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numerical methods - 17.


• Laplace transforms
• Using tables to do Laplace transforms
• Using the s-domain to find outputs
• Solving Partial Fractions

• To be able to find time responses of linear systems using Laplace transforms.


Laplace transforms provide a method for representing and analyzing linear sys-
tems using algebraic methods. In systems that begin undeflected and at rest the Laplace ’s’
can directly replace the d/dt operator in differential equations. It is a superset of the phasor
representation in that it has both a complex part, for the steady state response, but also a
real part, representing the transient part. As with the other representations the Laplace s is
related to the rate of change in the system.

D = s (if the initial conditions/derivatives are all zero at t=0s)

s = σ + jω

Figure 17.1 The Laplace s

The basic definition of the Laplace transform is shown in Figure 17.2. The normal
convention is to show the function of time with a lower case letter, while the same func-
tion in the s-domain is shown in upper case. Another useful observation is that the trans-
form starts at t=0s. Examples of the application of the transform are shown in Figure 17.3
for a step function and in Figure 17.4 for a first order derivative.
numerical methods - 17.2

∫0 f ( t )e
– st
F(s) = dt

f ( t ) = the function in terms of time t
F ( s ) = the function in terms of the Laplace s

Figure 17.2 The Laplace transform

Aside: Proof of the step function transform.

For f(t) = 5,
∞ ∞ ∞ – s0
5 –st 5 –s∞ 5e 5
∫0 ∫0
– st – st
F(s) = f ( t )e dt = 5e dt = – --- e = – --- e – – ------------ = ---
s 0
s s s

Figure 17.3 Proof of the step function transform

numerical methods - 17.3

Aside: Proof of the first order derivative transform

Given the derivative of a function g(t)=df(t)/dt,
d ∞
G ( s ) = L [ g ( t ) ] = L ----- f ( t ) = ∫ (d/dt)f ( t )e dt
– st
dt 0
we can use integration by parts to go backwards,
b b
∫a u dv = uv a – ∫ v du

∫0 (d/dt)f ( t )e
– st

– st
du = df ( t ) v = e

– st
u = f(t) dv = – se dt

∞ – st ∞ ∞
∴∫ f ( t ) ( – s )e – ∫ (d/dt)f ( t )e
– st – st
dt = f ( t )e 0
0 0

∞ – ∞s ∞
∴∫ (d/dt)f ( t )e ] + s ∫ f ( t )e
– st – 0s – st
dt = [ f ( t )e – f ( t )e dt
0 0

∴L ----- f ( t ) = – f ( 0 ) + sL [ f ( t ) ]

Figure 17.4 Proof of the first order derivative transform

The previous proofs were presented to establish the theoretical basis for this
method, however tables of values will be presented in a later section for the most popular


The process of applying Laplace transforms to analyze a linear system involves the
basic steps listed below.
numerical methods - 17.4

1. Convert the system transfer function, or differential equation, to the s-domain by

replacing ’D’ with ’s’. (Note: If any of the initial conditions are non-zero these
must be also be added.)
2. Convert the input function(s) to the s-domain using the transform tables.
3. Algebraically combine the input and transfer function to find an output function.
4. Use partial fractions to reduce the output function to simpler components.
5. Convert the output equation back to the time-domain using the tables.

17.2.1 A Few Transform Tables

Laplace transform tables are shown in Figure 17.5, Figure 17.7 and Figure 17.8.
These are commonly used when analyzing systems with Laplace transforms. The trans-
forms shown in Figure 17.5 are general properties normally used for manipulating equa-
tions, and for converting them to/from the s-domain.
numerical methods - 17.5


f(t ) f(s )

Kf ( t ) KL [ f ( t ) ]

f1 ( t ) + f2 ( t ) –f3 ( t ) + … f 1 ( s ) + f 2 ( s ) –f 3 ( s ) + …

df ( t ) –
----------- sL [ f ( t ) ] – f ( 0 )
2 –
d f(t ) 2 df ( 0 )

s L [ f ( t ) ] – sf ( 0 ) – ------------------
dt dt
n – n–1 –
f ( t )- n – 2 df ( 0
------------------) – … – -------------------------
d------------- n n–1 – d f(0
s L[f(t ) ] – s f(0 ) – s n
dt dt dt
[ f ( t ) -]
∫0 f ( t ) dt L
– as
f ( t – a )u ( t – a ), a > 0 e L[ f( t )]
– at
e f(t) f(s – a)

f ( at ), a > 0 1---  --s-

a  a

df ( s -)
tf ( t )
n n d f(s)
t f(t) ( – 1 ) --------------

( t )-
t ∫ f ( u ) du

Figure 17.5 Laplace transform tables

numerical methods - 17.6

·· · where,
L [ x + 7x + 8x = 9 ] = ··
x(0) = 1
x(0) = 2
x(0) = 3

Figure 17.6 Drill Problem: Converting a differential equation to s-domain

The Laplace transform tables shown in Figure 17.7 and Figure 17.8 are normally
used for converting to/from the time/s-domain.
numerical methods - 17.7


δ(t) unit impulse 1

step A
A ---
ramp 1
t ----
2 2
t ----
n n!
t ,n>0 -----------
– at exponential decay 1-
e ----------
sin ( ωt ) ω
2 2
s +ω
cos ( ωt ) -----------------
2 2
s +ω
– at 1
te -------------------
(s + a)
2 – at 2! -
t e ------------------
(s + a)

Figure 17.7 Laplace transform tables (continued)

numerical methods - 17.8


– at ω
e sin ( ωt ) -------------------------------
(s + a) + ω
– at s+a -
e cos ( ωt ) -------------------------------
2 2
(s + a) + ω
– at ω
e sin ( ωt ) -------------------------------
(s + a) + ω

