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Design meth

smoke and h

H P Morgan
B K Ghosh
G Garrad
R Pamlitschka
J-C De Smedt ST. J8
L R Schoonbaert

Photo acknowledgomsnts
Wontcoe — conq it
Brussels International Airport
Company (MAC)

Rae con.' at
Colt Plates 1, 35
and 6
Cooper Qoip: Plate 4
F$ET: Plates2, Ji, .12, .13 and .14

Design methodologies
for smoke and heat
exhaust ventilation

H P Morgan BSc, PhD, C Phys, M InstP, F I FireE

B K Ghosh MSc, BA, C Phys, M InstP, Dip Math

G Garrad BSc, MSc

Dipi Ing R Pamlitschka(Colonel)

J-CDeSmedt AlFireE

Ing L R Schoonbaert DipI CFPA, Al FireE

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ISBN 1 860812899

©CopyrightBRE 1999


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Hot-smoketest atBrussels

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Useby fire engineers ofsmoke and heat exhaust ventilationsystems (SHEVSasthey havebecome
known) has grown in recentyears.It istherefore welcomethatthis guide has beenproduced
whichprovidesthe fireengineer with assessmentdesignmethodologiesfor theuse ofthese
systems. SHEVSrequire the most carefuldesign prior to introduction. It is importanthowever to
ensure, aswith all fire-engineeringdesigns,that due regard is taken overissuessuchasescape time
andfire growth since thesefeatures provide thebase uponwhich the designparameters canbe
It is also important that dueregard be ultimatelymade regardingthe maintenance ofany
systemsinstalledand current guidance,primarilywithin the BritishStandardsInstitution's DI)240
Firesafetyengineeringzi buildings.DD240 hasintroduced the overalldesign processwhichthefire
engineer should consider.DD240 also makes it clear that caution is necessaryandthatall options
haveto be consideredbefore entering intoa particulardesign process.SHEVSis oneofthose
options and thisbooktherefore provides comprehensiveidentificationofthe issueswhichneed
consideration.Itis particularlyimportant to payattention,as the document outlines,to the
restrictionsofcomputer softwaremodelling programs, as it is alsofor the fire engineer to
recognizethereare limitationsastowhat any systems (and that includes SHEYS) can achieve.
Withthesethoughts in mind, thisbookprovides amost usefuland comprehensivereview of
current thinkingregarding SHEVSdesignmethodologiesforutilization bythe fire engineer.


HM ChiefInspector ofFire Servicesfor Scotland
iJune 1999


Thisguidesummarizes the adviceavailablefrom theFireResearch Station,to designers ofSmoke

and HeatExhaust VentilationSystems (SHEVS)for atria andotherbuildings.Itbuilds upon
currently availablepublishedadvice (especiallyBRE Report Design approachesforsmokecontrolin
atriumbuildings[13],butalsoBRE Report Desinprinciblesforsmokeventilation thenclosedshopping
cenfres24l), byincluding moreguidance ontheuseofthe methods given, and by includingthe
results ofresearch carried out since the publicationofref. [13] in 1994. Inparticular,the use ofa
design firesizeis considered inmore detail, including:
•• adiscussionofgrowingfires,
formulaeand calculation methods todetermine the deflection ofsmoke curtainsinfire
situationsso thatthespecificationofsmoke curtainscan become part ofthe SHEVS design,
• the effectsdue to airflowon theefficiencyofnatural smoke exhaust ventilators and on the

This guide does not consider the scenario whereafire in a room connecting to an atriumcausesa
flame plume to rise intotheatrium. Inthis context, anylarge space adjoiningthe fireroommay be
considered to be an atrium, egmalls in shopping complexes.
A discussionis included ofthe factorswhichneedto beconsidered whenspecifyingthe
hardware (ventilators,smoke curtains,etc.)required to implementthe design in abuilding.
Some adviceis alsoincluded on:
•• factorstobeconsidered ininstallingthe system inbuildings,
howtotest thefinctioning ofthe equipment separately and as a complete system onceit has
beeninstalled, and
• 'goodpractice' measuresinvolvingthemanagement andmaintenance ofthe system whenthe
buildingis in everyday use.

Thepurpose ofthisbooktherefore isto provide practical guidanceon the design ofsmoke-control

systems.It reflectscurrentknowledge andis basedonthe resultsofresearchwhereavailable,
including asyet unpublished resultsofexperiments. In addition,itdraws on the authors'
cumulativeexperience ofdesignfeaturesrequired forregulatory purposes inmanyindividual
smoke-control applications.Manyofthese designfeatures have evolvedover several years by
consensusbetweenregulatory authorities,developers andfire scientists,ratherthan byspecific
Themethodology underpinning the bookis explicitlyempirical in approachand caneasilybe
extended to most buildings.Whereguidanceis necessaryto address practicaldesign issuesbut
there aregaps inthe establishedknowledge-base,theauthors haveexercised theirprofessional
judgement in offeringconservative,pragmaticadvice.When guidanceis offeredinthese
circumstancesanypotential weaknessesare madeexplicit.Related to this is the continuance ofthe
philosophy usedin the book's predecessor BRE Reports'3'241that evenwherea document is
difficult to obtain, or even verbal private communicationis the source ofadvice,it is listed as a


June 1999

About the authors

Howard P Morgan
Principal Consultant, Fire ProtectionSystemsCentre,
Fire Research Station (FRS), BRE
Head, FRS(Asia)Centre
Technical Director, FRSAFSET(Asia) Ltd, Hong Kong

Fire Research Station, BRE, Bucknalls Lane, Garston,

Watford, WD27JR, UK


Senior Fire Consultant, Fire Research Station (FRS),

Fire Research Station, BRE, Bucknalls Lane, Garston,

Watford, WD27JR, UK


Gordon Garrad
FireScientist,Fire Research Station (FRS), BRE

Fire Research Station,BRE, Bucknalls Lane, Garston,

Watford, WD27JR, UK

vi Aboutthe authors

ColonelR Pamlitschka
Head ofFirePrevention Department, Professional Fire
Service, Vienna, Austria
Head of Smoke-Control Department, Prüfstelle für
Brandschutztechnik des Osterreichischen
Bundesfeuerwehrverbandes, Austria

CO Ma. 68, Hauptfeuerwache Mariahilf,

Gumpendorfer Gurtel 2, A-1060Wien, Austria

Jean-Claude De Smedt
Managing Director/PrincipalConsultant,International
Fire Safety Engineering Technology (IFSET),Belgium
Managing Director, FRS/IFSET(Asia) Ltd, HongKong

NVIFSET SA, Stationsstraat35, B-i730ASSE,


Email: jcds@ifsetcom

Lieven R Schoonbaert
SeniorConsultant, International Fire SafetyEngineering
Technology OFSET), Belgium
Director, FRSAFSET(Asia) Ltd, Hong Kong

NV IFSET SA, Stationsstraat35, B-1730ASSE,




Foreword iii
Preface iv
Abouttheauthors v
Contents vii
Abbreviations xii
Nomenclature Xiii

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Thehazardsofsmoke 1

1.2 The regulatorybackground 1

1.3 The role of smoke and heat exhaustventilation 2

1.4 Smoke and heat exhaustventilation as a part offire safety engineering 2
1.5 A brief history of smoke ventilation 4
1.6 The atrium:descriptionand behaviour in fire 5
1.7 Active control of the fire 6
1.8 Implementation of a smoke and heat exhaustsystem in a building 7
1 .9 The purposeof this book and its relationship to earlierguidance 8
Chapter 2 General principles of smoke production, 10
movementand control
2.1 Fire growth and smokeproduction 10
2.2 Pressurization and depressurization 12
2.3 Throughtiow ventilation (or smoke exhaustventilation) 12
2.4 Smoke and heat exhaustdesign philosophies 13
Chapter 3 Design-firesize 14
3.1 General 14
3.2 Growingdesignfires 15
3.3 Steady-state designfires 16
3.4 Acceptablefailure rates 19
Chapter 4 Escape times 20
Chapter 5 Smoke control on the storey of fire origin 22
5.1 Within the fire room 22
5.1.1 Plumes above large fires 22
5.1.2 Plume above smallfires 24
viii Contents

5.1.3 Effects of adjacent walls on entrainment into the plume 25

5.1.4 Effects of sprinkler 25
5.2 The flow of hot gases out ofthe room of origin into 25
a taller adjacent space(eg an atrium or mall)
5.3 Ventilation of single-storey smoke reservoirs 27
(including the balconyspacewheresmoke is contained
and exhausted from beneath a balcony)
5.4 Smoke layertemperature 28
5.5 Effects of sprinkler systems in smoke reservoirs 30
5.6 Flowing layerdepth 30
5.7 Localdeepening 31
5.8 Automatic smoke curtains 31
5.9 Inletair 32
5.10 Minimum numberof exhaustpoints 34
5.11 Throughflowventilation:area of naturalventilation required 35
5.12 Naturalventilatorsand wind effects 35
5.13 Required ventilationrate (powered exhaust) 37
5.14 Slit extract 37
5.15 False ceilings 37
5.16 The use ofa plenum chamberabove a false ceiling 38
5.17 Maximum dimensionsfor smoke reservoirs 38
Chapter 6 Smokeventilation within multistorey spaces (egthe atrium) 39
6.1 Smokemovementintheatrium 39
6.2 Channelling screens 40
6.3 Entrainment into 'spill plumes'risingthroughthe atrium 42
6.3.1 The effective height of rise fromthe spill edge 42
to the smoke layer base
6.3.2 Entrainment calculationmethods 44
6.3.3 Recommendations for selecting a spill plume formula 49
6.4 High temperatureplume 49
6.5 Firesontheatriumfloor 50
6.6 Throughflowventilation: remaining design procedures 50
6.7 Limitationsto the use of throughflowventilation 50
Chapter 7 Alternative forms of smoke control for atria 53
(including multistorey malls but excluding throughflow ventilation)
7.1 Voidfihling 53
7.2 Compartmentseparation 53
7.3 Depressurization ventilation 53
7.3.1 Principles 53
7.3.2 Naturaldepressurization 54
7.3.3 Naturaldepressurizationand wind effects 57
7.3.4 Powereddepressurization 58
Chapter 8 Depressurization/smoke ventilation hybrid designs 59
Chapter 9 Atrium smoke layer temperature 61
Chapter 10 Additional design factors 64
10.1 Atrium roof-mounted sprinklersystems 64
10.2 Controlled fire load on the atrium base 64
Contents ix

10.3 Air-conditioned atria 64

10.4 Channelling screensand hybrid systems 65
10.5 Wind-sensing devices 65
10.6 Crossdraughtwithin the atrium 65
10.7 Crossflowwithinthe gas layer 65
10.8 Wind effects on horizontalventilators 66
Chapter 11 Interactions with othersystemsin the building 67
11.1 Sprinklers 67
11.1.1 Automaticsprinklers 67
11.1.2 Automaticsmoke exhaustventilation 67
11.1.3 Sprinklerscombinedwith smokeventilation 67
11.2 Fire-detection systems 69
11.3 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)/ 69
Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV)
11 .4 Pressurization of stairwellsand lobbies 70
11.5 Lightingand signage 70
11.6 Public addressand voice alarm systems 70
11.7 Security 70
11.8 Computerizedbuilding control systems 71

Chapter 12 SHEVS andthe fire services 72

12.1 General 72
12.2 Design objectivesfor SHEVS and implications for the design-fire 72
as a basisfor design
12.2.1 Fundamental fire-fighting objectives 72
12.2.2 Design objectivesfor SHEVS in connection 73
with fire-fighting objectives
12.3 Circumstances which reduceor impede the ability of a SHEVS 76
to assist fire-fighting operations
12.3.1 Factors adverselyaffecting successfulintervention 77
by the fire services
12.3.2 Additional provisions for optimizingthe effectiveuse 77
of a smoke-free layer created by a SHEVS
for fire-fighting operations
12.4 Circumstanceswhere a SHEVS is of minor benefit 77
for fire-fightingoperations
12.5 Circumstanceswhere SHEVS are not applicable 78
12.5.1 Premises with risk of fast-growing fires 78
12.5.2 Premiseswhich must not be enteredin case of fire 78
because of other prevailing hazards
13 Selection of equipment 79
13.1 General 79
13.2 Natural smoke and heat exhaustventilators 80
13.2.1 Time taken to come into full operation 80
13.2.2 Coefficientof performance 80
13.2.3 Resistancetoheat 81
13.2.4 Opening under load: snow 81
13.2.5 Opening under load: side-wind 81
x__________ Contents _________________________ ______________________________

13.2.6 Lowambienttemperature 82
13.2.7 Reliability 82
13.2.8 Abilityto resist windsuction 82
13.2.9 Abilityto resist rain penetration 82
13.3 Powered smoke and heat exhaustventilators 82
13.3.1 Timeto come into full operation 82
13.3.2 Resistancetoheat 83
13.3.3 Opening under load: snow 83
13.3.4 Opening under load: wind 83
13.3.5 Lowambienttemperature 83
13.3.6 Reliability 83
13.4 Automatic smoke curtains 83
13.4.1 Timeto deployto the fire-operational position 83
13.4.2 Speedoffallofbottombar 83
13.4.3 Resistance to hightemperature 83
13.4.4 Reliability 84
13.4.5 Fail-safe 84
13.5 Air inletsand doors 84
13.6 Smoke dampers 84
13.7 Smoke ducts 84

Chapter 14 Installation 86
Chapter 15 Acceptance testing (commissioning) 89
15.1 General 89
15.2 Testing and commissioning 89
15.3 Hot-smoketests 91
Chapter 16 Maintenance,management and re-testing 92
Chapter 17 Some common mistakes in the design of smoke ventilation systems 94
17.1 Mis-location ofthe point source of a 'point-source' smoke plume 94
17.2 Inadequate specificationof smoke curtains 94
17.3 Installation does not follow design 94
17.4 Mis-use of computer models 94
1 7.5 Mistaken perceptionsof conflict between 95
active and passive fire precautions
Chapter 18 Smoke ventilation design and enforcement of regulations 96
Chapter 19 Acknowledgements 97
Chapter 20 References 98
Annex A: Design procedure with a growing design fire 101
Annex B: Design procedure with a steady-state design fire 103
Annex C: Deflection of smoke curtains 106
Annex D: A comparison of differentspill-plume calculation methods 109
Annex E: User's guide to BREspill-plume calculations 112
AnnexF: 1977fire at IMF building, WashingtonDC (basedon reference [18]) 117
AnnexG: Design procedure for hybrid systems 119
________________ Contents ______________________________ ________ xi

Annex H: Effect of a buoyant layer on the minimum pressure 120

recommendedfor a pressure differentialsystem
Annex I: Aspects of hot-smoketests to confirmthe performance of SHEVS 121
Annex J: Casehistory — smoke-control design in 'D3 Espace Leopold 123
Bui!ding', European Parliament, Brussels


ACMV Airconditioning and mechanicalventilation

BRE Building ResearchEstablishmentLimited
BS British Standard
BSI British Standards Institution
CEA Comité Européen des Assurances
CEN Comité Européende Normalisation
CFD Computational fluid dynamics
Eqn Equation
FRG Fire-resistingglazing
FRS FireResearchStation
HST Hot-smoketest
HVAC Heating,ventilationand airconditioning
IFSET InternationalFire Safety EngineeringTechnology
NIST National Institutefor Standardsand Technology(USA)
NPP Neutralpressure plane
RTI Responsetimeindex
SHEVS Smokeand heat exhaust ventilationsystem


Note: An additionalNomenclaturelistcan befound in Annex E

A Functiondefined by Eqn(7.3)
Af Area ofthe fire(m2)
Ag Area ofthe gaps between smoke curtains, orbetween curtain and structure (m2)
A Area of inlet (measured)(m2)
Ares Plan areaofsmoke reservoir (m2)

A5 Area of exhaustventilator (measured)(m2)

A Areaof opening (window),eg betweenaside-room and an atrium (m2)
c Specific heat ofair(kJkg1K1)
C Aconstant (kgms1kW')
Cd Coefficientof discharge foravertical opening
Cdfor flows out of anopening where abalcony or canopyprojects beyond
the opening
CdS Cd forflows ata spill edge.
Ce Entrainmentcoefficient in Large-fireplume model'
C Coefficientofdischarge lie theperformance coefficient) foran inlet
C Dimensionlessentrainment coefficient, found experimentallytobe0.44 for a free plume,
and 021 for an adhered plume
C5 Aconstant inZukoski's small-fireplume modef43
C5 Wind pressurecoefficient
Wind pressurecoefficient acting on aninlet
Wind pressurecoefficient acting onthe leewardsideof building
Wind pressurecoefficient acting on anexhaustventilator
C5 Coefficient ofdischarge (ietheperformance coefficient) for anexhaustventilator
d Horizontaldeflection ofasmoke curtain, measured atits bottom bar(m)
d1 Visible depth of smoke layer inthe smoke reservoir (m)
d0 Depthofan opening between anatrium and a side-room,
measuredfromtop to bottom ofthatopening (m)
d2 Effective depth ofsmoke layer — only used as part ofspillplume entrainmentcalculation(m)
D Depth ofsmoke beneathan exhaustpoint(m)
DB Depth ofa smoke layer under a balcony (m)
Dd Depth ofa downstandfascia (m)
Df Diameter offire (m)
D1 Designdepth ofa smoke layer in a reservoir (m)
D Depth ofaflowing smoke layer ina vertical opening (m)
Dmax Maximumdepth ofsmoke inan atrium (m)
(Note:Thiscan either be tothefloor,orthe maximumallowable in a
hybrid SHEVS/depressurizationdesign)
Dmn Minimumallowable smoke layer depth in a hybrid SHEVS/depressurizationdesign (m)
g Accelerationdue togravity (ms2)
h Height ofthetop ofa vertical opening/window abovethe base ofthefire insidethe room (m)
hb Height ofrise ofa thermal line plumefroman opening or balcony edgetothe smoke layer (m)
h5 Height ofrise ofleakage gases fromthe base ofthehot gaslayer in the smoke reservoir to theceiling
inthe adjacent protected area (m)
H Height ofavertical opening (m)
H5 Height ofthe atrium (m)
H Height tothe ceiling (m)
L Channellingscreen separation; also length ofaspilledge(m)
(Note: L = W foraspill plume rising directly abovean opening)
xiv Nomenclature
L Length of the smoke curtainfromtop to bottom bar, measured along the fabric (ml
M Massflow rate (kgs')
Massper metre length ofthe curtain's bottombar (kgm1)
Mr Massperm2 ofthe curtainfabric(kgm2)
M0RIL Critical exhaustrate atan exhaustpoint priorto the onset of plugholing )kgs
M Massflow rate of smoky gases exhaustedfromthesmoke reservoir (kg 1)
(Note: UsuallyMe = M)
M1 Massflow rate rithe plumeabovethe fire (kgs 1
Massof gas flowingthrough the gap between smoke curtains, or betweencurtain and structure Ikgs)
MB Massflow rate under a balcony (kgs I)
Mass flow rate entering a smoke layer in a reservoir (kgs1)
M Mass ofgasflowing into gaslayer in protected area, having leaked through gaps in smoke curtains (kgs 1)
M Mass flow rate flowing through averticalopening (kgs1)
n An integer used to identify one stage in an iterative process
N Number of exhaustpoints
P Perimeter offire(m)
q Heat release rate 1kW)
q Heat release rate per unit fire area (kWm2)
Q Heat flux 1kW)
Q, Convective heat flux in the gases after the initial flame plume )kW)
Q Convectiveheatflux passing through avertical opening (or under a balcony)(kW)
Afunction defined by Eqn(H.11
I time after ignition Is)
T Absolutetemperature of gases (K)
T3 Massweighted average absolutetemperature ofgaslayer under a balcony (K)
T Maximumvalue ofabsolutetemperature in a layer beneatha ceiling or soffit(K)
T Mass-weightedaverage absolutetemperature of gas layer in areservoir (K)
T0 Absoluteambient temperature (K)
v, Wind velocity at the same heightas thetop ofthe building (m s1)
V Volumetricflow rateof gases (m )s
V1 Volumetricflow rateof gases exhaustedfroma reservoir (m3si)
W Width ofverticalopening (ml
W Width of balcony(distance fromvertical openingto front edge ofbalcony)(ml
W Characteristicwidth oftheventilator/exhaust point (m)
X Heightfromthe base ofthe smoke layer to the NPP(m)
Effective heightof rise ofaspill plume (m)
y Height abovethe top ofthefuelto thesmoke layer immediately above (ml
Y1 Height ofthevirtual origin ofthe plumemeasured abovethetop ofthe burning fuel Im)
(Note Thisusuallytakes a negativevalue)
Ypi Height abovethe NPP in a smoke layer (m)
Y Height fromthe base ofthe fireto the smoke layer immediately above (m)
Y Height abovethe base ofthefire tothe virtual originofthe smoke plume(ml
(Note:This usuallytakes a negative value)
i Coefficientin critica exhaustrate eqn (kgm3)
y A constant definingthe steepness of atime-squaredfire growth curve (kWs21
fiM Entrainmentrate into both free ends of a spill plume(kgs')
Empiricalheight ofvirtual source below a spill edge (m(
ADB Additional smoke depth due tolocal deepening(m)
Ap Buoyantpressure rise aboveambient at a heightYNpP abovethe NPPlPa)
o Temperaturerise aboveambient of smoky gases (°C(
°3 Thmperaturerise aboveambient of smoky gases under a balcony(DC)
0 Temperaturerise aboveambient of smoky gases in areservoir 1°C)
o Temperaturerise aboveambient of smoky gases in a vertical opening (°C)
p Densityof gases lkgmi)
p0 Densityi:f ambient air (kgm1l

1 Introduction

1.1 The hazards of smoke Smoke ispotentially lethal, Itis a wellestablishedfact

that in the UK most deaths from tires aredue to smoke
Inthe context offire theterm smokeisusedto describe inhalation ratherthan tothe victimhaving been burned.
liquidand/or solid particulatesproduced by combustion However, the majorityofthese deaths occur in dwellings.
offuel materials,suspended in a mixtureofair and Deaths from fires in other premises are relatively
gaseousproducts ofcombustion, including steam. It is infrequent.This impliesthat the Iifesafety measures
thus convenientto use the word smoke' to includeboth required by legislationformost public and commercial
theparticulate and thegaseousproducts, including any buildingshavebeen effectiveon the whole,
air which is entrained intothe fireplume and into
subsequent smokeflows, 1.2 The regulatory background
Thegaseouscombustion Products usually include
toxic gases, the most common in buildingfires being Eachcountry in the world has its OWfl approach to the
carbon monoxide,although hydrogen cyanide and other creation and enforcement of regulationscovering the
toxic gasesmight he presentto some extent; irritants such topicofsafety in fire. Eachhas its own history bywhich it
as Acrolein;and relatively harmlessproducts such as developed thatapproach. In this section we focuson the
water and carbon dioxide,Smoke pai-ticles themselves UK, inview of'its earlyand continuing development of irritants,and can be particularlydangerous to fire regulations.
people Who are subjectto asthma or other respiratory FiresaiCty in buildingsmust, inthe UK, conform to the
problems.'['he reduction in oxygendue to combustion relevant regulations (eg guidancefor England and Wales
can itselfbe dangerous in sonic situations,and can result is given in Approved 1)ocument B1l). The principal
inthe suffocationofvictmstrapped in smoke. Theheat objectiveofthese regulationsis to safeguardlife l:y:
inthe gasesdue to combustionis alsopotentially
hazardous, eitherto people who might be immersed in
•• reducing the potential for fire initiation,
controlling firepropagation and spread,
the hot gases orby heatradiation from the hot smoky • the provisionof adequate means ofescape :ibr the
gasesifthegas temperature ishigh enough. building'soccupants.
The reduction invisibilityin smoke alsorepresents a
severe hazard, It hampers evacuation andthe rescuing of Means ofescape in case offire was first introduced to the
disabled orinjured occupants ofbuildingsaswell as BuildingRegulationsfor England and Walesin 1973. Prior
affectingfire4Ightingoperations which can result in large to that datethepowersofcontrol in Englandand Wales
fires involvingseriousthreat to livesand the over means ofescape had been contained in other
environment. legislation•2•-4•,
In general,ifthe visibility through thesmoke is Historically, the prevention of fire growth within (or
sufficient or the emergency exits are visibleto the between) buildingshasbeen achieved by the
escapees,the toxic products will not stoj:) those people containment ofthe fireand its products, by means of
from escapingto safety. In practice this means that either coinpartmentation and/or separation. The designof
the smoky gasmust be diluted with sufficient clean airto structural compartmentation and separation has been
achieve a safevisibility(typicallyof10 iii which has come largelyempirical and the concepts gradually refinedand
into)widespread use internationally,although it has avery enhanced in such a waythat the BuildingRegulations
weak scientificbasis, and should only be regarded as i
now cC)ver primarilylifesafetyandthe protectio of
approximate),orthereshould he aphysical separation means of escape. It is necessarytoconsider four major
between the smokygases and the people at risk. Note aspects ofbuildings'— purpose,size,separation and
that thedirectproducts of combustion may needto be resistance tofire to promote safedesign.
diluted by more than one thousand times byvolume to Smoke and beat exhaust ventilation doesnot appear
achieve a safevisibility. directly in the UK's regulations,except in some Local
2 Design methodologies for SHEVS
Acts.It has formed part oftherecognized package of distances for escape,and measures for detecting the fire
measuresneededto merit aRelaxation from the Building in an early stage andalertingthe occupants ofthe
Regulationsforshopping mallssince 1972; and atthe building. Itshould be noted, however, that
time ofwriting has become an indirect requirement of compartmentation maynotbe sufficientby itselfto assist
Approved Document whichrequires that newmalls firefighting. Facilities toremove smokeand heatmay be
inEngland andWales comply with BritishStandard ofbenefit forfirefightingoperations, and in some cases a
BS 5588:Part io61 whichin turnrequires thatmalls reduction ofcompartmentation may be inevitableas a
should have smokeventilation as anessentialpart oftheir result offirefightingpractice (eg smokemayspreadout
safety provisions.Itis expected that a similarlinkwillbe ofa smallroomintoa number ofotherrooms through
establishedbetweenfuture editions ofApproved dooropeningsheldopen byfire hoses). Theassessment
Document B and BritishStandard BS 5588:Part7for ofsuitablefacilitiesto remove smoke andheat from such
atria7. smallrooms and theirneighbouring spaces duringand
Severalother countries havelegislationconcerningthe after extinguishingprocedures will be a case-by-case
protection ofpropertyin case offire —especiallythat decision in accordance with the experience andtraining
propertyneighbouringan object on fire—and the offire fighters,and not as a result ofcalculation.These
protection oftheenvironment (egair pollutionand/or precautionsforremoving smoke andheatare notwithin
contamination ofwaterand soil) whichwill be the scope ofthis book.
endangered ifafire islikelytoreachan unmanageably A SHEVSis more likelyto be advantageousin a larger
large size. room, suchas an exhibitionhall, shopping mall, or a
factory,wherethereis no internal compartmentation and
1.3 The role of smoke and heat exhaust wherethetravel distances areappreciable.
A SHEVSis no differentin principlewhetherdesigned
ventilation for alargesingle-storeyspace whichis essentially alarge
Thisbookfocuses on the use ofsmokeand heat exhaust box (egmanyfactories, or exhibition halls),orfor a
ventilation,ratherthan other forms ofsmoke control complicated (but undivided) space containing many
suchas smoke control usingpressuredifferentials storeys ofbalconies ormezzanine levels with potential
(although it does also discussthe need to allow for the firelocations in rooms to the sideofbut open to the main
interactions betweensuchsystemswhendesigning). space.As can be seen below, theformer can beregarded.
As mentioned insection 1.1, thecombustion products as aspecial case ofthe latter.
from buildingcontentfiresmay require averylarge
dilution to achieve a safevisibility. Withtypically smoky 1.4 Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation as
fuelssuchasmanypolymers thisdilution can reachone
thousand timesthe initialvolume ofcombustion gases. a part offire safety engineering
This isdifficultto achieve forthesizeoffire wetypically Every fireis a chemicaland physicalprocess producing
have to consider in designingfire safetymeasures,and is energy (mainly heat) and smoky gasesas well as other
rarely afeasibleoption —butitmaybepossiblewherethe less hazardous products. Therefore, every fire prevention
designfireis small, and the buildingvolume is large. concept must have the same mainobjectives:
Physical separation ofsmoke and people is ••to avoid ignition and thusthe outbreak ofa fire at all,
to protecthuman beings,goods, the buildingandthe
conventionallyachieved usingwalls anddoors, andis
specifiedintheregulationsofmost countries,differing environment from the hazardous effectsofthe
only in details.This approach cannot, by definition,be products ofthe fire (egheat and smoke) aslongas they
usedwherethe people (orproperty, or escape routes) arestill beingproduced bythe fire,
being protected from smoke are in the same undivided • to hamperand finally stop the production ofheat and
smoke (ie to extinguishthe fire).
space as the fire; and in many modernbuildings,large
undividedspaces are usedto improve the appearance and
environmental ventilation.Itis this scenario where Anyfire prevention concepttherefore should be a
smoke andheat exhaust ventilation is ofvalue. The composite ofwell-selected measures beingin tunewith
principles areverysimple.Hot,buoyantgases from afire eachother, and which hamperorstopthe production of
riseto form a stable layer in areservoirbelowthe ceiling heatand smoke, and/orwhichprotectthe objectswhicl
suchthatacoolerclear layerofsufficientheightmay be areintended tobeprotected(people,property, etc.) by
presentforlong enough toachieve safeevacuationof separatingthem from smoke andheat.Wherethis last
occupants. Often it isnecessary tovent the smokefrom cannotbefully uchieved, the purpose must be todiminish
the reservoirusinga natural or mechanicalexhaust. In the effectsontheprotected people and/or objects.
thisbooksuchaSmoke andHeatExhaust Ventilation Theserelationships areillustrated inFigure 1.The
System willbe referred tousingthe acronym SHEVS. thickarrows represent those influenceswhichdiminish
It is raretofind circumstanceswherea SHEVSis the production ofsmoke andheat; orwhich reduce then
requiredwithin a smallroom. It isusuallysufficient in effects;orwhichkeep the hazardous products of
such circumstancesto ensuresafety byacombination of combustion awayfrom the endangered people orobjects
fire-resistingcompartmentation, sufficiently shorttravel to be protected. The thinarrows show the interactions
1 Introduction 3

Fftresistant stmcturea for PRECAUTIONS
compartments. means ofescape, tiredeteciton systems,
accessrotitas, cc bustbiIityofstructure extinguishing and firesuppression
fixinstalledfirefighting equipment
Limitation of fuel,
preventing thespread
ofproducts of

ther res
ha .raslr

Reductionoffire duration Reduction of effect of

smoke andheatby
removing them

andto eaceaflon teterveningplans,
pnwisfonofeidingulsh1ngaents _________________________

Figure1 The roleofSHEVSin Fire Safety Engineering

betweenthe differentactivitieswhichproduce those combustion,smokeand heat, from the compartment and

influences. canseparatetheobjects and/orpeople tobe protected
Figure 1 demonstrates thatany SHEVSexistswithin a from smoke and heat already insidethecompartment, at
much more comprehensivefireprevention concept. leastuntilthe firehas reached acertain size (design-fire
Structural(passive)fireprecautionsseparate whatis size) wherever the SHEVShas been designed tocreate a
protected (egpeople, goods) from the products of smoke-freelayer beneathabuoyant smokylayer.
combustion (egsmoke and heat) bystructural means, In Because ofthis smoke-free layer,firefightthgoperations
most cases this means thatthe relevant structure will be canbeperformed moreeasilybythe fire services, which
fire resisting.This form ofprotection impliesthat will control and stop production ofsmokeand heatmore
everythinginside a fire compartment maybelostifno quicklyand lessentheireffect on any people and goods
further active measuresto extinguishthefire takeplace or remaining inthebuilding.Itfollowsfrom this, thatthere
cannot beperformed;these activemeasures can include is a close correlation betweentheeffect ofa SHEVSand
anattack by thefireservices. Peoplehaveto be ableto possiblefire-fightingmeasures,including the effectofthe
leave the compartment which isonfire and reacheithera latteron thelikelydesign-firesize (see Note 1,nextpage),
structurallyprotected safeplace, orthe exterior ofthe whichin turn influencesthe designofaSHEVS.
building,in asufficientlyshorttime ifthey are to be safe. Technicalfireprecautionsmainly affectthe reduction of
A SHEVScanremove thehazardous products of thetime betweenignitionand thefire being attacked
4 Design methodologies forSHEVS

successfully,thus preventing further growth. • the

organizationalprecautions for assistingevacuation of
• Automatic fireattack
suppressionor extinguishing
the fire
systems, which
— acoustic
•eg sprinklers, directly.
Automatic fire detectionsystems (especiallysmoke
detection systems) shortenthe time untilsuccessful
— trainedevacuation staff.

fire fightingoperations canbe performed. This is Allthese organizationalfireprecautions willassistfire-

especiallytruewherethe fire servicesare called fightingoperationsbecause they allow more ofthe fire
automaticallyon the operation ofthedetection brigaderesources toconcentrate on extinguishing
system. Notethat wherethe automatic smoke operations with fewer ornocrews having to be employed
detectionsystem triggers theSHEVS, the fire-fighting insearching orrescuing people.
approach and attack are supportedby the smoke-free All the precautionslisted above,technical and
layer createdbythe SHEVSby callingthe fire services organizational,enhance an early successfulattack on the
at a very earlystage offire development. Such fire. Thus, the hazard caused by the products of
detection systems alsoalertoccupants ofabuilding combustion (smokeand heat)to people, the buildingand
whoin turn maybeable(supported by asmoke-free its environment is diminished.
layer due to an effectiveSHEVS) to attack an Ithas to bebornin mind, however,thatthe
automaticallydetected, and usuallytherefore still effectivenessofall the precautionslisted above benefit
small, firethemselveswith technicalfire precautions considerablyfrom the creation ofa smoke-free layer
suchas the portable extinguishersorhosereels produced by a well-designedSHEVS. In other words, a
provided in the building,even before the firebrigade is SHEVSshould he an integral componentofan overall
on site. fire prevention conceptand ofthe fire-fightingstrategy,
whichbecomes considerablyless effectivein the absence
In thisway, SHEVSinteract with technical fire ofa SHEVSto create a smoke-freelayerat an earlystage
precautions and fire-fightingoperations, whichtogether in the fire.
havethe potential to influencethedesign-firesize. It has
to be admitted, however,that the effectivenessoffirst-aid 1.5 A brief history of smoke ventilation
fire fightingbythe occupants ofa buildingis questionable
in many cases,and should notbeconsidered when Smokeventilation is notnew. Our distant ancestors knew
assessingthe design fire. Nevertheless,the effectiveness that iftheywantedto lightafire inside a hut theyneeded
ofafire-fightingapproach canbe improved iftrained staff to make aholein the roof,otherwise the occupants ofthe
familiarwithfire-fightingtechniques and the technical hutwould be choked by smoke. Modern smoke
fire precautionsare presentand are supported by an ventilationmerely appliesthe same principleto large fires
effectiveSHEVS. in modernbuildings.
This leads to organizationalfireprecautions, whichare a Smokeventilation as adedicated fire precaution
partofthe Fire SafetyManagement arrangements for a became popular for industrialbuildingsfollowingsome
building.These include: large fires (egGeneral MotorsplantinMichigan,USA,in
• trained staffto:
— start fire
1953, see Plate 1; theJaguarplantin Coventry, UK, in
and Vauxhall Motors at Luton, UK, in 1963). Only
fighting(eg 'WorksFire Brigades'),and/or 1957,

manageevacuation,and/or the last ofthesethreeplants hadautomatic ventilators81.
— assist
fire-fightingactivitiesperformed by the fire During the 1960sthe Fire Research Station (FRS)inthe
brigade (egby deliveringall informationneeded UK developed design algorithmssuitable for
about usage andpopulation ofthe building,critical circumstanceswherethefire would be directly belowthe
items insidethebuilding,technicalbuilding thermally buoyant smokelayerformed beneaththe
equipment includingtechnicalfireprecautions and ceiling9'10. The technique wasmostly usedas awayof
theirintended function); reducing propertydamageby allowingfire fightingto
• intervention plans, includingsuchprovisionsfor become much more effective.
Afire in the linked Wulfrunand Mander Shopping
emergency management as:
— fire
preventionplansofthe building,or Centres inWolverhampton,UKin 1968[11], alerted people
— fixedinstalledcommunication devices,or to thetremendous potential forthe spread ofsmoky

extinguishing agents in store readyfor use bythe fire gases in covered malls. Itwas realizedthatsucha fire
services (especiallyifdistinctiveagents are to be could cause a largeloss oflife ifit occurred whenthemall
usedfor certain fuelspresent, whichmustnotbe was beingusedby the public.
attacked byplain water); Researchersrealizedthatthe smoke ventilation
approach already developed forlarge spaces could be
adaptedto keep smokeentering amall safelyabove
peoples' heads; thus protecting the means ofescapein
The concept ofthe design fire isdiscussed in more detail rnChapter 3,Forthe present purpose,
whereaSHEVSisdesignedtoassrstoperationalfire-fighting,the design-firesize isthe most the mall. Research intothe wayin which smoke moves
pessimisticbut still realistic assumptionofan area, ormorepreciselyofavolume, involvedin the within mallscontinued throughthe 1970s, leading to the
fire andproducing acertainamountofheat, whenthe estinguishingmeasuresthe attack on the
fire bythe fire services)become successfulsothatthefire doesnot5mwany larger. development ofdesignformulaefor calculatingthe
1 Introduction 5
measureswillserve to improve the property-protection
aspectsofthefire-protection package,although where
thesmokeventilation system is solelyintended to ssist
in fire-fightingoperations (ie to assistthe fire servicein
protecting the propertyand/or contents) the design
criteria required for safety canbe differentfrom these
required to protectthe general public inview ofthe
specialequipment and clothingusedbyfire-fighters.

1.6 The atrium:description and behaviour

in fire

Plate1 Fire at General Motorsplant,Livonia, Michigan, USA, 1953
Socialandtechnical changes haveled to changes in
buildingenvironmentswhich incorporate new(or
revived) buildingforms andthe useofinnovative
construction techniques and newsynthetic materials.
Thebuildingsadoptingthese changes oftenhave
movement ofthe smoke, the mixing ofair into the smoke, includedwithin theirdesignlarge spacesorvoids, often
and hence the sizes ofthevents orfans needed to exhaust integrated with many ofthe storeys.These largespaces
the smoky gasesin orderto maintain the smokelayerin have been describedas malls, atria, arcades and light
the mallsat asafeheight. Asummary ofthe designadvice wells.The generic termfor the buildingtype tends lobe
availablefrom FRS was publishedin 1979u•This advice 'atrium' andby theirvery nature, they can often run
has been expanded and updated in the lightoffurther contrary to the traditional BuildingRegulations'
research and experience,and has been incorporated in approach in terms ofhorizontal compartmentation and
the most recentdesignguidanceavailablefrom FRS'3. verticalseparation.
Inthe late 1970s, researchbegan on the related The originalatriumwasanentrance hall in aRoman
problems ofatrium buildings.The mainfeature ofan houseand was one ofthe most important rooms ini:he
atrium buildingis that a centralvoid rises throughtwo or building.The conceptofthis space hasevolved
morestoreys, allowinganysmoke entering the void to architecturallyover the past few hundred years and now
affectmorestoreys than the originalfirestorey. Unless,of applies to structuresmuch larger than the typicalRoman
course, these floors are separated from the atriumby fire- house. Modern atriaare designed such that the visualand
resistingconstruction, in whichcase the atrium is merely spacial 'outdoor' environmentsare createdindoors6.
aroom withanunusuallyhigh ceiling! It follows that In Romantimesthe control ofany smoke andhot:
design calculationmethods whichapply toatriain gases thatmayhave issuedfrom afire in a room adjacent
general, includingthe case wherethe fire is on the baseof to the atriumwaslikelyto have beenasimple matter,
the atrium directly beneaththeceiling,also cover provided therewereno adverse windconditions (due to
virtuallyallother buildinggeometries ofinterest. Note local topography ofadjacent structures) then the smoke
however thatthe design-firesizes dependvery strongly and heatwould undoubtedlyvent itselfviathe open
onthe use and contents ofthe building. portionofthe atrium roofknown as the'compluviurn'
It should bereadily obviousthat a shopping mall of (generallyusedforlighting purposes).
two or morestoreys represents a special case ofan Modern atriumbuildingstend to contain large
atrium. Itis an atrium with a singleclass ofoccupancy. quantitiesofcombustiblematerialand often have open-
The smokemovement willbesimilar,the smokehazards planlayoutsincreasingthe risk ofthe spread offire. The
will besimilar,andthe smoke control solutionscan be populationswithin such buildingshavealso increased,
expected to be similar. The pivotal problem forboth hencetherehasbeena substantialincreasein thenumber
mallsand atria is that smokeentering thevoid must not ofpeople tobeprotectedand evacuated in an emergency.
beallowedto endanger thesafeescape forpeopleinthe Modern atriumbuildingsare usuallydesigned withthe
mall ortheatrium itself; or for people inany adjacent atrium as a feature which canbe appreciated from within
space open tothe mall oratriumonanystorey. theadjacent rooms. Theroom/atriumboundary is
In atria ormultistoreymalls, every storeyopento the usuallyeitherglazedor completelyopen. Thuswhen
void is potentiallyrapidly affectedby smokefrom afire compared with 'conventional'buildings,this
on anyotherstorey. Twofires that illustratethiswerethe architectural/aesthetic requirement imposes additional
fire in the RegencyHyatt hotelat O'Hare in Chicago in problems oflife safetyduringafire, as smoke, hot gases
1972[14] and the firein the StJohn's Centre in Liverpool in and evenflames may travel from one (or more) rooms
1977[15]. It follows that to protectthe safe escape ofthe intotheatrium andthenceaffect areas which, but for the
building'soccupants,specialmeasures are needed for presence ofthe atrium, would not be affected.
atriaasfor malls. In conventionalmultistoreystructures thereis always
Anymeasuresto protectegressfrom abuildingwill thepossibilityoffire spread up theoutside ofthe building
alsoassisteasier entry for fire fighters.Hence, the same withflames issuingfrom one room and affectingthe
6 Design methodologies for SHEVS
floors above. Examplesofthis modeoffirespreadare an away in wholeorin largepart). Thisis becausethe
office block in Sao Paulo'71 andthe Villiers Buildingfire in airspeed neededfrom the atrium intothe roomin order
Londonon l9January, 1979. Ifthe escape facilitiesfrom to prevent the movement ofsmoky gases theotherway
the variousroomsare ofa suitablestandard and are through the same opening, can vary betweenabout
segregated from other compartments (as required inthe 0.5 ms1 and approximately4 ms1 depending on gas
UK), thereshould not (in theory) be anyserious hazard temperature, etc. All ofthis air must be continuously
to lifesafetyinthis fire condition. Itis only whenthe removed from within the fire room in orderto maintain
means ofescape are inadequate or the parameters theflow.Thequantitiesofair-handlingplantrequired
dictating their designare violated,that the loss oflife may will often exceed the size ofsmokeventilation systemsfor
occur. many typical atrium room openings. Note, however, that
Ifabuildinghas an atrium thenthis fireand smoke pressurizingthe atrium may be a viableoption wherethe
spreadcanalso occur internallysince thereisgenerally a atrium facadehas only relatively smallleakage paths.
maximizationofthe window areaand/or openboundary Wheresmoke from a firein aroom canspreadintothe
betweentheroomsandthe atrium. Hence,thereisan atrium, withthe possibilityofrapid further spread
increased risk toother levels oftheentry ofsmoke and affectingother partsofthebuilding,therewill be an
toxicgases andevenflamesfrom afire. extreme threat to safeevacuation ofoccupants from the
Anumberofmethods canbe usedto ensure safetyin affected parts ofthe building.Similarthreatswill occur if
an atriumbuilding. BS 5588:Part givesthe relevant
Code ofPractice describingwhichcombinationsof
thereis a serious fire in the atrium space itself. In either
case,the threat to means ofescape whichare either
measures are currently recommended and in which within the atrium, or are in spacesopento the atrium, can
circumstances.Oneofthosemethodsis smoke andheat develop rapidlyunless some form ofsmoke control is
exhaust ventilation. usedintheatrium, in order to protectthose means of
Experience offires inatriumbuildingsin the USA'4'181 escape. In otherwords, a smokecontrol system inthe
has shownthe problemofflametravel internally through atrium is essential to ensurethat escape is unhindered, b
the atrium tobe minor in comparison with the problem ensuringthatanylargequantities ofthermally buoyant
ofhotand toxic gasesaccumulatingand fillingthe atrium; smoky gasescan be keptseparate from people who may
spreading throughout the building;and affectingescape still be usingescape routes, or awaitingtheirturnfor
routes. Thus, thereappears to be a needfor aproperly evacuation.Therefore, the role ofa smokecontrol systersi
designed smoke and heatexhaust ventilationsystem in isprincipallyoneoflifesafety.
atrium buildings. In orderfor a design tobe achieved,itis necessaryto
The ideal optionwould be to prevent any smokefrom identifythe various 'types' ofatrium thatare built. These
a room fire entering the atrium at all. Aneasily canbe simplydefined asfollows.
understood wayofachievingthis is to ensure that the • The'steriletube'atrium: the atriumis separated from
theremainder ofthe buildingby fire-resistingglazing
boundary betweenthe roomand the atrium is both
imperforate and fire resisting,and that the atriumbase (FRG). The atriumspace generallyhas no functional
hasonlya very restricted use. This option hasfrequently use other than as a circulationarea(Figure2).
beenused,but is architecturallyrestrictive.Consequently • The closed atrium:the atrium isseparated from the
it is not favouredby designers.Theconcepthas been remainder ofthe buildingby ordinary (nonfire-
labelledthe 'steriletube'E'S]. resisting)glass.The atrium space may well be
Wherethe boundary betweenthe roomand the atrium functional (cafeterias,restaurants, recreation,etc)
is open, itis sometimes feasibleto provide a smoke
ventilation system within the room, to maintain smoky
fire gasesabove the openingto the atrium. Unfortunately,
• (Figure3).
Thepartiallyopen atrium:here some lowerlevelsare
open to the atriumand the remaining levels closed off
itis often verydifficult, impractical,orextremely byglazing (Figure4).
expensiveto fit aseparate smokeexhaust system to each • Thefrillyopen atrium:some ofthe upperlevelsor all of
and every room, however small. Occasionally, thebuildinglevelsareopen to the atrium (Figure 5).
circumstances dictate thatsmoke control dedicated to
eachroomin this wayis themostviableoptionfor 1.7 Active control of the fire
protecting the atrium (this can occur, for example,when
the roomlayout isofalarge area, ispredominantly open- A more detailed discussionofactivefire fightingis
planand open-fronted). Therehavebeen several presented in Chapter12.
examples ofthis.Nevertheless, it remainsgenerallytrue Itshould be remembered thatfire fightingbecomes
that this option is rarely foundto be appropriate for most both difficultand dangerous in a smoke-loggedbuilding.
atriumbuildings. Itfollowsthat to assistthefireservices,the smokecontrol
Another possibilityisthatthe atrium should be system should becapable ofperformingits design
pressurizedto prevent smokemoving from a room into function for aperiod oftimelonger than that required fir
theatrium. This is notusuallyaviableoptionwherethe the public to escape (seealso,thus allowinga
opening betweenthe room andtheatriumis large (egan speedierattack on thefiretobe made afterthe arrivalof
open-fronted room or room whose glazing has fallen the fire service. Anymeasuresto protectegress from a
1 ntroductkn 7

Figure2 Sterile tube: fire-resisting glazingbetween atriumand Figure3 Closed atrium:standard (non fire-resisting) glazing
compartments between atriumand compartments

Figure4 Partially openatrium

Figure5 Fully openatrium

buildingwill also assisteasier entryforfire fighters. argument is that opening the smokeventilators on smoke
Hence, the same measureswill servetoimprove the detection, iebefore sprinkler operation, may delay the
propertyprotection aspects ofthe fire-protection activation ofsprinklersand thus have detrimental effect
package (seealso smoke ventilation on sprinklerperformance. Onthe otherhand, ifthe
system is solelyintended to assistin fire-fighting opening ofsmokeventilators is delayeduntilsprinkler
operations,the design criteriarequired for safety might operation, theremaybe considerablesmoke loggingand
be differentfrom thoserequiredto protectthegeneral the effectivenessoftheSHEVS may be seriously
public inview ofthe special equipment andclothing used compromised. This debateis discussedin more detail
by firefighters (seealso elsewhere in thisbook.
Anysmoke control measures needto specifya
maximumfire size for its designandsprinklers are often 1.8 Implementationof a smoke and heat
needed tolimit the sizeto thismaximum.It is also likely
that some kind ofsmokeventilationwill be required to exhaust system in a building
maintain a clear escape route. Thus both sprinklersand Whenthe 'concept design' ofthe SHEVShas been
smokeventilators are needed to achieve aproperlife completed satisfactorily(egby followingthemethods
safety design. Atpresentthereis considerabledebate describedinthisbook), therestill remains a great dealto
overthe effectsofinteraction betweenthetwo.One bedonebefore thesystem is successfullyinstalledin a
8 Design methodologies for SHEVS

fullyfunctioningstatein the finishedbuilding.The ideas Protection Associationofthe USAhasdeveloped a

mustbeturnedintophysicalreality,inawaythatensures Code22 whichsets out afire engineering approach to the
thatthe resulting arrangement will functionas desired design ofsmoke control foratria (termed 'Smoke
whenthefireactually occurs:regardless ofthe conditions Management' in the USA). While this code is inmany
applying at the time. ways very comprehensive andbroaderin purpose than
Itfollowsthat therearemany necessaryconsiderations thisbook, some ofthe approaches useddifferfrom
whenselectingthe equipment neededto make the design alternativeswith which UKdesigners are more familiar,
areality.Theequipment (hardware) must be ableto and canbe more approximate thanmethods currently
function inthefire condition expected underthe design recommended byFRS. This particularlyapplies tosmoke
conditions,and oughtto havebeen testedbythe entering the atrium from adjacent rooms.
manufacturers and/or thesuppliersto confirmthis. The Some other countries have recognized existing
equipment should alsobe appropriate to the publicationswithin theirownguidelines.Forexample,
circumstancesofthe buildinginwhichit is to be fitted. Singapore has referred in its 1997 Codeofpracticeforfire
Thesecircumstances includethe geographicaland precautionsii'z bui7dings231to BRE guidanceonthedesign
meteorologicalconditions expected,both atthetime of ofSHEVS24'131.
the fire andin normal use. It isnotthepurpose ofthe It canbe notedthatthere is amajor differencebetween
presentdocumentto try toprovide detailed guidanceon any application ofthis booktosmoke and heat exhaust
the selection ofsystemsin all circumstances. ventilationofshopping mallsofmore than one storey,
Nevertheless,some pointers towards the parameters andtheearlier guidanceforsuchmallspublishedby
which should be considered are described in Chapter 13. BRE241.The diflèrenceis not so muchinthe formulae
Even the best equipment can beinstalled wrongly. andtheresulting design solutions,as inthe underlying
There havebeenmanyinstances wherewhatwas philosophyofdesign.The earlier guidanceadopted the
installed did not exactlycorrespond to whatwas view that itwas possibleto specify agenericallytypical
intended, or wheretheinstallationprocedures have not smokeflow rateleavingfrom the front openingofa retail
beenworked out in sufficientdetail. It isnot the purpose unit,whenspecifyingthe flowparameters in the smoky
ofthis bookto provide detailedguidance similarto the gasesapproaching the spilledge. Itfurther assumedthat
equipment specification.Nevertheless, some guidance thesetypicalflowratescould be takento bethose
concerning procedures is included in Chapter 14. measured experimentallyin ascale model ofa shop
Humannature being as fallible asit is, it is desirable unit51.The result wastogive a relativelysimple
thatwhen asystem is fullyinstalled,it should be tested calculation,whichallowed for differentwidths ofthe
forftinctionality.This caneitherinvolvetests to confirm unit's front opening, without the designer or the regulator
thatthe equipment still performsto specification having to worry about changes ofcontentsin the units, or
(perhaps most important whereducts are usedto move ofdetail differencesbetweenneighbouringunits. The
the gases) withoutactuallysimulating thebuoyancy of disadvantageofthis earlier approach isthatitbecomes
fire gases, orit can involvespecial tests (hot smoketests) unreliableforreal mallswhichdeparttoo far from the
to confirmthat both theequipment and the design dimensionsmodelled in the experiment251. Inpractice,
conceptitselfareperformingto expectation. Once again, this means that the earlier guidancestrictly only applies
the discussionandadvicein this bookis limited to outline forstoreyheights close to 5 m, andfora 5 MW, 3 mx 3 m
guidance, and can be found in Chapter 15. design fire.
Asthe fire may notoccuruntilmany years after the Theadvantage ofthis current bookis that it allowsthe
system isinstalled,it is alsonecessaryto ensurethatthe circumstancesofthefire in the unittobe included
hardware is capable ofsurvivingmanyyears of explicitlyin calculation,includingthe actual dimensions
installationand is still ready to serve its purpose ifa fire ofthebuilding.This impliesthat separate calculations
occurs. This impliesthat thereoughtto be regular must be doneforfires located ineachand every unit
maintenance and re-testing procedures as part ofa larger suspected ofbeingapotentially 'worst case' forthe mall
fire safety management strategyforthe buildingin inquestion. In practice, the current bookis themore
question. Somediscussioncanbefoundin Chapter 16. powerfultechnique for design,butthis advantage is
gained atthe expense ofsome loss ofrelative simplicity
1.9 The purpose of this book and its compared with earlier guidance. Note, however, that
wherethereal mall's shape and dimensionsareclose to
relationship to earlierguidance those on whichthe earlier guidancewasbased, that
Previousguidanceto designers ofatrium smoke control earlier guidancecan still be usedwith confidence.
systems within the UK has been provided bythe British It is hopedthat the current bookwill support the
Standard BS 5588:Part 7 Codeofpracticeforthe Regulatoryand Standard Codes being developed byBSI
incorporationofatriain bui/dings, andthe BRE Report and CEN.This bookcannotcover all the infinite
Design approachesfor smokecontrol inatriumbuildings['31. variations ofatrium design. Instead, it givesgeneral
Therehave beena number ofqualitativepapers, and principles forthedesign ofefficientsystems,with
otherpapersusingrelativelysimple models ofsmoke simplifieddesignprocedures for an ideal model ofan
movement within atria'921. The National Fire atrium and then further guidanceonfrequently
1 Introduction 9
encountered practicalproblems.Asthedesign computer is necessarysince the techniqueinvolvesthe
procedures are ofnecessity simplified, the bookalso gives solution oftensofthousands ofmathematical equations
their limitationsso that,whennecessary,amoredetailed forevery step forwardthe simulationmakes,and
designby specialistscanbe carried out. consequentlyinvolvesrelativelylongcomputational
The above-mentioned designprocedures and timescompared withthe use ofzonemodels. This makes
guidance documents arebasedon the useofzone models: CFD simulationsrelativelyexpensive,particularlywhen
in which the problem is divided into separate zones usedfor buildingswith complicatedgeometry.Asthe
(which may or may notinteract); andrelatively simple computersbecome faster and more powerfial andthe
formulae (often empiricalin origin)are usedtodescribe algorithmsevolveand improve, CFD islikelyto become
the smokeand heatmovement in eachone. While thisis cheaper andto gain more widespread use in Fire Safety
avery powerfultechnique which canbe applied with Engineeringincludingthe smokecontrol designprocess.
confidenceto amajority ofsmokeventilationdesign Users ofCFD models should be aware ofthe
circumstances,it must be recognized that abuilding importance of:
geometry whichdeviatestoo far from the idealized • correctlyidentifyingthe boundary conditions
geometry usedin deriving the designformulaecannot be appropriate tothe precise circumstancesofthe design,
designed usingthoseformulae. • correctly identifyingthe appropriatenessofthe sub-
modelsused, forexample the heat transfer and
Sincethe mid-1970s, field modelling has been
developed whichexploitsthenewtechniques of radiation model, turbulence model, etc.
computational fluiddynamics (CFD) todeduce how, and • usinga smallenough grid size so that the converged
atwhatrate,smokewould fill an enclosure.Itdoesthis by solution isindependent ofthe grid size.
avoiding resortto experimental correlation,as faras is
currently possible,and byreturning tofirstprinciples to TheCFD methodology isbeyond the scope ofthisbook,
solve the basic lawsoffluidflowand thermodynamics.As but a full descriptiontogetherwith adiscussionofcurrent
a consequence,withadequate validation,this typeof limitationsis given,for exampleinreference [26J.
modelling should have wide application. Theuse ofa
10 ________________

