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2017-2018 11/27/2017 - 11/27/2017

Mrs. Danielle Bozung Day View

Monday 11/27/2017

Shared/Interactive Reading 12:45pm - 1:15pm

Main Idea & Details in NF: "Can't You Make Them Behave" Day 1&2
Today's SOL Focus
EL.4.6.d Identify the main idea.
EL.4.6.e Summarize supporting details.

I CAN identify the main idea and details

BY correctly answering the daily dose question
SO THAT I better understand main idea and details
Success Criteria for Today
Correctly answering the Daily Dose Questions
Long Term Assessment
"Can't You Make Them Behave" End of Unit Test
monarchy, succession, ceremony
Introduce Daily Vocabulary (monarchy, succession) (ceremony)

Follow SCS curriculum Day 1 and 2 for "Can't You Make Them Behave" (Pages 7-9 (early life)):

Introduce "Biographies" (PPT attached)

Answer Daily Dose and Written Response: Attached

Written Response: What are 2 details that support the main idea that King George wanted to be a good king?

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