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An improving education system


I've met many great principals who are inspiring, teachers who do not hesitate to go
beyond the call of duty and students whose lives have improved because of them.

It gives me joy to give hope. More importantly, I am proud to have been part of the
process to make our nation's education system great.

The Malaysia Education Blueprint (MEB) has been around for nearly two years. And
the execution of this grand plan has been rigorously monitored and tracked.

Recently, the 2014 Annual Report was published, and I want to share snippets of the
outcomes today.

Naysayers stay away! The horror stories are the exception and not the norm.

This is about the positives.

Teacher intake.

99.98% of new teacher trainees in 2014 had obtained at least 5As in SPM. 51%
obtained at least 7As while 22% at least 9As. Only the top 30% of SPM leavers are
accepted. In reality, the bar is much higher. Here's to fantastic teachers in the near

Higher Order Thinking Skills.

The education system is no longer about memorizing-and-regurgitating or learning

for exams. Students need to apply Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in order to
succeed. 31,891 Maths and science teachers (and 50,957 from other subjects) have
been trained to incorporate HOTS in the pedagogy. Scientific inquiry, reasoning and
application are key to our education system. 20% of public examination questions are
HOTS based. Some complained because they didn't get A for their exams, but many
see this as the way to go.


The Education Ministry now screens and tests language proficiency for all students
aged 7, 8, 9 as part of the Literacy and Numeracy Screening (LINUS) initiative. The
2013 cohort achieved 63.3% in English literacy in Year 1 (age 7) and improved by
24% to 78.3% in Year 2. Year 1 students in the 2014 cohort achieved 70.2% in
English literacy.

The Professional English Language Training (ProELT) Programme has seen the
upskilling and pedagogical improvement of English language teachers. 2014 saw
10,502 teachers participate, with 87.8% improving one band level from B1 to B2 and
43.1% improving from B2 to C1 according to the Common European Framework of
References for Languages (CEFR). To note, to qualify for a teaching position in
Europe the minimum is C1. C2 is the highest on the scale.

Also in 2014, 360 native English speakers mentored about 5,000 teachers from
1,800 schools nationwide. Since 2012, up to 225 English Teaching Assistants (ETAs)
consisting of Fulbright Scholars have taught in 101 of our local schools.

The above aside, there are many other initiatives to improve English proficiency in
schools. These include English drama camps, a more robust literature component,
intervention lessons for weak students, choral speaking and more.

The key point here is that English is taken seriously. Command of the language
requires effective teaching and a strong curriculum - and not just teaching other
subjects in English.

Technical and vocational education and training.

This will be a big area of growth for Malaysia (I wrote about this in a separate article).
1.6 million jobs in this sector is expected to be created by 2020.

TVET is for the skills-inclined student. The emphasis on TVET is recognition that
different children have different interests and talents.

Currently, there are 81 secondary schools that offer Basic Vocational Education
(PAV) for 13 to 15 year old students. This includes classes on food preparation,
electrical wiring and furniture making.

Further up, there are 80 vocational colleges (KVs) offering the Malaysia Vocational
Diploma (DVM) and Malaysia Skills Certificate (SKM). In 2014, 5.2% or 22,096 post
lower secondary students were enrolled in vocational programmed. The target is 20%
by end 2020.

90 Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) were signed between the Education

Ministry and industries to provide training opportunities to vocational students in 2014
bringing the total to 208 (including companies like Proton, Continental Tyres, and
even Shell- which has been involved for more than 20 years).

3,070 upgrading or repair projects in 2,410 schools were completed in 2014. This
included physical infrastructure, classroom, toilets and electricity.

All 10,000+ schools will have its walls. It's a mammoth effort but an effort to be
carried nonetheless.

My conclusion? Our education system is improving.

Many good men and women have worked and continue to work hard to make the
Malaysia Education Blueprint (MEB)'s implementation successful.

I know these people. Their drive, passion and dedication are unparalleled, and they
are as much vested in our education as the next person.

To them I say good job on the achievements so far and thanks for giving your all.

There is still quite a lot to be done. Keep it up. I expect to see real continued
improvements in the years to come.

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