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Stars Legacy

A Savage Worlds anthropomorphic campaign setting.

Written by Christopher Grant

This campaign setting was written in honor of these wonderful people...

Gordon Brent Chambers

Clara May Souza
Ada Grant
Christopher Hopper
Waldron Grant
Joseph Castillo

As well as to all of those space cowboys and stardust angels that have come before
us and traveled the stars... See you later, Space Cowboys.


Background Edges:
Space born- Prerequisites: Novice
You grew up on a space station and understand the inner-workings of the people of these spacefaring
communities. As a result you gain a +2 to Common Knowledge and Streetwise trait tests aboard Space

Frontier born- Prerequisites: Novice

You grew up on a wild planet near the edges of civilized space. During that time you developed skills
ranging in the wilds. You gain a +2 to Tracking trait tests and +2 to survival tests on backwater planets.

Space Trucker or The Transporter- Prerequisites: Novice

Ever since you could hold a job you have worked and lived on space transports participating in long
haul deliveries. Your experience in this arena grants you +2 to Piloting trait tests for transport ships, a
+2 bonus when trying to negotiate prices for salvaged goods. (this does not include Fighters or Capital

Military Cadet- Prerequisites: Novice

The character has trained extensively with weapons and can negate 2 points of penalties from Called
Shots and shots made at concealed opponents.

Street Rat- Prerequisite: Novice

You grew up alone or you were raised by a gang or organization, you were taught how to protect
yourself and how to find your destinations easier and quicker. You gain the Connections edge with a
single group of your choosing (A gang, mafia group, Feds, Cops or a secret society that is to be
discussed with by the GM.) as well as a +2 to your Streetwise tests when dealing with members of your
connections, or a rival group to your characters connections. You also gain the Enemy (Minor)
Hindrance based around whichever rival group your character dealt with while growing up.
Combat Edges:
Starfighter Ace- Prerequisite: Agility d8+, Pilot d8+
When you take command of a Starfighter, its clear to everyone – friend or foe – that you know what
you’re doing. On a successful hit add +2 to damage rolls. You also gain the Rocket Jock Edge, if you
do not already have it (Sci-Fi Companion, Page 12).




Stats: d6 in Smarts, free edge, Loyal (Minor)

Description: Canines are the major employee's of the Convent military and workforce. They are
normally seen working as either pilots, linguists, ground troops and mechanics. Though they also work
in other fields of expertise like medical, science and espionage. Most canine's are commonly found on
Sola, which was once called Earth. However, it is not odd to see one attempting to date member's of the
other species. They normally stick to other canines, though...


Stats: d6 in Agility, Low-Light Vision, Natural Weapon (Claws, str+1d6), Quirk (Fussy about being
clean, Minor)


Felines work as construction workers in the Convent military. They are mostly linguists, however, they
also work as ground support. As well as scouts. Felines that take up the mantle of construction workers
spend most of their time building settlements, space stations and various other useful buildings to help
out with the colonization projects that take place out in unknown space.


Stats: d6 in Spirit, Dodge, Outsiders (Minor)


Rodents are often looked down upon by society, be it rodents being framed for crimes that they did not
commit, or actually committing the crimes themselves. They aren't generally well liked. Most rodents
join up with the Convent's military at a young age and go through rigorous military training that pushes
them physically and mentally. Rodents are often put into the role of mechanics and lunchroom workers.


Stats: d6 in Strength, +2 Armor, Tail attack (str+1d6), Enviromental Weakness to cold.

Reptiles are often sent out in scouting parties alongside members of the Musteloidea family. They are
well trained normally due to their years in the academy. Reptiles are also known to be fierce
combatants, though they know when to retreat and to keep themselves hidden from those that wish to
do harm to them.


Stats: d6 in Vigor, Pick one of these choices; Semi-Aquatic, Burrowing, Infravision, Parry, Reach, or Toughness.


Musteloidea are comprised of MANY different family's of the subtypes. Considering that this is pretty
much a superfamily of them all... Musteloidea attend the Convent academy and learn the ways of
espionage and deceit... be it learning how to trick their opponent's in combat, or how to successfully
infiltrate a base to steal intel... the Musteloidea are the ones to call! The Musteloidea are also great to
have in scouting parties, alongside Reptiles, since they work together almost seamlessly and without

Milky Way Gazetteer:

Listen up, Cadet! the Milky Way Galaxy is a big and dangerous place, so you had better be prepared if
you plan on exploring and finding new worlds, races and adventures to sink your pretty little heart
into... then you will need a few tips of the trade before you get going on your way!