2 General principles of smoke

production, movement and control

2.1 Fire growth and smoke production for the plume ofsmoke to risebefore it reachesthe
smokelayer,henceless air is being entrained, with the
In most instances,a room (compartment) fire maybe result that the temperature ofthe smoke layer
assumed toburn in eitheroftwoways. increaseswith layerdepth, even for a steady fire. Most
• Fue/BedContra/is whenthe rate ofcombustion,heat fireswill continue to grow larger as the layerdeepens,
output and fire growth depends onthe fuel being reinforcingthis effect.
burned and thereis more than sufficientoxygen 3 6 mmplateglassmayshatter whenexposed to gasesas
presentto support the combustion.This isthe 'normal' littleas 100 K warmer thanambient. Oneofthemain
fire condition found in mostsingle-storeybuildings reasons forglassbreakage is the differentthermal
whilstthe fire is still small enough for successfulsmoke expansion values ofthe glassand itsmountings;
control. breakage at relativelylow temperature may result
• T/entz/atthn Controliswherethe rate ofcombustion etc. whenthereis noprovision for differentialexpansion.
is dependentuponthe quantity ofair availableto the Thus, oncethis temperature is passed,thereis an
firecompartment, assuming that anymechanical increasinglikelihood that the glasswill fracture.Ifthe
ventilation systemshavebeen madeinactive. compartment is sprinklered and the water spray hits
the glass, the localizedheating oftheglassby radiation
The quantity ofsmoky gases produced, ie the massflow from the fire andbythe gas layer, combined with
rate offire gasesin andfrom the compartment, andthe sudden coolingdue to the water spraymayincrease
energy (heatflux) contained therein, may be very the likelihoodoftheglassbreaking (note:there are
differentforboth regimes.It istherefore important to 'deluge' sprinklersystemsdesigned to keep the glass
identifythe regime whichappliesand to determine the cooland prevent it from breaking).Plate or 'float' glass
mass flow and the heat fluxwithin the smoky gases. breaksin an unpredictableway.A crackmay not result
It is important to understand the basic mechanisms in glassfallingout;but theassumption that glasswill
whichcontrol thefire condition. A step-by-step history fall away once broken is asafeassumption for design in
ofa growingfire may be as follows. the circumstancescovered in this book. Thesmoke
1 The fire starts for whatever reason, itsrate ofgrowth and hot gases will thenflow externallyto the
depending uponthe materialsinvolved,their atmosphere, orentertheatrium (where one is
orientation and positionsrelativeto eachother. In present), or both, depending uponthe natureofthe
most practical compartments there is sufficient oxygen compartment and its relativeposition in the building,
to support combustion in thefirstfew minutes, andthe thesize and position ofthefire inthe compartment,
firegrowth and smoke production are controlled by andthe strength ofdifferingglazing systems.
thefuel,ie fuel bed control. In atriumbuildings,ifthefire canbe accidentallyor
2 Smoke from the fire rises in a plume to the ceiling.As deliberatelyventedto the atmosphere then the threat
theplumerises,airis entrained intoit, increasingthe to otherlevelsviathe atrium is greatly reduced. There
volumeofsmoke and reducing its temperature. The will,however, be instanceswhen afire willvent all its
entrainment increases with increasingheightofrise of effluent gas into the atrium, and thisis generallythe
theplume. The smokespreads outradially underneath worstdesign scenario (Figure6).
theceilingand forms a layerwhichdeepens as the Thereis so muchmixing ofambient air intothe
compartment begins to fill. Ifthe compartment is open plume that,exceptclose to the fire itself, the hotsmoky
totheatrium (or a mall),thenthe gasesflow out gasescan be regarded asconsisting ofwarmed air,
immediatelythey reachthe opening. whencalculatingthe quantity (massflow rate)being
Ifthe compartment isglazed or the opening is produced in the compartment.
below a deepdownstand then the smokesteadily 4 Initially,this mass flow rate ofsmokewillbe controlled
deepens. As the layergets deeper thereis less height by the fuel bed, as mentioned above. However,the
2 Smoke production, movement and control 11

Air Inflow

Figure6 Smoke enteringan atriumfromafuel bed controlledfire Figure7The onsetofflashover

in an adjacentroom

geometry ofthe openingontotheatrium has a crucial

effect. Asthe fire grows largein comparisonto the area
ofthe opening,the air supply to thefire is'throttled',
causingthe fire toburninefficiently.
5 This leads to thesituation wherethe inabilityofthe
compartment tovent the gases effectively duetothe
restricted areaavailablecausesthe layerto deepen
further,whichcombined withthe increasingfirearea,
causesthe layertemperature to rise. Once thelayer
temperature reaches approximately 600 °C, then in
mostcompartments thedownward radiation from the
gas layer is sufficientto cause ignition ofthe remaining
combustiblematerialsinthe compartment (Figure 7).
Wherethere is sufficientfuel within the compartment
forthe entirecompartment to become involved,the
layertemperature will rapidlyriseto flame Figure8 Afully involved ventilation-controlled fire
temperature, very approximately 1200 K (930 °C). The
rate ofburning,heat output and massflow leavingthe
compartment are now strongly dependent uponthe reducedto two principalparameters for most
geometry oftheopening, ieventilation control compartments:
(Figure 8).
6 The transition from thefuel bed controlled fire with a AH°5, (where A is the areaofthe opening intothe
layerat 600 °C totheventilation-controlledcondition atrium andHis the heightofthe opening); and
is very rapid, and may takeonly seconds. This Af (theareaofthe fire).
condition is often known as 'flash-over'.
7 Theremaybe an intermediate situationwherethe Fora further discussion,see eg references [27—29].
compartment has flashedover or the firehas simply
grown to encompass the entire widthofthe Note: Both the fully-involvedlarge-openingfire and
compartment, butwherethe quantity ofair now ventilation-controlledfireconditionswillalmost
required to maintain combustion is adequate, even certainly produce flamesfrom the opening intothe
thoughtheonly surfaceavailable forairentrainment is atrium.
the widthofthe opening (as opposed to the fire 9 Thepresence ofsprinklerswill usuallyserve to prevent
perimeter for afuel-bed controlled fire).This fire growth proceeding to fullinvolvement;ifthe
condition isknown as the 'fully-involved,large- burning material isnotshielded from the water spray
opening fire' (Morgan& Hansel![271). thenthe fire is likelytobe extinguished (or almost
8 Thereare many factorswhichdeterminetheprevailing extinguished);with shielding,the firewill continueto
condition includingthe type and disposition ofthe fuel, burn, although it islikelytobe maintainedin afuel-
the dimensionsoftheenclosure andthe dimensionsof bed-controlled stateand the fire size willbelimited.
the ventilationopening. Theycan, however, be
12 ________________ Design methodologies for SHEVS

2.2 Pressurization and depressurization generalapproach needed forsuccessfuldesign.

Air mixes intothe fire plume as it rises givingalarger
Inpressurization, air is introduced intoan escape route volume ofsmoky gases. Thesegasesflowoutwards below
(usuallya stairway)at arate sufficient to hold back any the ceilinguntil theyreachabarrier (eg thewalls,or a
smoketrying to pass onto that route. The pressure downstand, see Plates 2 and 3). The gasesthen form a
differenceacross any smallopening ontothe routemust deepening layer,whose buoyancy can drive smoky gases
be large enough to offsetadverse pressurescaused by throughnatural ventilators (or alternativelysmoky gases
wind,buildingstack effect and firebuoyancy.It must also can be removed using fans). For anygiven size offire, an
be low enough to allow the escape doors tobe opened equilibriumcan be reached wherethe quantity ofgases
with relativeease.The air supply must alsobelarge beingremoved equalsthe quantity entering thelayerin
enough to produce avelocity sufficientto holdback the fire plume —no significantmixingofair occurs
smoke at any large opening onto the pressurizedspace. upwards intothe base ofthe buoyant smokelayer.Itis
Therequirements aresomewhat contradictory. essentialthatsufficientair enters the space below the
Pressurizationsystemsare designed to have adequate air layerto replace thegases being removed from thelayer,
flow across anylarge openings (egdoors). Excessive otherwisethe smokeventilation system will not work.
pressure differenceacross asmall opening (when the Thedesignprocedures aredescribed indetail in the
doors are closed) canbe prevented by the use ofdampers remainder ofthis book, andthe calculationprocedures
(egbarometric dampers).Experience ofpressurization aresummarized inAnnex A (for time-based calculations

designssuggestthatitis well-suitedtothe protection of involvingagrowing design fire)and in Annex B (for
stairwaysused as escape routesin tall buildings,although steady-state calculations).
the technique canbe usefulin othercircumstances.
Codesforpressurizationcanbe found in BS 5588:
Depressurizationis a specialcaseofpressurization,
wheregasesare removed from the smoke-affectedspace
ina waythatmaintains thedesired pressure differences
and/orair speeds across leakage openings betweenthat
space and adjacent spaces30. Note that depressurization
doesnot protectthe smoke-affectedspace in any way.
Instead it protects theadjacent spaces. In the
circumstances ofan atrium, itis sometimespossibleto use
the buoyancyofthesmoky gases themselvesto create the
desired depressurizationeffects.This is explainedin
moredetail in section 6.3.

2.3 Throughflowventilation (or smoke

exhaust ventilation)
Smokeexhaust ventilation (throughflowventilation)is
usedwhenthe fire is inthe same space as the people,
contents, or escape routes being protected, withoutit Plate2 Example of a fixedglazed smoke curtainin a shopping mal
filling that space.The intention is to keep the smoke in
the upperregions ofthe buildingleaving clean airnear
the floor to allow people tomove freely.This
stratificationorlayeringofthe smoke is made possibleby
the buoyancyofthe hotsmoky gases produced bythe
fire, and it follows thatto be mostsuccessfulthe high-
level smoke layer must remain warm. Smoke ventilation
is therefore onlysuitable for atria wherefires can cause
smoke to enterthe atrium space and forlargesingle-
storeyspaces which arehigh enoughfor an appropriate
layering.Suchfires can eitherbefuel-bed-controlledfires
at thebase ofthe atrium, orfires in adjacentspaces
(rooms)whichallow smoky gasesto enterthe atrium.
Much ofthe current bookis concerned withthe
calculationofdesignparameters for smokeventilation
systemstailored to the circumstancesfound in various
types ofatria. First, though, it is worthreviewingthe Plate3 Example of afixed smoke curtainbeingused as a reservoir
underlying principles ofsmokeventilation and the boundary
2 Smoke production, movement and control 13

2.4 Smoke and heat exhaust design In extensive and multi-storeycomplexbuildingsthis

may involvetravelto upperandlowerlevels, and may
philosophies takesome time. This travel,as well asthe fire-fighters'
Thesmokeventilationsystemcan bedesigned tofulfil effortsto effectrescues and to carry outfire-fighting
one or more separate requirements within a building. operations, may be seriouslyhampered ifthe buildingis
full ofhot smoky gases. The provision ofheat andsmoke
Protection of means of escape ventilation systemsrequired to assistmeans ofescape or
The objectiveisto achieve a desiredsmoke-free clear fortheprotection ofproperty, may alsoaidfire fighting.
layerbeneatha smokelayer.This is a commonlyused Thereis often the desire to designa smokeexhaust
approach wherethepurpose ofthe smoke exhaust ventilationsystem specifically for fire-fightingoperations,
ventilation system isto allow the continued useofescape wherethedesign philosophies aresimilartothatusedfor
routeswhich arein the same space as the fire (examples a SHEVSdesignforlifesafetybutthe functional
include enclosed shopping mallsand many atriaorlarge requirements maybeless stringent (ie moresevere
single-storeyspaces,egforpublic assembly).The conditionsmay be acceptable)because ofthe specialist
thermally buoyant smokeforms alayerbeneaththe equipment and clothing available. IftheSHEVSis
ceiling.The smokeexhaust (using eithernatural smoke designed solelyto assistfire fightingand has no other life
exhaust ventilatorsorpowered smoke exhaust safety implications,and certain other appropriate
ventilators)is calculatedto belarge enoughto keep the circumstancesapply (egwhenthe primary design
smoke at asafeheightabove the headsofpeople using objectiveispropertyprotection and automatic
the escape routes for a given designfire size,evenwhile extinguishingsystemsare present), it canbe appropriate
thefire is stillburning. Itis essentialthat thesystem toleave the ventilatorsclosed (this mayreduce fire
comes intooperation as early as possibleduringthe fire, growth) untilthe firebrigade arrivesand then to open
and itis usualtoinitiate the operation automaticallyon themmanually.Functionalrequirements should be
receipt ofa signalfrom asmoke detection system. agreed bythefire serviceresponsiblefor the buildingin
Temperature control The applicabilityofSHEVS to operational fire fighting,
Wherethe heightofclear air beneaththe thermally andthe close relationshipbetweenthetwo,isdiscussed
buoyant smoke layer is nota critical designparameter, it in much greater detail in Chapter 12.
is possibleto use thesame calculationprocedures as for
protection ofmeans ofescape,but in a differentway.The Property protection
smokeexhaust canbe designedto achieve a particular Smokeexhaust ventilationby itselfcannot prevent a fire
temperature ofthe gasesinthebuoyant layer.This allows from growinglarge. It will guaranteethat afire inthe
theuse ofmaterialswhichwouldotherwisebedamaged ventilated space has a continuingsupply ofoxygen to
by hottergases. A typical exampleiswherean atrium keepgrowing.
facadehasglazingwhichisnotfireresisting,butwhichis Itfollowsthat smokeexhaust ventilation canonly
known to beableto survivegas temperatures uptosome protectproperty byallowingactive intervention ofthe
specifiedvalue. The use ofa'temperature control' smoke fire servicesto be quickerand moreeffective.Depending
exhaust ventilation system insucha casecould, for onthe materialspresent, apropertyprotection
example,allow the adoption ofa phased evacuation philosophy may be basedonthe needto maintain the hot
strategy from higher storeys separated from the atrium buoyant smokelayerabove sensitivematerials,or maybe
only by suchglazing. basedonthe needtomaintain the smoke layerbelowa
criticaltemperature. In eithercase,the functional
Assistingfire-fightingoperations requirement for keyparameters onwhichthedesign
In order for firefighters to dealsuccessfullywitha fire in a must be based,need notbethe same as wherethe
building, itis firstnecessaryfor themto drive theirfire primarypurpose is life safety. Theywill dependonthe
appliancesto entrances givingthemaccessto the interior circumstancesapplyingineachcase.These key
ofthe building. Theythenneedto transport themselves functional requirements must be agreed with allrelevant
andtheir equipment from this pointto the scene ofthe interested parties.
14 ____ _____ ____ _____ _____

3 Design-fire size

3.1 General
• the availabilityofoxygen (in sealed rooms afire can
Manyareasoffire safety engineeringrequire the become oxygen-starved),
identificationofan appropriate fire size uponwhichthe • thepresence andeffectivenessoffiresuppression
design canbe based. Designfires can takemany forms, devices,
forexample,when consideringfire resistanceofdoors • changing ofburningbehaviour dueto ageing of
and wallsa fullydeveloped post-flashoverfire on oneside materials.
ofthedoor or wall is assumed:the designfire in this case
will be a frilly-involved fire compartment. Consequently,there is no methodavailable to calculate
Smoke exhaust ventilation is only ofvalue whenthe the development ofa fire in any but thesimplest fuel
people, contents orstructure being protectedare in the arrays. The likelysize ofafire can only be deduced from
same space as the fire, and it is therefore conventionalto the analysisofthe statisticsoffires in thetypeof
consider only pre-flashover fires. Thatscenario is also occupancy ofinterest, orfrom experiments on
commonly found wherethe 'timeto danger' for the appropriately similar fuelarrays. The values for fire
building'soccupants isbeingcalculated, eitheras part ofa growth and fire sizecontained in this bookare based on
smoke and heat exhaust ventilation system design or asa both statistical analysesand experimentalwork. Itis
separate calculation.The calculationofthe quantity of worthnoting herethatdesign firesbasedon statistical
smoke and heatproduced byafire requires a knowledge analysisare always based on animplied acceptable risk
ofthe sizeofthefire,in terms ofarea, perimeterand heat whichcandiffer forvarious applications,andwhichis
fluxdeveloped perunitareaorfrom the fireas awhole. always ultimatelyrelated to public opinion.
Whendesigningsmokeventilation ordepressurization Adesign fire caneitherbe asteady-state fire with
systems,the massflowrate and heat fluxdeveloped in the constantheatoutputor atime-dependent growingfire to
room aremajorparameters in the calculationofthe whichthe means ofescape and evacuationtime for the
system requirements, changes in whichcan substantially particular buildingoccupancy could be related (see also
affectall ofthe subsequentsmoke flow conditions. section for designcalculation
Ideally,the designfire would be based on the materials invarious occupanciesaregiven in the relevant standards
within an occupancy,suggestingthat the choiceofa and thesehaveusuallybeenused historically.Although it
design fire should be straightforward.Unfortunately,this is acknowledgedthata real fireis notusually'steady
is notthe case.Whilethe heat release rates formany state', itis relativelysimple to assessthemaximum size a
materialsare known, it is rarely possibleto say thata fire fire can reasonably be expected to reachduring the
will consist ofaknown quantity ofmaterial.Within an escape period in aparticular scenario, and to design a
occupancya fire will involvea combination ofdifferent smokecontrol system ableto copewith that.
materials,so that the heat release rateforthat occupancy Theassumption ofa steady-statefireallows the smoke
will be a function ofallthe materials present. Hence the control system to cater for allfires up to designfiresize,
development ofa fire is dependenton a number of andby not consideringthegrowth phaseofthe fire, often
factors,including: introduces asignificantmargin ofsafetyto the system
• theprecise location ofthe ignitionwithrespect to the design.A firewill produce smaller quantitiesofcooler
smokein its early 'small'stage, depending on the nature
•• the typeofmaterials present,
the quantity ofmaterialspresent,
andarrangement offuels.The reduction ineffectiveness
ofa natural SHEVS dueto the lower temperature will be
•• theposition ofthe materialsrelative to eachother, compensated by the reduction in the quantity ofsmoky
possible chemical reactionsbetweenmaterials present gas needing to be exhausted.
iftheir containment is Onthe otherhand, useofagrowingfire could result in
•the destroyed by fire,
position ofmaterialsrelativeto walls,ceilingsand a less onerous design criterion which mayresult in
3 Design-fire size 15

considerablesavingsin the implementationofa SHEVS Table 31 Various t2fire growth rates

design in alarge orcomplexbuilding.Historically,one Timeto reach
reason for not usinggrowing firesfor designhasbeen the Fire 1000kW
lackofavailabledataaboutfire growth rate invarious growth (s) (kWs2)
occupanciesand scenarios.Research has been carried out
73 0.18760
in thelastfew years, atFRS and elsewhere,to determine Ultra-fast
Fast 146 0.04689
thelikelyfire growth rate insome occupancies.Dataare
292 0.01172
still not availablefor many scenarios.Itis hopedthat a Medium
Slow 584 0.00293
database offire growths willbebuiltupwhichwill enable
widespreaduse ofgrowing fires for SHEVSdesigns.Any
fire safety strategymust inevitablycomparethe timeto
the onset ofdangerous conditions, which in turn depends
strongly on the assumed fire growth rate,totheestimated distributionofgrowth curvesdepending on suchfactors
evacuation timefor occupants aswell as tothe as variationsin fuellayout andvariations inthelocation
attendance time offire-fightingservices. Such strategies ofthe initialignition.This distributionmeans in principle
arevery sensitiveto influencesontheseparameters, thatthe designer should choose an appropriately
whichcaninclude the inappropriatebehaviour of pessimisticcurve: putperhaps too simply,any design
escapingpeople, minorchanges inthe building's basedon an averagecurve impliesafailurerate ofone in
geometry, trafficjams orroadworks onthe accessroutes two.This is usuallyunacceptablewherelifesafety is
ofthefire-fightingservices, temporary absenceoffire involved.Itis nevertheless unreasonablefor the designer
crews at the nearest fire stations forwhatever reasons, to base thedesign on theworstcurve possible— this
etc. would be anexplosion.The designer (ormoreusuallyin
Eithermethod ofassessmentofthe designfire sizecan practicethe enforcer ofregulations)must decidewhere
sometimesbe baseduponavailablestatisticson fire- the limitsofreasonableness lie. Ideallythiscould be
damaged areas butmayhaveto dependupon specifiable in terms ofthe constant yinEqn3.1 beinga
experiencedjudgement, basedon the anticipated fire specifiednumberofstandard deviationsaway from the
loadwhere amorerigorous approach is notfeasible. meanvalueappropriate to the classofoccupancy.Also,
It followsfrom theforegoingthat thereis astrongly for some scenarios,the growth rate mayvary with time,
subjectiveelement in assessingwhatfire size is eg afire maygrowat a 'medium' rate for thefirst five
acceptablyinfrequent for safedesignpurposes. Clearly, minutes andthen change intoa 'fast'fire.
an 'average'fireforsafety design is unacceptable,since by Ramachandran31 has pioneered the analysis ofthe
definition,nearly halfofallfires would grow larger.Also, UKFire Statisticsdatabaseto deduce not only fire growth
it is unreasonableto expecta SHEVSto be designed for curves (expressedin exponentialform) butalso toderive
the largestpossiblefire. the probabilitydistributionsforthosecurves.
Unfortunatelytheavailabledatado not cover many
3.2 Growing design fires occupancytypes ofmajor interest tothe smoke control
Thetime-dependentgrowingdesignfire hasthe Exponentiallygrowing fires have alsobeenusedin
attraction oftrying to model thereality ofgrowing time- some other documents[22] Thefire growthis given as:
varying fires. For horizontal fire spread atime squared (or
't2') curve maybeconsidered: q=c(exp(f3t)—l) (3.2)

q=yt2 (3.1) whereuand 3 areconstants (note:theseconstantsarenot

thesame parameters represented by uand 1 elsewherein
where: the presentwork). Exponential growth can bevery rapid
q= heat release rate (kW), andprincipallyapplies to fire spreadinvertical surfaces.
y= aconstantdefiningthe steepness ofthe curve (kWs2), Theyarenotnormallyusedfor SHEVSdesigns.
t=timeafterignition (s). Thereisaremaining sub-group ofgrowingfires for
This approach isfollowedin severaldesign guidance designuse. These are wherethefuel loadcorresponding
documents for smokecontroI22'28'29includingNF'PA toaspecificoccupancyhasbeenrecreatedundera
92B221, whichclassifies thefires asslow, medium,fast and calorimeter (egthe 'sprinkleredcalorimeter' at FRS[3233])
ultra-fast.Values foryforthose fire growth rates are given and hasbeen burnedso thatthe heatrelease rate and
in Table3.1. Wherethis approach is useditis desirableto otherimportant parameters areknown as afunction of
carry out other calculations(egthe firesizeat the onset of time. These datacanthen be usedby designersto predict
flashover)to setan upperlimitto whatwould otherwise the consequencesofwhatwould have happened ifthat
beaninfinitefire growth. same fire had been burned in the buildinggeometry of
Inreality,ofcourse, any actual sample offires interest tothe design.Thistechnique isusefulinthatit
occurring in the same nominal occupancywill never be canallow aconfident departure from themoreusual
describableby asingle growth curve.Therewill bea designfires for aspecificapplicationwherethe fuelload
16 Design methodologies for SHEVS
is not likelyto vary much from the arrangement studied A designprocedure with a growingdesignfireis
in the experiment. summarizedin Annex A.
Some designers offire safety systemsassumethat a
growing design fire in the presence ofsprinklerswill grow 3.3 Steady-statedesign fires
until ithasbecomelarge enough to trigger the first
sprinklerhead,afterwhich it willprobably decline or be Thereis acommonmisconceptionthat a steady-statefire
extinguished.It is often cited as a pessimisticassumption is meanttobe onewhichgrowstoaparticular size,and
that it issufficientfor designerstotakeasthelargest size thencontinues at a constant burning rate limitedby some
fire that which triggers the firstsprinkler and thereafter factor suchas limited availabilityoffuel or limited
remains constant22'28291 —butnotethatBS DD 240 (the ventilation.In practice, this definitionhas not featured in
lastofthe threereferences)also allowsthe designer to the 'steady-state'approachto specif,ring designfires.
selectotheroptions includingthat thefire should The actual approach followedin the UK andmany
continue to grow. othercountries over the past 30 to 35 years has beento
Thereis a considerablebodyofknowledge concerning assessthe largest sizethe fire is likelyto reachduringits
the effectofsprinklerson specificfuelarrays usedin development (includingthe effectofthe fire servicesin
experiments.It is clear from these experimentsthat the controllingthe size offire aswellas the effectiveness of
effectivenessofsprinklersdepends stronglyonthe degree sprinklersorother extinguishingmedia), and to design
to whichthe fuel is shielded from the water spray the system as ifthefire wasalways ofthis size.This
(egreference [32]). It is also clear from theseand many approach requires the assumptionthat anysystem able to
other experimentsthat thereis a wide range ofpossible achieve safedesign conditionsforthis largefirewill also
fire growth behaviour,and thatwhile sprinklerswill achieve safetyfor all smallerstages ofthe same fire (see
usuallycontrol afire and will often extinguishit, therecan section 3.1 above).It alsofollowsfrom this concept that
becircumstanceswherethe fire canindeed grow after the the steady-statedesign fireis inherently astatistical
first sprinkleroperates. Unfortunatelythere appear tobe concept.
no experimentallyderived statisticsavailableto quanti As for thegrowingfiredescribed above, assumingan
the probabilitiesofthese possibilities. 'average' maximumfire size will implyan unacceptable
Thus, the commonly held assumption that the upper failurerate of50%, whereas the largest possiblefire is
limit to agrowing designfire can be takento be the size at alwaysunreasonable.The designer and regulator has to
whichthe firstsprinkler operates, remains unconfirmed. adopt the concept ofasubjectivelyacceptable largest
As mentioned earlier, resultsfrom experimentalwork designsize (seealso section 3.1). Unfortunately,steady-
inwhichfireswith thefuel loadtypical ofa specific statedesignfires contain no informationabout the actual
scenario have beenstudiedunderacalorimeter can times involved inthefire.
provide informationfor use in SHEVSdesign. The TheUK FireStatisticsaremuch easierto analysein
experiments provide heat release rates and other relevant terms ofthe largest fire-damaged arearecorded afteran
parameters in the rigas afunction oftime. The resultscan incident than in terms ofthe actual growth rate
thenbe extrapolated to build up a realisticfire growth (egMorgan &HanseIl34 and Ghosh351).Another
scenario for the buildingofinterest. Resultsfrom some approach to the maximumareahas been discussedby
recentexperimental workaregiven inTable3.2. Ramachandran61 usingmainly informationfor fires in

Table 3.2 Results ofexperiments simulating differenttypesofoccupancy

Fire Heat release HRR at operation of HRR at operation of
Type of growth rate (HRR) 1st quick-response 1st normal-response
occupancy rate per m2 fuel sprinkler sprinkler Notes

Retailpremises Fast to ultra-fast 280—650 kWm2 Between 100 kW Between 500 kW This occupancy type can contain
(videos) and 700 kW and 1000kW a wide range of fire hazards,
(packets of crisps) leading to a wide rangeof
growth ratesand heat release
rates. The arrangement of
materials can alsohave a
significant effectonfire growth,
eg fire growth may bemore
rapidingoods displayed on
shelving. __________
Cellularoffices Medium 270 kWm2 The fireload mainlycomprised
furniture, papers and computers.
Libraries Slowtomedium 150—650kWrn2 Thefuel comprised hardback and
paperback books.
Note: Heat release rate valuesare priortosprinkler operation.
3 Design-fire size ____ ______ 17

(a) (b) 100

200 50
40 5




0 5 10152025 50 I
% ofsamp'e >
0 20 40 60 80
% offires>A1

Figure9Percentage offires exceeding a specifiedfire-damaged area: (a)offices, (b)retail areas

the textile industry.References[34,35] followedthe class ofoccupancy must be expected to have itsown
earlierMorgan & Chandler°1 paper defininga 'relative characteristicdesignfire.
frequency',such thatit represents the percentage offire It is also impossiblein most casesto arriveat a heat
incidentsoutofadefined population ofincidentswhich release rate from the UK FireStatisticsdatabase, and so it
exceed aspecifiedfire-damaged area. For example,in has alwaysbeen necessaryto assumeor derivefrom some
Figure9a (fromreference [34]), 10% ofincidentsfrom a othersourcea valueofheat release rate per squaremetre
population definedas fires startinginofficeswhere appropriatetothe occupancyin question.Ithasbeen
sprinklersare present, exceed a fire-damagedareaof usual to assume apessimisticvaluefrom afrequency
16m2. In thiscase,whichhas become thecommonly distributionofheatrelease ratesper squaremetre, where
adopted designfire for sprinkler-equippedoffices,we can this can be deduced27. This approach necessarilymeans
say thatthe designfirehas arelativefrequencyof10%. that apessimisticview hasbeenintroduced in two
Another exampleis the more recentstudyby Ghosh3 of separate stagesoftheargument in arrivingatadesig:nfire.
fires startingin retail areas ofretail premises (Figure9b), It canalsobenotedthat wherethereis alackofreliable
although the decision as tothe designfiresizefor evidenceto support the choice ofeithera growing cr a
sprinkler-equippedpublic areas ofretail premises was steady-statefire, itis usuallymorepracticabletoassess
taken on the basisofmuch weakerevidence5'24. thelargest sizethat a fire might reasonablyachieve rather
Figures 9a and 9bshow that sprinklershavethe effect thanthetime itmighttaketo reach suchasize.This
ofreducing the frequencywithwhichfires exceed any means,forexample,thatwhenthereisnoclear evidence
given area, for all except the smaller fires. It is alsowell availableto support a choice ofeitheraparticular
establishedthat sprinklers,whenin operation, makeit constantinthe 't2' growth formula, or astatistically
muchless likelythat a fireinaroom will achieve reliablesteady-statemaximum fire, it isusuallysafer to
flashover.It is common inthe UK to speciIr that ask an experiencedfireofficerto assessthesize offire his
sprinklersbefitted,as part ofthesmokeventilation first-attendingcrew would begin to extinguishthan to ask
concept, in order tokeepthefire within limitswhich himto assesshowlong the fire would taketo grow to that
allow morepractical smokeventilation.Indeed, inthe size.
UKthe fittingofsprinklersin shops opento enclosed Workondesign guidancefor smokeventilation
shopping malls, combined withsmoke exhaust systemsinshopping centres5'24usedthe principleof
ventilation in those malls, is mandatory. selectinga fixed sizeoffirethatwould cater for almost all
It canalso be seen from Figures9aand 9b that different ofthe fire sizeslikelyto befound in that class of
occupancies (in this case offices and retail areas) donot occupancy and then deducing apessimisticheat output
followthe same curve. Itimmediatelyfollowsthatthereis from thatfire37'241. This procedure hasbeen adopted for
no suchthingas a universaldesignfire. Eachdifferent occupanciesother than retail, which are alsocommonly
18 Design methodologies for SHEVS

Table 3.3 Steady-state design-fire sizes

Fire Fire Heatrelease Totalconvective
Occupancy area, A perimeter, P rate density,q heat flux
type (m2) (m) (kWm2) (kW)

Retail areas
Standard response sprinklers 10 12 625 5000
Quick response sprinklers 5 9 625 2500
No sprinklers Entire room Width ofopening 1200 ?
Standard response sprinklers 16 14 255 2700 (closetothe fireflume)
1000 (atthewindow)
Nosprinklers:fuel-bed 47 24 255 8000(closetothefireplume)
controlled 6000(atthe window)
No sprinklers: full involvement Entire room Width of opening 255 ?

ofcompartment .. -
Standard responsesprinklers 2 6 250 400 (close tothe plume)
300 (at thewindow)
No sprinklers Entire room Width of opening 100 1000(atthe window)
(typically c. 20m2) .-
(a burning car) 10 12 400 3000(closetothe plume) -

Experimentsin a opriakieredcaisrimeter indicate thatthe fire sizes issomeoccepancies msybe smallerthee gineeisthe table, batasyetthere is not enoaghintormatisn togixe reliableasIans.

Desige fire sizes for offices asd hotelrooms are sotofficially 'epproxed'choices,althoeghtheyore widely soed.
Recentintormation osbaraisg cars ooggestothatmodern cars ese materialswhich may sometimesgixehigher borniegrates than isthe Table.The positionis not yetcleartorcarsoshre incar parks, arid
thisrecommesdotionmay changemhenbetter data become available.

associated with atrium buildings,ie officesand hotel above. The mass flowrate ofgasesentering the final
bedrooms34'351. reservoir will be less than would becalculated usingthe
Table3.3 summarizesseveral ofthe more commonly valuegiven above. Even forthis scenario, therefore, the
adoptedsteady-state design fire sizes incurrentuse. The above value should erronthe side ofsafety.Designers
heat release rate (qfAf) isthetotal heatgenerated by wishingto takesprinklercooling in the firecompartment
combustion per second, and is the parameter measured in morerigorously'intoaccount should adopt a fullyfire-
most calorimetryexperiments. Some ofthisheat is engineered approach appropriate to theirspecific
radiatedfrom the flames, and warms the surrounding circumstances,forexample byusingthe methods
walls,floor, etc. The heat remaining in the gases is the described insection 5.5 to assessthe effectofsprinkler
convectiveheat flux, and is the heatflow parameter cooling on the outfiowinggases.
required for calculationsofsubsequent smoke Theuse ofthe bedroom floor areafor the hotel
movement. bedroomdesign firereflects the situationwheretherearc
Whenconsidering an unsprinldered office occupancy nosprinklers present. Unpublished research on
thereexiststhepotential for flashoverto occur, and for sprinklered bed fires1391, wherethe lowheat output per
theentirefloor becoming involvedin fire. Even ifthe unitareawas comparable tovalues for hotelbedrooms,
buildinggeometry can accommodate this fire condition, suggest that the much lowerfuel load (compared withan
thedestructive powerofafullyinvolvedofficeroom fire office) expected in ahotelbedroomutilizing
is suchthat smokecontrol systemscannotusuallybe conventionalsprinklersshould makeitpossibleforthe
designed to protectsatisfactorilymeans ofeseapein this smokygases to be cooled sufficiently tobe retained
situation, except for fires in smallrooms. An assessment within the room oforigin (assumingthe windowis not
ofthe mass flowrate andheat fluxfrom aroom fire will open). The operation ofsprinklers islikelyto coolany
allow the potentialforflashoverto be estimated,and smokefrom afire and suppressthatfire to suchan extent
thencewhetheradditionalprecautionary measures are thatthe glazingto the bedroom willprobably remain
required, egsprinklers.This bookwill only provide intact. This is particularlytruefor double-glazed
gnidaneeforthe designofsmoke control systemsfor a windows.
fuel-bed-controlledfire in anoffice,and afullyinvolved The same research391 indicatesthatthe use of
fire in a hotelbedroom. conventionalsprinklersin a residentialenvironment may
Gases flowingintothe atrium from a fire deep within a not, however, allow conditionswithin the roomto
large-area officewith operating sprinklersmaybe cooler remain tenable, and it may be inferredthatthe presence
than is assumed in the 'sprinkleredoffice' designfire ofan open window to the room could produce hazardous
3 Design-fire size 19

conditionsinthe atrium, at least above the floor offire possiblefire, orthefastest possiblefiregrowth rate, In
origin.Thereare no statisticaldataavailableonfires in practice, itis alwaysnecessaryto designfor the largest
sprinkleredhotelbedrooms in the UK; consequently,any reasonablesize offire; orin otherwordsfor afire which
choice ofdesignfire size willbesubjective.Should a will be exceeded in anacceptablysmallproportion offire
designer wishto examinethe effectofa plume emanating incidentslikelytooccurinthe occupancytype ofinterest
from an open window in a sprinkleredhotelbedroom, it tothe designer.Wherethe dataexistsin thecorrectform,
would not seem unreasonabletouse a valueof6 m this essentiallymeans choosingan appropriatevalue of
perimeter(equivalentto asinglebed) with a convective relativefrequency andfindingthe correspondingareafor
heatoutputofaround 500 kW asthe designfire. thedesign fire. Similarlyforgrowingfires, it is always
Research intothe use offast-responsesprinklersin a necessaryto choose a designfire whose growthratewill
residentialenvironment°'41 has clearlyshown that at the be exceeded inanacceptably smallproportion of
time ofoperation ofthesesprinklersthe conditionsinside incidentsin the typeofoccupancyofinterest.As has
theroomswerestill tenable, ie therewas no life-safety already been notedabove, the paucity ofavailable
risk from thesmoke, evenwith excessiveceilinglevel probabilitydistributionsofgrowth curvesmakesthe
temperatures. This clearlyindicatesthat for anygases choice ofdesignfire difficult. For both steady-stateand
flowingintotheatrium (egthroughan openwindow) the growing designfires, these decisionsare necessarily
further entrainment induced by the risingsmokeplume subjective(more so wheredecisionshaveto be basedon
willensurethatconditionswithin the atriummust be an experiencedjudgement inthe absenceofaknown
tenable, regardless ofthe smoketemperature or smoke probabilitydistribution).
production rateinthe room. Whileitis possiblethatthis Oneexpects differencesofperception. It is common to
may also be true for cellularoffices employingfast- findthatindividualsresponsiblefor a singlebuildingwill
response sprinklers,thereis no evidence (experimentalor seeas low those values ofprobabilitywhichthe regulator
empirical)to validatethis, andso toerr ontheside of will see asunacceptablylargewhenapplied to alarge
safety,thisbookwillregard sprinklered offices employing numberofsimilarbuildingsforwhichhe has
fast-responsesprinklersinthe same wayas offices using responsibility.
conventionalsprinklers.Further research andstatistical Whatconstitutes an acceptable point in a probability
dataaredesirablein thisarea. distributionalso depends onthe likelypublicreactionin
Thedesignprocedure for a steady-statedesignfireis potentially multi-fatalityfires.Anecdotal evidence,egthe
summarizedin Annex B. strengthofthepublic reaction followingamajor
multiple-death fire suchas the Kings CrossUnderground
3.4 Acceptablefailure rates Station fire in Londonin 1987 after many decades
withoutany firedeathsin similarcircumstances,suggests
It has already beennotedthatit is never feasibleto design that forsome types ofpublic buildingtheacceptable
afire safetyengineered systemto copewiththe largest failurerate can be very low indeed.
20 ____ ____ _________

4 Escape times

SHEVS are often designed such that a clear layerwill Evacuation time
remain for an indefiniteperiod, provided thedesignfire Evacuationtimewill dependon the traveldistance,the
size is not exceeded.Ifthe purpose ofthe smoke control numberandwidth ofexits,and the population.It also
system is purely forlife safety then a clear layeroniyneed depends on the presence ofstragglers, disabled or injured
be maintainedforsuchaperiodthat safeevacuationofall people andthe unpredictablebehaviour ofhuman beings
the occupants cantakeplace. In thesecases, itis in an emergency: people whohavealready reached a safe
important todetermine both the availableescape time environment will often gobackintoan endangered zone
and the required escape time to ensurethatthe available for subjectivereasons (ega motherlooking for her child
escape timeis at leastas long as the required escape time. from whomshe became separated during evacuation).
Availableescape time is defined as the timefrom the Also,the population ofabuildingcannot be estimated
detectionofafireto the 'time to danger' whereescape accuratelyfor allcircumstances,eg in the timebefore
becomes impossibleorvery difficult. The time to danger Christmas there canbe far more people than normal
isthe timeuntil: inside ashopping mall. In this case,the required escape
• the clear layerheightis less than3 m (may be lowerin
some cases), or
time can be longer than assumed in the design.This could
leadto deaths ifthe safetymargin included in the design
• thehot gas layertemperature is 200 °C or more. is insufficient.
It isbeyondthescopeofthisbookto discuss escape
Ifthe clear layer (ievisibilityofatleast10 m) wastoo times in detail. In general, specialisthelp should be
shallow then escape would bethroughsmokeand will be sought for egress calculations.In some scenarios,itis not
difficult. Radiationfrom alayerwhose temperature is possibleto consider smoke control withoutan estimate of
morethan200 °C maycause severe painand discomfort. escape times.
It is relativelystraightforwardto calculatethe available Thesensitivityofthe 'time to danger' totheassumed
escape timefrom procedures given in this book. fire growth rate has been discussedin Chapter 3. This
Itis much moredifficult to assesswhat therequired introduces a probabilisticaspect tothe conceptofthe
escape timeswill be. In general,they will havetwo availableescape time. Similarly, the timeneededfor safe
components: evacuation ofoccupants should ideallybe described in
• alerting time and terms ofprobabilities,although the dependence on
• evacuation time. human behaviour makesthis difficult. Ideally,it should be
possibleto calculatethe combined probability ofa design
Alerting time being successfhl taking intoaccount allthe separate
Alerting time is the time needed for the people to realize probabilitiesofthe differentassumptions,both inthe
that thereis a lifethreatand to startto move. Evacuation availabletime for escape and in the time required for
time is the time needed to reacha place ofsafety. Alerting escape. Unfortunatelythis willbeimpossibleto do with
time will dependon many factors,some ofthe most accuracy in most cases because ofthe inadequacyof
important being the type ofalarmgiven and the availablesupporting data, and it willbe necessaryto
availabilityoftrainedstaff. Proulx & Sime421 have shown approximate to a greaterorlesserextent. This inturn
thatwhenusing only afire bell, as an alarmthealerting suggeststhe need for adequate safety margins to be
time canbe nearly 10 minutes, whereas withvoice-alarm applied to the results and conclusionsofsuch
and staffintervention thiscan be reduced to 60—90s. calculations.
Note that alerting times canchange due to too many false It should notbeforgotten that the time required for
alarms or to failureofthe alarmsystem. Experience has safeescape ofthe occupants from abuildingmay notbe
shown thatpeopletend to ignore alerts ifthey occur the only timelimit which has to be consideredwhen
frequently. carrying out atime-based SHEVSdesign. It isusefulto
regard fire-fightersasbuildingoccupants while they are
________________________________ ____ 4 Escapetimes ____ 21
inside fightinga fire; the design ofthe SHEVSshould not parameters whichleads, for example,tothe prediction
allow themto be putat risk simplybecausetheoriginal thatfirecrewsmay be caught in aflashovercannotbe
occupants have escaped. Anychoice ofdesign regarded as goodpracticeinSHEVS design (seealso
22 _________________________________ ______________

5 Smoke control on the storey

of fire origin

5.1 Within the fire room ofthe opening (Figure 11).Whereno downstand exists,
and an exhaust slot is usedinstead,the exhaust capacity
In anysituation involvingthe potential movement of provided willneed to be compatiblewiththe layerdepth
smoke intoescape routesitis alwayspreferable, although (Figure 12). See section 5.12 on exhaust slots(slitextract).
notalways practicable (as in most shopping malls),to More generally,the minimumheightto the base ofthe
control the smokein the fire room and henceprevent its smoke layer formedin the smoke reservoirshould be
passageto otherwiseunaffected areas. Ventilationofthe chosen on the grounds ofsafety. Some minimumvalues
fire roommaybe achieved eitherby a dedicated SHEVS arelisted in Annex Bfordifferenttypes ofoccupancy of
orby adapting and boostingan air-conditioningor thebuilding.
ventilatingsystem. The latter systemsare usually This typeofplumeis definedas an axi-symmetric
designed to distribute air uniformlythrougha space and plume as the smokeflow should be approximately
notto establishthermalstratificationas in a SHEVS.It symmetricalabout an axis; intheabsence ofwindtheaxis
followsthat control dampers will usuallybeneededbe willbe vertical.Having establishedthe clear layer height
neededto modifythe mode ofoperation, egto keep inthe room, the mass flowrate ofsmoke canthen be
exhaust points nearthe ceilingopen and to shut down air calculated.
supply from the ceilingdownwards, as well as other
related changes in operation. Ifthe compartment isopen 5.1.1 Plumes above large fires
to anadjacent atrium, then thecompartment musthave Plumesabove large fires can be considered tobe those
eithera downstand barrier tocreateareservoir within the where:
compartment, or a high-powered exhaust slotat the
boundary edgeto achieve asimilar effect (Figures lOa Y 1O(Af)°5 (m) (5.1)
and lob).
Theminimum height ofthesmoke layer base in the whereY istheheightofrise oftheplumeand A(m2) is
room must be compatiblewiththe openings ontothe the areaofthe fire.
atrium, with the layer depthbeingno lowerthan the soffit WorkbyHansell43 drawing onworkby Zukoskiet

(a) (b)
Exhaust from Exhaust from Boundary edge
compartment compartment exhaust slot

Downstand downstand

Figure10 Smoke ventilation withina compartment:(a) use of a downstand to createa smoke reservoir, (b) use of a 'slot exhaust' to
preventsmokefrom enteringthe reservoir
5 Smoke control on storey offire origin 23
Exhaust from Ce = 0.34 (kgs'm512)for smallrooms suchas unitshops,
compartment cellularoffices, hotelbedrooms (prior to flashover
or fullinvolvement),etc. with ventilationopenings
/ predominantlyto one side ofthe fire (eg from an
office window in one wall only).Thusmost small
rooms will takethis value.
iJDownstand P = perimeter ofthe fire (m).
The earliestform ofEqn (5.2) wasby Thomas et a1191,and
was developed from theoretical considerations forthe
flameregion above extensive areas offire: wherethe fire
isnot close to any wall,the ceilingismuchhigherthan
theflame region ofthe plume, and air is free to app:roach
* Volumetric flowrate sufficiently great the firefrom all sides.
to prevent smoke spillage beneath The basic equation was simplifiedby merging
downstand for height of rise V. constants,and bygivingcertain parameters values
appropriate to flameconditions, reducing to Eqn (5.2)
Figure11 Plume height and layerdepthwith a downstand withCe=0.188. Itfollowsthatthejustificationfor using
Eqn (5.2) for thethermalplume region above theflames
is essentiallyempirical,and has beensummarizedby
Exhaust from Boundary edge Hinkley4, showing thattheequation has beenvalidated
* exhaust slot * experimentallyforvalues ofYupto 10 times (Af)0'5 (from
0.1 mto20m)[46] for firesinlargespaces,usingsquare
fires ofsidelengths between 0.2 m and 4.5 m.The
equationhasbeen validated for firesizes between8 kW
and 30 MW,withvalues ofthe heat-release ratedensity
between200 kWm2 and 1800 kWm2. Its extension
beyond those rangesisuntested, but it is likelythat any
fireextending above thatrange will rapidly leadto
flashover,andthe full involvementofany room, andthat
anyfire smallerthanthatrange would besubject to the
thermal plume breaking up intoalarger number of
* Volumetric flow rate sufficiently great Poreh& Morgan481haveshownthat Eqn (5.2) is
to prevent smoke spillage beyond the equivalenttothe equation derived byZukoskietal44
exhaust slot for height of rise Y. (see section 5.1.2 below) for entrainment intoabuoyant
plume, within the limits ofthe availableexperimental
Figure12 Plume height and layerdepthwith a slotexhaust uncertainties.
Note herethatEqn (5.2)(andall other axi-symmetric
plumes) will be fhrther modifiedifthe fireis very close to
al441 andQuintiere et al45 to modifyearlier studies by one or more walls.This effectisdiscussedinsection 5.1.3
Thomas etal9 and Hinkley4 has shown that the rate of below.
air entrainment intoa plume ofsmokerisingabove afire, Thequantity ofsmoke entering a ceilingreservoir or
Mf, maybe obtainedusingthe equation: flowinglayer given byEqn (5.2)is showngraphicallyin
Figures 13a and 13bforboth (small) cellularand open-
Mf= Ce Py3"2 (kgs1) (5.2) planrooms (Ce =0.34 andCe=0.19) and for sprinklered
and unsprinklered offices (P = 14m andP= 24 m).
where: Similarcurvesare showngraphicallyin Figure 14 for
Ce = 0.19 (kgs'm52) forlarge-area rooms suchas sprinklered large retail areas ofshops.
auditoria,stadia,largeopen-plan offices, atrium Thedemarcation betweena cellularroomand an
floors,etc. wherethe ceilingis wellabove the fire. open-plan layout is determined bythe abilityofthe
Ce 0.21 (kgs1m5"2) forlarge-area rooms, suchas open- incoming airflowtoflow intothe risingplume from all
plan offices,wherethe ceilingis close to the fire. sides.The narrower theroombecomes, the less easilythe
(Note:it isnot known how andunderwhat air can flow behind theplume. Inthis regard, cellular
conditionsoneshould regard a ceilingas being rooms areconsidered herein tobe those in which the
close to the fire. Until betterevidence appears, it is maximum roomdimension is less than orequalto 5 times
hereby suggestedthat Ceshould takethe value 0.21 the effectivewidthofthe designfire size (egits diameter
whenever Y is<threetimes JAf. Itishoped that ifcircular),and the incomingair canonly enterfrom one
researchwill allow a betterbasis for choice). direction (Figure 15).This demarcation dimensionwas
24 Design methodologies for SHEVS
C0Ol8U =
C0 O331
(a) (b)

U) 3


0 0
20 30 40 50 60 0 :10 40 60 80 100

Massflow (kgs) Massflow (kgs)

Figure13 Rateof production ofhot gasesfor (a)sprinklered,(b) unsprinklered offices

chosenarbitrarilywhenfirstproposed forinclusionin
reference [13], basedonthe experiencedjudgement of
the authors, and still has no theoretical derivation.
Research inthis areais highly desirable.
4 Whilst Figures 13a and 13b show the mass flow
production curvesfor cellularoffices, many such
configurationswillnot in practice have afixed wall
construction with agoodenough fire resistance,orhave i
large enough opening to sustain the replacement air
U) 3
-D supply (seesection 5.8) needed for such large fires.
0 Figure 13b also has a 'cut-off' belowwhichthe -

U) temperatureofthe gas layerwill exceed 600 °C and
0 flashoverofthe room will almost certainly have occurred.
Themechanism offlashovermaywellstartto occur prior
to this criticalpoint, and gastemperatures in excessof
500 °Cmay be considered aconservative lowerlimit for
flashoverpotentia147.The 'danger-zone' is shown as a
shadedareaon Figure13b.
Mass flowrates should be above this shaded zone for
the smoke control systems to operatesafely.

5.1.2 Plumes above smallfires

Plumesabove small fires arethosewherethe
10 15 20 25 30 characteristicdimension ofthe fire (egthe diameter ofa
Massflow (kgs-) roundfire) is sufficiently smallerthan the plume height
above the firethatthe plume can be regarded as being
Figure14 Rate of production ofhotgasesfor large essentiallycircular inhorizontal cross-section and at
sprinklered shops theseplume heights appears to behave as ifit were
5 Smoke control on storey offireorigin 25
conicalinshaperisingfrom a pointsource. Because of entrainment intothe buoyant plume.
thisbehaviour mathematical modelsbasedonthis Whenusingthe LargeFire Eqn (5.2), it is sometimes
approximationare often known as 'point-source' models. assumedthatthereduction in mass flow is the same as
Note that in thesemodels the actual fireis taken to thereduction in the effective fire perimeter.Thus, aliquid
correspond to ahorizontal plane in the conicalplume, poolfirein a 1 x 1 m traywill have a perimeter of4 m
some distance above the pointofthe inverted cone. It whenthe trayis away from anywall;3 m whenoneside
followsthat the location ofthe point isvirtual (ie ofthetrayisclose to a wall;and 2 m whenthetrayis
imaginary,havingnoreal existence),and this location locatedin acorner, ietwo ofthesides arelocated close to
canoften belowerthanthefloor beneaththeactual fire. walls.For the same heightofrise ofa plume,the
The distancefrom theactual fire to thevirtualpoint corresponding massfluxshould then be Mf, 0.7SMfand
source can be defined from differentheights in the fuel O.SMfwhenthe fire is inthe middle ofthe room, near one
array, and cantakedifferentvaluesin differentmodels. wall,andin acorner respectively.
In view ofthe greaterconvenience ofEqn (5.2), this WhenusingEqn (5.4) it is often assumed, from
current bookwill only considerthese 'small-fire'models theoretical analysis, thatthe wallswillreducethe mass
asbeingappropriate for: flow from the firesuchthattheentrainment willbe
0.63 times that ofthe same fire inthemiddle ofthe room
Y> 10(Af)05 (5.3) whenthefire is close to one wall,and is 0.4 times that of
thesame fire in the middle ofthe room whenthe fire is in
Poreh& Morgan48 haveshownthat Eqn (5.2) is acorner.
equivalentto the equation derived byZukoskiet al441for Recent unpublishedexperimental evidence obtained
entrainment intoabuoyant plume, within the limitsof atthe Fire Research Station suggeststhatwhenthe fire is
theavailableexperimental uncertainties.Following nearone ormorewalls thetruemass flowmaybe greater
Zukoski et al, we canwrite: than those values.Forafire close to onewall themass
flow was —0.7 times that ofthe same fire in the middle of
Mf= CQ[3(Y-Y0)5'3 (kgs1) (5.4) the room, and for afire inacorner themass flowwas
—0.65times thatofthe same fireinthemiddle ofthe
where: room.Dataareonly availablefrom averylimited number
C == 0.071 (kgs' kW-1'3m5'3), ofexperiments.
convectiveheatflux Therefore, designassumptionswill err on the side of
= heightabovethebase(kW),
ofthe fireto the virtualorigin safety ifthe smallervalues ofM arc usedtopredict
ofthsmoke plume (m). flashoverconditionsand the larger valuesofM (typically
Theuse ofEqn (5.4) requires that the valueofY0must be for fires not close to wallsin most cases)usedfor
determined foreachfire size. calculatingthe capacityoftheSHEVS.
canbe calculated from reference [44]:
5.1.4 Effects of sprinkler
'V0 -l.O2Df+ 0.083Q5 (m) (5.5) Thereisno informationavailableto show howthe
equationsfor entrainment into a plume should be
Eqn (5.5) has only been validated for pool-type fires, and modifiedto allowforthe effectsofsprinkler spray
itis assumed thatformostsolid fuels found inbuildings interactions.Consequently,they are usedhere
thevalueofY0 islikelyto be similar. Thevalue ofthe unmodified.
convectiveheatflux (Q) can beassumed as —70% ofthe
total heatreleased persecond bythe fire for most 5.2 The flowof hot gasesout of the room of
Ifthe height ofthe ftielis known then amoreaccurate origininto a taller adjacent space (eg an
calculationofentrainment may bedoneby usingthe atrium or mall)
formula derivedby Heskestad49: Manybuildingshaveroomsopening intoa common
space with amuchhigherceiling.Examples include
M= 0.071Q33(y_y0)LO7[1+0.026Q19O7(y_y0)tO7](kg s') (5.6a) multistorey shopping malls, single-storeyshopping malls
wherethemall has a much higherceilingthanthe shop's
wherey0 istheheightofthevirtualorigin ofthe plume openingheight,atria andbuildingswith mezzanine
measured abovethetop ofthe burning thel, and: floors. In suchbuildingsanyfire on the floor ofthe larger
space can bedescribed as ifit were asimple single-storey
y0 -1.02D1+0.083QX5 (5.6b) space with ahigh ceiling.
Additionalprocesses must be considered whenthe fire
occursin one ofthe rooms adjacent to the tall space. In
5.1.3Effects of adjacent walls on entrainment such a room the selection process for the designfire
intotheplume remainsunchanged. The plume immediatelyabovethe
Wherea fireis expected to be directly bounded bywalls, fire is as described in Eqn (5.2), butthesmoke layer
it iscommonly assumed thatthewalls act to reduce the formed underthe ceilingoftheroomwill flow
26 Design methodologies for SHEVS

horizontally through the opening(s) tothelarger space

Cellular room
unless special measures are takento prevent it.
ASHEVS designrequires calculationofthe massflow P1
rate ofsmoke at eachstage en route. Thisrequires a
calculation ofthe massflowrateattheroom's opening. It Restricted air flowto
is also necessaryto identifiwhethertheselected design fire and plume
fireis realisticforthecircumstances.This canbe checked
by calculatingthetemperature ofthe gasesbeneaththe
ceilingofthe fireroom— or at itsopening. Ifthe
temperature istoo high heatradiation in the roomwill opening
rapidly cause full involvementofallavailableftielin the
room (ie flashover).In suchacase,theonly reasonable
designfire isa fullyinvolved room, requiring a
reassessmentoftheheat release rate,and alsorequiring a
change in the calculationprocedures. Itcan beassumed
thatsprinklers inthefireroomwill prevent flashover.
Themass flow rate ofsmoky gasespassingthrougha
Cellular room
vertical opening (Mw)maybefound from references
[43,13]: 1H •L
Ce PW/-Z312
Mw— (kgs') (5.7)
L C2)] Figure 15 Limiting size ofcellularroom

where: spilledge itself(discussedin the previous paragraph).