B cos ωt +  ----------------- sin ωt

– at C – aB Bs + C
e --------------------------------
 ω  2 2
(s + a) + ω
complex conjugate
– αt A A
2Ae cos ( βt + θ ) ----------------------- + --------------------------------------
s + α – βj s + α + βj
complex conjugate
– αt A A
2t A e cos ( βt + θ ) ------------------------------
- + -------------------------------------
2 2
( s + α – βj ) ( s + α + βj )
– at – bt
( c – a )e – ( c – b )e s+c
--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
b–a ( s + a)(s + b)
– at – bt
e –e 1
------------------------ --------------------------------
b–a ( s + a)(s + b)

Figure 17.8 Laplace transform tables (continued)

numerical methods - 17.9

f ( t ) = 5 sin ( 5t + 8 )

f(s ) = L[ f( t) ] =

Figure 17.9 Drill Problem: Converting from the time to s-domain

5 6
f ( s ) = --- + -----------
s s+7
f(t ) = L [ f(s )] =

Figure 17.10 Drill Problem: Converting from the s-domain to time domain


In previous chapters differential equations, and then transfer functions, were

derived for mechanical and electrical systems. These can be converted to the s-domain, as
numerical methods - 17.10

shown in the mass-spring-damper example in Figure 17.11. In this case we assume the
system starts undeflected and at rest, so the ’D’ operator may be directly replaced with the
Laplace ’s’. If the system did not start at rest and undeflected, the ’D’ operator would be
replaced with a more complex expression that includes the initial conditions.

F = MD x + K d Dx + K s x

F ( t )- 2
--------- = MD + K d D + K s
M x x( t)

F(t) F( s) 2
L ---------- = ----------- = Ms + K d s + K s
F x( t) x(s )

ASIDE: Here ’D’ is simply replaced with ’s’. Although this is very convenient, it is
only valid if the initial conditions are zero, otherwise the more complex form,
shown below, must be used.
n – n –
d f ( t -) n n–1 – n – 2 df ( 0 ) d f ( 0 )-
L -------------
= s L[f(t )] – s f(0 ) – s ------------------ – … – -------------------
dt dt dt

Figure 17.11 A mass-spring-damper example

Impedances in the s-domain are shown in Figure 17.12. As before these assume
that the system starts undeflected and at rest.

Device Time domain s-domain Impedance

Resistor V ( t ) = RI ( t ) V ( s ) = RI ( s ) Z = R
1 I(s)
V ( s ) =  ---- ---------
1 1
Capacitor V ( t ) = ---- ∫ I ( t ) dt Z = ------
C  C s sC
Inductor V ( t ) = L ----- I ( t ) V ( s ) = LsI ( s ) Z = Ls

Figure 17.12 Impedances of electrical components

numerical methods - 17.11

Figure 17.13 shows an example of circuit analysis using Laplace transforms. The
circuit is analyzed as a voltage divider, using the impedances of the devices. The switch
that closes at t=0s ensures that the circuit starts at rest. The calculation result is a transfer


Vi +
+ R Vo
- C

Treat the circuit as a voltage divider,

 
Vi  ------------------
 1 V i  ----------------------
 DC + ---  1 + DCR
V o = --------------------------------------- = ---------------------------------------------- = V i  -------------------------------------------------
   2 2 
 ----------------------
R D R LC + DLR + R
DL +  ------------------
1 DLR +  1 + DCR
 DC + ---
------ =  ---------------------------------------------
Vi  2 2 
s R LC + sLR + R

Figure 17.13 A circuit example

At this point two transfer functions have been derived. To state the obvious, these
relate an output and an input. To find an output response, an input is needed.


An input to a system is normally expressed as a function of time that can be con-

verted to the s-domain. An example of this conversion for a step function is shown in Fig-
ure 17.14.
numerical methods - 17.12

Apply a constant force of A, starting at time t=0 sec.

(*Note: a force applied instantly is impossible but assumed)
F(t) = 0 for t < 0
Perform Laplace transform using tables
= A for t >= 0
F ( s ) = L [ F ( t ) ] = ---

Figure 17.14 An input function

In the previous section we converted differential equations, for systems, to transfer

functions in the s-domain. These transfer functions are a ratio of output divided by input.
If the transfer function is multiplied by the input function, both in the s-domain, the result
is the system output in the s-domain.

Given, x ( s )- 1
---------- = -------------------------------------
F( s) 2
Ms + K d s + K s
F ( s ) = ---
x( s)  
x ( s ) =  ----------- F ( s ) =  -------------------------------------
1 - A---
 F ( s )  Ms + K d s + Ks s

Assume, Ns
K d = 3000 ------
K s = 2000 ----
M = 1000kg
A = 1000N
∴x ( s ) = ---------------------------------
( s + 3s + 2 )s

Figure 17.15 A transfer function multiplied by the input function

Output functions normally have complex forms that are not found directly in trans-
form tables. It is often necessary to simplify the output function before it can be converted
back to the time domain. Partial fraction methods allow the functions to be broken into
numerical methods - 17.13

smaller, simpler components. The previous example in Figure 17.15 is continued in Figure
17.16 using a partial fraction expansion. In this example the roots of the third order
denominator polynomial, are calculated. These provide three partial fraction terms. The
residues (numerators) of the partial fraction terms must still be calculated. The example
shows a method for finding resides by multiplying the output function by a root term, and
then finding the limit as s approaches the root.

