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The Finance Department (Government of Karnataka) has embarked upon the `Project Khajane-
II` with a vision to integrate and automate all Financial Operations of the Government of
Karnataka. Khajane-II will provide a common platform for all the internal and external
stakeholders namely state government departments, RBI, AG Office, Banks, Post offices,
CPSMS, HRMS, DSSP, etc to integrate.
DDOs are internal stakeholders and play a major role in K II. DDO has to undertake certain
preparatory activities and register himself to be able to operate.
The preparatory activities to be taken up by the DDO are:
1. Identify and furnish information to register Maker, Checker, Approver and
DDO and his staff who perform various financial transaction related activities pertaining to bills,
receipts, deposits, reports, etc need to be registered users of K II. Each registered user is
assigned a role based on his post.
All the activities in K II flow through a hierarchical pattern of three levels - Maker (creator),
Checker (scrutinizer) and Approver. The staff who assist the DDO in various K II activities are
known as supporting staff. The Supporting staff are Maker, Checker and two messengers.
Users should primarily register themselves against their original posts where they hold their lien.
This is the primary registration of an employee.
The DDO activities to register the User and assign roles are:
a. Treasury will issue a Field Office-Post Role mapping data sheet to the DDO of the
Field Office to collect the details of the users
b. Identify the users to performed the roles of Maker (creator) of the bill, Checker
(scrutinizer), and two messengers
c. Provide the details for Field Office-Post Role mapping.
d. DDO will provide personal information of each user in Form R1 and Form R2 with
his/her photograph.

2. Registration on K II
The registration of K II Users is done by the Treasury Officer at District Treasury/Sub Treasury.
The DDO, his supporting staff and the messengers should be physically present at the treasury
for registration process. The Field Office-Post Role mapping data sheet, R1 and R2 forms of the
DDO and supporting staff should be submitted to the Treasury Officer.
The registration is done in the following steps
a. Treasury officer will fetch the employee and post details from HRMS for registration
of each user
b. He will also capture the details as furnished in R1 and R2 format and approve the
details in K II.
c. On successful registration of an employee, KGID will be the username and default
password will be provided to the employee.
d. The registered user will receive the password on their registered mobile of e-mail.
e. The user has to change the password thereafter.

3. Field Office –Post Role mapping

The Treasury Officer will map the roles to the registered users. This is based on the details
furnished by the DDO in the Field Office-Post Role mapping data sheet.
a. Employees with DSC only should be assigned roles
b. If the DDO does not have sufficient number of employees in his office he can
request for mapping of multiple roles to a user.
c. The DDO can be mapped with the roles of Approver and Checker.
d. A checker can be assigned additional mapping as a maker.
e. The Maker and Checker mapping to the same employee is not admissible.
f. If the establishments are very big DDOs can request for provision of additional
Makers and Checkers.
g. If the DDO is the only employee in the office he can be mapped all the roles- Maker,
Checker, Approver and Messenger.
h. The messenger has to be a regular employee and can be of any cadre.
3. Biometric Registration
Users on K II are registered with biometric as a security feature. Treasury officer will take finger
impressions of the users for biometric enrollment and map it to the KGID of the employee after
the users are registered.
4. DSC Procurement
It is mandatory for all users to use DSC for the various activities performed on K II.
The process of procurement of DSC is :
a. Each DDO user should raise a DSC application using his login and password in K II
b. The supporting documents for application are an address proof and an ID proof of
the employee.
c. Details should be entered in K II as per the supporting documents furnished.
d. A print out is taken of the completed application.
e. The application has to be signed in blue ink only by the DSC applicant.
f. Black, green and red ink pens should not be used.
g. The photograph of the applicant is pasted on the application.
h. The photograph should be self-attested across the photograph by the applicant.
i. Care should be taken to see that the signature of the applicant tallies with the
signature in the ID proof provided.
j. The application is submitted to the Treasury officer along with the supporting
k. The application has to be attested by the Treasury officer under his seal and signature.
l. The soft copy of the application will be forwarded to DMC cell by the Treasury
m. The application will be sent to DMC for DSC procurement.

5. DSC enrollment
DSC enrollment is a process of mapping the DSC to the KGID of the user. DSC once issued
can be used by the users wherever he is transferred.
a. After procurement of DSC the DDO users will be notified by the treasury.
b. DSC of the DDO users will be mapped to the KGID of the respective employees in
K II at the Treasury
c. DSC will be issued at the Treasury after the process of enrollment.
d. The users should be present for acknowledging the DSC in the K II system
6. Staff strength

Sanctioned strength is the total number of employees, cadre wise as authorized by the
Accountant General or the Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Panchayat upon creation of a
new DDO. The details of the DDO establishment are maintained in the K II as
prescribed in Art. 93(4) of KTC and Register KTC 19.

