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Sura Maarij (or The Ways of Ascent)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

A disbeliever had asked the Prophet to precipitate the punishment

which was due to befall the disbelievers on the Day of Judgement. In the Sura
Allah informed the disbelievers that their punishment was inevitable and none
could avert. But it was scheduled for the Day of Judgement and it would not
be precipitated at any body’s request. None can ward it off from Allah, the
Lord of the Ways of Ascent. To Him the angels and the Spirit (Archangel
Gabriel) ascend in one day, the measure of which is fifty thousand years. Allah
exhorted the Prophet to be patient. The Day of Judgement is not for away.

On that day the heaven shall become like molten brass, the mountains
like wool and no friend shall ask about a friend although they shall be within
view of each other. To redeem himself from the torment of that day the sinners
will gladly sacrifice his children, his wife, his brother, his kindred who gave
him shelter, and all the people of the earth, so it could deliver him.

By no means a disbeliever can escape the blazing fire of Hell which

will flay off his scalp skin. These persons shall particularly be those who had
disbelieved, who had turned on their backs when the Qur-an was recited to
them, and who had hoarded their wealth in bags and then fastened them with a
view not to give out of it any thing to the needy.

Indeed, man was created impatient. When evil befalls him he is

despondent; but blessed with good fortunes he grows niggardly.

Not so the worshippers who are steadfast in prayer; who set aside a due
portion of their goods for the needy and the dispossessed; who truly believe in
the Day of Reckoning and dread the punishment of their Lord; who restrain
their carnal desire save for their wives and slave-girls, for these are lawful to
them. He who lusts after other than these is a transgressor. Those who keep
their trusts and promises and bear true witness; and who attend to their prayers
with promptitude, shall be laden with honour and shall dwell in fair gardens.

But what is the matter with the disbelievers that they scamper before
you in multitudes from left and right? Does every one of them seek to enter a
garden of delight? By no means! Allah reminds them of their humble origin as
an argument that when he could create them as they knew, from a despicable
sperma hominis. He could easily resurrect them on the Day of Judgement.

Allah then called to witness by His own power and glory manifested in
the splendor of sunrise and sunset at different points through the solar system
that indeed He can easily substitute better men than the Meccan infidels. On
the Day of Judgement and Reality they shall come out of their graves so
hastily as if were racing to their goal-post. Their eyes will be cast down and
disgrace will completely cover them. Such then would be their Day, the Day
of their frustration, which the disbelievers were frequently promised in the

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