W =widthofopening (m), Anempiricalcorrelation involvinganiterative methoc
h = height ofthe top ofopening above thefloor (m), ofcalculatingC10wasdeveloped byHansell431 and was
Cd = effectivecoefficientofdischargefortheopening. included in earlier guidancefrom BRE13. Unfortunately,
Note: The number'2' inEqn (5.7)istheresult of it had notbeenpossiblefor his work to study awide
combiningvarious parameters, and has dimension. variety ofopening widths, opening heights, ormass flow
rates ofhotgases. Ithas beenfound in practice that
It is worthrepeating at thispointthe earlier comment although the correlation gave agoodresult over the
that the demarcation betweena cellularroom and an experimental range, the predicted valueofCd0can
open-plan layout, ie the basis for choosing C, is become unbelievablylargewhenit isusedfor
determined by the abilityofthe incoming airflowto flow circumstancestoo differentfrom the original
intothe risingplume from allsides.The narrower the experimental geometries whichgaverise to Hansell's
roombecomes, the less easilythe air canflowbehind the correlation. It is noteworthy that wherethe design
plume. In this regard,as stated in section 5.1.1, cellular condition is close tothe experimental geometry, most of
rooms are considered hereinto bethosein which the the calculatedvalues ofCdOfor 'intermediate-depth
maximum room dimensionisless than or equal to 5 times downstand' using Hansell'sifull method are reasonably
thediameterofthe design fire size,andthe incoming air close to 0.8.
canonly enterfrom one direction (Figure 15). As a result ofthe above, a simpleralternative is here
Wherethesmoke flow directly approaches a'spill recommended forcalculatingthe appropriate valueof
edge' withnodownstand (egwherethe ceilingis flush
withthe topoftheopening),Cd = CdS = 1.0. Where
smoke spillspast adeep downstand at the spilledge, the
• Make5.7anand
initialassessmentofthe mass flow rate using
a trial valueof andthus an
Eqn CdO (CdO 0.65)
discharge coefficientfor smoke flows directly beneaththe initialassessmentofthe flowinglayer depth D canbe
downstand can betakentobe 0.65. madefrom:
Wherethesmoke flowsbeyondadownstand or lower
ceilinglevel at anopeningsetbackfrom the actual spill D (m) (5.8)
edge, risinginthe form ofa plume ofheightDd (Figures CdOL2WJ
16a andb) ithasbeen shown that the heightofrise ofthe
plume has an effecton the rate offlow ofsmoke leaving usingthe same initialtrialvalue ofCdO. (Notethat
the opening43. This effectcanbe expressed asa Eqn 5.8 is asimplifiedand approximated version ofthe
modificationto the coefficientofdischargeatthe moredetailed equation discussedin section 5.6.While
opening (which wecan write as CdO inordertomaintain a it is sufficientlyaccuratefor the purposes ofthe
distinctionbetweenthe twoscenarios).Note: This should iterative procedure described herein, itis betterto
not be confusedwiththe coefficientofdischargeatthe followsection 5.6wherethe actual layer depth has to
5 Smoke control on storey of fireorigin 27
(a) (b)

Figure16 Flow out ofanopening with(a) downstand and projectingbalcony, (b)a high balcony

• beWhere
Dd=0 (ieno downstand), do notseparately
Notethatfor the specificcaseofsingle-storey
shopping mallswhose ceilingsare nottoo much taller
calculateforthewindow ifitis not alsothe
opening thanthe shop units opening intothose malls, therehas
spilledge. In practice, it should bepossibleto ignore beenan alternativeempirical correlation2451. In this
very smalldownstands.It is here suggestedwithout approach, allthe calculationsofolltflow from the fire-
evidence thatwe can treat allvalues ofDd less than compartment detailed insection 5.2, aswell asEqn (5.9),

• D 0.25 asbeingableto be ignored.

WhereDd >> (it is here suggestedwithout
evidence that one can assume Dd>2D),we can
aresimplyreplaced byEqn (5.1) withY being the hLeight
measured from the base ofthe fire tothebase ofthe
buoyantsmoke layer in the mall andwith Cetakingthe
assume that Cd0 = 0.65. value 0.38. It is believedthatthis correlation willbreak
• Forall intermediate cases,assume that Cd0 = 0.8. down for mallswherethe smokereservoirlayer's base is
toohigh above thetopofthe fire-compartment'sopening
Note: the number'2'in Eqn (5.8) istheresult of (ie the window betweenshop unitand mall),and it is
combiningvarious parameters, andhas dimension. suggested that this simple correlation should notbeused
wherethe layerbase is morethan2 m above thetop of
It is clear thatthis represents an unsatisfactoryposition, the opening241.Instead, the designer should employ the
and this approachcanbe expected tobesuperseded as calculationmethodsdetailed inChapter 6.
soonas a more comprehensive experimental study can
leadtoabetter,morewidelyvalidated,correlation. 5.3 Ventilationof single-storeysmoke
Earlyexperiments in smokeflow in shopping malls50
and unpublishedfurther analysisofthe dataatFRS have reservoirs (including the balcony space
shown that the smokeflowingfrom aroomwith adeep where smoke is contained and exhausted
downstand andthen underabalcony beyond the from beneath a balcony)
opening becomes moreturbulent with increasingmixing Thissectionappliesboth whereanaxisymmetricplume
ofair. This analysiswasbasedon the differencesin rises directly intoa smokereservoir,andwherea smoke
temperature measured beneaththe downstand at the reservoiris formed onthe same storey asthefirebut
opening, andbeneaththe balcony.In the continuing outside the roomoffireorigin. This latter case occurs
absence ofbetterevidence,we suggestthatforthe whenthesmoke cannot be contained within the room of
purpose ofengineeringdesignthemass flow rate of origin becausethe rooms have demountablepartitions;
smoke entering the balcony reservoirMB canbetakento and/or insufficient replacement air canbe provided;
be approximatelydouble theamountgiven byEqn (5.7) and/or theengineeringimplicationsaretoocostly or
ie: difficult to apply, then the smokeand hotgaseswill be
able totravelfrom the room oforigin intothespace
MB =2M (kgs1) (5.9) beyond. This space can be a single-storeymall, or part of
the same storey asthe fire-room.Thissection therefore
This assumptionistakeninthespirit ofthephilosophy of applies to anysmokereservoir formed on the samestorey
this bookdeclared in thePreface,andis known tobe asthefire-room,butadjacentto thatfire-room.
crude. Furtherresearch is highly desirable. Some atria aredesigned with balconies around the
28 Design methodologies forSHEVS


Figure17 Schematicsectionof anatriumwith balconies

Figure 19 Under-balcony smoke reservoirventing into an atrium
smoke reservoir

4 ofthe reservoir to ensurethatthe smoke retains its

buoyancy.Eachreservoir should be limited to an areanot
(Exhaust from exceeding 1300 m2 in area, with anupperlimit to the area
balcony reservoir ofthe fire—room of1300 m2 wherepowered smoke
exhaust is used; or 1000 m2for eachparameter where
Atrium natural smokeventilation is used (by analogywith
Balcony edge shopping malls241).Note that it is logicallyequivalentto
screen specifythatthe total areaoffire-room plus adjacent
smoke reservoir should not exceed 2000 m2 fornatural
smokeventilation,or2600 m2 ifpowered smoke
ventilationis used. Alsoby analogywith shopping
malls1241, the smoke reservoir should havea maximum
length of6O m. See section 5.17 belowfora fuller
discussionofthe limits tosmokereservoir size.
Wherethe smoke reservoiris formedbeneatha
balconyin amultistorey space (egan atrium ormall),the
Figure 18 An underbalconysmoke reservoir screens around thebalconies will,in general,befairly
close to potential fire compartments (egoffices). Being
close, smokeissuingfrom such a compartment will
perimeterofthevoid, serving all the rooms at that level. deepen locallyon meeting atransverse barrier. The depth
Figure 17 illustratesinschematic form an atrium with ofthesescreens should takeintoaccount local deepening
floors (two levels only are shown inthe Figures) which (seesection 5.7). Smoke removedfrom theselower-level
have balconies which leave a considerableareafor reservoirsshould usuallybe ducted to outside the
pedestrians. On eachlevel thereis a large areasituated buildingbutcan be ducted intothe ceiling reservoirofthe
beloweachbalcony.Ifscreens (activated by smoke atrium (Figure19). The mass flow rate ofsmoketo be
detectors or as permanent features) are hungdown from exhausted from the atrium roofwill then be that
thebalcony edges, theregion below eachbalconycanbe calculated for the under-balcony condition[50]
turned intoa ceilingreservoir (Figure 18). In this case,the
clear air height beneaththe smoke reservoirmustalso be 5.4 Smoke layertemperature
selected on the grounds ofsafety;seeAnnex B for a
listing oftypical minimumvalues.This is similartothe Themeantemperature rise ofthe smoke layer above
procedure usedin multistoreyshopping complexes241. ambient, 0, canbe calculatedfrom:
This reservoir,however it has been formed, can then
beprovided with its ownexhaust system. Smoke curtains Mc (K) (5.1(a)
canbe positioned (egacross thebalcony) to limitthesize
5 Smoke control on storey offireorigin 29
where: maycause difficulties for people escapingalong abalcony
convective heatfluxin the gases (kW), beneaththesmoke layer,especiallyifthe balconiesform
M mass flowofsmoke (eg orMB) (kgs'),
M a major escape route. The maximumsmoke layer
c = specificheat capacity ofthe gases (kJ (kg)1K1). temperature whichwill allow safeevacuationwithout
Tables to 5.ld givethe temperature rise 0 for unduestress is oftheorderof200 °C. Ifthis gas
1 MW,2.5 MW, 5 MWand 6 MWconvectiveheat fluxes temperature (or lower) cannot be achieved underthe
respectively.Note that an ambient temperature of balconythen consideration should be given to:
15 °Celsiushas been assumedwhenpreparing these •• alternative routes,
Tables. shorter escape paths along the balcony,
Inunsprinklered fire situationsa high smokelayer • the installationofsprinklers,abovethebalconyto cool
temperature will result in intense heat radiationwhich thegases further.

Table Volume flowrateand temperature ofgases fora Table Volumeflowrateand temperature ofgase fora
1 MWconvective heatflux 2.5MWconvective heat flux
Mass Temperature Volumerate Mass Temperature Volumerate
flowrate of gases of exhaust flowrate ofgases ofexhausi
(mass rate above (at maximum (mass rate above (at maximum
ofexhaust) ambient temperature) ofexhaust) ambient temperature)
(kgs') (°C) (m3s') (kgs') (°C) (m3s')

4 258 6.2 10 248 15.2

6 165 7.7 12 206 16.8
8 124 9.4 15 165 19.3
10 99 11.0 20 124 23.4
12 83 12.6 25 99 27.5
15 66 15.1 30 83 31.6
20 50 19.2 35 71 35.7
25 40 23.3 ______ 40 62 40.0
30 33 27.4 50 50 48.0
35 28 31.4 60 41 56.1
40 25 35.6 75 33 68.4
50 20 43.8 90 28 80.8
110 23 97,2

Table Volume flowrateandtemperatureofgases fora Table 5.ld Volume flowrateandtemperatureofgase fora
5MWconvective heatflux 6 MW convective heatflux
Mass Temperature Volumerate Mass Temperature Volumerale
flowrate of gases of exhaust flowrate of gases ofexhaust
(mass rate above (at maximum (mass rate above (at maximum
ofexhaust) ambient temperature) of exhaust) ambient temperature)
(kgs') (°C) (m3s') (kgs1) (°C) (m3s')

10 495 22.2 12 495 26.7

12 413 23.9 15 396 29.1
15 330 26.3 20 297 33.2
20 248 30.5 25 238 37.4
25 198 34.5 30 198 41.1
30 165 38.6 35 170 45.5
35 141 42.7 40 149 50
40 124 46.8 50 119 58
50 99 55.0 60 99 66
60 83 63.2 75 79 78
75 66 75.4 90 66 91
90 55 87.7 110 54 107
110 45 104 130 46 123
130 38 120 150 40 140
150 33 137 200 30 181
200 25 178
30 Design methodologies for SHEVS

5.5 Effects of sprinklersystemsin smoke Nevertheless,an approximateestimate canbe obtained

as follows.
reservoirs Ifthe smoke passinga sprinklerishotter thanthe
Offices,shops, assembly,industrialand storage or other sprinkleroperating temperature that sprinklerwill
non-residential purpose groups in England and Wales are eventuallybe set off. The sprinklerspraywill then cool
nowexpected to havesprinklers iftheyhave a floor more the smoke. Ifthesmoke isstill hot enough, the next
than30 m above ground level.Multistoreybuildingsin sprinklerwill operate coolingthe smoke further.Astage
the assembly,shop, industrialorstorage purpose groups will bereached whenthe smoketemperature is
will alsobefitted with sprinklersifindividual insufficientto set offfurther sprinklers.The smokelayer
uncompartmented floors exceed a given size.Sprinklers temperature can thereafter be assumedto be
mayalsobe requiredinothercircumstancesfor insurance approximatelyequal to the sprinkleroperating
purposes. temperature beyond the radius ofoperation ofthe
The actionofasprinkler system inan office on the sprinklers.Thisradius isgenerally not known.
cooling ofgasesflowingfrom the office totheatrium is In the absence ofbetterinformation,itmaybe
accounted forinthe derivation ofthe 1 MWheat fluxat acceptable to assumethatnomore sprinklerswill operate
the window271.It is,however, theusual practice in the thanareassumed when calculatingthe designofsprinkler
UK to assume that the heat fluxleavinga shop unit systemsand theirwater supply (eg 18 headsfor Ordinary
throughits window has the same value as forthe initial Hazard Group 3).
convective heatfluxclose to the fire plume.This Forpowered exhaust systemsthe cooling effectof
differencein approach can only be explainedhistorically, sprinklerscan be ignored in determining the volume
and rationalizationofthedifferentapproaches awaits exhaust rate required. This will errontheside ofsafety.
further research. Alternatively,this further cooling and the consequent
Wherethe smoke layer is contained wholly within the contraction ofsmoky gases canbeapproximately
room oforigin by a smokecontrol system and has alarge estimated on the basisofan averagevaluebetweenthe
area, the sprinklerswill cool the smokelayer further. sprinkleroperating temperature and the calculatedinitial
Similarly, wheresmoke is collectedwithin abalcony smoketemperature. Wherethefan exhaust openings are
reservoir adjacent to sprinklered rooms, operation of sufficiently wellseparated it can be assumed that one
sprinklersunderbalconies will leadto increased heat loss opening maybe close to the fire, and will extract gases at
reducing the buoyancyofsmoke,whichin turn can thefull initialtemperature given byEqn (5.10).The other
contribute to aprogressiveloss ofvisibilityunderthe openingsinthese circumstancescan be assumedto be
smoky layer. outsidethe zone ofoperating sprinklers,andwill extract
Whenthe fire occursin an adjacent room, the gasesat the sprinklers'effectiveoperating temperature.
operation ofsprinklers in an adjacent smokereservoir Thenumberofpotential 'hot' and 'cool' intakes must
outside that room will not assistin controllingthe fire. If be assessedwhencalculatingtheaverage temperature of
too many sprinklersoperateoutsidethefire room, extracted gases.
sprinklersin the room could becomeless effectiveas the Ifthe sprinkleroperating temperature is above about
availablewater supply approaches its limits. 140 °C, or ifit isabove the calculatedsmoke layer
It followstherefore that sprinklersneedonly be temperature, then sprinklercooling canbe ignored for
installedinasmoke reservoir: natural ventilators.
• ifthe smokelayertemperature is likelyto exceed Notethat the effectofsprinklercooling is to reduce the
200 °C, and thus produce sufficientradiationto bea Q
heatflux withoutsignificantlychangingthe mass flux.
danger tolightly cladpeople belowthe smoke, and It followsthat once a newvalue of0has beenestimated,
thustoimpedeescape, or thenewheat fluxcanbefound using Eqn (5.10).
• ifthereis thelikelihoodofsufficient combustibles
beingpresentto pose a significantthreatofexcessive 5.6 Flowinglayer depth
Smokeentering a ceilingreservoirwill flow from the
Apowered exhaustsystem, to a reasonable point ofentry towards the exhaust points. This flow is
approximation,removes afixed volume ofsmoke driven bythe buoyancyofthesmoke. Even ifthere is a
irrespective oftemperature. Therefore, iftheextentof very large ventilationareadownstream (egiftheceiling
sprinklercooling is overestimatedthe system could be downstreamwereto be removed) thisflowinglayer
under-designed. would still haveadepth related to the widthavailable
A system usingnatural ventilators depends onthe undertheremaining ceiling(which cannowbe
buoyancy ofthehot gasesto expel smokethroughthe considered aba]cony),the temperature ofthe smokeand
ventilators. In thiscase, the system would beunder- themassflow rateofsmoke.Workby Morgan[52] has
designed ifthesprinkler coolingwereunderestimated. shown thatthis depth canbe calculatedforunidirectional
The heatlossfrom fire gasesdueto the water spray flow as follows:
from sprinklersis currentlythe subject ofresearch and
datasuitablefor designapplication arenot yetavailable.
5 Smoke control on storey offire origin 31

r The extentoflocal deepening canbefoundfrom

DB 0.361 M87 (5.11) Figure20. The depth ofthe establishedlayer (DB in
Cd [o 05 W T°5 Figure20) underthe balcony immediatelydownstream of
thelocal deepeningmust firstbe foundusingthe design
where: procedure given in the preceding sections.Usuallythis
= flowingsmokelayerdepthunderthe ceilingor means in the channel formed between the void edge
balcony (m), screen andthe room facade.The additionaldepth DB can
MB = mass flow rate underthe ceilingorbalcony (kgs1), thenbe foundby inspection ofFigure20, allowingthe
WB ceiling or balconychannel width (m), necessary minimumoverall depth (DB +LDB) ofthevoid
Cd = 1 ifno downstand ispresentat right angles to the edgescreen tobe found53.
flow; 0.6 ifa deep dOwnstandis presentatright Thefollowingscale-independent formulacanbe used
angles totheflow. to approximateto Figure2O{54u]:
Note: the subscript'B' can simplybereplaced with '1' in
Eqn (5.11) foritto apply to the minimumdepthofflow in
anysmokereservoir or flowingbuoyant smoke layer,.
instead ofsimplyto an under-balconyflow. (5.12)

Values ofCd foran intermediatedepth downstand cannot

be statedwith confidencefor the wide range ofgeometry where:
tobe foundinpractice. Itis suggestedthat eitherofthe ADB = the additionaldeepening
at the transverse
extreme values should beadopted inseeking a barrier
conservativedesignapproach. H == the floor to ceilingheight(m),
The resultingvalues oflayer depthfor different DB the established flowinglayerdepth (m),
balcony reservoir widths and mass flowrates ofsmoke WB = thedistancebetweenthe opening and the
aretheminimum possibleassumingan excessofsmoke transversebarrier (ie balcony breadth) (m).
exhaust employed downstream:consequentlyit
represents the minimumdepth forthatreservoir.The 5.8 Automatic smoke curtains
depthmust bemeasured below thelowest transverse
downstand obstacleto the flow (eg structuralbeams or Itis commonplaceto use automatic smokecurtainsto
ductwork) ratherthan the true ceiling.Representative form part ofthe reservoirboundary.Smoke curtains can
valuesare shown in Tables5.2a—d for 1 MW, 2.5 MW, also be usedtoachieve separation betweenthe main
5 MWand6MWconvective heatfluxesrespectively, smokereservoir andadjacent spaceshigher than the
and for flowsbeneatha smooth ceiling. designsmokelayer base in the smoke reservoir,by
In order to useTables 5.2 to findthe minimumdepthof deployingfrom ceilingtofloor intheopeningbetween
flow beneath a deep downstand (ega structural beam) suchadjacentspaces and the smokereservoir.These
across the direction offlow, find the value inTables 5.2 devices areusuallymade ofanappropriate fabric,ableto
corresponding tothesame massflowrate and channel withstand the temperature predicted for the smokygases
width, andthen multiplythatvalueby 1.67. theyarein contactwith. Thecurtains areusually
contained ina box fastened to the ceiling,and deploy to
5.7 Local deepening the designposition on receivinga signalfrom the SHEVS
control system. When deployed the fabricis keptunder
Wherea buoyant layer ofhotsmoke flowsalongbeneath tension by aweighted bottombar, which also servesto
a ceilingand meetsatransversebarrier, itdeepenslocally keep the curtain straight.
againstthatbarrier because the energy ofthe Automatic smoke curtains areusuallydesignedsuch
approaching layeris converted tobuoyantpotential thatwhentheyarein theirdeployed position theyhang
energy againstthe barrier asthe gases'downward freely,beingfastened to the buildingstructure only at
velocityis brought to a ha1t531. theirtop edge, and depending on theweight ofthe
Whendesigningasmoke ventilationsystem foratriaor integral bottom barto holdthem vertical.The buoyancy
for shopping malls, in whichthe balconies are acting as ofthehot smokelayer exerts apressureon the surfaces
reservoirs,it is often necessaryto control the path of containing the layer. The pressure ofthe smokelayer acts
smokeflowusingdownstand smoke curtains.These are onthe curtain as ifitwere a sail, pushingit sideways.If
typically installedaround the edge ofthe voids to prevent the pressureis too greatthenthe sidewaysdeflection
smoke flowingupthroughthe voids. Ifthe void edgeis becomes significant, the bottomedge ofthe curtain lifts,
close to the fire room this local deepening could cause and thecurtain might not contain thesmoke layer,thus
smoke to spillbeneaththe smokecurtain and flow up causingtheSHEVSto fail to achieveits designpurpose.
throughthe void, possiblyaffectingescape from other See Plate 4 for an example ofalightweight curtain being
storeys. Clearly,thevoid edge screens must be deep deflected byan airstreamfrom afan intended to simulate
enough to contain not only theestablishedlayer,but also smokebuoyancy.
theadditionallocal deepening outside theroom onfire. It is cruciallyimportant that all smoke curtainsforming
32 Design methodologies for SHEVS

Table 5.2a Minimum reservoir depths or minimum Table 5.2b Minimum reservoirdepths or minimum
channelling screen depths for 1 MW convective heatflux. channelling screen depths for 2.5 MWconvective heatflux.
Unimpeded flow: smoothsoffit Unimpededflow: smooth soffit
Massflowrate Mass flowrate
entering the entering the
smoke layer Channelwidths (m) smoke layer Channelwidths (m)
(kgs') 4 6 8 10 12 15 (kgs') 4 6 8 10 12 15

4 0.57
______ 0.36 0.31 0.27 0.24 10 1.058 0.81 0.67 0.57 0.51 0.44
6 0.77 0.59 0.49 0.42 0.37 0.32 12 1.204 0.92 0.76 0.65 0.48 0.50
8 0.96 0.74 0.61 0.52 0.46 0.40 15 1.420 1.08 0.89 0.77 0.68 0.59
10 1.157 0.88 0.73 0.63 0.56 0.48 20 1.776 1.36 1.12 0.96 0.85 0.74
12 1.347 1.03 0.85
____________________ 0.73 0.65 0.56 25 2.13 1.63 1.90 1.16 1.02 0.88
15 1.635 1.25 1.03 0.89 0.79 0.68 30 2.481 1.89 1.56 1.35 1.19 1.03
20 2.107 1.61 1.33 1.14 1.01 0.87 35 2.833 2.16 1.78 1.54 1.36 1.17
25 2.581 1.97 1.63 1.40 1.24 1.07 40 3.186 2.43 2.0 1.73 1.53 1.32
30 3.044 2.32 1.92 1.65 1.46 1.26 50 3.88 2.96 2.44 2.11 1.87 1.61
35 3.549 3.55
_______________ 2.24 1.93 1.71 1.47 60 4.60 3.51 2.90 2.50 2.21 1.91
40 4.00 3.05 2.52 2.17 1.92 1.66 75 5.64 4.31 3.55 3.06 2.71 2.34
50 4.95 3.78 3.12 2.69 2.38 2.05 90 6.66 5.08 4.20 3.62 3.20 2.76
Note 1:The minimamdepthsforbi-directionalsmoke flowcanbe foundbylookingatthe column 110 8.04 6.14 5.1 4.37 3.87 3.33
correspondingtotwicethe actualwidthofthe channelorreservoir.
See NotestoTable5,2a.
Note 2:Tofindthe minimumdepth offlowbeneathadeep dswristandlega structural beam)
across the direction offlow, find the value in Tables5.2 correspondingtothe same massflowrate
andchannelwidth, andthen multiplythatvalue by1.67.

Table 5.2c Minimum reservoirdepths or minimum Table 5.2d Minimum reservoirdepths orminimum
channelling screen depths for5MW convective heatflux. channelling screen depths for 6 MWconvective heatflux.
Unimpeded flow: smooth soffit _______ Unimpeded flow: smooth soffit
Mass flowrate Mass flowrate
entering the entering the
smoke layer Channelwidths (m) smoke layer Channelwidths (m)
(kgs') 4 6 8 10 12 15 (kgs') 4 6 8 10 12 15

10 1.082 0.83 0.68 0.59 0.52 0.45 12 1.22 0.93 0.77 0.66 0.59 0.51
12 1.206 0.92 0.76 0.65 0.58 0.50 15 1.40 1.07 0.88 0.76 0.67 0.58
15 1.386 1.06 0.87 0.75 0.67 0.57 20 1.68 1.28 1.06 0.91 0.81 0.69
20 1.68 1.28 1.06 0.91 0.81 0.70 25 1.95 1.49 1.23 1.06 0.94 0.81
25 1.97 1.50 1.24 1.07 0.95 0.82 30 2.22 1.69 1.40 1.21 1.07 0.92
30 2.25 1.72 1.42 1.22 1.08 0.93 35 2.49 1.90 1.57 1.35 1.20 1.03
35 2.54 1.94 1.60 1.38 1.22 . 1.05 40 2.76 2.10 1.74 1.50 1.33 1.14
40 2.82 2.15 1.78 1.53 1.36 1.17 50 3.29 2.51 2.07 1.79 1.58 1.36
50 3.38 2.58 2.13 1.84 1.63 1.40 60 3.82 2.92 2.41 2.07 1.84 1.58
60 3.94 3.01 2.48 2.14 1.89 1.63 75 4.61 3.52 2.90 2.50 2.22 1.91
75 4.78 3.65 3.01 2.59 2.30 1.98 90 5.40 4.12 3.4 2.93 2.60 2.24
90 5.62 4.29 3.54 3.05 2.70 2.33 110 4.92 4.06 3.50 3.10 2.67
110 5.14 4.243.653.24 2.79 130 5.71 4.71 4.06 3.60 3.1
130 4.94 4.26 3.77 3.25 150 5.37 4.63 4.10 3.53
150 5.64 4.86 4.31 3.71 200 7.0 6.04 5.35 4.61
200 6.35 5.62 4.85 SeeNotesto Table52a.
See Natesto Table5.2a.

partofaSHEVS are'fitforpurpose'. This means that 5.9 Inlet air

whatever the intended purpose ofeachcurtain in the
SHEVSdesign, it must be ableto fulfilthat purpose in its Theremustbeadequate replacement air for the efficient
dejlectedposition.Itis therefore necessaryto calculatethe operation ofa smokeventilation system. When
expected deflectionofeachcurtain inthe design, andto ventilatingcompartments directly,ifthe facadeis
usethesecalculationsto speciflythe properties required normallysealed then facilities should be provided for the
ofthecurtains. Somecalculationprocedures areset out in necessaryquantity ofreplacementair to be supplied to
Annex C. the fire room automatically.This requirement often
5 Smoke control on storey offire origin 33
0.65 WB=6m WB4m
—— 8m widechannel
— 6 rnwide channel
0.5 — .— 4 mwide channel

NB: Flowawayfrom barrier is

bi-directional ri all cases
E NB: Errorbars are one
0 standard deviation




0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5


Figure20 Local deepening at a transverse barrier

Naturallyventilated systemshaving more than one

smokereservoir,andwheretheremaynotbe sufficient
inlet areaavailable at low level, maybe able touse open
ventilators in reservoirswhich are notaffectedby smoke
as inlets for replacement air. This is becausethe ambient
temperature air entering the buildinghas no intrinsic
buoyancy, and so can move up ordown as easilyas
moving sideways.Itis important that whatever the height
oftheinletopenings, thereplacement air must bebelow
the smokelayerinthe affectedreservoir whenitfirst
comes intocontact with that smokelayer.Itis also
important thatventilators functioningasinlets should not
betoo close toventilators emittingsmoke, orthereis a
Plate4 Experimental smoke curtaindeflectingundertest danger thatsome smokewillbe drawn back intothe
building.Therehas been no research intothe minimum
separation betweenventilators actingas inlets andthose
makesthe provisionofsmokeventilationto the room of emittingsmoke, butit is suggestedhere thatthis
origin prohibitiveorundesirable.The provision of minimumseparation should be 6 m.
replacement air to asystem employingbalcony reservoirs Areplacement airflow beneath a buoyant smoke layer
is far easier,provided the balconies are opento the can disturb the interface and cause the smoke to mix
atrium, as is also the provision ofreplacement air to downwardsifthe relativevelocityis too large.Itis good
systemsemployinga smokereservoir in an atrium or practice to ensurethatthe airspeed ofthe replacement
mall. air,whereit firstcomes intocontactwitha buoyant
In naturallyventilated SHEVSdesignshaving natural smoke layer,is less than 1 ms'.
inlets, the effectofthe flowresistance ofthe inlet Iftheareaavailablefor inlet becomes too restricted,
openings is explicitlyincludedinthe designequations incoming airflowthroughescape doors may be attolD
usedto calculatetheventareaneeded. See for example highavelocity foreasy escape.Such air inflows through
Eqns (5.15a andb). doors in public buildingscould hinder escapees.
34 _______________ _______________ Design methodologies for SHEVS
Research551 on the abilityofpeople to move throughan
exitagainst an opposing airflowhas shownthat GlUT
_2.05 p0 (g 1 0)°' D2w°'5 (5.13)
movement is not impeded forairspeeds below 5 ms, 1

although people actingas test subjectsreportedthatthey where:

believedthatthey were being slowed by the air moving MCRIT
= criticalexhaustrate at an exhaustpointprior to
againstthem atthis airspeed. Measurements ofthe the onset
= density ofof'plugholing' (kgs1),
subjects' actual walkingspeeds showed that itwas not p0 air at ambient temperature (kgm3),
seriouslyimpeded below10 ms1 (although some g acceleration dueto
= depth ofsmoke layergravity (ms2),
discomfortwas reportedatthese higher airspeeds).This D below the exhaust point
suggeststhat inflowairspeedsshould not usuallyexceed (m),
5 ms for psychologicalreasons.Consequently a5 ms1 T0 = absoluteambient temperature (K),
maximum limitis currentlyadoptedintheUKand is 01
= excess temperature ofsmoke layer (°C),
recommended in thiscurrentbook. T1
= T0 + O (K)
Othervaluesmaybe appropriate for other W\T
= characteristicwidthofthe ventilator (m) (egthe
circumstances.For example,inbuildingswherethe diameter, orthediameter ofthe circle ofthe
population is largely familiarwiththe escape routes; same area).
wheretheincoming airis entering the fire room directly, The equationimplies that the availableexhaust rate
or wherein the instanceoftheinletairbeing supplied via increasesrapidly with increasinglayerdepth. It also
the atrium and the major escape routesareaway from the impliesthat a number ofsmallventilators maybeused
atrium, then aless onerous parameter canbe applied, instead ofa sing]elarge ventilator to optimize the exhaust
A fan-driveninlet air supply may beused, but cangive efficiency.
problems whenmechanicalexhaust is used (the building Proximityto awall will reduce the availablesmoke
willusuallybefairlywell sealed in such circumstances). dischargecapacity, although only limited dataare
This isbecause the air warmedby the firebefore being availableforthis particular scenario.Ifthe ventilators are
takenoutwill have a greater volumethan the cooler inlet smallcompared with the layer depth then the critical
air. As the firegrows and declines,themismatch in exhaust ratecan befound from reference [57],with the
volumebetweenthe inlet air andthe exhausted fire- constant subsequentlyre-analysedby Heselden58.
warmed air willalso change. This can result in significant Heselden's methodofanalysisis strictly onlyapplicable
pressure differencesappearing across any doors on the where the characteristic widthoftheventilator orificeis
escape routes, making themdifficultto open and much smaller thanthe depthofsmokelayerbeneaththe
potentially impeding the easy use ofescape routes. For ventilator.It is muchmore common for the characteristic
this reason simple 'push—pull'systems, ie powered inlet widthofthe orifice tobe comparable to thedepth
and powered exhaust systems,should be avoided, beneathatthe onset of'plug-holing'.Nevertheless,
Heselden's analysisgivesmore pessimisticresults (ie a
5.10Minimum number of exhaustpoints larger minimum numberofexhaust points required) than
the alternativesforventilators notclose to side-walls,and
Thenumberofexhaust points within the reservoir is consequently canberegardedas aworst-case methodfor
important since, for any specifiedlayerdepth,there is a ventilatorswhichare close to walls.
maximum rate (MCRJT) atwhichsmoky gasescan enter / 1/2
anyindividualexhaustpoint.Anyfurther attempt to MGRIT = 13 1 gD 7 1
(kgs1) (514)
increase the rate ofexhaust throughthatexhaust point 2 )
merely serves to drawair into the orificefrom below the
smokelayer.This is sometimes known as 'plug-holing'. Therequired number ofextract vents (N) is thengiven
Where'plug-holing' is presentpartofthe installed by:
exhaust capacity is being 'wasted' by drawing clean air M
intotheorificesofthe ventilators instead ofsmokygases. N
This is notnecessarilyaproblemifthefireis smallerthan
themaximum assumed for design;but represents awaste whereMe= mass flowrateenteringthe layer
ofcapacityforthe designfiresize itself.Iftheeffect has (ie MforMB) (kgs).
beenignored whencalculatingthe necessaryfan capacity Wheresprinklersareinstalledand additional cooling
(orthenecessarytotal areaofnatural ventilators),then it ofthesmoke layer needstobe accounted for, the number
followsthat 'plug-holing' at the designfire condition will ofexhaust pointsrequiredcanbe determined by
represent a failure ofthe system as the ventilators will not calculatingthe critical exhaust rate for an opening using
be exhaustingthe full amount ofsmoky gases required. Eqns (5.13)or (5.14), whichever is appropriate, taking into
It followsthat, for efficientexhaust, thenumberof considerationthe lowergas temperature due to sprinkler
exhaust points must be chosen to ensure that no air is cooling.
drawnupinthis way. Wherevery largeorphysicallyextensiveventilators
Thecritical exhaust rate MCRITfora ventilator away areused(ega long intakegrille in theside ofahorizontal
from awall is givenby561: duct) an alternativemethodis possible.For this case,
5 Smoke control on storey of fireorigin 35
Eqn 5.11 canbe usedwith WBre-defined to be the total ignorescoolingofthe smoky gases after they leavethe
horizontal accessibleperimeter ofalltheventilators fire plume).
within thereservoir (egthe total length ofintakegrilles in
the example above) and the 'minimumreservoirdepth'
5.12 Natural ventilators and wind effects
corresponds to the depthofthesmoke layerbeneaththe
topedgeoftheintake orifice. Whennaturalventilatorsareusedfor smokeexhaust, it is
Intermediate size intakes (ie wherethe ventilator important that they are positionedwheretheywill not be
width is comparable to the layer depth) cannotbetreated adverselyaffectedby external wind conditions. A positive
so simplyand it is recommended that Eqn (5.13)beused. windpressurecanbe much greater thanthepressure
head developed by a smokelayer. Shouldthis occur the
5.11 Throughflowventilation: area of ventilator mayact as an inlet ratherthan as an exhaust.
natural ventilation required However,ifsitedin an areaofnegativewindpressure,the
resultant suction force on a natural ventilatorwouLd assist
A natural ventilationsystem uses thebuoyancy ofthe smoke exhaust (Figure21).
smoke toprovide the drivingforce for exhaust.The rate Tallbuildingsor taller areas ofthesame building(such
ofexhaustislargely dependentuponthe depthand as rooftop plantrooms, etc.) can create a positivewind
temperature ofthe smoke. The advantage ofa natural pressure onlowernearby roofs.Steeply pitched roofs ie,
ventilationsystem is that it is very simpleand reliable, roofs over300 pitch,mayalsohaveapositivewind
and cancope with a wide range offire conditions. Should pressure onthe windwardslope.
the fire growlarger thanthedesign fire sizefor any A suggestionsometimes advanced foroffsettingwind
reason, a greater depthand temperature ofsmokeleads over-pressure,is to increasethe total areaofnatural
toanincreased exhaust rate, soto anextenta natural ventilation per reservoir.Since the over-pressureis, by
ventilation system hasaself-compensatingmechanism. definition,force per unitarea,this will usuallynot'work
Theprecise relationshipbetweenthe massflow rate andindeed could exacerbatethe problemby allowing
extracted, the ventilator area, the inlet areaandthe evengreaterquantitiesofair tobe driventhroughthe
smoke layer is given byThomaset aJJ9]: ventilator to mix intothesmoke.
In some cases it may be possibletoretainnatural
poA,Cj2gDOiTJ2 ventilation openingsin avertical plane byarrangingthem
M —
(5 15a)
2 3/2 to face inwardsto eitheraregion shelteredfrom wind
action, orwherethe wind will always produce asuction.
In othercases theerection ofsuitablydesigned screens or
wind baffles (outsidethe verticalwall or window holding
and canbe re-arranged algebraicallyintothemore theventilators) canovercome wind interference andmay
convenient form: even be able to convert anover-pressureintoasuction.
Thereis alsothe possibilityofselectivelyopening
M1T ventilatorsinresponse tosignalsfrom awinddirection
kC= (5.15b) sensor. Expertadviceshould be sought forsuchdesigns.
Duetothecomplexity ofwind-induced air flow over
[2PD OT[Mi]J
ACJ2 some atriumbuildingsand the surroundingbuildings,it

= measuredthroat areaofventilators (m2),
= total areaofall inlets (m2),
= coefficient ofdischarge (usuallybetween0.5
and 0.7), Winddirection
= entry coefficientfor inlets (typicallyabout0.6),
= pressure
M1 mass flow rate ofsmoke tobe extracted (kgs'),
p0 = ambient air density (kgm3),
g = accelerationdueto gravity (ms2),
D = depth ofsmoke beneath ventilator (m),
= temperaturerise ofsmoke layer above ambient (°C),
T1 absolutetemperature ofsmoke layer (K),
T0 absolutetemperature ofambient air (K).

Tables5.3 a—dgivethe minimumfreeareaofventilation

required basedonEqns(5.15), ignoringthe effectofany
inlet restriction (ie assuming an infiniteareaofinlet
ventilation),and for a convectiveheatfluxthroughthe Figure21 Positioning naturalventilatorsto be shelteredfrom
ventilators (note that this heatfluxis the same as Qf ifone wind action
36 Design methodologies for SHEVS

Table 5.3a Minimum total ventilation area (m2) needed for A A (m2) needed for
Table 5.3b Minimum total ventilation area
asmokereservoir(fromEqn 5.15 withC = 0.6); Q = 1 MW a smokereservoir(fromEqn 5.15 withC 0.6); Q =2.5 MW
Mass Mass
flowrate flow rate
(exhaust (exhaust
rate) Smokedepth beneath ventilators (m) rate) Smokedepth beneathventilators (m)
(kgs') 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 10 (kgs') 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 10

4 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8 10 5.13 4.4 3.6 3.1 2.8 2.4 2.C
6 3.2 2.8 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.2 12 6.23 5.4 4.4 3.8 3.4 2.9 2.4
8 4.5 3.9 3.2 2.7 2.4 2.1 1.7 15 8.0 6.9 5.6 4.9 4.4 3.7 3.1
10 5.9 5.1 4.1 3.6 3.2 2.7 2.3 20 11.2 9.7 7.9 6.8 6.1 5.2 4.3
12 7.4 6.4 5.2 4.5 4.0 3.4 2.9 25 13.5 11.7 9.6 8.3 7.4 6.3 5.2
15 9.9 8.5 7.0 6.0 5.4 4.6 3.8 30 18.4 16.0 13.0 11.3 10.1 8.5 7.1
20 14.5 12.5 10.2 8.9 7.9 6.7 5.6 35 22.5 19.5 15.9 13.8 12.3 10.4 8.7
25 19.6 17.0 13.9 12.0 10.8 9.1 7.6 40 26.8 23.2 19.0 16.4 14.7 12.4 10.4
30 25.3 21.9 17.9 15.5 13.9 11.7 9.8 50 36.0 31.2 25.5 22.1 19.7 16.7 14.C
35 31.4 27.2 22.2 19.2 17.2 14.5 12.2 60 46.5 40.3 32.9 28.5 25.5 21.5 18.C
40 37.9 32.9 26.8 23.2 20.8 17.6 14.7 75 63.2 54.7 44.7 38.7 34.6 29.3 24.
50 52.2 45.2 36.9 32.0 28.6 24.2 20.2 90 81 70 57.3 50.0 44.4 37.5 31.4
60 67.9 58.8 48.0 41.5 37.2 31.4 26.3 110 108 93 76 66 59 50.0 41.7
Notesto Table5.3:Toallow forthe effectof limitedfresh air inletsthe fo]lowingguide canbe used Note: See Notes toTable5.3a.
asan alternativetsEqs 5.1 5):
Ifthe inletareatotheatrium istwice the exhaustventilationarea givesbyTable5.3the indicated
ventilationareaandthe inletareashould both be increasedbyapproximately10%.

Ifthe inletareaisequal tothe exhaastventilationarea,the indicatedventilationareaandtheinlet

area shouldboth be increasedbyapproximately35%.

Ifthe inletareaixhalfthe exhauxtventilationarea, the indicatedvestilatios areaandtheinletarea

should both be increasedbyapproximately125%.

Table 5.3c Minimum totalventilation area (m2) neededfor A Table 5.3d Minimum totalventilation area (m2)needed forA
a smoke reservoir(fromEqn 5.15 withC= 0.6);Q= 5MW a smoke reservoir(fromEqn 5.15 withC =0.6); Q = 6MW
Mass Mass
flowrate flowrate
(exhaust (exhaust
rate) Smoke depth beneathventilators (m) rate) Smoke depth beneath ventilators (m)
(kgs') 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 10 (kgs') 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 10

10 5.3 4.6 3.8 3.3 2.9 2.5 2.1 10 5.5 4.7 3.9 3.3 3.0 2.5 2.1
12 6.24 5.4 4.4 3.8 3.4 2.9 2.4 12 6.4 5.5 4.5 3.9 3.5 2.9 2.5
15 7.7 6.7 5.4 4.7 4.2 3.6 3.0 15 7.8 6.7 5.5 4.8 4.3 3.6 3.0
20 10.3 8.9 7.3 6.3 5.6 4.8 4.0 20 10.2 8.9 7.2 6.3 5.6 4.7 4.0
25 13.0 11.3 9.2 8.0 7.1 6.0 5.0 25 12.9 11.1 9.2 7.9 7.0 6.0 5.0
30 16.0 13.8 11.3 9.8 8.7 7.4 6.2 30 15.6 13.5 11.1 9.6 8.6 7.2 6.1
35 19.1 16.5 13.5 11.7 10.4 8.8 7.4 35 18.6 16.1 13.1 11.4 10.2 8.6 7.2
40 22.3 19.3 15.8 13.7 12.2 10.3 8.6 40 21.6 18.7 15.3 13.2 11.8 10.0 8.4
50 29.3 25.4 20.7 18.0 16.1 13.6 11.4 50 28.2 24.4 19.9 17.2 15.4 13.0 10.9
60 36.9 31.9 26.1 22.6 20.2 17.1 14.3 60 35.2 30.5 24.9 21.6 19.3 16.3 13.6
75 49.3 42.7 34.9 30.2 27.0 22.8 19.1 75 46.7 40.4 33.0 28.6 25.6 21.6 18.1
90 63 54 44.4 38.4 34.4 29.1 24.3 90 59.2 51.2 41.8 36.2 32.4 27.4 22.9
110 82 71 58 50 45.1 38.1 31.9 110 77.2 66.9 54.6 47.3 42.3 35.8 29.9
130 104 90 73 63 57 48.0 40.2 130 96.8 83.8 68.5 59.3 53.0 44.8 37.5
150 126 109 89 77 69 59 49.0 150 117.8 102.0 83.3 72.1 64.5 54.5 45.6
200 189 164 134 116 103 87 73 200 175.9 152.3 124.4 107.7 96.3 81.4 68.1

Note: See Notesto Table5.3a. Note: See Notes toTable5.3a.

5 Smoke control on storey offireorigin 37
maysometimes be desirableto carry out boundary layer
wind tunnel studies to establish the windpressure over
thebuilding'senvelope. Once areas ofover-pressureand
suctionhavebeen identifiedforall possiblewind
directions,designofventilators orfans can proceed as
DroD screen
Theinteraction betweenthe windand horizontal
natural ventilators is discussedfurther in section 10.8. Balcony
Apowered exhaust system should beusedwhere screen

positivewindpressures are likelytobeaproblem, or

whereit is necessaryto extract smokeviaan extensive
ductwork system.

5.13 Requiredventilation rate (powered

exhaust) Figure 22 Slit exhaust
Apowered smoke exhaustsystem consists offans and
associated ductwork designed to remove the mass flow
rate ofsmokeentering the smoke reservoir,and tobe smokepassingthe slit(egentering the atriumvoid), itwill
capable ofwithstandingthe anticipated smoke not necessarilymaintain aclear layerwithin the room
temperatures. itself, andthe space belowthe smokelayermaybecome
The controls andwiring should ofcoursebe protected, 'fogged'.The exhaust should beprovided very closa to
to maintain the electricalsupply tothefans during afire. the opening from acontinuous slitwhichmaybe situated
The massflow rate ofsmokedetermined from the in theplaneofthefalseceiling.
previoussections can be converted tothe corresponding Wraight59 showed thatpowered exhaust from a slitat
volumetric flow rateand temperature, usingTables5.1a right anglesto a layer flowcould completelyprevent
to 5.ldor thefollowingequation forselection ofthe smokepassingthat slit, provided thatthe exhaust rate at
appropriatefans: theslitwasatleast5/3times theflow inthe horizotital
layerflowingtowards the slit. This allowsausefulgeneral
methodfor sizingsuch an extract:

(5.16) • firstcalculatethe flow rate ofgasesapproaching the
opening(orgap in thebalcony edge screens)using
where: sections 5.2—5.4 above as appropriate,
= volumetricexhaustraterequiredin the reservoir •• multiplythis massflow rate by 5/3.
(m3s1), usingthe known layer convectiveheatflux (and
= Mfor MB determined from theprevious section allowingfor sprinklercooling usingsection 5.5 above if
(kgs 1), appropriate) calculatethe volumetric exhaust rate
= ambient air temperature (K), required from the slit, usingEqn (5.10) to calculatethe
T1 =T0+01(K), meangas temperature drawn through thefan, and
p0 = densityofambient air (kgm3). Eqn (5.16)to calculatethe requiredfancapacity.

5.14 Slit extract 5.15 False ceilings

Whenremovingthe smokefrom acommonbalcony Where thereis an unbroken falseceilinginthe fire room
reservoirand thereis no possibilityofusingdownstand or balcony,itmust be treated as thetop ofthesmoke
screens to prevent the passage ofsmoke orwherever a layer.Ifthefalseceilingis porous to smoke, ieifithas an
physicalbarrier maynotbeused, a slitextract system appreciablefree area, any smokecurtainsforming the
maybeemployed over the length ofthe flowpath to smokereservoir must be continued above the ceiling.If
supplementthemainreservoir exhaust system and theproportion offree areais large enough, thereservoir
replacethe screens (Figure22). Aslitextract system can andits screens mayevenbetotally abovethe falseceiling.
be usedacross aroom'sopeningstoprevent any outflow The permeableceilingoughtnotto interfere appreciably
ofsmoke, or atabalcony edgeto protectan atrium. withtheflow ofsmokefrom thefireto the smoke
Such a system islikelyto work bestwith further ventilationopenings above the falseceiling.
exhaust distributed within the fireroom,whichfor a Ithasbeenshownexperimentally601 that a minimum
sprinkleredroommaypossiblybe provided bythe freeareaof25% canbeusedas a 'rule ofthumb'valu.e
normal ventilationexhaust system,the normal ventilation whichwill allow smoketo flowthroughalmost
input and recirculation ofair being stopped, orfor an unhindered. For single-storeyand balconyreservoirs
unsprinklered room, beprovided by apartial smoke cool smoke canbe expected to affectsome nearby rooms
exhaust system.Whilst this system is designedto prevent undersome circumstances,but would not significantly
38 Design methodologies for SHEVS
hindersafe escape.Free areas ofless than25% are 5.17 Maximum dimensionsfor smoke
possibleinsomecircumstanceswhile still allowing safe reservoirs
conditions; it is possibleto calculateapproximately
smoke flow through the ceilingfrom firstprinciples— Mostthroughflowsmokecontrolsystemsare designed
expert adviceshould besoughtwherethis possibilityis with an arbitrary limitationto the ceilingreservoir of
thoughtto be desirable. between 1000—3000 m224'9'25, one reason being to
prevent excessiveenergy loss from the buoyantsmoke
516The use of a plenumchamber above a layer.Manyatriacannotphysicallyor architecturally
false ceiling adoptsuchreservoirformations,and iflarger thanthe
areas mentioned above willcause additionalenergy to be
Somedesignshave been seen in which the space above lost from the layer.Ithasbecomethe common practice to
the mainly solid falseceilingin arooforabove abalcony specifythat the maximum areaacceptable for asmoke
isusedforthe exhaust ofair for normal ventilation reservoirshould be 2000m2 wherethereare natural
purposes. Afan extracting air from this space (effectively ventilators and the objectiveis toprotectescape routes;
aplenum chamber) reduces its pressureand sodraws air risingto 2600m2 for powered ventilatorsand the same
from the space belowthrough a number ofopeningsin objective;risingto 3000m2 wherethe objective is to
the falseceiling.In theeventofa fire afan ofsuitably protectproperty with no significantlife-safetyobjective.
larger capacity starts up and draws smoky gasesintothe Note, however, that in the UK, these same principles
chamber in a similarway. areexpressed differentlywhenthebuildingis a shopping
Apotentially valuablebonus ofsuch a system in a mall:with natural ventilators, smokefrom shop units of
sprinklered buildingis that the sprinklerswhich are upto 1000 m2 plan areacanentera mall smoke reservoir
normallyrequired inthe space abovethefalseceilingwill which can itselfbe up to 1000 m2 inplan area; with
coolthesmoky gasesbefore theyreach the fan. powered ventilators eachvalueincreases to 1300 m2.
Furthermore, it canbe desirableto leave the false ceiling There is no scientificreasonforthis differentwayof
belowthe exhaust points'solid' (ie notableto pass expressingthe principles.Instead, the differenceis based
smoke) to prevent air beingdrawnup throughthe smoke on decisionsmade byUKRegulatoryAuthorities as to
layer.A sufficiently extensive areaof'solid' falseceiling theeaseofenforcement in thecircumstances applyingto
willensure thatthe smokepasses throughatleastone shopping malls.
sprinklersprayen route to the extract. It is likelythat this maximumareawillbe revisedwhen
Theplenum chamber should notbelargerin areathan mathematical modellingofheat transfer processes from
itsassociated smoke reservoir.Larger chambers should smokelayers becomes sufficiently reliablefor confidence
be subdividedby smokescreens extending thefull height in theresults. Currently,however, thebest available
ofthe chamber, and belowthe falseceilingtoform a argument forthe presentlimitis that thereis no clear
complete smoke reservoir below.The minimumnumber evidencethat it has proved excessivelylarge anareain
ofopenings through the falseceilingrequiredwithin a real fires.
singlesubdivisioncan be found from section 5,10.The Another commonly adopted limit, applied
total areaofsuch openingsper reservoirshould be simultaneouslywith the arealimit, is to apply a maximum
decided byconsideration ofthe designpressure lengthto eachsmoke reservoir of60 m, measured along
differencesbetweenchamber and smokelayer, andofthe the mid-line ofthe reservoir.The origin ofthislimit has
flowimpedance ofthe openings concerned. A system of never been formallypublished, but anecdotallyfirst
reasonablywide (perhaps 1 m or2 m) slots surroundinga appeared in 1972[5] basedon aUK committee beliefthat
region offalseceilingcould perhaps be usedinstead of peopleescaping belowabuoyant smokelayershould be
screens belowthe falseceiling. ableto move out from belowthatlayerin less than 30 m
from anypoint. This was expressed as a maximumlength
ofreservoirinthe interests ofsimplicityofenforcement.
The committee's opinion wasbasedon an assessment of
the probable psychologicalreactions ofmembers ofthe
general public in suchcircumstances.

