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Module Information for BHM347, 2017/8 - APPROVED

Module Title/Name: Assessment Performance & Reward Module Code: BHM347

School: Aston Business School Module Type: Standard Module

New Module? No Module Credits: 15

Module Management Information

Module Leader Name Vidu Badigannavar

Email Address

Telephone Number 01212043286

Office SW 724

Additional Module Tutor(s):

Vidu Badigannavar. (, SW 724)Keith Schofield. (, )

Programmes in which available:

Level Description: MSc in Work Psychology and Business. MSc in
Masters Organisational Behaviour. MSc Human Resource
Management and Business.

Contributing School & Subject Groups (and %): Credit Value & ECTS Credits:
None Specified 7.5

Available to Exchange Students?


Conditional Details:
None Specified

Module Dependencies

Pre-requisites: Co-requisites:
None Specified None Specified

Prohibited Combinations:
None Specified

Module Learning Information

Module Aims:
This module examines two key activities of Human Resource and Work Psychology Practitioners: Recruitment and Selection
(including Selection Assessment) Performance Measurement Management and reward. The module aims to provide a solid
theoretical foundation for these activities as well as facilitating the development of practical skills

Module Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. Understand the role of measurement and assessment in organizations.
2. Appreciate the psychological, psychometric, and HRM rationale for organisational measurement.
3. Understand recruitment, selection and performance management as a relationship building longitudinal process with multiple
decision points.
4. Describe and critically evaluate methods of assessment: screening tools, interviewing, psychometric testing, assessment,
development centres, and emergent new approaches.
5. Describe and critically evaluate principles, practices and models of performance and reward management.
6. Demonstrate essential technical, problem-solving, and people management skills in the areas of assessment, selection and
performance management.

The module learning outcomes are in compliance with the  BPS and CIPD accreditation regulations. 

Indicative Module Content:

Strategic context of HR assessment
Recruitment: analysis, attraction, and early stage screening
Selection Assessment 
Pay policy, reward strategy and job evaluation
Job Analysis and Performance Measurement.

During weeks 6 to 8 the HRMB students will be taught separately from the WPB/OPB/OB students to ensure more professionally
appropriate content. 

WPB/OPB/OB weeks 6-8:

The design and application (theory and practice) of Psychometric Tests and advanced selection methods
Performance Measurement

HRMB weeks 6-8:

Linking Performance and Reward, organisational considerations and the practical application of performance management.

The two groups will recombine for a final revision session

International Dimensions:
International perspectives on best practice in selection and assessment, and performance management, along with national
variations in reward policy and strategy are considered in the module. A discussion of international legal environment for selection
informs understanding of ethical issues.

Corporate Connections:
Module content will draw on case examples of applying assessment and managing performance in organisations in the UK and

Ethical Approval:
Work on the module does not require ethical approval

Links to Research:
The module draws on the lecturers? research in the areas of selection and performance management. The group work also
involves HRMB students conducting relevant desk research, and W/OPB students collecting some primary data.

Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability:

Social sustainability and ethical perspectives on selection and assessment are covered on the module, including coverage of the
social implications of recruitment policy. Ethical perspectives on pay and reward are also covered, including financial sustainability.
Responsible and best practice perspectives on recruitment, performance management and assessment are also emphasized.

Module Delivery

Methods of Delivery & Learning Hours (by each method):

Method of Delivery Learning Hours

Lecture: 27 hours

Workshop: 6 hours

Independent Study: 117 hours

Total Learning Hours: 150 hours

Learning & Teaching Rationale:

The course will include lectures, group work, case studies, critical reading, discussion, and practical activities. This is to ensure
that students not only achieve the knowledge requirements for their professional and academic studies but also develop
appropriate professional skills according to their degree specialisation.

There will also be a one day skills workshop that will focus on the development of practical skills around assessment. Particular
focus will be given to the contexts of developmental appraisal (for HRMB students) and recruitment assessment (for non-HRMB

Module Assessment

Methods of Assessment & associated weighting (including approaches to formative assessment as well as summative):

Duration/ Modules/
Assessment Assessment
Category Submission Exempt from
Type Weight
Date Anonymous

February to
Closed Book 2:00hrs No 80%
June Exam

The paper is in two sections. Section A addresses issues in recruitment

and selection, while Section B addresses performance management and
reward. There are 3 questions in each section. Students complete one
question from section A and one from section B.

Coursework 05/Mar/2018 No 20%

For HRMB Students: A Group Report On A Case Study. The Word Limit Is
2000 Words, excluding References, Appendices And Footnotes. For Other
Details Students: A Group Report On The Design Of A Selection Procedure. The
Word Limit Is 2000 Words, Excluding References, Appendices And

Portfolio 05/Mar/2018 No Pass/Fail

For HRMB Students: A Portfolio Recounting Their Activities And

Reflections On The Workshop. For Other Students: A Skills Portfolio Is
Assessed During The Workshop. Participation In Workshops Is
Mandatory. Failure To Attend the Skills Workshop Without A Valid Reason
Details and Submit a Portfolio based on the Workshop Activity where Required
will Result in Failure on the Module. Students Who Fail to Attend The
Workshops without Valid Reason Will be Asked to Pay An Additional Fee
of GBP £100 to Attend Any Subsequent Workshop specially organised for
the non-attendees.

Total: 100%

Pass/Fail assessments are not included when calculating the final module mark. Please
refer to the Assessment Rationale for further explanation of their role in your module.

Method of Submission:
Electronic Copy Only

Assessment Rationale:
1. Examinations (80%)
Examination questions are written so as to test for understanding and critical evaluation, as is stated in the learning outcomes
(Points 1-5). (80% of module mark)
2. Group Activity (20%)
An assessed group activity is also used to reflect the Course-specific specialist content in Weeks 6-8 (Point 6 in the learning
outcomes/objectives). (20% of module mark).

3. Workshop Skills Portfolio (Pass/Fail)

The portfolio will contain a combination of on-day assessed activities (e.g. worksheets, observations, evaluations) and an individual
reflection on learning from the module and the skills workshop. It will be submitted with the coursework assignment.

This will be assessed as pass/fail. Satisfactory completion of the portfolio will be a prerequisite for receiving a grade on the

Feedback Rationale:
Feedback on workshops will take place on the day as the primary purpose is to develop professional skills. Written feedback is
provided to HRMB students on the portfolio submitted.
Written feedback on group coursework.
Summary feedback is provided on overall examination performance at module level.

Module Teaching Frequency, Room & AV Requests

Teaching Frequency:
1 large lecture room for 3 hours for
weeks 1-9. In weeks 6-8 the group
splits into HRMB students who
Room & AV Requirements:
would stay in the main teaching Specialist Software in IT Labs:
No AV Requirements Specified
room, and non-HRMB students who None Specified
No Room Requirements Specified
will need a separate smaller
classroom space. Week 9 will see
all students back together in the
main teaching room

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