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Word Recognition – Pre Test

Unpaired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.7859
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be not statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Pre - Test - Carnation minus Pre-test - Jasmine equals -0.2730
95% confidence interval of this difference: From -2.3531 to 1.8071
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 0.2757
df = 18
standard error of difference = 0.990
Review your data:
Group Pre - Test - Carnation Pre-test - Jasmine
Mean 92.7400 93.0130
SD 1.9431 2.4550
SEM 0.6145 0.7763
N 10 10

Paired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.6438
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be not statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Pre - Test - Carnation minus Pre-test - Jasmine equals -0.2730
95% confidence interval of this difference: From -1.5640 to 1.0180
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 0.4784
df = 9
standard error of difference = 0.571

Welch t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.7861
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be not statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Pre - Test - Carnation minus Pre-test - Jasmine equals -0.2730
95% confidence interval of this difference: From -2.3619 to 1.8159
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 0.2757
df = 17
standard error of difference = 0.990

Review your data:

Group Pre - Test - Carnation Pre-test - Jasmine
Mean 92.7400 93.0130
SD 1.9431 2.4550
SEM 0.6145 0.7763
N 10 10
Word Comprehension – Pre Test
Unpaired t test results
P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.2717
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be not statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Pre - Test - Jasmine minus Pre-test - Carnation equals 0.40
95% confidence interval of this difference: From -0.34 to 1.14
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 1.1339
df = 18
standard error of difference = 0.353
Review your data:
Group Pre - Test - Jasmine Pre-test - Carnation
Mean 3.20 2.80
SD 0.79 0.79
SEM 0.25 0.25
N 10 10

Paired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.2229
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be not statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Pre - Test - Jasmine minus Pre-test - Carnation equals 0.40
95% confidence interval of this difference: From -0.29 to 1.09
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 1.3093
df = 9
standard error of difference = 0.306

Review your data:

Welch t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.2717
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be not statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Pre - Test - Jasmine minus Pre-test - Carnation equals 0.40
95% confidence interval of this difference: From -0.34 to 1.14
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 1.1339
df = 18
standard error of difference = 0.353

Review your data:

Group Pre - Test - Jasmine Pre-test - Carnation
Mean 3.20 2.80
SD 0.79 0.79
SEM 0.25 0.25
N 10 10
Word Recognition – Post Test

Unpaired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.0641
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be not quite statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Post - Test Carnation minus Post Test Jasmine equals 1.0960
95% confidence interval of this difference: From -0.0712 to 2.2632
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 1.9728
df = 18
standard error of difference = 0.556

Review your data:

Group Post - Test Carnation Post Test Jasmine
Mean 99.1780 98.0820
SD 1.1553 1.3235
SEM 0.3653 0.4185

N 10

Paired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.0697
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be not quite statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Post - Test Carnation minus Post Test Jasmine equals 1.0960
95% confidence interval of this difference: From -0.1087 to 2.3007
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 2.0580
df = 9
standard error of difference = 0.533

Welch t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.0650
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be not quite statistically significant.

Confidence interval:
The mean of Post - Test Carnation minus Post Test Jasmine equals 1.0960
95% confidence interval of this difference: From -0.0761 to 2.2681

Intermediate values used in calculations:

t = 1.9728
df = 17
standard error of difference = 0.556

Review your data:

Group Post - Test Carnation Post Test Jasmine
Mean 99.1780 98.0820
SD 1.1553 1.3235
SEM 0.3653 0.4185
N 10 10
Word Comprehension Post Test

Unpaired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.0026
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be very statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Post - Test Carnation minus Post Test Jasmine equals 1.20
95% confidence interval of this difference: From 0.48 to 1.92
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 3.4966
df = 18
standard error of difference = 0.343
Review your data:
Group Post - Test Carnation Post Test Jasmine
Mean 5.70 4.50
SD 0.95 0.53
SEM 0.30 0.17
N 10 10

Paired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.0010
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be extremely statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Post - Test Carnation minus Post Test Jasmine equals 1.20
95% confidence interval of this difference: From 0.64 to 1.76
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 4.8107
df = 9
standard error of difference = 0.249
Review your data:

Welch t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value equals 0.0036
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be very statistically significant.

