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Bella : ……
NAME :_____________________
A. I will save them
CLASS :_____________________ B. I will go to the bookstore
C. I’m going to sell them
For questions 1 to 6, choose the correct words to
complete the following paragraph. D. I will give the newspaper for free
E. I’m going to throw
My sister... (1) to cook. ... (2) always has
brilliant ideas for my lunch every day. ... (3) Read the following dialog for question
cooks oxtail soup for today. I invite my freinds number 9 to 11
to our house to taste this soup. ... (4) love it so Rona and Aditya have a pair
much and tell ... (5) sister to open a restaurant assignment to review an entrepreneur and
because they think many people will like this report the results in class. This afternoon,
soup and she will make much money from ...(6). they are going to town to interview Mr.
Hartawan, a successful entrepreneur.
1. A. loved B. love C. loving Before the interview, Aditya calls Mr.
E. loven D. loves Hartawan to ensure that he has time for an
2. A. He B. She C. They “ hello , Mr Hartawan. This is Aditya.”
D. I E. We “hello, Aditya”
“Rona and I will be interviewing you this
3. A. We B. Them C. Us afternoon. Do you have time for us , sir?
D. She E. It “what time you will be here?
“Around 2 p.m”
4. A. He B. She C. Them “I am sorry. I will be having a meeting
D. They E. It with a client at that time. How about 3 p.m
5. A. his B. their C. hers “O.K, Sir. We will be there for 3 p.m.
D. my E. mine Thank you.”

6. A. it B. its C. them 9. What are Rona and Aditya going to do this

D. it’s E. her afternoon?
A. Report about entrepreneurship
7. Randa : Is that your father’s car ? B. Interview a famous teacher
Kelfi : Yes, it is C. Interview an enterpreneur
Randa : Wow, that’s wonderful D. Submit their assignment.
Kelfi : Thanks E. Call an entrepreneur.
What does Randa compliment ?
A. Kelfi Father’s car 10. What is Mr. Hartawan’s plan at 2 p.m this
B. The Kelfi’s father afternoon? He is going to ____________
C. The Kelfi’s talent A. meet a client
D. The Kelfi’s car B. meet Aditya
E. The Kelfi’s bag C. return home
D. leave for his workplace
8. Cecep : What will you do to these E. have a meeting with officials
newspapers ?
Bella : I will sell them 11. Where will the interview be held?
Cecep : What will you do to your money A. At school
B. At Restaurant The first floor displays antiques
C. At Aditya’s house such as old furniture and ornaments, while
D. At Mr. Hartawan’s house the second floor is used as the residence of
E. At Mr. Hartawan’s office the sultanate families. There are 13 rooms
on the second floor, 7 of which are in the
12. Raja . . . . . all of his friends to the main building, 3 rooms in the left wing
celebration next week. part and 3 other rooms in the right wing
A. Will invite D. Invitation part.
B. Invites E. inviting Translated from : M. Purwati, Pesona Wisata
C. Invited Sumatera Utara, Klaten, Intan Pariwara,2010.

15. What is the purpose of the text ?

13. Mey and I . . . . . some plates A. To relate Deli Sultanate.
and glasses on the dining table for the dinner B. To entertain readers.
tonight. C. To describe Maimun Palace
A. Was preparing D. Prepare
D. To describe a palace architecture
B. Prepared E. Will prepare E. To relate a person’s trip to Medan
C. Shall prepare

14. My website . . . . . the best source for 16. From the text we know that. . . . . . . .
English learners someday. A. Maimun Palace is the heritage of the
A. Will be D. Going to Deli Sultanate
B. Will E. be going B. Maimun Palace was designed by the
C. Going to be Sultan of Deli
C. Maimun Palace covers an area of 2,727
Read the following text for question m2
number 15 to 17 D. Maimun Palace is a three-store building
Maimun Palace with two main parts.
Maimun Palace is a tourist E. The visitors can see antiques on the
destination in North Sumatera which has second floor of the palace.
hystorical and cultural values. Located at
Jalan Brigjen Katamso, Aur, Medan, this 17. “It combines Islamic, Dutch and Malay
palace is iconic to Medan. Architectures, . . . . .” (paragraph 3)
The building stands on an area of ‘It’ refers to . . . .
2,772 square meters and is the heritage of A. Malay Architecture
the Deli Sultanate. It was design by an B. The main building
Italian Architect an built in 1888 under the C. The Deli Sultanate
rule of Sultan Makmun Al Rasyid Perkasa, D. Maimun Palace
the Sultan of Deli. E. The residence.
The palace has stunning
architectures. It combines Islamic, Dutch For questions 18 to 20, choose the correct
and Malay Architectures, with a dominant words to complete the following
color of yellow, typical of Malay. This paragraph.
two-store building is devided into three
parts, namely, the main building, left and Aldi lives at a big house. The
right wing parts. It is supported by 82 house (18)_____________ glaring blue
octagonal stone pillars and 43 wooden with high fences surrounding it. Everyone
pillars. entering the house (19)______________
by a small garden in front of the house.
The blossoming flowers created fragrance
and freshness in the garden. I’m always
interested in visiting in the house and
never feel (20)___________. The garden
is very shady and comfortable. Aldi and I
usually have a chat while sitting on the

18. A. Paints D. Painted

B. Is painted E. Was Painted
C. Is painting

19. A. Attracted D. will be attracted

B. is Attracting E. had been attract
C. was Attracted

20. A. Bored
B. Happy
C. Afraid
E. Upset

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