The first rule to exploring the Milky Way Galaxy is to always be properly prepared... make sure that
your vessel is properly stocked and fueled up. You have to be sure that you are prepared for anything
that could happen to your crew, and your ship.

The second rule is that if you encounter something that you absolutely can not defeat in combat... Run
away and ensure that your crew's lives are safe... This also goes for anybody that may have gone
AWOL and went into hiding... if you should encounter these AWOL individuals, then get to safety.

The third rule is to enjoy yourselves, most of all... You are all out and flying around the Galaxy,
exploring the Solar system around Sola, which was once known as Earth. Have fun and explore! Just
don't get into too much trouble, Cadet...


The Moon- The Moon was the first planet that we were able to colonize. In the year 2075, we managed
to get a atmosphere generator set up along with a small domed settlement that was mostly focused on
making life manageable up there. The atmosphere generator had been connected to a series of filtration
systems. However, shortly after building the colony on The Moon, all communications went silent and
the colonists... as well as the crew we sent there vanished almost overnight... upon sending a probe out
to investigate, we found the entire settlement in ruin and the atmosphere generator torn to shreds... as
well as the ships strangely enough in perfect condition.

Mars- Mars was the second planet that we were able to colonize successfully. The planet itself was
much more inhabitable then the Moon, however... The crew that was exploring the planet ran across
what appeared to be ruins on their second week there. The crew had stuck around just incase the
colonists needed some extra manpower or someone to assist in defending the colony. This particular
project happened in 3015, along with separate crews that went to Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Mercury- Mercury was colonized in the year 3019. The work was one of the toughest, mostly due to
the storms and such that occur on the surface of the planet... However, the colonies were successful in
the end is now home to thousands of citizens.

Venus- Venus was colonized in the year 3015. The Convent sent robots to the planet's surface to begin
mining minerals from the planet. Colonizing the planet was immensely successful, despite the storms
that roam across its surface from time to time. It is also home to some ancient looking ruins that appear
to have been there from before the Convent colonized it. There are currently over three-thousand
people living in the colonies on the planet's surface.

Jupiter- Jupiter was colonized in the year 3027. the planet quickly became a major shipyard for star-
ships as well as has a small gas mining outpost on it,The mining outpost was built as a rather large
space station that mines the gas using large vents that extend from the station, itself. There have been
attempts to explore the planets surface, though only to have the expedition's not report back and end up
going missing. There are currently six-hundred people populating the space-station.

Saturn- Saturn was colonized in the year 3039. the planet has since become a mining planet, much like
Jupiter. There are currently eight-hundred people populating the space-station. Whenever expeditions
would be sent out to explore the planets surface, the expedition party's always ended up losing contact
after departing and landing.

Uranus- Uranus was colonized in the year 3060. the planet has since become a planet where the
Convent military is trained and stationed for defensive purposes. The training facility on Uranus, is the
second military training facility that was made by the Convent. The first one is on Sola and is the main
training hub. There are currently Five-thousand people living in the colonies that are floating on the
planets ocean-like surface and in the space around Uranus. Further scans of the planet have revealed
buildings underneath the Methane and Ammonia waves that might possibly be from a previous

Neptune- Neptune was attempted to be colonized and successfully colonized in the year 4000. the
treacherous winds on the planet proved to be a real challenge for Convent forces. It took them about
two months to find a good spot to land and then another four to build the colonies. After a while, the
settlers on Neptune got a glimpse of something walking through the wild hurricanes at something that
was walking through it and up a mountain. Ever since, special combat units have been sent through the
hurricanes with special gear to keep them on the ground as well as from flying off and into the
atmosphere. They have been searching for the thing that the settlers saw and have been unsuccessful.
History about the Convent:

The Convent, how did it come to be, you may ask... Well, in the year 3250, the planetary leaders
got together for a summit that is annually held at the base of Sola's tallest mountain, Mt. Everest. Once
there, the planetary leaders spent many long, tiring and busy hours discussing what they would do to
ensure that the galaxy and to see that its civilians are safe. After a lot of discussion and a fair amount of
arguing, the representative of Mars took the floor.

He told the other planetary representative's after taking the floor that they should all gather as one
council, that the galaxy would be much easier to take care of if every single representative would be
willing to agree with joining the council, that there would not be difficulty's any longer to happen to the
planets. The room that the representative's were in had gone quiet aside from quiet mumbling between
one representative to another, when shortly after, the silence was broken. The representative from
Venus agreed with the representative from Mars. The two representative's soon brought the rest of the
representative's into an agreement, thus creating the government that came to be.

