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conditions, in steps up to maximum power, at

Sea trials of New Ships. the manufacturers’ works would form the
most important reference, for these two
B. Ramamurthy. Retd GM. HSL, machineries.
What is sea TRIAL The shipbuilder has to prepare the sea trial
Sea trials are the final trials in the protocol and get the owner’s approval for the
construction stage of ship where all the trials and its schedule sufficiently in advance.
machinery equipment and all fittings on the SEA TRIAL GUIDELINES AND CODES
ship are tried out for the first time in sea SNAME(Society of Naval Architects and
conditions, and each system is tried and Marine Engineers), BSRA, Norwegian Code
tested as far as practicable at its maximum for sea trials were developed by the
capacity. All the trials which are included in respective societies, for bringing about a
the sea trial programme are those which are uniform code of practice for conducting sea
not capable of being carried out as a part of trials of ships. These are only guidelines for
the dock side trials of machinery and the sea trials and are not mandatory. While
equipment. guidelines are available for navigation and
CONTRACT CONDITIONS manoeuvring trials, specific guidelines are
The conditions under which sea trials are to not available for communication equipment,
be held like draft and wind conditions are a gyro, magnetic compass, GMDSS, Radars,
matter of mutual agreement between the and these are tested based on the
ship owner and the ship builder. The tests to performance requirements prescribed for the
be carried out during the sea trials, and in respective equipment and for their
some cases the duration of the trials are also satisfactory performance.
a part of the contract. Some of the tests and Guide lines for carrying out ships speed
trials are mandatory from classification and trials are also available from BARA,
IMO requirements. SNAME, DNV etc including details of
ACTUAL TRIAL CONDITIONS permitted corrections for wind and sea
It is to be noted that the actual trial conditions conditions, current, depth of water etc.
viz. ambient temperature, sea water However it must be appreciated that such
temperature, wind speed, sea condition, sea corrections to the measured speed is subject
current and depth of water have a large to the contract with the ship owners, and
Influence on the maximum power the engine cannot be applied universally.
can develop as well the ship’s manoeuvring REQUIREMENT OF CLASSIFICATION
MAIN ENGINE RATING AND LOADING Some trials are mandatory according to the
DURING SEA TRIAL Classification societies. These include main
In most cases it may be seen that it would endurance trials, astern running trials,
not be possible to load the engine even to its torsional vibration trials to check barred
CSR rating even though the propeller is run speed range, steering gear trials, and anchor
at its maximum RPM, due to freshly painted trials, black out trials, emergency generator
and smooth hull condition and polished trials, and safety and alarm systems, exhaust
propeller. In some cases such as on bulk gas boiler accumulation trials.
carriers the draft and trim limitations under OWNERS CONTRACT CONDITION
ballasting may also be a restricting factor. TRIALS
Sea conditions also would not be steady due Trials like speed trials, generator capacity
to wave and wind conditions and would not and margin of electrical power at sea trials,
render ensuring steady load conditions of the endurance of main engine, astern trials,
engine as is possible in the shop conditions steering gear trials, crash stop, vibration and
RELAVANCE OF SHOP TRIAL OF MAIN noise trials, and air-conditioning and
ENGINE ventilation trials (including machinery space
In view of the limitations on the loading of ventilation) are included in the ships’
engine as stated earlier, the shop trial data of contract.
the main engine and generator engines,
which are tested under steady load
MAIN AND AUXILIARY ENGINE(DG SETS) Exhaust temperatures for each cylinder,
SHOP TRIALS Fuel oil consumption
The main engines are tested at the Power on water brake
manufacturers’ works for its rated capacity RPM
before the despatch of the main engines for Examination after Shop Trials
installation on board the ship. Though the Generally after the shop trials the engine
engines, especially for the merchant marine parts such as one main bearing, piston and
operations, are all designed to operate with one liner are examined by the trials team for
bunker oils the shop trials are normally any damages. Magnetic particle test is
carried out using diesel oil only. The shop carried out for the sump oil to check for any
trials of main engines are very important, metallic particles.
since the data recorded during the shop trials FUEL CONSUMPTION TRIALS AT SHOP
form the basic reference parameters for the TEST
subsequent performance evaluation of Since load conditions are not steady over
engine during the service, since the engine is the a given period of trial and measurement
loaded gradually from low load to full load- in cannot be accurate in sea conditions, the
steps, and is operated with steady load Fuel consumption guarantee for the main
condition, for continuously for the specified engine is always given on the basis of
period, with a water brake as the load. measurement taken at shop trials only.
