2007.05.28 - The Word of God at The Feast of The Holy Spirit Descending - The Second Day

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The Word of God1 at the feast of the Holy Spirit Descending – the second day2

The work of the Holy Spirit is glorified within a great mystery over the man, for man, be-
cause of his lack of steadfastness, would hardly give the answer to God’s greatness, Who guides
the man. I have stayed with My heaven of saints and angels in the sky of the white tent, under
which I have called My people to My table, My people of old, and My today’s people. I have
looked with fatherly fondness. I have made them sit down, look and listen to the voice of the
feast, all those who were remembered after they left their bodies, and I, the Lord, have become
word of Holy Spirit. The hearts of those who have come together have been comforted from My
work with you upon them, working children, but we need, sons, more working and testifying
disciples, for the work of testimony has got the power all the time to call the people to resurrec-
tion, to faith, humility and then to life.

Behold now, the spirit of

confession is coming into My book
with My people and is teaching it
this gift, for confession is a great,
great gift. With it My apostles were
calling from the people those who
stood up for the love of God and to
the faith that saved the man from
the death of his sins. Behold, the
spirit of confession is glorified by
the teaching with power from near
Me through the saints who have
come together at the spring in a day
of the Holy Spirit’s feast, and I will
give them the voice of those who
confess, the voice of My saints.

– Having come with You, in

a mystery of Holy Spirit of the feast
of the Pentecost, we confess, Lord,
those that are not seen by human
eyes, but they are seen by the spirit
of faith and then by the spirit of the
love for the heavenly things, oh,
merciful Teacher. Oh, how beauti-
fully You have been teaching the
people today! Oh, how beautifully Under „the white tent - the tent of meeting”
we have also stayed, listening and
eating from Your mouth! We, Your saints, were on earth as well, and we are now again from
near You, Your confessors upon people. Our life full of You on the earth was confessing on earth
and in heaven, Lord, for our love for You was glorified in us and it was confessing its work as

God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.


well. Oh, You should also have this kind of disciples, Lord, and let their number increase, and let
You be comforted, for great, so great and so painful, Your pain and Your wound are from man’s
lack of love, from his lack of faith and from his such great departure from You, Lord. The meat
the man goes on eating by killing the animal or the bird to eat meat, this man’s great fall dark-
ens his body, his mind, his heart and his power to stop doing this sin. The man cannot turn back
into the Scriptures of the life commandments, and in which is said: «Man, you shall not kill».
Oh, Lord, oh, Lord, oh, Lord! How hard it is for You on earth with man, but how merciful You
are for man! You could not, and You have been waiting for two thousand years to be able to do,
but You could not rejoice over a people, totally clean from the spirit of meat, Lord. The spirit of
meat is that which has dominion over man, and the man, even if he tries to love You, he cannot
love You, Lord, for You need to be loved with all man’s being and work, and not in a very small
portion, Lord. Oh, how shall the man be able to work out the commandments of life and which
You wrote on a stone by a finger of fire to leave them to the people; how shall the people be able
to take them upon them when they do not look and do not want not to forget that on the top of the
commandments stays written the commandment to love God with all man’s mind, with all his
soul and with all his might, to be able to fulfill then all the other commandments written under
the greatest commandments, the mother of the commandments, the mother which gives birth to
all the other commandments in the man who fulfills Your first commandment over man? Oh, who
shall fulfill the commandments of life without first fulfilling the first one among them, Lord? We,
Your confessing saints, speak the word of our testimony for You and we speak to Your people of
old and then to the one who is born now and from now on, to fulfill in him the life and its com-
mandments, and we say this: Listen Israel to the Lord commandments Who tells you: «You shall
not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not give false testimony;
you shall not covet those that are not yours, for when the Lord wrote the commandments of
life, there came thunders and lightning and heavenly trumpets, and all the mountain was
smoking, and Israel saw it, trembled and was very much afraid, for God came down in a
mountain of fire and smoke was coming up on the mountain like the smoke in a furnace, and
all the mountain was trembling under this glory», (See Ex. 20), as it is written in the Scriptures.
Listen, Israel of today and tomorrow, listen to the voice of the commandments and be filled with
consuming zeal for the Lord, your God, for since then and up to these days, the Lord has not
been able to rejoice over a people fulfilling of commandments, for the man cannot believe and
not eat meat.

