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Sura Munafiqun (or The Hypocrites)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

When the hypocrites come to you they say that you are indeed a
Massenger of God. Definitely, God very well knows that you are an Apostle of
God. God also knows and is witness to the fact that these people, who say
before you that indeed you are a Messenger of God, actually do not mean it.
They are indeed hypocrites and liars. This they do it just to put a screen on
their misdeeds. They first believed and they turned away and rejected the
Faith. God has now sealed their hearts. Therefore, they do not understand.
They come to you. Their exterior appearance do impress you. Their talk is also
eloquent. But these people are worthless. They are your enemies. When they
are asked to come to you to seek forgiveness from God, they just turn away
their faces. You may or may not seek their forgiveness, God will not forgive
them. Beware of these people. The curse of God is on them. They are the
arrogant people, deluded away from the Truth. Truly God guides not rebellious
trangressors. They are the people who dissuade and withhold the good folk to
dole out or spend on those who are with the Apostle. The Hypocrites do not
know that the treasures of the heavens and the earth belong to God. These are
the people who unilaterally consider themselves as the dignified people and
say that they will expel mean people (who were with the Apostle). They are
ignorant and do not know that honour belongs to God, His Apostle and to the
Believers only. O Believers do not love your children and your riches to that
extent so that you may forget God. Do spend in the Name of God from the
substance (or sustenance) which God has given you so that you may not repent
for not doing so at the time of death. You may then long for some time so that
you may give something in charity. But at that time there shall be no respile
for anyone. Be aware, He is well acquaint with all that you do.

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