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Assignment questions are:


A. What all CARE should do to attract and spend 11 million dollar on five years to
come, to make the livestock value chain work more effective and sustainable for small scale
pastoralists in future?

Sub Questions


1. What is the case?

Ans. The case is about a Non- Governmental Organization CARE involved in Poverty
Alleviation Mission. Herein the organization wants to transform its vision of harnessing the
power of the markets through the potential of entrepreneurship and private wealth creation to
improve the market conditions for the poor at the ground level in a financially sustainable and
scalable way into a regular practice in the market in a systematic manner. The decision has to be
taken regarding the most important aspect that the value chain to be followed to transform this

2. Who is the protagonist?

Ans. Here the protagonist is the Project Manager for the Kenyan Project by CARE: George Odo.
Odo has to flesh out a market based strategy to improve the Livelihood of the Pastoralists in
Garissa District.

3. What’s his problem? (Issue) the pain of George Odo

Ans. George Odo is working on transforming the vision of providing the benefits of
entrepreneurship and private wealth creation to improve the condition of the Pastoralists in
Garissa District. CARE is already involved in a lot of experiments such as:

 Helping Kenyan vegetable farmers export their products to U.K

 Honduran coffee farmers to increase their income through connections with Canadian
coffee company.

Now these small experiments have to be transformed into a regular practice in a much more
strategic way wherein, George Odo has to build the system that helps the livestock owners in the
Garissa district to build their capabilities and earn greater income.

Decision has to be taken regarding CARE’s role in value chain: transactional intermediary or an
informational intermediary. In a devising a strategy to reduce the vulnerability of the pastoralists
to the ecological, social and economic shocks.
4. Who is CARE?

Ans. CARE is an International Federation


12 Not for Profit

72 Organizations
Organizations from
from developing

It was initially founded in 1945 to deliver care packages to the survivors of World War2 and
gradually became one of the largest development organization in the world by 2004:

 Employing 14,000 people

 Reaching out 65 million beneficiaries
 Running 800 projects designed to help people lift themselves from poverty.

5. What are the economic conditions of Kenya and Garissa market?

Ans. In Garissa the livelihood is based on the sale of livestock mostly cattle as well as some
camels, goats and sheep.

 Livestock accounts 10% of the Kenya GDP that is 30% of the agriculture sector.
 It employs 3 million people that accounts 50% of the agricultural workforce.
 High rates of vulnerability and poverty among livestock pastoralists
 Pastoralists are chronically threatened by droughts with minimal access to markets,
limited access to risk mitigation opportunities like credit, savings and insurance
 Pastoralists have low and irregular income ($1 per day).
 Prominent presence of middlemen such as brokers. It has been estimated that around
1000 brokers visit Garissa market every Wednesday.
 Most of the government policies aimed at large scale livestock producers rather than
small scale pastoralists.
6. Why Livestock Market and Enterprise project LIME required?

Ans. Livestock Market and Enterprise Project (LIME) is requires as it aims to develop a
commercially viable livestock marketing system integrating 5000 pastoralists from Garissa into
the major livestock market in Nairobi and Mambosa improving the pastoralists income. The
objectives of the project are:

 Create a sustainable business that could act as a social enterprise and be profitable for the
 Providing honest and fair cattle prices to pastoralists.
 Reducing the vulnerability of the social and ecological shocks such as promoting gender
equity and proving awareness regarding HIV/AIDS.

In a way it is a step towards integrating the pastoralists in the marketing system that have been
overlooked by the government schemes.

7. What you suggest are the “Value chain Actors”? Why they are considered so?

Ans. The various value chain actors are:

Value Chain

fodder local
Pastoralists ranches animal input brokers transporters
sellers government

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