6 Smoke ventilation within

multistorey spaces
(eg an atrium)

6.1 Smoke movement in the atrium level fire, the heightabove the topofthe opening (or
above the edge ofthe projecting canopyorbalcony above
Whenthe smokeand heat cannot, for variousreasons,be theopening where relevant) must be establishedwhere
confined andremoved from theroomoforigin or thefire is in an adjacentroom.
associatedbalconyspace, the use of'throughflow' or Notethatwhenthefire is onthe floor ofthe atriu.m and
steady-stateventilationfrom the atrium itselfis usually is directly belowthe smokelayerthat forms underthe
considered. atrium ceiling,entrainment intotherisingaxi-symmetric
Thisform ofsmoke control is commonly called 'smoke plume is similarto thatgiven in section 5.2 above. This
ventilation'or SHEVSandis based upona defined special case is discussedin section 6.4below.
buoyant smoke layer being establishedat some point In general, however, theworstcondition tobe catered
within the structure,with a 'clean' layer ofair beneath. for is a fire in an adjacentroomonthe lowestlevel,as
Themass flowofgasesentering this layer being resultsinthe most entrainment in the rising smokeplume
equivalenttothatflowingoutthroughthe exhaust andhencethelargest quantity ofsmokygas entering the
system (Figure23). buoyant layer.
Thebase ofsuch a layer is usuallyata height chosen Thefirecondition in the compartment (thedesign fire)
for safetyreasons (See Annex B,whereit is noted that the should bespecified,andthe mass fluxleavingthroughthe
clear heightabove the highestexposed escape route compartment opening and anyentrainment under1:he
should be 0.5 mmorethan for the single-storeycase projecting balconyorcanopycan be calculated as
described in Chapter 5), orto avoid breaching the described in sections 5.1—5.3.
practical'cutoff' limitsoutlined in section 6.7 below. Asthesmoke flows throughthe room opening intothe
Once the heightofthislayerbase is chosenfora lowest- atrium space it will either:

- /1 1L1


Figure23 Throughfiow ventilation ofan atrium

40 _____ ____ ______ Design_methodologies for SHEVS ______

• rotateupwardintoaround thetop edge oftheopeningand Reductionsin the mass flow rate ofsmoke entering the
theatrium space as aplume, or smokelayercan usuallybe effectedby changes to
• passdirectly
flowundera horizontal projection suchas abalcony
parameters 3 and 4. In practice, the heightofrise ofthe
beyond theopening, pass to the
edge projection plume is usuallychosento permitsafeevacuation,leaving
and riseupwards intothe atrium space as a plume. only adependency on the length oftheline plume.

Suchplumes areoften referred to as 'spill' plumes, or as 6.2 Channellingscreens

'thermal'line plumes. Theterm 'line' denotesthat the
base ofthe plume immediatelyfollowingrotation is long Whentheatriumhas aplanefacadewith no horizontal
and relativelynarrow. projections, the lengthofthe plume is determined bythe
Lineplumes maytakeone oftwo forms:adhered widthofthe opening throughwhich the smokeis passing.
plumes or free plumes. When, however, smoke is abletoflow unrestricted under
Adheredplumes arewherethe smoky gasesproject a horizontal projection,eg a balcony, itwill flow forwards
directly from acompartment opening, and the plume towards the balconyedge, and laterallysideways.It will
attachesto the verticalsurfaceabove the opening whilst continue to flow sidewaysuntil it meetsan obstruction or
rising upwards.Thiswill also occur whenthereis a loses sufficientenergy to become stagnant and will then
vertical surfaceimmediatelyabove anyrotation point rise intothe atrium space as avery long line plume
intothevoid. Thesurfaceoftheplume in contactwith (Figure25a and Plate 5).This resultsin large quantitiesof
the ambient atmosphere inthe atrium will cause airbeing entrained and henceavery large massflow rate
additionalair to be entrained intoit (Figure24a). This ofsmokeentering thelayerin theatrium roof.
typeofplume is alsoknown variouslyas asingle-sided, This excessiveentrainment canbe reduced by
attached orwall plume. restrictingthesidewaystravelofthe smoke underthe
Freeplumesarewherethe smoky gasesprojectintoa balcony and hencereducing the lengthofthe line plume.
space beyond ahorizontal projection (ega balcony),thus The devicesusedtoachieve this arecommonly known as
allowingthe formingplume to rise upwards unhindered. channellingscreens, andliterally'channel' the smoke
This creates alarge surfaceareafor entrainment on both from the exit from the room to the balconyedge
sidesofthe plume along itsspillwidth (Figure24b),for (Figure25b and Plate 6). This conceptis used in smoke
whichreasontheyarealso known as double-sided control systems in multistoreyshopping centres24.
plumes. The minimumdepthrequired for apairofthese
The degree ofentrainment intothe risingplume, and screens to channel all the smoke is dependentontheir
hencethe totalquantity ofgasesenteringthe smokelayer separation at the void edge (L).Somevaluesfor 1MW,
forming underthe ceiling ofthe atrium space,is governed 2.5 MW, 5 MW, and 6MW convectiveheat fluxesare
basicallyby four initialparameters251: given in Tables 5.2.
1 the mass flow rate ortemperature ofthe gasesat the Alternatively,the minimumchannellingscreen depth
edge ofthe rotation pointintothe atrium, maybecalculated using Eqn (5.11), modifiedto:
2 theheat fluxofthe gases,
3 thelengthofthe line plume entering the atrium,
measured along theedge past which the smoke spills, DB=---- MBT
05 (m)
4 the height through whichthe plume must rise.
Cd L05]

(a) (b)

Figure 24(a) adhered plume, (b)free plume
6 Smoke ventilationwithin multistorey spaces 41
(a) (b)

TT :*

Figure25(a)Smoke spreading sidewaysbeneath a projectingcanopyor balcony; (b)smokeconfined to a compactspill'plume by

channeling screens

Plate 5 Smoke spreading beneath a balcony Plate6Use of channeling screens

42 Design methodologies forSHEVS

where: 6.3 Entrainment into spill plumes rising

through the atrium
M8c' 6.3.1 Theeffectiveheightof risefrom the spill edge to
the smoke layerbase
Cd = the dischargecoefficientappropriateto the All existingtheories ofline plumes apply to plumes rising
horizontal flow approaching the spilledge, andis through free space, wherethe air outside the plume is
therefore the same as Cd8 introduced in section 5.2, uniformlyat ambient temperature, although some
L = the channellingscreenseparationwidth. theories can bemodifiedto approximatetoplumes
adhered to averticalsurfaceas they rise.
The resultingdepthis themaximum flowingsmoke layer Wherethewidth (which canbe defined asthe square
depthand henceminimumscreen depth. Goodpractice root ofthe plan area) ofthe smoke reservoiris small
suggests that asafety margin should be considered. An compared with the layer depth, the air beneaththe layer
additional depth ofatleast0.1 mwouldbe reasonable. usuallyappears to have a uniformtemperature. Where
Screens maybefixed ormay descend uponsmoke the converse is true, the air beneath the visiblebase ofthe
detection. As described above,the final mass flow buoyant layer has a temperature excessrelativeto the
entering the layer is afunction offourinitialparameters, trueambient temperature (Figure27). Experiments have
one ofwhichis the plume lengthat thebalcony edge. The shownthat there is a differencein theentrainment into
narrower the plume is atits base, the less the massflow the spillplume in these twocases. Foragiven heightof
enteringthelayer. rise, the entrainment intothe plumewherethe smoke
Thus, the closer the screens maybeinstalled to each reservoir areais large compared tothe plume dimensions
other,themorethe smokebase may be allowedto risefor is smallerthanwhenthe smoke reservoiris comparable
the same mass flow entering the smokelayer. insizeto the smokeplumes horizontal dimensionsat the
These screens must, ofcourse, meetthe wall ofa heightofthe smokelayer's base. See for example Morgan
compartment whereit meets the balcony.Anyscreen &MarshallL621 fora large areareservoir,and Hansel! et
fixed midway across a compartment opening will serve al611for asmallareareservoir.
nopurpose since smokewill flow on both sides This differencewas discussedinPorchet al631, who
simultaneously. notedthat the existingdatasupported two alternative
Ifchannelling screens arecreatedusingfreehanging ways ofexpressingthis differencein entrainment
smoke curtains then their deflectionsand consequent rise (without being able to differentiatesignificantly between
oftheirbottombarsmust be takenintoconsideration. them). Onemethod isto assign differentvalues to the
Deflection ofsmokecurtains is giveninAnnex C. plume entrainment coefficientforthe two cases,while
Research suggeststhat channellingscreens are taking theheightofrise ofthe plume to beto the visible
unnecessaryifthe balconyprojects no morethan 1.5m base ofthe smokelayer.The alternative methodis to
beyondthefire room61. Thisresearchhas alsoshown adjust the heightofriseofthe plume for the large-area
thatbalconies whichareshallow (<2m)willcause the reservoircase to alowervalue, withoutaltering the
risingplume to curl inwardstowards the structure plume entrainment constant. The authors suspect,
(Figures26aand 26b).Ifthere are higher balconies a thoughwithouttangible proof, that the truephysical
vortex willbecreatedbetweenthe balconies,smoke processis neitherofthe above, but is an interface
logging the balcony levels abovethefire floor. phenomenon wherethe plume enters the smoke layer.A

(a) (b)

Figure26 Effect ofbalconydepth on plume trajectory: (a) deepbalcony projection, (b) shalow balcony projection
11 ____________


Height above split 7

edge (m) H

5 H H

visible layer base


effective layer base
2 3

0 0=
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Temperature above ambient(°C) 3
Figure 27 A typical temperature profile for a broad reservoir layer 0



44 _____Design methodologies for SHEVS
CFD study byMiles et al641 came tobroadlysimilar subsequent risingplume may be carried out usinga
conclusions.It is sufficient for design,however, to note numberofalternativeprocedures. Some ofthemare
that the phenomenon is experimentallyobservable,and given below. Ithas been shown'65 that all fourmethods
thateitherofthe two methods ofincluding this givereasonably close agreement whencompared with
phenomenonin designcalculationsshould be empirically the availableexperimentaldata.This is not surprisingin
acceptable. view ofthe fact that all derive their empiricalterms from
Thecurrentbookwill only presentthemethodfor the same experimental sources ofdata.
adjustingtheheightofrise ofthe plume in order to
achieve greatersimplicityofcalculation.This method is (a) The'BRE method'
as follows. This isthe procedure whichwas given in BRE Report
Deszrn approacheforsmokecom'rolinatthim buildthgsLul. Smoke reservoirswhere visible depth <0.67
Forreservoirswherethevisibledepthisless than
A Followthe procedures ofMorgan & Marshall[2562] for free
plumes,usingthe modificationsintroduced byMorgan &
0.67 A, (and noting thatthis is basedon an analysisof Hansell71.Entrainment intosmoke flows rotating intoa
empirical data61 with no underpinning theory)proceed risingadhered plume canbe calculated usinga similar
as follows. method given by Morgan & Hansell271,although it
To calculatethe mass flow rates ofsmoke entering the should be noted that the entrainment constant
reservoir,introduce acorrection factor for the smoke appropriate to an adhered line plume isabout halfthat for
layer depth in the reservoir.Experiments withflat-roofed afreeplume66'611L Avalue of0.077 may be usedfor the
models62 have shownthatforcalculatingplume calculation61.
entrainment, the effectivelayerdepth (d2) is 1.26 times This calculation method is outlined in detail in
thevisiblelayer depthd1 (seeFigure27). Annex E. The algorithm described canbe used either
The effective heightofrise ofthe spillplume above the directly,orasthebasis for a computer program.
spilledge isthen given by: Oncethe desired height ofthe layer base (hb) has been
chosen, theopeningwidthhas been established,orthe
X= H-1.26d1 (m) (6.1) channelling screens separation L [and hencealso
channelling screen depthusingTables 5.2 a or5.2 b, or
A negative orverysmallvalue ofX resultingfrom this Eqn (5.11)] hasbeenchosenonthe basisofpracticality
procedure means thatonehasgonebeyond the limits of (egsuch thatthe screens contactthewalls separating the
validationofEqn (6.1). Itfollowsthat if afterapplying rooms) then the mass flowrate ofsmoke entering the
Eqn (6.1),X< 0.75 misobtained thenX should instead layerforming the ceilingspace ofthe atrium canbe
be definedas: calculated.
Resultsofexainpie calculationsofsmokeproduction
X= H-d (m) (6.2) dueto entrainment intothe risingplume areshown
graphicallyin Figures28—39. TheseFiguresmaybe used
Note that these procedures only apply whencalculating for designpurposes but itis preferableto do amore
entrainment into the spillplume. d2 hasnovalidity for precise calculation,using the procedures ofAnnex E.
any otherapplication.
(b) Methodusingequations derivedby Porehetal631 Smokereservoirs where visible depth>0.67 Recent work byPorehet al631, based on datareportedby
Forsmoke reservoirs wherethe visibledepthis greater Marshalland Harrison67, hasshownthat the
than0.67 A, no correction applies,and complicatedcalculation methods given in the BRE
methodabove to determine theentrainment intospill
X= H-d1 (m) plumes can be simplifiedas follows: Matching X to the spill-plume model

Use the value ofX resultingfrom eithersection or
M1 (6.3)
section as the heightofrise ofthe spillplume M1=Q3C[h6+D6÷ CQ3]
above the spilledgewhencalculatingentrainment forthe where:
BRE methodoutlined in section 6.3.2(a), butonly use M1
= mass flow ofsmoky gasesentering thesmoke layer
Eqn (6.2) for determiningX,for sections 6.3.2(b), (c) or at height12b(kgs'),
(d) and then only in the contextoflarge areareservoirs. = convective heat fluxin gases (kW),
This seemingcontradiction is a consequence ofthe C = aconstant(kgms1kW"3),
methods usedto derive the entrainment in the source hb
= height ofrise ofthermalplume from balcony tothe
papers. atrium smokelayer,
DB = depth ofsmokelayerbeneathabalcony (m),
6.3.2Entrainment calculation methods M= mass flowofgasesbeneathabalcony (kgs1).
Calculations ofentrainment into the smokeflows rotating
around the opening/balcony edge and into the C is aconstantfiragiven atrium and agiven ambient
6 Smoke ventilationwithin multistorey spaces 45
temperature andis defined as: (see sections 5.3 and 5.4 for amore detaileddiscussionof
the dependence ofthis flow on conditionsin the source
C = 0.3Cp0L2'3 (6.4) compartment), the Eqn (6.5)and calculationmethod
given inAnnex E should givebroadly similarresuks since
where: although both methods use differentempirical
= dimensionlessentrainment coefficient, found approaches, theseconstants were obtained byfittingto
experimentallyto be 0.44 for afreeplume, and 0.21 the same data. It should alsoberealized that Eqn (6.5)
for an adhered plume, only describesa free or double-sidedplume andcannot
= density ofambient air (kgm3), be adopted for an adhered or single-sidedplume.
L = length ofspilledge (m). This formulahas the advantage ofexplicitlyincluding
entrainment intothe exposed endsofthespillplume,
This calculationprocedure givesthe entrainment along unlike the formula ofPoreh etal inmethod(b) above.
the length ofthe plume,but does not allow for Unfortunatelythe value ofAis not aconstant, butvaries
entrainment intothe endsofaplume wheretheplume is withsuchparameters as perimeter ofthe source fire, heat
notbounded bywalls.It is possibleto combinethis outputperunitareaofthe sourcefire, opening geometry
calculationprocedure with that ofThomas (1987)[68] to betweenthe fire-room and atrium, presence ofa
giveasingleprocedure which issimple and which downstand at that opening, etc.
includes entrainment intothe free ends. This is discussed Inview ofthe essentialsimilaritybetween Eqns(6.3)
inMethod(c) below. and (6.5),however, andbecause we do notexpect
proportionately much entrainment intothe idealized
Note 1:This combined methodonly appliesto free 'wedge-shaped' plume at andbelowthe spilledge, we can
plumes, and cannot be usedforadhered plumes. use Porehetal'smethodtoidentifly amethodof
calculatingA for use in Thomas' formula(Eqn (6.5))
Note 2:The empirical constants in thismethodwere appropriate to the designscenariosofinterest. First
essentiallyderived forlarge-area reservoirs,and so the calculateA:
method should not be usedfor small-areareservoirs.It is
suggested thatforthe presentwork thecriterion for - Mfi
(m) (6.6)
differentiatingbetweenlarge andsmall areareservoirs CQ13
canbe thesameas in section 6.3.1 above.
Thenuse theresult in Eqn (6.5) as ifit was a constant
(c) Methodto calculate the entrainmentintothe line (which itwill be for agiven smokeflow out ofthe
plumederived by Thomas(1987)[68] specifiedsource compartment).
Thistreatsthe plume ina 'farplume'approximation Eqn 6.5 has aminor practicaldifficultyin that it
apparently risingfrom aline source ofzero thickness contains a gas densityterm (p) whichcan only be£Dund
some distance below the void edge. The relevant formula accuratelyiftheresult ofthe calculationis known before
is: the start. In practice, it isusuallysufficient to assumea
valuea little smallerthan ambient air density [eg usinga
L2 O.22(hb +2A) valueof1.1 kg/m3 instead ofthe more usual 1.2 kg /m3
M1 =058p [g 11/3 (h (6.5)
LPCT0] +A)[1+ L ]2/3 (for temperateclimatesatsea-level)]and treat it as ifit
were constant. Forgreaterprecision it is possibleto use
where: repeated iteration, with eachcalculationleadingto a
M1 mass flowofsmokygases entering the smokelayer revisedgas densityfor use in the next iteration.
atheighthb (kgs1), Thesource dataavailableatthetime ofthe derivation
p =
density ofwarmgases atheighthb (kgm3), ofthismethodonly covered large smokereservoirs.It is
convectiveheat fluxin gases (kW), not clear howitwillapply to smallsmokereservoirs,and
L =
length ofvoidedge past which gases spill(m), it should be usedwith great caution in such
o = specificheat ofair (kJkg1K'), circumstances.
T0 absoluteambient temperature (K),
A =
empirical heightofvirtualsourcebelowvoid edge (d) Methodto calculate the entrainmentintothe line
(m), plumederivedbyThomasetal (1998)[65]
hb = height ofrise ofthermal plume above voidedge Thistreatsthe spillplume in a rigorous dimensional
(= X from section 6.3.1) (m). analysis,leading to expressionsalittlemore complicated
than Poreh et al'smethoddescribedin (b) above.It
Itshould be realizedthat the derivation ofEqn (6.5) limits
its applicationto scenarioswheresmoky gasesissue
requires the prior calculationofM\and
but does not
at the spill
ofthe depthof
edge require prior
directlyfrom the compartment onfire, with abalcony the approaching smokeflowat the spilledge. In principle
projecting beyond. Withappropriate changes tothe it should alsogivemorereliableresultsclose to the
value ofA to cater for changes in room/opening turningregion at the spilledge thanany oftheother
geometry, and hence the massflowunderthe balcony methods. It does, however, only apply to free plumesand
46 Design methodologies forSHEVS
28 20

// /
29 23

// /
/ I/
/ /
// / /// /
/ ,/
/ •1


I / / // / / I
// /
// / /

I//I / 7
15 15

/ / /
// / // II

I / / I'
0 III"
I /

,/ / / /
,' E

/ /
/ / / 1/
15 IS
II ///
/I // I,'/
0 0

I 0)
I—j— W15rr

b20m L

Topof opening Top of opening

0 50 150 150 200 250 300 350 0 50 150 150 200 250 300 350
Mass flow(kgs) Mass flow(kgs)

Figures 28, 29 Free plume from open-plan sprinkleredoffice: 28 no downstand, 29 1.0 mdownstand

30 25 31 20

Is 15

0 0

10 10
0 0
(0 (0

I 0)

20 40 60 00 100 120 140 20 40 60 50 100 120 140

Mass flow(kgs) Mass flow(kgs)

Figures 30, 31 Adhered plumefrom open-plan sprinklered office: 30 no downstand, 311.0 m downstand
6 Smoke ventilationwithin multistorey spaces 47
32 33 30

24 24

18 18


12 12

O 6

0 0
0 500 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 000 700 000
Massflaw (kgs-') Mass flaw (kgs)

Figures 32, 33 Free plume fromlargeshop fitted with quick-response sprinklers:32 nodownstand, 33 1.0 m downstand

34 35




5 52 100 550 200 250 050 350 400 0 50 500 150 200 252 300 350 400
Massflow (kgs) Massflow (kgsj

Figures34, 35Adhered plume fromlargeshopfittedwith quick-response sprinklers:34no downstand, 35 1.0 mdownstand

48 Design methodologies for SHEVS
-- 7
362)1 / /
7 37 .11)


// /
/ 21


/ // /
/ if

—. VI

44: 151W - W.
—: W..

4I.0l1I VI :Ill0
22—101.: VI::)
...—.. II 41)1 —-—WIll
11)0 W 14)))

H 11)1)11 Of))? lop UI OPOQIO9

11 20 3 Cl 40) 5.) II 70 1) 10 2)) II 43 51111 4110 7 IH)

Moo.flow if. Moo), flOw(kq'

Figures 36, 37 Free plume from largeshopfitted with standard-response sprinklers,36 no downstand, 37 1.0 rn downstand

38 39 (0


I VI IS I —--4)50
7) 3 VI))
VII:: — .__ 14 .l)
3. 21Cr.
1:4 75 3)1.

7) 40. V. 4(ls
W VII — ---- VI..'1lo

1.11111 OfillI 1 lOP / OflOllIflif

II II I) 53 I II) ISO .0(1 2l .101 150 4011

M'o.flow (kfl. Mow flow (kll

Figures 38, 39Adhered plume from largeshop fitted with standardresponse sprinklers: 38 no downstand, 39 1.0 m downstand
6 Smoke ventilationwithin multistorey spaces 49
notto adhered plumes TheThomasetal (1998) methodcan be expected to
Thomas et al expressed some uncertainty about the apply to free plumesonly, and to largesmoke reservoirs
effects oflargeand smallreservoirson the entrainment only. While it includes terms for entrainment into the
predicted by theirmethod, and identifiedthe need for ends ofthespillplume, thesewere stated with a
further research intothis aspect. They developed the cai.itionary note in the source paper.6'L
entrainment equations primarilyin terms ofdatalbr large We should notethat any and all empiricallybased
areareservoirsso consequentlytheir method should not modelscan be expected to have some dependence on the
be applied to smallareasmoke reservoirs.In the absence sourceexperimentsusedin deriving the empirical aspects
ofbetterdata,we canassume that the same criterion as in ofthose models. It is noteworthy that all the models cited
section 6.3.1 can be used to differentiatebetween large in section 6.3.2 drawon thesame experimental sources,
and small area smoke reservoirs. although not all use all ofthe availabledata,
The entrainment into the spillplume (ignoring Themethods have beencompared in Annex I) for a
entrainment intothe free ends) is then: design scenario which applies to all four, but extending
into a range ofparameter valuesdifflring from the
= l.2M, (6 7) originalexperimental source data. It can l:e seen from
+0.l6X1,L1 +0.0O27Q (kgs1) Annex1) that,fbr the examplechosen therein, there is a
reasonableifnot close agreement forup to 5 mn abovethe
while the entrainment intoboth the freeends (SM) is (for

unknown) :
X/L 'not too large', and wherethis limitingcriterion is
spilledge for all methods . This iswithin the most
common range of designheights of riseforspill plumes.
Note here that only the Thomas et al (1998) method is
expected to giveaccurate resultsat heights ofrise less
SM = 0.09X " than about 3 m above the spilledge. The methods diverge
L (kgs') (6 8) for greater heights, although it is noteworthy that thereis
amuch closer agreementbetweenthe BRE method and
6.3.3 Recommendationsfor selecting a spillplume the Thomas (1987) method using Eqn (6.6) to calculateA
formula for all relevant heights.
Thedifferentmethodsoutlinedin section 6 2 above do Thelarger valuesofmass flow represent themore
not all cover thesame circumstancesand scenarios.Some conservativedesign option in terms ofsafety,particularly
oftheselimitationsderive from theways in which the in view of the fact that at these greater heights ofrise, and
methods were derived.Itis not the purpose ofthe current hence at the correspondinglyvery large mass flow rates,
bookto reviewthe detailsoftheresearch papers the smoky g'astemperatures tendtohe low, It should also
concerned (which are anyway cited as reiCrencesabove). henotedthat therewas a good matchbetween the BRE
It is useful to summarizewhereeach canin principlehe method and experimental observation in a ftillseale hot
expected to be applicable,based on the assumptionsand smoketest9'with the very differentcircumstancesof an
selected dataemployed inthose sourcepapers. adhered plume with entrainment into the free ends, again
TheBRE method (see 6.3.2 (a) above),while being with a largeareasmoke reservoir.This tends to give
complicatedto use, coversfree and adhered plumes. It greater confidencein the range of validationof the BRE
can be usedbr largeorsmall areasmoke reservoirs,It method, and byimplicationof'theThomas (1987)/Poreh
('an he usedeitherwith or without mixingof'air into the method far free plumes.
free ends ofthe spillplume. This makes it the most Consequently,the authors of'thisbookrecommend
versatile of the ftur methods, thefollowing.
The Porehet al method (see 6.3.2 (h) above) is much • Forfreeintoplumes risingless than in above the
3 spill
simpler. It can be expected to apply to free and adhered edge, a large smoke reservoir,use the Thomaset al
plumes, but only to those risingbetweenside wallswhich
prevent any entrainment intothe endsofthe spillplume.
This greatly limitsthe range of scenarioslikelyto he
• Forfreeusemethod
(1998) of6.3.2
plumes risingmorethan m above the
3 spill
edge eitherthe BRE method of6.3.2 (a) forlarge Or
fbund in prac'tice. It applies to large smoke reservoirsand smallreservoirs,orthe Thomas (1987) method of
notto smallones. 6.3.2 (c) usingEqn (6.6), for largesmoke reservoirs
TheThomas (1987)method(see 6.3.2 (c) above) only
applies to free plumes, and cannot be used for adhered • For
all other spillplume scenarios,use the BRE
plumes. Entrainment into the endsof'thespilll)ll.lmeis method,
explicitly calculated.The method can only he used with
confidencewith large smokereservoirs,and notwith 6.4 High temperature plume
smallreservoirs.The difficulty ofknowing the
appropriatevalue, ofA,the height from the virtualline Hansel! et al1 has suggested that the entrainment into a
sourceto the spill edge, without calculatingit each time high-temperature spillplume might be lower than intoa
for the circumstancesofthe specihc' design scenario, thermal plume. The effectis not sufficiently well studied
impliesthat this method should only be used whenA can to allow quantitativeadviceto begiven,beyond the
he calculated. statement thatthe effectbecomes apparent for valuesof
50 Design methodologies for SHEVS

0B (or of O wherethe compartment opening hasno

projectingcanopy) greater than approximately300 °C. / ,I
Wherethe entrained mass is the criticaldesign parameter , /,
(egfor estimatingthe capacityofpoweredsmokeexhaust
ventilators) it is recommended that the same calculation
procedures be followedasfarlowertemperature thermal 20

plumes,since this will result in an overestimateofthe

exhaust capacity and an underestimate of the smoke- //
reservoir'slayer temperature; givingan extra margin of
safety. It is expected that all the calculationprocedures // —

for spill plumesdescribed inthe current book will give

sufficiently erroneous results forflameplumes
/ //_ —

[egtypicallyforO (or 0) greater than about 550 °C]

that theyshould not be employed. It is not clear what
calculationprocedures can be adopted forflame spill

6.5 Fires on the atrium floor

Thisrelativelysimplecasecan be treated in the same way
asa lire in a single-storeyspace,wheretheplume canrise
unhindered from the fire directly into the base ofthe
layer. The designfirecan bespecifiedin terms ofareaA1
andperimeter P, based on expert assessmentofthe fire
load at the atriumfloor (which can vary from trees to
cars, from furniture toexhibitionsl.Ifknown,the calorific
valueofthe likelyfuel can be usedto estimate the heat
fluxin the risinggases Examples ofknown heat fluxes a 100

Mass ifow 010 the layer (ks

01 /10

may be:
• a group offoureasy chairs,clusteredtogether, forming
a perimeter ofaround 6 rn, with a convective heatflux
Figure 40 Rate of productionofhot gasesfrom afire on an
of2 MW,
• a sprinklered office environment,provic:lingthe
sprinklerscan operate over the fire area,with atotal calculationsare essentiallythe samefor all subsequent
convective heatflux ofabout 115kWm2 offire*, stages ofsmokemovement in the smoke reservoirasfor
• anunsprinklered office environment with a total
convective heatfluxQ1ofabout 250 kWm2 oflire,
an axi-symmetricplume. Thedesigner cansimply
employ the methods described in section 5.4 and
• a vehicle (car)with a fire perimeter of12 111 and a total
convective heatfluxof3,0 MW.
onwards to complete the basic design of the SF1EVS.
Notehowever that the designerwill still have many other
factorsto takeintoaccount,as discussed elsewhere in the
*Notc,.ifthe atrium ceilingis high, specialprovisionsmay current book.
haveto bemadeto ensure effectivesprinkler operation.

Ifthe heatfluxis not known forthe predicted fuel load, 6.7 Limitationsto the useofthroughflow
a convective heatfluxQ1of0.5 MWm2 offireareaisa ventilation
usefully pessimistic ruleofthumb' coveringmany cases. Themassflow rategenerated bythe entrainment intothe
Themass flow rate in theplume as it enters the smoke risingplume increasesrapidly with increasingheightof
layer maybe establishedfrom Figure40 orEqn (5.2). This rise ofa l)lume,and hencethe plume cools quicklywith
procedure can be used for Y 10.0 (Af)Oh. Forlarger height. This largeincrease in mass flow withincreases in
valuesofY, it would bebetterto use the 'smallfire' plume height tends to suggestthat theremay be some cut-off
theories (seesection 5.1.2 above). pointin the rise ofthe plume above whichit might
become economicallyimpractical interms of a smoke
6.6 Throughflowventilation: remaining control system.Experience suggeststhat this is often true
for flows larger than 150—200kgs'.
design procedures Anothereffectivelimitmayoccur ifthetemperature of
Oncethe smoky gaseshave reached the base ofthe the smokygas layer forming in theroofvoid is too low.If
smokelayer in the final smokereservoir,therewill be no internal day-to-day heat gains (solar,plant,etc. are
significantfurther entrainment. Once the massflow rate allowedto accumulatewithin the atrium roofspace
ofsmoky gasesentering this layeris known,the design (eg passivesolar atria) then high-level air temperatures
6 Smoke ventilationwithin multistorey spaces 51

Figure 41 Early (or premature) stratffication

within the atrium may be very high. Roofspace This energy loss will increase with the distancethe
temperatures have been recorded at or above 50 °C. smokehas to travel from the fire source, and will manifest
Smoke spreadingintoan atrium duringthe incipient itselfas aloss ofbuoyancy within theflowing layer. This
stagesofafire will naturallybevery cool, and the in turn cancause the layer todeepenbeyond the desired
entrainment processeswill draw in the surrounding design depth, perhaps considerablyso.
ambient air as the plume rises.In most instancesthis Cool smokewill alsobe sensitiveto airflow
ambient air willbe at or near 20 °C (either due to movements, such as air currents (draughts) due to
ventilationor airconditioning) producing a plume ventilation,air conditioning orweather conditions.
temperature which may be considerablylowerthan the Excessiveair movement in contact with a cool but
air within the roofspace, otherwise stable smokelayer can cause it to become
Unlessthis hot air canbe removed sufficiently quickly, unstable,spreading further throughout the building.The
this will result in the initialsmokelayer ft)rmingat a point formation of asmoke layer depends uponbuoyancy for
lowerdown in the buildingthanmay he desirable.This the maintenance of stability. Smoke layerswhichhave
process is known as early (or premature) stratification temperatures (and hencedensities)approaching that of
(Figure41). Asthe fire is probably growing,the plume theincoming replacement air supply will have a tendency
temperature will rise progressivelywith time. This may to 'mix' with this air, ratherthan 'float' above it. This
result in hotter smoke'punching' itswaythrough the process is known as dilution ventilationand is frequently
cooler smokelayer and fbrminganother warmer layer usedin industry to reduce contamination levelsin
above.This process may continue until th&' smoke 'strata' buildings(egwelding shops). The mechanismsinvolved
have become suflicientlymixed to rise up as a singlehulk in dilution ventilationcan easily induce downward
ofsmoke. This problem ofearly stratificationcanto some mixingofa smoke layerto the extentthat,with sufficient
extent he overcome by providingsmokedetectors at air movement, complete smoke logging of an atrium can
many heights within the atrium or located to ensure occur. It followstherefore that the atrium snmkelayer
detection of smokeclose to the fire. Once a ftrming should beata temperature compatiblewith stable
smokestratum is detected and the smokeventilation stratification.
system set off, the hottest (and therefore highest) gases Thereis littleinlbrination available on the
will be removed first, allowingany cooler strata to riseto destabilizationofcool buoyant layers,so a precise
taketheirplace. Hence smoky gaseswill reach the limitingtemperature beyondwhich the above effectswill
ventilators and the smoke ventilationsystem should lessencannot be given. Further research is desirablein
settle into its 'design'state. The timescale fir this process this area. Experienceand experimentalobservation
is uncertain and hence'early'detection ol smokein these however indicatethat these cfièctsmayhe severe in
circumstancesis essential. terms ofsrnoke control, perhaps leading to smoke
A further problem which may be encountered maybe spreadingto otherwiseunaffected escape roules.
more problematicalduring cooler weather, Atria with Inthe absence of the necessaryexperimental data, and
large areas ofexternal glazingwill presentalarge surface as aresult ofpracticalexperiencethis bookwill adopta
areato the smokelayer,whichcan lead to largeheat lowerlimit to thelayer under'design'conditions of2()°C
lossesfrom the layer. above ambient asthe critical layer temperature below
52 Design methodologies for SHEVS ______

whichundesirable effectsmayoccur. This temperature considered,the construction ofthe compartment, the

rise should beregardedas that which the layer will have geometry ofthe atrium, etc.
aftersufferingheatlosses to the structure inwhichitis Experience (and Figures28—39) suggeststhatone or
contained. otherlimitis usuallyreachedwhenthe heightofrise
Thus, the practical limitationstotheuse of above the fire room opening exceeds 8—12 m. It follows
throughflow ventilation are a maximummass flow rate of that it doesnot usuallyappearto bepracticable to design
150—200kgs1 and/oraminimumsmoke layer athroughflow ventilation system requiringmore than
temperature of2O °C above ambient. threeto sixstoreys (sometimesless) to bekeptfreeof
Which limitis reached firstwill dependuponthe smoke, regardless ofwhetherit is powered or natural
situation being considered,ie on the type offire smoke ventilation.

7 Alternative forms of
smoke control for atria
(including multistorey malls
but excluding throughflow ventilation)

7.1 Void filling precautions revert to those foundinthe absence ofan

Someatria provide largeavailable volumesinwhichany Theobviousadvantage ofthis techniqueis simplicity.
smoke from afire could becontained, such that smoke However, it has several disadvantages.Itis rather
ventilation may be unnecessary. restrictivefor buildingdesigners,as the atriumcannotbe
This approach is usuallybaseduponthe assumption utilized asa flrnctionalspace, andgenerallythere must
that a firewill grow at apredictablerate,and that the only be limited quantitiesofcombustiblematerial
quantity ofsmoke generated can be contained safelyin contained on the atriumfloor.Therecan be no areas of
the roofvoid duringtheevacuationperiod, without public movement within the atriumspace otherthan at
prejudicingthe evacuation ofoccupants ofthe space. ground floor level.
This relies uponquantitativepredictions ofboth fire Since thereisthepotential for the atriumto be wholly
growth and personnel escape times. Fire growth is full ofsmoke, the facade should bewell sealed. Ifthe
difficult to predict duringthe very earlystages offire gasesin the atriumbecome hot, as they often may local to
developmentand can therefore, atbest, be only arough thefire, the facadematerials and construction (and.the
estimate. Similarly, actual timesneededfor evacuation sealingtechniques used) mustbe abletowithstand these
arealso extremely difficult to determine.PaulsL°1 has highertemperatures.
shownthat escape periods inmultistoreybuildingscan Such atria may be fitted with means ofremoving
vary from 10 minutesfor a l5-storey building,where smokefor FireServiceuse. These systemsare often
escapees were 'caught' on the 13th floor for5 minutes provided on an arbitrarydesignbasis,usuallycomprising
before being able to descend, to31 minutes for a21- anair-change ratecriterion ifpowered ventilation is used,
storeystructure whereescapees were 'caught' on the 12th ora percentage ofthe atriumfloor areaifnatural
floor for20minutes. Anecdotal reports ofsimilar exercise ventilationisused.Thesesystems areforFire Serviceuse
in a shopping mall inthe UKhave shownatotal only, for clearing ofresidualsmoke (usuallypost-
evacuationtime in excessof3O minutes, Similarly, we extinction) and must notbe regarded as life-safety
must also remember thatit is customaryfor the fire systems.Air-change rates ofbetween6 and 12 per hour
serviceto search buildingsfortrappedorlost escapees. areoften employed.
Therewill be some designswheretheevacuationtimes
willbe shorterthan the timeforsmoke toendangerthe
7.3 Depressurizationventilation
escape routes. It followsthatthe smoke control option of
'doing nothing'should notbe ruled out completely,but 7.3.1 Principles
should only be accepted when supported by 'Fire Greaterarchitectural freedom becomes possibleifthe
Engineering'calculationsembodying appropriate safety atrium facadeneed notbesealed,but canbe allowedto
margins. beleaky, even ifthe upperatriumis filledwithsmoke.
Examples ofsuch'leaky facade'designsmightinclude:
7.2 Compartment separation • hotelbedroomshaving doors onto 'decorative'
balconies overlookingthe atrium (ie not accessor
Oneapproachthat maybeconsidered for the protection escape routes), smallenough to be evacuatedthrough
ofthe atrium from fires in adjacentrooms(or vice-versa) the doors in afew seconds,
is the concept ofthe 'steriletube' (discussedin Chapter 1
in outline).
• facadeswhereunsealed windowsare usedfor
simplicityand cheapness, or
In this instance,the atrium isglazed throughout with • facadeswheresmallventilationopeningsallow air to
fire-resistingglass, or itsengineered equivalent.Thus, circulatebetweenthe accommodation spaces andthe
there is no opportunity for hot smoky gasesto enter atrium.
rooms adjacent to the atrium, and the buildingfiresafety
54 Design methodologies forSHEVS

Clearly,theremust be no escape routes opento the upper installed,wherethe inlet areais equal to the exhaust vent
atrium. area, then the neutral pressure planewill exist
Ifsuch doorsand othersuchleakagepaths do not have approximatelymidway within the smoke layer
tightseals,smoke from the atrium mayentermany (Figure43). Ifthe inlet vent areais smaller than the
adjacent rooms on many levels,causing aloss ofvisibility exhaust vent area, then the neutral pressure planewill
in thoseroomsand possiblyaffectingescape routesaway move upwards (Figure44).
from theatrium(Figure42). Anyopeningsabove the neutral pressureplanewillbe
This might happensimultaneouslyon many floors, underapositivepressure (definedpositiveoutwards from
requiring the simultaneousevacuation ofall affected the atrium).Thus, therewillbe a flowofsmokefrom the
floors,thus adding to the pressure ofuse on escape routes atrium intorooms above the neutral pressure plane
elsewhereinthe building.This is likelytobeaparticular throughany leakagepathwhichmight exist.
problem wherethereis a'sleeping risk', egatrium hotels. However, carefulmanipulationoftheneutralpressure
It willalso be a problem for fire fighters,since theymay plane can raiseitto a 'safe'heightabove sensitivelevels,
feel the need to search all accommodation on allaffected wherethere is littleornothreat from the positive
floors to ensurethatno-oneremains atrisk. Such a search pressure above (Figure45). The pressure in the atrium
would be muchquicker ifall accommodation were kept belowthe neutral pressureplane willbe at apressure
clear ofsmoke. lowerthanambient, thus anyairflowwill be from the
Hence smoke must be prevented from passingin room intothe atrium. Hence the levelsbelowthe neutral
appreciablequantities through thesesmall leakage pressure planeareprotectedfrom heat and smoke
openings. Onewayofachievingthis may be by contamination.
depressurizingthe atrium71'72t Annex F givesa description ofa firethat occurredin
the IMFbuildinginWashington15.Thefire occurred on
7.3.2 Naturaldepressurization the 10th floor ofa 13-storeyatrium, and bythe time the
In anystructure with natural ventilation openingsat high fire servicearrived (16 minuteslater) the smokelevel had
and low level,and with a quantity ofheat trapped inside, descended belowthe 10th floor.
a ventilation rate will becreateddueto the 'stackeffect'. An interesting aspect ofthisfire was that despite the
In order forairto move out through the high-level presence ofa natural ventilation system inthe roof, the
opening, the pressure athighlevel inside mustbegreater atrium became completelysmoke-logged at onepoint.
thanthe external pressure otherwise therewould be no This apparent failure ofthe venting system was attributed
air movement. Similarly, for air to flow inwardsatlow to theuse ofnatural ventilation in a'tall'building,where
level the pressure atlow level inside must be less than the smokehadinsufficientbuoyancyto reachthe vents.
thatoutside. Thusthere must bea position within the However, the fire occurred on the 10thfloor, and for all
structure wherethepressure inside is equal to that practical purposes,whenthe fire brokeout itwas
outside. This is known as the 'neutral pressure plane'. Any effectivelyin athree-storey buildingwith adeep
openings situated atthe neutral pressure planewill have basement. Natural ventilationworksextremely well in
no airflowthroughthem,as therewill be no pressure 'shallow' buildings,andtherefore there must havebeen
differentialat that height. some other mechanism in action, affectingthe operation
In buildingswhereathroughflow ventilation system is ofthe ventilation system.

Figure42 Smoke loggingin a 'leaky' closedatrium

7 Alternativeformsofsmoke control for atria 55

inlet: equals
vent area

Figure43 Neutral pressure plane (NPP):throughfiowventilation

vent area

Figure 44 NPP: exhaust islargerthan inlet

Theatrium had no apparent inlet facilityand depending uponfactors such as: inlet/ventarearatio, gas
accordinglyinstead oftheventilators providinga temperatures, windpressures,etc. It isnot, andshould
throughflow ventilationeffect,theatrium became notbe conflisedwith, the actualbase ofthe smoke layer.
depressurizedin the manner describedabove. This, in Theequation describingthe above relationship,in the
turn, prevented smoke from spreadingbeyondthe absence ofwindeffects is71'72:
atrium, despitebeingsmoke-loggedto ground-floor level
atone stage.
Theneutral pressureplane(NPP) will lie somewhere 4ç) T0I—1

within the depth ofthe smokelayerinthe atrium [X

56 Design methodologies for SHEVS



Figure45 NPP is above highestleakystorey

r 11

X = the heightfrom the base ofthe smoke layerto the
desired position ofthe NPP (m),
Dm maximum depthofsmokelayer from the

centreline ofthe exhaust ventilator (m).

This equation is represented graphicallyin Figure46.

Eqn (7.1) represents thecondition wheretheatrium
has a single,dominant inlet leakage path from the 15
exterior (egaccess doors) but smallerleakage paths
betweenthe atriumand accommodation and the exterior
(Figure47). rAc312
Withthetechnique as described above it isquite LA C11
possibleforthe atrium tobe entirely filledwith smoke
(seeAnnex F: IMFbuilding),inwhichcase Dm< will 10

approach the height ofthe atrium (H3), eg Dm—* H3.

Itis a straightforwardtaskto calculatethe ventilation
requirements for a'pure' depressurizationsystem using
Eqn (7.1) or Figure46,andChapter 8 to determine the
smoke layer temperature from the appropriate heat
outputforthe occupancy concerned (seesection 5.4 for 5

the heat output).

IftheNPPwasto descend belowthedesireddesign
depththen some ofthe higher storeys maybecome
endangered. This can arisefrom an increase in the actual
inlet leakage areaavailable, egwherethe firebrigade has 0
openedaccess doors to theatriumto investigatethe 1.0 1.5 2.0
severityofthe fire.A successfttl depressurizationdesign °max
should be ableto prevent smoke infiltrationintoadjacent x
spaceson the higher floors even in thiscondition.
Additionally,it is possiblethatthe fire may cause Figure46 Solution to NPP Eqn (7.1)
windowstobreakon both the external facadeand the
atriumfacade ofthe fire room. In this case,thebroken
areas can act as a'dominant' leakage path from the
7 Alternativeformsof smoke control for atria 57

Figure47 NPP: dominantinlet

Thus, allpotentialinletleakage paths must be assessed Wind pressure coefficients(Cr's) have often been
whenusingEqn (7.1) or Figure46. measured so that structural wind loadingcan be
Itshould be notedthatthe simple approach set out calculated.Thereis aconsiderablebodyofdatain
herewillbe invalidwherethe leakage paths across the existence.
atrium boundary have appreciableareas onseveral Wherecomplete certainty isrequired for a novel or
storeys [although allleakage areas below the smoke complicatedbuilding,wind-tunnel observationsusing
layer's base can beaggregated and regarded as being at scale modelswillyieldusable results.In general,
thelayer's base for calculationpurposes whenusing however, it should often bepossibleto obtain reasonable
Eqn (7.1) orFigure 46].Wherethereareappreciable valuesfor the Ce'sneededforsmoke control calculations
significantleakagepaths on severalstoreys above the from availableliterature (seeegreference [73]).
layersbase, thesame depressurizationprinciplecanbe Figure48(a) shows the typical3-dimensional
employed but a more complicated'flownetwork' complicatedpatternofwind pressure coefficientsover a
calculationmust be used.This is bestleft to specialistsin tall towerblock741.In practice, itwould be necessaryto
the field. identifythe most pessimisticvaluesfor eachstorey, in
Itis difficultto givea simplegeneral rule to identif' whichcase theproblemcanbe simplifiedto
whenabuilding canberegardedas havinga single 2-dimensionalasshownin Figure48(b).
dominant inlet. Nevertheless,it may be sufficientto adopt Withthesedataestablishedfor any specific building
a guidelinefrom the related field of'air infiltration',so the design procedure for checkingon theperformance of
that one canassume a'dominant inlet' ifthetotalareaof anatural depressurizationsystem is fairlysimplewhere
all openings belowthelayer base is morethan twicethe thereis a singledominant opening.
total areaofall openingsabove the layerbase (excluding Toprevent smokeleakage intothetop leewardstorey
the areaoftheventilators themselves)[73J forall wind speeds71:
7.3.3 Naturaldepressurization and wind effects [(A—1)c —ACPL +Cpj} 0 (7.2)
TheNPPis sensitivetothe effects ofwind, and 'adverse'
windpressures might cause the NPPtofallto alower where:
position onthe leeward side ofthe building,possibly = windpressurecoefficientatthe vent,
contaminatingthe topmostleeward storeys ofthe = windpressurecoefficientatthe topmostleeward
building.It followsthatthe depressurizationdesign ofthe building,
procedure must takewind-force intoaccount. = storey
wind pressure coefficientatthe inlet, and
To assessthe efficiency ofoperation ofa
depressurizationsystem aknowledge ofthe wind
A=21QHYfL1+l (7.3)
pressure coefficientsactinguponabuildingwill be u;L4cj
necessary.These area well-establishedwayofrelating
thewindpressure anywhere on abuildingtothe wind Provided the requirements ofEqn (7.2) are satisfied, then
velocity at rooflevel. natural ventilationwillworkat all wind speeds. This
58 Design methodologies for SHEVS

(a) (b)

Wndward Leeward
0.75 -0.55
0.95 -045
0.95 -0.45
0.90 -0.45
0.80 — -0.45
0.70 -0.45
0.65 -0.45
0.65 -0.45
0.60 -0.45
0.55 -0.45
0.50 -0.45
0.45 -0.45
0.25 - . . -0.45

0.9 Figure48 Wind pressure coefficients(Cr's) around atypicaltower
0.95 block: (a) 3-dimensional, (b) 2-dimensional distribution

implies that the roofventilation system should be A natural smoke control system willbe affectedby the
subjected to suctionwindpressuresatall times. windpressuresoperating against allthe openings in the
However, ifit is impossibleto use a natural ventilator on a structure, thus pressure differentialsvary withwind
particular building,fans can beusedinstead. direction and openingposition and the throughflow ofair
willvary with windvelocity.
7.3.4 Powered depressurization However,whenthehole in the roofis replaced bya
The necessary capacityis a littleharderto calculate,and fan,the pressure differentials within the buildingnow
thebestfan is one whichis not affectedbywindpressures haveto bechangedby mechanicallyaltering the
on its exhaust. Witha fan,however, one must always throughflow ofair. Therefore, the system must be
assumeamaximum wind speed fordesignpurposes. The designed witha maximum designwindvelocityto cater
required volumetric flowratemaybe calculated from711: for all conditions.
Further sophisticationmaybe achievedby the use of
____ 174
an anemometer and having 'groups' offans, eachgroup
— — 2
+ 2gO1X1112
operating at a differentwindvelocity. So ifthe windwas
[ T0 ][(C T1 ]
light, one group could operate, and ifthe wind speed
where: increased, ftirther groups might be activatedasnecessary.
= fan capacityrequired (m3s 1),
= designwindvelocity (msj.

8 Depressurization/smoke ventilation
hybrid designs

Chapters 3 to 6 have indicated how smokeventilation suchahybrid designthe smoke layertemperature inthe
canonly keepa limitednumberoflowerstoreys clear of atrium required forthe depressurizationcalculationsis a
smokebelowthebuoyant smokelayerformed inthe natural outcome ofthe plume entrainment calculations
atrium. The technique does in principle,however, allow needed forthe smoke exhaust calculation.Notethat
those lower storeys to have adjacent spaces,and their hybrid designsare similarlypossiblewherepowered
escape routes, open to the atrium. Sections7.3 and 7.4 ventilators are usedfor atrium smokeexhaust.
above show thatitis often possibleto design a Hybrid designsusuallyfollowone oftwo approaches:
depressurizationsystem whereclean air is drawn through mass-flow-basedapproach and temperature-based
all significantleakageopenings on the atriumfacade approach.
immersed in the smokelayer.Depressurizationdoesnot,
however, protectany large leakageopenings on any Mass-flow-basedapproach
storey above the layerbase in the atrium. Nor will it This approachis wherethe atrium is designed with a
protectany escape routes onthatstoreyopen to the number ofopen levels above the atriumfloor and
atrium. Inthis context alarge openingisone wherethe requires aplume ofa specificheight. The maximum
opening in the atrium facadeis larger than the sumof number oflevelswillbedetermined by eitherthe
openingsfurther along the same leakagepath away from magnitude ofthe massflow rate entering the layer,or the
the atrium (eg ifthe atriumfacade opening islargerthan smokelayer temperature falling belowtheminimum
openings in the external wall). value of2O °C. The principles ofa mass-flow-based
Itwill often be thecasehowever,that architectswill hybrid smokeventilation system are shown in Figure49
want to maximizeuse ofthe atrium space,and anobvious (seenext page).
wayis to combinethe smokeventilation approach of
Chapters 3 to 6, allowinggreaterfreedom ofdesign on Temperature-based approach
theloweststoreys,with thelesser freedom of'leaky Thisapproachisto coola potentiallyhot smokelayer by
facades'allowed bythe depressurizationtechnique set the deliberate entrainment ofambient air into the rising
out in sections 7.3 and 7.4 above.In this'hybrid'design plume. This mayenable the use offacadematerials which
theratioofventareato fresh-airinletareawillbe cannotwithstand hightemperatures (eg floatglass).The
determined byEqn (7.2) orFignre46,whereas the actual principlesofatemperature-based hybridsmoke
valuesofthese areas must be consistentwiththe ventilationsystem are shown in Figure50 (seenextpage).
necessarysmoke exhaust requirement as defined in A designprocedure for hybridsystems is given in
sections 5.12 and 5.13.Itshould be appreciatedthatin AnnexG.
60 Design_methodologiesfor SHEVS

Centre line ofventilators AvCv

Neutral pressure plane

Inlet AjC1

Figure49 Principles of hybrid'smoke ventilation system: mass-flow-based approach

Centre line ofventilators

Inlet AC

Situation A Situation B

Figure50 Principles of hybrid'smoke ventilation system: temperature-based approach


9 Atrium smoke layer


In mostsmoke control system designsno account is predominantlyglazed in most cases,thus

takenofthe heat lossesto the structure.It is nssumedthat goodheat sink.Therewill be apassage ofheatenergy
there is conservation ofheat andthat all ofthe heatflux from the smokelayer intothe structure, and accordingly
entering asmokereservoir is contained in, and remains the smoke layerwill suffera reduction in temperature.
in, thesmoke. Experimental work in thepasthas shown Figure51 shows the heatbalance in an atrium, A
that this assumptionholds goodfor relativelysmall simple computer model based on these principleswas
smoke reservoirs,with medium to high thermal usedto determine theloss ofenergy from the smoke
resistance in the containingstructure, orforhigh mass layer,basedupon'worst case'assumptions forthe
flow rates ofsmoke. facade721.The facade fabric is assumedtobethin glazing
Whenconsidering atria, however, this assumptioncan withno apparent delay in thetransfer ofthe energyfrom
no longer be consideredentirely valid.Anatrium smoke the layer. Theresults ofusingthis model areshown
reservoirgenerallyhas alarge surfacearea, which is graphicallyin Figures52, 53 and 54for 1 MW, 5 1M[W and

exhaust gases

Heat oss through roof.

openvenfilafors or
powered exhaust units

' Radiation downwards.

Figure51 Heatbalancein an atrium

62 Design methodologies forSHEVS
6 MWfires, respectively.The model showed, despite the At high values ofmass flow ratethere is little change in
fact thatmany differingatrium geometries were theatriumsmoke layertemperature for wide variations in
considered with differentvaluesofexterrial exposure,the smokelayer surfacearea. This isdue tothegas flow being
resultant calculationpointscould beplottedcomfortably theprimemover ofenergy,and tends tojustify the
as singlecurvesforeachvalueofmass flowrate. assumptionthat loss ofheattothe structure ofabuilding
maybeignoredforrelatively smallcontactareas.





0 M1Okgs-
H—— M10kgs
'VP M125kgs




\ -S..