1 1 A B C
x ( s ) = --------------------------------- = ------------------------------------ = --- + ----------- + -----------
( s + 3s + 2 )s ( s + 1 ) ( s + 2 )s s s+1 s+2

A = lim s  ------------------------------------
1 1
= ---
s→0 ( s + 1 ) ( s + 2 )s 2

B = lim ( s + 1 )  ------------------------------------
= –1
s → –1 ( s + 1 ) ( s + 2 )s

C = lim ( s + 2 )  ------------------------------------
1 1
= ---
s → –2 ( s + 1 ) ( s + 2 )s 2

Aside: the short cut above can reduce time for simple partial fraction
expansions. A simple proof for finding ‘B’ above is given in this box.
1 - = A B - ----------
----------------------------------- --- + ---------- +
( s + 1 ) ( s + 2 )s s s+1 s+2
1 A B C
( s + 1 ) ------------------------------------ = ( s + 1 ) --- + ( s + 1 ) ----------- + ( s + 1 ) -----------
( s + 1 ) ( s + 2 )s s s+1 s+2
1 - A C
------------------ = ( s + 1 ) --- + B + ( s + 1 ) -----------
( s + 2 )s s s+2

1 A C
lim ------------------- = lim ( s + 1 ) --- + lim B + lim ( s + 1 ) -----------
s → –1 ( s + 2 )s s → –1 s s → –1 s → –1 s +2

lim ------------------- = lim B = B
s → – 1 ( s + 2 )s s → –1

1 0.5 –1 0.5
x ( s ) = ---------------------------------
= ------- + ----------- + -----------
( s + 3s + 2 )s s s + 1 s +2

Figure 17.16 Partial fractions to reduce an output function

After simplification with partial fraction expansion, the output function is easily
numerical methods - 17.14

converted back to a function of time as shown in Figure 17.17.

–1 –1 0.5 – 1 - ----------
x(t) = L [ x( s)] = L ------- + ---------- +
s s+1 s+2
–1 0.5 –1 - – 1 0.5
x(t) = L ------- + L –1 ---------- + L -----------
s s+1 s+2
–t – 2t
x ( t ) = [ 0.5 ] + [ ( – 1 )e ] + [ ( 0.5 )e ]
–t – 2t
x ( t ) = 0.5 – e + 0.5e

Figure 17.17 Partial fractions to reduce an output function (continued)


The flowchart in Figure 17.18 shows the general procedure for converting a func-
tion from the s-domain to a function of time. In some cases the function is simple enough
to immediately use a transfer function table. Otherwise, partial fraction expansion is nor-
mally used to reduce the complexity of the function.
numerical methods - 17.15

Start with a function of ’s’.

NOTE: This does not apply
for transfer functions.

is the
function in
simplify the
yes the transform

can the
function be
simplified? yes


Use partial fractions to

break the function into
smaller parts

Match the function(s) to

the form in the table
and convert to a time


Figure 17.18 The methodology for doing an inverse transform of an output function

Figure 17.19 shows the basic procedure for partial fraction expansion. In cases
where the numerator is greater than the denominator, the overall order of the expression
can be reduced by long division. After this the denominator can be reduced from a polyno-
mial to multiplied roots. Calculators or computers are normally used when the order of the
polynomial is greater than second order. This results in a number of terms with unknown
resides that can be found using a limit or algebra based technique.
numerical methods - 17.16

start with a function that

has a polynomial numerator
and denominator

is the
order of the use long division to
numerator >= yes reduce the order of the
denominator? numerator

Find roots of the denominator
and break the equation into
partial fraction form with
unknown values

use limits technique. use algebra technique
If there are higher order
roots (repeated terms)
then derivatives will be
required to find solutions


Figure 17.19 The methodology for solving partial fractions

Figure 17.20 shows an example where the order of the numerator is greater than
the denominator. Long division of the numerator is used to reduce the order of the term
until it is low enough to apply partial fraction techniques. This method is used infrequently
because this type of output function normally occurs in systems with extremely fast
response rates that are infeasible in practice.
numerical methods - 17.17

3 2
5s + 3s + 8s + 6-
x ( s ) = -------------------------------------------
s +4
This cannot be solved using partial fractions because the numerator is 3rd order
and the denominator is only 2nd order. Therefore long division can be used to
reduce the order of the equation.

5s + 3

2 3 2
s +4 5s + 3s + 8s + 6
5s + 20s
3s – 12s + 6
3s + 12
– 12s – 6
This can now be used to write a new function that has a reduced portion that can be
solved with partial fractions.

– 12s – 6- –---------------------
12s – 6- A B
x ( s ) = 5s + 3 + ---------------------
= ------------- + -------------
s +4 s +4 s + 2j s – 2j

Figure 17.20 Partial fractions when the numerator is larger than the denominator

Partial fraction expansion of a third order polynomial is shown in Figure 17.21.

The s-squared term requires special treatment. Here it produces partial two partial fraction
terms divided by s and s-squared. This pattern is used whenever there is a root to an expo-
numerical methods - 17.18

1 - A B C
x ( s ) = --------------------
= ---2- + --- + -----------
s (s + 1) s s s+1

C = lim ( s + 1 )  --------------------
1 -
= 1
s → –1  2 
s (s + 1)

A = lim s  --------------------
2 1 - 1
= lim ----------- = 1
s→0  2  s→0 s + 1
s (s + 1)

B = lim ----- s  --------------------

1 -
= lim -----  -----------
d 2 d 1 –2
= lim [ – ( s + 1 ) ] = – 1
s→0 ds  2  s→0 ds  s + 1 s→0
s (s + 1)

Figure 17.21 A partial fraction example

Figure 17.22 shows another example with a root to an exponent. In this case each
of the repeated roots is given with the highest order exponent, down to the lowest order
exponent. The reader will note that the order of the denominator is fifth order, so the
resulting partial fraction expansion has five first order terms.