Establishments are sections created for the purpose of audit and the preparation of pay
bills. Gazetted officers and Non-Gazetted staff are grouped under separate establishments
as per Art 80(a) of KFC. Each establishment is uniquely numbered as Est 1, Est 2, etc.
Salary and related claims of Gazetted officers and Non-Gazetted staff are drawn in
separate bills. The claims on expenditure of Gazetted officers and Non-Gazetted staff is
booked under separate object heads 002 - Pay of Officers and 003- Pay of Staff. Officers.
DDO should create separate establishments for Gazzetted and Non-Gazetted staff.

Budget line is the combination of Sector-(State/Zilla Panchayat/Taluk Panchayat), 12 digit

head of account and classification for Plan/Non-plan and Voted/Charged. Staff strength is
captured for a Budget line against which the salary expenditure is booked. If the DDO
operates more than one budget line the establishment details should be furnished separately
for each budget line.

The establishment wise staff strength is furnished by the DDO during the registration
process. The same details are entered in HRMS as well. The establishment wise staff
strength details should be the same in K II and HRMS.
Establishments can be permanent or temporary. Temporary establishment have a currency
specifying the period up to which it can work. After the expiry of the sanctioned period it
has to be renewed by the Government for continuance.
If the establishment is Temporary DDO has to provide the details of the currency of
establishment. Currency of establishment is the period up to which the DDO is authorized
to draw establishment bills.

The following checks to be ensured while furnishing the staff strength details to K II.
a. Staff strength should be provided for the entire sanctioned strength establishment
wise. It should not be provided for the present working strength only.
b. Staff strength detail is furnished as number of employees against the pay scales
applicable to the employee.
c. If the DDO operates more than one budget line the staff strength should be captured
separately against each budget line.
d. Gazetted officers should be identified as Gazetted officers in HRMS by keying in the
AG Code found on the pay slip issued to the officer by the Accountant General.
e. The unit number in HRMS and establishment number in K II should the same for
Gazetted and Non-Gazetted establishment
f. If the establishment type is Temporary, the currency of the establishment should be
g. DDO should provide Staff strength details in the format shared below.

K I Head of HOA Est No Gazzetted/ Type of Est Currency of

7. MDDO Account Type (Unit no) Non- (Permanent/ establishment
a code (12 digit, (Govt/ZP As in Gazzetted Temporary)
l Token stock in K II
Manual Tokens are issued to a DDO to uniquely identify the bills presented by him. They
also to ensure the genuinity of the bills submitted by DDO. DDO is issued a series of
Manual Tokens for operation in K I. DDO should identify the 50 manual tokens from the
series issued to him and notify the Treasury Officer. The tokens so identified will be taken
into stock in K II.
The following checks should be ensured by the DDO while using the tokens in the series
issued to him.
a. DDO should use the token series taken into stock in K II exclusively for the K II
b. DDO should not be affix these tokens to the bills submitted to treasury in K I.

8. Recipient registration
It is necessary for the people who receive payment from Khajane-II system to be registered
as Recipient in K II. DDO should register the recipients to whom he is making payment
from K II.
The details required for recipient registration are:
a. Recipient should mandatorily have any one of the following IDs: UIDAI, PAN
Number, Department Specific ID or other identification.
b. Recipient should compulsorily provide the following four fields: Bank account
number, Bank Account Type, IFSC and MICR code for e-payments.
The following instructions should be followed during recipient registration
a. The Recipient type for a Government employee is 27 and all employees in the DDO
office should be registered as recipients under this type.
b. The name of the recipient should be as in the bank passbook.
c. No special characters should be used.
d. A recipient can have only one bank account number registered with the DDO and in
Khajane-II system at any time.
e. No special characters should be used including a full stop, comma or an apostrophe.
f. The type of account should be carefully chosen- savings or current
g. Special characters - . , / - _ ? -etc should not be used while entering the account number.
h. If the account number is 106-02-031 it should be entered as 10602031. If the account
number is 785/456-521 the number should be entered as 785456521
DDO has to carry out the following activities after the registration of the recipient.
a. After the registration process the Khajane-II system will generate the mandate prescribed
by the RBI for the recipients who wish to receive the payments in e-mode
(ECS/NEFT/RTGS). The mandate has to be printed in two copies by the creator and
then physically signed by the recipient.
b. One copy has to be provided to the Recipient and other copy should be retained in the
office of the creator.
c. Once the mandate is generated, the creator has to confirm in the system that the mandate
has been obtained.
d. On confirmation, system will generate the Recipient Id to uniquely identify the Recipient.
This recipient ID has to be note on the mandated printed.
e. If an employee with a Recipient ID is transferred from another office he should be
checked out and checked in the new office in K II.
DDO should register the recipients other than Government employees to whom he is
making payment in K II. The recipients should be registered under the recipient type they
belong to.
The most commonly used recipient types are

