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Wide-Area Content-based Routing Mechanism

Arindam Mitra, Muthucumaru Maheswaran Jose A. Rueda

Advanced Networking Research Laboratory TRLabs, Winnipeg
University of Manitoba 10-75 Scurfield Boulevard
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1P6
arindam, mahes

Abstract traffic and for balancing load and content among servers so
that service level agreements can be met.
Content networking is an emerging technology, where One way of deploying content networking technologies
the requests for content are steered by content routers that is to interpose a content router between a client and the web
examine not only the destinations but also content descrip- server or server cluster. In this approach [18], the content
tors such as URLs and cookies. In the current deployments router is used as a load balancer for the back-end servers
of content networking, content routing is mostly confined and the content router should be all knowing to make opti-
to selecting the most appropriate back-end server in virtu- mal decisions. This approach can be generalized to arrive at
alized web server clusters. In this paper, we present an ar- the second approach [20], where name servers may be used
chitecture for wide-area content routing. The architecture is to select the most appropriate server site depending on the
based on tagging the requests at ingress points. The tags are geographical locations of the clients, servers, and network
designed to incorporate several different attributes of the and server load status. The first approach has the disadvan-
content in the routing process. Simulations are carried out tage of lack of scalability and a single point of failure and
to compare the performance of the proposed scheme with a the second approach is inefficient in handling portions of a
DNS-based content access scheme. site.
In this paper, we present a wide-area content-based rout-
ing architecture. The routers perform content-based rout-
1. Introduction ing by examining the content carried by the traffic flow. In
the proposed architecture, we describe a novel content de-
As business critical applications are deployed over the rived tagging scheme where content is examined only once
Internet, it is becoming necessary for the service or content and the subsequent forwarding operations are based on the
authors to ensure that the clients are receiving their service tag prepended at the ingress router. We perform simulation
or content at a satisfactory level to preserve brand equity studies that use various different metrics to compare the per-
and customer loyalty. This issue has prompted a flurry of formance of the proposed architecture with a DNS-based
activities in the area of server-initiated caching and replica- content access scheme which is the most popular content
tion. access scheme on the Internet [8].
One emerging technology in this area is content-aware The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2
networking, where a new generation of routers specifically presents the overall architecture for our content-based rout-
designed to address the unique requirements of Web traf- ing technique and the content characterization and classifi-
fic are used. These content-based routers have the ability to cation schemes we had used to create the tags. The simula-
route traffic flows based on some attribute of the content be- tion results are presented and discussed in Section 3 and the
ing requested such as URL or cookie values. The previous Section 4 presents related work in the field.
generation of routers that routed traffic flows based on pa-
rameters such as destination IP, protocol ID, and transport 2. Overall Architecture
port number cannot differentiate, for example, between a
CGI script request or a streaming audio request. However, This section describes our content-based routing archi-
these two requests have very different quality of service tecture called the protocol independent content switching
(QoS) requirements. Content-based routers, on the other (PICS). In PICS, client and server sites are interconnected
hand, provide flexibility in defining policies for prioritizing through an overlay network called virtual content network

