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Trustee of the Episcopal Church Corporation

Elect 1 Cleric and 1 Lay for a 3-year term. The Rev. Canon Edmund
Dohoney, Retired
Description of duties: The Episcopal Church Corpora- Qualifications: Ed has served
tion in West Texas holds title to the permanent funds and two terms as trustee, and he
other property belonging to the diocese. It has authority worked with trustees while
to receive bequests and donations, and to sell or mort- serving as Canon for 10 years.
gage property to which it holds title. As such, Trustees Local Church Activities: In-
should have an understanding of/interest in financial, terim Sunday Assistant to the
real estate, and property matters. The Trustees work with Rector
the Bishop on designating certain restricted funds as they Community Activities: Grand-
are needed in ministry. There is usually monthly contact father to twins
needed with the Trustees, and a substantial amount of Diocesan Activities: Trustee, Church Corp; Trustee,
the Trustees business historically was done via telephone University of the South; Standing Committee President;
and mail, then confirmed at their quarterly meetings. Executive Board; Stewardship Department; Camps and
Today, most business is done electronically, via email. Conferences Department; General Convention Deputy
Nominated by: Rector and Vestry, Church of the Holy
CLERGY Spirit, San Antonio

The Rev. Christopher Caddell, The Rev. Bonnie Reeves,

Rector, Church of the Holy Partners In Ministry,
Spirit Church and School, Eastern Convocation
Dripping Springs Qualifications: Bonnie has
Qualifications: Chris has a over 25 years of accounting
background in commercial experience including asset
construction and project management.
management and a strong Local Church Activities:
understanding of finance. He Previously served as Senior
has worked with the Church warden, Vestry clerk, Vestry member, lay reader, Lay
Corp. in refinancing an existing mortgage in 2013 and Eucharistic Minister
the construction of a new building in 2017 at Holy Spirit, Community Activities: Community theater; committee
San Antonio. for BSA
Local Church Activities: Rector Diocesan Activities: Previously served on Nominating
Community Activities: DSYSA soccer coach, field edu- Committee; currently serving on Executive Board; Coun-
cation supervisor, Seminary of the Southwest cil delegate for Trinity, Edna for 7 years
Diocesan Activities: Current - Chair, Diocesan Discern- Nominated by: Nominating Committee
ment Committee; Diocesan Building Commission; Dean,
Northeastern Convocation. Previous - Executive Board, Continued on next page.
Dean/Chaplain Camp Capers, Father/Son Retreat Leader,
Liturgy and Music Commission, Spiritual Director for
Happening, Province VII Synod Alternate
Nominated by: The Revs. Stephen Carson & Mike Marsh

Mr. Dustin K. Barrows, Mr. Win DuBose,
St. Stephen’s, San Antonio St. Philip’s, Uvalde
Qualifications: Dustin is a Qualifications: Win graduated
lifelong member of the Dio- from Texas A&M University
cese of West Texas, and he has in 1983 with a BS in Agri-
served in many ways and has cultural Economics with an
widespread experience with influence in finance/banking.
different diocesan activities. He He worked for a local bank
has served in various forms of in Uvalde until 1995. In 1995
leadership at his local church, until 2002 he began working
and he has a desire to serve the in the title insurance industry.
church as a whole and to better use his talents to carry In 2002 he left title insurance and helped open a bank
out Christ’s mission for this diocese. He is committed to in Uvalde. While in banking he performed many duties
a strong prayer life and continued spiritual development including bank teller, bookkeeping, customer service to
and growth. SVP in lending. He returned to title insurance in 2004
Local Church Activities: Current Senior Warden and and continues in that industry.
former Junior Warden, Verger Guild of the Episcopal Local Church Activities: Previous member of the Vestry
Church life member, lay reader, Eucharist minister, Stew- and Junior Warden, choir member, Food Pantry volunteer.
ardship Committee, liturgy coordinator Previously been on the Vestry and day school board, previ-
Community Activities: Southeast Community Outreach ously helped with vacation Bible school and Sunday school
for Older People, Kate Schenck Elementary Volunteer, Community Activities: Texas Land Title Association,
Good Samaritan Community Service Convention and Visitors Bureau Board, Chamber of
Diocesan Activities: Vergers Guild Treasurer, Ecologi- Commerce Board, Kiwanis Club, past president of local
cal Stewardship Committee, Council technology team, country club, past president of local American Cancer
Communications Committee, San Antonio Southside Society, past board member and President of the Uvalde
Missions Focus Group, Camp Capers staff 2003-2006, Underground Water Conservation District, City Wide
Vocare Staff; Happening Staff (Youth and Adult) Thanksgiving Dinner, City of Uvalde planning boards,
Nominated by: The Rev. Rob Harris, local Ducks Unlimited Board, Uvalde Board of Realtors,
Nominating Committee American Heart Association
Diocesan Activities: Council delegate (2 times)
Mr. Charles R. Butler, Church Nominated by: The Rev. Mike Marsh, Rector,
of the Good Shepherd, St. Philip’s, Uvalde
Corpus Christi
Qualifications: Charles has Mrs. Ann Leafstedt,
been an attorney for 36 years St. Mark’s, San Antonio
working in the areas of real Qualifications: Ann is a cor-
estate, probate/estates, and porate lawyer and has skills in
business, both transactional finance, property ownership,
and litigation. financing matters, and the du-
Local Church Activities: ties and role of a trustee.
Vestry (3 years), Junior Warden (1 year), worked on the Local Church Activities: Altar
floor committee for Diocesan Council in Corpus Christi Guild (5+ years), Treasurer and
Community Activities: Advisory Director for the Texas Supply Chair of Altar Guild
Big Horn Society that work in the restoration of Big (2015-2017), Finance Committee
Horns; member of numerous wildlife conservation Community Activities: Member of Board of Directors of
organizations Green Spaces Alliance, member of Board of Directors of
Nominated by: Nominating Committee San Antonio Public Library Foundation
Nominated by: The Rev. Beth Knowlton, Rector,
St. Mark’s, San Antonio


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