However, just because the Convent was a success. It doesn't mean that the galaxy and it's inhabitants
are free from crime and danger. Within the first couple hundred years, crime had been lowered
substantially, but... there was always going to be somebody out there to cause trouble... The council
decided in the year 3367 to open up their military academy on Sola, the planet that was originally
Earth. The military academy was given it's grand opening at the end of that very year.

Shortly after the Sola military academy opened, faculty was hired. Many military leaders from before
the Convent was founded were signed on as staff and teacher's to train and pave the way for the next
generation of soldier's and explorer's. The staff sat down to work, preparing their class agenda's as they
also made their classroom's presentable for the coming students. The courses that were planned were
simple, though they would take four years to fully get through. The military academy was built not just
to teach students, but to help them get used to not living with their family's as well helping them to
learn how to work together. The staff however, was not prepared for the food shortage from Mars, thus
causing a pretty big problem that was resolved by issuing military rations to the students for two years.

In the year 3372, the Convent decided to start paying the graduates from their military academy to go
out and explore uncharted planets in the galaxy. The Convent had considered the food shortage from
Mars before and supplied aid for the shortages. Extra ships that were full of crop seeds as well as extra
equipment for maintaining the crops. Expedition parties were also sent out on the planets surfaces to
see what they could find. Many expedition parties reported back to their outposts, informing those
within the outpost that they found some sort of ancient ruins... upon returning, the expedition parties
would be jumpy and incredibly paranoid.

After a year of reports from the expedition parties all over the galaxy where new ruins were found, the
Convent decided to send squads on the planets to investigate the ruins further... After the ruins on each
planet were explored, the squads reported in with new findings of ancient technology along with
serpent-like beings that were spotted in the ruins. Once the Convent heard the news about the ancient
technology and serpent-like race that lived within the ruins on each planet, they sent out negotiators to
the ruins, along with squads of six members each to protect each negotiator. Just in case things went
bad during the negotiations and they had to fight their way out and to safety.
The negotiations however, were not accepted by the serpent-like beings, and the squads and negotiators
were sent back to the nearest settlement and escorted by a small contingent of the races warriors... the
contingent of warriors only went so far as just beyond the edge of the ridges and hills of each
settlement before hurrying back to their home, nobody knows what exactly this ancient race is, but the
Convent has been trying to convince the races leaders to form an alliance with the Convent... so as to
protect the Galaxy better. The negotiators as well as the Convent, are still keeping an eye on the
serpent-like race... just in-case they can aid the serpent-like race if a situation arose...

Escape from Deltiri 2

A short story written by Christopher A. Grant

It was a humid day as the recon squad traveled along the plains. The engine of the hovercraft
hummed softly as it moved effortlessly over the rough terrain. The recon squad consisted of four
members. The first was a male canine was a border collie, he stood at around five-foot six-inches tall.
He was decently fit with brown fur and auburn eyes. The second member of the squad sat in the
passenger seat, he was a ferret who stood at four-foot four-inches tall. His black fur rested against his
slender and lithe body, his black eyes flicked back and fourth as he kept watch ahead of them. The third
member of the squad was a female tiger. She stood at five-foot eight-inches tall and had a athletic build.
Her fur was the color of copper and white, a unique mix that was the result of fur dye to make her stand
out from the rest of the tigers. She had green, piercing eyes that helped her with intimidating her
opponents. The final member of the squad was a komodo dragon. He stood at six-foot five-inches tall.
His gray scales matched his soft gray eyes, he looked to be somewhat fit.
They had been out all morning, sent out on patrol by their commander to deliver supplies to the
outpost. The border collie looked to the others as he piloted the hovercraft. He let out a soft sigh as he
spoke with a bored tone in his voice. “Another boring assignment where we deliver nothing but
supplies to the local outposts... man, why can't we ever get the simple jobs... this gets so boring!” the
ferret rolled his black eyes, letting out a grunt of annoyance as he spoke in an relaxed tone in response.
“Markus, this is the job that we were given. It is our duty to see it through until it is completed... it may
not be the most exciting job, but, it is a job none the less.” Markus gave a soft nod as the tiger female
stretched out as best as she could in the back seat. She was worn out from going to each outpost and
playing the part of a courier. They all were worn out from it. She let out a tired yawn as she spoke in a
exhausted tone as she looked to the others one at a time. “Well, the way that I see it, is that it shows and
proves our usefulness. As well as our worth to the Convent.” she looked to the ferret and gave him a bit
of a smirk as she spoke to him. “So, Johnathan, you came from an military family... right? What was it
like to grow up and move from place to place? To move from planet to planet, until you entered the
academy back on Sola? It must have been quite the adventure.”