F ( s ) = -----------------------3-
s (s + 1)
5 - A B C D E
----------------------- = ----2 + --- + ------------------3- + ------------------2- + ----------------
2 3 s (s + 1) (s + 1) (s + 1)
s (s + 1) s

Figure 17.22 Partial fractions with repeated roots

Algebra techniques are a reasonable alternative for finding partial fraction resi-
dues. The example in Figure 17.23 extends the example begun in Figure 17.22. The equiv-
alent forms are simplified algebraically, until the point where an inverse matrix solution is
used to find the residues.
numerical methods - 17.19

5 -
----------------------- A B C D E
= ----2 + --- + ------------------3- + ------------------2- + ----------------
2 3 s (s + 1) (s + 1) ( s + 1)
s (s + 1) s
3 3 2 2 2 2
A ( s + 1 ) + Bs ( s + 1 ) + Cs + Ds ( s + 1 ) + Es ( s + 1 ) -
= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
s (s + 1)
4 3 2
s ( B + E ) + s ( A + 3B + D + 2E ) + s ( 3A + 3B + C + D + E ) + s ( 3A + B ) + ( A )-
= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
s (s + 1)
0 1 0 0 1 A 0 A 0 1 0 0 1 0 5
1 3 0 1 2 B 0 B 1 3 0 1 2 0 – 15
3 3 1 1 1 C = 0 C = 3 3 1 1 1 0 = 5
3 1 0 0 0 D 0 D 3 1 0 0 0 0 10
1 0 0 0 0 E 5 E 1 0 0 0 0 5 15

5 - 5 – 15 5 10 15
----------------------- = ---2- + --------- + ------------------3- + ------------------2- + ----------------
2 3 s (s + 1) (s + 1) ( s + 1)
s (s + 1) s

Figure 17.23 Solving partial fractions algebraically

For contrast, the example in Figure 17.23 is redone in Figure 17.24 using the limit
techniques. In this case the use of repeated roots required the differentiation of the output
function. In these cases the algebra techniques become more attractive, despite the need to
solve simultaneous equations.
numerical methods - 17.20

5 -
----------------------- A B C D E
= ---2- + --- + ------------------3- + ------------------2- + ----------------
2 3 s (s + 1) (s + 1) ( s + 1)
s (s + 1) s

A = lim  -----------------------3- s = lim ------------------3- = 5

5 2 5
s→0  2  s → 0 (s + 1)
s (s + 1)

5( –3 )
B = lim -----  -----------------------3- s = lim -----  ------------------3-
d 5 2 d 5
= lim ------------------4- = – 15
s→0 ds 2 s→0 ds (s + 1) s → 0 (s + 1)
s (s + 1)

C = lim  -----------------------3- ( s + 1 ) = lim ----2 = 5

5 3 5
s → –1 2 s → –1 s
s (s + 1)
1 – 2 ( 5 -)
D = lim ----- -----  -----------------------3- ( s + 1 ) = lim ----- ----- ---2- = lim ----- -------------
1 d 5 3 1 d 5
= 10
s → – 1 1! ds 2 s → – 1 1! ds s s → – 1 1! s 3
s (s + 1)

E = lim ----- -----  -----------------------3- ( s + 1 ) = lim ----- ----- ----2 = lim ----- -----4- = 15
1 d2 5 3 1 d25 1 30
s → –1 2! ds  2  s → –1 2! ds s → –1 2!
s (s + 1) s s
5 - 5 – 15 5 10 15
----------------------- = ---2- + --------- + ------------------3- + ------------------2- + ----------------
2 3 s (s + 1) (s + 1) (s + 1)
s (s + 1) s

Figure 17.24 Solving partial fractions with limits

An inductive proof for the limit method of solving partial fractions is shown in
Figure 17.25.

5 - A B C D E
----------------------- = ---2- + --- + ------------------3- + ------------------2- + ----------------
2 3 s (s + 1) (s + 1) (s + 1)
s (s + 1) s
5 A B C D E
lim -----------------------3- = ---2- + --- + ------------------3- + ------------------2- + ----------------
s → –1 2 s (s + 1) (s + 1) (s + 1)
s (s + 1) s

lim ( s + 1 )  -----------------------3- = ---2- + --- + ------------------3- + ------------------2- + ----------------

3 5 A B C D E
s → –1  2 s (s + 1) ( s + 1 )
s (s + 1) s (s + 1)
3 3
5 A(s + 1) (s + 1)-
lim ---2- = ---------------------- ---------------------- + C + D(s + 1) + E(s + 1)
s → –1 s 2 s
numerical methods - 17.21

For C, evaluate now,

3 3
5 A ( – 1 + 1 ) - ---------------------------
B(– 1 + 1 ) - 2
------------- = ---------------------------
2 2
+ + C + D ( – 1 + 1 ) + E ( – 1 + 1 )
( –1 ) ( –1 ) –1
3 3
5 A ( 0 ) - -------------
B( 0) - 2
------------- = -------------
2 2
+ + C + D(0) + E(0) C = 5
( –1 ) ( –1 ) – 1

For D, differentiate once, then evaluate

d  5 A( s + 1) - B 2
3 3
(s + 1)-
lim -----  ----2 = ---------------------- + ---------------------- + C + D ( s + 1 ) + E ( s + 1 ) 
s → – 1 dt  s s
2 s 

2 ( 5 )-
–-------------  2 ( s + 1 ) 3 3 ( s + 1 ) 2  ( s + 1 ) 3 3 ( s + 1 ) 2
lim = A– ---------------------
- + ---------------------
- - + ---------------------- + D + 2E ( s + 1 )
 + B  – ------------------
s → –1 s
 s
  s
2 s 
2 ( 5 )-
= D = 10
( –1 )
For E, differentiate twice, then evaluate (the terms for A and B will be ignored to save
space, but these will drop out anyway).
2 5 ( )
( )
3 
 d  A s + 1 B s + 1
- + ----------------------- + C + D ( s + 1 ) + E ( s + 1 )2
lim  -----  ----2 = ----------------------
s → – 1 dt  s s
2 s 
d – 2 ( 5 -)
lim  -----  ------------- = A ( … ) + B ( … ) + D + 2E ( s + 1 )
s → – 1  dt  s 3 

