Philosophy of Education

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Pence 1

Rose Pence

Dr. Monsour

Foundations of Education and School Law

18 November 2014

Every child is born with an enormous amount of potential. Everybody has

the ability to be the next great doctor, lawyer, or scientist who makes great

contributions to society. The only way for children to tap into their potential is with

great teachers to inspire and encourage them. I am fortunate to be among those

given the great opportunity and privilege to help shape these bright young minds.

Students in today’s schools need to be given a wide variety of skills in order

to survive in the ever-changing world. These skills are outlined in the Framework

for 21st Century Learning. Students need to learn to think critically and creatively,

both individually and with others, while benefiting from the extensive technology at

their fingertips. Knowing that teachers are there to give students the skills they will

need to succeed, I will make sure to implement various forms of technology

whenever possible. Lessons and activities will also give students the opportunity to

work together to solve problems and build their own critical thinking skills.

Through the years, there have been many theorists who have developed

theories as to how children learn. One of these theorists was Vygotsky. He

explained that students have a threshold of new information they can learn by

themselves without becoming frustrated, which he referred to as the zone of

proximal development. The teacher then provides scaffolding, which involves

helping each student at his or her level. This theory would be especially helpful in a
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math lesson, since each student may have a different mastery of the concept being

taught, and the teacher could account for those differences.

The world of education is constantly changing. New research regarding the

latest trends is always being made available. An example of this is new research

that shows that the point-value system is ineffective for measuring student mastery

of concepts. Instead, the most effective measurement of success is being shown to

be standards-based assessment, which measures a student’s mastery of a certain

concept that must be learned. Since I was not evaluated in this manner in school, I

must fully understand this method of assessment in order to be a successful teacher.

New methods of teaching will continue to develop throughout my career, and I will

need to stay updated so my students can have the best teacher possible.

In every classroom, there are a variety of different styles of learning. These

various styles are described in Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. Some students may

be visual learners, while others may be auditory. In addition, there may be students

who learn best through music, language, or math. From a teacher’s standpoint, then,

lessons must include a variety of different activities, so that all students can actively

engage in learning. Each lesson must also include Core standards that students of

that grade level must fully understand. In creating my lessons, these standards will

be implemented in an enjoyable way, with technology being used to showcase the

different methods of learning. In this way, students will learn the information they

need to know, and enjoy learning as well.

The classroom setup is an integral part of the learning. With this in mind, my

classroom will be set up so that students can easily receive the lessons and skills
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they will need to succeed. The desks will be arranged in groups of four around a

central point. In the middle will be the area for large group instruction and general

recitation of lessons. When the students break up into their smaller groups, I will be

able to walk around, easily see who needs help, and assist them. These groups of

desks will also be useful for breaking the class up into groups based on who

understands the lesson. Students can go sit at different spots, depending on their

comprehension level. Those who understand can work independently, while those

who need more help can work together or receive additional help, if needed.

Finally, technology will be strategically placed and utilized throughout the room, so

students can gain the technology skills they will need to succeed in the world.

Parents play a vital role in their children’s education. The communication

between parents and the teacher must start at the beginning of the year. I will begin

to establish this relationship with a letter sent home on the first day of school,

introducing my self and inviting parents to contact me at any time with questions or

concerns. Throughout the school year, a weekly newsletter will be sent out

explaining what was done that week, and anything important coming up in the next

week. Parent-teacher conferences are useful as a one-time event for students who

are excelling; however, for students with behavior or performance issues, constant

communication and potentially longer meetings will ensure they are succeeding. All

of these methods of communication are important because without the help and

support of parents, students will not be able to achieve their full potential.
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Every child has the ability to make a great contribution to the world. It is

through great teachers that they realize this ability. I want to use my job as a way to

enrich these young minds, and hopefully inspire them to change the world.

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