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M113 (In Danish use) a overview 12/9/17, 3)17 PM

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Major Duck M113 (In Danish use) a overview Post n°1

by Major Duck on Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:16 pm

M113 (In Danish use)

Major Duck

Posts : 158
Join date : 2016-01-07
Age : 52
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The picture above shows the standard version of the M113 - the armoured personnel carrier. The Danish Army has 738 M113s of the various versions. 313 personnel
carriers, 375 in different configurations and 50 armed with a 25 mm machine gun (figures changed since first entry made).
To replace the M3 and the Chevrolet C15TA the first 450 (M113) were delivered in 1962 - 1964. The A1 were delivered between 1967 - 1975 and 1978 - 1979.
All vehicles were "midlife-updated" by Falck Schmidt, Odense during 1972-73 (Not completely right), and 257 vehicles are currently being updated again (see M113 G3 DK
When delivered the M113 had the original T130 track. These were later replaced by the German produced 213-B from Diehl.
Historical: In January 1956 ATAC initiated a program to design and build a lightweight armoured personnel carrier for the US Army to replace the M59 and M75 tracked
APC´s. It had to be amphibious and capable of air-drop operations with a good cross-country performance, and also be adaptable to other purposes.
A batch of prototypes, from a basic concept by the Detroit Arsenal, were produced by The Food Machinery & Chemical Corporation (FMC) in 1955. Production took place
from June 1960 by FMC in San Jose, California. Initial contract considered 900 units.
The M113 family was the first ever aluminium armoured fighting vehicle to go to mass production.
The M113A1 with diesel engine arrived in 1964 and the A2 with suspension and cooling enhancements in 1979. Derivatives of the M113 are vehicles like M577A1
command vehicle, M741 "Vulcan" air defence vehicle, M548 cargo carrier, M667 "Lance" missile carrier, and M730 "Chaparral" missile carrier.
Since their initial introduction in 1960, M113-based systems have entered service in more than 50 countries. More than 80.000 of all versions produced, and still in
production, while existing chassis are being upgraded to modern configurations.
Some 4.000 were produced by Oto Melara in Italy for the Italian Army and for export.
The original M113 APC helped to revolutionise mobile military operations. The vehicles were able to carry 11 soldiers plus a driver and track commander under armour
protection across hostile battlefield environments. More importantly, the new vehicles were air transportable, air-droppable, and swimmable, allowing planners to
incorporate APCs in a much wider range of combat situations, including many "rapid deployment" scenarios.
The M113 was eventually supplanted in the US Army by the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, which had been in the development process since 1964. The Army awarded the
Food Machinery Corporation of San Jose, California, a 29.2-million-dollar development contract in the fall of 1972.
The Gasoline version was mainly used in the Brigades in Zealand (1st Zealand BDE and 2nd Zealand BDE) Both Mech INF BDE (1 Tank BTN, 2 x MECH INF, 1 SPG BTN)
The 2nd Zealand BDE later provided the nucleus for the Danish International BDE (DIB) which was intended to go abroad , it sent BTN size Battlegroups out every ½ Year
but was never deployed as a whole BDE in a war zone, it was later disbanded and the whole army went from a Conscript mobilising army to a Professional army using the
DIB as its template
The M113 and Tanks were being upgraded for the DIB and it had both Wheeled and Tracked APC as well as new Tanks Leopard 2A5DK (All leo 2A5DK originally went to
DIB with 5 SQNs of 10 Tanks each)

It says somewhere that “I årene fra 1972 til 1973 blev de fleste tilstedeværende M113 køretøjet renoveret hos E. Falck Scmidt. Her blev alle køretøjet bragt til A1 standard
bl.a. med diesel motor som standard.” Translation : “In the years from 1972-1973 most of the petrol version was renovated with amongst other a diesel engine as Page 1 of 10
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standard” That is simply not true as the 1st Zeeland brigade used the Petrol version in 1984-1996 when i was in the army but the 4 other brigades had diesels by then
interspersed with a few petrol version here and there but there were no fixed rule when you got 1 or the other and if you were schooled to drive or command it you learned
both versions as a general rule but a COY/BTN mostly got the same type throughout

There were no noteworthy difference in the way the M113 and M113A1 was fitted as a INF Squad Carrier , the same is true with the Command post vehicle and Mortar
carriers though all TOW were A1 with diesel engine as far as i know i might be wrong though
The M113 "Fitter´s Vehicle" existed in both M113 and M113A1 versions the same with M113 Ambulance .
All G versions were upgraded with diesels if not bought as new.
The petrol could be made to go really really fast i have personally been driven 140 km/h on the Freeway overtaking civilian cars on the way back from an exercise.