–3 ( –2 ( 5 ) )
lim -------------------------
= A ( … ) + B ( … ) + 2E
s → –1 s
3 ( –2 ( 5 ) )
= A ( 0 ) + B ( 0 ) + 2E E = 15
( –1 )

Figure 17.25 A proof of the need for differentiation for repeated roots


17.6.1 Mass-Spring-Damper Vibration

A mass-spring-damper system is shown in Figure 17.26 with a sinusoidal input.

numerical methods - 17.22

x(s) M
∴----------- = ---------------------------------
F( s) 2 K K
s + -----d- s + -----s
Component values are,
N Ns
M = 1kg K s = 2 ---- K d = 0.5 ------
m m
The sinusoidal input is converted to the s-domain,

F ( t ) = 5 cos ( 6t )N
5s -
∴F ( s ) = ---------------
2 2
s +6
This can be combined with the transfer function to obtain the output function,
 
x ( s ) = F ( s )  ----------- =  ---------------
5s -  -----------------------------
 F ( s )  2 2  2 
s + 6  s + 0.5s + 2
∴x ( s ) = ---------------------------------------------------------
2 2
( s + 36 ) ( s + 0.5s + 2 )

∴x ( s ) = ------------- + ------------- + ------------------------------------- + -------------------------------------
s + 6j s – 6j s – 0.25 + 1.39j s – 0.25 – 1.39j

Figure 17.26 A mass-spring-damper example

The residues for the partial fraction in Figure 17.26 are calculated and converted to
a function of time in Figure 17.27. In this case the roots of the denominator are complex,
so the result has a sinusoidal component.
numerical methods - 17.23

( s + 6j ) ( 5s )
------------------------------------------------------------------------ – 30j
- = ----------------------------------------------
A = lim
s → – 6j ( s – 6j ) ( s + 6j ) ( s + 0.5s + 2 )
2 ( – 12j ) ( 36 – 3j + 2 )
∴A = 73.2 × 10 ∠3.05
* –3
∴B = A = 73.2 × 10 ∠– 3.05
Continue on to find C, D same way
–3 –3
73.2 × 10 ∠3.05 73.2 × 10 ∠– 3.05
∴x ( s ) = ------------------------------------------- + ---------------------------------------------- + …
s + 6j s – 6j

Do inverse Laplace transform

–3 – 0t
x ( t ) = 2 ( 73.2 × 10 )e cos ( 6t – 3.05 ) + …

Figure 17.27 A mass-spring-damper example (continued)

17.6.2 Circuits

It is not necessary to develop a transfer functions for a system. The equation for the
voltage divider is shown in Figure 17.28. Impedance values and the input voltage are con-
verted to the s-domain and written in the equation. The resulting output function is manip-
ulated into partial fraction form and the residues calculated. An inverse Laplace transform
is used to convert the equation into a function of time using the tables.
numerical methods - 17.24

R = 10 Ω


V s = 3 cos t +
+ Vo
- C = 10 F

As normal, relate the source voltage to the output voltage using component values in
the s-domain.
ZC 1
V o = Vs  -------------------
V s ( s ) = -------------
- ZR = R Z C = ------
ZR + ZC s +1
Next, equations are combined. The numerator of resulting output function must be
reduced by long division.
 ----- 1- 
3s  sC  3s 3s
-  ---------------- = -------------------------------------------
V o = ------------- - = ------------------------------------------------------- -
s + 1  R + ----- 1-
2 2 2 3 –3
( s + 1 ) ( 1 + sRC ) ( s + 1 ) ( s10 10 + 1 )
 sC
The output function can be converted to a partial fraction form and the residues calcu-
2 2
3s As + B- ---------- C- As + As + Bs + B + Cs + C-
V o = -----------------------------------
= ---------------
+ = ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(s + 1 )(s + 1) s +1 s+1 (s + 1)( s + 1)
3s s ( A + C ) + s ( A + B ) + ( B + C )-
V o = -----------------------------------
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(s + 1)(s + 1) (s + 1)(s + 1)
B+C = 0 ∴B = – C
A+C = 0 ∴A = – C
A+B = 3 ∴– C – C = 3 ∴C = – 1.5 ∴A = 1.5 ∴B = 1.5
1.5s + 1.5- ---------- – 1.5-
V o = -----------------------
s +1 s+1

Figure 17.28 A circuit example

numerical methods - 17.25

The output function can be converted to a function of time using the transform tables,
as shown below.

