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Sura Dahar (or The Time)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The Sura is also named as Insan (Man). The word Dahar means time
from the beginning of the world to its end.

The Sura commences with the reminder to the man that at one stage of
time he was nothing that mattered. Allah then created man from the mingled
sperm drop to put him to test. He was then endowed with the faculties of sight
and hearing and showed the right path, whether he be grateful or ungrateful.

For the unbelievers Allah has prepared chains and fetters and a blazing
fire. But the righteous shall drink of a cup tempered with Camphor – a
fountain from which the servants of Allah will refresh themselves. These will
be the people who kept their vows. They feared the Day of Judgement whose
rigour shall be widespread. They , for the sake of Allah alone, used to feed the
poor, the orphans and the captives without any recompose or thanks in return
from them. They used to fear their Lord in connection with the Day of
Distortion of face and distress. Accordingly Allah shall save them from the
rigors of that Day and would reward them with the Garden and silken
garments. Reclining there upon soft couches. They shall feel neither the
scorching heat nor the biting cold. Trees will spread their shade around them,
and fruits will hang clusters over them. They shall be served with silver dishes
and also the crystal goblets and cups of wine tempered with ginger from a
spring therein, which is named ‘Salsabil’. Youths of perpetual freshness shall
wait on them and around them shall be all blessings and magnificient realm
from their Lord. As such they shall be rewarded and their high endeavours
gratified by Allah.

Finally Allah asserts that He has reavealed the Qur-an in stages to the
Prophet. Thereby He contradicted the insinnation of the Meccan infidels that
the Prophet was its author. Accordingly, Allah asked him to ignore their
mischievous behavior and deligently pursue his mission with patience in the
face of their opposition. He was admonished never to yield to the suggestions
of the Meccan sinners and disbelievers. The Prophet was further advised to
maintain the prescribed prayers and to recite the name of Allah in the morning
and the evening. The Prophet was further enjoined to prostrate to Allah at
night and glorify Him for a considerable part of the night.

Those who loved their present life and were allergic to the mention of
Hereafter, have totally forsaken the momentous Day of Judgement and
requital. They were forgetting that Allah created them, and endowed their
limbs and joints with strength. Allah has the power to replace them by other

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