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(VCN). The client and server sites connect to the VCN us- towards the most appropriate content server.
ing gateways that are themselves content-based routers. Be-
cause the routers at the outer edge of the VCN first examine 2.1. Functional Components
the content, we refer to these routers as the content edge
routers (CERs). The PICS architecture allows the client 2.2. Server Sites
or server sites to connect via multiple CERs to the VCN,
thus enabling load balancing and preventing single-point The server sites hold the content that is requested by the
failures. clients. The simplest server site can be a CER and an at-
The interior of the VCN has content-based switching tached server that serves the corresponding content. In the
routers (CSRs). The CERs encapsulate the incoming pack- general case, multiple CERs can act as front-ends to the
ets using a content header. The content header contains a servers that are in the site. The servers can be either ori-
content derived tag that is used to uniquely identify a con- gin servers or surrogate servers. An origin server holds the
tent within the VCN. The CSRs at the VCN’s core steer the original copy of the content, i.e., if there are no replication
content requests from the ingress CER to the egress CER of content, this server will have the only copy. A surrogate
based on the tags in the content header. The CSRs are sim- server is a server that “rents” its resources so that content
ple switches that support a single forwarding component from origin servers can be replicated on it. The owner of
(i.e., algorithm for tag-based forwarding). The CERs, on the origin server that is referred to as the content provider
the other hand, are also responsible for characterization and is responsible for “paying” the rent for the surrogate server.
classification of content. VCN does not differentiate between surrogate and origin
An example VCN setup is shown in Fig. 1 where servers. the requested content can be delivered either by an
two client sites Client-A and Client-B are connected origin server or a surrogate server.
to the server sites Server-1 and Server-2 through a
VCN. Client-A is connected to the VCN through two 2.3. Client Sites
CERs whereas Client-B is connected through a single
CER. Each of the server sites, Server-1 and Server-2 The client sites have the clients that are requesting con-
are also connected to the VCN through a single CER. The tent. Typically a client site may have a single CER connect-
VCN consists of several CSRs that are inter-connected by ing it with the VCN. However, in some situations it may
content switched paths (CSPs). The CSPs also connect the be useful to have multiple CERs. Some advantages of such
CERs to the CSRs. The CSPs are virtual paths that are cre- configurations include lack of single point of failure and op-
ated when the VCN is initialized. As client and server sites portunity for traffic shaping within the VCN. Depending on
enter and depart the VCN, the corresponding CSPs may be the local routing policies, the CERs can be allocated traffic
created and removed, respectively. The CSPs are used to according to the quality of service (QoS) considerations.
route the content requests to the appropriate server site and
the content back to the requesting client site.
2.4. Virtual Content Network
Content-based Switching Router Content Switch Pathway Content-based Edge Router
(CSR) (CSP) (CER) The VCN is a graph with the CERs and CSRs as the
nodes and the CSPs as the edges. It provides a Content
Delivery Network for the client and server sites that need
“speedy” content delivery. the clients and servers would
Content Routing Plane subscribe to the VCN by having content routing enabled
Client B gateways (i.e., CERs as gateways) and by connecting such
Server - 1 gateways to the VCN core.
Client A
As mentioned above, if a request arrives for a content
Physical Routing Plane Server - 2 that is handled by the VCN, the CER will identify the con-
tent and tag it. The tag is generated by a combination of
content and policy information. Fig. 2 illustrates the overall
Figure 1. Virtual content network. request tagging process in the CERs. The IP packet is en-
capsulated by the PICS content header at the ingress CER
sites towards the client sites. The status updates are at- and is restored by the egress CER. The CERs extract the
tenuated appropriately to reflect the network congestion as content descriptors such as URLs or cookies from the re-
they cross the CSPs. The CSRs and CERs compute route quests and use a content-based forwarding information base
fractions based on the status updates. The routing fractions (CFIB) to determine the corresponding content derived tag,
are used by the CSRs and CERs to route the content request i.e., the CFIB provides the content-to-tag bindings. The

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CFIB is organized hierarchically based on the popularity the client request is resolved and mapped on to a specific
of the content to enhance the scalability. The CFIB is re- IP address and in the second phase the request is routed to
organized periodically by the content classification process this IP address using traditional Internet routing protocols
to reflect additions and deletions in content subscriptions. such as open shortest path first (OSPF) [9]. The process
The content classification process leverages the properties is illustrated in Fig. 4(a). The alternative is to unify the
of the content identified by the content characterization pro- server and path selection process. The PICS scheme pro-
cess. The content classification process uses the content at- posed here splits the name resolution process in two phases.
tributes to create content equivalence classes (CECs). A In the first phase, content is resolved onto a fixed format
CEC is identified by a tag that is derived based on the at- tag using the content attribute values. In the second phase,
tribute values of its constituent documents. The motivation the tag is further resolved using a highly distributed “flat”
for grouping documents and using content-based tags is to routing network to reach the eventual server for the content.
improve scalability of the content-based routers. The process is illustrated in Fig. 4(b). The overall routing
algorithms is shown Fig. 5.
Content Edge Router