DG SETS are tested at shop at various loads The fuel consumption measured at sea
in steps, and similar recordings as for main trials is for verification only.
engine are made. Besides the individual TESTS AND TRIALS CARRIED OUT AT
Diesel Generator trials, trials are also carried SEA TRIALS
out if mutually agreed as per contract for The trials can be broadly divided into
parallel operation of the Diesel Generators, 1. Engine Room Trials
and for governor operation by sudden 2. Deck Equipment Trials
application and removal of loads. 3. Navigational Trials
During the trials the main engine is 4. Other contractual trials.
adjusted to deliver the power according ENGINE ROOM TRIALS
the propeller curve The engine room trials involve trying out all
The curves of performance are drawn for the machinery and equipment installed in the
Power vs RPM engine room, including standby machinery
SFOC when the machinery is running at the
T/C Inlet Temp maximum power in the mutually agreed trial
T/C outlet Temp condition of displacement of ship and its trim
P comp condition.
P max It would be possible for the tankers,
P scav. container ships, and modern bulk carriers
MEP with side ballast tanks (double hull) to load
The crank-web deflection readings are the vessel with ballast water to get parallel
taken before the start of test and at the sinking to normal ballast displacement
end of test (hot condition) which form the condition unlike the earlier generation bulk
reference values for further alignment carriers where the vessel’s sea trials were
condition check after installation on board the carried out at accepted ballast trim condition,
ship. and for which draft condition the model tank
The trials include recordings recording of test is carried out (with trim by stern for
Ambient temperature and pressure, getting proper propeller immersion). The
Cooling water inlet temperature and outlet speed achieved in such ballast condition sea
temperature for turbochargers and jacket trials are extrapolated for the full load
cooling water (outlet of each cylinder), conditions and compared to the tank test
Turbine rpm data.
Lube oil inlet and outlet temperatures for The main engines of modern era being highly
main bearings, stressed machinery, it is essential to load the
Charge air temperature, main engine gradually till it attains its

maximum RPM which may or may not be the At the end of endurance period the engine
full power setting even under clean hull is shut down and the crank-web deflections
conditions. The engine is loaded in steps and are noted.
at each step the engine is run for the The engine is again run up to the full RPM
required time as per engine builders’ and the safety functions such as auto
recommendations. At the end of each power slow down and shut down features are
setting an examination is carried of the demonstrated.
cylinder liners through scavenge ports, the The engine alarms are demonstrated by
lube oil condition is examined, and crank- simulating the conditions and audibility of
web deflections are taken to check the alarms and visual indications of alarm
alignment and check any undue deflections conditions are checked for proper
which indicate misalignment of shaft-line. functioning.
Once the maximum RPM is reached and it is During the Endurance trials at every hour the
seen that all parameters are in order the ship complete recordings of pressures and
can proceed with the rest of the trials of temperatures besides, RPM, Power and
machinery. indicator cards are taken. If power
The trials consist of: measuring equipment is installed it is
Main engine and Shafting system: calibrated during this period. If MIP
Endurance trials indicator is available it is also calibrated with
Overload running of main engine (103% of the shop trial data of the main engine.
full RPM) Adequacy of engine room ventilation and
Minimum RPM Trials its proper distribution is checked so that any
Crash Stop Ahead and Crash Stop Astern hot pockets noticed during the trials can be
(This is also a part of Navigation trials) rectified after the trials.
Astern Trials The Engine Control room air conditioning
Coasting stop system would also be working in its peak
Boiler Accumulation (Exhaust Gas condition and its satisfactory performance
Economiser) can be established.
No. Of starts of main engine to establish the The recordings made during the endurance
adequacy of air bottles (in cold engine trials, form the reference parameters for
condition) subsequent main engine operation analysis
Torsional vibrations, Axial Vibration trials and for all the engine room auxiliary
Engine room Vibration levels machinery performance.
Engine Room Noise Levels Fresh water Generator is put into operation
Black out and Emergency generator trials during the endurance trials and the fresh
Generator Load trials. water production per hour is established.