–1 –1 1.5s + 1.5- ----------

– 1.5- – 1 1.5s + 1.5 – 1.5-
Vo ( t ) = L [ V o ( s ) ] = L ----------------------- + - + L –1 ----------
= L -----------------------
2 s + 1 2 s +1
s +1 s +1
–1 s - –1 1 - –t
∴V o ( t ) = 1.5L -------------
+ 1.5L ------------- 2
– 1.5e
s +1 s +1
∴V o ( t ) = 1.5 cos t + 1.5 sin t – 1.5e

1.5 + 1.5 sin  t + atan  -------  – 1.5e

2 2 1.5 –t
∴V o ( t ) =
  1.5 
∴V o ( t ) = 2.121 sin  t + --- – 1.5e

Figure 17.29 A circuit example (continued)


17.7.1 Input Functions

In some cases a system input function is comprised of many different functions, as

shown in Figure 17.30. The step function can be used to switch function on and off to cre-
ate a piecewise function. This is easily converted to the s-domain using the e-to-the-s
numerical methods - 17.26


0 1 3 4

f ( t ) = 5tu ( t ) – 5 ( t – 1 )u ( t – 1 ) – 5 ( t – 3 )u ( t – 3 ) + 5 ( t – 4 )u ( t – 4 )

–s – 3s – 4s
5 5e - 5e 5e
f ( s ) = ---2- – ---------
– ------------
+ ------------
s s s s

Figure 17.30 Switching on and off function parts

17.7.2 Initial and Final Value Theorems

The initial and final values an output function can be calculated using the theorems
shown in Figure 17.31.

x ( t → ∞ ) = lim [ sx ( s ) ] Final value theorem


1s 1
- = ------------------------------------- = 1---
∴x ( t → ∞ ) = lim ---------------------------------
= lim -------------------------
2 2
s → 0 ( s + 3s + 2 )s s → 0 s + 3s + 2 (0 ) + 3(0) + 2 2

x ( t → 0 ) = lim [ sx ( s ) ] Initial value theorem


1(s) 1 1-
∴x ( t → 0 ) = lim --------------------------------- = -------------------------------------------
- = --- = 0
s → ∞ ( s + 3s + 2 )s 2
( ( ∞ ) + 3( ∞) + 2 ) ∞

Figure 17.31 Final and initial values theorems

numerical methods - 17.27


The following map is to be used to generally identify the use of the various topics
covered in the course.

System Model Some input

(differential equations) disturbance in
terms of time
Laplace Transform

Function Input described with
Laplace Equation

We can figure
out from plots
Experiments Root-Locus
for stability
Output Function
(Laplace form)
Bode and Phase Plots Phasor Transform
- Straight line
- Exact plot
Output Function
Equations for gain and phase (Laplace terms)
at different frequencies Partial Fraction
Approximate equations for Inverse Laplace
steady state vibrations

Steady state Time based

frequency response response

Figure 17.32 A map of Laplace analysis techniques

numerical methods - 17.28


• Transfer and input functions can be converted to the s-domain

• Output functions can be calculated using input and transfer functions
• Output functions can be converted back to the time domain using partial frac-


1. Convert the following functions from time to laplace functions using the tables.

·· · ·
a) L[5] o) L [ x + 5x + 3x ], x ( 0 ) = 8, x ( 0 ) = 7
– 3t
b) L[ e ] p) d
L ----- sin ( 6t )
– 3t d 32
L [ 5e ] L  ----- t

c) q)
– 3t
d) L [ 5te ] t
r) L ∫0 y dt
e) L [ 5t ] 3 – 5t
s) L [ 3t ( t – 1 ) + e ]
f) L [ 4t ] t) L[u( t – 1) – u(t – 2)]
g) L [ cos ( 5t ) ] – 2t
u) L[e u( t – 2) ]
–( t + 1)
h) L[ 3( t – 1 ) + e ] –( t – 3 )
v) L[e u( t – 1) ]
– 3t
i) L [ 5e cos ( 5t ) ] – 3t
w) L [ 5e + u(t – 1) – u(t – 2)]
– 3t
j) L [ 5e cos ( 5t + 1 ) ] t–3
x) L [ cos ( 7t + 2 ) + e ]
k) L [ sin ( 5t ) ] y) L [ cos ( 5t + 1 ) ]
l) L [ sinh ( 3t ) ] – 2.7t
z) L [ 6e cos ( 9.2t + 3 ) ]
m) L [ t sin ( 2t ) ]
n) d 2 – 3t
L ----- t e
numerical methods - 17.29

2. Convert the following functions below from the laplace to time domains using the tables.
–1 1- –1 5--- – 4.5s
a) L ----------
g) L (1 – e )
–1 5- –1 4 + 3j - ----------------------
4 – 3j -
b) L ---------- h) L --------------------- +
s+1 s + 1 – 2j s + 1 + 2j
–1 6- –1 6- -------------6
c) L --- i) L --- + 2 -
2 4
s s s +9
–1 6- –1 6
d) L --- j) L -------------------------
3 2
s s + 5s + 6
–1 s+2 - –1 6
e) L -------------------------------- k) L ----------------------------------
( s + 3)( s + 4) 2
4s + 20s + 24
–1 6 -
f) L 2
s +6

3. Convert the following functions below from the laplace to time domains using partial fractions
and the tables.
3 2
–1 s+2 - –1 s----------------------------------------
+ 9s + 6s + 3
a) L -------------------------------- g) L
( s + 3)( s + 4) 3
s + 5s + 4s + 6

–1 –1 9s + 4-
b) L [ ] h) L ------------------
(s + 3)
–1 –1 9s + 4 -
c) L [ ] i) L -----------------------
3 3
s (s + 3)
–1 –1 s-------------------------
+ 2s + 1-
d) L [ ] j) L 2
s + 3s + 2
–1 6 –1 s-------------------------
+ 3s + 5-
e) L ---------------- k) L 2
s + 5s 6s + 6
2 2
–1 9s + 6s + 3 –1 s-------------------------
+ 2s + 3-
f) L ---------------------------------------- l) L 2
3 2
s + 5s + 4s + 6 s + 2s + 1

4. Convert the output function below Y(s) to the time domain Y(t) using the tables.
5 12 - ---------------------
3 - ----------------------
3 -
Y ( s ) = --- + ------------- + +
s s 2 + 4 s + 2 – 3j s + 2 + 3j
numerical methods - 17.30