IP Packet Tagged Packet (a) URL Name Resolver IP Route

Server selection Path selection

1. Extract the URL/Content
Information Content Header IP Packet

Content-based Forwarding 5. Attach as Content Header

Information Base

(b) URL Tag Resolver Tag Route

Content Tag Next Hop

Server selection
2. Check binding information Server set selection
3. Select content tag for request Path selection
4. Select the nexthop

Figure 2. Content tagging process in a CER. Figure 4. (a) IP resolution scheme (b) Tag res-
olution scheme.
Similar to the CERs the CSRs also maintain content-
based routing tables. Unlike CERs, the CSRs do not have
any content-to-tag binding information. The CSRs assume
Find the tag
that the appropriate tags are already created by the CERs. Client
from FIB and
Find the Forward
examines nexthop from encapsulated
The CSRs use the content-based routing tables to steer the client
the request
content packet to
request routing table nexthop
requests toward the appropriate server side CER. Fig. 3 packet

shows the routing process in the CSRs.

Content-based Switching Router

nexthop is a No is nexthop
Encapsulated Packet Encapsulated Packet CSR a CER

1. Read Content Header Hosting server
deliver content to
Content Routing Table
3. Forward Packet Decapsulate
client along the Forward to nexthop is the
the request
Tag Next Hop same path hosting server egress CER
traversed by the
2. Select Next Hop

Figure 5. Content-based forwarding process.

Figure 3. Routing process in a CSR.

A content accessing scheme essentially implements two 2.5. Content Characterization and Content Classi-
major functions: (a) server selection: selecting a server site fication for Content-based Routing
and a server within the site that can serve the requested
document and (b) path selection: selecting the path along Content characterization is process that identifies the
which the selected server delivers the content to the clients. key attributes of content which can be used to generate an
Most of the existing content accessing approaches execute accurate description of the content and its resource require-
these functions in two different phases. In the first phase, ments from the perspective of of content-based routing and

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delivery mechanism. We have identified some content at- 3. Simulations
tributes that can be used to create a content profile a priori to
the routing process. Such a profile is used to locate the con- We have developed a trace driven flow-based [3] sim-
tent and also allows the routing protocol to infer those char- ulator to compare the performance of the proposed PICS
acterisitics that directly effects the content delivery mecha- scheme with a DNS-based content access scheme. The sim-
nism (e.g., bandwidth required for delivery, client QoS re- ulator was written in the PARSEC [15] simulation language
quirements etc.). In our characterization scheme we group and uses a hierarchical 3-tier network topology generated
content attributes in two distinct classes. The first class using the BRITE [1] and Tiers [11] topology generators.
(called structural attributes) of attribute values are known The input topologies closely resemble the Internet infras-
prior to the routing process and can be used to create con- tructure comprising LAN, MAN and WAN and the nodes
tent description, a priori, which is then used to discover are divided into different autonomous systems. The sim-
content on a network. The second class (called semantical ulator is driven by traces generated by ProWGen [12], a
attributes) of attributes are initialized only at the time a re- synthetic workload generator.
quest for the content is submitted and is used for accessing
The current simulation study uses a flooding-based ap-
the content. A combination of these will decide the network
proach to disseminate the routing tags among the CSRs and
resources that should be allocated for a request. The Table
CERs. The overhead of using flooding is determined by an-
1 and Table 2 shows the structural and semantic attributes
alytical means and accounted for in the simulation studies
used in our proposed content-based routing technique.
reported here. The experiments performed here are con-
cerned with locating and accessing content given they are
placed at geographically distributed locations. Therefore,
Table 1. Structural Attributes we use three random placement strategies to place the con-
Physical size, version, modification date, tent on the simulated topologies. In the DNS and PICS site-
ownership permissions, copyrights, based strategies, we copy a site on a replica server. The
author number of copies and placement of them are random but
Name-based filename, location name, URL, controlled by a spreading parameter. In the PICS set-based
origin server name strategy, the documents are clustered into sets based on at-
End data type HTML, cookies, scripts, audio/video tributes such as popularity, size, and type and the sets are
clips, text replicated using a randomized strategy similar to the site-
Popularity temporal, spatial based strategies.
Fig. 6 shows the variation of resolution time with the
number of nodes on the network for 100,000 requests and
25% replication (i.e., objects were copied onto 25% of the
replica servers available on the network). The results indi-
cate that the PICS mechanism is at most 47% faster than
Table 2. Supporting Attributes
the DNS mechanism in resolving the requests. Disabling
Access duration, streaming, non-streaming, the DNS caching is one of the primary reasons for the large
variable-bit rate, constant-bit rate, DNS resolution times. This resulted in 95% of the client
adaptive-bit rate requests traversing the DNS hierarchy and about 38% of re-
Quality of service bandwidth, delay, quests contacting the root name-server. However, in order
loss tolerance to accurately respond to the fast varying server and network
Document Type static, dynamic conditions, the client-side name-servers must avoid caching
of the DNS decisions [8].
Fig. 7 shows the variation of the average content de-
livery time with the number of nodes for 100,000 requests
Content classification is a process of grouping the docu- and 25% replication. Similarly, Fig. 8 shows the varia-
ments in to different CECs such that the expected resource tion of the average throughput with the number of nodes for
requirements for handling documents within a class are sim- 100,000 requests and 25% replication, where the through-
ilar. The resource requirements for handling documents in- put is defined as the overall rate at which the content is de-
clude the resources used for storage and processing pur- livered from the content servers to the clients. The PICS
poses and resources used for transporting purposes. Our set-based and site-based schemes improve the DNS-based
motivation of using content groups is to compress the the content access scheme by about 30% and 25%, respectively.
namespace that is used by the routing system for locating The PICS mechanisms achieve better performance by se-
and accessing content. lecting the server that is capable of delivering the content to

