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Delivery Truck Simulator


Section 1: First Steps

Thank you for purchasing "Delivery Truck Simulator". We have done our best
to develop a product that is not only fun for the whole family but also for
simulator fans.

Best regards,

Your Delivery Truck Simulator Team

1.1 Required and recommended hardware/software

We have made every effort during development to keep hardware
requirements to a minimum so that as many people as possible can play this

In order to play "Delivery Truck Simulator", you need at least the following:
- Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
- 2 GHz processor
- 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
- 3-D graphic card with at least 128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended)
- 1 GB hard disk space
- DirectX 9.0

Please make sure that you have installed the latest official driver for your
graphics card; drivers from other suppliers may cause problems. If problems
do occur you should install the official drivers from the appropriate chip
manufacturer (e. g. from, If you have any questions on
your hardware, please go to the retailer from whom you purchased your

1.2 Installation
Put the CD into your CD-ROM drive. If the set-up programme does not
automatically appear, click "setup.exe" on the CD. The installation should
begin automatically. Please follow the instructions displayed on the screen.

Section 2: Introduction
Delivery Truck Simulator gives you the opportunity to run a delivery company
in the German town of Rheinburg. Use your start-up capital to buy your first
delivery truck and use your driving and business skills to succeed. Rheinburg
covers an area of over 300 hectares and includes various new housing
developments, small villages, the old town centre, widespread regional and
industry areas as well as airports and castles.

So go on and buy your truck and make your first delivery!

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Section 3: Quick Start
1. Click "Start game" in the main menu.
2. Create a player profile with your name and then click on it.
3. Click "Load profile".
4. You begin in the Company Admin menu. This is where you manage your
transport company.
5. Now change to "Jobs List".
6. You can sort and filter the jobs according to different criteria in order to find
the job/contract that yields the most revenue with the least cost. You must first
find out which jobs are suitable for your vehicles. To do this you must select a
job from the list and display the details (arrow button at the end of the entry).
7. The details provide you with important information about the job. Here you
will find a list of vehicles that can be used for that job. If you do not have a
suitable vehicle you must purchase one from the vehicle market.
8. Since you do not have a vehicle, purchase a suitable vehicle for the job
from the Vehicle Market. Select the desired model and decide how it is to be
equipped (gearbox and colour). Then click "Purchase vehicle". Now select
one of your depots where you wish to locate your newly purchased vehicle.
Initially you only own one depot.
9. Return to the Jobs List. The list displays all jobs/contracts that can be dealt
with by the vehicle you have just purchased. Select a job and then on the Job
Details screen click the arrow symbol next to the vehicle (to the right of the
job's details).
10. The game world will now load and you will find yourself at your depot
sitting in your vehicle. Drive off (you can use the arrow keys). Pressing 1 or 2
or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 will change your view.
11. You can see the schedule below right. Above you will find a map that can
be toggled on and off by pressing the M key and enlarged by pressing the N
key. Press the space bar to open the action menu where you can command
your vehicle. You can change key assignments and assign any new key
combinations to game play actions in the menu that appears after pressing
the ESC key.

Section 4: Quick Start - Free play

1. Load your player profile so that you can see the admin screen.
2. Purchase a vehicle under "Vehicle market".
3. Return to the vehicle fleet and display the vehicle details (arrow symbol at
the end of a vehicle's entry).
4. Select "Start at vehicle".
5. Free play mode will now begin - the game is started in the immediate
vicinity of some parked vehicles and you can go and board any one of them,
drive them around, re-park them and drive to garages or petrol stations.

Section 5: the Main Menu

Player profile
Before you begin your career you must first create a game profile. Click "Start
game" and select an empty slot. You can enter your name in the window that
appears. Confirm by clicking "Create profile". Clicking on your name under

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"Load profile" confirms that you wish to continue. You will now go to the
Admin menu. This is where you manage your newly founded transportation

All progress made is saved in your profile. In all, you can create up to six
different profiles in Delivery Truck Simulator. If you wish to delete a profile,
simply click the unwanted profile and select "Delete profile".

Click "Settings" in the main menu to go to the settings menu. Here you can
adjust the screen resolution, quality settings, music and sound volume as well
as the keyboard assignments. The game can also be played in window mode.
The button for window mode is located at the bottom left under the resolution
list. The quality presets refer to the display quality and performance. It is
recommended to experiment with these to find the best settings for your
computer. Individual tweaking of the graphic quality can be done by clicking
"Extended settings". This is only recommended for experienced users.

