’s evidence of the PS Or. mss. 2) Hymns: saktas/kandikas ific information on the places where this subdi- xt is made” Bhattacharya informs us (Bhatt. p. xxi): (4) Books: kandas The KP’s Vedavratavidhi confirms the basic nature of this textual div sion. In the description of the madakarman, whieh is for some reason part of the vedacrata les of kanias appear to be used (in some- what corru ist is found in AVParis 46.10. Comb ing the readings found in the AVParis with those found in the colop of the PS Or. mss., the following list of kduda-titles can be given: is edit is of cow er to this textual di ‘known term sakta (which is also the 1. caturreakanda, 2. paticarcakinda, 3. sadreakanda, 4. saptarcakinda, ¢ KausS, of the sister Saunaka school). That th 5. astareakanda, 6. navarcakdnda, 7. dasarcakanda, 8. ekadasarcakanda, ly interchangeable, however, is clear from such 9. dvadasareakanda, 10. trayodasarcakanda, 11. eaturdasareakiinda, 12 phrases found in the KP as sahasraksam iti dvikandikam siktam parcadasarcakinda, 13. sodasareakanda, 14. saptadasarcakanda, (Ku L4y, to refer to PS 9.25-26) or a ralri isina yost iti dve kandike sate dasarcakanda, 16. ksudrakanda, 17. ekanyeakanda2" 18. mahatkanda (Ku 9r, to refer — probably ~ to PS 6.20. Or. mss. number hymns contin with each anwaka can ~ it seems ~ now be answered on the anuvdika division nently present in his edition, ind i.a. the probably ra i. (where the edition above. 2 tis 19.23.22 = AVParis 46, lows: “It paryiyas) 1848, is Bhandas 28 Al hs kandas of PS are not — to my knowledge — used any: where in K, where colophons only give numerical indications (prathamah, dvitiyah, etc.) of the kiudas, The fact that these titles 0 ting detail in the KP’s Vedavratavidhi is its of small bits of evidence to be found in some PS O Has in AVParis 46.2.4 (see B mas. ing —von Negelein’s variae lectiones, PS into padas. (cf. the app. ate the end of the prathamah rit. padah. W mark the p ed below, explicitly use the words prathamah pada. I have not yet fo f the dvitiyah padah in any of the PS Or has sim- at the end 2 a reference to the pippaladasal eK repeats the last stan; om (Barret: 1 of kanda 20 mantrasya caturthah padah, wh ravigala, ina unexplai iLhayarm prathamah pada | prathamah padah | sharvane pippaldida ‘Textual adds om (Barret 1940: 152). The evidence that we have here yet an- other old textual division, which ought clearly to be marked in a eriti cal edition, is undeniable. It is necessary to refer to Renou’s article of 1957 once again, because he there Pada, eo Panini. qui pe the possibility that what we have found jor use of the term, quarter”. It remains problematic, for the time be- ig we may assume the redactors of PS worked with a rational/mathematieal of the same extent as the one we now divided the text into the above ( 5.25.5-16.16.3, (III) 16.16.4-18 count, these 4 blocks zas. Possibly, the not test (6) Halves: vargas 2.4. They consist n size between this These were also known already from AVParis 4 merely of two pairs of padas. Note the differen varga, and the Rgvedic one (Renow 1957: 2f.) ) A Further Textual Division: *prapathakas lence of the KP, I add here a brief disc sion in PS, whose name seems to have 30 n vorangehenden om/Srz” may be the striking “formale Ubereinstimmungen”* that exist between K and the PS Or. ms ich Kanda of the P X in the Or. mss, is pi tly a stylized st, but cases also e.g. visnuh, 1 the repetition of (Bhatt. 179), 2 “die gowissen Ver tases where a verse w 12.5.8/9 (Bhatt. not in the app. erit. of Bhatt.) ora “fl 720), 12.19) Bhattacharya’s edition if the presence of these signs has b cated in his apparatus. Bhattac indications as alah padmadini [sic] aikitani, kandikante mangalacihnadtni, mantrante iti etc, For kanda 16, I give reference to th ription of K for that kdnda. p. 69), 16.84/85 (ib. p. 86 ib. p. 102), (16.110/111 [seventeenth anuedka, not paral ib, 112}), (16.126) p. 122)), 16.153.4/5 p. 144) ‘andas 1-15 Since the material is not yet cor about these striking ¢ only suggest that we (Renou 1957: 2f.) of the text 1.54/55 (not in the app. crit. of Bhatt. (Bhatt. 96), 2.8/9 (Bhatt. 129), 5, 6.12.6 to 74.4, 74.5 to 8.13.6, and 8.13.7 to 9.6.2 did not yield equal numbers of stanzas. Again, it is possible that a principle of equal numbers of words perhaps equal numbers of dandas, stanza-quarters, or syllables. With a view to the division of $S_1-18 into prapathakas, a division ~ not ex tended into $8 kandas 19 and 20 ~ which, “though noticed in all the is according to Whitney — Lanman 1905: exxviii, “probably @ hypothesi traditions, To sed anywhere nor does Bhatta T may state ly be treated as-a “formal in where they O15: 411, but he wrong- As we savy above (p. 28), K. In fact, it appears to this mse eg the whole of PS wi nt same order of man ib,). It lada traditis the Saunaka from the Paippalida Sakha. probably not exceed 60, a fi rude as the figure 34 for end of textual Landa 1, 2,5, 32 Apss. AVParié Barret 1905-1940 Book ten, JAOS 43 158.269 - Book twelve, JAOS 4 BaudhDh hatt: Bhattachary Hoffmann 1986 Katha Kauss Poona: §, ambita of nal manuscripts ollege Research i KP Lubotsky 2002 el Zehnder, Atharcaveda-P nentar. Eine Boginn des |

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