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Sura Abasa (or He Frowned)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This Sura was revealed early in the Prophet’s mission concerning a

blind man named Abdullah bin Umm Maktum, Tradition tells that as the Holy
Prophet was one day talking to some of the notables of Mecca, Ibn Umm
Maktum came to him with some questions, thus interrupting the Prophet’s
attempt to win the men for the new faith. The Prophet (SA) frowned and
turned away from the blind man in his anxiety to convince the rich and
powerful men. The theme of first few verses (1-10) is, therefore, sincere faith,
which must be the criterion of human worth, and not wealth and wordly status.

Allah administered a mild rebuke as a corrective and said that the

Prophet (SA) should have, however, known that his main function was merely
to warn mankind of the result of their disbelief in Qur-an. He was in no way
responsible for their conversion. That was the exclusive function of Allah to
guide whom He wishes.

Allah then emphasizes that the Qur-an is an admonition, and whoso

seems keen to avail of it, he should surely be helped with the same. It is a
reminder. The truth and gravity of this reminder are argued for on the basis of
the purity of the Quran itself and the mobility of the angels who are in charge
of it.

After chiding the Prophet (SA), Allah turned to the disbelievers and
reminded them about the low origin of human beings. He reminded them that
a man is a product of a despicable fluid, the mingled sperm-drops of his
parents. Allah then duly proportioned his physical constitution and made his
delivery easy. In the course of time man reached his scheduled age and died
and was buried. Ultimately when Allah wills it, he would resurrect him.

Inhspite of all these favours he was neither grateful nor obedient; nor
was he a believer in the Divine attributes.

After a reference to man’s inner history, there is now a reference to just

one item in his daily outer life, his food: and it is shown how the forces of
heaven and earth unite by Allah’s Command to serve man and his dependants
including his animals. If that is the case with just one item, food, how much
more comprehensive is Allah’s beneficence when the whole of man’s needs on
earth are considered! He is oblivious of these manifest favours; and what was
worse he ignored the consequences of his ingratitude which shall definitely
occur on the Day of Judgement.

This Day shall be preceded by a single defening blast of the colossal

trumpet. Even those who were nearest and dearest in this life will not be able
or willing to help each other on that awful Day. On the contrary, if they have
to receive a sentence for their sins, they will be anxious to avoid even sharing
each others sorrows or witnessing each other’s humiliations; for each will
have enough of his own troubles to occupy him. On the other hand, the
Righteous will be radiant and rejoicing with their righteous families. The
sinners will desire to save himself at the expense even of his own family and
benefactors. The dust on their faces will be in contrast to the beaming light on
the faces of the righteous; and blackness in contrast to the laughing and
rejoicing faces of the righteous.

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