5. Convert the following differential equations to transfer functions.

·· ·
a) 5x + 6x + 2x = 5F
b) y + 8y = 3x
c) y – y + 5x = 0

6. Given the transfer function, G(s), determine the time response output Y(t) to a step input X(t).
4 Y( s)
G ( s ) = ----------- = ----------- X ( t ) = 20 When t >= 0
s+2 X(s)

7. Given the following input functions and transfer functions, find the response in time.
Transfer Function Input
x ( s )-
= ---------------------------------  ----
s+2 m
a) ---------- F ( t ) = 5N
F(s) ( s + 3 ) ( s + 4 ) N 
x ( s )-
= ---------------------------------  ----
s+2 m
b) ---------- x ( t ) = 5m
F(s) (s + 3)(s + 4) N

8. Do the following conversions as indicated.

a) L [ 5e cos ( 3t + 2 ) ] =
– 2t
b) L[ e + 5t ( u ( t – 2 ) – u ( t ) ) ] =

d 3 y0 = 1 y 0' = 2
L  ----- y + 2  ----- y + y =
c) d where at t=0
dt dt
y 0'' = 3 y 0''' = 4

d) –1 1 + j - ---------------------
1–j -
L ---------------------- + =
s + 3 + 4j s + 3 – 4j
–1 1 3
e) L s + ----------- + ----------------------------
- =
s + 2 s + 4s + 40

9. Convert the output function to functions of time.

a) 3 2
+ 4s + 4s + 4
s + 4s
b) 2
s +4
4 3 2
s + 10s + 35s + 50s + 24

10. Solve the differential equation using Laplace transforms. Assume the system starts unde-
flected and at rest.
··· ·· ·
θ + 40θ + 20θ + 2θ = 4
numerical methods - 17.31


5--- 0.5- ----------
a) l) ---------- –
s s–3 s+3
2 2
–4 16s - 12s – 16
1- m) --------------------- + -------------------- = ----------------------3-
b) ---------- 2 2 2 3 2
s+3 (s + 4) (s + 4) (s + 4)

5- n) 2s -
c) ---------- ------------------
s+3 (s + 3)
5 -
------------------ o) 2
( s x – 7s – 8 ) + 5 ( sx – 7 ) + 3x
d) 2
(s + 3)
5 p) -----------------
e) ---- 2
2 s + 36
f) 8
---- q) 2
s r) y--
g) -----------------
2 s
s + 25
------ – 18
72 1 -
–1 s) ------ + ----------
h) 5 4 s+5
---- – 3--- + ----------
3 e - s s
2 s s+1
s –s – 2s
5(s + 3) t) e------- e---------
i) ------------------------------ –
2 2 s s
(s + 3) + 5
4 – 2s
j) 2.5 ∠1 - ----------------------
2.5 ∠– 1 - u) e
--------------------- +
s + 3 – 5j s + 3 + 5j s+2
s( ) + e -
= ----------------------------
- v) ----------
s + 6s + 34 s+1
–s – 2s
5 -
---------------- 5 - e------- e---------
k) w) ---------- + –
2 s+3 s s
s + 25
–3 –3
x) cos ( 2 ) s – sin ( 2 ) 7 e – 0.416s – 6.37 e
-------------------------------------------- + ----------- = ------------------------------------- + -----------
2 s–1 2 s–1
s + 49 s + 49
cos 1 – 5 sin 1
y) 2
s + 25
3 ∠3 - -------------------------------
3 ∠– 3 - s( ) +
------------------------------ + = ----------------------------------------
z) s + 2.7 – 9.2j s + 2.7 + 9.2j 2
s + 5.4s + 91.93
numerical methods - 17.32

a) e
g) 5 – 5u ( t – 4.5 )
b) 5e
cos  2t + atan  – --- 
– ( 1 )t 3
h) 2 ( 5 )e
c) 6t 3
i) t + 2 sin ( 3t )
d) 3t
j) – 2t – 3t
6e – 6e
– 3t – 4t
e) – e + 2e
– 2t – 3t
k) 1.5e – 1.5e
f) 6 sin ( 6t )


– 3t – 4t
a) –e + 2e g)

b) h)

c) i)
– 2t
d) j) δ(t) – e
– 5t δ( t)
e) 1.2 – 1.2e k) --------- + 0.834 cos ( t + 0.927 )
– 4.4t – 0.3t –t
f) 8.34e + 2 ( 0.99 )e cos ( 1.13t + 1.23 ) l) δ ( t ) + 2te

– 2t
y ( t ) = 5 + 6 sin ( 2t ) + 2 ( 3 )e cos ( 3t – 0 )

--x- = ----------------------------
a) -
F 2
5s + 6s + 2
y-- 3
b) = -----------
x s+8
y-- –5
c) = -----------
x s–1
numerical methods - 17.33

– 2t
y ( t ) = 40 – 40e

5--- 5--- – 3t 5--- – 4t
a) + e – e
6 3 2
– 2t
b) ( 5δ ( t ) + 30 – 5e )N

L [ 5e
–4 t
cos ( 3t + 2 ) ] = L [ 2 A e
– αt
cos ( βt + θ ) ] α = 4 β = 3
A = 2.5 θ = 2
A = 2.5 cos 2 + 2.5j sin 2 = – 1.040 + 2.273j
complex conjugate
A A – 1.040 + 2.273j – 1.040 – 2.273j
----------------------- + -------------------------------------- = --------------------------------------- + ---------------------------------------
s + α – βj s + α + βj s + 4 – 3j s + 4 + 3j