Tota' surfacearea (cicludinO base)

rn a 1000)

Figure52Atriumlayertemperaturefor fire of 1 MW
9Atrium smoke layertemperature 63


280 t\

\ \
220 \

\\ '\
\ M=Ukga

\ \ N M,25kgs
aE 140 \ \\.
—— Mr100kgs

--- ___

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Tota'surfacearea (hicludOig base)
(mx 1000)
Figure 53 Atrium layertemperaturefor fire of 5 MW

020 _________

300 t


260\ \
240 \
220 \ '
\ \ 0=1MW

\ \\\ \ M,0kgs

's M,=5Okgs1
— —
fi 140



2 4

Total surfacearea (includingbase)

(mx 1000)
Figure54Atriumlayertemperaturefor fire of 6 MW

10 Additional design factors

limit criteriafor a controlled fire load for an atrium base as

10.1 Atriumroof-mounted sprinkler
Conventional sprinklers mounted in the roofofan atrium
• Ifthe total weight ofcombustibleson the atrium base
exceeds 160 kg, the materialsshould be confined to
will only be ofpotential benefit ifthereis afire on the isolated islands.
atrium floor itself. However, due to the heightthatthese • Eachislandashould:
sprinklerswill generallybe mounted above the floor,the — contain maximum of ofcombustible
160 kg
firewillbe ofconsiderable proportions before the material,
— cover amaximum floor areaof10 m2,
sprinklers activate and they will therefore be oflimited
benefit. Moreimportantly perhaps, ifasmoke layer isjust — be
separated from other areas ofcombustiblesby at
abovethe operating temperature ofthe sprinklers,it will least4 m (except wherethose areas areprotected
be reasonablystable (8 50°C). Theactionofall the roof bya sprinklersystem).
sprinklersoperating almost simultaneously(as canbe • Allwall and ceilinglinings should have at leasta
Class 1 surfacespread offlamewhentestedin
inferredfrom workby Hinkley751) mayrapidly cool the
layerandcause itto become unstable.This can occur ifa accordance withBS476: Part 7.
fireis above the atrium floor,and ishighly undesirable. • Whentestedinaccordance with BS 5852,all
One method ofovercoming thisproblemis to usewall- upholstered frirnitureshould resist ignition bythe
mounted, long-throw sprinklers around the sides ofthe smoulderingsource (ignitionsource 0) and the flaming
tallspace. It is unlikelyinsuchcircumstancesthat the hot source (ignitionsource 5)*.
gases from a firewhichis not actuallyagainst oneofthe
walls willcontactthe sprinklerheads, and so
• Alltextiles (drapes and curtains) should meetthe
requirements ofBS5867: Part2.
conventional sprinklertriggering devicescannotbeused.
Instead, ifthe sprinklersare ableto operatein *Note:Attention is drawn to the provisionsofthe
predetermined zones onreceipt ofanelectrical signal; Upholstered Furniture (Fire Safety) Regulationsin
and ifthere isafire-detection system able to identif,r the respect offillingmaterials,in the UK.
position ofthe fire sufficiently closely,then a signalcanbe
sentautomaticallyto operate the appropriate sprinkler 10.3 Air-conditionedatria
zone. This approach has been pioneered byOveAmp
Limited. In some hot countries itis common practicefor an atrium
to be ftilly air-conditioned,making the internal ambient
10.2 Controlledfire load on the atrium base temperature in the atrium lowerthan the external
ambienttemperature. In suchcases,especiallyforthe
Ifthereis alikelihoodthat afire loadwill bepresenton relatively smallheatoutputs inthe earlystages ofa fire,
theatriumfloor, the smokecontrol system designedfora thetemperature ofthesmoke layer whichinitiallyforms
firein an adjacent room willgenerallybe able to cope in theatrium canbecoolerthanthe external ambient
with theproducts ofamuch larger fire directly beneath temperature, while still beingwarmer than the initial
theroof. Thus, withpropermanagement to restrict the internal atrium air temperature. Inwhichcase,use ofa
use offliel assembliesand good housekeeping, such a fire natural ventilation system would cause a reversestack
could feasiblyexistandburn itselfoutbefore becoming a effect, iewiththe roofvents actingas inletsand the inlets
problem to other areas outsidethe atrium. This does, of (includingany doors beingused as escape routesfrom the
course,assume that the methods detailed elsewhere in atrium tothe exterior) acting as vents. This could cause
this bookwillhavebeenusedto demonstrate that sucha problemsofcool smoke spreadingdownwards towards
fire doesnot represent a threat. (and through) the escape doors. Once the coolatriumair
BS 5588:Part7[7] includes adefinitionofthe upper has been flushed out bythe warmerambient air entering
10 Additional design factors 65
through the vents, the system will reverseits direction of ventilationsystem should be controlled by awind
flow,with the further potential fordrawing backintothe direction indicator,andtherequired amount of
buildingthecool smokewhich has just beenventedto ventilationshould operate in aleeward zone only.
the streetoutside. It is possibletouse awinddirection sensorto open
Thisproblemofan initialdownward movement of natural ventilators in zones ofwind-induced suctionfor
smokemaybe alleviatedbythe use ofsmoke detectors in more conventional'throughflow' systemsaswellas for
therooms, ratherthaninthe atrium, causing the depressurizationsystems,while leavingclosed any
ventilation system to operate and creating abalance ventilators whichmightexperience awindoverpressure.
betweentheinternal and external temperatures priorto In eithercase,it is necessaryto mapout thezonesof
the smoke entering the atrium in quantity;orby using suctionand overpressurefor all possiblewind directions.
powered ventilators. This canmosteasilybe done using amodel ofthe
buildingand itssurroundings in aboundary-layerwind
10.4 Channellingscreens and hybrid tunnel. Itis alsoimplied thatthe ventilatorsmustbe
controlled by an automatic,probably computer-based,
systems control system.
It has beenshown insection 6.2 that whensmoke passes Itshould benotedthat,although systemsbasedon
under abalconyto rise intotheroofvoid above,the wind-direction sensors have been installed in buildings,
quantity ofsmokeentering the smoke layer in the rising the technique is relativelyuncommon.
smoke plume can bereduced byrestricting the widthof
the plume as it passesthe balconyedge, bythe use of 10.6 Crossdraughtwithin the atrium
channelling screens.
Theneedfor plume widthrestriction is necessaryfor Thisdescribes the action ofahorizontal air flowbeneath
anysmoke control designwherea clear layer ofair is ahotgaslayer,suchas through the entrance ofabuilding
required above a balconyprojection beyond thefire room intoanatriumormall. Therecanbeahigh relative
(eg for escape purposes), and so will apply to ahybrid velocity between the smokelayer and incoming air when
smoke control system whenthe heightofriseofthe air is drawn inthroughan inlet oflimited areaand passes
smoke plume is fixedby escape requirements (mass-flow- directlybelowthe smoke layer. Smoke willbe drawn
basedsystems). down intothe air stream bytheVenturieffect,and also by
As described in Chapter 8, analternative use ofa turbulent entrainment ofsmoke from the gas layerinto
hybrid system is to coolthesmoke layer for some theflow.Thatwill leadto loss ofvisibilityinthe clear
purpose (eg to prevent glazingfrom cracking)by layer761.
deliberate entrainment ofair into the smokeplume The effectofthe flow depends on thewidthofthe
(temperature-basedsystems).When designinga natural entrance throughwhich air enters the building,and on
ventilationsystem forthis purpose a knowledgeofthe the relativeposition ofthe base ofthegas layer and[the
depthofthe smokelayerin the atrium is necessaryto top oftheairinlet. Forflow through narrow inlets, such as
calculatethe vent arearequired. Thisinturn implies a singleor doubledoors, there canbeserious loss of
knowledge ofthe heightofrise ofthe smokeplume. visibilityintheclear layerwhenthe flowhas a velocity of
Therefore, an estimate ofthe plume widthleavingthe 0.3 ms orgreater, and the layeris less than 2 mabove the
room is desirableto determine the height ofrise required top ofthe inlet.
for coolingpurposes,and the plume widthshould be Whereflowis across awideropening, such asacross
reasonably narrow (usuallynotmore than 10—20 m). thewidthofamall,flows ofgreater than 1.0 ms can
However, variations between the mass flowentering, and cause seriouslossofvisibilityin the clear layer whenthe
thatbeingvented from, theatrium smoke layerwith this base ofthe hot gas layer isclose tothe top oftheinlet.
typeofhybridsystem will beimmediatelycompensated Whenthe base ofthehot gaslayeris more than1 m
forby a change in the depthofthe smokelayer.Thus,the above the top ofthe inlet butless than 2 m above it, then
actual widthofplume achieved is irrelevantto the flows ofgreater than 1.9 ms can cause serious loss of.
satisfactoryoperation ofthe system.Hencethere is no visibilityin the clear layer.
practicaladvantage in physicallyreducing thewidthof It is very difficult toprotectagainstthe mixingcaused
the risingplume for thisform ofhybrid system.Therefore by theflowofair undera hotgas layer,but ensuringthat a
in the designoftemperature-based hybridsystems, screen definingthe end ofthe reservoiris placed at:least
channellingscreens are unnecessary. 3 m backfrom the air inlet willminimize the effect,

10.5 Wind-sensing devices 10.7 Crossflowwithin the gas layer

Sections 5.12 and 7.3.3 concluded that roofvents should Experiments have shownthat wherethere is horizontal
operate in areas ofhigh suctionpressure for allwind flow within the hotgas layer across the openingintoa
directions.In certain instancesitmaybelikelythat centrally mountednatural smokeexhaust ventilator,
natural vents mayexperience an adverse pressure effect therewill be no significantreduction inthe efficiencyfor
(egverticallymountedvents). Inwhichinstancethe velocitiesofup to4 It is reasonabletoassume that
66 Design methodologies for SHLVS
theresults will besimilar wheremechanical smoke chimney around or beneaththe ventilator) at least 0.2 m
exhaust is used. Hence suchcrossflowscanbe ignored high, are notadverselyaffected byexternal winds.This
whendesigningventilation systems. appears to be due tothe kerb deflectingthe air flow
upwards far enough for the flowto re-attachtothe roof
10.8 Wind effects on horizontal ventilators downwind ofthe ventilator itselfVentilatorswhich are
flush withthe roofcan beadverselyaffected forwind
Wind flowingoverhorizontalventilatorscan influence speeds as low as 4.5 ms'78. However, even with a kerb,
the exhaust rate through theventilator, especiallyfor gas layers shallowerthan 2 m, and at atemperature ofless
natural ventilators.The windcan increase the massflow than 25 °C above the ambient canbe adverselyaffected
throughthe ventilator dueto the Venturieffect, orreduce bywinds flowingtangentiallyacross them.Thereis also
the effectiveventareabyreducing theeffectivedischarge some anecdotal evidencethat the aspect ratioofnatural
coefficient.This latter phenomenon appears to be dueto ventilators, even for those fitted withkerbs, should not
the creation ofawind-induced vortex inside and closely exceed 5:1 in order to avoid these problems whenthe
belowthe leeward edge ofthe ventilator's opening. windblows in a direction close to the long axisofthe
Experiments have shown that natural ventilators ventilator.
mountedon aflat roof, and having a kerb (to form a

11 Interactions with other systems

in the building

11.1 Sprinklers It is alsotruethat directfire-fightingintervention is

faster and more effectiveifthefire-fighterscan see what
11.1.1Automatic sprinklers theyaredoing.Partofthetraining offire services
Automatic sprinklershave a major impact onthe everywhere isconcerned withthe use ofventilationto try
protection ofpropertyagainstfire. The statistical effectof to control the movement ofsmokein order toimprove
sprinklersisto reduce the frequencyoflarge fires. visibility. Hence SHEVScan also assistinfire-fighting
Sprinklerscancontrol fire growth, provided the sprinkler operations.
installationis chosen to matchthe nature and Ever since the 1960s, ithas beenrecognized thata
arrangement ofthe fuelsexpected tobepresent. Even so, smokeventilationsystem cannot, on its own,control the
there will always be a smallproportion offires which will sizeofafire. Eitherit allowsthe fire servicetocontrol the
become large.Nevertheless,all studies show that fire moreeasily,oritrequires additionalmeasures to
sprinklers have agoodeffectivenessin controllingfires. control fire growth. IntheUK, forexample,it has been
Sprinklerdesign rules tend to be very prescriptive,and routine since 1972forsprinklers to berequired in
havebeendescribed in many documents over theyears, enclosed shopping complexesto limitthe firesizeto a
egby theCEA1791, orby many national standards magnitude whichthe smokeventilation system can cope
(egBS 5306:Part 2[801). with[5]Thatis, by makingthe smokeventilationpossible,
Overthe past 10—15 years in particular,ithas been the sprinklershave beenseen as sharing in the same life-
recognized increasinglywidelythat sprinklerswhichcan safety role.
operateearlyin a fire canhave alife-safetyrole aswell as
protecting property; although itis still generallytrue that 11.1.3 Sprinklers combined with smoke ventilation
sprinklersare notuniversallyacceptedforthis role. It follows that sprinklersand smokeventilators are both
Wherelife-safety is seen as important, many modern important forlife safety and fQrproperty protection,
Standards specifyadditionalfeaturesforthe sprinkler although smokeventilation should only be seen as being
installationcompared with installationssolely intended usefulfor property protection bymakingfirefighting
for property protection. easier and faster.Itis therefore reasonabletoexpectboth
Wheresprinklersoperate inabuildingandwherethe sprinklersand smokeventilators to beusedtogether,
fireservice alsointervenes, itcan be very difficult to say both forlifesafety andforpropertyprotection.
whichhad the greater effect.In practice sprinklersand Itwouldbeideal ifthe operationsofonesystem
fireservices,actingtogether, usuallyachieve better (sprinklersor smokeventilators)had no adverse effecton
resultsthan eitheractingseparately. the operation oftheother. Unfortunatelythat isnotthe
11.1.2Automatic smoke exhaust ventilation Factory Mutual Research Corporation carried out
Smokeexhaust ventilationsystemswerefirstproposedto some excellentexperiments inthe early 1970s'. Their
achieve the benefits ofventing throughthe roof,while mainconclusionswere that vents allowedmorefire
thefire was still small. damage (ie morefuel was consumed) andcaused delays
From1972, in the UK and many othercountries,it has intheoperation ofsprinklers.Thus, sprinklerswould
become commonplaceto require smokeventilation perform more effectivelywithoutvents, especiallyifthe
systemsfor certain types ofbuildingin orderto protect buildingwas allowedto fill with smoketo create low-
theescape routesduringthe early stages ofafire. oxygen conditionswhichwould fUrtherlimit
Examples include enclosed shopping mallsand many combustion.This led to theiradvice,publicizedmost
atriumbuildings.This places averyclear life-safetyrole clearlyafter1980, to 'button-up' the buildingandto allow
on smoke ventilation,and demands operation ofthe sprinklersto achieve extinctionofthe fire.
smokeventilation system earlier than the arrivalofthe No account wastakenofthepotential for active fire
fire services—usually on the first detection ofsmoke. serviceintervention in theiranalysis, and indeed their
68 Design methodologies for SHEVS

'button-up' approach effectivelyrecommended thatthe


fireservices should waitoutsidethe buildinguntilthe fire 50

hadbeen extinguishedby the sprinklers.This approach 45

was contrary to the operational doctrine ofthe Fire

Brigadesin the UK andelsewhere.They wantedsmoke
40 — ——
— ExperIment 26
Experiment 31 1
NO xenix

ventilationto make theirjob easier,and to reduce the risk


ofa backdraft threatening theirfirefighters whenthey 30

enterwhat could otherwise be a smoke-filledbuilding. 25

Theresult has beenapolarization ofviews. Oneside



supports the 'button-up' idea, and thinksthatsmoke

ventilation reduces the effectivenessofsprinklers.The

othersidefavoursusingsmoke ventilationsimultaneously 10
I 23vents
withsprinklers in orderto increasethe effectivenessof
fire fighting.Therewere many paperspublishedduring
the 1980s discussingandreinforcingtheseviewpoints. 6 120 160 240 300 300 420

Since then, much research has been carried out on
interactions betweensprinklers,ventilators and the
thermally buoyant layers.A numberofcomputer models Figure55The effect ofsmokeventilatorson sprinkler operation
havebeendeveloped, some ofwhicharelisted inTable
11.1. Typical results from some ofthe models predict a
small increasein the time to operation ofsprinklers escape routesusedby occupants ofthe compartment,
coupled with a considerableextension ofthe time to this must takepriority.Sprinklerswill usually be
develop smoke-loggingin the compartment. needed to control the fire to a sizewithwhichthe
Therehave alsobeen some experiments, most notably smokeventilation system can cope. The smoke
the large experimentsin Ghentin Belgium88,and at ventilationsystem andallits associated features
SP Bors89.Figure55 is atypical example ofthe results (except the sprinklers)must beactivated on first
from the Ghentexperiments, showing a smallincreasein detection ofsnsoke,whichalmost always means earlier
thetime to operatethe firstsprinklers,and anunexpected thanany sprinklerswill operate.
reduction in the total numbers ofsprinklers operating • Wherethe propertyis likelyto experienceahigh-
during the fire.Notethatthe fire growth andcontrol was challengefire, thereshould be adifferentapproach.
arbitrarilyselected for the purposes oftheexperiment. Pending research intothis aspect, wecan assume that
Resultsfrom the Ghentexperimentshavebeen usedto 'extra-high-hazard' occupanciesidentifiedfor
testthepredictions ofRADISM and resultsfrom the sprinkler installationpurposes correspond to this
SPBorásexperiment have beenusedto testthe category. Means ofescape should not dependon
predictionsofSPLASH andJASMINE. smoke exhaust ventilation,but should instead depend
Unfortunatelythe same evidencehas been interpreted oncompartmentation and adequatelyshorttravel
differentlyby the two sides and progress since 1980 has distances forescape ofthe occupants.Ifa smoke
not removed the controversy,although it has clearedup ventilation system is needed to assistfirefighting, it
many details.It has tendedto confirmthe two opposite should be operated byaswitch easily accessibleforfire
poles ofthe argument intheir respectiveviews. fighters withoutthem havingto enterthe fire
A compromise wassuggested byMorgan901 asfollows. compartment. This will allow the risk ofa backdraftto
• Wherethe primary purpose ofthe smokeventilation dissipatebefore any ofthe fire-fightershave to be put
system is the protection oflife, eg by protecting the
• atFor risk.
properties belowthe extra-high-hazard category,
andwherethe ofthe smoke
Table 11.1 Computer models developed to determine primarypurpose
interactions between sprinklers, ventilatorsand thermally ventilation system is to protectpropertyby assisting
buoyant layers fire-fightingintervention,we can identifytwo
Computer Developer alternativestrategies:
— where the attendance time ofthe fireservices is
likelyto belong, adopt the same strategy as for
RADISM DevelopedbyHinkleyfroma jointFRS—Colt extra-high-hazard occupanciesasabove.
Internationalproject, UK82 — where the attendance time ofthe fire servicesis
LAVENTS DevelopedbyCooper atNIST, USAt8384 likelyto be short, operate the smokeventilation
SPLASH DevelopedbyGardiner(1988)and Jackman (1992) system on firstdetection ofsmokein order to obtain
fromajoint collaboration between Brandforsk, themaximumadvantage ofasmoke-free region for
Sweden,FRSand SouthBank University,UK8586 fire-fightersto workin. Sprinklerscan be allowedto
JASMINE A two-phaseversion developedbyKumar et al at operate with theirusual triggering devices.

It has sincebeen suggestedthat in thelastpointabove,a

11 Interactionswith other buildingsystems 69
smokeventilation system maybeinitiated bya flow 11.3 Heating, Ventilationand Air
switchinthe sprinkJersupply,but only ifquick response
sprinklersare used. Thereis alsoa strong and clear Conditioning (HVAC)/AirConditioningand
recommendationthatthe issueofwhetherthe MechanicalVentilation(ACMV)
attendance time willbelongorshortshould be decided HVAC andACMVsystemsare intended to do essentially
by discussionwith Fire Officers whoknow thelocal the same task: theyprovide a comfortableenvironment
circumstancesaffectinganyindividualbuildingdesign within the building.The termHVACis usedmainly in
(for a more detailed discussionsee Chapter 12). cooler climates,andACMVinwarmerclimates whereit
The compromise proposals outlined above must be is rarelynecessaryto heatthe building.These ventilation
regarded asan interim solutiontothe problem, allowing systemsserve an essentiallydifferentpurpose to a
standards-writersandregulators to cope with real SHEVS.They are typicallydesigned to minimizeenergy
buildingdesigns,and allowingFire Servicesto develop lossesfrom (or into) the building— unlike aSHEVS
theiroperational and training procedures accordingly. whichis designed to let energy (heatfrom the fire) outof
However, whereaSHEVS designis primarilyforlife thebuilding.Other important differencesinclude thefact
safety,itmustbe operatedatthe earliestpossible that HVAC is usuallydesignedtobring warmair which
opportunity,whichin practicewill usuallymean has risen to the ceilingback down to lowerheights where
triggeringon smoke detection. the occupantsareto be found. This isthe exact opposite
ofwhata SHEVSistrying to achieve.Whenthese
11.2 Fire-detection systems systemsare in 'air-conditioning'mode, it is common to
introduce air intothe spacesat high level,nearthe
The operationofanysmoke control system is generally ceiling,andto remove 'used' air from low level— once
dependent upona smokedetectoroperating and there again,the opposite ofwhat aSHEVSis trying to achieve.
arescenarioswhereparticular detection strategies may Itfollowsthat it is rarethat aHVACorACMVcan
needto be considered. Itis essentialthat whereoperation simplyflilfil a double role as aSHEVS, although ths can
oftheSHEVS is dependentonthe prior operation of bepossiblewith asufficiently 'intelligent' control system.
smoke or other fire detection, the detection system must It is the most common practiceforthe HVAC/ACMV
link intothe SHEVS control system in awaywhich system to shutdown onreceipt ofa signalfrom the same
allowsthe latter to operate the appropriate zones,and to detectionsystem thatstarts theSHEVS operating.The
initiate other appropriate actions (egto start alerting result ofthis is that any ducts with openingsexposed to
occupants,to call the fire service, etc.). the smokelayers associatedwiththe SHEVS, regardless
Ina particularlytallatrium, stratificationofthesmoke ofwhethertheyfunctionas supply or exhaust in non-fire
layer before reachingtheceilingisprobable, especiallyin conditions, are able to actas pathways forthat smoke—
atria which are air-conditioned inthelowerportiononly, often in undesiredways andto undesired parts ofthe
orhave a high proportion ofroofglazing.Thus, ifthe building.This process is often referred to as 'siphoning'.
only detection system presentis roof-mounted it may not Thedesigner ofthe SHEVSshould tryto foreseeall of
operate, or atleastbe considerablydelayed in operation. thesepotential unwanted smoke paths, andshould
This problem may be overcome bytheinstallationof specifythatsmokedampers be installedinthoseducts in
smokedetectionto the various rooms wherefiremight positionswhich willprevent any smoke spreading
startand/orby intermediate detection zones at different beyond theboundaries ofthe smokezone.
heightsin theatrium, possiblyusingbeamdetectors. Thesedampers must be motorized, and should be
Ifthe environment is particularly'dirty' then point triggeredintooperation byreceipt ofa signalfrom the
smokedetectors will be proneto falsealarms, and it may SHEVScontrol system — subjectofcourseto any delays
benecessary toreduce the operating sensitivity. With required bythe control system in orderto ensurethe
intelligent analogueaddressable detectors itwill alsobe correct sequencingofoperation ofdifferentcomponents
possibleto use a 'progressive'system wheredifferent and thus to prevent any damage.In general,all SHEVS
actions maybe takendepending onthe signalsgiven bya should be testedregularlyfor operation asa part of
numberofdetectors. In some environmentsthe use ofa management responsibilities.This will require that the
samplingsystem willbe ofgreaterbenefit. smokedampers mustbecapable ofbeing motorized back
Although smokedetectors will be used inthe majority open after thetest.This is because, ifre-setting the
ofapplications,otherformsofdetection maybe equipment aftersuchatest istoo demandingofstafftime,
considered. For example,there may be scenarioswhere the testwillonly everbedone once!
an infra-red flamedetectormayhave superior Theauthors havefound, while checkingother
performance characteristics.Sensitiveinfra-red heat designers' work, that it is regrettably true that the need
detectors may perform adequately insome situations, for smoke dampers to prevent siphoning is often
and canbe essentialtoidentifythe location ofthefire and overlooked in many designs.In practice, the absenceof
to trigger wall-mounted,long-throw sprinklerswhere suchdampers will usuallyonlybe noticed byanin-situ
theyareusedbecause theceilingis too high for 'hot smoke test', whensmoke starts to appear inpartsof
conventionalsprinklersto be ceiling-mounted. thebuildingwhereit should notbe. As suchtests arestill
very infrequent,it seemslikelythata significantbui:
70 Design methodologies for SHEVS

unknown proportion ofSHEVS installationswillhave hencethelarger smoke exhaust capacitywill usually

this failing. outweigh anysavingson the lightingand signage.
Therecanoften be advantagesifthe HVAC/ACMV
system is designed in a coordinated waywiththe 11.6 Public address and voice alarm
SHEVS.This can allow,as far as is possible,the
HVAC/ACMVtobe zoned with the same boundaries as systems
theSHEVS, andso reduce theneedfor (andthecostof) Itis the purpose ofanalarm(iean alerting)system to
smokedampers. persuade the occupants ofa buildingto start to evacuate
the building.Thereis considerable experience[42]
11.4 Pressurizationof stairwells and (including many Fire Serviceanecdotes) that a simple
bell or sounder is essentiallyineffectiveinpersuading
lobbies untrained occupants to startto escape.Thereis a
Insome atrium buildingsthere may be a requirement or developingconsensus thata voicealarm will be far better
desire to pressurizethe escape stairs and associated at persuading people to start421.That is,thatasimple,
lobbies. Ifthe atrium employs a depressurizationor clear, andinformativemessage in plain langnageis much
hybrid smoke control system and the glazingbetween better atmotivatingpeople to stop theirotheractivities
the fire room and the atrium has cracked orshattered, the and starttoescape. Apublic address system canvery
pressure within the fire room will,ofnecessity,be lower easily be adapted to meetthis function.
thantheoutside ambient pressure. This reduction in Itis an unfortunateconsequence ofhuman nature that
pressure will actas thoughan extract fan was fitted to the suchvoicemessages should not be delivered 'live'.The
fireroom,increingthe pressure differentialdeveloped designated person may notbe presentat the critical
across the escape lobby doors. This increased pressure moment, or may notrealize the importance ofgivingthe
differentialwill increase the air flow through the leakage warning ratherthan carrying outother emergency
paths ofthe lobby,thus enhancing the efficiencyofthe actions. Itfollow s that itis betterto use a pre-recorded
pressurizationsystem in preventing the passage ofsmoke message, automaticallytriggeredby the same controls
into the escape route. thatstartthe SHEVS.In alargeand complicated
Thesituation willbe differentwherethe pressurized building,it mayeven bereasonable to use different
stairwellor lobbyconnectsthroughto the atriumspace automaticallygenerated messages in differentareas
itself, especiallywherethe atriumhas a 'throughflow' depending onthe detectedlocation ofthefire. This
SHEVS without anyspecial 'atrium depressurization' would, for example,allow people tobe automatically
features. In this case all parts ofthe atriumabove theNPP directedon the safest route away from the fire, orto take
will be at a higher pressure than ambient, requiring a part in aphasedevacuationwherethose closest to thefire
higher value ofthe minimumdesign pressure difference are evacuatedfirst.
for thepressurized shaft and/orlobby.A procedure for It should be notedthat powered ventilators (fans) can
thecalculation ofthis changedvalue is outlined in bevery noisy in operation, and candrown out thevoice
Annex H. message unless thishas been allowedfor in design. It
followsthat any voicealarm system must be loud enough
11.5 Lighting and signage to beheardclearlyand audiblyabove the noise ofthe
Ingeneral, the presence ofa SHEVSwillmakelittle
differenceto the usual requirements forthe provision of 11.7 Security
emergency lighting and ofemergency exit/wayfinding
signs.Itis possible,however, to make some observations Mostbuildingslarge enough and complexenough to
ofgoodpracticebasedon commonsense. warrantaSHE'VSwill also needsecurityarrangements to
It isexpected that a SHEVSwillresult in a buoyant protectagainsttheft, vandalism,etc. At its simplestthis
layer ofsmoky gasesbeneaththe ceiling,eitherin a canmean that all doors intothebuilding,and all other
smoke reservoirorin channelled flows en routeto the largeopenings, willbe locked (eg at night, or outside
smoke reservoir.This smoke is likelyto be optically dense normal working hours). This can conflict with the
andblack inanyreal, severefire. It followsthat any lights requirements that all designated air inletsforthe SHEVS,
and any signs positioned higher than thedesign smoke whichcanoften include doors, must be ableto open
layer base in these circumstancesare unlikelyto be ofany automaticallywhenthe SHEVS comes intooperation.
actual valueto people trying to escape. Ifthe designofthe Note thatthere will usuallyalsobe aregnlatory
SHEVSis taken intoaccount whendecisionsare made requirement that securitymeasures must never block
aboutthe locationsofthe lights and ofthe signs,then escape routesforpeople inside the building. It is also
thesecanbelocatedbelowthedesign layer base, and undesirablein most casesforthe securitymeasures to
theycanserve theirintended function. Insome cases,it hinder fire fighters' accessintothe buildingintheeventof
maybe easierto designthe SHEVS so that the smoke fire.
layerbase ishigherthanthe emergency lights and signs, Possiblecompromises to resolvethe conflict might
although the costs incurred by the extra entrainment and include,for example,the use ofautomaticallyunlocking
11 Interactionswith otherbuilding systems 71
andopening doors on receipt ofasignalfrom the SHEVS Thedesigner ofthe SHEYS'control softwareshould
control panelwherethose doors are intended to serve as ensurethat thereisa fulldescription in the system
air inletsforthe SHEVS.Another possibilitymightbe to documentation,includinga fullydetailed and annotated
useopen-mesh securityshutters,with keysbeingin the listing ofthe program code. This should also be the case
possessionofthe fire service. for other fire-protection measurescontrolled bythe same
computer. Unfortunatelythis will notprevent problems
11.8 Computerizedbuilding control ofthe sort envisagedin the previousparagraph,although
it should makeproblem-solvingeasieroncethey occur.
systems A smallmeasureofextra protection mightbegained
A constantly increasingnumberofbuildings have their by using aseparate dedicated computer for the fire
internal services controlled by a central computer. It is software,but this still faces the difficultythat many ofthe
particularlytempting to linkthe SHEVSand otherfire- necessaryactionswill require the buildingcontrol
protection measuresintothe same computer system, softwareto respond intheappropriate manner.
both forconvenience andbecause ofthe largenumberof Theonly wayto be surethatchanges do not degrade
required automatic actions affectingthe normal building performance is to ensurethatwhenever anychanges are
services in the event offire. madeto the buildingcontrol hardware or software,or to
Unfortunately,itis the common experience thatthe the fire protection hardware or software,it would be
'environmental' controlling softwareoften requires goodpracticeto testthe fire-protection measures,
amendment, andthat the computer itselfwill be includingtheSHEVS,by triggeringthe fire-detection
upgraded.Wheneverthese occur, thereis adanger that system (egbyblowing asmall amount ofsmoke intoa
thefire-protection system softwarewill be inadvertently smoke detector) andconfirmingthatall the actions
affected,orthat it maybe less compatiblewiththe latest whichoughttotakeplace doinfact still takeplace,
upgrade to the operating system, or anyone ofseveral according tothe design specifications.

12 SHEVS and the fire services

12.1 General protected. It should also never be forgotten thatwater

sprays cannot extinguishfuel whichis shielded from that
As discussedin section 1.4 both SHEVSand operational water. Therefore, accompanyingandfollow-up
fire-fightinghave theirplace within an integrated extinguishingoperations byfire serviceswill be
approach to fire-safetyengineering.Chapter2 inevitable.
mentioned that the assistanceofoperational fire-fighting Thisimplies the necessityoffire-fightingoperations
canbe one ofthe design objectivesfor a SHEVS,and that (includingrescuing people) and suggeststhe benefit or
perhaps the most important wayin which a SHEVScan even necessity ofSHEVS supporting fire services even
serve to protectproperty is by makingfire-fighting thoughextinguishingsystemsarepresent. To understand
intervention easier and quicker. thevarious design objectivesfor a SHEVSand the
The purpose ofthis chapteris to examinemoreclosely resulting requirements,it isusefulfirstto consider what i
the factorswhichinfluencetheeffectivenessofa SHEVS meantby a 'successful'fire-fightingoperation.
inassistingfire-serviceoperations. It is notthepurpose of A common doctrine definingwhatfire-fighting
the current bookto provide complete operational operations oughtto achieve sets out the fundamentalfire
guidancefor the fire services.While muchofwhat fightingobjectives (seeBox,below).
followstakes the form ofactions to betakenbythe fire
services,the authors' intention is to alert readers to the IRescuinglives
problems and needsofthe fire-fighter. This objective comprises all activitiestohelp occupants
trapped in an endangered zoneto escape from it, if
12.2 Design objectives for SHEVS and necessaryby means ofladders and/or bysupporting
themwith breathing apparatus and guiding them out to
implications forthe design-fire as a basis places ofsafety. [t also includesthe search for missingor
fordesign trappedpeople, and the transport ofdisabledor injured
12.2.1 Fundamental fire-fightingobjectives people out ofspacesthreatened by fire and smoke.
Fire-fightingby human beings has been a self-evident
necessitythroughthe ages, although notalways fully II Extinguishing fires
successfulin all cases.Even nowadays,thoughmany This objective includes all activitieswhichhamper and
approved and reliableextinguishingor suppression interrupt the chemicalprocess 'burning' and therefore is
systemsare available, fire-fightingbyhuman beingsis still dedicated to controllingthe fire growth andachieving
inevitableand therefore establishedin the legislationof extinction ofthe fire. In thisway, goods and contents not
many countries as aduty. Thatis partly becauseno set onfirecanbe protectedfrom ignition,but without
technicaldevice can achieve 100%reliability. Apartfrom beingprotected from theadverse effectsofsmoke ifthey
firesuppression systemswhich prevent the ignition ofa arenot separated from it. Actions intended to extinguish
fireinveryspecificand confined spaces (eginside the fire willalso reduce theheat outputand therefore
machinery for processes havingexplosionrisks) and gas diminishthe thermal stress on the building'sstructure.
extinguishingsystemsfor singleapparatus orsmallrooms
or spaces (egunderneathfalsefloorsusedfor electric
Fundamentalfire-fighting objectives
installations),extinguishingsystemscannotavoid every
adverse effect ofthe products ofcombustion (especially I Rescuinglives
II Extinguishingfires
smoke) before the fire is extinguishedin all cases. Ill Savingthe structure, valuablegoods, contents and equipment in
Fromexperience itis known that extinguishing premises
systemsapplyingwater sprayscannotextinguishall fires IV Savingthe surroundingsand the environment
in every case.Theywillusuallyachieve control,
depending on the natureanddistribution ofthe fuel to be
12 SHEVS and thefireservices 73
III Saving thestructure,valuable goods, contentsand • temperature rise ofgasesnear the floor to harm uiil
equipmentinpremises levels,and
This objectivecomprises all activitiesbesides • flashoverofthe compartment
'extinguishing'to separate valuableitems and/or Whenthishas happened theSHEVS is notofany value
equipment from the adverseeffects offire (smoke and forfire-fighting(orfor escape or rescue as anyone left in
heat)before theybecome damaged or destroyed. This thecompartment will bedeador dying).
willbe particularlyofimportance ifitcan be foreseen that Therefore, designapproaches which only equate the
the fire cannot be stopped in time (eg dueto lack of presumed escape timetothe 'time to danger' basedon a
extinguishingagents, ofenough fire-fightingequipment, growing fire, and takethe fire size andheat output at this
and/orofenough personnel) but thereis stillthe time as the basis ofdesignfora SHEVS,can only support
possibilityto carry thosevaluablethings out ofthe all fourfire-fightingobjectives(ie I—IV above) ifthere is a
endangered zonebefore they are affectedbyfire or considerable degree ofconfidencein the calculated basic
smoke. parameter 'escape time', and also ifthis period islonger
thanthe time whichhas passed to the point whenfire-
IV Saving thesurroundingsandenvironment extinguishingoperations become successfulin
This objectiveincludes all activitiesto protectthe preventingfurther firegrowth.
surroundingsofa compartment or buildingfrom being Note: The timebetweenfirealertand extinguishing
ignited, and to prevent excessiveharm to the operationsbecoming successfulis often described as 'fire-
environment, egby air pollution orby contaminationof fighters' intervention time' and consistsofthe attendance
soil orgroundwater.This objectiveis usuallyachievedby time offire servicesplus the time needed to developa
extinguishingafire at an early stage ofburning. successfulattack on the fire, ie toput enoughwater onthe
fireto prevent itfrom growing further.It should alsonot
Followingthe priority and urgency ofthe fire-fighting be forgotten that some timewillhaveelapsedbetween
objectiveslisted above, adequate operations have to be ignition and detection ofthe fire, and sometimeseven
carried out in this sequence (or all togetherifit is possible moretimebetweendetection andthe alert being givento
with the manpowerandequipment available). the fire service. All these periods oftime should be
Naturally,afire-fightingoperation is totally successful considered in SHEVSdesigncalculationsofthetype
ifallfourfire-fightingobjectivescanbe achieved.If,for being discussed.
whatever reasons (regulatoryor bythechoice ofthe Ifthefire-fighters'intervention time isless thanthe
occupant ofapremises — ifheis free to do so) the fire 'timeto danger',fire-fightingoperations will startwhile
services areonlysupposed to achieve one or achoiceof evacuation is stillinprogress.Thiswill allow the fire-
thefire-fightingobjectivesoutlined above (egjust fighterstobegin to control the fire growth and thus delay
objectivesI and IV), then a fire-fightingoperation which the onset ofdanger to people escaping. In addition,
achievestheseobjectiveshas to be considered to be people will behave in a more disciplinedwayand are
'successful'(even if followingthe examplegiven in more likelyto followevacuation instructionsinthe
brackets above,the wholeoccupancy affectedby fire is presence offire-fightingpersonnel.
lost but thereare no casualtiesordamage to the Otherwise, ifthe fire-fighters'intervention timeis
environment).Notethatthe concept ofthe 'throw-away greater than the presumed 'time to danger' andto
building' is not new! evacuation time (however well assessed!) the
From the foregoingit followsimmediatelythatthe effectiveness ofthe SHEVScan break down before
design objectivesfor a SHEVSandtheresulting successfulfire-fightingoperationscan start. Thus, in
requirements foritshould be closelycorrelated withthe thesecircumstancesa SHEVScannot contribute to
fire-fightingobjectivesI-IV above. achievingfire-fightingobjectivesI—IV above. In a very
largeand complexbuildingthis willresult in greater
122.2 Design objectives for SHEVS in connection with propertylosses,withthesebeingmainly restrictedjustby
fire-fightingobjectives I—IV compartmentation. Intheabsence offixed extinguishing life safety only' systems (which can be expected to prevent unconrolled
supportingfire-fightingobjective I fire growth evenifthey do notextinguishthefire)total
Thedesign objectivefor such a SHEVSmust be to losses ofwhole fire compartments can be expected.
remove smoke andheat from the accommodation on fire Total losses oflarge fire compartments usuallyalso
and toprotectany means ofescape within thatspace by threatentheenvironment byheatradiation, flyingsparks
creating asmoke-free layerfrom the beginning ofsmoke and often bytoxic smoke. Larger fires canalsopresenta
production until the lastoccupantofthe buildinghas threatto the environment in the form ofthe run-offof
escapedfrom itorhas reached asafeplace (ie protectedby contaminated fire-fightingwater.
afire-resistingstructure which is wellvented). In this respect, a designconcept for lifesafetywhich
Ifthe firecan developwithoutbeingcontrolledthe uses the assumed or calculated evacuationtimeto define
SHEVSwill become unable to cope with the larger the upperlimit ofthegrowingdesignfireis potentally
quantities ofsmoke and heat.This willresult in: very dangerous andvulnerableto abuse.
• smokelogging ofthe wholefire compartment, Even wherelegislationonly concerns the safetyofthe
74 Design methodologies for SHEVS

building'soccupants and savingthe environment around assumption ofthe design firebeingthe most 'plausibly
thebuildingfrom the fire threat,it is notclear thatthere is pessimistic'fire sizewill dependon the limits ofthe
public acceptance forfire 'prevention' concepts which relevant statistics.
allow forthe total loss ofa buildingas long asoccupants' Forgrowingfireswhereeitherthereis no fixed fire-
safety andprotection ofthe environment are achieved. extinguishingmedium,or whereits effecton the growing
Theissue ofthe consequentialcoststo society in terms of firecannot be reliablyidentified,the intervening time for
job losses,rebuildingcosts, etc. is a frequent subjectfor thefire services (ie attendance time plus timefor
debate. developingasuccessfulattack on the fireas defined in
An even more threatening aspect ofusing the section above) has to be the suitableparameter
evacuation time asthe determining design parameter for forassessingthefire size, although there mightbe some
thefiresizeofagrowingfire,whichin turn is a key severeuncertainties in these assumptions.These
parameter for designinga SHEVS,is the possibilityof uncertainties include difficulties in assessingthe
underestimatingthe evacuation time. attendance time ofthe fire services due to traffic jams or
Computer models simulatingevacuation, or casual deviationsdueto roadworksonthe access route,
evacuation exercisesperformed by test persons, willbe or simplythe possibilitythatthe fire-fightingforces
very helpful in assessingescape times. Butit hasto be closestto the buildingconcerned and dedicated to
bornein mind that thesesimulationsshould allow forthe intervenethere firstare already employed elsewhereon
possibleexistenceofstragglers, disabled and/or injured another emergency.
people. In addition,the fact thatfiremen often haveto Whatever method wasused, oncehaving assessed a
search for missingpeople after acompleted 'evacuation' suitabledesign-firesize on the pessimisticassumption
should not be forgotten. It is well known that people that it is the 'most likelylargest fire size'when
often entera burning buildingagainforsubjective extinguishingoperations (performed manuallyand/or
reasons. The existenceofthese problems impliesthe automatically)become successful, aSHEVS designedon
needfor safety margins in the estimated evacuationtime. thisbasic parameter will servefor lifesafety andproperty
Themain uncertainty in assessinganevacuationtime protection because all four fire-fightingobjectives
is the unpredictableperiod betweenalerting the (SHEVS designobjectives'life safety and property
occupants and theirsubjectivedecision to start escaping. protection' supporting the fire-fightingobjectives I—TV)
After 24 years' experience as an officerofa professional canbe achieved.
firebrigade the author ofthis chapterhas found that
people usuallydo not startto try to escape untilthey SHEVS designobjective 'propertyprotection
perceive themselvesto be endangered whichis often too only'supportingfire-fighting objectives II and IV, and,
late forsafelyescaping withoutsupport from the fire ifalso designedtodo so,III
services. Forsome occupancies,thereis no, orjustavery low, risk
Adefinitestartofevacuation can therefore onlybe tolives due to threatfrom smoke.Thiswill be truefor all
assumed ifthe occupants are subject to some form of circumstanceswherethere are very few or usuallyno
directed organization.This can be eitherinside an persons inside alire-affectedcompartment (egas in most
existinghierarchy amongst themselves, as willbe the case warehouses,especiallyifthey are automaticallyloaded
for employees ofacompany or civil servants in large andunloadedby robots (seealso section 12.3 below).
office accommodation,or wheretheoccupants are Another example concerns premises wherethe means of
controlled by an organizationestablishedforthe purpose escape are provided by compartmentation: iewhere
ofevacuationsuchas trained staffinhotels or premises corridors andstaircasesare enclosed byafire-resistant
forpublic assemblies. structure and protectedfrom ingressofsmoke (egby
vented lobbieswith fire doors orby pressurization SHEVS design objective 'life safety and systems).Under these circumstances,SHEVSneed not
propertyprotection'supportingfire-fighting provide asmoke-free layer from the very beginning ofthe
objectives I—IV outbreak ofa fireto ensurethat people are ableto escape.
Itfollowsfrom the discussionin section above Wherethe concern is limited to property protection
that the designofaSHEVS merely forlifesafety based on therearetwo main approaches possible,although the
a designfiresize dependenton theevacuationtime is distinction between them can be blurred:
dangerous and inappropriate from fire-fightingaspects. • property protection mainly relying on fire-fighting
Eachassessmentfora suitabledesign fire sizeshould rely
onthe effectivenessofextinguishingsystems or on the • operations,
property protection mainly relying on effectivenessof
most likely assumptionthat the fireis controlled byfire- extinguishingsystems.
fightingoperations and cannotgrowfurther.
Forsteady-statefires, whicharederived from statistics'protectürnrelyingonfire-JIghtingoperations
(eg>90% offires have notbeenlarger thana specified In this case a SHEVSis supposed to support fire-fighting
areawhenthe fire brigade started asuccessfulattack on operationsby removing smokeand heat in sufficient
them) orfrom experiments whichprovide evidencefor amounts for fire-fighterstobe able to:
the effectiveness ofextinguishingsystems,the • enterthe compartment on fire,
12 SHEVS and thefire services 75
•• theitlocation ofsothe
identifl,i stillrelatively small fire, and But the temperature rise duetothe fact that heatis not
extinguish quickly that therest ofthe exhausted from a closed space also enhances fire spread
compartmentremains undamaged. and, intheabsence ofsprinklers,can leadto early
This means that a SHEVShas tobe designedtocreate a Therefore, ifthe interveningtime ofwell-equipped fire
smoke-freelayerin the fire compartment.This smoke- servicescan be expected to be reasonably short(eg 10
freelayer neednotbeprovided from thevery beginning minutes afterbeingalerted by asmoke-detection
ofsmokeproduction (as mentioned above)butmust be system),the maximum benefit ofaSHEVS creating a
availableforfire-fightingoperations. This consideration smoke-free layercan be obtained ifitis actuated on
onlyhasan influenceon the time for actuating the smoke detection before the fire-fightersarrive (aslongas
SHEVS, but not on the designfire size and the resultsof the design firesize remains manageableforthe fire-
consequent calculationsfor designingthe SHEVS (see fighters).
also section 11.1.3). This is likelyto apply forproperties below'High
Therefore, aSHEVS intended to protectpropertyonly Hazard'risks ('Extra-HighHazard'in older terminology)
by supportingfire-fightingoperationsbycreating a whichareprotectedby sprinklersorfor very low risks
smoke-free layer,willnot needless technical effort put (due to the nature ofthe contents) even ifnot protected
intothe designthanwill systemsfor lifesafety plus bysprinklers.
propertyprotection. Nevertheless,it has tobebornein mind that inthe
A delay in actuating the SHEVSis only tolerable ifthe absence ofsprinklerprotection thedesign firesizes can
temperature rise dueto smokelogging ofthe be larger, often getting beyondmanageable sizesforthe
compartment is notso severethatitmayignite other fire brigade.Wherethis happens,a SHEVSis not auseftil
goods away from the fire's origin,or mayseriously component ofthe fire-preventionconcept and limitation
endanger the building'sstructure. This is unlikelyto ofpropertylosses canonly beachieved by
happenifthe SHEVSisactuatedby a flowswitch in the compartmentation.
sprinklersupply,particularlywherequick-response Ifthe interveningtimeforfire servicesis assessedto be
sprinklersare usedto ensure that the sprinklersystem longer than 10 minutes (for risksbelow HighHazard, for
starts operating as earlyas possible,and wherethat which 10 minutes maybe toolong), firesizes will bemore
operation has the minimum delay dueto heat extraction likelyto growbeyond manageable sizesifno
by theSHEVS. Despite this temperature criterion, extinguishingsystem is used. In thiscase installationofan
caution has to be applied whenconsideringthe adverse extinguishingsystem to control the fireuntilfire-fighting
effectswheresmoke is notremovedfrom thevery early operationsbecome successful, has to be ensured.
stagesofthe fire. Thereis awidespreadbeliefamongst people in the
Ifgoods, contents, liningsorstructure maybe sprinkler world, that this can only be achievedby
destroyed orbecomeunusablebecause ofthe corrosive activatingaSHEVS after sprinklershave come into
and contaminating effectsofsmoke, any designconcept operation. Ithas tobekept in mind, however, that
involvingdelayed response ofaSHEVSis ofminor contentssusceptibleto smoke might notbe protected by
benefit to protectsuchgoods orproperty. Wherethis isa this approach as the compartment could be totally smoke
significantconsideration,actuating the SHEVSon a logged bythe time fire-fightersarrive.Acompronhise
signal from smoke detection canbe recommended. Itis solution (as explainedin section 11.1) could beto activate
also awell-experiencedfact thatit takes a significanttime the SHEVSon a flow-switchinthesprinkler supply
to create asmoke-free layer in an already smoke-logged provided that quick-responsesprinklersare usedas
space, especiallyifnatural throughflow ventilation is mentioned above. This makes itmuch more likely that
used. Forthis reason, the actuation ofa SHEVS on sprinklerswill be ableto control thefire until
detection ofsmoke is also preferable for assistingfire- extinguishingiscompleted by fire-fighters.Thiswill only
fightingoperations in these circumstances.SHEVS apply for risksbelowthe (Extra-)HighHazardcategory.
designedto open on a signalfrom smoke detection Another frequently heard argument for actuating a
support fire-fightingobjectiveIII,which isto separate SHEVSmanuallyisthe beliefthatfalseactuatingby the
valuableitems (egworks ofart, documents, data, etc.) smoke-detection system causesopening ofnatural vents
before being affectedbythe fire and/or itsproducts and leads to property damage dueto rain, snow or
(smokeand heat). freezing.This problemmust not be solvedby rely[ngon
The reasonswhythe actuation ofa SHEVSshould be manual actuation ofthe SHEVS,butinstead by making
delayed until the actuation ofsprinklers,or should be thedetectionsystem more sophisticated andreliable.
deferred until the arrival offire-fightersoften can be
considered to be asfollows. effectivenessof
A SHEVSencourages thedevelopment ofafire by extinguiththgsystems
ensuringthat the firehas asupply ofair. Therefore, it Wherethereareadverse effectsfor fire-fightingas
should only be actuated ifextinguishingorcontrolling outlinedin sections 12.3 and 12.4 below, orlong
operations eitherby fire-fightersorby extinguishing interventiontimesforfire servicesso thatsuccessfulfire-
systemsare already inprogress. This is true in principle. fightingis onlypossiblewith the support ofextinguishing
76 Design methodologies for SHEVS

systems, theremust besufficientconfidencethatthese complete the task ofextinguishingthe fire.

