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Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Population Patterns Grade: Grade 9 Date: December 6 2017

Subject: Canadian Geography

Lesson Plan Description
- Population Pyramids
- Pull and Push Factors
Overall Expectations
D1. Population Issues: analyse selected national and global population issues and their implications for
Canada (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Patterns and Trends)

D2. Immigration and Cultural Diversity: describe the diversity of Canada’s population, and assess some
social, economic, political, and environmental implications of immigration and diversity for Canada (FOCUS
ON: Spatial Significance; Geographic Perspective)

D3. Demographic Patterns and Trends: analyse patterns of population settlement and various demographic
characteristics of the Canadian population (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Patterns and Trends)
Specific Expectations
D1.1 analyse the impact of selected population trends on people living in Canadian communities and their
implications for the future

D2.1 identify factors that influence where immigrants settle in Canada, and assess the opportunities and
challenges presented by immigration and cultural diversity in Canada

D3.2 identify factors (e.g., job opportunities, accessibility of transportation and communication networks,
availability of social services, availability of natural resources, cultural attitudes) that influence the
demographic characteristics of settlements across Canada
Learning Goals

Today we will learn…

• About population pyramids
• Push and Pull Factors
• How to create a population pyramid


Success Criteria
I can: Describe Push and Pull Factors
I can: Evaluate push and pull factors
I can: Create a population pyramid
Achievement Chart Categories: Knowledge and Understanding; Thinking; Communication; Application

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Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have knowledge in
- Graphing
- World Issues (Natural Disasters, Income, Trade)
Learning Skills/Work Habits
Highlight/circle ones that are addressed: responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration,
initiative, self-regulation

Highlight/circle ones that are assessed: responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration,
initiative, self-regulation
New Vocabulary (for word wall and/or to develop schema)
- Push Factors
- Pull Factors
- Migration
Resources and Materials /Technology Integration
• Computer, Projector
• Hand Out (x-axis and y-axis for graphing, blank t charts)

Learning Environment
- Rows
Lesson – Delivery Format
Write the lesson description with enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lesson without a
personal discussion.
What Teachers Do: What Students do:
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /introduction (5-15 min)
Time: 5 - 10 Minutes

Map of population density

Action: During /working time

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Time: 20 - 30 Minutes

Population Pyramids - There are four notable types of

population pyramids (Expanding, Rapid Expansion,
Stationary and contracting). We will look at the
population pyramid for the World, Western Africa,
Western Europe and Canada.

Using the stats of the school population we will put Create Population pyramid for school (Recording
stats, Calculating percentage, creating bar graph)
skills to work by creating a population pyramid for
the school population.
Discuss trends
We will also look at a population pyramid of the
entire school board.

Time: 20 - 30 Minutes

Pull and Push factors. We will look at the common Complete t-chart about pull and push factors.
pull and push factors. Then students will work
(Individually, then collaborating, and then share with
the class) the push and pull factors for Alexandria,
Canada & U.S.A.
Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.) 

Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection
Infographic on immigration patterns around the world
Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)
- Specific countries pull and push factors.

Personal Reflection (what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next lesson for
this subject/topic)
The Lesson:

The Teacher:

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