Confidence interval:
The mean of Post - Test Carnation minus Post Test Jasmine equals 1.20
95% confidence interval of this difference: From 0.46 to 1.94

Intermediate values used in calculations:

t = 3.4966
df = 14
standard error of difference = 0.343
Review your data:
Group Post - Test Carnation Post Test Jasmine
Mean 5.70 4.50
SD 0.95 0.53
SEM 0.30 0.17
N 10 10
Word Recognition - Post and Pre Carnation

Unpaired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value is less than 0.0001
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be extremely statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Post - Test Carnation minus PRE TEST - CARNATION equals 6.4380
95% confidence interval of this difference: From 4.9361 to 7.9399
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 9.0059
df = 18
standard error of difference = 0.715
Review your data:
Group Post - Test Carnation PRE TEST - CARNATION
Mean 99.1780 92.7400
SD 1.1553 1.9431
SEM 0.3653 0.6145
N 10 10

Paired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value is less than 0.0001
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be extremely statistically significant.
Confidence interval:
The mean of Post - Test Carnation minus PRE TEST - CARNATION equals 6.4380
95% confidence interval of this difference: From 5.0483 to 7.8277
Intermediate values used in calculations:
t = 10.4801
df = 9
standard error of difference = 0.614

Welch t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value is less than 0.0001
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be extremely statistically significant.

Confidence interval:
The mean of Post - Test Carnation minus PRE TEST - CARNATION equals 6.4380
95% confidence interval of this difference: From 4.9048 to 7.9712

Intermediate values used in calculations:

t = 9.0059
df = 14
standard error of difference = 0.715

Review your data:

Group Post - Test Carnation PRE TEST - CARNATION
Mean 99.1780 92.7400
SD 1.1553 1.9431
SEM 0.3653 0.6145
N 10 10
Word Comprehension – Pre and Post Test Carnation

Unpaired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value is less than 0.0001
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be extremely statistically significant.

Confidence interval:
The mean of Pre - Test - Carnation minus Post TEST - CARNATION equals 2.90
95% confidence interval of this difference: From 2.08 to 3.72

Intermediate values used in calculations:

t = 7.4329
df = 18
standard error of difference = 0.390

Review your data:

Group Pre - Test - Carnation Post TEST - CARNATION
Mean 5.70 2.80
SD 0.95 0.79
SEM 0.30 0.25
N 10 10

Paired t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value is less than 0.0001
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be extremely statistically significant.

Confidence interval:
The mean of Pre - Test - Carnation minus Post TEST - CARNATION equals 2.90
95% confidence interval of this difference: From 2.27 to 3.53

Intermediate values used in calculations:

t = 10.4736
df = 9
standard error of difference = 0.277

Welch t test results

P value and statistical significance:
The two-tailed P value is less than 0.0001
By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be extremely statistically significant.

Confidence interval:
The mean of Pre - Test - Carnation minus Post TEST - CARNATION equals 2.90
95% confidence interval of this difference: From 2.08 to 3.72

Intermediate values used in calculations:

t = 7.4329
df = 17
standard error of difference = 0.390
Post Test of Carnation Jasmine – Word Comprehension – one tailed

Difference Scores Calculations

Treatment 1

N1: 10
df1 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M1: 4.5
SS1: 2.5
s21 = SS1/(N - 1) = 2.5/(10-1) = 0.28

Treatment 2

N2: 10
df2 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M2: 5.7
SS2: 8.1
s22 = SS2/(N - 1) = 8.1/(10-1) = 0.9

T-value Calculation

s2p = ((df1/(df1 + df2)) * s21) + ((df2/(df2 + df2)) * s22) = ((9/18) * 0.28) + ((9/18) * 0.9) = 0.59

s2M1 = s2p/N1 = 0.59/10 = 0.06

s2M2 = s2p/N2 = 0.59/10 = 0.06

t = (M1 - M2)/√(s2M1 + s2M2) = -1.2/√0.12 = -3.5

The t-value is -3.49663. The p-value is .001288. The result is significant at p < .05.
Post Test of Carnation Jasmine – Word Comprehension – Two tailed