Auto changeover of essential pumps Crash Stop
demonstration. The crash stop manoeuvre trials
Fresh water generator trials demonstrate the proper sequence of
Auto change over (or manual change over) operations viz. The time taken from crash
from DO to HFO. stop order to actual engine telegraph being
Endurance trials put to from full ahead to full astern,
The Endurance trial is the most important automatic scavenge air breaking operation at
trial for the main engine which normally will set RPM, starting of engine in reverse
be for duration of 4 to 6 hours when the direction and attaining full astern RPM which
engine is run at the maximum achievable would normally be about 70% of full ahead
power under trial conditions. During the RPM. This is a very important data which is
above period for one half of the period one essential for the operating engineer to be
set of pumps, purifiers etc are run and for aware for dealing with emergencies.
the other half the standby set is kept in However it is to be noted that while
operation. The Generators are changed to conducting the ship is normally put against
ensure that all the generators are tried out at the wind and current to obtain the optimum
full load trials of main engine. conditions and in actual conditions during

service the same may be so. Hence these run with ship heading with the wind and 2
form the guidance data only. runs against the wind and taking the average
Minimum RPM Trial of the runs to give the speed of the vessel at
This test demonstrates the minimum RPM at each power setting. With the advent of
which the main engine can be run smoothly DGPS equipment the accuracy of speed
with the assistance of auxiliary blowers (for measurement has improved. With a plotting
large slow speed engines) which is a very of the speed power curve the power at any
useful data for the ship’s engineers specially particular speed can be easily ascertained.
during manoeuvring operations of the vessel. Although the standard codes permit some
The RPMs at which the auxiliary blowers corrections for wind, current, displacement
start and stop are also noted for reference. from accepted trial conditions to the actual
Torsional Vibration Trials conditions, application of the corrections are
The torsional vibrations are recorded and if subject to the contract with ship owners.
by calculations any barred speed range is This is a good guidance for planning the
envisaged the theoretical analysis and the voyage requirements. It also helps in
engine is tuned to quickly pass over the knowing the increase in hull resistance and
barred speed range of RPMs, it is verified. planning for necessary docking or cleaning of
Deck Equipment Trials hull/polishing of propeller as the case may
Steering gear Trials. be.
Trials are carried out to demonstrate the Crash Stop Trial
timing of steering gear operation from 35 When engine room Crash stop recordings
deg. On one side to 30 deg on the other side are being made the deck side also the
and vice versa with single pump (one pump following recording is made for navigational
after another) is demonstrated, the data
requirement being 28 secs., with ship at full Time from crash stop signal to propeller
ahead rpm at the start of each trial. reversing
The operation with both pumps in operation Time from crash stop signal to actual ship
is also demonstrated though it is not speed coming to 0
mandatory As per IMO guidelines this trial is Time from crash stop to propeller reaching
also carried out at half power of the main full astern rpm
engine. Time for attaining full astern speed.
Similar tests are carried out at 50% of power. The plotting of the data including the heading
Anchoring Trials data of ship is to be plotted and exhibited in
The proper performance of vessel’s the wheel house according to the IMO
anchoring equipment is demonstrated. The requirements
depth of water for carrying out the trials is Astern Running
specified by the classification rules. The Z Manoeuvre trials
anchors are lowered, during the trials to At full and half full power RPMs. The
water level and then the anchors are allowed recordings after plotting are to be exhibited in
to drop freely (without gear control or the wheel house as per the IMO
brake control). The brake function is requirements
checked at intervals before the required Turning Circle Trials
length of chain is lowered and brake holding Turning circle trials are carried out at full and
is demonstrated. The anchor is then hauled half full power RPMs and the plotted circle
up on gear, to demonstrated that the anchor data is framed and exhibited in the wheel
can be hauled up at the required speed (min house as per the IMO requirements.
speed required is 9m/min). Zigzag Manoeuvre Trials at Full and 50%
Air-conditioning and Ventilation system RPMs as required by IMO guidelines.
trials Navigation equipment trials
Navigation Trials Echo sounder, speed log are checked for
Progressive Speed Trials proper operation
Speed trials are carried out at power settings Radars are checked for proper operation
of 25%, 50%, 75% and full RPMs. The trials
are carried out with minimum of 2 runs one

All Communication equipment is checked for and then the relief valve was lifting relieving
proper operation. The interfacing between the pressure. The greasing was checked
the above equipment is also checked. and venting was carried out to remove any
The navigational lights are checked air entrapped. There was no air entrapment.
Loud hailer, intercom system, broadcasting The problem was seen to repeat. The rudder
system are tried out for proper functioning hydraulic relief valves were set to lift at 110
Magnetic Compass bar. The relief valves were checked and
Calibration/Adjustment seen to operate at the correct set pressure.
