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NAME :_____________________
CLASS :_____________________
Hi my name is Brad. I was born in Boston, but my family moved to LA when I was two, so I grew
up there. I graduated from middle school about three years ago and I am currently attending a high school in
my city. I’m a junior and I am interested in social science, especially economics. I also take a piano course.
My life is really busy, but I enjoy hiking, reading, and hanging out with friends in my free time. I like
skateboarding as well. I always go skateboarding in the park next to the bookstore. When I graduate, I want
to work for a company in this area.
1. Which sentence best describes his study?
A. he likes economics D. he really enjoys his duties
B. he studies overseas E. he is in the final year of his duty
C. he is a third-year student

2. Where does the man go skateboardig?

A. near his house C. near the bookstore E. near his father’s company
B. near his school D. near his piano school

3. What is one thing the man likes to do in his free time?

A. jogging C. camping E. listening to music
B. reading D. playing football

Following text for question no 4 to 6

Hello, my name is Dinda, Dind Rahmawati. I study at SMKN 1 Surabaya. I like listening to music,
swimming, cooking and watching films. My favorite foods are gado-gado dan rendang. I usually cook
breakfast for my family on Sundays. I cook fried rice or sambal tempe with omelet, sayur asem with
salted fish and sambal terasi. Occasionally, I make gado-gado for our lunch. My family always
compliment my cooking and they encourage me to be chef. That’s what I want to be.

4. What does Dinda do in her spare time?

A. Watching films and reading D. Cooking and listening to music
B. Hanging out with her friends E. Reading novels and cooking
C. Swimming and watching TV

5. Why does Dinda want to be a chef?

A. She likes eating D. She likes cooking traditional food
B. Her cookings are delicious. E. She’s smart and polite
C. She loves sambal tempe with omelet

6. What is the suitable title for the text?

A. Dinda’s Hobbies C. My Favorite Food E. A Happy Family
B. Dinda and Her Family D. Dinda’s Activity

7. Mr. Dadang is a famous mechanic . He________ a workshop at home. Many people come to ____
workshop to repair their vehicles.
A. Has ; His C. will ; Her E. Have ; His
B. is ; He D. are ; Her
8. Yuda : Dit, I found a key. Is it _______?
Adit : no, I keep mine in my bag.
A. You B.Yours C. theirs D. His E. Mine

Read following Text to answer question number 9 to 13





9. Who writes the card?

A. Febri B. Febrianda C. Alfatoni D. Ivan E. Febrianda Alfatoni

10. The purpose of the text above is?

A. To congratulate Vadila Safitri on his achivement
B. To congratulate Vadila Safitri on her achivement
C. To congratulate Vadila Safitri on her dancer
D. To congratulate Vadila Safitri on her graduation
E. To congratulate Vadila Safitri on her story telling

11. What competition Vadilla Safitri attend?

A. a dance competition D. a poetry competition
B. a story telling competition E. a sing competition
C. a science competition

12. What is Vadilla’s dream?

A. to be a professional dancer D. to be a professional doctor
B. to be a scientist E. to be a professional singer
C. to be a professional teacher

13. “I hope you will be a famous professional singer”

The synonym of famous is. . . .
A.Well-known B. Well C. Good D. Known E. Better

14. Mrs. Artika : Where______ you ______, Yudi?

Yudi : To Tigor’s House, mom. We have an assignment to finish.
Mrs. Artika : Please return home before dark.
Yudi : Sure , mom.
A. will ; be going C. will ; going E. are ; be going
B. will ; go D. are ; go
15. Ari : What a bright day! Let’s go cycling.
Tyas : Sorry. I _________ home than ________ cycling. I feel tired.
A. would rather stay ; to go C. would like stay ; go E. would rather stay ; go
B. would rather stay ; going D. would like staying ; go

16. Rani is my neighbor. I often meet . . . while jogging in the morning

A. Us B. Her C. She D. it E. Them

17. My website . . . . . the best source for English learners someday.

A. Will be C. Going to be E. be going
B. Will D. Going to

18. Your parents . . . . . proud of you if you finish your study at University.
A. Will be C. Going to E. be going
B. Will D. Is

19. . . . . . buy a new car next week.

A. I C. I am E. Will
B. I will D. I am going to

Read the following dialog for question number 20 to 23

Nita : what do you plan to this weekend?

Dira : I have no plans. Why?
Nita : Dini and I are going to the beach. Would you like to join us?
Dira : I’d love to, but it is far. You know we only have two days holiday. I guess it will be tiring.
Why don’t we visit the beach during the long holiday after the semester test?
Nita : We plan to go to Karimunjawa during the long holiday. Would you like to join us to
Dira : Well, I prefer to join you to Karimunjawa.
Nita : All right

20. What is the dialog about?

A .Holiday plans.
B. Visiting a beach
C. Going to Karimunjawa
D. Activities on weekend
E. Having a semester test.

21. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Nita will stay home this weekend
B. Dira is going to the beach this weekend.
C. Dira would like to have a vacation during the long holiday.
D. Dira and Dini plan to have a vacation this weekend
E. Nita is going to the beach in long holiday
22. Which expression in the dialog is used to state an intention?
A. I guess it will be tiring.
B. I’d love to, but it is far.
C. would you like to join us?
D. Dini and I are going to the beach.
E. what do you plan for this weekend?

23. Dira says, “I guess it will be tiring”

What is the synonym of ‘tiring’?
A. Boring. D. Amazing
B. Worrying E. Facinating
C. Exhausting

Following text for question no 24 to 26


There will be a holiday camp next month. All scout must join this camp. The activity will take place
at Bangunharjo camping site and last for three days.
for further information, please contact Mr. Arkan.

Banyumas, May 12th,2017

The Chief of Scout Organization

24. When will the activity be held ?

A. In May
B. In June
C. In July
D. In August
E. In Desember

25. If the camp starts in June 5th, when will it end ?

A. June 6th.
B. June 7th.
C. May 12th.
D. May 25th.
B. May 7th

26. Who must join the activity ?

A. All students
B. All scouts
C. All chiefs
D. All Banyumas people
E. All Banyumas’s Organisation
Following text for question no 27 to 29
Maimun Palace
Maimun Palace is a tourist destination in North Sumatera which has hystorical and cultural
values. Located at Jalan Brigjen Katamso, Aur, Medan, this palace is iconic to Medan.
The building stands on an area of 2,772 square meters and is the heritage of the Deli
Sultanate. It was design by an Italian Architect an built in 1888 under the rule of Sultan Makmun Al
Rasyid Perkasa, the Sultan of Deli.
The palace has stunning architectures. It combines Islamic, Dutch and Malay Architectures,
with a dominant color of yellow, typical of Malay. This two-store building is devided into three
parts, namely, the main building, left and right wing parts. It is supported by 82 octagonal stone
pillars and 43 wooden pillars.
The first floor displays antiques such as old furniture and ornaments, while the second floor is
used as the residence of the sultanate families. There are 13 rooms on the second floor, 7 of which
are in the main building, 3 rooms in the left wing part and 3 other rooms in the right wing part.
Translated from : M. Purwati, Pesona Wisata Sumatera Utara, Klaten, Intan Pariwara,2010 .

27. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To relate Deli Sultanate.
B. To entertain readers.
C. To describe Maimun Palace
D. To describe a palace architecture
E. To relate a person’s trip to Medan

28. From the text we know that. . . . . . . .

A. Maimun Palace is the heritage of the Deli Sultanate
B. Maimun Palace was designed by the Sultan of Deli
C. Maimun Palace covers an area of 2,727 m2
D. Maimun Palace is a three-store building with two main parts.
E. The visitors can see antiques on the second floor of the palace.

29. “It combines Islamic, Dutch and Malay Architectures, . . . . .” (paragraph 3)

‘It’ refers to . . . .
A. Malay Architecture
B. The main building
C. The Deli Sultanate
D. Maimun Palace
E. The residence.

Following text for question no 30 to 32

Gunung Bromo is an active volcano and part of the tengger (30). . . . area in East Java
at 2,329 meters it is not the highest peak of the area, but it is the most well-known. The
mountain is very (31). . . . . in fact, it is one of the most visited destinations in Indonesia. The
top of the volcano was blown off and the crater inside constantly expels white smoke. It is
surrounded by a (32). . . . area, with sea of the fine volcanic sand.

30. A. Mountainous B. Mystical C. Perfect D. Bright E. Shiny

31. A. Calm B. Unique C. Stormy D. Gigantic E. Attractive

32. A. Contemporary B. deserted C. Tropical D. Modern E. Strange

Read the following text for question number 33 to 37


We are happy to announce that our new collections just arrived. So, it is the right time to visit the zoo.

New animals :

 Timmy and Tommo – a loving pair of giraffes from Africa

 Jumpy - a playful kangaroo from Australia
 Annya – the beautiful tiger from India
 Dundi – a giant, aggressive crocodile from the Amazon River
 Reni – a rhino from Ujung Kulon

Special Animal shows on Saturday / Sunday

 Elephant’s playtime 10.00 AM
 Crocodile show 14.00 PM
 Snake Parade 16.00 PM\

Regular fees apply (Adult Rp. 50.000,- Children under 12 years Rp. 15.000,- Children under 5
years FREE.)
Reminder : Visitors are not allowed to feed the animals in the zoo.

33. What is the purpose of the announcement?

A. to announce new shows at the zoo
B. to encourage people to visit the zoo
C. to know see new shows at the zoo
D. to show what happens in the zoo
E. to inform people about the rules at the zoo.