Please be aware that the maximum resolution and quality setting is limited by
your hardware and could lead to a decrease in computer/game performance.

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Passers-by - controls whether you see pedestrians
Physics engine for traffic - CPU-intensive physics engine for AI vehicles
Less vehicles - if your computer is too slow or you do not have enough
memory, you can reduce the number of AI vehicles.
High variation - see different vehicles and pedestrian models
Reality mode – deactivate this option to reduce realism but make the game
conditions easier to handle; e.g., you can reset your vehicle and continue
driving after an accident.
Display glass windows in ego mode- if you do not wish to have reflecting
windscreens while driving, deactivate this function.

If necessary, adjust the above-mentioned and other options and functions

according to your own taste or the performance of your computer.

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Keyboard assignment
By clicking "Keyboard assignment" in the Settings menu or pause menu
during game play, you can change how the controls work. To make changes
to a keyboard assignment, simply click in the field next to the action to be
changed. Simply press the new key to make the required changes.

You cannot assign the same keys more than once. It is possible that the
desired key combination is already assigned to another function. In this case
you must first delete the key assignment for the other function and assign new
keys to that before you reuse it.

Section 6: Managing your Company: The Admin/Company


Company Administration

Here you can see your company's current balance/money.

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Game character
Here you can view the game character and change the looks by clicking
"Continue" and "Back".

Vehicle Market
You can purchase new vehicles for your fleet from the vehicle market - if you
have enough money to pay for them. When a vehicle is selected with the
arrow key on the right, important information on that vehicle is displayed:
vehicle type, capacity, available colours and gearbox. However, in the end,
the price of the vehicle is key. You purchase the vehicle by clicking the
"Purchase vehicle" button. Pay particular attention to the vehicle's capabilities.

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The Game

Quick start
Information on the most important game elements are summarised here.

Vehicle fleet
The vehicles are the main element of the game. Altogether there are ten
different models in various designs available to you. In addition to small
delivery trucks, larger trucks are also available so that you are able to meet all
the requirements of the transport business. In the vehicle fleet screen, you
can see all of the vehicles you have purchased from the vehicle market.

The following functions for the vehicles are available:

- Repair vehicle
- Refuel vehicle
- Sell vehicle
- Relocate vehicle to another depot: relocate your vehicle to another
depot so that it is nearer to any lucrative jobs
- Modify vehicle: repaint the vehicle or replace the gearbox with a new one
- Rename vehicle

A depot serves as your base and provides parking spaces for your vehicles.
You begin with a depot in the industrial area and can open further depots in
other areas of the town. You can move your vehicles between depots in order
for them to be nearer to the most lucrative jobs.

You can expand your depots:

- additional parking space allows you to maintain a larger vehicle fleet
- adding a petrol station or garage to the depot enables your vehicles to be
repaired without being reliant on other companies

Jobs List
Jobs have a start and an end point. You decide the route yourself. The
payment and description of the various jobs are displayed on the screen. Click
"Accept job!" to accept the job/contract.

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Section 7: In-game Displays and Controls

7.1 Vehicle Displays

The most important vehicle displays are shown on the lower left edge of the
screen. Speed, time and selected gear are all displayed on the far left of the
screen. All functions that are seen on the dashboard are displayed on the bar
to the right: headlights and turn indicators, handbrake status and battery, oil
and fuel tank as well as current weather warnings such as icy roads.

Job-specific details are displayed on the right edge of the screen. The type of
order, the quantity and payment to be expected after successful completion
are displayed here.

The route for your job and every individual waypoint are listed below that. The
grey-highlighted entry is the active task. Already completed entries are not

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The mini map is important for planning your route and can be opened by
pressing "M" on the keyboard. The vehicle is represented on the map by a
large red arrow. The linear distance to the next pick-up point is displayed on
the map by a yellow line. The choice of route is up to you.

Pick-up points are indicated by a red circle. The active waypoints of a delivery
route are highlighted in colour. You must stop at these points during the job.

The map overview shows a larger part of the game world so that you can
obtain a better overview of the game world, or the entire route. The map
overview can be toggled on and off by pressing "N" on the keyboard. You can
use the mouse to move the map overview and the mouse wheel for zooming
in or out. The main elements of the map overview match those in the mini

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7.2 The Spacebar Menu / Action Menu
The design concept of Delivery Truck Simulator allows you to keep the entire
vehicle under control with the minimum number of clicks. Press the spacebar
to display the Action menu.

