Lets Make A Photo-Movie Project

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Proyecto de Terapia Educativa diseñado y creado por Grexia Roig


 Pictures  Cartulina “posterboard
 Glue  all the props in step 2
 Markers  Camera (Se usará
 Index Cards cellular)
 Photos (Printed)
Time: 2 days
Day 1:
Follow these steps:
1. Decide who will play the different character. Write the
person´s name beside it. The same person can play different
a. Nicky: ___________________________
b. Andrew: __________________________
c. Sharon: ___________________________
d. Mrs. Marcus: _______________________
e. Mrs. Kelly: __________________________

2. Have these props. Cross each name when you have the
materials you need.
a. A folded paper with the freckle juice recipe
b. A blue glass (could be any color)
c. Grape juice
d. Vinegar
e. mustard
f. Mayonnaise
g. lemon juice
h. pepper
i. salt
j. ketchup
k. olive oil
l. onion

© 2017, SERG. El trabajo es creado y pertenecen al autor, este no se puede vender, alquilar, transferir o
donarlos individualmente o en conjunto.
Proyecto de Terapia Educativa diseñado y creado por Grexia Roig

m. blue marker
n. lemon soap
o. A piece of paper with freckle removal instructions
p. 50 cents in dime (5 dimes)

3. Take a picture of each scene. Cross each scene once you take
the picture
a. Nicky counting Andrews freckles
b. Nicky talking to Andrew about his freckles
c. Sharon talking to Nicky
d. Nicky paying Sharon the 50 cents
e. Nicky on the floor trying to get the recipe
f. Mrs. Kelly reading the recipe
g. Running home
h. Making the Pickle juice
i. Drinking the pickle juice
j. Feeling Sick with Mrs. Marcus
k. Going to school with the face full of blue freckles
l. Mrs. Kelly giving him the freckle removal recipe
m. Nicky cleaning his face
n. Andrew asking for the Freckle remover
o. Sharon talking to Andrew
Day 2:
1. Print the pictures
2. On the top of the poster board write the tittle: FRECKLE
3. Organize them in order and glue them to the posterboard
4. Write a short description under each picture describing the
5. At the bottom of the poster board write: This photo-movie was
inspired by the book Freckle Juice. Written by Judy Blume.
6. Decorate it.
IMPORTANTE: Todas las fotos que se tomen serán borradas del celular una vez las mismas estén

© 2017, SERG. El trabajo es creado y pertenecen al autor, este no se puede vender, alquilar, transferir o
donarlos individualmente o en conjunto.

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