34. Which animal show will be held in the morning?

A. snake parade
B. crocodile show
C. animal’s content
D. elepahants’ playtime
E. kangaroo hop show

35. Which animal at the zoo is from Amazon River?

A.Tommo B. Jumpy C. Dundie D. Annya E. Reni

36. What are the visitors prohibited to do at the zoo?

A. Enjoying the Hopping Kangaroo D. bringing children under 5 years with you
B. Watching Elephant Playtime E. Feeding the animals
C. Enjoying the crocodile show
37. Mr and Mrs Hasan are planning to take their three children, aged 15 years, 7 years and ,4 years to the
zoo. How much does Mr. Hasan have to pay for the tickets?
D. Rp. 125.000 C. Rp. 165.000 E. Rp. 200.000
E. Rp. 150.000 D. Rp. 180.000

Following text for question number 38 to 42

Situated at the border of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatra, Mount Leuser National Park is a
wildlife park which covers a wide range of ecosystem. It encompasses an environment from coastal to mountainous
areas. The national park was declared a biosphere reserve, by UNESCO.

This magnificent park is covered with a lush forest of dipterocarpaceae. It is home for a huge variety of flora
and fauna. It protects rare and endangered species like Rhizanthes zippelnii, Rafflesia, orangutans, gibbons, Sumatra
tigers, Sumatran rhinos and Sumatran elephants.

Mount leuser national park is wide and named after Mount Leuser. It stands at 3,404 meters above sea level.
In this area, tourists can visit the orangutan rehabilitation center in Bukit Lawang, enjoy cave and canoe tours in Kluet,
raft on the alas River, or Camp in Sekunder.
translate from: M. Purwati, pesona wisata Sumatra utara, klaten, Intan Pariwara, 2010.

38. What place is described?

A. Mount Leuser
B. Mount Leuser National Park.
C. A wildlife in North Sumatra
D. A zoo in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
E. A conservation center in Sumatra

39. How high is Mount Leuser?

A. 3,000 meters above sea level
B. 3,040 meters above sea level
C. 3,404 meters above sea level
D. 4,000 meters above sea level
E. 4,300 meters above sea level

40. Where is the orangutan rehabilitation center?

A. Bukit Lawang
B. Sekunder
C. Langkat
D. Kluet
E. Aceh

41. The Following are endangered species protected in mount Leuser National Park, EXCEPT
A. Gibbons
B. Cheetahs
C. Sumatran tigers
D. Sumatran rhinos
E. Sumatran elephants
42. Which statement is NOT TRUE?
A. The Park is located at the border of Aceh and North Sumatra.
B. The park is covered with a lush forest of dipterocarpaceae.
C. The park was declared a biosphere reserve.
D. The park is the widest wildlife in Indonesia.
E. The park is named after Mount Leuser.

for question 43 to 46 , choose the suitable words to complete the text.

As (43)_______________. Aldo and Aldi have similar physical characteristics. (44)__________ thin
and of medium height, and have a short wavy hair and pointed noses. Only a birthmark on Aldo’s arm
separates them. Besides (45)_________ similar physical appearance, Aldo and Aldi have a similar
hobby which make them unified. They like listening to music and often have discussions, even though
the have different favorite (46)___________. Aldo is fond of rock, while Aldi likes jazz. When we
enter their bedroom, we will see pictures of their favorite bands and singer.

43. A. pals B. twins C. cousins D. neighbors E. stepbrothers

44. A. they are B. he is C. their are D. they has E. he has

45. A.them B. his C. their D.Aldo E. Aldi

46. A. singers C. music videos E. Music Albums genres D. music instruments

Following text for question number 47 to 48

Attention, please.

Those who have finished carrying out the

experiment, please clean the microscopes and put them
back in their boxes.

Thank you

47. Where may you hear such an announcement?

A. In a language laboratory C. in a computer laboratory E. in the classroom
B. In a science laboratory D. in a library

48. “. . . . . and put them back in their boxes”

The underlined word refer to?
A. The Students C. the experiments E. the glasses
B. The Boxes D. the microscope
Following text for question number 49 to 50



Topic : Green Earth

The next must be :

 Typewritten on A4 Paper
 1.5 space
 12 pt, Arial font type

Send your work to :

Genius Generation Magazine
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantoro No. 1 , PO Box 111
No later than December 10, 2016.

Prizes :
 I : Rp1,000,000.00 and FREE 1-year magazine
 II : Rp500,000.00 and FREE 6-month magazine
 III : Rp250,000.00 and FREE 3-month magazine

Don’t miss it!

49. What is the text about?

A. a speech contest
B. a writing contest
C. a writing group assigment
D. a poem reciting contest
E. an English drama performance

50. Which statement is NOT TRUE?

A. the topic for writing contest is Green Earth
B. the organizer of the competition is Genius Generation Magazine
C. Participants should submit their works after December 10, 2016
D. the participants should type their works on A4 paper with 1.5 space.
E. Winner will receive money and free magazine subscription

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