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Sura Nabaa (or The News)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The Sura begins with a statement of the awesome tiding of the Day of
Judgement and a warning to mankind of its certainly. The certainty of the Day
of Resurrection is then argued by asserting Allah’s absolute sovereignty over
His vast and purposeful creation. Allah quoted certain instances of His
Omnipotence and said that He undeniably achieved more difficult jobs such
as, creation of the earth and making it a vast expanse and the creation of the
mountains as pegs to stabilize the earth. He created the mankind in pairs, made
sleep as a source of rest at the night which is like a covering for the human
beings and ordained the day for work. He built seven mighty heavens above
you and placed sun therein as a shining lamp for the mankind. He sent down
abundant water from the clouds, bringing forth grain and varied plants, and
gardens thick with foliage.

The Sura is followed by a graphic description of the fate of the evil-

doers on the scheduled Day of Decision. On that day trumpet will be blown
and the gates of heaven shall swing open. The mountains shall pass away and
become like vapour. The people will gather at the Judgement Seat in groups.
Hell will be the home for the transgressors wherein they shall dwell for ages to
come. There shall be no coolness or drink, except boiling water and decaying
filth: A fitting recompense. Indeed they never expected the reckoning to occur
and controverted Allah’s Revelations. Allah recorded all their doings in a
book. There shall only be torment to be forced upon the inmates of the Hell.

As for the righteous, they shall surely triumph. For them shall be
gardens and vineyards, and young damsels of equal age and cups filled to the
brim (with wine). They shall bear no idle talk or any falsehood. This shall be
reward of appropriate measure from the Lord, of the heavens and the earth and
whatever is between them. He is most Merciful, with whom no one can argue.

The Sura ends with yet another assertion of Allah’s Sovereignty and
absolute dominion over all things and all beings. Before this great majesty the
rejectors of faith shall finally discern their insignificance and wish they were

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