Compass is the difference between magnetic At this stage a decision was taken to
north and the direction in which the compass increase the relief valve setting gradually till
is pointing. the problem is resolved, so that the
All vessels have numerous magnetic fields. functioning of the steering gear is
Some of these fields are permanently built demonstrated satisfactorily as per class
into the structure of the vessel and some are requirements. The classification society
caused by the type of cargo carried, surveyors on board were informed about the
electronic instruments, position of machinery decision which may involve exceeding the
and equipment, etc. actual hydraulic test pressure of the steering
Compass deviation is the difference gear as tested at Manufacturer’s works. The
between magnetic north and the direction in pressure setting was gradually increased and
which the compass is pointing. Both variation the steering gear functioned smoothly at
and deviation are measured in degrees east (+) about 105bar.
or west (-). The problem then was to demonstrate that
Swinging the compass, or swinging the the rudder stock, rudder, steering gear
ship (as the operation is sometimes more hydraulic pump motors as installed would
accurately called), typically involves taking the meet the requirements. If the rudder stock
vessel to a suitable location and, with the scantlings are not suitable for the revised
vessel steady on each of the eight primary torque with 105 bar hydraulic pressure, the
compass points, comparing the difference yard would have suffered a serious problem
between existing compass headings or of ordering a new forging, redoing the boring
bearings with what we know the actual installing the new rudder stock and modifying
magnetic headings or bearings should be, the the tiller, involving huge financial loss and
difference being deviation. During the process, delay in delivery of a completed ship by a
any magnetic fields, created by the ship's considerable time. Hence the issue of
structure, equipment, etc, which cause the rudder stock was considered primary issue.
compass to deviate are reduced or, if possible, The rudder stock scantlings were calculated
eliminated, by creating equal but opposite and ordered basing on the tensile strength of
magnetic fields using compensating correctors. 420N/ However it was noticed, on
Trials experience and critical decisions: verification, that the actual tensile strength of
The following are some of interesting and the material as per the certificate was 540
critical problems faced during my service N/ Working backwards with the
when the vessels were taken on sea trials. actual rudder stock diameter, it was found
1.Steering gear torque problem. that the tensile strength of the rudder stock
The vessel was first of a series and the was adequate to take the additional torque.
steering gear torque was calculated The frame size of the electrical motors of the
theoretically as per normal practice and hydraulic pumps was also found to have
steering gear, rudder stock carrier bearing capacity to operate at higher load current as
were ordered according to the calculated per manufacturer’s standard for the frame
rudder torque. The equipment was installed size. The motor suppliers were contacted
and checked for normal operation before and the their confirmation and copy of
proceeding for trials. certificate of another motor of identical frame
During the steering gear trials, it was noticed size tested for higher current rating was
that the rams were moving sluggishly when obtained as a proof.
helm was given on both port and starboard The supplier’s were invited to visit the yard
sides till it reached about 25 to 28 degrees and retest the steering gear for the higher

test pressure of 160 bar to prove the static 3. Temperature regulating valve- reverse
pressure and prove the seals. This was operation.
presented to the classification society It was noticed during the trials that the piston
surveyors and new hydraulic test certificate cooling water was raising as the load was
was obtained. increased and the automatic slow down
With the above the steering gear was function was being repeated as the
certified for higher torque and vessel could temperature limit is reached. We checked
be delivered without any problems. the cooling water pressure and flow. It was
2.After burning in the Main Engine seen to be in order. We opened the
cylinder submersible pump to check and found it was
During the initial running in of the Main also in good condition. We checked the
engine the cylinder lubricating oil is set at a cooler and found there was no problem. We
higher level than normal requirement in checked the direction of operation of valve
service which is progressively reduced to as the temperature increased and found
lower levels as the cylinder liner is run in valve was moving in the correct direction to
and polished during operation of the engine open water to the cooler as the temperature
and as load is gradually increased. increased.