– 2t – 2t
L[e + 5t ( u ( t – 2 ) – u ( t ) ) ] = L [ e ] + L [ 5tu ( t – 2 ) ] – L [ 5tu ( t ) ]
1 5 1 5
= ----------- + 5L [ tu ( t – 2 ) ] – ----2 = ----------- + 5L [ ( t – 2 )u ( t – 2 ) + 2u ( t – 2 ) ] – ----2
s+2 s s+2 s
1 5
= ----------- + 5L [ ( t – 2 )u ( t – 2 ) ] + 10L [ u ( t – 2 ) ] – ---2-
s+2 s
1 – 2s – 2s 5
= ----------- + 5e L [ t ] + 10e L [ 1 ] – ----2
s+2 s
– 2s – 2s
1 5e 10e 5
= ----------- + ------------
+ --------------- – ----2
s+2 s s s

c) 3
 ----
d 3 2 1
- y = s y + 1s + 2s + 3s
 dt
 ----
d- 1 0
 dt y
= s y+s 1

d 3
L  ----- y + 2  ----- y + y = ( s y + 1s + 2s + 3 ) + ( sy + 1 ) + ( y )
d 3 2
dt dt
3 2
= y ( s + s + 1 ) + ( s + 2s + 4 )
numerical methods - 17.34

d) complex conjugate
–1 1 + j - ---------------------
1–j - –1 A A
L ---------------------- + = L ----------------------- + --------------------------------------
s + 3 + 4j s + 3 – 4j s + α – βj s + α + βj

θ = atan  ------ = – ---
A =
1 + 1 = 1.141
2 α = 3 β = 4
1 4
cos  4t – ---
– αt – 3t
= 2Ae cos ( βt + θ ) = 2.282e

e) –1 1 3 1-
- = L [ s ] + L ---------- 3
L s + ----------- + ----------------------------
+ L ----------------------------
s + 2 s + 4s + 40 s+2 s + 4s + 40
d – 2t 3 d- – 2t 6
= ----- δ ( t ) + e + L ------------------------------
- = ---- δ ( t ) + e + 0.5L ------------------------------
dt ( s + 2 ) + 36 dt ( s + 2 ) + 36
d – 2t – 2t
= ----- δ ( t ) + e + 0.5e sin ( 6t )

a) 3 2 1
s + 4s + 4s + 4
---------------------------------------- 3 3 2
s + 4s s + 4s s + 4s + 4s + 4
– ( s + 4s )
4s + 4
2 2 A = 1
4s + 4- A Bs + C- s ( A + B ) + s ( C ) + ( 4A )
= 1 + ---------------- = 1 + --- + --------------- = 1 + -----------------------------------------------------------
s + 4s s s +4 2 3
s + 4s C = 0
B = 3
1 3s -
= 1 + --- + -------------
s s2 + 4
= δ ( t ) + 1 + 3 cos ( 2t )
numerical methods - 17.35

b) 2
s +4
------------------------------------------------------------------ A - ----------
- = ---------- B - ----------
C - ----------
4 3 2
+ + +
s + 10s + 35s + 50s + 24 s+1 s+2 s+3 s+4
A = lim  -------------------------------------------------- = ---
s +4 5
s → –1 ( s + 2 ) ( s + 3 ) ( s + 4 ) 6

B = lim  -------------------------------------------------- = ------
s +4 8
s → –2 ( s + 1 ) ( s + 3 ) ( s + 4 ) –2

C = lim  -------------------------------------------------- = ------
s +4 13
s → –3 ( s + 1 ) ( s + 2 ) ( s + 4 ) 2

D = lim  -------------------------------------------------- = ------
s +4 20
s → –4 ( s + 1 ) ( s + 2 ) ( s + 3 ) –6
5--- –t – 2t 13 – 3t 10 – 4t
e – 4e + ------ e – ------ e
6 2 3

– 6 – 39.50t 0.1383t – 0.3368t
θ ( t ) = – 66 ⋅ 10 e – 3.216e + 1.216e + 2.00


1. Prove the following relationships.

a) L f  ---
= aF ( as ) d) lim f ( t ) = lim sF ( s )
a t→∞ s→0

L [ f ( at ) ] = --- F  --- lim f ( t ) = lim sF ( s )

1 s e)
a  a t→∞ s→0

c) L[ e
– at
f(t )] = F(s + a) f) L [ tf ( t ) ] = – ----- F ( s )
numerical methods - 17.36

2. The applied force ‘F’ is the input to the system, and the output is the displacement ‘x’.
a) find the transfer function.
K1 = 500 N/m

x K2 = 1000 N/m

M = 10kg

b) What is the steady state response for an applied force F(t) = 10cos(t + 1) N ?
c) Give the transfer function if ‘x’ is the input.
d) Find x(t), given F(t) = 10N for t >= 0 seconds using Laplace methods.

3. The following differential equation is supplied, with initial conditions.

·· · ·
y + y + 7y = F y( 0) = 1 y(0) = 0

F ( t ) = 10 t>0
a) Solve the differential equation using calculus techniques.
b) Write the equation in state variable form and solve it numerically.
c) Find the frequency response (gain and phase) for the transfer function using the
phasor transform. Roughly sketch the bode plots.
d) Convert the differential equation to the Laplace domain, including initial condi-
tions. Solve to find the time response.

4. Given the transfer functions and input functions, F, use Laplace transforms to find the output of
the system as a function of time. Indicate the transient and steady state parts of the solution.
--x- = -----------------------------
D -
F = 5 sin ( 62.82t )
F ( D + 200π )

D ( D + 2π )-
--x- = ----------------------------- F = 5 sin ( 62.82t )
F 2
( D + 200π )
numerical methods - 17.37

D ( D + 2π )-
--x- = ----------------------------- F = 5 sin ( 62.82t )
F 2
( D + 200π )


Irwin, J.D., and Graf, E.R., Industrial Noise and Vibration Control, Prentice Hall Publishers,

Close, C.M. and Frederick, D.K., “Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems, second edition,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1995.

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