Scalloped Tongue - Treatment Symptoms and Causes - Scalloped Tongue

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Scalloped Tongue


Scalloped Tongue – Treatment

Symptoms and Causes
Scalloped tongue refers to the edge of the teeth marks,
and is also known as Indian tongue.

It is usually caused by big fat tongue or a margin of

compression caused by the teeth. The tongue is an
anomaly, which has a lot of guidance for clinical diagnosis
and treatment signi២�cance. It’s easily identi២�ed by a
scalloped appearance, and are subject (such as food,
medicine, etc.) to be a៌�ected by external factors.

Scalloped Tongue Causes

Chinese medicine believes the tongue is tightly tied to spleen health. Enlarged tongue is caused by Yang
Qi, or when the spleen cannot exude moisture. So scalloped tongue is caused by mainly spleen
dampness. If pale and moist, it is alpine dampness; pink and scalloped, mostly spleen qi de២�ciency.

Scalloped tongue, or big fat tongue is caused by oppression of the tooth edge; the scalloped tongue so
often associated with big fat tongue, or spleen dryness de២�ciency. If the tongue is pale and moist, the
spleen su៌�ers from dampness.

More often the spleen can not be shipped wet, so wet tongue and resistance to big fat tongue are formed
by extrusion dentition associated with fat and tender tongue – on the one hand because of the tongue
body edema, or the yang of the spleen and dampness, on the other hand due to the tongue muscle
relaxation, mouth shortage, and spleen qi de២�ciency.

Clinical studies found that there are a lot of people scalloped tongue have the absence of disease, but
they were in a healthy state, so the Chinese medicine says Qi (wet weight) is not sick weight, but the state
of the body’s blood being imbalanced, which Western medicine often mistakes as disease-free, but in 
Chinese medicine is considered unhealthy.

Other Causes of Scalloped Tongue

Epidemiological studies of Gray scalloped tongue in 318 cases closely followed scalloped patient’s diet,
living habits, symptoms, conducted a survey and found a low incidence of this anomaly in those who like
to eat salty foods.

Often tea drinkers in Japan have a tendency to be scalloped tongue prone. The symptoms associated with
Qi and lassitude, spontaneous, anorexia and other signi២�cant di៌�erences were not there, but rather
symptoms of indigestion like belching, stomach heaviness, and bowel discomfort. Thus, the relationship
with scalloped tongue Qi De២�ciency Syndrome is not clear, but the relationship with the dampness of
scalloped tongue should be studied more closely.


Clinical manifestations of scalloped tongue are:

– Pale moist teeth marks, or alpine dampness;

– Pink and scalloped, which signi២�es qi de២�ciency;

– Mouthful of red and swollen, scalloped edges, mostly hot and humid phlegm Yongzhi;

Short and yang qi de២�ciency can be divided into two types:

⑴ De២�ciency: On the tongue, thin white fur, fat and tender tongue, tongue scalloped edges, indistinct
white or pale yellow atrophy, shortness of breath, slurred speech, top-heavy body swelling, malaise,
fatigue, spontaneous , eating less, bloating after eating, Yu Tu Pan evil, loose stools diarrhea, and weak

A Therapeutic cure for this is Buzhongyiqi tea.

⑵ Yang type: Tan White tongue, tongue moist and more ២�uid, or the tongue water slide, big fat tongue
round tender, with scalloped edges. Pale or Qinghei, lassitude, fatigue hi lying, pale mouth thirst, anorexia,
belly Leng Tong, Wen Fang Shu , stomach cold, clear urine, eye swelling, and Micro pulse.

A therapeutic cure for this is Wenbu Yang Xin tea.

Scalloped Tongue Treatment

In terms of diet, if the scalloped tongue is pale, in the choice of food, you can choose vegetables like
barley, yams, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, chestnuts and other food to eat. Try not to eat raw fruits and cold
drinks, because it will damage the spleen Yang, resulting in heavier wet.

Also take into account whether liver discomfort is present. If yes, then you have an excess of qi. 


Reorganize the liver through the use of roses, soaked in water drunk as a tea, can be a miracle cure.
Roses ration the role of qi in the blood, but remember not to use them during pregnancy.

You can use Atractylodes, Chinese yam, lotus seeds and meat , etc., to regulate the spleen. Leeks can wick
spleen moisture away, such as when you can put a cooking barley, and barley regulates the role of wet
very Well. Some friends like to cook barley and rice half and half, the result of which eliminated thick and
greasy tongue within two weeks.

You can properly use some sa៨�ower, angelica root, Salvia blood circulation, such as drugs, to start
bleeding more easily than usual, and so more easy to promote the smooth ២�ow of blood.

However, make sure the blood circulation of the drug is not more than you can handle. You should be
under the guidance of a doctor to use a local, so that it more secure.

Scalloped Tongue in Cancer Patients

Domestic scholars relationship with scalloped tongue syndrome reported much. The 77 cases Zhang Qi
De២�ciency Syndrome patients with organs Qi and partial victory by triple burner into cardiopulmonary Qi
de២�ciency group, spleen qi de២�ciency group, kidney virtual groups.

Observations show that: Qi De២�ciency Syndrome characteristics mean the tongue is fat, and have
scalloped, about 23 more than the patient’s qi de២�ciency, the center Qi De២�ciency Syndrome accounted
5.65% and 10.0%, respectively, compared with control group not only have a high degree of statistical
signi២�cance, but also higher than the stomach, kidney de២�ciency by. Qian investigating 25 cases of
patients with scalloped tongue, to a maximum of qi de២�ciency syndrome, a total of 285 cases.

