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Yatin S.


An artist for the connoisseurs, elite and mundane… Yatin pens down the philosophy behind his art
very succinctly, “I wanted my art to be out there for everyone to see and feel and experience, not just
logged in books and museums for the academicians.”

A graduate of the prestigious JJ School of Arts, Yatin chose the less beaten path of hands-on work in
the industry instead of pursuing further academics. After completing his coursework in JJ with a
specialization in Sculpture and modeling in 1999, Yatin started working as a designer with Parshuram
Ceramic, Thangadh in Gujarat. Here the green artist was molded into a professional. Practice refined his
precision and infused a sense of practicality

 The motto: Keep it simple

Realistic art has always been the calling of Yatin’s heart, right from the beginning, he always wanted
to present things as they were, and not to glorify or add fantasy and imagery to their originality through
his work. Having tried his hand at interior designing, paintings, art direction, landscaping, trophy
designing and various other art forms, Yatin has found full expression in ‘life-like sculptures’.

His continuous urge to experiment and the inherently artistic approach with which he feels the life
and vibration within the inanimate media that he molds, makes him the artiste par excellence that he is
known to be today.

 The inspiration: Experimentation

What keeps Yatin’s art dynamic and ever evolving is his ceaseless urge to innovate, experiment and
his keen sense of analysis and constructive self-critique. Constantly working with new techniques and a
variety of material like clay, marble, wood, fiber, metals, drapery, varied color schemes etc. is what
keeps his art fresh and novel.

However, for an artist for whom the soul of his work is experimentation, he insists that he dislikes
to experiment for experimentation’s sake. He likes to keep things natural and real.

 The Practical Artist

“Unlike, the general impression that the world has about artists, that they are always
engrossed in a fantastical world of their own making, Yatin loves interacting with people and is very
grounded and involved in the day in, day out routines and mundane of life… In fact, he seems to
collect these experiences, learn from them and they reflect in his art”, says Mrs Preshita Yatin
Pandit, his soul mate in art and life, classical danseuse and a performing Kathak artiste (M.A. and
Alankar -Kathak).

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