systems will achieve their designed purpose and will not Although any devices (egwindows, simplelight
be influencedadverselyby othersystemsincluding domes, etc.) allowing smokeand heat release out ofa
SHEVS. This istrue for storagerisksbelongingtothe compartment on fire can in principle assistfire-fighting
HighHazardcategory andfor otherstoragerisksifthe operations, these cannotberegarded as a SHEVS,which
intervention time ofthe fire servicescan become has tobe designed and calculated followingthe
considerablylong (egmorethan 15 minutes, or even less methodologies outlined in this book.
for fast orultra-fastfire-growth rates).
In thesecircumstances,andtogivethebest chance for SHEVS designobjective supportingfire-
complete extinguishingby the extinguishingsystem,it fightingobjective IV
would be wiseto activate a SHEVSonly manuallyfrom a The fire-fightingobjectiveIV canusually be achieved
safeplace outside a fire compartment atthe discretion of withoutsupport ofaSHEVS especiallyiffire-resistant
thefireservices.This is discussedfurther in sections 12.3 structuresand compartmentation are applied toprevent
and 12.4. spreading offire and smoke. Inthis case,any opening in
Thiskind ofSHEVS cannot provide asmoke-free layer thestructure will havean adverse effecton preventing
whenfire-fightingservices arriveattheplace ofthefire smokefrom affectingthe surroundiflgsofthe building.It
because itis activatedonly whenthe fire-fightersoperate is usuallysufficientto have alarge enough water supply
it. Such a SHEVScan only clear a compartment from and extinguishingcapacity forthe fire serviceson site to
smokeand heat after arrivaloffire-fighters.Nevertheless, prevent fire spread. It is worthmentioning,however, that
it canstillprovide access for themto extinguishany large amounts ofsmoke and toxicgaseous or dusty
remaining burning fuelwhichhad not been extinguished materialsspreading from theircontainers whichhave
bythe extinguishingsystem. Prior to activationin these beendestroyed by thefirewill endanger the environmeni
circumstances,it is quitelikelythatthe compartment will evenwherefire spread isprevented.
havebecomefilledwith smoke, even down to the floor. Therefore, SHEVScan contribute to achieve fire-
This allowsthesmoke to become hotter,faster,thanwith fightingobjectiveIV by creating asmoke-free layer and
theSHEVS in operation, and givesthe sprinklers (or thus supportingthe fire-fightingobjectivesII andIII so
otherextinguishingmedium) thebest conditionsfor thatthe fire is less likelyto become largeenoughto
earlyoperation andtherefore thebest chance of threatenthe environment byits consequences.Itfollows
successfulsuppression ofthe fire. WhentheSHEVS is thatany SHEVSservingpropertyprotection will also
activated, the buoyant smoky layer should lift, allowing contribute to protection ofenvironment.
fire-fightersto see andmove around beneaththe hot
smoky gases. 12.3 Circumstanceswhich reduce or
The designofsucha system requires that a designfire
sizeshould beassessed,and thatthe system should be impedethe abilityof a SHEVS to assistfire-
calculated as it is desired to beafterithas been activated. fightingoperations
Additional informationis given in section A SHEVSonits owncannot prevent or slowfire growth.
Even whereit serves toprotectthe means ofescape there SHEVS designobjective 'assisting fire-fighting is often a needforthe fire serviceto search the buildingto
operationsonly', mainly supportingfire-fighting confirmthat no-one remains, orto rescue people who
objectiveII havefailedto evacuate the building.Itfollowsthat even
Thereis no special design dedicated only to assistingfire- with aSHEVS, thereisoftenstill aroleforthe
fighting operations. Eachfire-fightingoperation pursues intervention offire servicesto save lives. It is also the case
atleastone ofthe four fire-fightingprinciplesdiscussed thatthe fire serviceswill have amajorrolein
above.Using extinguishingmeasureswithout extinguishingthe fire and thus protecting property.
simultaneouslyaiming at protection oflife or property, or ASHEVS, ifwell designed,cancreate a smoke-free
ofprotecting the environmentis asenseless exercise. layerwhichassistsfire-fighting.Forcertain risks and/or
Therefore, eachSHEVSdesigned for one ofthe design underadverse circumstancesa successfulintervention of
objectives 'life safety' and/or 'propertyprotection' thefire servicescanbecome impossiblewithoutthe
automaticallyassistsfire-fightingbycreating asmoke- presence oftechnical precautions suchas fire detection or
freelayer(except underadverse designassumptions for automatic fire-extinguishingsystemsin spite ofthe
design objective 'life safety only' as outlined in section presence ofasmoke-free layer whenthe fire is first attacked.
No smoke-freelayeris initiallyprovided for fire- It is fundamentalthat successfulfire-fightingactivities
fighters at theirarrivalbySHEVSfollowingthe design canonly beperformed ifthefirebrigade is called and can
objective'propertyprotection' relying on effectiveness of arrive on site before the fire compartment is fullyinvolved
extinguishingsystems as discussedin section in fire, andwhen thefire isstill smallenoughto be
above, although a reasonably clear layer willbecome controlled andfinallyextinguishedby the available
established quicklyoncetheSHEVShas been manually means forfire-fighting.The latter requires that thereis a
initiated whichwill enable the fire-fightingservicesto large enough water supply (or supplyofother
12 SHEVS and thefireservices 77
extinguishingagents ifneeded) and sufficient fire-fighting servicefinds on arrivalatthe scene, andwhichhas to
equipment on site. Notethatthe referencehere to afire beconsidered in 2 and3 above.Thepresence ofa
compartment appliesprimarilywherethefire properly designed automatic extinguishingsystem will
compartment is large (which will almost alwaysbethe usuallyremovethe need for an on-site,specially
casewherea SHEVSis employed). trained group ofemployeesacting as a 'worksfire
brigade'.Note, however, that theremay still be a need
12.3.1 Factorsadversely affecting successful for suchgroups wherethereare special circumstances.
intervention by thefire services
• Noautomatic fire-detection system to alertthe fire Having takenthese precautions,the fire servicescan take
servicesautomatically full advantage ofa smoke-freelayercreatedearlyby an
• Inadequate water supply (or supply ofother automaticallyactivatedSHEVS (preferablyon smoke
extinguishingagents ifneeded) on site for asuccessful detection),with agoodchance ofbeing ableto extinguish
suppressionofthe firebyfire-fightingactivities astill relativelysmallfire immediatelyafter arrivalon site.
• Inadequate fire-fightingequipment on siteavailablein
time: this can be dueto the location ofthe building
Thus, the objectivesfor life safety, propertyprotection
and also environment protection canbeachieved..
relativeto the numberandlocationsofthefire stations,
andto the number and typeofapplianceswhichare 12.4Circumstanceswhere a SHEVSis of
allocatedto intervene in a buildingin case offire.The
minorbenefit forfire-fightingoperations
presenceofobstaclesaffectingthe access for fire-
fighters andtheir applianceshave tobetakeninto Forsomebuildingsand fuelsit isnot possibleforthe fire
account aswell. brigadeto apply water byusinghoses directly and.
immediatelyon all the burning fuel,because ofthe
12.3.2Additionalprovisions for optimizingthe effective arrangement ofthatfuel.In suchcircumstances,the fire
use ofa smoke-free layercreatedby a SHEVS for fire- willstill become larger eventhoughit is being attacked.
fightingoperations This ismainly true for high riskssuchas high-rack-
In order to gainfullbenefitfor fire-fightingoperations storage with narrow aisles between the racks,or storage
from the smoke-free layer created by aSHEVS, andto inracks withoutclear aisles allowingfree movement (eg
avoid adverse effects outlined in section 12.3.1above,the whereracksareloaded and unloaded automaticallyby
followingprecautionshave to be observed. robots). In caseoffireinside suchracks,thereis no safe
1 Thebuildingdesigner should provide automatic fire accessleading near enough totheburning fuel to apply
detection and automatic alarmtransmission tothefire thewaterproperly, whetherthere is a smoke-freelayeror
services. not. Ontheirwaythroughsuch burning racks fire-
2 Thereshould be an adequate watersupply,or a fighters would be endangeredby burning goods falling
sufficientreserveofextinguishingwaterifthe normally down on themorby collapseofthe racks.A SHEVSwill
availablewater supply from afixed pipe network is be ofvery limitedvalue in such cases,since it is incapable
insufficient.Whereappropriate, ensure that sufficient ofaffectingthe primary problemofrapid fire growth and
stocks ofspecialextinguishingagents (ifneeded for spread. In thesecircumstances,only fixed automatic
certain fuels,egfoaming agents) are present. extinguishingsystemscanbe applied successfullyto
3 Thereshould be direct unhindered access to the control the fire.
buildingfor the numberofappliancecrews dedicated Thebenefit ofa smoke-freelayer in this caseis not
to intervene in case offire in thebuildingconcerned. important in the firststage offire-fighting,because
Thefire serviceshould ensure that after receipt ofthe firemenwill not enterthe fire compartment immediately
alarm,they can deliver within 10 minutes the for safetyreasons,as outlined above,butwillinstead rely
extinguishingcapacity needed(manpower and on theautomatic extinguishingsystemsto contro [the
equipment) to extinguishthe design fire. Inview ofthe fire.These extinguishingsystemswillbe more effictive in
many practicaluncertainties (eghaving to drive relativelysmallandsealed spacesifthe fire is not
throughheavy traffic, orthepossibilityofappliances ventilated.
from thenearest fire stations being ata differentfire In very large poorly sealed spacestherewill be enough
whenthe call arrives) it is wise to allow asafety margin oxygenforcombustion.A SHEVScan beusedto remove
of100%.Ifthis is not possible,oris difficult to achieve, heat from the fire-affectedspace, andto reduce the
fire-fightingprecautions have tobe made inside the temperature ofthe smoke layerunderthe ceiling
buildingcomprising trained fire-fightingstaffwith compared withanunventilated space, and thus reduce
correspondingfire-fightingequipment to deliver the the number ofsprinklers opening faraway from thefire.
extinguishingcapacity. Thus, unnecessarywater and pressure losses on the
4 Alternatively,a fixedautomatic extinguishingsystem extinguishingsystem are reduced and the effectiveness of
(egsprinklers)can be provided in the building.Whileit the extinguishingsystem is enhanced. Itshould be noted,
cannot be guaranteed thatsprinklerswill extinguisha however, thatthisbenefit only occursifthe SHEVS
fire, they are known tobe very goodat controllingfire comes intooperation eitherbefore the sprinklersoperate
growth and thus reducing the size offire which the fire orimmediatelyafter thefirst sprinkleroperates.
78 Design methodologies for SHEVS
WheretheSHEVS has not operated very early,and fire completely and notjustto control it. This is different
thebuildingispossiblyfullofsmokewhenthe fire service to the usual designbasisforsprinklers,which aims at
arrives,fire-fightersshould release the SHEVSmanually control although inmost cases sprinklersalsoextinguish
from outsidethe fire compartment andthusavoid afire.
backdraftwhenthe access doors are opened. When the Therefore, forsuchrisksitwill be sufficientto take
fire is controlled oralmost extinguished by the sprinklers precautions to remove the smokefrom the affected space
the SHEVSwill gradually establisha smoke-free zone. afterthefire has beenextinguished.In most cases the
Thenfire-fighterscanevenclimbinside the racks or existingopenings for natural lightand accessto the space
remove goods to get accessto still glowingfuel and fire will be sufficient,especiallyifportable fans are applied by
pockets for final extinguishing. the fire brigade.Sometimesit will be necessaryto provide
The removal ofheatwill also havereduced the thermal additional openings ofa few squaremetresforthis
stress onthe buildingstructure and racks,whichmakes purpose whichare normallyclosed and can be opened
these follow-up extinguishingactivitiessafer for the fire- manually.
12.5.2 Premises which mustnot be entered in caseof
12.5 Circumstanceswhere SHEVS are not firebecause ofother prevailing hazards
Examplesfor suchrisks arepremises inuniversities,
applicable hospitals,research orindustrial plants wherehazardous
12.5.1 Premiseswith riskof fast-growing fires infectious,viral orbacterial, substancesorradioactive
Wherethereis ahigh probabilityoffast development ofa liquidsordusts are handled whichmust not be released
firewhichmakes firesuppression or extinguishing intothe open atmosphere, egwith the smokeofa fire.
systems necessary,installationofaSHEVSwould serve Therefore, suchpremiseshave to betotally separated
nousefulpurpose. Examplesforsuchfire risksarewhere from other spacesby completelyleaktight and fire-
flammableliquidscan cause large liquidpool orjet fires, resisting construction.Smoke spreadin this case is not a
orwherethe spread ofcombustiblegases or dusts can matterfordiscussion.Theenclosing structure must be
cause explosions. fire resistant and all openings forventilation must be shut
These riskscan only be overcome by installedfoam or by fire-resistantand gastightdampers.
gas-extinguishingsystems, or suppressionsystemswhich Theproblem willbeto remove the cold, contaminated
prevent the outbreak ofafire.Inmost casesthese systems smoke from the compartment after the firehas been
will only be effectivein a relativelysealed space. extinguishedby automatic extinguishingsystems. For
Therefore, SHEVS designed to create a smoke-free layer thispurpose, special equipment with appropriate
basedonbalancingairinflowagainst smoke exhaust are cleaning deviceshas to be provided —this isbeyondthe
notapplicable.Theextinguishingorsuppression systems scopeofthis book.
inthesecases have to be designed to extinguisha possible

13 Selection of equipment

13.1 General Scandinaviaorthe Alpswillhaveto operate even when

thebuilding'sroofis coveredwith deepsnow; whereas in
No designisofany valueunless it resultsinthe tropical countries thereis no such need. The test
installationofa system whichis fitfor its intended methodswill have to reflectthesedifferingrequirements,
purpose. and will often pass an item ofequipment as being in a
This concept of'fitnessfor purpose' is ofcritical particular 'Class',ie performingbetterthan one valueof
importance for allfireprotection measures,and notjust the testedparameter, but notachievingthe valuedefining
for a SHEVS.All fire protection measuresshare the the next Class.
common feature thatthey mustworkas intended when a Similarly, the designmethodology described
fireoccursevenifthat fireis a rareeventin thelifetimeof elsewherein this reportwill describe the conditionsto
thebuilding.This carriesimplicationsforhowthe which the item ofequipment will be exposed.For
equipment to implement adesign must bespecified,as example,the designcalculationswill predict the highest
wellas for howthatequipment must be installed, smokelayertemperature towhichsmoke curtains,fans,
serviced,and maintainedduringitstimein the building. or natural ventilators willbe exposed;another example is
This carriesthefurther implicationthatthe equipment that thedeflection calculationsfora hanging smoke
oughtto becapable ofbeingservicedand maintainedin curtain will leadto the specificationofthe minimum
as easy amanner as possible. weight ofbottombar and fabricfora particular
Aknown bad example concerns smokeventilators application. The test methods carried out on the product
whichhavetobemanuallyclosed by someone climbing (theitem ofequipment) by its manufactureror supplier
onto the building'sroof, especiallywhena testofthe should allow the specifierto selecttheappropriate Class
fhnctioningofthe system resultsinmanyventilators or Classes forthe conditionspredicted by thedesign.
beingopened. It is unlikelythatmany managers will carry It is regrettablytruethat atthe time ofwriting, many of
out suchatestmorethanonce, in view ofthetime, thesetestseitherdo notexist asStandards,orare still in
trouble, and possiblewindand rain damage which might Draft. The developingEuropean Standards in the
occur while the ventilators arebeingreset. And yet PrEN12101 seriesoncepublished should fill theneed
without regular functionalteststhere canbe no within Europe, but ithasto berecognized that the
confidencethatthe system will operate whena fire does specifierofequipment fora SHEVSin many parts ofthe
occur.The answerto this paradox is, ofcourse, to specifv worldwill continue tohaveto relyonthe resultsofad-
equipment whichcanbe closed easilyby operation ofa hoctests carried out bythe manufacturer(orby the
simple switchin the central control panel, but to make supplier).
thatswitch inaccessibleto everyone except an authorized It must alsobe recognized that theenforcer offire
person so that arealoperation ofthesystem is not regulationsfaces the same difficulties. This reinforcesthe
terminated prematurely.Regularandfrequent fbnetional desirabilityofearlyand continuing consultationbetween
testing is especiallyimportant wherethe SHEVSis the regulator andthe equipment specifier (who maynot
designedto reduce the threat tolife. alwaysbe the same as the system designer)inorderto
These simple principlesapply to all the specialist ensurethat theequipment being installed intothe
equipment neededfora SHEVS.'Fitness forpurpose' can buildingis appropriate to the needs both ofthe building
be met in many cases byensuringthatthe equipment has and ofthe environment to which the system willbe
beentestedin an appropriate way. exposed.The authors suggest,for example,thatwherean
Note the word 'appropriate'.Thishides aconsiderable item ofequipment can be obtained satisingany one ofa
degree ofnecessarycomplexity.In general,anitem of range ofclasses, then itshould be the ultimate
equipment will have to function whenexposedto a responsibilityofthe regulatorto specifr which Classis
variety ofdifferentenvironmental conditions. These will appropriate to the circumstancesofthe building.
themselvesvary from place to place: egequipment in Economies can sometimesbe obtained ifan item of
80 Design methodologies for SHEVS

equipment serves adualrole. That is, whereit fulfils a ofthe SHEVSisto protectlifesafety (egby protecting
non-fire role in everydayuse, and changes to afire-role as escape routes), and that it should be the responsibilityof
an integral part ofthe SHEVSfollowingdetection ofthe an enlightened buildingmanagement to carry outsuch
fire. Examples would include doorswhichalsoserve as tests. It has already been noted in section 13.1 that such
inlets for replacement air; and ducts which serve the tests are unlikelyto bedone ifeachtime thereis a
HVAC/ACMVrole untilthey are needed as part ofthe significantcost (intime, effort,or inconvenience).
SHEVS. These dual-role itemsfacethe challenge of Consequently it is felt thatall ventilators specifiedfor
having to meet all the requirements ofnormal use, as well use in a SHEVShaving alife-safetyrole should be
asallthe appropriate requirements for thefire protection capable ofbeingclosed automatically,on receipt ofa
application.In otherwords,the specifier(and the signalfrom the control panel. Thetimetakento close is
regulator) must be satisfiedthat those items are 'fit for less critical,and could wellbelonger than one minute.
purpose' in both roles. An additionalfeature essentialto allventilators except
It is notthe purpose ofthis chapterto be a those intended for use in manuallyinitiated systems,is
comprehensivelydetailed guide to allofthe requirements that theventilator should open (ie should 'fail-safe')
ofevery last nut, bolt, and wire usedin a SHEVS.Neither whenever there is a loss ofpowerto the usual opening
is it an attemptto describe eachtest method. What mechanisms.
followsis instead intended tobe an indication,for some
ofthemajorcomponents ofa SHEVS, ofsome ofthe 13.2.2 Coefficient of performance
factors whichneed to be considered ifthe installed Thepurposeofa natural ventilator istoallow smoky
system isto be 'fitforpurpose'. gases toflowthroughitfrom insidethe buildingto the
outside.Its abilityto do this obviouslydepends on the
13.2 Natural smoke and heat exhaust sizeofthe opening(known asthe geometric free area)
and on the resistanceto flow ofthat opening including
any turbulence-generatingfeatures within it (egsprings,
13.2.1 Time takento comeintofull operation rods,louver blades,etc.). The geometric free areais easily
WhenaSHEVSisrequiredto come intooperation, itwill determined by simple measurement ofthe sizeofthe
usuallybeanurgentneed.Part ofthe designand opening inthe plane wherethe ventilator is fastened onto
specificationprocess should be to decidewhichsequence thebuilding.Anolderbut less usefuldefinitiontookthe
ofoperation ofthe differentitems ofequipment will be narrowest part ofthe flow-path through the ventilator.
needed so as to avoid one interferingwith another. At the This canbe difficult tomeasure, and whencombined
same time, wecan recognizethatveryfew real fires are with the measured coefficientofperformance (see
likelyto grow explosively, and iftheydo then a SHEVSis below) leads to the same practicalresult. The only
not appropriate to cope with anexplosion!It seems a significance ofthe olderdefinitionshould be that
reasonable compromiseto suggest that the entireSHEVS everyone concerned should be aware ofthe possibilityof
should come intoitsfullyoperating statein atime ofnot confusion!The resistancetoflow isless easy, and requires
more than one minute from the initiatingsignalbeing atest ofthe entireventilator (except wherethere is a
generated (whether byhuman orautomatic means). sufficientcollection ofexistingmeasurement dataon
Natural smokeand heat ventilators only operate to similarventilators for an assessmentto be made—
pass smoky gaseswhenthose gasesbuild up beneath possibleon only afew ventilator shapes).
them.Therewill be no clear adverse effectson the rest of Suchtests canbe done bydrivingair at ambient
the system iftheytakeas long to open fullyas the restof temperature through the ventilator bya measured
the system takes to deploy intoits fire-operationalstate. pressure difference,orbyusinga thermally buoyant hot
It follows thatit is reasonableto allow a maximumtime of gas layer to simulatethe firecondition. Current tests use
one minute for the ventilator to open fullyto itsfire-open the former method, while the latterhasbeen
position. demonstrated experimentallyas being feasible.We then
This maximum time should apply,however, regardless havethe followingrelationship:
oftheforces or temperatures towhichtheventilator
mightbe exposed,and so this maximum time must be Ap=
satisfiedas a 'pass' criterion in allthosetest methods for 2
2(CA) (13.1)
otherparameters wheretheventilator is required to open
as part ofthe test. Most ventilators availableon the where:
market open in much shorter times than oneminute, so = pressuredifferencebetweenthefront ofthe
this isnot an onerous criterion. ventilator (ie insidethe building) and the back
It is notadirectlife-safetyissue ifthe ventilator cannot (ie outsidethe building) (Pa),
close as quickly.One should,however, consider whether =
p density ofthe gasespassing through theventilator
the ventilator will befaced with a requirement for (kg m3),
repeatedfunctionaltesting duringits installedlifetime.It V = volume flow ratethroughthe ventilator (m3 sd),
is theopinion oftheauthors that suchregular and = geometric free areaofthe ventilator (m2),
frequent testing is highly desirablewherever the purpose C = coefficient ofperformance.
13 Selection ofequipment 81
Note: The product is know as theAerodynamicFree Theventilatormustnot cause the hot gasesemitted
Area. from it toplayonthe roofsurfaceoutsidethe building
Thecoefficientofperformance is also known asthe since this could cause secondary fires. Similarly, the
dischargecoefficient. It isa measure ofthe efficiencyof outsideofthe ventilatorbodyshould notbecome
the ventilator's design,highervaluesindicatinga higher sufficiently hotto threatenthe rooftowhichitis fixed.
efficiency. Ausefulbenchmark is the well-known value
for a simplehole in an infiniteplanebaffle, for which 13.2.4 Openingunderload:snow
C,=0.6.Carefulshaping oftheflowpath throughthe Snow comes inmany differentforms,depending on the
ventilatorwill leadtohighervalues,while turbulence- proportions ofice, air, andliquidwaterinthe mixture.In
generating devicesinthe gas-stream will reduce the general,older, more compacted snow willbe denser,
value. although partiallythawedsnow can alsobeverydenseas
It is known (see egsection 10.8) that a side-wind waterdisplacestheoriginallytrapped air.
blowing across the outletfrom the ventilator can increase Withthepossibleexception ofventilators designed for
the flow resistanceand leadto a reduction in the value. manual triggering,weexpectthata SHEVS will come
Thebetter testmethods include a wayofmeasuringthis into operation very early in the fire. It followsthatit isnot
effectbyrotating theventilator in a selectableairstream reasonableto dependonthe heatofthe fire gasesinside
(simulatingthe side-wind) while the aerodynamicfree the buildingmelting enough snow above the ventilator
areais being measured. Such tests usuallyrequire that the forittoopen despite a relativelyweak opening
worst (ie the lowest) valueof correspondingto the mechanism.
worst combination ofside-wind speedand direction must Therequirement fora natural ventilator is thatit
be cited bythe manufacturerand/orsupplier as beingthe should be able to open successfully, evenwhenit is
appropriate valueforuse indesign calculationssuch asin covered on the outsideby alayer ofsnow.The depth and
section 5.11. density ofthat snow will vary with the location andthe
It is commonly foundthatventilators having kerbs (see season,as wellas being subject to the usual random
section 10.8)and no parts projecting above the plane of chance ofweather. in practice this is not such a problem
the outletopening (ie above thetop ofthe kerb) do not as it might seem becausethose countries andlocalities
suffer adverse problems from side-winds.Ventilators wheresnow loads might be aproblemwill already have
having a singleflap which rises above the opening in the theirown Codes forstructural loading with designlimits
fire-operational position can cause catastrophic problems for theexpected snow loads.Theselimits cansimplybe
to the coefficientofperformance,with or withouta kerb adopted forspecifyingthe appropriate load Classfor
present. ventilator operation, as proved byan appropriate test.
Note that ifa ventilator is designed tobe mounted on
13.2.3 Resistance to heat sloping surfacessteep enough that snow cannot build up,
Anatural smoke andheat exhaustventilator canbe thereis no needto testforthis parameter.Aminimum
expected to experience exposuretothehotgases passing slope of45° should ensure thatnosnow will build up on
through it. In general,however, one doesnot expect the the slope.
operating mechanismsto be ableto surviveexposureto Onthe otherhand, theremaybeobstacles on a roof
heat— theventilatorwill be expected to openwhile the (egstructures for lift machinery,chimneys)whichcan
firehas onlyjustbeen detectedand is still small. The cause considerablyhigh and dense packagesofsnow due
exceptionto this concerns ventilatorsdesigned to beused tosnowtransport bywind.In theselocations ventflators
in applicationswherethe SHEVSwillbetriggered must not be installed.
manuallyrelativelylate in the fire. These latter ventilators
must beableto withstand considerable exposureto heat 13.2.5 Opening underload: side-wind
while remaining closed,andyet stillbe able to open It has beenstated in section 13.2.2thatparts ofa
satisfactorilywhencalled uponto do so. Relativelyfew ventilator whichproject intoa side-windblowingacross
existingdesignsare suited tothis combinationof the ventilator canaffectthe measured coefficientof
circumstances. performance.Ifsuch apart (eg aflap,or the dome ofa
Withthis exception noted, we canstatethat the domelight) hasto open againstthe wind direction,it may
important heat-resistingproperties ofaventilator should bepossiblefor the force ofthat wind to prevent it from
all apply whenthe ventilator is already open. opening fully (even ifthereis alockingmechanism to
Theventilator must not reduce its aerodynamicfree holdthe partin place onceithasbeenfullyopened). It
areawhensubjectedto a throughflow ofhotgases. This follows that the ventilatorshould have been testedwith a
must be demonstrated by the test method. real or simulatedside-windto ensure thatits opening
The ventilator must not allowhot or burning parts or mechanismis strong enough to function properly.One
flamingdroplets to fall ontopeople orobjects belowthe canexpectthatthis is nota problem for any ventilator
smokelayer since this could result in injury or in withoutany moving parts projecting intothe external
secondary fires. This requirement also concerns the wind.
safety offire-fighters,who should notbe endangered by,
forexample,hotplasticpartsfallingon them.
82 Design methodologies for SHEVS
13.2.6 Low ambienttemperature 13.2.8Abilityto resistwind suction
Whenanypieceofmachinery is cooled,parts made of Natural ventilators should neverbeexpected to operate
differentmaterials contract at differentrates, and in positionswheretheymay be exposed to wind-induced
lubricating oils and greases tend tobecomemoreviscous. overpressures.It followsthat theywill only normally
This is obviouslyalsotrue for natural ventilators.Thereis experience wind-induced suctions.Ifa ventilator can be
a chance that abadly designedventilator, ifcooled forced openby thesewindforces whenit is supposed to
sufficiently, may require a much larger force than usual to remain closed (ie whenthere is no fire),itwill become an
open to the fullyfire-operationalposition. Thereis evena embarrassment to the building'smanagement and there
chance thatmoving parts ofthe openingmechanism is astronglikelihood that it will be fastened shut
mightfail to clear other parts ofthe ventilator,which permanently.
mightthen jam.Ofmore specificconcern to those Natural ventilators should be ableto withstand the
ventilators powered byhigh-pressuregas cartridges is the largest suction force expected for the location on the
fact that the pressure in the cartridgewill fall at lower building,and forthatbuilding'sown location. Wind
temperatures. forceshavebeen well researched over the years in view
Itwill usuallyneedaconsiderable dropin temperature oftheir importance forstructural windloadinginthe
before these factorsbecomeimportant. Lowvaluesof designofbuildings91'921, and appropriate values ofwind
ambient temperature occur in many northerncountries, force canbe adopted from these sourcesto identifythe
and evenin northern Scandinaviathere are some appropriate Classofventilator.Itis important that any
unheated buildingsusedfor storage. ventilator specifiedhas been tested for its abilityto
Consequently,depending on the climaticconditions remain closed underthe applicationofthe appropriate
expected forthe localityofthe building,the specifierand simulatedwindibrce.
regulator should satisfythemselves that the selected
ventilators are capable ofopening satisfactorilyat the 13.2.9 Abilityto resistrain penetration
lowest temperature likelyto be experienced. ManyapplicationsofSHEVSwill be in circumstances
wherethe ventilatorsmust not allow any rainpenetration
13.2.7 Reliability in normal everydayuse. This doesnot matterduringthe
Anyventilator must be made ofmaterials expected to emergency circumstancesofa real fire, but one does not
keep theirproperties for the expected lifetimeofthe want theventilators to be covered over bysome sortof
SHEVS.This is primarilya matter for designby the fabricto stop rain penetration (as has happened). It
manufacturer. follows that the abilityofaventilator toresist rain
Perhaps more important istheneed to be surethatthe penetration can have safetyimplications,as well asbeing
SHEVSwillworkwhenneeded, however many years practicaland cost-related.
might have passed since installation.This implies aneed Anadditional feature whichcanbeconsidered for
for regular maintenance by appropriately skilled ventilators intended to be usedfor day-to-day comfort
personnel, perhaps most often satisfiedby some form of ventilation is arain sensor,whichautomaticallyclosesth
regular servicecontract. Wherethere is a high ventilatorswhena sensitivesurfacedetects water. It is, of
dependence on successfuloperation, suchas wherethe course, necessaryfor the rain sensor to beexcluded from
purpose ofthe SHEVSis to protectlife safety,it will thecontrol algorithm whenafire isdetected.
usuallybedesirableto havea regular programme of
functionaltestingaspart ofthe responsibilityofthe 13.3 Poweredsmoke and heat exhaust
building'smanagement,in order to identifyfailures as ventilators
theyoccur and to replace faultycomponents.
Whereversuchaprogramme isenvisaged,itwill be 13.3.1Time takento comeintofull operation
necessaryto specifyventilators (and other equipment) As fornatural ventilators,powered smokeand heat
whicharedesignedto survivethe number ofopen/close exhaust ventilators (almostalways this means fans,
cycles expected over the lifetimeofthe installation.This although other devicesare possible)must fit intoa
reliabilityshould have been confirmedby arepeated- SHEVSdesignwhichallowsthe entiresystem to come
operation test, wherethe ventilator's own opening and intofulloperation quicklyoncethesystem has been
closingdevices havebeen used(perhaps with aseparate initiated.
external sourceofpower) for that number ofcycles.For The only complicatingfeature withfans is that they
example,ifthe expected programme isforweekly usuallyhave amuchlarger starting current than when
operation over a20-year lifespan,the minimumnumber running atfull speed, and this often requires that the fans
ofcyclesbecomesmorethan 1000. Ifthe ventilator is bestartedin sequence,ratherthanall at the same time. In
intended to be usedfor day-to-day comfort ventilation, orderforthe entiresystem to be operating within one
closingwhenever itrains (as is one applicationin minute,this means thatindividualfans haveto bequicker
practice) the minimum number ofcycles can be much in running upto Eill speed. Amaximum timeof3O
greater still. secondshasbeen suggested as being appropriate,and
should represent the 'pass' criterion in all testsof
individualfanswhichinvolvesfurtingthe fan.
13 Selection ofequipment 83
13.3.2 Resistance to heat 13.3.5 Low ambienttemperature
Inthesame wayasthe natural ventilator,the fan must be Theproblemfacing afan in low ambient temperatures is
able to continueworking for long enough forthe SHEVS essentiallythe same as for natural ventilators.The
to achieve its designpurposes,whenexposed to the solution is alsosimilar,in thatthe ventilator should be
expected gas temperatures passingthroughit. The design shownby asuitabletestto beableto operate fullyin less
conditionsforthe exhausted gasescan vary from below than30 seconds in ambient temperature conditions
100 °C toflame temperatures, depending on the purpose appropriate to the location ofthe building.
ofthe design. Consequentlymosttest methods will
identifyclasses,eachofwhich isacombination ofgas 13.3.6 Reliability
temperature and exposuretime. Examples include Thesame argumentsinfavourofregular functional
'200 °C for 2 hours', '300 °C for 1 hour','600 °C for testingapply to fans asto natural ventilators when usedin
1 hour', and many more. In practice, different aSHEVS.Itfollowsthatthe fan should havebeentested
combinations have beenrequiredby differentregulatory for an equivalentnumberofstart/stopcycles compared
authorities in differentcountries.Thereis noapriori withthenatural ventilator,for asimilaruse.
universally correctcombination,but the choice should be
dictated by the designcalculationswith ofcourse a good
13.4Automatic smoke curtains
safety margin for the time inview ofthe usual
uncertainties in time-dependent aspects ofthe design 13.4.1 Time to deployto the fire-operational position
calculations. Automaticsmokecurtainsservetwo mainroles.They
Othersecondary aspectscanbeimportant, eg the canprovide partofthesmoke reservoir's containing
external casing ofthe fan should notbecome hot enough boundary, or they can channel the smokeflow while the
to igniteanythingin contact, andwherea separate smoke is en route tothe reservoir.Ifthe SHEVSis to
coolingair supply isusedfor the motor it should notbe reachits full operating condition in one minute, thenthe
hotenoughto ignite (or dischargedin aplace where curtainscan takeupto that one minute to deploy.
ignitionofany)nearby materialsmightbepossible.
13.4.2 Speed offall of bottombar
13.3.3 Opening underload: snow Ifa curtaindeploys too quickly,itsbottombarcanreacha
Manysmokeexhaustfansare mountedwith their relatively high velocity and represent adanger eitherto
exhaustspointingupwards. Sometimestherecan be someone whose head is inthe way, or to the fixings
otherdevicesto close theexit from the fan.Someofthese holding the curtain tothebuilding'sstructure ifthe
maysimplybe flaps whichareheldopenbythe force of curtain reaches its full extension and stops withajerk.
the exhausted gases. Others maybe similar to the Thecurtain needstobedesigned in sucha waythatitwill
automaticallyopening natural ventilator mechanisms. notdamageitself even ifthe designcalculationsof
Forallofthese thereis thepossibilitythat snow may section 5.8 leadto the specificationofaveryheavy
accumulateonthe exhaust ofthe fan, or even fillthe bottom bar. Inmany designsthis is achievedwith a
throatofanunprotectedfan. As stated in section 13.2.4, frictionbrake, and with the curtain fallingunderitsown
one cannot dependonthe heat ofthefiregasesto melt weight.It is important that the test on the curtain allowed
thesnow —theSHEVSmust operate earlyinthe fire for the heaviest weights which might occur in the design
whenthe gasesbeingexhausted willbebarely above ofthebuilding'sSHEVS. Onecannot simplyexpect a
ambient temperature. curtain mechanism that worked with alightbottom bar
Thesnow load whichthe fan must overcome canbe to be equallysuccessfulwith aheavy bar.
selected in the same wayas fornatural ventilators (see Themaximum allowablespeedto avoid injury to
13.2.4 above), andmustbeappropriate forthe location of people is more difficult to assess. Many curtainswill beso
the building.Theselected fanfor any applicationshould designedthat they never reach head height, and so this
havebeentestedandpassed in aClasssuitable forthat criterion is notrelevant to them.Othercurtains, suchas
location. thoseintended to close offa higher storeyfrom an
atrium, carry agreaterrisk. Thereis no clear guidanceon
13.3.4 Opening under load:wind howtotackle this problem. Beingstruckbyaheavy bar
Fansarecommonly specifiedwherewind overpressures travellingateven 1 m could be dangerous.Perhaps the
areexpected onthe roofofbuildings.Sometimesthese bestcompromise isto allow the curtain to fallatupto
pressures canbelarge.Fans fitted withdevicesto close 1 m s1, but to designthe positions ofthesecurtains in
the exhaust opening whenthe fan is not in usewill need order to minimizethe exposureofpeopleto this risk.
to be able to overcome thedynamic pressuresofthe
wind.Wherethis isrelevant to aSHEVS design,the fans 13.4.3 Resistance to high temperature
must be specifiedasbeing able to open to the filly It is generallytruethat smoke curtainsshould be ableto
operating position inless than 30 seconds againsta load survivethe temperatures towhichtheywill be exposed,
simulatingthe wind pressure. as predicted bythedesign oftheSHEVS. Thatis, the
curtain should beabletocontinue to fulfil itsfijnci:ion as a
barrier to the movement ofsmoke.It doesnot matter
84 Designmethodologies for SHEVS

from asafety pointofview ifthe mechanisms which 13.4.5 Fail-safe

deploy the curtain are destroyed, as long asthe curtain It is important thatall smoke curtains specifiedfor the
remains functional andinplace. SHEVSshould be designed to deploy intotheirfire-
Typical temperatures ofgases in contactwith the operational position whenthesource ofpoweris cut off
curtainswill rarely exceed 200 °C in most reservoir forany reason. This isperhapsthe main reasonwhy
applications.Typical temperatures experienced by manydesignsusegravityto deploy, slowed and
channellingscreens could be higher, perhaps controlled by afriction device.
approaching flametemperatures, whichcanbe
pessimisticallytaken(ie ahigh value) tobe about 600 °C 13.5 Air inlets and doors
and above.
A differentargument canbe put forward,thatifthe Inlets for replacement air havetheadvantage that they
gasesin a smoke layer in areservoir reachtemperatures oughtnever to be exposed to high-temperature gases.
whichwill cause radiativeignition ofmaterialsaway from Thereis alsothe disadvantagethatat thetime ofwriting
the originalseatofthe fire, the entire compartment is there is no specifictestforairinlets required for SHEVS.
about to flash over. Once this has happened the firewill Thefunctional requirements fordoors and inlets can
be much larger thancanbe controlled bythe SHEVS, be identifiedas being thefollowing.
andso the subsequentfailureofthe SHEVSiseffectively • Thereisa needto open fullywithin thesame1 minute
irrelevant:it will already have failedto meet its design as the entire SHEVS.
purpose. This pessimisticargument suggests thatthe • WheretheSHEVSusesapowered exhaust, the
highest temperature gases that asmoke curtain can doors/inlets need to be ableto openbefore any ofthe
usefullybe expected to contain in most cases willbe fans havedeveloped an appreciableexhaust flow,
about 600 °C. Consequently thisis a common upper otherwise the fans could developa significantdrop in
temperature limit in tests on smoke curtains. pressure insidethe buildingwhich might prevent the
Therewill alwaysbe some applicationswherecurtains inlets from opening. In practice, this maymeanthat
may be exposed to higher temperatures (egifacurtain is the doors and/orinletdevices must be able to open
usedto close offan otherwise open shop front) andthe within 2 or 3 seconds ofreceipt ofthe signalto open.
fire could belocatedvery close tothat curtain.
Fortunatelysome newcurtain materials appearing on the 13.6 Smoke dampers
market are ableto withstand the full fire-resistance
heating curve usedin furnacetests (although notmeeting Asmoke damper is a deviceusuallyfitted intoaduct, but
the insulationrequirement for fire resistance),and canbe possiblymountedontothe duct opening intoaroom,or
regarded asblurring the distinction betweensmoke servingto redirect air flows from one duct path (egfor
curtains andlightweight fire shutters. HVAC/ACMVpurposes) intoanother(egfor smoke
13.4.4 Reliability At thetime ofwriting,there areno clearlydeveloped
Thesameargumentsapplyto the advantagesofa publishedStandards forsmoke dampers, although there
programme ofregular functional testing, as applied to the isanUnderwriters' Laboratory Standard931. Some
natural ventilators.Forthesame reasons,wherever such a performance requirements can, however, be identified.
programme is envisaged,the curtainsmustbetestedfor Thedamper must be able to move intoits fire-
their abilityto remain functional after the appropriate operational position fastenoughto allowthe SHEVSto
numberofdeploy/closure cycles,which should in meet its 1-minutetarget. Note that some dampers will
principle be the same number asforthe ventilators, have to move from opento closed positions, whereas
althoughthe additional number oftest cyclesfor otherswillhaveto move from closed to open.
ventilators intended to provide everyday ventilationneed Thedamper must be able to withstand theanticipated
notbe taken intoaccount for the numbers oftestcycles gas temperature towhichit is exposed, and
for smokecurtains. simultaneouslythe pressure differencesto whichitwillbe
As withtheventilators,it is ofgreatimportance that exposed,without moving from thefire-operational
curtains intended to meet the needsofsuchaprogramme position. When openinthe fire-operationalposition, the
canbemotoredbackintotheir'concealed' positions damper must not fail byincreasingthe flow resistance.
easilyon receipt ofa'reset'signalfrom the control panel. Whenclosed,itmust not allow increased leakage;the
Hencethecurtains usedin the reliabilitytest should use leakagepast aclosed smoke damper must be minimal.
their ownon-boardmechanisms,to close as well as to In many designs,the fire-operationalposition ofan
open. individual damper will depend on the detectedlocation
It isalso important fortheheavier curtainsthatthe ofthefire.Insuchdesignsthere canbe nofail-safe
reliabilitytest should have been done on equivalently position forthe damper.Consequently,thedampers for
heavy curtains. such designswill need an unusuallyhighlevel of
reliability. This places even greater stress on the
importance oftestingthe damper throughalarge number
ofoperating cycles.
13 Selection of equipment 85
13.7 Smoke ducts boundary andshould bebuilttothe same requirements as
thatboundary. Notethat theductmust be able to survive
A smokeductis a ductintended to carry smokeaspart of hottemperatures inside the ductand cold outside, and
a SHEVS.Thereareno specifictestStandardsforsuch alsocold inside and hotoutside (where the duct is
ducts atthe time ofwriting, although aduct which meets exposedto afire in the next compartment).
therequirements offire resistance canbeexpected to be AlesserStandard isreasonable for ducts whichare
satisfactoryforsmoke ventilation.Thislevel of designedto be wholly immersed in a smokereservoir
specificationis necessaryforthose ducts which pass since theirfailureifthe gas temperature passes600 °Cwill
throughfire-compartmentboundaries since the duct be nomoresignificantthanfor thecaseofthesmoke
mustnowserve effectivelyas an extension ofthat curtain mentioned above.
86 _____

14 Installation

Whenthe SHEVShas beendesigned,the equipment the buildingand ofthe location ofthebuilding.

needed to implement that design has beenspecified,and
that designhasbeendeemedacceptable in principleby Theparameters identifiedin Chapter 13, and the results
the RegulatoryAuthorities, thereremains thetaskof oftesting onthe differentproducts, areespecially
installingthe equipment intothe buildingfor which it is important. It is particularlyimportant here that the
intended. This stephas provided many examples oferror proposedmaintenance and re-testing regime should be
in practice. It is notthe roleofthe current bookto provide establishedprior to specificationofthe equipment. This
a detailed descriptionofallthe procedures necessaryfor will allow the correct specificationofequipment interms
successfulinstallation.Nevertheless,a discussionis ofthe 'reliability'test (seeChapter 13) and in terms ofthe
presented in outline form to alert the readerto some of abilityto deploy/returnequipment easily usinga remote
the more important aspects. manual signal in order to ensurethat routine functional
Whilea system may be installed bya singlecontractor, testing is easy, and willnot cause excessivewearinthe
it is morecommonlythe casethatmany ofthe individual system. Easeofreplacement and/or maintenance of
pieces ofequipment will be fitted byspecialist faulty components mustalso be bornein mind; eg it
contractors. For example,the smoke curtainsmaybe would beunwise to locate a smoke detector inthe middle
installedby a differentcontractor to the ventilators;or ofa large areaoffragile glazed ceilingat thetopofa
whereuse is madeoftheHVAC/ACMVsystem as partof multistoreyatrium.
the SHEVStherewill alsobe adivision ofresponsibility It is the co-ordinating contractor's responsibilityto
for differentequipment. The possibilitiesfor confusion ensure that the control sequence allowsthe different
aremany. Itis important that there should be a single parts ofthe system to comeintooperation without
contractor responsible for co-ordinating the activitiesof impeding or overloadingother parts. It is his/her
every participant in the installationofthe SHEVS. Itis responsibilityto ensurethat allinterconnections with the
important that this co-ordinating contractor should be non-fire buildingsystems (eg with the HVAC/ACMV
experienced inthe fieldofSHEVS design and system),and with the other essentialfire safety systems
installation,and that its personnel involvedshould fully (eg the smoke detectionsystem) have been considered
understand the concept design in all its aspects.This can and properly specified.In short, it ishis/her
be expected to be the case where the co-ordinating responsibilityto ensure that the design concept is
contractor is also the designer ofthe system; but where implemented correctly.
this is not thecaseit is important that the co-ordinating Ifthe installersofthe SHEVS areto be sure ofsuccess,
contractor should liaisecloselyand frequentlywiththe theyneedftll and sufficientinformationon all the
designers ofthe SHEVSconcepts. Therehave been equipment usedin the system.Therefore, all suppliers
many exampleswherelatearchitectural changes have mustgivethe necessary informationon recommended
adverselyaffectedtheeffectivenessofthe SHEVS methodsfor fixingcomponents, forelectrical wiring,for
without the installershaving realizedthatthiswas the operating instructions,andfor recommended
case. commissioningprocedures fortheir particularproduct.
It is, as has beennoted, often the case that thepeople The suppliersshould also givefull informationon the
who developed the 'concept design' donot continue with important parameters forlinkingtheir productto others,
theresponsibilityto turntheirconceptintophysical egby givingrecommended maximum and minimum
reality. It istheresponsibilityoftheco-ordinator ofthe pressuresin pneumatic lines needed to provide operating
installationprocess to ensurethat: energy for aventilator.Not only the technical detailsof
•• all the separate components are compatible, theproductand therecommended methods of
installation,but alsothe limitsthereofneed to be defined.
all the connections are correctly specified,and
• the specificationsofthe equipment areappropriate to Itcanbeseen from the above that thereneeds to be a
the designconceptand to the circumstancesboth of continuing liaisonbetweenthe installer and the creatorol
14 Installation 87
the concept. It is usuallyamistaketo assume that a design andto the provisionofprotection from damage
canbe boughtfrom one consultantand installedby (mechanicalor byfire)both forthe power supply andfor
another withoutany continuinginvolvementofthe first. all ofits connections totheSHEVS.The objectivemust
Itis even worse to assume thathaving bought the beto ensurethat theback-up supply cannot be prevented
concept, the developer only needs to employ specialist from operating whenneeded. Switchingbetween main
contractors with no co-ordination atall for installation. powersupply and emergency powermust beautorriatic,
Many examples existofallthese faults, whichusually and sufficiently fastto ensure that theSHEVS continues
derive from abeliefon the part ofthedeveloper or to fulfil itsfunctionwith no risk tothebuilding's
his/her agents thatfire is a simplethingwhichdoesnot occupants orto the SHEVSdesignobjectives.
require the continued applicationofspecialist The worst caseforback-up power supply is whenthe
engineeringexpertise. Mains supply failsatthe start ofthe fire. Consequently,
Someaspects ofinstallationhave a directbearing on the emergency supplypowermust be designedto fulfil its
safety,as well asonthe successfuloperation ofthe duty duringtherequired operation time ofthe SHEVS.
complete system. The positioning ofventilators and The same level ofprotection andlabellingmust be
ducts presentspecialproblems, and special attention giventothe electrical cablingaswell as to the control
needstobe given to thefollowingdetails. panels.The manual controls must be located outsidethe
• Ventilatorexhausts (natural or powered) needtobe smokereservoir andmustbereached easily,in sight ofa
positioned so that the hot gasesemitted from them will safe accessdoororroute. Wherethe SHEVS is designed
notbedeflected onto the rooforwall surfacesclose to to be triggeredby a manual fireman's switchratherthan
theventilator.Allgases emitted should bedirected by an automatic method, themanual controls must be
away from the building'sstructure. locatedoutside thefirecompartment servedby the
• Combustibleparts ofthe roofstructure adjacent to SHEVS,and must be on the primaryaccess route
smoke ventilators needto beprotectedas flamescan planned foruse byfire-fightersentering the building.This
ignitethe vulnerablezonearoundtheventilator.Itis istoallow the SHEVSto remove any threatofbackdraft
suggested that protection should extend atleast0.5 m before any fire-fightershaveto enterthe affectedfire-
• Combustiblematerials,whetherstructure, linings, or
Ductwork forming part ofthe SHEVS must belabelled
surfacefinishes,should similarlybe protected where clearlyas suchandthe hangers mustbeconstructed in
theyareadjacent to ducts which areintended to carry such a waythat the duct system will stay in place forthe
hotsmoky gasesthrough a compartment or outside required operation time. It should notbe forgotten thatin
wall. some circumstancesthe hangers aswell asthe duct may
• The free areaofa natural ventilator needsto be free of be exposedto hotgases, and so theyshould becapable of
obstruction above and below the ventilatorfor atleast surviving the expected smoketemperatures. Another
2 m in orderto avoid increasingthe flow resistanceof occasionalmistake involvingducts is tofail to make
thatventilator, exceptwheresuchan obstruction has allowanceforthe thermalexpansionofthe ductwhenit is
beenexplicitlyincluded inthedesign calculations. exposed to hotgases. The expansion ofa duct
Thiscanrepresentasignificantconstraint on structural constrained atboth endswillusuallyleadto a splitinthe
features nearventilators.
• Theoutletofapowered ventilatorand/oritsductwork
Whensmokedampers areinstalled,aremovablepanel
must be free ofany obstructionsover a distanceof1.5 or grid should provide easy accesstothe activator and
times the diameter ofthat exhaust outlet.Thisis also damper blade. No element attached to the smokedamper
intended toavoid thecreation offlowresistances should obstruct the properfunctioningofthe damper
which mightincrease the back-pressureonthe fan and blade. It isgoodpracticeto selectdampers which make it
hencereduce thevolume flow rate ofthe exhaust. easy to see the position ofthe damper, directly,byan
• Wherewinddeflectorsarefitted to avoid wind electrical indication,orby amechanical pointer external
overpressureproblems on natural smokeexhaust to the casing. It has beenacommonmistake to fit
ventilators,butthosedeflectors do notform part ofthe dampers in inaccessiblelocations, often obscuredby
ventilator itself,careshould be taken to ensure that otherequipment or structure, in such a waythat it is
snow (where climaticallyrelevant) cannot collect and impossibleto assesswhetherthe damper has operated
create a greater snow load for the ventilator to satisfactorilyor not. This canmakeboth testing and
overcomewhenopening. Care should alsobe taken to maintenance checks extremelydifficultto do, and
ensure that anysuchdeflectorswill not experience therefore less likelyto bedone.
wind-drivenresonantvibrationwhich can accelerate Air inlets areneededforagoodsmokecontrol
fatigue and early failureofthe deflectors. installation.These are normallylocated at low levelin
ordernottodisturb the smokelayer in the reservoir.
Whereemergency power suppliesmust be installedto Thereis a realisticchance thatblockingthe airinlet will
back-up the powersupply for the SHEVSin case of occur ifpositioning (eg inthe sidewall) isnot designed
failureofthe Mains powersupply,specialattentionmust carefully. Controllableinlets, includingautomatically
begiven to correctlabelling ofequipment and switches, opening doors wherethese form part ofthe air inlet
88 Design methodologies for SHEVS

provision,mustbe connected to the emergency back-up is suggested hereinthat the pragmatic approach canbe
power supply. adopted ofassumingthatthe total areaofall suchgaps
Wheninstallingsmokecurtains and particularly may not exceed 1% ofthe total curtain surface.
automatic retractable curtains, special attention needsto These gap sizesare sufficiently smallthatthey arevery
be givento the maximumgap betweenfabricand sensitiveto the detail and quality ofthe work ofthe
structure, and betweenadjacent curtains whereseparate installers,indicatingthe essentialtaskofthe co-ordinator
curtains are combined to form alongrun ofcurtain, when in checkingthat installationhas beendone satisfactorily.
inthe deployed position. Ideally thereshould be no gaps Other important decisionsrequiredoftheinstaller
at all.This is notpracticable,although whereadjacent concerns the specification,design, location, and
curtainsform a straight run it is possibleto overlapthe ergonomic layout ofcontrol panels, bearingin mind the
curtains,and to clip togetherthe bottombars, in a way requirements ofthe Fire Serviceas well as ofthe
whichminimizesthe leakage gap betweenthesheetsof building'smanagement.Somefurther detailsare included
fabric. It is more difficult to reduce the size ofthe gaps in Chapter15.
betweenthe edge ofa curtain and the adjacent structure. Lastly,and very importantly,theremust be a set of
It is moredifficult still toreducethe gap size wherethere detailed engineeringdrawings (the Detailed Engineering
is ajunctionbetweentwocurtains whicharenot aligned, Plan) showing the complete SHEVSinstallationas well
although inthis case the effectsofbuoyant deflectionof as ofthe related systems. These latter canbe.expected to
the curtains in opening upthe gap can be reduced by include the sprinklerand smoke-detection systemsin
using aheavier bottombar. mostcases, and should also indicateall the control
Thelarger the gap the more smoke willleakthrough, dampers in the HVAC/ACMVsystem whichhave arole
and the worse the effectwill be on the nominallysmoke— to play during afire. ThisPlan should be prepared in
freeside. It is possible,thoughdifficult and beyond the advance ofany actual installationofequipment, and
scope ofthe current book,toestimate the movement and should be revisedduringinstallationso that it is at the
rate ofbuild-up ofsmoke onthe side supposedly clear of end an accuraterepresentation ofwhathas beenfitted
smoke.The problem iscomplex, and depends on the air intothe building.These drawingsoughtto be made
movements and on the volume ofthe space the leakage of availableto the FireServiceaswell as tothebuilding's
smokeis entering, as both factorsinfluencethe dilution of management, togetherwiththe SHEVSDesign
thesmoke. What is safein onecircumstancecanbe documentation. It is cruciallyimportant that these
dangerous in another. Atthetime ofwritingthereis no drawingsshould be updated whenever any changes are
consensus on the safe limitsto suchgaps, although it made to the system duringthe building'slifetime.

15 Acceptance testing

15.1 General Testingand commissioningchecks

• Designcheck
Before handing overthe installationto the final user, afile • Mechanicalcheck
should be preparedby the installercontaining all relevant • Control and actuation check
technicaldocuments, test reportsofthe individual • Electrical check
components,as-built plans,set pointsand anacceptance • Runningcheck
— Initial start
report. The system cannot be commissionedwithout — Functionaltest incontrol
thesedocuments. — Balancingand regulatingofairflow
Theas-builtplanshould represent thewholesystem,
indicatingquantity, size and location ofthe ventilators,air
inlets and other SHEVSelements,fixingofthe main Thefollowinginstrumentsand tools will very ofrcn be
elements (egductwork), location ofthe control panels, required:
smoke dampers and theiraccess,labellingofthe whole
and eventuallyindicatingtheprotective measures to
••clamp-on ammeter,
mechanical damage.An electricalwire plan should be ••anemometer,
provided ifan emergency powersupply unitis installed. smoketracer.
Thewholeconstitutesthe Detailed EngineeringPlan
referred to in Chapter 14. Except for simple devicessuchas pitot-static tubes,
It is an everydayexperiencethatwhat is builtis not inclined manometers, U-gauges and similar, all
always exactlywhatwas intended, anditwillbe instruments,meters, etc. usedfor testing purposes
necessaryto carry out commissioningtests on the system should:
once it has been installed.These tests should include the ••be provided in duplicate,
haveamanufacturer-claimedaccuracyofnot more
followingitems (not an exhaustivelist).
••Reaction time ofthe SHEVSto open thanplus or minus2%ofrange,

•Airflowmeasurementsforpowered ventilators
Simultaneousopening ofventilators and air inlet
•be manufacturedto an appropriate standard or
recognized equal international or national standards
devices whereappropriate and available.
•Eventualpneumatic leakageswheresuch power •havebeencalibrated by a recognizedtestingor
suppliesare used calibrationlaboratory not more than threemonths
Reaction ofautomatic andmanual controls priorto the dateoftest. The calibrationcertificate
Start-up time ofthe emergency power supply provided bythelaboratory should beavailableduring

Behaviourofthe automatic smoke curtains the test.