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1400 itize the requests based on the characteristics of the content
being requested.
Resolution Time / ms


Network Throughput / Mbytes per sec


400 20000

200 15000

50 150 250 500
Number of Nodes
DNS Site-based PICS Site-based PICS Set-based
50 150 250 500
Number of Nodes
Figure 6. Resolution time with 25% replication DNS Site-based PICS Site-based PICS Set-based
and 100,000 requests.

Figure 8. Overall network throughput with

the client in the least amount of time. The server selection is 25% replication and 100,000 requests.
performed by not only considering the server load but also
the load on the network path. This enables the PICS mech-
anism to reduce the network congestion. The PICS enables The average network throughput for the PICS site-based
the route selection process by computing the routing frac- scheme is lower than the DNS based access scheme for
tions based on the server and network path load status. small network sizes and the PICS site-based and set-based
schemes outperform the DNS based scheme as the network
size increases. As the network size increases, the number of
alternate paths connecting two given nodes increases. Be-
2500 cause the PICS mechanisms do their own request routing
Content Delivery Time / ms

they are able to exploit the multiple paths or path segments
more effectively than a DNS based access scheme. More-
over, in PICS, the availability of multiple paths are consid-
1000 ered in conjunction with the server placements, which fur-
ther increases the performance.
Experiments were conducted to examine the impact of
50 150 250 500
streaming content. We model streaming content by inject-
Number of Nodes ing persistent requests. These requests are routed using the
DNS Site-based PICS Site-based PICS Set-based
PICS mechanisms but the route is “pinned” to the initial
configuration for the life of the connection. Fig. 9 shows the
variation of the overall network throughput with the percent
Figure 7. Content delivery time with 25% repli- of streaming requests in the request pool. It can be observed
cation and 100,000 requests. that the throughput increases by about 15% to 20% with the
increase in streaming content. We also observed that about
11% of the streaming content requests were rejected due to
Currently, the CSRs use the routing fractions to load bal- the unavailability of capacity for routing the requests.
ance among the different candidate server replicas. One of
the side effects of this process that is observed through ex-
periments is the increases link utilization. Any large-scale 4. Literature Review
system such as the PICS that uses status information has
to handle the staleness in the available information. We are Content routing involves both locating and accessing
currently investigating mechanisms for interpreting the stal- content. Locating content may include content discovery
eness in the information. Further, the basic PICS framework on the network. Accessing content typically requires iden-
we present here can be extended to: (a) load balance only tifying a network path with the desired quality of service
resource intensive requests (large objects or streaming me- parameters and setting up sufficient resources along the
dia) and concentrate requests for small objects and (b) prior- path. Existing approaches (e.g., domain name based rout-