Difference Scores Calculations

Treatment 1

N1: 10
df1 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M1: 4.5
SS1: 2.5
s21 = SS1/(N - 1) = 2.5/(10-1) = 0.28

Treatment 2

N2: 10
df2 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M2: 5.7
SS2: 8.1
s22 = SS2/(N - 1) = 8.1/(10-1) = 0.9

T-value Calculation

s2p = ((df1/(df1 + df2)) * s21) + ((df2/(df2 + df2)) * s22) = ((9/18) * 0.28) + ((9/18) * 0.9) = 0.59

s2M1 = s2p/N1 = 0.59/10 = 0.06

s2M2 = s2p/N2 = 0.59/10 = 0.06

t = (M1 - M2)/√(s2M1 + s2M2) = -1.2/√0.12 = -3.5

The t-value is -3.49663. The p-value is .002576. The result is significant at p < .05.
Post Test of Carnation Jasmine – Word Recognition – One tailed

Difference Scores Calculations

Treatment 1

N1: 10
df1 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M1: 99.18
SS1: 12.01
s21 = SS1/(N - 1) = 12.01/(10-1) = 1.33

Treatment 2

N2: 10
df2 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M2: 98.08
SS2: 15.77
s22 = SS2/(N - 1) = 15.77/(10-1) = 1.75

T-value Calculation

s2p = ((df1/(df1 + df2)) * s21) + ((df2/(df2 + df2)) * s22) = ((9/18) * 1.33) + ((9/18) * 1.75) = 1.54

s2M1 = s2p/N1 = 1.54/10 = 0.15

s2M2 = s2p/N2 = 1.54/10 = 0.15

t = (M1 - M2)/√(s2M1 + s2M2) = 1.1/√0.31 = 1.97

The t-value is 1.97279. The p-value is .03204. The result is significant at p < .05.
Post Test of Carnation Jasmine – Word Recognition – Two tailed

Difference Scores Calculations

Treatment 1

N1: 10
df1 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M1: 99.18
SS1: 12.01
s21 = SS1/(N - 1) = 12.01/(10-1) = 1.33

Treatment 2

N2: 10
df2 = N - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9
M2: 98.08
SS2: 15.77
s22 = SS2/(N - 1) = 15.77/(10-1) = 1.75

T-value Calculation

s2p = ((df1/(df1 + df2)) * s21) + ((df2/(df2 + df2)) * s22) = ((9/18) * 1.33) + ((9/18) * 1.75) = 1.54

s2M1 = s2p/N1 = 1.54/10 = 0.15

s2M2 = s2p/N2 = 1.54/10 = 0.15

t = (M1 - M2)/√(s2M1 + s2M2) = 1.1/√0.31 = 1.97

The t-value is 1.97279. The p-value is .06408. The result is not significant at p < .05
Post and Pre Test of Carnation Word Recognition

Difference Scores Calculations

Mean: -6.44
S2 = SS⁄df = 33.96/(10-1) = 3.77
S2M = S2/N = 3.77/10 = 0.38
SM = √S2M = √0.38 = 0.61

T-value Calculation

t = (M - μ)/SM = (-6.44 - 0)/0.61 = -10.48

The value of t is -10.480074. The value of p is < 0.00001. The result is significant at p ≤ 0.05.

Post and Pre Test of Carnation Word Comprehension

Difference Scores Calculations

Mean: -2.9
S2 = SS⁄df = 6.90/(10-1) = 0.77
S2M = S2/N = 0.77/10 = 0.08
SM = √S2M = √0.08 = 0.28

T-value Calculation

t = (M - μ)/SM = (-2.9 - 0)/0.28 = -10.47

The value of t is -10.473569. The value of p is < 0.00001. The result is significant at p ≤ 0.05.
T-Test Calculator for 2 Independent Means
This simple t-test calculator, provides full details of the t-test calculation, including sample mean, sum of
squares and standard deviation.

T Test Calculator for 2 Dependent Means

The t-test for dependent means (also called a repeated-measures t-test, paired samples t-test, matched
pairs t-test and matched samples t-test) is used to compare the means of two sets of scores that are directly
related to each other. So, for example, it could be used to test whether subjects' galvanic skin responses are
different under two conditions - first, on exposure to a photograph of a beach scene; second, on exposure to
a photograph of a spider.


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