15.2 Testingand commissioning Design check

The as-builtlayoutshouldbe checked againstthe system
It isrecognized that requirements mayvary from country designer's approved plans.
to country, and that occasionallycircumstancesmight
require ad-hocdepartures from the procedures. Hence Mechanical check
the procedures inthis section areintended to bea guide
ratherthana set ofrigidrequirements. Ingeneral, the
•Check the resultsofthe pressure test on the smoke-
exhaust-systemductwork whichshould havebeen
checks and tests given inthe box opposite are carried out duringconstruction.
recommended. •Perform the mechanical check as per test procedure for
fans and motorized dampers.
•Check smokezoneboundary and automatic smoke
90 Design methodologies for SHEVS
curtain location accordingto approved smokecontrol indicate afault detectedon:
— the
signallingwire connectingthe control panel
• designlayout.
Check motorized fire smoke dampers are correctly to the smoke extraction system control panel, or
connected, and that the smokeand fire damper blade — the

• andbearing rotate smoothly. • All equipment servingthe smokeexhaust and

Check that smoke curtainsdropdown smoothly and complementary replacementair systemsshallbe
thebottombars stopatthe correctposition. provided with an appropriate emergency power

• Perform
the electricalcheckasper testprocedures for

Control and actuation check
Check thatall systems automaticallyactuate and
remain in operation until reset bythe testers, either
fan and motorized damper.

manuallyorby activation ofacentral resetcontrol. Runningcheck

• Check thatwhenin 'fire' mode, all other building All systemsmust be completed and tested to ensure that
systemsconnected with the SHEVS are put intothe theyarefunctioningcorrectly before the final full testand
appropriate fire-operational state. demonstration takes place.A full setoftest andfunctional
• Check thatmultiplexerorsimilar devicesdo not affect
transmissionofactuating signalsfrom the automatic
operation checkrecords should be prepared, and may be
required tobe submitted to the authorities.It is also
fire-alarmpanel forthe operation ofthe smoke exhaust recommended hereinthat the system designer should
systemsunless suchdeviceshave the approval or observethefull test and attach to the Report a signed
certificationofone ofthe testing authorities. comment confirmingor otherwisethat he is satisfiedthat
• Check that eachsystem is provided with amanual
on/offcontrolswitch and indicator light at the master
the installation(s)areoperating in accordance with his
fire control panel. Fulland complete records must be kept ofall tests and
— Check thatswitches for all smoke exhaust/removal the resultsthereof typicallyincluding the items listedin
systemsare grouped in one areaofthe panel the Boxbelow).
togetherwiththose for staircasepressurization
systemsor similar. Initial start
— Check that all switcheshave the same • Performthe test run as pertest procedure for fan and
method/directionofoperation. motorized damper.
— Check that adevice that senses effective operation
oftherelevant smoke/airhandling system (ega Functional test incontrolcheck
centrifugalswitch oran air pressure switch) actuates • Check thatinterlock offans and dampers function
the indicator lights.
— Check that all switchesand indicators are clearly
labelledto show operating positionsand systems
• properly.
Check the properfunction ofremoteON/OFF
served and stating thatthe controls shallbe operated
only by authorized personnel. Balancing andregulatingofairflowshouldbe checked.
Anyadjustments needed to achievethedesign airfiows
Electrical check should be made, andtheir effectivenessconfirmedby
Prior to the initialrunning ofanyelectricallydriven fan, appropriate re-testing.
the followingprocedures willbe adopted.
• Ina normal situation,all smoke and firedampers must
be installedas per the designlayout.
This, however, doesnot guarantee that the control
mechanisms,or the computer software,will correctly
• Foreachsimulatedposition ofthe firerecognized in
the design scenario, thesmoke andfiredampers in the
operate everythingin the correctsequences,orfollowing
theappropriate logicwheredevicesmayhavemore than
extract and supply systemsmust eithermove into, or onefire-operational statedepending, eg on thelocation
remainin (as appropriate), theirdesignfire- ofthe fire. It is desirableas partoftheacceptance test

• operational positions.
Should therebe a failure ofthe supply make-up fans Itemstoinclude in a running checkrecord

(where includedinthe design) then only the supply Recordsofpressure testing during construction
system must shutdownandallsmoke andfire dampers • Make,serial no.typeand owner ofall instruments used, together
with acopyofthe calibration certificates
on the supplyductmust returnto the design position.
Theexhaust system shall continue to operate. •• Actual measurementstaken

• Should therebea failureofthe powersupplyto the

• Resultingairfiows, current, belt tensions, shaft speeds, etc.
Make,serial no. type and useofevery device checked, including
smoke andfire dampers, thesemust move intotheir rotational speeds, pressure drops/generation, etc.
fire-operationalpositions wherethese have been
identified in the design scenario.Note that in some
•• Date andtime oftests
Signatureof operator/tester orsupervisor and anywitness for
designstherecan be nofail-safe position. each test
• Both audio and visualwarnings must be provided to • Signatureofdesigner confirming his/her acceptance
15 Acceptance testing (commissioning) 91
procedure totrigger operation ofthe SHEVSbyinitiating methods use alcohol fires in view oftheirclean and
a realisticsignal (for examplebyblowing asmallquantity predictableburning.The Australianmethod is restricted
ofsmoke intoa smokedetector) and thenconfirmingthat to firesdirectly beneaththefinal smokereservoir,
all ofthe desired actions have in fact occurred. Where whereas the BRE technique has alsobeen usedfor fires in
differentpatterns ofactions are required forfires in sideroomswheresmokecan spillintoa larger mal].or
differentlocations,all ofthese oughtto be checkedby atrium. Both use artificial smokesto markthe firegases
simulatingdetection ofa fire in differentlocations or in andto make themvisible:the Australianmethoduses
differentways (the lattermightinclude break-glassfire pyrotechnic smokegenerators;the BRE method uses oil-
alarm points, or simulatedoperation ofsprinklers,instead mist generators ofthe type widelyusedin theatres and
ofa smokedetector). forfire-servicetraining.
Hot-smoke tests arenot needed wherethereis
15.3Hot-smoketests confidencein the designscenario, and inthe design
calculations.Theyare desirablewherever it is not
There is amore complicatedoption: the Hot-Smoke possibleto feel suchlevelsofconfidence.A summaryof
Test.Thisuses real fires in controlled conditions, inthe pointstobeconsidered by anyonecontemplating theuse
buildingasclose to completion aspossible,in order to ofhot-smoke testsis presented in Annex I.
provide aflow ofbuoyant smoky gaseswhichcantest not Wherethe commissioningoftheinstallationis
only the operation ofseparate components, but alsoto checkedbyan independent body, detailsofthe testing
testin aquantitativemanner theproperftinctioningof body, the names ofits representatives,the test methods
the designconceptitself.In otherwords, to testthatthe employed andthe results ofthose tests, as well asthe
properfunctioningofthetotalsystem hasbeenachieved. engineeringplan availableto thatbody, should all be
Variations on this techniquehavebeen developed in mentioned inthe acceptance report.
Australia94'951 and in the UK and BelgiumLS9961. Both
92 ______________ ____ ______

16 Maintenance, management
and re-testing

Whatever the basic objectiveofthe SHEYS, itwillbe moreappropriate totest it once a month. It maybemore
intended to thnction properly whenthe fire happens. appropriate for systemsintended forpropertyprotection
Fires are essentiallyinfrequent events,whichcan occur in to be testedonceayearin some cases.It can be expected
a randomway. It isvery unlikelythat thefirewill happen that the RegulatoryAuthorities havingresponsibilityfor
immediatelyafterthe system has been installedand a buildingwill have a strong interest inthefrequency of
successfullydemonstrated towork. Years might pass functionalre-testing, especiallyifthe SHEVSis intended
before the system is called upontowork, andthen it is to protectthelivesofthe public.
criticallyimportant that the system doesindeed work as The building'smanagement will find theirtask much
designed. easier ifthey have been provided with fulldocumentatioi'
Buildings will not remain static inthe intervening summarizingthe designconcepts, in all the different
years, andthe usual forcesofcorrosion and decay can be scenariosconsidered, aswell as the 'Detailed engineering
expected to operate. Itfollowsthen, that aswith any plans' and documentation recommended tobe provided
otheractive system involvingmachinery,thereis a need bythe installer in Chapter 15. It isalso important that the
forthe system to be maintained and servicedduringthese key individualin the building'smanagement should be
years.This places a major responsibilityonthe building's familiarwith this documentation,and should understand
management. theideas involved.These documents, takentogether,
A regular checkon the system is essentialto ensure form the basis ofa'log book' forthe SHEVS, and could
that itwill operateas designed,ifneeded. Also, usefhllybewidened to include all other aspects offire
intervention oftrained staffis sometimesbeneficialor safety,although that goes beyond the scope ofthe
even necessaryto achieve satisfactoryevacuation ofthe current report.
occupants inthe eventofafire. For example,calculations The manager's taskwill alsobe eased ifthe installerha
done at FRS L1001 haveindicated thatthe presence of provided a 'maintenance file' as part ofthe logbookin
trained staffto help withevacuation is ofgreatbenefit in which the management can record all maintenance,
large single-storeybuildings.It is difficult to ensurethat modifications,tests andtheir results,etc.,duringthe
thereis acontinual training programme, particularly building'slifetime.
whenthe 'ownership' ofabuildingchanges. The maintenance programme canbe subdividedin
The bestwayto confirmthatthe SHEVS is workingas differentsections,in directrelation to the frequencyof
intended is to generate afire-detection signal (egby checking.Notethatthe frequenciessuggestedhere are
blowinga smallamount ofsmoke intoa smokedetector) intended to beillustrative, and are certainlynot intended
and confirmingthat all the devicessupposed to operate to beuniversalfor all applications!
actuallyhave operated satisfactorily. Ifthis is done
regularlyitis more likelythat anymechanical or Basic functional check (once a month)
electricalfailureswillbeidentified in time for the fault to • The component parts oftheSHEVS areoperated and
be corrected. It is also more likelythat anypoor people can see,hear or smellmalfunctioningparts:
maintenance will be identifiedintimeto becorrected. pressured air leakagesare quitecommon, a rusty spring
The optimum extentand frequency ofregular re- canprevent natural ventilators from closingagain.
testing ofthesystem will inevitablydependon
circumstances.Systemshaving a crucialroleinprotecting
• All defectiveparts must be repaired or replaced
life safetyoughtto be testedmuch morefrequentlythan
those whichhave no suchrole. Even wherelife safetyis Maintenance programme (oneper 6 months)
concerned, the frequencyoffunctional re-testing may •On thebasis ofa maintenance checklist,all moving
vary. For example,itwould bedesirableto check the partsoftheinstallationwillbelooked at andreplaced
operation ofaSHEVS in a largeshopping complexat
least once aweek, whereas in an office buildingit may be • where necessary.
Special attention is givento corrosion,mechanical
16 Maintenance,management, re-testing 93
damage,penetrations, blocked activators,overheated thatthe usermust verifythroughthe years whetherthe
electricalparts. installedsystem is stillcapable ofdealingwith areal-fire
• All parts are cleaned andrelabelled wherenecessary. situation.
It is usuallyeasy to recognizewhenamajor structural
Full functionaltest(once per year) modificationto abuildingwill influencethe functioning
After the maintenance tour, afunctional check must be ofa SHEVS.Forexample,changing a workshop intoa
worked out, possiblyattendedby a representativeofthe high-rack warehouse willhavebig implicationsforthe
RegulatoryAuthorities,to seewhetherthe installation design parameters ofthe SHEVS. It isless often realized
still complieswiththe acceptance report. thata successionofsmallmodifications,eachone
• This test starts with the triggering ofone or more seeminglytootrivial to matter, can cumulativelyaffect
detectors inthe testedzone and all subsequent the functioningofaSHEVS. Itshould alsoberecognized
automatisms (ie the actions whichfollow that many buildingsspecialistswith noknowledge offire
automaticallywithouthuman intervention) are caneasilyfailto distinguishbetweenwhat is major and
checked out (reactiontime, emergency powersupply whatis minor.Whereas-builtplans,test reports and
unit comingup, openingorclosingofdampers, maintenance programs have beenkept fullyup-to--date,it
lowering ofsmokecurtains, ...). is more likelythat changeswillbecorrectly identified,
and that mistakeswill be more readily noticed and
This test shall be activatedand the equipment resetfor corrected. Notein this context thatthe building's
every smoke control zone. Results should berecordedin managers share withthe RegulatoryAuthorities (inmost
the logbook. countries) the responsibilityforcommissioninga new
SHEVSanalysisand re-designifthe building's
modificationschange the assumptions and conditions
Apartfrom themaintenance programme, a SHEVS whichwere appropriate to the originaldesign.
management program needsto beset up. This means
94 ___ ________

17 Some common mistakes

in the design of smoke ventilation

17.1 Mis-location of the point source of a the line betweencolumns.This position hasthe apparent
advantage ofeconomizing on the necessarylengthof
point-source smoke plume curtain, and hence on cost. Unfortunately,wherethe
Someofthe formulaeavailablefor the calculation ofthe columns are rounded orotherwise lackingin parallel
mass ofair entrained intoa smokeplume risingdirectly surfaces,any smalldeflection leads to a rapidly increasing
above a fire are derived for smallfires. When applied to gap betweenthe curtain's edgeand the column's surface,
fires which are not small(such asthose in real fire with consequent smokeleakage pastthe curtain.
scenarios),they require a correction whichtreats the
smoke as thoughit was risingfrom apoint (zero width) 17.3 Installation does not follow design
source at a distancebelowthe real fire which depends on
the actual physicalsize ofthe fire. Severalguidance Itis common for detail designchanges to occur during
documents statethat it is acceptable to ignore this the construction ofbuildings.Apossible consequenceis
correction and to takethe plume height asbeingthe that an initiallycorrectdesignbecomes unsuitable.An
heightofthelayerabove thefloor (orthe base ofthe real exampleknown to the authors is ofsmoke curtainsbeing
fireifdifferent).However, suchan assumptioncan leadto 1.5 m too shortwhenfitted. Itis desirablethatthe fire
an underestimate ofthe mass ofsmoky gases entering the safety system designers be retained bythe buildingdesign
smokelayer.For example,whenthe fire diameter team to comment onall designchanges and to confirm
approaches theheightofrise ofthe smokeplumethe that thefinal installedsystem fulfils the designconcept.
mass ofair entrained into the smoke can be
underestimated by more than a factor oftwo. 17.4 Mis-use of computer models
17.2 Inadequatespecification of smoke Every computer model ofany aspect ofsmoke
movement is based on mathematical representations of
curtains theunderlyingphysics.In zonemodels theseareoften
Research by FRS has shownthat the existingdeflection empiricallyderived formulae.In CFD models these are
tests for smoke curtainsare virtuallymeaninglessin terms more fundamentallybased,solving conservation
ofactual behaviour,and that it is necessary to bring equationstypically for mass,momentum, enthalpy, etc. It
smoke curtainsintothe designprocess97,usingthe is often forgotten thatthe equations expressing
procedures given inAnnex C. It is necessary tospecify turbulence in current commercialCFD models are also
thecorrectcombination ofcurtain materialweight and partlyempirical.
bottom bar weight to ensure that the curtain deflection Empirical relationshipsofwhatever sortall share the
remainswithin acceptable designlimits for the particular common feature that they have been developed to fit a
application.In general, the hotter and deeper the smoke specificrange ofexperimental circumstances.They may
layerbecomes, then the heavier the curtain and/or not be as accuratefor othercircumstances outsidethat
bottombar must be. This inturn canrequire major range. This affectsthe reliabilityofvalidation ofthe
differencesin the components, egthecurtainmightneed model: within the appropriate rangesa model can be
stronger motors, stronger brakes and stronger correctly shown to match reality — but outsidethe
attachments tothebuilding. appropriate ranges ofparameter values the same model
Specificationofa smokecurtain which istoo lightfor cangive grosslyincorrect answers. It is never simply
theapplication canresult inexcessivedeflection,with enough to note thata model 'hasbeen validated'.
accompanyingrise ofthe bottombar and leakage of One exampleofthis typeofproblem concerns the
smoke past the curtain. expressionfor the fire size at the onset offlashover ina
Another common mistake is to position smoke compartment. Oneofthemostcommoncorrelationsfor
curtains which are lightenoughto deflect appreciably,on this relationship is based onworkby McCaffreyet al981,
17 Common design mistakes 95
and variationson this areusedin designguidance, eg
refs28'291.McCaffreyet al's correlation was derived for a
17.5 Mistaken perceptionsof conflict
testroom ofless than 30 m3 in volume,withwindow betweenactive and passivefire precautions
openingswhichwere predominantly tall compared with There often appears tobe awidespread misconception
theirwidth. Itcanbeshownthatvery different thatin some wayactive fireprecautions suchas aSHEVS
relationshipscanbe expected for the firesize at the onset and passivefire precautionssuchas fire-resisting
offlashoverinverylarge rooms havinglarge openingsrc9i. partitions are competing one againsttheother. Such
Anothercommon exampleconcerns the common views can be seen to be the result oftoo narrow a focuson
practice in ZoneModels basedon small-fireplume one partofthe wide range ofmeasures available. Similar
formulaeto defaultthe location ofthe virtualpointsource problems exist inmisconceptions ofthe perceived
to thebase ofthe fire regardless ofthesize ofthe fire (see conflict between differentactive measures (seesection
section 17.1for amore detaileddiscussionofthis error). 11.1,for example,concerningthe interactionsbetween
CFD models dependfor accurate modelling ofreality smokeventilation and sprinklers).
on the correctness ofthe initialand oftheboundary It canbe misleadingto contrast one form offire
conditionsusedto definetheproblem mathematically. protection with anotheras iftheywere completely
These 'input conditions' are essentialto statecorrectly independent ofeachother. In practice, eachsystem
thephysicaland chemicalnature ofthe problem being influencesthe others. It is betterto regard the building
studied, andifthey are inappropriate,theCFDmodel itselfasthe system,withdifferentforms offireprot:ection
will givean inappropriate result.Anotheressentially sharing contributionstowards overall safety. The
mathematical constraint isthatthe computationalmesh importance ofthis cannot be overstated.
size (ie the selected dimensionsofeachelementary In fact virtuallyall formsofsmoke control depend on
'calculationvolume') mustbeappropriate tothe problem aspectsof'passive'fireprotection. Pressuredifferential
being studied. In practice, this means thatthe'solution' to systems aredesigned to protectagainst smokeleakage
the calculationmust be independent ofthemesh size, throughsmallgapsin whatis otherwisepassive
whichcannotbe automaticallyassumedfor all protection enclosingthe escape route. The marketfor
circumstances. fire-resistingmaterials is essentiallyunaffected bythe
Thevalidityofa CFD model for a given application presence ofsuchmethods ofsmoke control. Smoke and
would depend onthe fact thatit incorporates proper heat exhaust ventilationallowstheuse ofspacesmuch
descriptions,throughsubmodels,ofthedominant larger than a conventionalfire compartment. Usuallythis
physical andchemicalprocesses (suchas combustion, isthe result ofusing sprinklersas well.But even forthis
radiation,turbulence, etc.) forthat application.Because casethere are still many requirements for 'passive'fire
ofthe often partially empiricalnature ofthe built-in protection, eg all shop unitwalls exceptthe front, ofshop
submodels,validationofthe CFD model is crucialto units opening onto amall wherea SHEVSis fitted into
ensurethe validityofits submodelsfor aparticular themall, or where smoke exhaust ducts passthrough
application.It follows that a successfulvalidationforone neighbouringfirecompartments. Other examples
applicationwill apply to other scenariosinthe same include:
category ofapplication,but not necessarilyto other •• partitionmembranes,
categories. Forexample,caremust be takenwhena CFD
modelvalidated for smokemovement is applied to • ceiling
downstandsfor smokereservoirsor smoke barriers.
problems involvingflame spread. In general,one can say
that in view ofthe complex nature ofCFD models, Related 'passive'fire-protection measuresimportant for
knowledge offire science and ofCFD isessentialfor smoke control can also include intumescentseals forfire
'correct' use fora practicalfire application. doors and fire-resistingglazing.
The foregoingparagraphs should notbeseen as an As for all applications,there arethesame requirements
argument againstusing computer models. Many designs for fire-resistingmaterialsto be ableto withstand thermal
would be impossiblewithouttheiruse. Theyshould shocks,to be impermeableto smoke, andto bestable
instead be read as a warning that computer models underdifferentenvironmental conditions includingthe
should notbe used by inexperiencedpeople as 'black abilityto resist humidity, fringal attack,thefreeze—thaw
boxes' alwaysassumedby themto givethe correct cycle,and ageingofthematerials.Ifthe material cracks,it
answer.Itis alwaysnecessaryforthe designerofa could renderthe smokecontrol system unable to prevent
SHEVSto ensurethathe/shehas identifiedwhichmodel thepassage ofsmoke. Alllarger openings,suchas holes
(or models— a designmayrequire the use ofmore than madeforpipes, cables,ducting,etc., must beproperly
one) isappropriate to the circumstancesbeing sealed. This has to be aproperfire and smokeseal,riota
considered. It isalways necessaryfor the designer ofa patchwork usingwhatever materialis left on site
SHEVSto satisfy him/her selfthat the model isbeing (examplesexist ofthe failure offire-resistingwalls
usedwithin its prudentlimits.Andofcourseit is because ofsuch inadequate materials ascardboard and
necessaryforthe Regulator assessingadesignproposal to polystyrenehaving been used to seal holes madefor
become satisfiedthatthe designer ofthe system has cables,pipes, etc. —thiskind offault is seen alltoo often
considered thesefactors. duringpost-fire investigations).
96 __________ _______________

18 Smoke ventilation and

enforcementof regulations

Thefinal decision as to whatis acceptable rests with As the buildingsbecome more complicated,both in
those who are responsiblefor enforcingthe relevant fire size and geometry and alsowiththe introduction ofnew
safetyregulations. In large or complexbuildingsit is innovativematerials andconstruction techniques,
usuallyimpracticaltofollowthe prescriptiveguidelines formulaenormallyusedfor design ofsmoke control
given in the relevant standards and a fire safety systemsbecome less reliableandparticular careis needed
engineeringapproach isneededto achieve a successful in the designprocess.In those scenariositmaybe
smoke and heat exhaust ventilation system so that the desirableforthe enforcer ofregulationsto seek asecond
same level ofsafety is accomplished asfor amore opinion from an independent source ofexpertise.Ifthe
conventionalbuildingwithoutthe same amountof buildingis so complex that confidencein the design
compartmentation. process is low then it maybe desirableto do an 'in-situ'
The successor failureofthedesign will often depend commissioningfiretest to check the SHEVS designand
on the details.The assumptionsand calculation tofinetunethe system.A further advantage ofsuchatest
procedures whichare correct forone scenario may not be is that it may clearlyshow some implementation faults,eg
correctfor another. It should also beclearlyunderstood whetheradamper in a ducthas beeninstalledsuchthat i
thatthevarious publishedformulaewere derived from opens in the 'wrong' direction in the eventofafire.The
experimentsand maynotbe appropriate whenthe design testinvolvestheuse ofoneor more alcohol fires to
scenario is very different. For example,aformula produce sufficient heat such that the hot buoyant gas
experimentallyderivedfrom a tall and narrow atrium layerflows can bemonitored and the effectivenessofthe
maynotbe suitablefor SHEVSdesign ofa wide atrium SHEVScanbe assessed.Obviouslythe temperature must
with a relativelylow ceiling.Unfortunatelythereis often alsobekept low enough so as notto cause any damage to
confusionaboutthevalidity ofvarious assumptionsand thebuilding.Non-toxic and non-corrosiveoil-mist
calculationformulaeusedin the designprocess theatrical smokemay be injected into the fire plume if
It should be emphasized further that anySHEVS visualizationofthe hot gas layer is desired. Such methods
designprocedure has 'assumptions' built intoit. It is have beendeveloped andusedsuccessfullyin the last few
impossibleto do a smoke-control design from first years.
principleswithoutanyassumptions.Thus, it follows that One otherproblemwith a smoke-control system is
the enforcer ofregulations,and thebuilding'sowneror maintenance and training ofstaffwhere needed. A
developer, should insistthat the designer ofa system regular check on the system is essentialto ensure that it
should make all the assumptions explicit,and should state will operate as designed,ifneeded. Also, intervention by
the sourcesfor methodology and/or data.It is often the trained staffis sometimesbeneficial or even necessaryto
case that the most worrying problemswith adesign arise achieve satisfactoryevacuation oftheoccupants inthe
from unreasonable assumptions.Although itmay eventofafire. For example,calculationsdone atFRS'°°
sometimes be difficult to followthecalculation indicated that the presenceoftrained stafftohelp with
methodology itis usuallypossibleto make a evacuation isofgreatbenefit in large single-storey
commonsensejudgement about the validity ofthe buildings.Itis difficult to ensure that thereis a continual
assumptions. training programme, particularlywhenthe 'ownership' of
a buildingchanges.

19 Acknowledgements

Theauthors ofthis bookwould like to record their Theywould alsolike to statetheirappreciation cfthe
indebtednesstoDr G 0 Hansell, co-author ofDesin work ofCEN/TC191/SC1andoftherelated 'Mirror
approachesforsmokecontrolinatriumbuildizgsL'31, an earlier Groups' in the national Standards Institutesinprep:aring
BRE publication,some ofwhose texthasbeen carried thedraftParts ofPrEN12101. Manyideas havedeveloped
forwardintothispresentbook; and toMrJoris Verbeek of andhavebeenclarifiedasaresult oftheirdiscussions.
IFSET for his work on the Figuresand Plates.
98 ______ _____

20 References

[1] DepartmentoftheEnvironmentand the WelshOffice. [21] Parnell AC &Butcher E G. Smoke movement in atria. Fire
BuildingRegulations1991. Approved DocumentB (1992edition). Protection(South Africa) 1984: 11(3): 4—6.
London,The StationeryOffice, 1991. [22] National Fire ProtectionAssociation. Smokemanagement
[2] PublicHealthActs 1936and 1961. London,The Stationery systems in malls, atnaand large areas. 1995edition. PublicationNo.
Office. 92B. QuincyMA, USA, NFPA, 1995.
[3] TheFactories Act1961. London,The Stationery Office,1961. [23] Fire Safety Bureau. Code ofpracticeforfire precautions in
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Annex A: Design procedure

with a growing design fire

Note: The principles described inAnnexBare applicable =

0 forthefirstiteration.
hereaswell. • Set
Identifythe location ofthe buoyant smokelayers base
in thesmoke reservoiratthe end ofthe previous
A.1 Choosea design fire curve iteration. Set= ceiling height for the first iteration.
Hence, identifythe height ofrise to the layer base at
Thishasbeen discussedin moredetail in section 3.1.It thestartofthe current iteration.
will also be necessaryto identifythe averageheat release • Using the appropriate growth curve identifiedearlier,
rate persquare metrefor the selected scenario. andthe heat-release rate identifiedearlier,calculate
theaveragefireperimeter during thetime interval for
A.2 Establish the required escapetime thecurrentiteration.

Thismustbe done usingmethodsfrom sources outside

• Calculatethe averageconvective heatfluxin the
smoky gasesduringthe time interval for the current
thefield ofsmoke ventilation. iteration.
• Usingthe heightofrise, the heat flux, and the fire
A.3 Calculatetimes to danger, ie available perimeter calculatetheaverage massflow rate of
smoky gasesentering the layer duringthe current
escape time iteration, usingthe samemethods as for asteady-.state
Useaniterative procedure basedontheprinciple ofa designfire. Notethat thiswill cover both single-storey
'quasi-steady-state'calculation,wherethe growing fireis geometries andthe more complicated atrium-like
treated as ifitis asuccessionofsteady fires, eachinits
owndefinedtimeinterval,with thewholeapproximating • geometries.
Usingresults calculatedforthe layerfrom all previous
tothe actual curve.This lends itselfwell to converting iterationsand steady-stateformulaefortheventilators,
intoa computer program, and can be muchmoregeneral calculatethe exhaust mass flow duringthe currenttime
in applicationthan afullyanalyticalsolution,since the interval.
latterwill yieldvery complicatedformulaefor all butthe • Fromand
the differencebetweenthemass entering the
simplestofbuilding geometries. layerthe mass calculatethe net
being exhausted,
mass ofsmokygases adding tothe layer duringthe
(a) Selecta time incrementfor calculation current increment. Ifthe exhaust is greater than the
Toolargean increment will givepooraccuracy andcould flowrate entering the layer, defaultthe layer depthto
result in the calculationbeingmathematicallyunstable, ie the depth ofaceiling-jet.
inherently unable to givethe correct answers.The • From the differencebetweentheheat carried intothe
smaller the increment the more accurate the resultsof gasesand the heat being exhausted from the layer,
this method ofcalculation,buttoo smallan increment calculatethe net heat addingto the layerduringthe
canleadtoarithmetical errorsarisingin computerswhich current increment.
specifynumbers byusing toofew digits.A one-second
increment seemsto work well with computer programs
• Byadding the net addition ofmassto the massresident
atthestartofthe increment,calculatethe mass of
inthe presentauthors' experience. smoky gasesresident in the layer attheend ofthe
current increment.
(b) Iterativeprocedure
• Identify mass ofsmoky gasesresident inthe smoke
• By adding the net addition ofheat to the heat resident
atthestartofthe increment,calculatethe heatresident
reservoir atthe end ofthe previousiteration. in thelayerat the end ofthe current increment. Note
=0 forthe firstiteration. that itis conventionalto ignoreheat lossesfrom the
• Set
Identifytotal heatresident inthesmoky gasesinthe
smokereservoir at the end ofthe
layer otherthan by the exhaust gases,but one could
previous iteration. include the effectofsprinklercoolingifnecessary.
102 Design methodologies for SHEVS
Inclusionofheatlosses to the buildingstructure is A.4 Acceptability criteria for calculated
• Calculate the excesstemperature ofthe gasesresiding times
in the layer at the end ofthecurrentincrement. Apply • Wherethe layercriteria
temperature ishigherthan the
before the 'timerequiredfor
the same 'maximumlayertemperature above ambient' 'steady-state'
criteria as for the steady-state design:ifthe layeristoo safety',the designis not acceptable.
end theiterationand branch out to section • Where the layer depthexceedsour 'steady-state'
Using the mass of smoky gases
resident in the
and the
at the

criteria earlier than the 'time required for safety',the
design not accpable.

the smoke reservoir,calculatethe

currentincrement, and theknown horizontal areaof
• Whenneither criterion is exceeded earlier thanthe
'time for the is
layerdepth required safety', design acceptable in
end ofthe current increment. Notethat one can principle,but stillhas tobe subjected to other criteria
introduce non-rectangular-section smoke reservoirsby specifiedinthe 'steady-state'design methodology.
making the areaa function ofheight.
• Using minimumclear heightsspecifiedas forthe A.5 Further acceptability criteria
steady-state designmethod, checkwhetherthe
calculated layerdepth has reachedthe deepest The designershouldusethe layer depth and
acceptable limit. Ifit has, stop the iterativecalculation temperature, and the exhaust mass flow rate, calculated
and branch outto section A.4. forthe final timeincrement to carry outthe same 'steady-
• Check whetherthe total time tothe end ofthe current state'calculations such as minimumpossiblelayer depth
iteration has reached the 'time required forsafety'.Ifit forflowto the exhaust ventilators,wind effects on
has, stop the iterativecalculation and branch out to ventilators,air speedat escape doorsbeingusedas inlets,
section A.4. etc.
• Loop backtothe startofthe iterativeprocess and start
the calculationsforthe nexttimeinterval.

Annex B: Design procedure

with a steady-state design fire

B.1 General introduction Table Bi Minimum clear heightabove escape routes

Typeofbuilding Minimum height
Theflowofthermally buoyant gasesaway from afire,
through a building,intoasmoke reservoir,andtheir
Public buildings(eg single-storeymalls, 3.Om

exhaust from the buildingintothe surrounding exhibitionhalls) _______ _________ ____________

2.5 m
atmosphere, is influencedby many factors.Theseinclude Non-publicbuilding (eg othces,
the shape ofthebuildingat eachpart oftheflow,and apartments, prisons) _____________ ____________ ________

external factors suchas wind pressures,snow loads, etc. Carparks Smaller of2.5 m or

To be successfulasmoke exhaust ventilation system must 0.8 times ceiling height

be designed in a waywhichincludesconsideration ofall Note: These heightsapplyto single-storeysituations.Wheresmoke must rise throughanother
storeybeforereachingthe fisalsmoke reservoir, isusualtoaddanother0.5 mtoeachvalve.

B.2 Identification of 'design regions' needed

(c) The smoke reservoirand ventilators
in calculation The smokereservoirmustbe ofsufficient depth; this
The designproceduremustconsider a successionof requires calculation ofthe minimum depthoflayer
zones(also called herein'design regions'),which necessaryfor gasestoflowfrom the plume's point of
correspond to successivestagesin the path followedby entrytothe layer towards theventilators.
the smoky gases. Thegases in thelayershallbe between acceptable high
and low temperature limits:thehigh limitbeing200 °C to
B.3 Zone-by-zonedeterministic calculation avoid painfulheatradiation on lightlyclad people
beneaththe smoke layer,thelow limitbeingmore
procedure: single-storeyspaces arbitrary buttypicallybeinga minimumdesignlayer
Forlargesingle-volumespaces (ie wheresmokerises temperature of2O °C to avoid loss ofbuoyant stabilicy of
directly from the burning fuel to the thermally buoyant the layer.
layerin the smoke reservoir)thefollowingdesign regions Theareaofnatural ventilators (ie wherethegases are
arenecessary. propelled through the ventilatorsby the buoyant
pressure ofthe layerbeneaththe ventilator), or the
(a) The fire capacity ofpoweredventilators (usuallyfans),must be
The designshouldbe based on a steady-statefire ofa size calculatedto exhaust the same massflowrate as enters
appropriate to the buildingconcerned, as discussedin the layer in the plume risingfrom thefire.
Chapter 3.
Note: Natural and powered smoke exhaust ventilators
(b)The plume above thefire, risingintothe smoke should never be usedsimultaneouslyin the same smoke
reservoir reservoir.
The heighttothe smoke base mustbespecifiedforlife-
safetyapplications.Somepossiblerequirements are listed (d) Effectof externalinfluences(eg wind and snow
in TableBi. Themass flow rate ofsmoky gases entering The effectofexternal influencesmust be allowedforin
thereservoir is then calculated. the design. This is particularlyimportant in decidingthe
Fortemperature control designsthe temperature ofthe location ofnatural ventilators and in choosingbetween
buoyantsmoke layer must be specified; and the massflow natural and powered smoke ventilators.In essence,n.o
rate entering the layerand the height ofrise ofthe plume natural ventilator should be located whereitmight
arethen calculated. experience an overpressurefrom a wind.Wind-induced
overpressuresoccuronthe upwind sidesofbuildings, and
104 Design methodologies for SHEVS

fora considerable distance on any lowersurfacesupwind (b) Entrainment in, and flow outof, a side room
ofahigherstructure. Thepossibilityofsnow orice Theplumeabovethe fire is as above,butcan be
affectingthe operation ofthe ventilators must also be combined with the flowofsmoky gasesleavingthe
takenintoaccount whenspecifyingequipment. fireroom intoa single calculation.

(e)Airinlets(including anydoors servingas air inlets) (c) Smoke flowsbeneath a canopyor balcony,
Thesemust allow sufficient replacement air to enterthe approaching a spilledge
buildingtoreplace the gasesbeing exhausted as smoke.If Wherea canopy (or the underside ofa balcony) projects
they areusuallyclosed,theymust open on receipt ofthe beyondthe fireroom's opening,the effectonthe smoke
same signalthatoperatesthe rest ofthe smoke flowatthe spilledge canbecalculated to find the mass
ventilation system.The airspeed throughany inlets also flowrateflowingtowards that edge. Ifthe smokeexhaust
serving as escape doors (acommondesign feature) must ventilationdesign requires that smokebe contained
beless than 5 rn/sto avoid adverse effectson people beneaththe canopy or balcony, andbe prevented from
escaping throughthose doors. All inlet air must bebelow spillingintothe adjacent space, the remainder ofthe
the smoke layer and preferably moving at less than 1 rn/s design calculationis essentiallyas for section B.3.
whenit enters the affectedzone. Powered inlet fans
should never beusedwith powered smokeexhaust fans, (d) Thespillplume
in orderto avoid changing pressureforces on escape The mixingofair intothe spillplume as it risesto meet
doors asthe fire size changes. the buoyant smokelayerunderthe ceilingmust be
calculated,to give the total massflow rateofgas entering
Note: Ifthe provision ofinlet air is inadequate,the entire the smoke layer. Forlife-safetyapplicationsthe heightof
smokeventilation system will be ineffective. thebase ofthebuoyantlayerofsmoky gasesabove the
highest escape route open to the same space as the fire,
(f) Free-hanging smokecurtains must be specified. It is usual to add 0.5 mto the minimum
Wherepresent,these shallallow forthe effectsof valueslisted inTable B1.
buoyancy-induceddeflection away from the vertical,and For temperature control systemsthe temperature of
must meetthe criteria forminimum leakagewheninthe thegases in the smokereservoir (ie in the layer)shall be
deflected position. Notethatthis aspect ofdesign and specifiedand the mass flowentering the layercalculated.
specificationofsmokecurtains hasbeen largely Thecalculationprocedures for the spillplume canbe
overlooked untilrecently, and doesnot feature in any usedtofind theheightto thesmoke layer base.
earlier design guides.Nevertheless, it is clear from Where thereare higher balconies above the spilledge
experiments at FRS971that deflectioncan be a serious the designmust takeintoaccount thebreadthofthe
problemcapable ofjeopardizing the successofthe entire balconies,iethe distance betweenthe edgeofthe balcony
smokeventilation design, especiallyfor lighter and and thewall (or glazedfacade).This affectsthe abilityof
deeper curtains, unless the problemis properly addressed airto move betweenthe plume and the facade,and
by calculation duringthe designofthesystem andby determines whetherthe plume willthrowitselfclear of
specifyingthe equipment to compensate andthus reduce the wall or be pulled backagainst it to smokelog the
theproblemto harmless proportions. higherbalconies.

(g) Suspended ceilings (e)Thesmoke reservoir

Wherepresent,these can complicatetheflow ofsmoky All calculationsand requirements from sections
gases, and must be allowedfor in the design. B.3 (c)—(f) shallalso apply to the presentcase.

BA Zone-by-zonedeterministic calculation (f) Atriumdepressurization

Wherethe pressures in the smokelayerin an atrium are
procedure: complex flow path involving spill to be reduced belowambient to prevent smokemoving
plumes intorooms adjacent tothat atrium, theeffects ofwind
Buildings wherethe initialplume above the fire is pressures on the outsideofthebuildingmust be included
intercepted by aceiling andthe smoketravels laterally in thedesign calculations.
before spillingintoa higher adjacent space (egsee
Figure 5), require additionalstepsin the calculationof B.5 Integrating the SHEVSinto the building
smoke movement and ofthe entrainment ofair into
smoky gases. Examplesinclude multistorey shopping Compatibilitywith other safety and buildingsystems in
malls, atriaand buildingswith mezzanine floors. the same buildingis essential.Itis also acommon
experience that any safetymeasures which interfere with
(a) The fire the building'severyday use willbe 'deactivated' for the
The selectionofa designfire isas for the single-volume sake ofconvenience.This practicaland psychological
space above. problem can be greatly reduced ifthefire-safety
measures are properly integrated intothe buildingdesign
AnnexB: Design procedure — steady-stateftre 105

atanearlystage. It is still common practice in all mathematical formulaeusedin those models,

countries,unfortunately,to designthefire-safety assumptions made, and valuesofinputparameters should
measures intothe buildingalmost as an afterthought. be explicitlyincludedinthe documentation made
This reduces the chances ofthose measuresremaining availabletotheownerofthebuilding,andto the enforcer
effective over the building'slife, and is also likelyto ofregulationsiftheyrequire it.
increase the initialcostofthefire-safetymeasures. In addition,informationconcerningvalidationofthe
computer-basedzone modelsusedin design should be
included in the documentation.Wheresuch validation
B.6Computer-based design calculations informationexistsinthepubliclyavailableliterature it
Wherecomputer-based zonemodels areusedto carry oughtto be sufficient to cite appropriate references.
outcalculationsaspart ofthe designprocess,all
106 ________ ____

Annex C: Deflection of
smoke curtains

C.1 Principle
In SHEVSsmoke curtains areusedto create reservoirs
whichwill contain smoke andhot gases.To fulfil that role
theymustresist the sidewaysdeflection causedby the
buoyancy-drivenforces due tohot gases, orthefan-
induced forcesin mechanical exhaust systems.
Iftheydo notresist those forces, gapsmight occur
beneaththe curtain orbetweenthe curtain andthe
building structure,leading to the flowofhot gases from d1
thereservoir intoadjacent areas.
Theoretical andexperimental workhas shown that the
deflectionofasmoke curtain andthe flow ofhot gases C
through gapsin itcan berelated to the hot gas layer
contained bythe curtain.
ThisAnnex considers the deflectionoffree-hanging A
curtains only, as those whichare fixed atboth ceilingand
floor and/orsidesare effectivelylocked inplace and will
not be subjectto deflection.The methodofcalculationof
the leakagethroughgaps inthe curtains is validfor all
types ofcurtains. FigureCl Defleclionofa smoke curtainwhichdoes not reach
Free-hanging smoke curtainscan bedivided intotwo the floor
• those whichact to contain agas layer whichdoesnot
extend below the bottom ofthe curtain (FigureCl) (eg C.2Curtains not reaching the floor
reservoir screens and channelling screens),
• thosewhichfallto floor level and act completelyto Thedeflectionofthe curtain is calculated following
seal areas from asmoke compartment in whichthe gas reference [97] (FigureCl):
layer extends belowthe bottomofthe curtain (Figure
C2) (such as mightbeinstalled along balconies to form d =1.2 p061D
a closed atrium). 3T/(2Mb+MCLC)
Thetypes will bereferred to as those which do notreach
the floor andthosewhichclose an opening, respectively. where:
d = deflection ofthe curtain (m),
Thepressure ofgases acting onthesmoke curtain will p0 = density ofambient air (kgm3),
cause it to deflect from the normal verticallyhanging 01
= temperaturerise above ambient ofthegases in the
position. Thathorizontal deflectionofthe curtain causes smokelayer (°C),
the bottomofthe curtain to rise, whichcould leadto D1
= depthofthegas layer (m),
leakage ofgasunderneath the curtain ifthe rise takes the T = absolutetemperature ofthegas (K),
bottomofthe curtain above thebase ofthegas layer. Mb = mass per metrelengthofthe curtain'sbottombar
Because the curtainsare not rigid, they are alsolikelyto (kgnf'),
bowinuse, like a sail inthe wind. Such bowing will lead M == mass per m2ofthecurtainfabric (kgm2),
to afurther riseofthebottomofthe curtain. L to bottom
length ofthe smoke curtain from top
bar, measured along thefabric (m).
AnnexC: Deflection of smoke curtains 107

o L=zd0+d (C.5)

Theprocedure is:
d0 \Lc 1 assumea valuefor L d0,
2 calculatedusingEqn (C.4),
3 calculateLusing Eqn (C.5).
Repeat steps 1—3withthenewvalueofL, until
C successivevaluesof differby 1% or less.
The calculatedvaluefor L must thenbe modifiedby
includinga termto allow forbowing ofthecurtain as for
curtainsnot reachingthe floor,so that:
= L+ 1.7 (L

d0) (C.6)

C.4 Smoke leakage through gaps in

FigureC2 Deflection ofa smoke curtainclosingan opening
The leakageofsmokeand hot gas throughverticalgaps
at theedges ofsmokecurtains canbe related to thehot
The lengthofthe curtain to contain a gas layerofdepth gas layer that they contain bythe followingequaticn101:
D1 is calculated using an iterativeprocedure: 1/2

M =A 352.172gDiO1 (C.7)
l\ T )l T0 )

L=D1+d (C.2)
Mg mass ofgas flowingthrough the gap (kgs),
Ag areaofthe gap (m2),

Theprocedure is: T1 = absolutetemperature ofthe gasesinthe layer (K),

1 assume astarting valuefor L
D1, T0 = absoluteambient temperature (K),
2 calculate usingEqn (Cl), = depth ofgas in reservoir (m),
3 calculatenextvalue ofL usingEqn (C.2). g = accelerationdue to gravity(ms),
= temperaturerise above ambient ofthegas (°C).
Repeatsteps1—3with the newvalue ofL, until
successivevalues ofL differ by 1% orless. The gasesflowingthroughcurtain gaps will entrain air as
The calculated valuefor L must then be modifiedby theyrise totheceiling,and maycause the formation ofa
includinga termto allow for bowing ofthe curtain9,so smoky gas layerwithin the areawhichthe curtains are
that: intended to protect. Suchagas layerwill be considerably
cooler than that within the main reservoir.Wherea
L(fil)= L + 1.7 (L—D1) (C.3) smoke layerforms within the areaintended tobe
protectedbythesmoke curtains,then it maybe necessary
to consider further measures toprotectoccupants.Such
C.3Curtains closing an opening entrainment has notbeen closely studied,butpreliminary
research'°'1 suggeststhatthe mass entrained can be
The deflectionofthe curtain is calculatedfrom (see related tothe mass flowingthroughthe gapsto give a
FigureC2): conservativeestimate ofthe smokerisingto the ceiling.

M = 6Mh (C.8)
d C
12p0O(3D1—2d0)d (C.4)

3T1(2Mb+MCLC) where:
whered0 istheheightofthe opening (m) andother
variablesare as definedabove.
M = mass ofgas flowingintogas layer in protected area
The required curtain length to contain agas layer of =
Mg mass ofgas flowingthroughagap in asmoke
depthD1 is calculatedusing an iterativeprocedure: curtain
h = height ofrise from the base ofthe hot gas layerin
108 __________ Design methodologies for SHEVS _____
the reservoirto the ceilingin the protectedarea.
NIg o
Note:This equation is derived from a smallnumber of = (K) (C.9)
experiments'°1. It is desirableto extend thestudy further
to confirmthe derived correlation.
where =temperature above ambient ofthe smoke
Acalculationprocedure for thetemperature ofthe gas layerinitiallyforming (ignoringanysubsequent cooling)
layerwithin the protected areais: inthe protected reservoir adjacent to the leakage (°C).

Annex D: A comparison of different

spill-plume calculation methods

D.1 The example scenario reservoir,it is necessaryto specifythe heightofthe

ceilingin the mall in orderto be ableto use the 'effective
Thespill-plumemethodsdescribedin section 6.3.2apply layer depth correction' in assessingthe effective heightof
to differingscenarios.The limited shared features of rise ofthe spillplume foruse inthe BRE method. ftdoes
these methods dictate that a comparisonmustbebased notaffectthe othermethods. Weconsider heretwo
on a scenarioinvolvinga large-area smokereservoir,with
afreeplume risingfrom thespill edge. Oneofthemost
common ofsuchscenariosisamultistorey shopping mall,
15 m above the floor, and
11 m above the floor.
wherethe fire islocatedin ashopandthe smoke travels See FigureDl which illustratesthe dimensionsofthis
out ofthe shop and is channelledto alengthofspilledge. example.
Thefollowingtypical example ofashopunitscenario
is usedas the basisforcomparison. Itis nownecessaryto calculatethe mass flowentering a
Shop width= 10m, having no downstand facia (chosen to visiblesmoke layer base atdifferentheights above the
remove amajor areaofuncertainty inthe calculation). spilledge, within a smokereservoirformed beneaththe
Storeyheight=5 m, simplifiedforpurposes ofthis ceiling.Results are listedbelowand are shown
exampleso thatthe shop opening is takenas 5 mhigh. graphicallyin FigureD2. The Thomas (1987) method has
Assuming asteady-state designfire: not beenincludedinits unmodifiedform in view ofthe
Convectiveheatfiuxleaving the shop = 5000kW, coming uncertainties surroundingthe choiceofanappropriate
from a 3 m x 3 mfire having aperimeter of12 m. value ofAforthe circumstancesofthisexample.The
Becausethe shop widthisless than 5 times the side ofthe method has been usedinits modifiedform wherethe
fire (seesection 5.1) Ce inEqns (5.2) and (5.7) = 0.34. valueofAis calculatedusing Poreh's method.
The smokeis channelleddirectly to the spilledge overa
lengthofedge of10 m.
Thereis no downstand atthe void edge.

UsingEqn (5.7):
Massflowrateofgases approaching spilledge=
29.2 kg/s.

Using Eqn (5.11):

Depth ofsmokelayerapproaching spilledge = 1.19 m.

A more precise calculationispossibleusingEqn (E.3),

wherethetemperature dependence ofthe parameter KM
can beincluded for still greater accuracy521,givinga
depthof1.14 m.This lastvaluehasbeen used inthe
present calculation,although Eqn (5.11) alone is
sufficiently accurate for normal designpurposes. FigureDl Idealized shopping mall:example for comparingspill
Hence atthe spilledge we have for the approach flow: plume calculation methods
Q= 5000kW
M7= 29.2 kg/s
D= 1.14m
Becausethe example stipulatesa large-areasmoke
110 Design methodologies for SHEVS

D.2 BRE method D.3 Thomaset al (1998) method

(a) 15 m ceiling Calculationswere done using Eqns 6.7and 6.8. Results
Theresultsofapplying section 6.3.2 (a) andAnnex Eare arelisted inTable D.3 and areshown in FigureD2.
shown in TableD.1.

Table D.1 Entrainment intothe example spill plume: Table D.3 Entrainment into theexample spill plume:
BRE_method,_15_m_ceiling ________ Thomas etal (1998) method
Heightofvisible Mass flow rateof Height ofvisible Massflowrateof
smoke base smoky gasesentering smoke base smoky gasesentering
above spill edge smoke layer above spill edge smoke layer
(m) (kg/s) (m) (kg/s)

3.6 105 2 ___________ 75 ________

5.24 146 4 102 __________
6.83 189 6 __________ 129 __________
8.41 239 8 156
10 285 10 _____ 183

(b) 11 m ceiling
The resultsofapplying section 6.3.2 (a) and Annex E are
showninTable D.2. D.4 Poreh et al method
Calculationsweredone usingEqns 6.3 and 6.4. Results
Table D.2 Entrainment into theexample spill plume: arelisted in TableD.4, and areplottedgraphicallyin
BRE method, 11 m ceiling FigureD2.
HeightofvisibJe Massflowrate of
smoke base smoky gasesentering Table D.4 Entrainment intothe example spill plume:
above spilledge smoke layer Poreh method
(m) (kg/s) Height ofvisible Mass flowrate of
smoke base smoky gasesentering
2.04 84.3 above spilledge smoke layer
2.83 105
(m) (kg/s)
3.62 124
4.41 146 2 69
5.21 167 4 94
6 189 6 119
8 144
10 170

IL 15

- x BRE-method-iSm ceiling
It) o gRE-method - lim ceiling
(It 5 + Thomas Ctal(1998) method
0 0 Poreh etal method

50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 290
Mass FlowRate in Spill Plume (kg/s)

FigureD2 Spill plume entrainment: comparisonofcalculation methods

AnnexD: Spill-plume calculation methods 111

D.5 Thomas(1987) using Poreh method to theThomas (1987) method. It does, however,suggest
thatthis method isnotready yetfor general
calculate A.
Calculationswere done usingEqns 6.5 and 6.6.Results • application.
TheThomas methodwith calculatedusing
(1987) zX
arelisted in TableD.5 and areshown graphicallyin Poreh's method (Eqn isinclose agreement with
FigureD2. theBRE methodsthroughout theheightrange.
• The Thomas method
(1998) isin reasonable
Table D.5Entrainment into theexample spill plume: agreement (althoughthe end-entrainment
Modified Thomas (1987)using Porehmethodto calculate A contributionissurprisinglysmall) forlesserheights of
Height ofvisible Massflowrate of rise (perhaps acceptablyso for heightsup to around 4
smoke base smokygases entering m for designpurposes). Thereis a large andgrowing
above spill edge smoke layer discrepancycompared with the BREand the modified
(m) (kg/s) Thomas (1987) methods above this height.

2 97.5 Itis generallytruethat designsbased on thelarger mass-

4 136 flowvalues are conservativein terms ofsafety. We can
6 177 alsonote thatforthe verydifferentcircumstanceo:Fthe
8 219
European Parliament hot smoketest (adhered plume
10 263 with end entrainment, 1 MWfire, twofiretrays, large
smokereservoir)[69J (summarizedinAnnexJ), the BRE
method predicted asmoke layerbase within measuring
D.6 Discussionand conclusions error ofthe observedvisualsmoke layerbase. Whilethis
is not complete validationofthe BREmethod, this good
It canbe seenfrom FigureD2that: agreement represents a major extension ofthe 'envelope'
I The Porehmethod, while applicableto situations
whereend effectsare to
ofvalidationand as suchtendsto lend added confidence
in that method. By extension,we caninferthat it also
unimportant, appears predict
consistently the lowest entrainment. This is not lends greaterconfidenceinthe modifiedThomas(1987)
surprisingin view ofthe absence ofanyend- method for the freeplume example cited inthisAnnex.
entrainment terms. This is unlikelyto matter where Noneofthe othermethods described in this bookcanbe
the plume is very narrow, suchas inthe 'virtual'partof applied to this hot-smoke test scenario.
112 ______ ______ _____________ ____

Annex E: User's guide to•

BRE spill-plume calculations

Note: This Annex usesa differentnomenclature to the modificationofthe originaltheoryto include morerecen:
rest ofthisbook:seethe nomenclature listatthe end of workon thermally buoyant horizontal flows271and
theAnnex. adhered (or attached, or wall, or single-sided)
plumes2761 (Figure24a).
The calculationscanbe done using an electronic
E 1 Introduction
calculator havingfrill scientificfunctions.This, however,
FRS has carried out anumberofstudies intothe maybetime-consuming,particularlywherethe designer
movement ofsmokeinbuildings.Part ofthis bookhas wishes tolookata numberofgeometries or conditions.
resulted inthe development ofatheoryby Morgan & Thecalculationscaneasilybeincorporated in a computer
Marshall251 to estimate the amount ofair entrained into program wherefrequent calculationsare required. An
free(ordouble-sided) thermalspillplumes (Figure24b). alternative method to FigureEl isgiven laterin this
Thiscalculation method is important forsmoke-control Annex in order to facilitatesuch programming.
design in that it enables the designer to calculatethe Many ofthe variablesusedin equations in this Annex
required fan capacity or vent areafor asmoke ventilation do not appear in the main bodyofthebook. To avoid
system forlarge undividedvolume buildings(egmulti- unnecessary complicationsfor the reader who doesnot
level shoppingmallsand atria). Anumberofstudies have wish to use this calculationprocedure, thisAnnex is
since been carried outwhichhave resulted in the providedwith a separate listofnomenclature.

— .i.

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

soinrceI (v)

FigureEl Graphical representation ofthe theoreticalsolution for a plume issuing from a restrainedsource F < 1
AnnexE: BRE spilplume calculations 113

E.2 Scenariosand assumptions calculatethe remaining parameters ofthe flow.

3 Using theresultsfrom theprecedingstage, calcuLlate
The calculationmethodstrictlyonly appliesto fire the entrainment into the flow as it rotates around the
scenarioswherea horizontallyflowing,thermally void edge, ieas the smoky gases change from a
buoyant layer ofsmoky gases approaches avoid, through horizontallymoving flowto a verticallymovingflow.
which those gases then rise. Morespecifically, the Bythe end ofthis stage thekeyparameters requiredfor
followingassumptions aremade. thenextstage ofcalculationofthevertically moving
•Thisapproachflow is assumedto be beneath aflat gases willbeknown at the horizontal plane passing
ceiling(ora downstand) atthe edge ofthe void. throughtheceiling/void edge. Theseparameters are
•It is channelled bydownstands (which may be either the heatflux, the verticallymoving massflux, and the
walls or channellingscreens). kinetic energy ofthe gases (this last is based only on
•Theflowhas flow-lineswhichareeverywhere parallel the verticalcomponent ofvelocity).
and which approach the edge ofthe void at a right- 4 Theplume at greater heightsbehaves asifit risesfrom
an infinitelywide source located in thehorizontal
• Theapproach flowis also assumedto be
fully plane passingthrough the ceiling/void edge, where
that sourcehashorizontal profiles ofbothbuoyancy
•• There
is no immersed ceilingjet. and (theverticalcomponent of) velocitywhichcanbe
It is alsoassumed that thevelocity ofthe clear air describedbyGaussianfunctions.This sourceis, of
belowthe smoke has avalue smaller
layer thanthat of course,virtual. We have followedLee &Emmons102
the layer itself in usingthis source, and indeed in the method of
calculatingthe plume above this source.The BRE
Fortunately,these assumptions correspond tomany method follows Lee& Emmons in callingthis source
practical scenariosofinterest to designers. an 'EquivalentGaussian Source'.
Further, it should be notedthatexperimental Calculate the keyparameters ofthe Equivalent
evidence611 suggeststhat the calculationprocedure Gaussian Sourceby ensuringthat the three key
whichis the subjectofthis guide should not be usedfor parameters from stage 3 abovekeep the same values.
approach flow layertemperatures higher than about 5 Knowingtheheightabove theceiling/void edge (eg
350 °C. Accuratemethodsforhigher temperatures do not this islikelyto bechosento be equal tothe smokelayer
yetexist. Thepresentmethod significantly overpredicts base inthe reservoirabove the void),calculatethe
the mixingofair intothe risinghotgases forhigher entrainment intothe spillplume. This calculation
temperatures. treats the plume as aperfect 2-D plume havinga Jength
In practice, the designer willhave arrived at thekey equalto the widthofthe channel ofthe approach flow.
parameters oftheapproach flow by some calculation It is important thatthe designer firstidentifieswhether
procedure independent ofthe presentguide. For the'effective heightofrise' discussedin section 6.1 of
example,byusingEqns(5.7) and (5.8)to calculatethe the main textofthepresentworkapplies tohis/her
flowofsmoky gases passingfrom aroom intoan atrium circumstances.
void. Another example is whereasingle-storeymall 6 Calculatetheadditional entrainment intothefree ends
allowssmoke to risethroughthevoid ofa two-storey ofthe plume.This assumesthat the bulk ofthe plume is
mall: here,the flow in the single-storeymall canbe relativelyunaffectedbythese end effects; this is
calculated in the usual wayusing, forexample, sections reasonablefor plume heightstypicallysmaller than or
5.2 and 5.3 ofthis book. comparableto the plume length[62.