Scalloped tongue disease research and clinical studies indicate that scalloped tongue be found in a
variety of diseases. and other control observation of 168 cases of gastric cancer patients and 200 healthy
people of the tongue, scalloped tongue results of gastric cancer accounted for 23.2%, compared with the
healthy population signi២�cantly di៌�erent. Xu Equal to 326 cases of tongue cancer patients analyzed, the
number of cases found in the tongue and teeth marks were big fat is high, and the higher the tongue in
the order of lung, stomach, esophagus, cardiac, liver, breast, cervical cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer,
colorectal cancer.

The Anti-Cancer Association in 19 cancer patients found that big fat tongue, thin tongue, scalloped
tongue  showed that, of cancer patients with big fat tongue, scalloped tongue patients were in the

Chen Weimin and other surveys 204 cases of chronic gastritis patients and found pale tongue with teeth
marks to merge ulcers were more common, accounting for 43.48% of di៌�erent cases of upper
gastrointestinal diseases were analyzed with 300 cases found in in២�ammatory lesions in the super២�cial –
atrophic gastritis and atrophic gastritis and pale pale tongue with scalloped tongue were 414%, 36 7%,
while the super២�cial gastritis and pale pale tongue with scalloped tongue was 22.2%, are more signi២�cant
di៌�erences between the two (P <0 01).

In peptic ulcer disease , and duodenal ulcer with pale pale and scalloped for more than 6.8%.
EMERGENCY IN on 137 cases of aplastic anemia patients with clinical observations suggest that the
tongue, big fat tongue aplastic anemia patients (16.79%), scalloped tongue (29.93%) was signi២�cantly
higher [15]. In addition, 01 cases of hypertension patients tongue scalloped edges were observed, the
results of the incidence of hypertension group scalloped up to 42.29%, compared with the control group
(20.5%) were signi២�cantly di៌�erent (P <0.001). This and some foreign scholars believe scalloped tongue
seems to be more common in hypotension contradictions, need further veri២�cation.

In a Survey of 425 cases of patients, the follow groups were found more at risk of scalloped tongue

⑴ Those with lower the pH of body ២�uids, such as renal tubular acidosis , kidney stones;

⑵ renal dysfunction, sodium retention, such as renal transplantation, renal disease, systemic lupus
erythematosus , he caused the water such as kidney stones can also a៌�ect kidney function;

⑶ make globulin immune dysfunction diseases, such as renal transplantation, systemic lupus
erythematosus, thyroid disease glomerular disease, liver disease, heart disease, pericardial and pleural

⑷ anemia diseases, such as iron de២�ciency anemia, pregnancy and postpartum, gynecological diseases;

⑸ immune function disorders, such as leukemia, cancer, etc.

Japanese scholars Muramatsu Mu believes scalloped tongue were mainly chronic gastritis , diabetes,
hypotension, hay fever , chronic hepatitis , knee edema, menopausal disorders such as so-called adult
chronic disease.

Scalloped Tongue and Microcirculation

Microcirculation research money, such as heart and other mushroom-shaped tongue and the tongue
papillae count microcirculation studied scalloped depressions and protruding tongue area blood supply
and nutrition, and to compare with the normal pink tongue found scalloped tongue microcirculation 
changes in the following areas: ⑴ blood disorder.

Mushroom-shaped tongues reduce microvascular plexus, capillary artery vein arm slender arm ratio,
especially in the performance of these two scalloped tongue protrusion is more apparent. Alien amount
representing an increase of microvascular plexus normal. ⑵ local hypoxia and undernutrition.

Number of mushroom-shaped nipple tongue blood for a positive correlation between the number of
scalloped tongue fungiform papillae lower than normal. ⑶ tissue edema.

Tongue microcirculation capillary tube visible inside the loop fuzzy tongue papillae and oozing,
hemodialysis ultra២�ltration (dehydration) after the pipe loop clearer, leakage reduction, so the tongue is a
capillary tube loops oozing fat causes great scalloped tongue of one of [3].

Pathological Symptoms of Scalloped Tongue

Pathological microscopy and electron microscopy methods isolated chunks of scalloped tongue
protrusions, the recess and the performance of normal tissue and cell morphology of the tongue side.
This found that the main pathological symptoms of scalloped tongue are:

⑴ thinning of the cortex. In normal tongue epithelium thickest, followed by the recess, the projection of
the thinnest, which may be related to the local nutritional status;

⑵ change within the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In the basal and prickle cell layer, rough endoplasmic
reticulum reduction, expansion, loss of ribosomes, these manifestations suggestive of rough endoplasmic
reticulum protein dysfunction is one of the manifestations of cell damage;

⑶ wire tension reduction. Scalloped tongue reduce tension wire, prickle cell and basal cell gap increases,
was sparse mesh-like, ២�nger-like papillae desmosomes reduction, indicating a bad connection scalloped
tongue cells;

⑷ cell tissue edema. Mainly caused by lack of nutrition partial increase cell membrane permeability, water
liquid spill blood vessels penetrate cells. On the other hand, poor lymphatic drainage, can not take away
excess moisture;

⑸ lack of elastic ២�bers. Lack of traction of the ២�bers caused by reduced tolerance e៌�ect, it is made by
serrated teeth oppressed.

Scalloped tongue fungiform papillae signi២�cantly increased compared with normal diameter, due to the
inherent level of water inside the tissue ២�uid retention. Microcirculation microscope with a de២�ciency in
patients with uremia same tongue found the same microcirculation Hemodialysis, 125 cases of pre-
dialysis patients with scalloped tongue were 108 cases much fat, fat and scalloped tongue slightly reduce
the extent of dialysis.

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