You can then simply use the mouse, arrow keys and spacebar to perform
actions or the specified shortcut keys. If you want to change a camera view for
example, press the spacebar and select "2" to change to third person view.

As soon as a shortcut key is specified for an action, you can perform the
action without opening the action menu. All other key assignments that are
important for the current gameplay mode are shown on the Actions menu.

It won't take you long to become completely familiar with the operation of your
vehicle. Of course, if you prefer not to go through the menus, you can assign
all functions to keys of your choice.

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7.3 Shortcut keys
Additional key combinations for operating Delivery Truck Simulator are listed
in the following table. You can change all key assignments to suit your own
personal taste.

Display main action menu Spacebar

Zoom in camera Keypad +
Zoom out camera Keypad -
Toggle console on/off Tab
Display 'HUD' action menu F5
Display keyboard assignment 0
Toggle mini map on/off M
Toggle map overview on/off N
Toggle order details on/off 9
Toggle all HUD displays on/off K
Toggle vehicle display on/off V
Menu Esc
Switch to another radio programme F7
Switch on/off radio F6
Screenshot F12

Ego mode
Ego view 1
Free view 2
Backwards Down-arrow
Walk/run quickly Shift right
Forwards Up-arrow
Left Left-arrow
Right Right-arrow

Steer right Right-arrow
Steer left Left-arrow
Brake/backwards Down-arrow
Accelerate Up-arrow

Display 'Cab and instruments' action menu C

Horn H
Sun visor B
Set cruise control Shift right
Cruise control: on/off CTRL right

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Windscreen wipers W

'Engine, gearbox, ignition' action menu E

Change gear down Page down
Change gear up Page up
Start/stop engine U
Handbrake Enter key
Put vehicle back on road R

Display 'Lighting' action menu L

Main beam Keypad 1
Flash headlights Keypad 7
Fog lights Keypad 2
Left turn signal Keypad 4
Headlights Keypad 0
Right turn signal Keypad 6
Hazard warning lights Keypad 5

Display 'Camera' action menu 8

Ego view in cockpit 1
Cockpit view 2
Spot view 3
All-round view 4
Rear view 5
Top view 6

7.4 Speed Limiter and Cruise Control

You set a speed limit or switch on cruise control during the journey. Press the
right CTRL key on the keyboard (default assignment). Even when the speed
limiter has been switched on, you still press the accelerator but you will not
drive faster than the speed limit set. For example, if you set the speed limit to
50 km/h within town, you can press the accelerator as much as you like
(except when the speed restriction is 30) and you will not be fined for

Use cruise control to hold the desired speed without having to press the
accelerator. Cruise control is deactivated by briefly tapping the brake.

Speed limits and cruise control can be adjusted by pressing SHIFT together
with accelerator/brake keys.

7.5 Jobs
You will find jobs in the jobs list. There are delivery and pick-up jobs. You
drive to a customer and park where indicated and then load the goods (either

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automatically or manually). Having collected the goods for delivery you must
drive them to their destination and unload or deliver them.

You will find in Delivery Truck Simulator a large variety of customers (and their
goods) to keep happy (and safe).

7.6 Free Play Mode

You can drive your vehicles around the game world without any pressure on
your time in Free Play mode.

7.7 Parking Spaces

If you want to leave your vehicle in order to get into another vehicle, you must
park it in a parking space first. The parking spaces can be found in your
depots (marked blue). It is recommended to leave your vehicles at different
depots so that when you have a new job to do you have a vehicle close to the
where the job will be done.

7.8 Refuelling a Vehicle

Just as in the real world, your vehicle consumes fuel. There are two ways of
refuelling your vehicles in the game. Either fill the tank in the Admin menu
under "Vehicle fleet" or drive into one of the petrol stations that are located at
various places in the game world. In order to fill up the tank, you must drive
onto the blue area next to the petrol pump and press "Refuel".

Petrol stations are shown by the petrol station symbol in the map overview
("N" key).

Section 8: Final words

Thank you and we wish you a lot of fun driving,

The "Delivery Truck Simulator" Team

Delivery Truck Simulator

© Contendo Media GmbH. All rights reserved

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Music under license from conzoom Records:

Dual Density

No Regret (album version)
Fly the galaxy (album version)
Undress (album version)
Soul ecstasy (album version)
All songs by Tes Fries, Jonas Asp, Pontus Olsson & Niklas Ringström
Taken from the album “Soul Ecstasy”
Licensed from conzoom Records

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