Johnathan gave her a soft nod as he chuckled a bit. “Well, Andrea, I suppose that you could say it was
an adventure, in and of itself-” “Hey, guess what... nobody cares!” the komodo dragon interrupted
Johnathan, who gave him a glower as he responded. “Oh, shut up, Tykus... just because you woke up
on the wrong side of the cot... it doesn't mean that you can take it out on everyone else.”

Tykus rolled his eyes as he grinned to Johnathan. He had been messing with the ferret all day. He was a
good guy deep down, he just didn't like to let it show. Markus let out an annoyed snarl as he spoke up.
“Let's get this supplies to the other outposts and go back to the barracks... I am done with playing
delivery boy for the commander and being killed by heat.”

The rest of the squad nodded in agreement and focused on their task that was currently at hand. The
rest of the deliveries took them four hours to complete. After a couple of hours went by, they had
arrived at the parking garage and parked the hovercraft inside, walking towards the nearby diner. That
was when all four of them looked up and saw strange spaceships come out of hyperspace. There were
five of them... three of the spaceships appeared to be fighter craft, the other two spaceships appeared to
be cruisers. The spaceships looked strange, the people of Deltiri 2 took note of the design and exterior
of the vessels. They looked like they were constructed out of a odd mix between metal and some sort of
webbing that gleamed and shined in the glow of the planets sun. the civilians and the squad looked up
at the starships in awe. Then, they all saw the cruisers fire something off of their undersides. Markus,
Johnathan, Tykus and Andrea didn't realize what would soon happen... nor did the civilians... suddenly,
the streets shook and shivered as there was a sudden impact as pieces of asphalt and gravel was sent
into the air. Dust clouded everybody's vision as it was all sent up. Women and children screamed in
surprise as the dust settled after several moments. As the dust, gravel and asphalt settled. Everybody
saw strange looking drop pods where large impact holes had been made in the roads. The drop pods
opened with a loud hiss and out from it walked two large beings that were covered in thick chitin that
looked like some sort of armor. They were large, moving on eith long, spindly black legs. A large body
that looked like that of a spiders rested on top of the legs, which in turn, carried a upper torso. Their
heads were sleek and slender, as well as round with ten brown eyes...

the strange spider-looking creatures were all female. One of them drew a laser sword from her side as a
male fox stared at her. Then, in a flash of what felt like mere moments, he was charged and run
through... the creature smirked wickedly as she rended and cleaved the male into two with a mighty
upward slice of her laser sword. A nearby wolf female screamed at the sight and turned to run, only to
end up entangled and encased inside of a webbed cocoon... the show of force caused people to panic,
scream and then, to flee. Markus, Andrea, Johnathan and Tykus looked to one another as they read one-
another. They knew that they had to get off the planet somehow... and Markus knew just how to do it.

As the squad thought and planned among themselves, one of the spider-like beings proudly stepped
forward. Her eyes were a soft violet color, betraying her imposing and tough exterior. She let out a
mighty and tough sounding laugh, speaking with a cruel tone in her voice. “Subjects of Deltiri two, we
have arrived here to welcome all of you into the Arachnoid Empire... where you all shall either work in
our mines and as breeding stock. Or, you will become our food and die!” The squad began to try and
sneak away. Andrea, however, ended up kicking a nearby metal pole. Her fur stood on end as she
yowled out in pain, her friends stiffened up as they heard one of the Arachnoids begin to approach

As the Arachnoid soldiers began to move in on them, Markus took a deep breath as he yelled out. “
Let's get the fuck out of here!” he then grabbed Andrea's hand and ran with her and the rest of his
companions. The Arachnoid soldiers and their leader chased after them, capturing innocent bystanders
along the way. Markus spoke to the others as they ran, letting go of Andrea's hand as she followed
them. “We have to get to the landing pad, my shuttle is there and big enough for all of us to rest in as
well as to catch our breath. These things are horrible!”Andrea gave a soft nod as she spoke in return.
“Indeed, the Convent must be warned and made aware of this new threat!”

