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UNIT 1 | Requirement 6

Supplemental Letter


Certified Public Accountants
Big City, USA
November 28, 2016

Mr. James R. Wiggins

President and Chairman of the Board
Lone Star Western Apparel Co.

Dear Mr. Wiggins:

You have requested that we render financial audit for your company, Lone Star Western Apparel
Co. We are pleased to confirm our acceptance and understanding of this engagement by means
of this letter.

Our audit will be conducted on the basis that management acknowledge and understand the
responsibility to provide us the financial statements or a trial balance of the general ledger; a
reconciliation of the bank account; an age listing of accounts receivable as of December 31 19X2;
a list of bad debts written of during the year; a completed copy of physical inventory sheets; a
schedule of insurance coverage; a schedule of property equipment, additions and retirements; a
depreciation schedule and a list of accounts payable as of December 31, 19X2. In addition, we
request copies of the minutes of the board of directors meetings for the past five years and copies
of these agreements, employment contracts, and the corporate charter and by laws.

We are expecting for your immediate response and unrestricted access to the information
necessitated. If the circumstances change therefore or your needs alter, advise us of the alteration
as soon as possible in writing.
We look forward to full cooperation with your staff and we trust they will make available to us
whatever records, documentation and other information are requested in connection with our

Yours truly,


Contact Partner

Acknowledged on behalf of Lone Star Western Apparel Co. by


President and Chairman of the Board
December 7, 2016

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