M113 Standard INF Squad Vehicle
Fitted with a HMG M2 12,7 mm and the inf stood up in cargo hatch space with the Squad LMG M62 pointed backwards and a rifleman over each side and the Squad
commander (SG) looking forward commanding the vehicle except on the Platoon commander vehicle were the SG was over 1 side (Mostly left) and the LT was facing front
(In a 3 squad PLT)

M113 Green Archer

6 Green Archer mortar locating radar's were implemented 1964. The M113 vehicle, which is a special Danish/German version, is mounted with a British radar system made
by EMI, capable of locating positions of mortars up to 30 km. It could also be used to adjust counter battery fire and had a limited surface surveillance capability. The
exhaust-system has been altered to prevent interference with the radar.
Operation of the system required a 3-man crew.
Note here the radar was folded when moving except when the commander in his eagerness forgot, that happened at least 1 time then he went under a train bridge and left
the radar scanner on the ground behind him ;-)
The system has been replaced by a system named ARTHUR.


Outwardly there are no way to differentiate between M113 and M113A1

But if you can see the licens plate add 30 to the first to numbers and you most of the time have the year it was introduced
So that makes the vehicle below a diesel version Page 2 of 10
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M113A1 with Add-On-Armour

Here the M113 modified with add-on-armour from Israelian Urdan and ACAV-shield from FMC serving SFOR in the former Yugoslavia June 1998.
Some have been updated to G3 DK standard

M113A1 Command Post

Here the M113 Command Post is shown. Note the box on the hatch containing a Honda 1 kW DC generator set. It was mostly configure with a table in the right side for
Maps and planning or with Computers in the fire direction version for the artillery (2 in Each Battery)
Some have been updated to G3 DK standard

M113 AO or FO version
This version could be both petrol(M113) or diesel(M113A1)
It looked like a standard INF version for a reason
Manned by 4 guys (Driver,Gunner/FO assistent, Vehicle commander/XO/FO ,FO)
It had the table from the command version and benches and had the Thermic/Laser rangefinder sight on a pintel mount beside the Cargo Hatch and extra radios for the
Arty nets as well as the INF/Tank nets
No images

M113 Mortar Carrier

56 vehicles implemented in the Danish Army, some being the M106 delivered in 1964 and some the M125A1 (shown) delivered in the mid 1970´s. The 81 mm mortar is
placed in mount M/65. 120 rounds are carried in side mounted racks. Approx max. range 3,6 km. Armed with a 12.7 mm (cal .50) machine gun. (All PNINF (Mech INF)
COYs have a section with 2) Page 3 of 10
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M113 TOW Carrier

56 M113 is equipped with 147 mm TOW-launcher (M/87). Each vehicle's carries 10 missiles. The launcher has gone through several upgrades and is today equipped with
thermal sights. Effective range is between 65 and 3.700 m (improved TOW). The vehicle is armed with a 12.7 mm (cal .50) machine-gun.
The TOW-equipment was earlier mounted on Landrover half ton and the Ford M151A1.
Some of the vehicles have been upgraded to G3DK standard
They were upgraded in ca. 1987 to TOW 2 Standard
The Tow Platoons had normally 4 launchers each :
In TANK BTNs with 4 M113 TOW Carrier,
In PNINF (Mech INF) 2 M113 TOW Carrier and 2 Laro 88 with TOW
The brigade Staff COY had 2 PLT with the PNINF mix.

M113A1 Dozer-equipped
4 M113A1 with dozer-blade bought in 1975. Once fitted, the kit does not impair the normal capabilities of the vehicle or it´s load.carrying ability. The vehicle can remain
amphibious and the dozer blade acts as a trim vane in the water once the standard trim has been removed. Capacity 80 m3 earth pr. hour.
This configuration is used by the engineers.
Note the, for a Danish APC, unusual colour.