Oh, Israel, oh, Jerusalem, the man shall not eat meat, for the Lord wrote with His finger
of fire the commandments of life and told the man not to eat meat, for when He said «You shall
not kill», He also said to the man no to eat meat. Oh, do not look, do not look into the Scriptures
that write that the man ate meat and the Lord spoke like man. Oh, the man is not supposed to do
this. The man has to look into the commandments and fulfill them. Amen. This is what we con-
fess, the Lord’s saints, the saints with whom the Lord comes, when He comes as word on the
earth, accompanied by His glory, by His angels and saints. He who kills to eat, that one also
commits adultery after that, for meat eating separates the man from God, and the man chooses
his body and his taste, as Israel chose its meat, and because of it, it has no longer loved God.

Oh, people of the Lord, do not be small in your wisdom. Oh, the man shall not eat meat.
The man has to come back at his beginning and to look at the Lord’s voice when the Lord told
the man what to eat on the earth3 and then He told him what to eat from heaven. The man has to

«God also said, 'Look, to you I give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of
the earth, and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit; this will be your food.» (Gen. 1/29.)


read in the Scriptures from the beginning and see the man’s fall in them by his disobedience and
to learn from this and tremble, and then to take the way of life, the way with obedience to God in
it. Amen.

We, Your saints, Lord, have spoken to Your people that has come to the spring and con-
fessed to it Your pain from man and called out to it to listen to You and we told him that the man
does not have to eat meat, (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what
comes out of him?4”, r.n.) but to eat only what You told him to eat. Amen. We wanted to confess
to comfort You, Lord, for the spirit of confession has power by its work, and behold, now there
stay to confess You those who are remembered with their soul on the altar to which they are
called to their resurrection, Lord, and behold, this is how it is getting complete the spirit of tes-
timony, which is working now from near You and teaching Your people the wisdom of life, oh,
Lord of the saints and of Your confessors. Amen, amen, amen.

– Out of the great people and as numerous as all the ages of people to this time, Lord, out
of those so great in number remembered now on Your altar of fire, in which the sins of the peo-
ple are given to be burned so that they may be forgiven and then their bodies to come to life after
that, we, those who were removed from the body of Your people that has heard Your voice in this
time, we also confess that Your true people of today is that which sanctifies itself for You in their
body, in their soul and in their spirit, Lord. As long as we were on the earth in the body of Your
people, we have not done worked out in us the spirit and the body of life, for we had no wisdom
and did not learn the life from the Scriptures. We speak to Your people of yesterday, and we also
speak to the people of today, and we speak to it, those who are confessing now from those that
are not seen, and in which are seen those that are made by people, as long as they live on the
earth, we speak to it and we tell it in plain language not to eat meat; it should no longer eat meat
from now on. And we tell all the people on the earth that the man does not have to eat meat, for
the man is not supposed to commit sexual immorality, but he rather needs to read in the Scrip-
tures the commandments left by You for man, Lord. We tell Your people of yesterday and today,
we tell it that obedience to You is its salvation, and then the salvation of the earth and its people
on it, Lord; and we tell it to come near more and more to the spring of Your voice and to eat and
come to life, for death is nothing else than disobedience that puts away the resurrection and life
from man. We confess our disobedience, which brought us to sufferance on earth and then to
tears and remorse in heaven, but we have Your trumpet as our great intercessor in heaven, the
vessel from which we drank on the earth by Your word, which we did not listen to it out of our
lack of wisdom.

We thank You that You gave from Your people as mercy for us those that work with You
for the salvation of the human people, Lord. Oh, keep them under your invincible shield and al-
ways, always teach them to listen to You, for the human people from here and the one on the
earth, need Your servants, clean and holy by obedience and sacrifice, Lord. And now, we thank

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them that they love us, and we confess from near You the word of the Scriptures, word with pow-
er of resurrection in it, and which says this: «Love is as strong as death and it prevails against
it». Amen, amen, amen.

– And now, I, the Lord, being comforted from the spirit of confession, am resting My
Spirit and the spirit of those who take Me as word on the earth, and I will make the word come
down again, to make complete the work of this long day of feast of the Holy Spirit, a threefold
day of feast over My people, and that I may teach My people and help it to fulfill Me in it.
Amen. Comforting it, I will teach it and calling it I will call it, and I will draw it near to its salva-
tion from Me. Amen, amen, amen.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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