Sr. Recipient Recipient Recipient Type

No Type
1. Post Office 99 Government of India
2. Sindhanur Municipal Corporation, Town 04 Municipal
Municipal Corporation Corporations
3. Bangalore Urban Zilla Panchayat 07 ZillaParishads
4. Asoga Grama Panchayat 09 Gram Panchayats
5. KEB, BWSSB, 10 Autonomous Bodies
6. Mysore University, Bangalore University 12 Universities
7. LIC, BSNL 18 PSUs
8. Agency Bank, HDFC Bank, 19 Banks
9. Souharda Co-operative Soceity 21 Co-operatives
10. Citizens, Tax payers, Scavengers, Coolies, 26 Individuals
Daily wages employees
11. State Government Employees, Central 27 Employee
Government employees
12. Pensioners of State Government, Other 28 Pensioner
states, Freedom Fighters
13. Janatha Bazaar, TAPMS, DSMS 29 Supplier
14. PWD Contractors, Electrical contractors, 30 Contractor

9. Secondary mapping
Secondary mapping is a process of mapping an employee kept in additional charge to the
additional post along with his primary post. The mapping is required when a DDO is transferred
and another DDO is kept in additional charge. The DDO in additional charge will perform the K
II activities of both his own office as well as of the additional charge. Secondary mapping is done
by the Treasury Officer upon the request of the DDO.
Similarly an FDA, SDA or a Superintendent can also be kept in additional charge. A secondary
mapping is done for such employees.
The conditions for Secondary mapping are:
a. A DDO deputed to hold charge in another DDO office should be registered in his
primary post.
b. He can request the Treasury officer for a secondary mapping of the DDO post he is
holding additional charge.
c. He can use the same DSC in both the offices.
d. The request for Secondary role mapping should be supported by an order issued
from competent authority.

10. Check out/Check in

All employees are mapped to their respective DDOs. When an employee is
transferred/promoted/suspended/retired etc he will have to be de-mapped from the DDO and
re-mapped to the new DDO. This is done through the process of Check out /Check in.
Check out/Check in process is carried out by the Treasury officer in K II. DDO has to report to
the treasury with the KGID number of the employee for check out/Check in in any of the above
instances. The instances where this activity is carried out is during
1. Transfer
2. Promotion
3. Promotion and transfer
4. Suspension
5. Revoking suspension
6. Dismissal
7. Removal from K-II
8. Retirement
9. Death
The process is carried out in the following steps:
a. When an employee is promoted/transferred within the same DDO office he has to
undergo the process of Check in and check out.
b. He will have to be checked out of his old designation and checked in with his new
c. An employee who is transferred from another DDO will have to checked out from
that DDO.
d. The transferred official will have to be checked in at the new DDO office he is
e. The DDO of the new office will have to map the employees KGID number with
DDO code.
f. A parallel of Check out/Check in process called transfer out/transfer in should be
carried out in HRMS simultaneously.

11. System configuration to operate K II

K II users can login to K II application at https:/ or on an internet system. The minimum configuration specification for
the system to operate K II are:
a. The desktop machine should have latest version of java - JDK 8 installed.
b. The desktop machine should have Chrome browser version 40/41/42/43/44
installed Or Internet Explorer Version 11 installed.
c. The desktop should have relevant (Moser Baer / Aladdin) e-Token (DSC) device
drivers installed.
d. The desktop should have Cogent 3M Bio-Metric device driver installed.
Detailed help documents of desktop configuration is available in K II system. Help document
can be accessed in K II application, after logging in on the homepage at following link. On the
top right corner chose option Help  Steps to configure Desktop. By clicking on the CLICK
button all the requisite configurations will be updated.
12. Training
a. K II Training for the DDOs will be imparted at the concerned Sub Treasury or
District Treasury.
b. DDO training is also conducted at DTIs through workshops organized by Treasury.
c. DDO and his users will be trained about DSC procurement and recipient registration.
d. DDOs will undergo a hands on training on Bill preparation at all three levels – Maker,
checker and Approver at the Treasury.
e. User manuals and PPTs on all the DDO related process - Registration, Recipient
registration, Bill Preparation, Salary bill preparation and submission to treasury are
available in the treasury.
f. User manuals and PPTs will be shared by the Treasury officers.
g. System configuration at DDO office to operate K II will be assisted by the Treasury
through Facility Management Engineers.