M113 with ZB 298 radar

32 M113 were equipped with radar M/74 type ZB 298 from Marconi in 1974. The radar is working in the 3 cm band. Capable of detecting personnel at a 5 km range and
vehicles at a 10 km range. The system was removed from the APC´s in the mid 1980´s and installed on the Unimog 416. The radar must be considered out-dated, and is
not in service anymore.
The radar system was also used by the British Army mounted in the FV 432 series APC, and by the Dutch Army mounted in the DAF YP-408 APC. Page 4 of 10
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M113 Engineering Vehicle

20 vehicles equipped in 1970. Only notable difference from the standard M113 is the ladder attached to the side.

M113 "Fitter´s Vehicle"

20 M113 "Fitter´s Vehicles" bought in the 1970´s. Mounted with a Swedish HIAB-crane with approx. capacity of 3 tons. Means of communication was a DA/VRC-271
Danish produced VHF-radio.
Some of the vehicles have been brought up to G3 DK standard

M113 Ambulance
Here the M113 ambulance is shown.
The M113 can carry 4 patients on stretchers and 2 seated. Page 5 of 10
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M113A1 Fire fighting

The M113 fire fighting vehicle is used in training areas and shooting ranges. A 1.500 liter water tank with heater is mounted at the rear. The pump is driven either by
hydraulic or a petrol-engine. The one i tried was using hydraulic for the pump , that meant that you as the driver had to give the engine full speed on the GAS pedal and
then keep the speed of the vehicle down by breaking it with the levers (Fine for the first ½ hour but after a while you get more and more fatigue and remember it was done
while driving zig zag between signs that said un exploded ordinance in very bad visibility (smoke from Hexit/WP and from the burning moor)
2 man crew.
The first image shows the 3 tons watertank in the back which when half full gave a very unpleasant yank every time you turned


M113A2 Mk I DK PNMK 92
Buildt 1989 - 1993 by E. Falck Schmidt in Odense, and implemented 1992, the M113A2 is armed with a 25 mm Oerlikon-Contraves machine-cannon ranging up to 1.500 m
and a German 7.62 mm machine-gun mounted co-axially. The 25 mm Oerlikon-gun has a firing-rate of approx. 600 rounds a minute. The guns are mounted in an Italian
Oto Melara turret. The M113A2 does also have a thermal sight produced by Zeiss. It is used in armoured infantry companies - each company having 2 M113A2s. 50 units
were ordered.
Main differences between A1 and A2 is a more powerful turbo-charged engine (Detroit Diesel, 6V53T developing 265 hp at 2.800 rpm), improved suspension and improved
cooling- and heating-system.
When implemented at the IFOR/SFOR forces in the former Yugoslavia, 6 M113A2s were retrofitted with "add-on armour". The body is protected with the FMC armoured
plates, "spall liner" and "belly armour", the fuel-tanks are filled with "safety foam balls" and the turret with a Danish kit consisting of ceramic and armoured plates developed
by E. Falck Schmidt and Roulund in Odense. The M113A2 can resist fire from weapons up to 14.5 mm at at range down to 100 m.
The M113A2 was nick-named "Wildcat" in the first stages of the project, but due to copyright-problems, it was never officially adopted.
The project was worth 357 mil. DKr (1987).
With the Defence Agreement 2005 - 2009 made in 2004, it was decided that the M113A2 no longer would be a part of the inventory of the Danish Army. A few have been
rebuilt as fire fighting vehicles to supersede the ageing M113A1 fire fighting vehicles.

M113A2 Mk I DK Page 6 of 10
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With the Defence Agreement 2005 - 2009 made in 2004, it was decided that the M113A2 no longer would be a part of the inventory of the Danish Army. A few have been
rebuilt as fire fighting vehicles to supersede the ageing M113A1 fire fighting vehicles.

