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The Oldest New Finding in Atopic Dermatitis

Subclinical Miliaria as an Origin
Maryam S. Haque, MD; Tesfu Hailu, MD; Ellen Pritchett, MD, MPH; Carrie Ann Cusack, MD; Herbert B. Allen, MD

Importance: In 1947, Sulzberger and colleagues pub- Main Outcomes and Measures: Comparison of bi-
lished a micrograph of a blocked acrosyringium in a opsy specimens with control specimens and additional
patient with atopic dermatitis (AD), believing that it controls consisting of noninflamed skin.
had a large role in the disease process. Lacking appro-
priate probes, they could not confirm the finding. Results: Using 36 biopsy specimens, this study con-
firmed the observations by Sulzberger et al on the block-
Objective: To confirm the observations by Sulzberger age of sweat ducts in AD. Blocked acrosyringia were noted
et al on the blockage of sweat ducts in AD in pathologic in each specimen on routine staining with hematoxylin-
specimens. eosin. The study also confirmed the findings by earlier
investigators about the blockage of sweat ducts in mili-
Design and Setting: Biopsy specimens diagnostic of aria, showing eosinophilic material in the ducts that was
various inflammatory diseases and with a secondary dif- positive for periodic acid–Schiff. Previous researchers also
ferential diagnosis of eczema were evaluated at an aca- observed bacteria in the blockages, and this study dem-
demic medical center. onstrated the same findings in AD, rather than miliaria.
Conclusion and Relevance: Subclinical miliaria may
Exposures: Evidence of ductal obstruction in each be the earliest change in AD and likely initiates the pro-
specimen was examined following staining with cess that causes intense pruritus.
hematoxylin-eosin, periodic acid–Schiff, and Gram
stain. JAMA Dermatol. 2013;149(4):436-438

N 1947, SULZBERGER ET AL1 PUB- producing” Staphylococcus epidermidis. The
lished a micrograph of a blocked slime represents a biofilm and is com-
acrosyringium in a patient with posed of an extracellular polysaccharide
atopic dermatitis (AD), believing substance that is PAS positive. The bio-
that it had a large role in the dis- film itself is under genetic control and
ease process. They were unable to pursue arises most frequently from the effect of
this further because appropriate probes (eg, an ica operon gene in response to the oc-
periodic acid–Schiff [PAS]) were not avail- clusion.5 The aap gene and others may also
able at that time. However, they deter- be responsible for biofilm production in
mined that the pH of the vesicle fluid was these organisms.6
much more in keeping with secreted sweat We present evidence of blocked
than with edema from inflammation. acrosyringia in AD that aligns with the
description by Sulzberger et al.1 The fact
CME available online at that these ducts are blocked with PAS-
positive material and bacteria supports the
findings by Dobson and Lobitz,2 Hölzle and
and questions on page 505 Kligman,3 and Mowad et al4 about mili-
Dobson and Lobitz2 in 1957 and Hölzle aria except that these results were from AD,
and Kligman 3 in 1978 convincingly not miliaria.
showed in miliaria rubra created by heat
and skin occlusion (“true” miliaria) that METHODS
the sweat ducts were blocked by PAS-
positive material admixed with bacteria.
Author Affiliations: We examined 36 pathologic specimens sub- Author Aff
Later, Mowad et al4 demonstrated that the mitted with clinical diagnoses of various in-
Department of Dermatology, Departmen
Drexel University College of only bacteria they were able to culture that flammatory diseases. Each submission had a Drexel Univ
Medicine, Philadelphia, would induce anhidrosis (and be integral secondary differential diagnosis of (atopic) ec- Medicine, P
Pennsylvania. in producing miliaria) were “slime- zema. The specimens underwent routine pro- Pennsylvan



