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Sample Questions BIOLOGY

L There are 8 chromosomes in the female gamete o f plant P? How many cbromo5omes
are there in each leal ceU o f plant P?
WS ~U GM (D)l6

2. Which would most likely cause the liquid in Tube A to rise?

(A) Starch concentrations being equal oo each &de of the membrane

(B) Water pas.s:ingfrom a region of lower s,tareh concentration to that of higher starch concentration
(C) Water and .tarchvolumes being the same
(D) Solute in the tuoos chaoging from a higher tempomturn tD a IDwer temperature

3. Identity the part. labelled P , Q and Rm the diagram of a root hair, shown below.

( A) P · Vacuole, Q · Nucleus, R · Cell wall (B) p. Protoplasm, Q • 1\'ucleus, R • Cell membrane
( C) P · Nucleus, Q · Vacuole, R · Cell wall (D ) P • MitDd>ondria, Q · Nucleus, R • Cell wall

4. In the foll o wing hi011eocbemical cycle, name t he processes marked as X, Y and Z.

N. 00
( atm.a.pb~)

rLJ t l
Nitnlte. Plao,_


t (Y) l

(A)X • Demmposition, Y - 1\~trifu:ation, Z • Denitrifu:ation (B)X •Ammmific atim , Y - 1\~trificarion, Z · Denitrification

(CJX - 1\~trifu:atinn, Y •Ammmification, z. Denitrifu:ati'on(D) X · Denhification,Y •Ammonificarion,Z - 1\~trification

5. A person is st.drermg from chest pain, breatbJ.....,.,.., loss o f body weight, peri'Sistent cougb and
produces blood stained sputum. Name the di.,...ase and its causative agent.
Diwase Causati,;oe agent
(A) Tubereukv;is Myoobacterium tubereulosis
(B) Typhoid Salmonella typhi
( C) Hepatitis - B Hepatitis B virus
(D) Tubercul<>Sis E .cnli
Sample Q~ uestions GENERAL KNOWLED,GE &mEl
1. Genuine : : Authtmti.c : : ~ ::?
(A) IDusiom (B) Hideout (C)lm.ege

2. Whieh number should eome ned in the series he:lorw 'l

7, 11, II, fl1' 7

(A)104, (8) 1.&3 (C)l38 (D) 281

--+~ )>---

(C) (D) 0

4.. To, wio a Gramd Slam in tennis., a player has to wiD:

(A) Ansirs&n ~ W"l!ml:x:M~ Fnmch.Qpen:,.l.BOpen. (B) Wnnhel:iao,. Fnmch ~ l.B ~
(C) W"lr~Jlbdldao,.Fnmdl Opm.~ Omck~ US~ (D) DaviSmp. Wnnbel'dQD,FeacbOpen

5. As per the fairy ~ what did Ci.Dde:nill.S.'s.bOI'Ses ehange intu at the st:mke of midnight?
(A) Mice (B) Goat (C) Hmse ( D ) NoDE! mtheae
Sample Oue,s tions MATHSID:mll
1. H 2009 !!!!! P"'..q•, where ~·and -qt are prime oumhe.r.s, thea fiDel "the value of p + q ..
( A) 3 0)) 48 (C) 5 1 (D) 2009

2. A e:i.ftle of nulius :25 uo:its ha. a ehonl going through a peiot that is located U) uoits. frum the
ee:ntre. What. is.the shortest possible lencth that ehonl eould haw'?
( A) 251Uiit!i

B~ A line parallel te the base of a tria:mgle euts the triamgle iota twa' regions.of area. This 1iDe
also, eut.s the altitude iDtcJ, two pBI"ts. liDd the ratio of the two parts of the altitude.

(A} 1 ~ 1 (B) 1 :2 (C) 1 :· J2 (D) 1 : (J2 + l }

4. Oivwm, three segments oflength x, (11 - :E} amd (z:- 4) rre.spedh"ely. Wbieh of the ft;Jilo,w ing iodicates
the set of aD. DliJDber5 a.z.• suCh that the three segments eould 00 tbe lengths of the side.s of a
( A) X> 4 (B) 0 < X< 11 (C) 4 < X< 11 (D) 5 < X< 7

5.. FCJUr points are t:~D a 1iDe segment, as.shc;rwD.. If AM :: :BC !!!!! 1 : 2 sod IIC : CD !!!!! 8 :: 5:~~ theD AB : BD
• •
• D•
(A } 4 : 13 (B.} 1 :13 (C) 1:.7 (D} 3 :. 13
Sample Oue·s tions PHYSICS ImmEl
1. The re;gi.oD!Ii of emnpre;ssioD!i.and rarefra.etioD!Ii.of :!!iDu:nd wave are established 'beeause:
(A) the SOl!ll!ld wa"w-.e undergoes d:i'rffi-actioon bebiind obsts.clas
(B} the :refleded smmd wave a t fimd end mte:rf~ with the incident wave
(C} the lo:ngitudinsl movement af aiir moJecuJ.les prodliiCe ~ f!JllCtliJatiam
(D) tbs speed of the :smmd wave cha.ngasss iit tm1ooTe1!s th:n:nmgh a mediimn

'2. A bJoek of wood of ileugth 40 em aDd a:nm of eross sectiaD 15 emz floats. in water with 318 of its.
leng1h aiJe,v e water. What is.the density ofwo.od1 l(dennty ofurale.r1/lkms)
(A)0.256(fcnf (B) O.D26g!cnf ( C) 0.625g!cnl'
(D) 0.650 (Jcnl'

3. A body loo.!!IIBS half of its velacit)~ while pe:oet-ra.ti.:ng 3 em into· a wooden bleek, then htJ,w mueh
will it penet.r.ate more before euming to
(A) 1 em (B) 2 an ( C)13 em (D) 4 an

4.. The tUne period of a satellite is. 5 hours. If the separatioD betweem tbe e arth and t he satellite is.
inereased to 4 times what will be the new time period?
(A) 20 bcl!D"S (B) 10'S (C) 80 hows (D) 40 hem-s

5. A 1MJ,z. of mi1.5!11 1 kg is puilled tbmugh 1 m along a level floor by a bo:ri.zontal fo1'08 of 8 N. The oo·S:
is then raised vert:i.eaU.yoD to•a beneb 2m h:ig,h.. What is the total workdo:ae on the hocm1
(Take If== 10 ml~}
<Al 1sJ (B.) ~ J (C) SJ <m Js~ +'2'd J

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