E.3 Outline of procedure E.4 Detailed calculation procedure

The calculationproceedsin discrete stages: E.4.1Deriving key approach-flow parameters
1 Thedesigner mustknow: Complete allnecessarypre-calculationsto derive the key
(a) the internalgeometry ofhis building,including parameters ofthe approach flow described in stage 1(b)
relevant channel widths, above.
(b) at least two ofthe keyparameters ofthe approach
flow;usefulpairs are: E.4.2 Determingremaining approach-flow parameters
massflow/heatflux, Select from the followingEqns(from27)to determine the
massflow/meanlayertemperature, remaining parameters forthe approach flow from the
mass flow/ceiling temperature, initialknown parameters. —
heat flux/mean layertemperature, Calculatethe meanlayertemperature (0w):
heat flux/ceilingtemperature,
heatflux/layer depth, (K) (E.1)
layer depth/meanlayertemperature,
layer depth/ceiling temperature.
2 Usingtheknown parameters for the approach flow, Calculatethe mass flowrate (Mw)at the opening52]:
114 _____ __________ Design methodologies for SHEVS
anomalous entrainment above the spilledge as ifit
M= C312 (2gO7)"2 dW3/2cM (kg s) (E.2) occurred in the rotation region.
Ifthe line plume issingle-sidedgo to E.4.7after
where: completion ofthis step.
p0 = 1.22 kgm3for an ambient temperature T0of288K,
Cd = 0.6 for opening with a deep downstand or 1.0 for E.4.4 Calculate the Equivalent GaussianSource:
no dowristand, First convert Qand M into the corresponding
g 9.81 ms2, parameters perunitlengthofplume (ie divide bythe
= 1.3 for most typicalflowinglayers. O
channel width (W) to give and A). Then solve the
The depthofthelayer(d)at the opening is thengiven
by521: (E.1C
[Notethe importance ofknowing whetherthereisa [ T0cjp0J
downstand running along the edgeofthe void (and thus
at right angles to thedirection oftheflow), becausethis
changes the valueofCd.] [9J — Il+A2
________ (E.1J)
r ,2/3 LT]G F Q0
3M7 Tctl A+—
d =[2C2Kwp(2gOT)1/2] I
(m) (E.3) 0[ T0c

wherethe empiricalthermalconstant'°21 2= 0.9:

The mass-weightedaveragetemperature O ofthe gas

layer ist52: c= (E.12)
— Fe ____
O —0
(K) (E.4) PoL[]i32
wherelcQ =0.95 for most typicalflowinglayers.
Greater accuracycan be achievedby calculatingthe
values ofthe profilecorrection factor 1M and KQusingthe
temperature-dependent formulaein52, although this is
usuallyunnecessary for mostpractical designs.

- (E.1)

Thelayer's characteristicvelocity (v) is given by271: bG

= (E.14)

v = 0.96 CdKM [ gQT (m s') (E.5)

where []
G U(; and bG are parameters ofthe Equivalent
Fora deep downstand, whereCd = 0.6,this becomes:
1/3 E.4.5 Calculate theentrainmentintotherising plume:
= 0.761 gQT 1 (m s') (E.6)
The SourceFroudenumber(F) forthe line plume is251:
Withno downstand at the opening,Cd= 1.0, and F= UG
1/2 (E.15)
[2 (gb)
V = 1.271 gQT 1 (ms) (E.7)
LcP0WT2o] wherea = 0.16 for double-sided'°2 and 0.077 for single-
Calculatethehorizontal flux(B) ofvertical buoyant sided61 line plumes. Calculatethe transformed
potential energy27'251 (relativeto the voidedge): parameter (DG) forthe Equivalent GaussianSource:
Vg (E.16)
B=1Q.gvd2 (Wm1) (E.8) (1— F2)'3

Determine the valueof (1g) by usingthe following
E.4.3 Calculate themass flux (Mr) rising pastthevoid procedure (or the alternative procedure ofE.6below):
represents a valueon the vertical axisofFigure El.
M3, poWa'(2g )2d 3/2
+M (kgs1) (E.9)
Lookacross to the middle solid curve and findthe
correspondingvalueofIi(uc;) on the other axis.
wheretheentrainment constant a = 1.1.
Note: cC takes sucha large valueas aresult oftreatingall Calculate the transformed heightparameter ofx'
AnnexE: BRE spill-plumecalculations 115

correspondingto the desired plume height (x), noting SMr=4biia XPo (kgs1) (E.26)
thatxmust be setequal totheappropriate effective
heightofrise identifiedin section 6.1 ofChapter 6 ofthis
book. where:
2 x
x/ =—a— (E.17) E= (ba +b) (E.27)
Next calculateA11(u):
(;±u) (m) (E.28)
Al1(v) = (E.18)
[F2(1— F2)]113
Notethatwhile the originalderivation was semi-
and empirical,thistreatmentis equivalentto regarding the
freeends ofthe line plume as iftheywere themselvesline
11(v)= 11(v0)+M1(v) (E.19) plumesoflength2b at eachend, although the
parameter btakes its valuesfrom the properties ofthe
Determine valuesofb, p andu' correspondingto the main line plume itself
calculated valueofT1(n) usingthe followingmethodor an Addthis to theplume entrainment result from E4.5 to
alternativeprocedure which is setoutin E.7below. obtain the total mass flowMrofsmokygases risingpast
11(u) represents a valueonthe horizontal axis ofFigure thespecifiedheight(x), ie:
El. Usingthis valuefindthecorrespondingvalues (from
allthree curves) foru, p and b. Then use the following Mr=mrW + öMr (kg s') (E.29)
equations todetermine u', p and b':
It should benotedthat where both endsofa plume are
u'= u"F'1'3 (E.20) bounded by sidewalls (egas in a shaft)then öMr=0.
(E.21) E.4.7 Modifications to the above procedure for single-
(1—F2)1°p' sided27'611(or adhered) line plumes
Convert both the Equivalent GaussianSource and the
b'= b"[F2 (1— F2)]113 (E.22) plume intoacomposite ofa real andanimaginary balf
suchthatthe centreline ofthe composite lies along the
Nextdetermine thecharacteristichalf-width (b) ofthe verticalwallto whichthe plume is adhering. This is done
line plume251atheightx: bydoubling valuesfor B, M (and henceA), and Qfrom
b= b'bg E23" E.4.3)before returning to E.4.4—E.4.6 above. Note that
experiments [61] show thatthe valueofa needed in
Then calculatethe axial vertical velocity component E.4.4—E.4.6 should change valuefrom 0.16 (valid for a
(u) ofthe gases at height x: free- or double-sidedplume) to 0.077 forthe adhered
F (E.24) Oncompleting E.4.6, halvethe final valueofmass flow
Mrrisingpast thedesired plume height(x).
Calculate the massflow per unitplume length (mr)
passingthe chosen height25x: E.5 Limits to spill-plume entrainment
Poub[1 '[] (1 +A 2)112]
(kg s1 It isknown from experimental studies with free plumes
thatfor heights ofrisefrom the spilledgeto thevisible
Convert tothetotalmassflow in the line plume smoke layer base ofless than 3 m, no current theory
(ignoringend-effects)bymultiplyingEqn (E.25) by the adequately describes the entrainment. The mass flow
channel width(ie mrW). ratespredicted bytheoryaregreaterthan observed in
practice. Whereheights ofrise less than 3 m occur,this
E.4.6 Calculate the entrainmentöMr125'62 intothe free over-prediction ofentrainment will usuallyprovide an
ends ofthe line plume additionalsafetymargin inthe provision ofsmoke
The widthoftheline plume (and alsoits axial velocity) exhaust ventilation.
canbe taken asbeingapproximatelyconstantfor most of
itsheightas a first-order approximation,and equal tothe E.6 Alternative method for determination
meanofthevalues atthe EquivalentGaussian Source and
atthechosen heightx. Of l(Ug)
The entrainment öMrintoboth endsofthe line plume IfDg 1.549 then Ti(Ug) = (ug_ 0.75)/O.9607
is then623: IfDg 1.549 and 1.242
116 Design methodologies for SHEVS

then Ii(Dg) = (lJg— 0.843)/0.8594 Nomenclature used in Annex E

If 1.242 andhg> 1.059
then11(Ug) = (hg— 0.9429)/0.6243 Parameters
= — A Upward mass flowrate per metreacross the
IfDg<1.059 then hi(hg) (hg 1.0)/0.3714
horizontal planethroughthe balcony (kgs1m')
b Characteristichalf-width ofline plume at height x
E.7 Alternative method for calculating value b' Dimensionlesshalf-width oflineplume
of b', p' and u' B Potential energy fluxpermetre ofhorizontal gas
E7.1 Determination of u stream approaching spilledge (Wm1)
1f11(l))> 1.896then u' = 1.0 Cd Coefficientofdischarge
>0.786 and I1(D) 1.896 c Specific heatatconstantpressure ofgas (kJ kg'°C-1)
thenu' = 0.090811(u) + 0.821 d Depthofgas stream beneathceiling (m)
IfI(u) 0.786then u' =11(u)°35 F Source Froude number(for line plume)
g Accelerationdue togravity (ms2)
E.7.2Determination of p"
= + 0.75
Im Transformedheight(dimensionless)
Mass flow rate per unitwidthofgas stream
1f11(u) >0.832 then p' 0.960711(D)
1f11(i) >0.464 and I() 0.832 (kg m's')
thenp' = 0.859411(D)+ 0.8429 6m Mass per second per metreofair entrained intohot
If11(u) >0.186 and 11(D) 0.464 gas stream at corridor ceilingedge (kg ms1)
then p' =0.624311(o) + 0.9429 M Mass flow rate ofgases (kgs1)
1f11(o) 0.186 then p' O.371411(u) + 1.0 M Mass persecond ofair entrained intofree endsof
plume (kgs 1)
E.7.3Determination of b p Dimensionlessbuoyancy on plume axis
1f11(u) >2.161 then b' 0.93811(u) + 0.82 Q Heat fluxin the gas (kW)
1f11(i) 2.161 andI(ii) > 1.296 Q0 Heatflux per second per unitwidthofgasflow
then b' =0.8911(u) + 0.95 (kWm1)
1f11(D) 1.296 and I(u) >0.896 T Absolute gas temperature (K)
then b'=0.8111(v)+ 1.071 u Verticalgas velocity at height x (ms')
1f11(o) 0.896and 11(u) >0.65 u' Dimensionlessvertical gas velocity
then b" =0.619I(o)+ 1.214 v Horizontal velocitycomponentofgas (ms')
IfI(h) 0.65 and 11(u) >0.543 W Widthofgas flow (m)
thenb"=0.33111(h)+ 1.414 x Heightofclear layerabovefire
1f11(i) 0.543 and11(u) > 0.421 compartment/balcony (ie spill) edge (m)
thenb' = 0.062711(D) + 1.55 x' Dimensionlessvariable
1f11(u) 0.421 and 11(D) >0.348then b" 1821 0.6I(o)
— cx Entrainment constant for plume (0.077 and 0.16 for
1f11('u) 0.348then b'
= single-sidedand double-sided plumes)
cx' Entrainment constant for air mixingintogases
Now calculateu', p andb' from Eqns(E.20)—(E.22)in rotating aroundahorizontal edge
E.4.5 KM Profile correction factor for mass flow (approx. 1.3)
Profilecorrection factorfor heat flux(approx.0.95)
? Anempiricalthermalplume constant(?= 0.9)
p Gasdensity (kgm3)
0 Excess temperature ofgases above ambient
temperature (°C)
v Transformedreciprocal ofbuoyancy
Function definedin Eqn (ElO)
Function defined in Eqn (E12)

List of subscripts
o Anambient property
c Variableevaluated athighestpointin a flow
(but outside anyboundary layer)
g A propertyofthe equivalentGaussian source
r Base ofceilingsmokereservoir
w Variableevaluatedinthe horizontal flow at opening
y Variable evaluated invertical flowpast top of

Annex F: 1977 fire at IMF building,

Washington DC
(based on reference [181)

Casehistory: Fire atIMF Building, WashingtonDC, in 1977 equipped with springsand release mechanisms.The
Building 13-storey.square-shapedreinforced concrete release devicewas operated by one smokedetector
office buildingwith penthouse, basementand locatedin theatrium roofFusiblelinks onindividual
4-storeyundergroundgarage ventilators were alsofitted. Sprinklerswereprovided at
Atrium Acentrally situated enclosed courtyard created the rooflevel in the atrium andthe buildingwasequipped
atrium. Thewindows otthe offices facingthe with manual fire-alarmpoints and hydrant valveson each
atrium were of6.35mm plate glass floor.
Dateoffire 13May1977
Locationoffire 10th-floor office
The fire
Fire protection At 6.45 pma worker discovereda fire in asmalloffice
(3 mx 4.6 m) onthe 10th floor (seeFigureFl for aplanof
Two ventilationsystemsrecirculated air atthetop ofthe this floor).The Fire Brigadereceived the alarm at
atrium, andatthe base oftheatrium therewas an air- 7.01 pm. On arrival,firemen found fireventing from the
handling unit. Smoke detectors wereprovided at the fans office window into the atrium. The firefloor was hoi: and
ofthe air-handlingunitand were arranged to shut down smoky andthis, coupled with the fact thatthe fire
thefans whenthe detectors activated. Theunits could be involvedaninner office, made locating the fire difficult.
manuallyrestarted and put on exhaust. The general office Thick black smokeissuingfrom the office hadbuiltclown
areawasfedbypenthouse air-handlingunits that could from the roofofthe atrium tobelowthe 10thfloor.
go intoa 'smoke-purge mode' iftheywererunning when Although the smoke detectorhad operated, only two
afire occurred. Noneofthe above systemswas in ofthe sixsmokeventilators had opened. TheotherIbur
operation at the time ofthe fire. had released butthespringshad lostsufficientstrengthto
Theroofofthe atrium was madeofclear plasticpanels. open themfully. These units had to bemanuallyopened
Sixcustom-made smokeventilators were provided in the from outside. Smoke however did not vent effectively
atrium's roofcomprising clear plasticpanels onhinges and atonestage completelysmoke-loggedthe atrium.
Smoke extractors could notbeconnected to the smoke
ventilators and so firemen usedlargeextractors pointed
upward from the atrium ground floor to pull fresh air
from the frontdoorsand pushsmoke upwards andout
throughthe ventilators.Nobuildingengineeringstaff
were availableto advisefiremen on the HVACsmoke-
purgecapabilityuntilmuchlater. It took2—3 hoursto
finally removethesmoke from the atrium.

• The firewasconfined to the room oforigin bythe
closed officedoorandwall construction.
• Windows facingtheatrium above the firefloor were
crackedby heatbut fire andsmoke had not penetrated
• The temperature ofthe gas layer in the atrium was
insufficienttoactivate the sprinklersin the atrium roof
FigureFl Plan ofthe 10th floor ofthe IMF building showing
locationofthe office where the fire started • Dueto ah insufficiency ofreplacement air the existing
118 Design methodologies for SHEVS

ventilation system designwas inappropriate for • Despite thefact that therewere unprotected openings
onto the atrium, and thatatone theatrium was
clearance ofsmokefrom the atrium, andthe 'dilution' point
ventilation approach usedby the Fire Brigadetook totally smokeAogged,smokedid notmigrate from the
many hours to clear thesmoke. atrium to other parts ofthe building.This indicates
• Ifthis had beenan atrium with balconies providing that the existingventilation arrangements apparently
accessto escape ways, the smokemaywell have 'depressurized' the atrium.
causedserious escape problemsfrom upperfloors.

Annex G: Design procedure

for hybrid systems

G.1 Mass-flow-basedsystems(Figure49) flowrate requiredto givethe desiredtemperature rise,

usingChapter 9. Asa simplificationincorporating a
• Determinetothe heightofrise ofthe smokeplume margin ofsafety,this stepcan beomittedand the mass
requiredclear the openlevels,hb, with thedesign flow ratecalculated usingEqn (5.10),
fire (seeChapter 3) chosenonthe lowest open level.
This will alsoyield the smokelayer depth D, measured
• By detailed calculationandwiththe channelling
screen separation LoropeningwidthW, determine
from thecentreline ofthe ventilator. the height ofrise hb to thebase ofthe layer,necessary
• From Figures28—3 9 or bydetailed calculationand with to givethe requiredmass flowrate (see sections 6.2 and
thedesiredchannellingscreen separation L, or 6.3).
opening widthW, determine the mass flowrateM1 • Withthe designfireatthe lowestlevel (seeFigure 50)
entering the base ofthe layer.Ifthe fireis on the atrium and intoaccount the
taking necessaryheight ofr[se hb
floor, determine M1 usingsection 6.5.
• Calculatethe total surfaceareaofthe smokelayer (the
for coolingpurposes,determine the maximum smoke
layer depthDm Setthe neutral pressure plane height
atrium surface areain contactwith the smokelayer X,to that required above the base ofthis smokelayer
plus theareaofthe layer base),and determine the depth,and determine the valueof(AC/A1C) from
likelysmoke layertemperature usingChapter 9. Ifthe
smoke layer temperature is below20 °C above
ambient, then the numberofopen levels may needto
• Eqn (7.2).
Withthe same value ofhb,determine the shallowest
smoke layer depthD1, compatiblewiththe
be reconsidered, or some (or all) ofthelowerlevels depressurizationconcept (this is often the second level
vented independently from the atrium, usingthe beneaththe NPP).
• procedures setout in Chapter 5.
Setthe neutral pressure plane heightX, to that
• Withthesevaluesof(AVCV/AC),D1, M1 and 0
calculatethe ventilation areaandthe inlet area
required abovethebase ofthe smokelayer, and required using Eqn (5.15), (orfrom Eqn 93 of
determine the value of(AVCV/AC) from Eqn (7.1) or reference [9]).

• Figure46.
Withthesevalues of(AC/A1C), D, M1 and 9 calculate
• Followprocedure given in G.3 below.

the ventilationarearequired from Eqn (5.15), (or from

G.3 Commonprocedure
Eqn 93 in reference [9]), and alsothe inlet area
• required.
Followprocedure given in section G.3 below
• In the eventthat the actual inlet areaavailable is
greater required bycalculation,then the
ventilation areashould be increased to maintain the
G.2Temperature-based systems ratioof(AVCV/AiCI).
(Figure 50)
• Using Eqns (7.2) and (7.3) and the appropriate wind
• Decide on awith
smokelayertemperature rise
pressure coefficients(Cr's),checkthe system
operation with regard to windeffects.
compatible the facadematerial
float glassatemperature rise of70 °C above ambient
• Intheeventthatthe wind effectsmayadverselyaffect
the operation ofanatural ventilationsystem, calculate
will givea reasonablesafety margintothe system the fan capacityrequired usingEqn (7.4),with the
design.Toughened glassmaybe capable of appropriatevalue ofdesignwindvelocity.
withstanding higher temperature rises • Check that the anticipated suctionpressure and/orair

• Calculate
the totalsurfaceareaofthe smokelayer(the
inflowvelocitiesdo not in themselvesendanger the
safeuse ofany escape routes away from the atrium(see
atrium surface areain contactwiththe smokelayer section 5.9).
plus the area ofthe layerbase), and determine themass
120 _____ ________ ____________

Annex H: Effect of a buoyant layer

on the minimum pressure
recommended for a pressure
differential system

Smoke exhaust
H.1 Assessmentof height ofthe neutral Me (A2Cvi) anatural ventilator)

pressure plane (NPP)

Thedesignerofthe SHEVS willhavecalculated the
depthD and temperature 01 ofthebuoyant smoke layer.
He/she will alsoknowthe ventilator andinlet Heightof
parameters, including the mass exhaust rateofsmoky leakage
path to
gases (Me)• pressurized

H.1.iWitha'dominant'air inlet
A 'dominant' air inlet occurswhenthe total areaofinlets Pressurized
belowthe smoke layer's base is morethantwicethe total Height
area ofall openings,other thantheventilators
themselves, above the smoke layer'sbase.
Theheightofthe NPPabove the base ofthesmoke
layeris for natural smokeand heat exhaust ventilators
neglecting wind effects (seeFigure Hi):
Tambr + T1 () (Hi)

Figure Hi The NPF'and smokelayer buoyant pressure


= CA0 using aflow network analysisconsideringall significant

CA leakage paths.
andC1A=total aerodynamicfreeareaofthe dominant This is beyondthe technical scope ofthe presentbook,
Inlet (ie ofall inletsbelowthe smokelayer's base). and is not considered further herein.
Forpowered smokeand heatexhaust ventilators
neglectingwind effects(see FigureHi): H.2 The pressure rise at a specified height
above the NPP
2gO1 p (CA.)2
(m) (H.2) The buoyantpressureat a height YNPPabove the NPP is:

H.i.2Withno dominant air inlet Lp =--pOgyNPP (Pa) (H.3)

Wherethere is no dominant air inlet thereis no means of
simple calculation,and the height must be calculated

Annex I: Aspects of hot-smoke tests

to confirm the performance

1.1 Whydo hot-smoketests (HST5)? neededto maintain a smokelayerat a given height might
for the latter casebetwicewhat is needed forthe former.
Hot-smoke tests (HSTs) are a form ofon-site acceptance Similardifferencescan occur betweenan adhered spill
testofthe entireSHEVS,in as close a form aspossibleto plume and a free spillplume. Another exampleis where
thefinal installedsystem. Itis not always necessaryto do smoky gasesfrom a side-room (eg from a shop) can
them.HSTs are desirablein the followingcircumstances. spread sidewaysunderneath aprojecting balcony before
• Wherethe designcalculationsfor the SHEVSare spillingintothe atrium, compared with another location
believed tobe inadequate bytheRegulatoryAuthority, wheresuchsidewaysspread cannot occur.
whois neverthelesswillingto grant conditional It is generallytruethat a SHEVSshould be designed to
approval subject to proofofperformance.Notethat cope with the worst-case location within any smokezone
this should not occur very often, as inadequate designs (ie within any areafeedingsmokeintoa singlesmoke
should be identifiedat an early stage inApprovals reservoir). It istherefore necessaryto locate the test fire
Procedures and the design corrected before inthatsame location.
installationofthe SHEVS equipment. Itmaybe Thefire should never be located in the easiestlocations
considered wherea designisdefended bythe specialist simplybecause they aremore convenient.
designer,but is still not trusted bythe Regulatory

• Authority.
Wherethe system,buildingshape,orequipment as
installed doesnot matchthe
1.3 Choosingthe test fire
on which
proposal Thebasicrequirements for the HST are that:
approvalwas granted,butthe SHEVSdesigner
nevertheless arguesthatthe system will work
••itmust notdamage the building,and
itmust be as similaraspossibleto the designfire, in
satisfactorily. This scenario oughtneverto happen, but order tominimize the extent ofextrapolationrequired
occurs all too often.
• Wherethe circumstancesofthebuildingaresuch that
the fundamentalassumptionsunderlyingthetheories

Reconcilingtheseconflictingrequirements inevitably
uponwhich designsarebasedarenot valid, and means thattheHST must be specificallydesignedto
approximationshad to be madeinthe design. Atypical matchthe chosen location in thebuilding.Thefollowing
casemightbe wherea spillplume rises past a strongly listgivesafew considerations.
curved (inthe horizontal plane) spilledgewhereas the 1 The fuelmustburncleanly.Ethanol (either pure
design methods are all basedonthe spilledge being anhydrous, or as the almost-pure industrial methylated
straight. This canperhapsbe regarded as a special case spirits)is excellentasitburns with no visiblesmoke,
ofthefirstcircumstance above,withno-onein a andleaves no deposits.
position ofblame in any way.In an ideal world, this 2 Theperimeter ofthe fire should beas closeaspossible
oughtto be the only reasonforwanting HSTs. to the designvalueinorderto obtain asimilar rate of
entrainment. This may mean using more than one fire
1.2 Choosing the test location trayto simultaneouslysatisfy3,nextpoint below.
3 Theheat output ofthe HSTshould beas closeas
It is possibleinmostbuildingsfitted with a SHEVSto possibleto the designvalue, subjecttothe gas
imaginea real fire occurring in anyone ofmany locations. temperatures being lowenough to avoid doingany
Someofthese locationswill represent amore severe damage.This must be calculated.
threatthan in otherplaces. For example,afireon the 4 Heatinsulatingmaterialsmust be usedwherever the
floor ofan atrium, notnear tothe walls,will entrain less gaseswillbehot enough to causelocal damage.
air than the same firelocatedin aside-room whereby the Typicallythis willinclude liningor simulatingaside-
smokeenters the atrium as a spillplume. The fan capacity roomand anybalcony projectingbeyondthe opening,
122 Designmethodologies for SHEVS

and/orany glazingabove the opening to aheightpre- orderone ofthe building'ssecuritystafftoleave the

calculated asbeingnecessary. top floor against his will becausehe had beentoldby
5 Atypical maximumlayer temperature inthe HST thebuildingownerto stand thereand keep people
mustbebasedon themostvulnerable material (often from entering that floor!).
PVC incable insulation,or otherwise, forwhichthe 9 Thereshould bea preliminaryHSTwith a smaller size
temperature must never exceed 70 °C). Good practice offireto confirmthat the actual smokebehaviour
requires that asafety margin ofatleast20 °C beleft safelymeetsthecalculated HST parameters. (Forone
belowthatvalue. Themaximum heat output for HSTthe testers had to abandon the originalfull fire
point3 above is usuallyderivedby reverse-calculation size because in the preliminary test smokewas seen to
from this layer temperature. beunexpectedly intercepted by aceilinghaving
sprinklers.The fulloriginal size ofHST fire would have
14 During the test triggered several dozen ofthe sprinklerheads.)

1 Thermocouples should be usedto measure the layer 1.5 The subsequentanalysis

temperature in the smoke reservoir,preferably as a
vertical profile. 1 Conclusionsshould not be based solely onvisible
2 Height markers should be positionedto makeit easy smokedensityThis is a major mistake,see section 1.4,
and accurateto estimate theheightofthe smoke point S above.
layer's base. 2 Did theobserved resultsmatchthe predictionsforthe
3 Thesmoke generators should be ofatypewhichleaves HST?
no deposits. (a)Ifyes, has the same methodusedto calculatethe
4 Thesmoke generators should be positioned so that the HSTbeenusedto extrapolate tothe full design
smoke is notdestroyed by the gas temperature (ie the condition?In this casethis can be donewith
smoke should not be introduced too close to the fire). confidence.
5 Enough smoke should beusedfor the layertobe (b)Ifno, has a location-specificcorrection been
visible—and forany smokeleakage elsewhere tobe derived and applied to the designscenario forthat
visible. Notethatit is effectively impossiblefor the same location?This is the bestthatcan bedone in
HSTsmoke tobe as optically denseas from areal fire. the circumstances.
Itis betterto say that ifit ispossibleto see thetest 3 Were thereany otherproblems revealed bythe test
smoke at all, the real firesmoke would be whichrequire separate modificationsto the SHEVSor
unacceptable!Calculationsofsmoke densities in real to otheraspects ofthebuilding?Examplesinthe past
fires are possible,although difficult. have included:
— deflection of
6 Observers should look for smoke leakagewhereit hanging smokecurtains,
should notoccur. (Thisis cruciallyimportant.) — of
siphoning smokethroughHVAC/ACMVducts
7 Thereshould be sufficient safety procedures for people whichlackedsmoke dampers,
presentduring theHST. Theseshould include having: —
build-upofsmoke in 'stagnant corners' beneaththe
— a fire-crew smokelayer,
readywithhoselaid (or other
extinguishingapparatus) in case oftrouble, build-upofsmokein supposedlyprotectedspaces

— 'minders' for the inevitable crowds ofonlookers and dueto unexpected leakage paths,
— smokeatrooflevel which has
VIPswithinstructions on how to guide themto already leftthe
safety, buildingthrough the smoke ventilators,re-entering
— a safetyofficerin charge ofthe test with sole plant-room intakes whichserve other parts ofthe
authority to demand evacuation ifconditions building,etc.
become unsafe,etc. 4 Doesthe extrapolated designscenario, calculated as ir
8 Thebuildingmust havebeen effectively cleared of point 2(a) or 2(b)above, andconsidering any
peoplebeforetheHST (apart from thosetaking partin additionalproblems asin point3 above, represent a
it, or being controlled spectators),especiallyat higher worsening ofsafety compared with the originaldesign
levels wheresmoke is expected to accumulate.Note criteriabeingtested?
that therewillbe enough CO2from the testfire in the 5 Ifno, the SHEVShaspassed theHST.
smokelayerto be harmfulto anyonebreathing it. (Also 6 Ifyes, the SHEVShasfailedtheHST.
notethat for one HSToneofBRE'sobservershad to

AnnexJ: Case history

smoke-control design in
'D3 Espace Leopold Building',
European Parliament, Brussels

Note: This design studywas carried outusing the

predecessor documents to the presentbook (ie two
BRE Reports[24"3]), but usingmethods whichwere
essentiallysimilarto the presentbook.

The 'D3Espace LeopoldBuilding'ofthe European

Parliament in Brussels ishighly innovative and for
architecturalreasons required a performance-based
approach to fire-safetydesign.The buildingincludes a
300 m longcovered 'lightstreet' or atrium, open to three
tall storeys offoyers on one side, leadingto mostofthe
meetingrooms, and to sixstoreys ofofficesontheother.
Thefire-safetyengineered designdescribed in this
Annex includes aSHEVSincorporating automatic smoke
curtains to isolatethefoyer storeyopeningsaspart ofthe
provision toprotectthe means ofescape,and to separate PlateJi External appearance of European Parliament buildings,
adjacent smokereservoirs.An extensiveanalysisof Brussels
possiblefire scenariosled to specificationsfor
programmingthe FireSafetyManagement system,and to
writingevacuation procedures andfire intervention plans Belgiumalso has veryprescriptivecodes andwithouta
forthebuilding. Fire SafetyEngineeringapproach the designofthe new
At therequestoftheBrusselsFireService,ahot smoke headquarters ofthe European Parliament would not have
testwas conducted in the 'light street', using a 1 MWfire beenpossible.
in aspeciallyconstructed simulatedshopcompartment, TheEuropean Parliamentbuildings(Plateji)in the
to confirmtheproperfunctioningofthesmoke-control heartofBrusselsaretoday'sand tomorrow's centres of
design.This test confirmedthe appropriatenessofthe important decisions.Onemajor decision,made4years
basic smokeventilation design,but yielded important ago, isalready in execution:theofficesand meeting-
recommendations,especiallyfor finalizingthe room complexfor Members ofthe European Parliament
installationofthe smokecurtains. as well as for the administration (ie the D3 building)will
This case studywill cover the followingtopics: be extensivelyequipped withactive fire protection,
•• Architect's design
Code requirements for fire safetyin Belgium
including aflexibleapproach to compartmentation,
• Achievement offire safetylevel inaccordance with the
smoke detection, sprinklerswhereappropriate,and
smoke-control installations.The authors wish to make it
architect'sview clear thatthe fire safetyengineeringdesign described
• FireBrigaderequest:hot-smoke test to verifythe herein wasdoneby IFSET, withFRS onlybecoming
function ofthe smoke-control system and to check involvedwhenahot-smoke test was proposed.
whethersecondary problems could occur.
J.2 A plan ofthe D3 complex
J.1 Introduction
The D3 complexis abuildingwith differentareas
Inmostofthecountries around theworld fire regulations interconnected with eachothertocreate amaximum
arestill very prescriptiveandvery little freedomfor spatial effect. The buildingcomprisesthefollowingareas.
designisgiven to architects to designspecial buildings'as
the codes do not allowit'.
124 Design methodologies for SHEVS

Qr, 1Q 2Or 3O 4O §O

FigureJi The light street'coveredwith a glass roof

J.2.1 Underground levels At ground-le'el00 (FigureJ2),thecovered streetis a

The buildinghasfive underground levelsofwhichLevels meeting place and circulationzone. The adjacent offices
—5, —4 and —3 are usedforcar parking only. On average, havesocialfunctions,andthere arealso a few shops
thelevelshave the followingdimensions : length 273 m, located atthis level aswell asthe printing officeand the
width 77 m andheight2.4 m. restaurant.
Eachlevel has a parking capacityofabout 660 cars. TheFire SafetyPlan hadto consider thefollowing
Therearetwoentrances (North and South) open officesand meetingrooms whichare eitheradjacent to or
betweenthe differentlevels,connecting eachlevel to haveescape routesopen tothe lightstreet.
form a singleopenvolume.
ParkingLevel—2 has the same overall dimensions J.2.2.1. Conferenceblock 'Rue Wiertz'
althoughthatpart ofthe buildingbetweenaxes A andD Between axes A andG, a totalof39 conference rooms art
(width=25 m) isusedfor other purposes. The north side locatedonthree levels: Level 01, Level 03 and Level 05.
is usedfor leisure activities, the southside for deliveries, Each conference roomextends over two levels in height.
both incoming and outgoing,and includesspace for At the entrance to each large conference room (140 seats
storage.The numberofparking spacesis thus reduced to there is alobbywhichis completely open to the covered
360 cars. lightstreet. Between Sli and S14 thereare some smaller
Level—1 is notusedas aparking areabuthas 20 offices whichhave glasstowards the inner street
deliveryquays forunloading andloading goods (FigureJ3).
into/fromlarge and smalltransport vehicles.Thereis a
largestorage hail aswell as aself-servicerestaurant. J.2.2.2Office block 'RueMail'
Between grid linesH and L smaller offices are situated on
J.2.2 Theinner street(covered with a glass roof) eachlevel (from 01 to 06). Some 40 offices on eachlevel
As canbe seen in FiguresJlandJ2, andinPlateJ2, thereis areadjacentto thecovered lightstreetand separated
avoid betweenthe 7-storey-highconstruction atthe from it byplain glasswindows (grid line I) (FigureJ3).
frontofthebuildingand the 16-storey-highconstruction
at therear. This void is covered with aglazed roof J.2.3 Thecentralregion
forming a'lightstreet' so that the entire length(240 m) The centralregionis mainly a circulationzone on
canbe considered as anatrium6storeys high, interrupted Levels 01—04. The library is situated onLevels 05 and 06
bya central forum betweenaxes N04 and S04. and was includedin the study foractive fire-protection
Atevery second level,3 walkways(bridges)cross the systems.
light streetfrom axis G to axisH.
AnnexJ: Case history 125

;© ®

ci) 0
-á ci)
0 ci)
0 0
(ci =
0 (ci
0 =
0= -o
00 00
0 0
ci) 0
-J -J
U, 0.
uJ U)
c() cf-)

-) -)a)
126 Design methodologies for SHEVS
MrT/(1.22 T0) = 11.9 m3/s (J.3)

T0z=15+273 =288K,
T1 = 440 +288= 728 K,
01 440°, and
ambient temperature = 15 °C.
This exhaust rateis the same forall fourunderground
levels (Levels—5 to —2). Thereare no sprinkler
installationsplanned for the car parkareas.
The entrances on thenorth orsouthsidewill provide
replacement air.
At Level —1 thereis also astorage room for incoming
goods. As thispart ofthe buildingcan contain flammable
goods, thereis anappropriate quick-responsesprinkler
installation.Itwas agreed that it would be appropriate to
PlateJ2 D3 Espace Leopold Building: the light street' use the same fire size as before, andhenceEqns
(J.1)—(J.3) also apply here, withthe same numerical
valuesas above.
J.3 Fire risks and smoke control scenarios As thesmoke temperature willbe affectedby cooling
bythe sprinklers,the volumerate is reduced to 6.8 m3/s.
J.3.1 The underground levels (Plate J3} At Level —1, however, the exhaust rate willbe
Thedesignfireforacovered car parkwas taken to be determined bythepossibilityofa fire in a truck ata
12 m perimeter firewith a convectiveheat-release rateof loadingquay or ofa fire in the stockroom orrestaurant.
2500kW (2.5 MW). As thereis ahigh potential for risk to life in the restaurant,
Theceilingareaneedsto be dividedintosmoke and toreduce the chance ofa severe lorry fire, the
reservoirsby means ofautomatic curtains toprevent decision has been takento installquick-response
excessivecooling ofsmoke leading to smoke-loggingof sprinklersin both the restaurant and the deliveryquay.
the entirefloor area. The followingfireparameters have beenadopted:
Thevolume ofsmoky gases needingto be exhausted
from the underground zonewas calculated as follows. Restaurant
Intheabsence ofany specificdatafor restaurant fires, it
Massflow was decided that adopting the BRE Reportt241 designfire
Mf= 0.188 x P x (y)3/2 = 5.68 kg/s (J.1) for retail areas would be appropriately pessimistic,
modifiedbythe more recentadvicefrom FRS thatthe
where: size canbe halved whenquick-responsesprinklers are
P = 12 m perimeter, usedinstead ofstandard-response sprinklers.
Y = 1.85 m heightofrise.
Area = 5 m2,
Smoke layertemperature Q =2.5MW.
= Q/(cM-)=440° (J.2)
Stock-holding areas
where: In theabsence ofspecific dataforfires in the stock-
= 2500 kWconvectiveheatflux. holding areas, it was decided to adopt the BRE Reportt241

PlateJ3 D3 Espace Leopold Building: carpark

AnnexJ: Case history 127
designfireforstandard-response-sprinkleredretail areas. Withafurther heightrise of2.5 m afierthesmokehas left
Area = 9 m2 (Note:thisshould notbeusedas a thecompartment (ie afurther height rise of2.5 mabove
universalprecedent.), thetop oftheshop's opening intothe atrium), amass
Q- = 5MW. flowof37kg/swill enterthe smokelayerwith an average
temperature riseof67°C. (Thiswas calculated following
Deliveryquay the method in reference [131. Thatis, usingtheBREspill
In the absenceofspecificdataforsprinklered fires at plume entrainment procedure but wihoutusingthe layer
deliveryquays, itwas decided to adopt adesignfiretwice depthcorrection for alarge-area smokereservoir which
as largeas the correspondingretail fireadvised by FRS hassubsequentlybeenshown to apply to atria such as
forretail areas equipped with quick-responsesprinklers. this, and whichis recommended forthis and similar
scenariosinsection 6.3. The effectofthis for thiscase
Area = 9 m study is thatthe smokeexhaust volumecould have been a
Q- =5MW little smallerthan was calculated,iethe designerred on
theside ofsafety.)
According to Eqns(J.1)— (J.3) andapplying aheightrise Thetotal smokeextract volume is 38 m3/s (FigureJ4).
of2 mintherestaurant and3.2 minthe deliveryquay, the
followingsmokeexhaust rates are predicted: J.3.2.1 Conferenceblock'Rue Wiertz'
stock 6.8 m3/s, As this side isfullyopen to thelightstreet, thepotential
restaurant 4.8 m3/s, danger existsthat all smokeentering the atrium will
deliveryquay 13.2 m3/s. entrainlarge quantitiesofair so that alarge amount of
coldsmokewillfill theatrium. Therefore, thesmoke
J.3.2 Covered street should notenterthe atriumand must be exhausted
Itwasconsideredthat the covered light streetconstituted directly from thefoyer withoutsignificantspillageinto
a largeatrium. Consequentlythe smoke control design the atrium.
drewonthe guidelinesand calculationprocedures in a As thefire risk is low,itwasdecided that an
BRE Report1,which are similarto thoseinthis book. unsprinkleredfire of9 m2 and 1 MWcould betakenas
On the ground-floor (Level00),thefire risk in the designfire parameters foruse with Eqns (J.1)—(J.3.This
streetitselfis negligible. However, the restaurant, predicted a massflow of11.8 kg/s (equivalentto 13 m3/s)
adjacent shopsandprinting room havea fire risk. Asthe tobe exhaustedseparatelyfrom thefoyers'
smokewill be exhaustedfrom the atrium(the covered compartments on each appropriate level (FigureJ5).
lightstreet), the mass flowand the air-flowrates must be
calculatedforthe worst case scenario on the ground floor. J.3.2.2Offices 'Rue Mail'
This isthecase for a fire in ashop with a shopfront of7m Attheotherside ofthe atrium (covered Street)the
wide facingthe street. situation is different.Here, thereare unsprinklered[, small
Quick-responsesprinklerswillbeinstalled toreduce officesonsix levels,whichare notopen totheatrium but
the designfire size and the amount ofsmoke produced. areonly separated with awindow.Thesmoke is allowed
Thedesign fireparameters arethus: to flowfrom thefire-levelintothe atrium (afterthefire
P = 9 m perimeter offire, has broken the window). The designusedthe principleof
Q= 2500kW. temperature-control,whereenough entrainment is


O =67C
Of = 37 kg/s
V = 38 rnYh 2
= 36.800 m3/h MAIL

Figure.14 SHEVSdesign: smoke in light street from a shop fire

128 Design methodologies for SHEVS

FigureJ5 SHEVSdesign: smoke in conference blockfoyer

allowedto reduce the average layer temperature in the = 500kW, with smoke allowedto spillintothe
atrium to a valuethat will notbreakany glazingexposed voidpast alengthofspill edge of5 m.
to the layer. This corresponded to a height ofrise of1.9 m
above the fire-room's window to cool the smoketo 80 °C. Inthis case, once againfollowingthe calculation
Thecalculationprocedures were essentiallysimilarto procedures inreference [13], the smokevolume entering
thoseforashopfireinthe'covered street', but with a thevoid willbe 4.6 kg/s.
design firemore appropriate to the office scenario.The After entering the void, a further heightofrise of2.5 m
design solutionswere similarbut less onerous, andare is calculated to allow people on the higherlevels to
notdetailedfurther herein. evacuate.The resultingmass flow ofsmoke entering the
smoke reservoiris 24 kg/s while the temperature riseis
J.3.3 Centralregion 50 °C atthispoint. Hencethe volume rate = 22 m3/s
In thisarea,thefire risk is very lowbecause thereareno according to Eqn (J.3).
shopsor offices.Therefore, this location is not
sprinklered. Oneshould notehowever that,similarlyto .1.3.4Summary of smoke-control scenarios
the forums nearthe conference rooms, aspillageof See Tableji.
smoke intothe atriumfrom lowerstoreys could cause
highrisks forthepeople at higher levels.Theworst-case J.4 Practical solutionsand installation
fire scenario is whenafirestarts beside one ofthe voids
because smokewill rise throughthe voidsto a higher Thefollowingaspectshad tobe taken intoconsideration
levelwhile coolinglargeamounts ofsurrounding air by whendesigninginteractivefire-protection systems.
entrainment. ••Smoke compartments (automatic smoke curtains)
It was decided that an appropriate design fireforthis Automatic smoke detection systems
region would be:
Area = 1 m2,
Sprinklers(normal or quick-response)whereneeded
Reliablesmoke exhaust fans.

Table ii Summary ofsmoke-control scenarios

Smoke Temperature
Zone Level Sprinklers? exhaust Volume rise
{m/s) (°C)

Carpark —2to—5 No Compartment 11.9 450

Storage —2 Yes Compartment 6.8 70
Restaurant —1 Yes(FRS)* Compartment 4.8 70
Deliveryquay —1 Yes(FRS)* Compartment 13.2 70
Ground-level 00 Yes(FRS)* Coveredstreet 38 67
RueWiertz 01—06 No Compartment 13 92
Centralpart No Void 22 50
Offices 07—16 No No — —

AnnexJ: Case history 129
J.4.1 Smoke and fire compartments • Curtainshave beeninstalledwhich close offthe
J.4.11 Fixedfire compartment betweenthe
openings andthe
bridges corresponding
According to BelgianStandards,the buildingis divided levelsto prevent the smoke movingfrom one sideof
into separate firecompartments. Afire-resistancerating the coveredstreetto theother.
(RI)is definedintermsofexposureto thetestfurnace
heatingcurve. Atotal length ofabout 1.5 kmofmovablesmokecurtains
This means: hasbeeninstalledintheD3building.
• thecomplex is compartmented horizontally,at every
level (Rf=4h), J4.1.2.2 Centralregion
• rooms or places havingvoids over 1 or morelevelsInthecentral areathere aretwo types ofmovablesmoke
needto becompartmented from the otherplaces on curtains:

• technical rooms (eg plantrooms) arecompartmented • lobbies

thatlevel, curtainsthat lowerfor m andwhichform the1 smoke
compartment,not allowingthe smoke to enterthe
adjacent to the conferencerooms,
•• (Rf=2 h),
staircasesandelevators are compartmented (Rf= • curtainsat Level 03 aroundthe voidto prevent
1 h), smoke
sprinklered andnon-sprinklered rooms are from Levels 02 or passingthrough the void
01 arid
compartmented one from the other (Rf= 1 h). Level entering 03.

J.4.1.2Flexible smokecompartmentation J. Cert/ledquality

Toprevent the smokedilutingtoo much andbecoming Themovablesmoke curtainsaretestedto British
too cool(with the effectoflosingthe desired layering), Standard BS 7346: Part3 whichindicatesa heat-proof
automatic smoke curtainsare specifiedin the fabric that cansurvivea smoky gas temperature of600 °C
underground levels,the covered streetand aroundthe for halfan hour.
voids inthecentral region.
The smokecurtains in theunderground carparkswill J.4.2Automaticsmokedetection
lower1 m to contain the smoketo a limited area. Thewholecomplex is equipped with an appropriate
The smoke curtainsatthe entrances have two smoke-detection system.Thesesmoke detectors are
addressableso that the firelocation can be identifiedas

ifthe fireoccurs at the same level (this willbe indicated quicklyas possible.The control panelmust perform the
by theaddressable smoke-detectioninstallation) the followingautomatic actions:
screen willlowerfor 1 m to allow replacement air to •• close fire doors,
enter, open escape doors,
• ifthesmoke tends to risethroughtheentrances to a •lowersmokecurtainsto theirappropriate design
higher level,the screens can belowered further in
order to prevent the smokefrom leaving the ••height,
activatethe emergencypowersupply,
startthe smokeexhaust fans,
open the air inletsfor replacement air,
J. Coveredstreet bring thelifts to evacuation level,
In theatriumthreetypes ofmovablesmoke curtainsare
stop the normal ventilation installations,
activate the alarm signals.
• Screenshavebeen installed along the balconies
betweenthe covered streetand theforums infront of J.4.3 Sprinklers
the threelarge conference rooms. These curtains can As alreadymentionedin the descriptionofthe firerisks,
be lowered to two positions. sprinklersare only installedinplaces wherethereis a risk
— Ifthere isa fire on the samelevel the curtainswill offast-growingfires.
lowerto halfposition. The smokewillbe keptinthe Quick-responsesprinklersare a'newgeneration'-type
compartment andreplacement air can enterthe ofsprinklerwith alow response timeindex (RTI)value.
compartment (seeFigureJ5) Theyareusedin restaurantsand on deliveryquaysfor the
— Ifthereis afire in the offices or
shops atthe trucks atLevel—1.
opposite sideofthe streetthe curtainswill lowerto
the base oftheopeningsto the forumsto close J.4.4 Smoke exhaust fans
those openingsand prevent smokepropagation As indicatedinthe firescenarios allsmoke exhaust
towards the forums (seeFigureJ4). installationsare powered. Natural exhaust withsmoke
• Curtains havebeen hungunderthe bridges across the vents was notapplicablebecause ofthe strongprobability
coveredstreet. Thesescreens will alwayslower ofadverse wind effectsaround such atall and complex
through the total height between the underside ofthe building.
higher bridge tothe walkwayofthe lowerbridge Thefans,as well as the ductwork,mustwithstand the
directly beneath, to provide aboundary to the smoke anticipated designtemperatures (seeTableji).
compartment (smoke reservoir)inthe street.
130 Design methodologies for SHEVS
The fans aretestedfollowingBritish Standard BS 7643:
Part 2.
It is obviousthat fans must operate without
interruption in an emergency situation. Therefore, fire-
resisting cablingis usedat all times.

J.5 Hot-smoketest
J.5.1 Introduction
Inview ofthenovel features, and the limited full-scale
validation ofcalculationprocedures foradheredspill
plumes in atria, the BrusselsFireServicerequired a full
scalehot-smoke test inthebuildingin orderto confirm
both the designandtheoperation ofthe smoke-control
system.This requirement was part ofthe conditions to
obtain thebuildingpermit. The test wasscheduled fora
dateas nearto completion ofthebuildingas was
compatiblewiththe construction schedule. Temporary
sheetingwas usedextensivelyto close offopenings,
whichwere due to be closed more permanently before
InMarch1996 IFSET and FRS collaborated for the
second time to carry out ahot-smoke test in abuilding
(thefirsttestbeingBrusselsAirport Terminal).Thetest
scenario agreed withthe Fire Servicewas afireina
typicalshop opening out intothe atrium. Twotest fires FigureJ6 Schematicarrangement ofhot-smoke test
were carried out, apreliminary onewith a 0.5 MWfire
and themaintestwitha 1 MWfire in conjunctionwith
theoretical calculationsto extrapolatethe experimental
resultsto the fill design scenario.
Afullreportwas presented to the client and to theFire
Servicedescribingthe test givingtheresultsand

J.5.2 Description of the test

Thetest followed the procedure developed byFRS.
Industrialmethylated spiritswereburnedintrays, which
inturn were floated onwater. A lightweightfire-resisting
fire compartment was built to simulatethe shop
geometry andtoprotectthe actual structure ofthe
building.This protection was carried upthefacadeofthe
atrium highenoughto ensureprotection ofthe structure
and glazing directly above the opening to the fire
compartment (FigureJ6and PlateJ4).
Thetestfirewaschosentobelargeenoughto allow
confident scalingofthe resultsto the full design scenario,
butnotso large asto cause any damage to thebuilding.A
preliminary test fire ofhalfthe calculated sizewasused
first in order to confirmthe validityofthe design ofthe
main test, and to confirmthat therewereno unexpected
departures from the design assumptions.
Temperature measurements were made inthe smoke
layerformed in theatrium, as well as inthefire
compartment. In addition,observations were made ofthe
layer depth in the atriumas well as ofthebuild-up of
smoke intheforums dueto leakage pastthesmoke
curtains. The hot gaseswere madevisibleusing a PlateJ4 Hot-smoke test: lIre insimulated shop
synthetic oil-mist smokefrom commercialtheatrical-
typesmokegenerators. Additionally,observationswere
AnnexJ: Case history 131

madeby'rovingobservers' looking for any unexpected was welllayered. It is desirablethatfans should be

phenomena, suchas the appearance ofsmokein other operated in adjacent reservoirs simultaneouslytothe
parts ofthebuildingdueto leakage or siphoningthrough one containingthe fire to remove this smoke, ifthe
ventilation ducts. provisionforinlet air andfor electricalpower allows.
Safetyprotocols were agreed withthe Fire Service,and • Smoke entered the foyer on Level 05 mainlythrough
were applied very strictly. gaps between the smokecurtains andreached
Calculationsofthe entrainment in the atriumwere dangerous conditionsafter approximately 6 minutes
made followingthe procedures set out inthisbook, from ignition inthe maintest. This would havebeen
includingthe 'effective layer depth'procedure. perhaps 3 minutes from ignitionfor the design
Calculationprocedures for extrapolatingthe observed conditionswith real smokeand an ultra-fastgrowing
build-up ofsmoke in the forums,and for deducing fire. Reducingthe smoke curtain gaps could increase
implicationsfor modificationsto ensurethedesired the time availablefor escape.Also, itwas
performance in the completed building,werededuced recommended that early automatic detection and a
from firstprinciples.Reductions in smoke curtain gap voice alarm system be provided in these areas and a
widths were proposed. similarsystem in adjacent areas to warnpeoplenotto
escapethroughthe foyer.
J.5.3 Summary of conclusions from the test Considerationcould be given to studyingthe
• The testwassuccessfullycarried out without damage possibilityofusing apowered dilution system in the
to thebuilding.Fires of4pproximatcly and MW
0.5 1.0 foyers to extend the time availablefor evacuation.
were burnt in a simulatedshopunit.
• The • Consideration should begiven to providingearly
powered SHEVSmaintained a smokelayerbase automatic detection in the shop and office units to
in the atrium reservoirwith abase at ±
15.5 0.5 m trigger both the smokeexhaust and alerting systems.
above ground-floor level.The predicted result agreed • Thewindows intheoffices opening ontothe atrium
within observational
experimental uncertainty.By should be keptclosed atall times.
extrapolationfrom the test results,the SHEVSis
expected to maintain the layer base unitat 10.4 m J.6 Fire safety management
above ground-floor level,from a 2.5 MW,
2.2 mx 2.2 m quick-response-sprinkleredfire in a Asthebuildingis anopen construction relyingvery much
onthe use ofactive fireprotection installations,fire
• shop.
There should be a seriesoffunctionaltestscarried out scenarios havebeen written for the approximatetota][ of
on thesmoke curtain system whenthebuildingis in its 400 compartments inthe building.
final stateandwhenthe permanent smoke curtain These fire scenariosidentifr alltheautomatisms (ie the
system is in place.These functionaltests should automaticallyinitiatedelectronic, electricaland/or
confirmthat all gaps are assmall as possibleand not mechanical operations) ofeach technical installation
larger(preferablysmaller)thanthoseproposed inthe whichwill play arolein case offire. Allthe possible
calculations(notincluded inthe presentsummary). If interactions have been definedsuchthat everything
largergapsremain whenthebuildingis completed it could be programmed onto the central management
would benecessaryto recalculate the smokefilling system forthe building.Itis intended that this will greatly
timesforthefoyers and bridges.These functionaltests simpliljithe degree ofcontrol ofthe building'ssystems
should alsotest the operation ofthe automatic required ofthe FireService.
detectionsystem and should confirmthatall the In additionto definingthefire scenariosand the
smoke curtains operate automaticallyon detection. consequent automatisms,itis intended to define and
• Forthemaintest the curtain onBridge2, Level05 prepare evacuationprocedures and plans,andFire
deflected 0.10 m. Serviceintervention plans in similardetail so that allthe
Forthedesign condition thecurtain on Bridge2, actions,both automatic and byhuman agencies,required
Level 05 was calculatedto deflectapproximately during afire emergency willbetakenin afullyintegrated
0.38 m.The length ofthe fabric in the curtain should be manner.
enoughforthe bottombar to reston the walkwayeven It is notenough to design systemsintoabuildingto
whendeflected. (Notethatthe installershad needed to ensure firesafety.It isimportant that those systemsmust
modif5rthese curtainspriorto the test toallow forthe stillbeworking, perhaps years later, whenafire actually
relativelylarge buoyant pressuresexpected in this occurs. For this reason, itis important that the building's
management should be able to maintain the systemsand
• design).
In thetest smoketravelled throughunforeseen leakage to trainkeystaffintheir operation. Itis alsoof
paths. All openings thatare likelyto be inthe smoke considerablepracticalimportance thatthese fire safety
layer should be identifiedandremedied. For example, management activitiesshould not involvetoo much
builders' work ducts to beclosed, doorgapsto be inconveniencetothe normal use ofthe building.
sealed, gaps around windowsto be sealed. In this building,thefiresafety management procedures
• In thetest smokeenteredotherreservoirsthrough must beableto monitor andmaintain fourtypes ofactive
edge gaps around the under-bridgesmoke curtains,but fire-protectivesystems.As the control panels ofthe
132 Design methodologies for SHEVS
smokecurtains, fire detection, sprinkler installationand J.7 Conclusions
smoke-control installationare centralized in one control
room, theirstatusand interactions can bechecked easily. • Aswiththethearchitecture ofthe buildingincouldnotcomply
Itis also easy to generate firesimulationsor scenarios, prescriptiveregulations Belgium,
whichfacilitateseasy andfrequentfire training for the SafetyEngineered approach has been applied leadin
security staffwho usuallyman the Control Room. to anintegrated approach to the applicationoffire
• The Fire Service Department have approved the active
fire protection and fire safety management procedures,
whichhave beendeveloped for this complex.
CI/SfB (68.5) Aboutthis book
1999 This book summarizesthe adviceavailablefromthe
Fire ResearchStation, todesigners of Smoke and
HeatExhaustVentilationSystems (SHEVS) for atria
and other buildings. Itspurpose isto provide
practical guidance onthe design ofsmoke-control
systems. Itreflects current knowledgeand is based
onthe results ofresearchwhere available,including
as yetunpublishedresults ofexperiments.In
addition, itdraws on theauthors' cumulative
experience ofdesign features requiredfor regulatory
purposes in many individualsmoke-control
applications. Manyofthese design features have
evolved overseveralyearsbyconsensus between
regulatory authorities, developers and firescientists.

151 Rosebery Avenue
LondonEC1R 4GB,UK

ISBN 1 86081 289 9

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