0-7695-1926-1/03/$17.00 (C) 2003 IEEE

350 are described using name specifiers whose main compo-
nents consist of an attribute, to classify the service, and a
value for the attribute. A hierarchical order of attribute-
Throughput / Mbytes per sec

value pairs are used to identify different services and an
unique identifier is used to identify the node advertising the
150 service.
100 The Name Based Routing Protocol (NBRP) [13] imple-
ments a highly scalable Internet-wide name resolver that
takes into consideration the current “performance” level of
0 1 10 25 the target servers in performing the name resolution. This
Request for Streaming Content (%) technique is similar to the current two phased data access
50 Nodes 150 Nodes 250 Nodes 500 Nodes paradigm in the Internet. The NBRP aggregates content
names based on how the domains are connected to the In-
ternet, i.e., an ISP content router may represent the content
Figure 9. Variation of the overall through- originating from the servers that are being served by the
put with percentage of streaming requests ISP. Depending on the replication patterns of a document,
for 25% set-based replication and 100,000 re- it could be part of several aggregates. An Internet name
quests. resolution protocol (INRP) is used to translate a client re-
quest to an INRP request which is then used to route the
request to the best performing content server through a net-
ing) have devised separate schemes for locating and ac- work of content routers. When a request reaches a content
cessing content. In this chapter, we examine a representa- router that is nearest to the best performing content server,
tive set of projects from the related literature on content- the router returns the address of the server back to the re-
based routing approaches. These approaches can be di- questing client using the same path as the INRP request.
vided into two classes. The first class represents highly
distributed networked naming systems. These systems use 4.2. Class II: Content Routing Models
some performance-based metrics to resolve a high-level
content-based name to a machine name that will lead to the The Content Addressable Network (CAN) [17] presents
location of the content. The second class represents sys- a highly distributed hash table architecture that can be im-
tems that “route” actual content requests considering net- plemented on the Internet. The main idea is to create a vir-
work and server status. Currently, there are only few sys- tual coordinate space of -dimensions and hash a key on
tems that fall into this category. These include scalable to this space. The virtual coordinate space is divided into
Web server clusters that are formed by interposing content subspaces and one or more CAN nodes are responsible for
switches between a cluster of high-performance servers and maintaining the information for their associated subspaces.
the clients. Collectively, the CAN nodes form an overlay network that
spans the coordinate space. A key is hashed to find the des-
4.1. Class I: Name-based Routing Models tination coordinate position in the virtual space. Using this
position, the subspace and the corresponding CAN nodes
The Intentional Naming System (INS) [19] presents a re- that hold the relevant “value” are identified. Request pack-
source discovery and routing system based on the descrip- ets are then sent towards the destination CAN nodes. A
tion of the services. Applications create and advertise in- binning scheme described in [16] can be used to create the
tentional names for each service they provide through an coordinate space. The binning technique is a scalable and
overlay network, of spanning tree topology, comprising In- distributed method which can also be used to perform server
tentional Name Resolvers (INRs). The INRs locally cache selection in the Internet.
the advertisements comprising the intentional names of the PAST [7] is a persistent P2P storage utility that uses a hy-
services and the IP addresses of the corresponding service percube based routing scheme, called Pastry, to route con-
providers. Any client requiring service will probe the INR tents. The Pastry system [2] is an overlay network of nodes
using an intentional name of the service. The INR returns where each node is assigned a randomly generated 128-bit
the IP addresses that correspond to the intentional name identifier to denote the node’s position in a circular nodeid
(called early binding) or tunnels the data received from the space ranging from 0 to   . Given a message with a

client to the location with the least routing metric (e.g., key, a Pastry node routes the message to a node whose iden-
server status), called intentional anycast, depending on the tification number is numerically closest to the key in O(log
service option required by the client. The intentional names N) steps, where N is the number of Pastry nodes in the net-