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Figure 1. Atopic dermatitis. The acrosyringium is filled with eosinophilic Figure 2. Atopic dermatitis. Material positive for periodic acid–Schiff (PAS)
material (original magnification ×60). is present in the acrosyringium (above and below arrow); mild spongiosis is
present (original magnification ×60). Some shrinkage of PAS-positive
material has occurred with processing.
cessing with hematoxylin-eosin, and all were tested with PAS
and Gram stain. Multiple sections (ⱕ30) of each specimen were
studied to observe whether ductal obstruction was present. Ob- the other diseases (eg, neutrophilic microabscesses in pso-
servations were not performed in a blinded manner. riasis) were present in those controls. All the nonin-
As controls for these specimens, we matched the leading clini- flamed skin controls had patent eccrine ducts.
cal differential diagnoses with reference samples, including pso-
riasis, pityriasis rosea, tinea corporis, and contact dermatitis, COMMENT
among others. We examined those specimens with routine stains
and with PAS. As in the lesional samples, multiple sections of
each control specimen were studied to observe whether any duc- We believe that our specimens with the findings of spon-
tal obstruction was present. We also matched the location of giotic dermatitis and occluded acrosyringia were simi-
the disease processes as closely as possible, believing location lar to those presented more than 6 decades ago by Sulz-
to be a better control than other variables. Furthermore, we ex- berger et al.1 We also theorize that our specimens showing
amined 12 cases of noninflamed skin (surgical tips from samples PAS-positive material and gram-positive organisms in the
where no crusts were present) to observe whether ductal ob- acrosyringia are similar to those outlined by Dobson and
struction was present. This study was approved by the insti- Lobitz,2 Hölzle and Kligman,3 and Mowad et al4 in true
tutional review board of Drexel University College of Medi- miliaria. By combining these two observations, we pos-
cine. All patients gave informed consent for their biopsies.
tulate that AD may be incited by a form of subclinical
miliaria. Furthermore, because miliaria rubra is pru-
RESULTS ritic, we believe that the subclinical miliaria may have
itching that begets scratching and results in the clinical
Each of the 36 specimens showed spongiosis, variable lym- lesions of AD. The mediators of the inflammatory re-
phocytic exocytosis, and mild dermal lymphohistiocy- sponse to the ductal occlusion may be related to Toll-
tosis. Eosinophils were variably present in the dermis. like 2 receptors that respond to gram-positive organ-
Given the differential diagnoses, which included ec- isms and biofilms from gram-positive organisms; further
zema, these specimens were diagnosed as spongiotic der- research into that possibility is needed.
matitis compatible with eczema. All had blocked acro- In support of the concept that subclinical miliaria has
syringia on routine staining with hematoxylin-eosin an important role in AD, Eishi et al7 demonstrated that
(Figure 1), and all these blockages contained PAS- inducible sweat production was decreased 5-fold in le-
positive material (Figure 2). Gram stain of these sec- sional skin of patients with AD; this compares exactly
tions showed gram-positive organisms in the ducts as well, with the 80% reduction in patent eccrine ostia in mili-
but not in every sample. The gram-positive organisms were aria noted by Hölzle and Kligman.3 In further support of
noted in 14 (40%) of our samples. In the eczema cases, this concept, evidence shows that S epidermidis biofilms
no neutrophilic microabscesses were noted, and no fun- are present on the lesions of AD and that pure cultures
gal organisms were seen on PAS. No extravasated red of S epidermidis and other staphylococci are also found
blood cells, interface changes, or vasculopathy was on these lesions.7 Using XTT protocols (a water-soluble
present. All control specimens showed patent sweat ducts, tetrazolium colorimetric assay that changes color when
and neither PAS-positive material nor gram-positive or- staphylococcal biofilms are present), we determined that
ganisms were noted in those ducts. Expected findings of these staphylococcal organisms were capable of creat-



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ing biofilms, and all were multidrug resistant.8 These find- N Broad St, Fourth Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (hallen
ings (the cultures of staphylococci, the capability of the
organisms to make biofilms, and the presence of the bio- Author Contributions: Dr Allen had full access to all the
films) support the notion, at least circumstantially, that data in the study and takes responsibility for the integ-
the sweat ducts are blocked by the organisms and their rity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Study
biofilms. The biofilms are produced under the direction concept and design: Allen. Acquisition of data: All au-
of an ica operon and perhaps aap or other genes, and we thors. Analysis and interpretation of data: All authors. Draft-
are investigating whether these genes are present in our ing of the manuscript: All authors. Critical revision of the
cultured samples of the various staphylococci. manuscript for important intellectual content: All authors.
It also seems likely that the atopic lesion arises from Administrative, technical, and material support: All au-
a “double-hit” phenomenon.9 The genetic hit is filag- thors. Study supervision: Allen.
grin deficiency (present in ⬎50% of patients with AD)10 Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported.
or some other genetic or environmental defect in the stra- Funding/Support: All financing was internal within the
tum corneum. The environmental hit is the presence of Department of Dermatology at Drexel University Col-
staphylococci and their biofilms. Without the biofilm, lege of Medicine.
these staphylococci would assume their role as “normal
flora” and would not have any pathologic effect. Even
with the biofilm, if the genetic component is absent, AD REFERENCES
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