Markus, Tykus and Johnathan gave Andrea a nod as they hurried towards the landing pad. They ran for
a good forty minutes as they fled the Arachnoid threat, racing around corners and over barriers. They
soon arrived at the landing pad, it was jam packed with people trying to get to their star-ships that were
on the pads. Andrea, Markus, Tykus and Johnathan began to make their way towards their landing pad.
It was tough on them as they pushed and shoved their way forward... none of them liked to push or
shove people, let alone toss them to the ground. But, this time, they didn't have any other choice as they
made their way towards their landing pad steadily. They had made their way halfway to their landing
pad when the front doors to the docking facility got blown off of it's hinges, the Arachnoids that were
chasing them had finally caught up to them.

As the Arachnoids blasted the door off of it's hinges, they let out an angered roar as the squad pushed
their way through all of the civilians. People were pulled back and bound into cocoon's as more and
more drop-pods that were full of Arachnoids struck the planet. As Andrea and the others got though the
door to their landing pad, she shut the door behind them and typed in a series of numbers quickly. The
doors slammed shut and let out an electrical hiss from the keypad, the screen turned red to indicate a
lockout. She knew that she had bought them sometime to make it onto the star-ship. As she and the
others looked to the shuttle. It was a light shuttle that appeared to have been modified with extra
passenger capacity as well as a small gun that was mounted underneath the cockpit at the front. They
all ran up the boarding ramp and turned to shut it, pressing the button as they saw the carnage and
horror of the civilians being either caught and bound in cocoons of webbing and others being cleaved
in half by the spider-like beings. The boarding ramp shut after a few seconds as Markus ran to the
cockpit and the rest of them followed him, taking seats behind him as the German Shepard flipped
some switches above his head.

The engines revved up loudly as the shuttle lifted up off of the ground, Markus gritted his teeth as he
took off towards the distant moon. As the shuttle lifted off, one of the Arachnoids managed to smash
her way through the door that was locked out by Andrea, only to let out a yell of anger and rage upon
her prey escaping her. Moments felt like hours to Andrea, Markus, Tykus and Johnathan as they
eventually reached the moon after breaking the planets atmosphere. Markus began to punch in co-
ordinates for the Convent's space station that orbited Sola, the planet that was once known as Earth.
They all were worried, but they knew that they could inform the Convent about the Arachnoids
invading Deltiri 2 and try to make a difference. They all sat there in silence as Markus finished
inputting in the co-ordinates and took hold of a lever, he pulled it down to the floor as everything
seemed to blur and fade into white. They had managed to escape and tell the tale, and went into
hyperspace to get to their next destination...

Two weeks had passed as the group walked out of the council chamber, they had met an hour prior so
that they could get what they saw and heard back on Deltiri two in order as well as to submit it to the
council and warn them. The group was exhausted from the recent events, they had begun to walk down
the hallways on the space-station towards their rooms that they had been granted shortly after leaving
hyperspace and docking in one of the hangers. They reached their rooms and walked inside, the rooms
were spacious and well furnished, giving off a warm and welcoming feeling to them as they entered. As
they spent the rest of the day relaxing, they took the phones next to their beds and dialed their
numbers... all of them ended up getting connected to a group line as they talked about what they would
do next, where they would go... what their fates would be... However, none of them realized that they
would end up as a mercenary group...

Their story complete, for now, the recon squad that was stationed on Deltiri two had gone their separate
ways to recover from what they had encountered. Each of them returned home to their family's and
made up for lost time that they hadn't been able to make before... though they knew that they would
meet again one day, under the flag of a mercenary group.

The End.


This faction list, represents the current few factions that lay within the Milky Way Galaxy. Prior to the
Arachnoid invasion and takeover of the planet Deltiri 2.

The Convent: The Convent is the government of the Milky Way Galaxy, the head of the council is
currently an Wolf male named Jay Parker. The Convent puts the safety and well-being of the people
ahead of anything else, hence is why the council has begun seeking out new planets to attempt
colonization efforts on. The Convent believes that safety is a number one priority, and that its citizens
happiness should come before all else.

the Free Earth Syndicate: The Free Earth Syndicate (FES for short), was created on the planet Sola by
many people that did not appreciate The Convent and how the council went about attempting to
colonize planets. The Free Earth Syndicate is lead by a Rat male named Mitch Mothua. The Free Earth
Syndicate is an more anarchistic movement that started off simple enough. A few attacks happened on
Sola after five months of the name being changed to it, from Earth. The attacks consisted mostly of
individuals who had on armor and a few slug weapons. The Convent was able to stop the attacks,
however, as the years grew on and on, the faction changed hands from leader to leader... attack after
attack continued to happen, springing up on each new planet as the colonies would be settled and after
a while, the FES would begin their anarchistic rise.