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work. At each routing step, a node message is forwarded to content delivery time.
a node whose nodeid shares with the message key a given The (CAN) [17] and Pastry [2] and also Tapestry [5] rep-
prefix that is at least 1 digit (or b bits, where b is a configu- resent a class of routing approaches that implement peer-
ration parameter) longer than the prefix that the key shares to-peer routing algorithms using highly distributed rout-
with the forwarding node’s nodeid. ing table architectures with low communications overhead.
The Service Level Routing [14] framework provides a These highly scalable routing schemes do not incorporate
general architecture for accessing and discovering services content-based metrics but these type of overlay networks
and content on the Internet. The service level routing is per- can be modified to easily include application-level metrics
formed by Service Level Routers (SLPs). The framework for content routing. In comparison to the CRP, SLR and the
presented in [14] is specific to two levels, although the ar- CNP our routing method allows routing at the granularity of
chitecture can be extended to more than two levels. In the URLs and also provides a solution for a more comprehen-
SLR framework, each client request is mapped onto a flow. sive form of name-based routing.
When a ingress router receives a flow request, it tunnels the
request to an egress SLR that corresponds to the best per- 5. Conclusion and Future Work
forming server site. The routing metric is based on the load
condition of each server as advertised by the next level of This paper presents a novel content-based routing archi-
SLRs. In effect, the ingress SLR selects the server site that tecture that can be deployed as an overlay network on the
will service the client request. the egress SLR uses possibly Internet. The architecture is based on a flat routing core.
current information to select the physical server. Recent advances in the design and implementation of peer-
A cooperative web caching system is proposed by [10], to-peer computing substrates can be leveraged to build an
where several nearby caches self-configure themselves to efficient system based on the PICS architecture. Because
form multiple overlapping multicast groups and exchange the proposed architecture uses tags that are derived from
messages to locate the nearby copies of requested data and content attributes, the architecture can be conveniently ex-
to find out about topology changes. It uses a content rout- tended to includes services and resources. Thus, the pro-
ing method Content Routing Protocol (CRP) [4] which is posed architecture can be deployed for content, service, or
based on the systematic decomposition of a URL that tra- resource discovery and access.
verses the name-space tree using the URL prefixes to iden- One of the distinguishing features of the PICS architec-
tify each content uniquely. Caching servers exchange their ture is that it provides a content routing infrastructure that
list of URLs periodically by sending sequences of the tree is flexible enough to accommodate different attributes of the
depth and hash codes of the URL prefixes. requested content. Incorporation of different attributes into
The Caching Neighborhood Protocol (CNP) [6] uses an the routing process is enabled by having different fields for
origin server and a number of proxy servers which act as the attributes in the tags.
caching servers, known as cache representatives (C-Rep). The simulation studies based on the performance model
The origin server is responsible for disseminating the infor- developed for the PICS architecture indicates PICS out-
mation to the C-Reps in its neighborhood. A C-Rep can be performing a DNS-based content access scheme by a sig-
a neighbor of one or more origin servers and may be either nificant margin. From the simulation studies, it can be
on the client or server-side. The origin server is responsi- noted that as the content replication density increases, as ex-
ble for inviting or dismissing the neighboring proxy servers pected, the average content delivery time decreases. How-
to act as C-Reps, performing load distribution among the ever, the percentage improvement on the content delivery
C-Reps, managing information disseminating among the C- time obtained by PICS over the time obtained by the DNS-
Reps and maintaining continuous communication with the based access scheme increases. This indicates the suitabil-
C-Reps. The C-Reps attempt to serve a client’s request orig- ity of PICS for situations where the content is widely repli-
inating from their neighborhood. When a C-Rep is unable cated.
to serve the request, it passes the request on to the next im- Several issues need to be further addressed before a sys-
mediate C-Rep or the origin server. tem based on PICS can be deployed. Some of the issues
include: (a) improved tag dissemination protocols, (b) ef-
4.3. Discussion ficient content characterization and classification schemes,
and (c) mechanisms for interpreting and exploiting the stal-
Our proposed architecture is somewhat similar to INS’s eness in status information of remote servers.
intentional anycast but uses a combination of the URL
namespace and a fixed length content-based tag for routing References
a request. In contrast to NBRP, PICS combines the name
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