No images


M113 G3 DK
The Danish Army prepared a recommendation for modernisation of its fleet of M113A1 armoured personnel carriers (APCs) and in October 1995, the Danish Army
announced its intent to modernise the current fleet of M113A1 APC´s. A subsequent request for quote (RFQ) for prototype test vehicles which followed, specified Danish
operational requirements. Two competing teams participated in the prototype phase of the upgrade program: Marvin Land Systems (MLS) and a team composed of United
Defense L.P. (UDLP - now owned by the US Carlyle Group) in conjunction with E. Falck Schmidt of Denmark.
MLS proposed two different upgrade packages: a "low end" MLS M113A2Plus, equipped with the 270hp powerpack, and a "high end" MLS M113A3Plus, equipped with the
350hp powerpack.
The UDLP/Falck team proposed a standard M113A3 and an M113A2 Mk 1.
A third team, the Flensburger Fahrzeugbau Gesellschaft (FFG), Germany, came later on proposing a third solution which were chosen.
The proposal consisted of a new and more powerful 6-cylinder, 10.6 liter turbocharged diesel-engine (MTU 6V 183 TC22 EURO II) developing 300 hp with a ZF LSG 1000
transmission (6F2R), improved suspension, prepared for adding increased armour (URDAN type), external fuel-tanks, Diehl 513 tracks, new heater (Stewart-Warner, type
10560 M), new 200 AMP generator and improved steering- and brake system in order to make the APC´s more safe in traffic.
In addition, the engine fulfils the EURO 2 standard regarding emissions and noise levels and can be replaced in the field within an hour.
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) has been increased to 15.000 kg (33.000 lb.).

Initially 97 APC´s of the Danish Reaction Brigade (DIB) went through this program. The modified APC has been designated "M113 G3 DK"
FFG has delivered a similar upgrade for the German Army.

In May 1999 it was decided that a total of 257 were to be upgraded.

M113 G3 DK with Add-On-Armour

Here the M113 G3 DK modified with add-on-armour and ACAV-shield.

M113G3 DK Platoon Vehicle

The M113G3 Platoon Vehicle is used by the platoon leader of the Leopard 2 tank platoon operating in the Helmand Province. Note the vehicle has the ordinary Diehl 513
tracks replaced by rubber tracks in order to give a smoother ride and reduce noise.
This was before the danish army went to 4 Vehicle Platoons officially in the Tank Squadrons Page 7 of 10
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M113G3 DK Mine Roller

The M113G3 Mine Roller (acquired summer 2009) is used to detonate and neutralise buried pressure-fused mines and other explosive devices. Besides tracked vehicles
wheeled vehicles can be used to operate the mine roller. Clearance width (track-width configuration) is 3.14 m (10’4") with uncleared 1.19m (47") centre section. The
clearance speed is between 1 - 15km/h (1 - 10mph).
The mine roller is developed and produced by Pearson Engineering in Great Britain.

M113 G3 DK Ambulance
Here the updated M113 ambulance (G3 DK). Most noticeable changes are the front-mounted basket and external fuel-tanks.

M113 G3 DK, EXT

The first vehicles were scheduled to be delivered ultimo 2001, and the last by end of 2004.
Some 70 units have been extended 666 mm and added an extra road-wheel. This operation increases the internal volume by 25 % (2 m3). This version, know as the
"M113 G3 DK, Extended", is foreseen to be used as mechanised infantry squad-vehicle, combat engineer-vehicle and as armoured ambulance. Page 8 of 10
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M113 G3 DK, EXT Ambulance and M113 G3 Waran

Here the updated M113 ambulance (G3 DK) in a lengthened and raised version. The ambulance can carry 2 stretcher and 2 sitting patients, or 1 stretcher and 6 sitting

M113G4 DK

In 2009 and 2010 the G3´s used in Afghanistan has been upgraded with belly protection, rubber tracks, adjustable seats and other features. This upgrade has been
standardized and further vehicles has been upgraded in 2011 and 2012. The upgraded vehicles are designated G4 DK

These are the total orders from the sipri database all the way back from 1950 to 2014
From foreign suppliers

M-113 (450) APC Incl 56 M-125 81mm mortar carrier version


M113A1 (190) M-113A1 version; incl some M-577 CP version

Order: (1966)
Delivered: 1967-1979

M-113A2 (50) M-113A2 version; modified in Denmark to M-113A2 Mk-1DK IFV

Order: (1988)
Delivered: 1992-1993

Waran (70) Danish M-113A1 APC rebuilt to Waran; Danish designation M-113G3L
Order: (2001) Page 9 of 10
M113 (In Danish use) a overview 12/9/17, 3)17 PM


But there are some of the German orders that are not here


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