The Shelyin: The Shelyin is a serpent-like race, in all recorded history of the galaxy, it is believed that
they have been around since the dawn of time. Though, nobody knows for sure just how long the race
has been around... they call themselves the Shelyin and think differently about Psionics than what we
do... The Shelyin believe that the Psionic abilities are unlocked during a test of mental endurance, one
that involves meditating in a chamber that has to be sealed from the inside. If the initiates manage to
survive the intense test without being physically disturbed, they return from the test with the ability to
use their mental powers in combat and for everyday use. So far, we have been able to meet up with the
leader on Mars for a meeting recently to try and convince them once more to ally with the Convent.
The tribe leader on Mars, whom we assume to be the actual leader of the species, told us to simply call
him “Sarketh”... What I don't get is, how can Sarketh and his people survive this long while avoiding
all other contact...

Monsters and NPC's-

Arachnoid Soldier (Minor Minion/ suggested rank: Seasoned)

Agility d8, Smarts d6, Strength d8, Spirit d4, Vigor d4

Charisma 0, Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 4

Skills: Piloting d8, Fighting d8, Repair d10, Shooting d6, Survival d4, Notice d4

Hindrances: Arrogant,Blind, Mean

Edges: Florentine, Command

Arachnoid Queen (Major Minion/ Suggested rank: Veteran)

Agility d8, Smarts d6, Strength d4, Spirit d8, Vigor d4

Skills: Arcane (Psionics) d10, Intimidation d8, Tracking d6, Taunt d6, Persuasion d6

Hindrances: Overconfident, Mean, Phobia (Water/Minor)

Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Command

Free Earth Syndicate Soldiers (Minor Minion/ Suggested rank: Any)

Species: (Any, the species however is usually Feline (Panther) )

Agility d6, Smarts d6, Strength d6, Spirit d4, Vigor d8

Skills: Shooting d8, Tracking d8, Streetwise d8, Fighting d10, Stealth d10, Notice d8, Piloting d6

Hindrances: Curious, Doubting Thomas

Edges: Berserk, Linguist

Shelyin Warriors (Minor Minion/ Suggested rank: Any)

Species: Reptile (Legless, serpent-like with their lower half of their bodies.)

Agility d6, Smarts d4, Strength d6, Spirit d6, Vigor d4

Skills: (Arcane) Psionics d10, Climbing d8, Notice d10, Persuasion d8

Hindrances: All Thumbs, Pacifist

Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Power Points

Convent Soldiers (Minor Minion/ Suggested rank: Any.)

Species: Any (Choose a species, They normally are Canines [German Shepards])

Agility d6, Smarts d8, Strength d10, Spirit d4, Vigor d6

Skills: Shooting d10, Fighting d8, Piloting d6, Notice d8, Streetwise d8, Throwing d6, Stealth d6,
Climbing d6

Hindrances: Enemy (The Free Earth Syndicate, Major), Heroic

Edges: Danger Sense, Hardy

Materials that inspired this campaign setting...

Video Games:
Starfox Series: (SNES, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo's DS and 3DS, Nintendo Switch)
Mass Effect Series
Dead Space Series
Sid Myers Civilization
Sid Myers Pirates
Ages of Mythology Series
Wing Commander Series
Metal Gear Solid Series
Splinter Cell Series

Movies and TV:

Star Wars Original Trilogy and Star Wars Rebels
Starship Troopers Series
The Chronicles of Riddick Series
Gundam Series
Jojos bizarre Adventure
The Last Starfighter

Tabletop Games:
Cyberpunk 2020
Cyberpunk 3rd Edition
Star Wars RPGs
Warhammer 40K: Dark Heresy 2nd Edition
Aliens Unlimited
TMNT & Other Strangeness

And last, but not least...

A big thank you, to the Pinnacle Entertainment Group...

Thank you, for making Savage Worlds!

And also, a big... BIG thank you, to the Myth-Weavers Discord server...

I also would like to say, Thank you, to my friends for being there to help me bounce around ideas. My
creative consultant, Zack Brown, for urging me to press onward with this project. And my amazing
buddy, Julio Martell, who kept pushing me to test my limits...

I could not have asked for such amazing friends like all of you!

Special thanks to two of my best friends, Vesper, and Rahhk, for helping me to flesh out the Arachnoid
species, itself.

And also, a very special thank you... to my Girlfriend, Courtney Renee Conter. I could not have done
this without your support and love.

The galaxy awaits... journey onward, to your legacies!

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