The engine supplier’s engineer was setting Having found no problem with any of the
the cylinder lubricating oil, as per the above we opened the temperature regulating
guidelines given to him by their factory. The valve and to our surprise it was seen that the
engine was operating on marine diesel oil. valve was reversed in assembly and
At 50% power setting the cylinder liners were although the direction of operating was
checked through scavenge air ports and they correct the valve was closing diverting the
were seen to be very black. The engine valve away from cooler as the temperature
supplier’s engineer was apprehensive of the increased. The piston cooling water
condition but however continued with next temperature control was satisfactorily
higher power setting of 70%. At the next achieved by correcting the valve assembly
inspection it was again inspected and he was on board. Steering gear failure and use of
of the opinion that the liners were not getting mooring winch
polished and that the fuel is of low quality 4. Air conditioning system vibrations and
recommended that the trial be deferred to a noise.
later date and the reasons are properly It was during the early days of air
ascertained. At this stage the it was conditioning of ships in Indian shipyards.
suggested to him that the since the fuel was The owners decided to have central air
only marine diesel oil and cylinder oil being conditioning on their vessel and since the
the one recommended there could not be engine room had no space the owners asked
any doubt on these and that we may reduce us to install the same on the second deck
the cylinder oil and proceed with higher load. level converting a store space to the Air
Since the engine supplier’s representative conditioning machinery. Yard accordingly
was unwilling to take the risk, the decision procured and installed the machinery. The
was taken by me on behalf of the yard to foundations for the machinery were designed
reduce the cylinder lubricating oil and as per normal design procedure. During the
operate at 80 % load. The engine was run in sea trial the entire compressor assembly was
at that load for 3 hours against the seen to be vibrating heavily and the flexible
recommended 2 hours. At stop over period connections of the refrigerating piping
the liners were seen to be better and the provided were getting highly stressed. The
blackness was reduced considerably. The noise level was also high. Since the
Engine supplier’s engineer was convinced of compartment was directly below crew’s
the improvement and by the time we finished accommodation there was serious objection
the endurance trials the liners were clean from owners and the MMD Surveyor. We
and there was no problem. The cylinder oil investigated the possibility of stiffening the
setting initially was found to be the cause of structure and provide heavier seating but
the blackening. same could not be done due to limited
headroom both below the deck and deck

head above. As a last resort we decided to the papers presented at Institution of
provide a solid 25mm thick plate over the Engineeers and Shipbuilders in Scotland,
stool and bolt the compressors directly on to regarding performance of propeller due to
the plates. We found the level of vibration roughness, wherein it was noted that even
was better in port condition and on the roughness of 0.25mm may cause a reduction
condition that it will be kept under of 3 RPM or about 10% higher power
observation during the voyage the vessel consumption, it was suggested to the
was accepted. The subsequent reports from management of shipyard, to redock the
the vessel were quite favourable and vessel, examine the bottom shell and
problem was satisfactorily resolved. propeller and proceed to sea after buffing
5. Propeller roughness and Engine RPM and polishing the propeller. After a lot of
The vessel was the third vessel of a series persuasion on the subject the vessel was
and the earlier two vessels’ performance docked. The hull antifouling paint was
during the sea trials were good. The vessel observed to have held well and there was
was out of the dock for 2 months only hardly any fouling on the external hull. The
approximately and the contract permitted that propeller was however observed to be thinly
we could take the vessel within three months coated with extraneous hard material and
of previous docking we took the vessel out was seen to be reasonably rough. The
for sea trial. propeller was cleaned, buffed and coated.
Vessel was taken out for trials and as the When the vessel was taken out for trials
vessel was proceeding to the sea through again the performance of the engine was
the entrance channel of the harbour a distinct seen to match the performance of the engine
noise was heard as if something had on the earlier two vessels. This was a bitter
impacted the hull. As an inspection did not but good experience regarding the need to
reveal any problem anywhere on board sea ensure very smooth propeller surface at the
trial was continued. As the RPM was being time of sea trials of the ship.
increased as per normal power settings it
was noticed there was distinct deviation
between the power reflected by parameters
such as rack position, scavenge air pressure
Turbine RPM etc and the corresponding
propeller RPM when compared to the shop
trial data. The power abosorbed was much
higher than what should be normally
expected by comparison to shop trial of main
engine and the results of earlier two ships
sea trial data. Even before the full rpm could
be reached the engine was seen to be
developing almost 100% power where as it
should be about 85% at sea trial conditions.
Initially it was suspected that the noise heard
during the passage through the entrance
channel could have resulted in some
damage to the propeller or the two months
interval between the docking and sea trial
could have caused some hull roughness.
Trial had to be abandoned. Divers were sent
to examine the hull and the propeller and it
was reported that the propeller was intact
and there was hardly any fouling of the
external hull.
Since two ships have performed well with
identical propeller and engine, no doubts
existed on the above. Having read in one of

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