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1. What is your philosophy or value that you hold dearest in life? Why?

 My philosophy in life is “Life is hard, but God is good”. In every challenges and hardships in life
we should always rise up to fight and remember, there’s God and God is good.

 My philosophy in life is to stay morally upright, to respect and gain respect; to become a friend
to everyone and be able to help other people. With that, I would be presentable in the eyes of
my friends, my family and especially to God.

2. What do you think is the essence of winning the pageant?

The essence of winning this pageant is for my fellow students of Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel, I will
serve as a reflection of what a Gabrielian should be, who cares for everyone and fears no man but
only God.

3. What is the essence of a woman/man?

The essence of man is imperfection. Failure is simply a price we pay to achieve success. If we learn to
embrace this definition of Failure then we are free to start moving ahead and live our dream.

4. What constitute true beauty?

True beauty is about who we are as a human being, your principles and your moral compass, we are
children of God, we are beautiful.

5. Who is the most influential person in your life?

The most influential person in my life is my mom. My mother is God- fearing, kind and compassionate,
she is an inspiration and a blessing for me and for the others who know her.

6. How would you describe CDSGA in one word? Why?

7. If you were to add another rule in our beloved school, what is it? Why?

8. If you had to live your life over again, what part of your life you want to change? Why?
9. Being a Gabrielian how do you raise our school in other university?

10. If you had to live your life all over again, what part of your life would you change?

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