12. Requisites for processing salary bills

I. The requisites for a DDO to process salary bills in K II are:
a. Field office-Post-Role mapping
i. The Field Office-Post Role mapping should be complete.
ii. DDO Users should be registered.
iii. The registered users should be mapped to their roles.

b. DSC enrollment
i. DSC must be procured for all the users.
ii. DSC must be enrolled by the Treasury officer and acknowledged in K II by the
DSC users.

c. Biometric registration
i. The biometric of the user should be mapped to his KGID number

d. DDO-Budget line mapping

i. The Budget line operated by the DDO should be mapped by the Treasury officer.

e. Stock of manual tokens in K II

i. The manual token series for use in K II should be identified by DDO and
notified to Treasury officer.
ii. Treasury officer should take these manual tokens into stock for exclusive use with
K II bills.

f. Recipient registration
i. All the employees in the DDO office should have been registered as recipients.
ii. The recipients created should have been approved.

g. Staff strength
i. The staff strength details should be shared with the treasury along with
establishment details
ii. The establishment details should be provided separately for Gazetted and Non-
Gazetted establishments
iii. DDO should uniquely identify the Gazetted officers by entering the AG code in
iv. The Unit numbers in HRMS and the Establishment numbers in K II should be
the same.

13. Requisites for processing non-salary bills

The requisites for a DDO to process salary bills in K II are:
a. Field office-Post-Role mapping
i. The Field Office-Post Role mapping should be complete.
ii. DDO Users should be registered.
iii. The registered users should be mapped to their roles.

b. DSC enrollment
i. DSC must be procured for all the users.
ii. DSC must be enrolled by the Treasury officer and acknowledged in K II by the DSC

c. Biometric registration
i. The biometric of the user should be mapped to his KGID number

d. DDO-Budget line mapping

i. The Budget line operated by the DDO should be mapped by the Treasury officer.

e. Stock of manual tokens in K II

i. The manual token series for use in K II should be identified by DDO and notified to
Treasury officer.
ii. Treasury officer should take these manual tokens into stock for exclusive use with K
II bills.
f. DDO- CSO mapping
i. The DDO-CSO mapping will be done by the Treasury.
ii. The bills requiring countersignature by the Controlling officer will be sent online to
the CSO for countersignature.


Administrative Department


Budget Office
Field Office Level

Field Office Name Pre-Populated in K II

Field Office Code

GO Order No

Address Details


Village Town
Pre-Populated in K II
Linked Treasury Name
Field Office Details

Address line 1

Street No, Building name

Address line 2

Locality, Area of Field Office location

Field Office Contact Details

Phone Number -

Fax number

e-mail ID

DDO details

TAN Number
NPS DDO Registration number

Existing DDO Code

Imprest amount
DDO Code of CO mapped to DDO

DDO Code of CO mapped to DDO

Details of DDO and Support staff for Post Role mapping

Roles played by DDO CCO/CO/DDO/CSO/Maker/Checker/Messenger
Role Name Maker at DDO Office

Support staff 's post name

Name of the employee

KGID I Policy Number

Role Name Checker at DDO Office

Support staff 's post name

Name of the employee
KGID I Policy Number
Role Name Messenger 1

Support staff 's post name

Name of the employee

KGID I Policy Number

Role Name Messenger 2

Support staff 's post name

Name of the employee

KGID I Policy Number

Signature of DDO with seal

New OR Change Request (Please tick as appropriate)
In case of change request please tick the box in the left margin where change / correction is required
and provide details in the corresponding row.

Case Worker KHAJANE

D. D. O
Superintendent Treasury Department
Certification Form

(To be furnished to Treasury Officer for Registration of Government Servant in Khajane II)

1. Name of Government
Servant (in capital letters): Sri/Ms/Dr

2. Identity Details of Government Servant

2(a) Gender: M/F Please Affix Passport
2(b) KGID Number: Size Photograph
2(c) Aadhaar Number (12 digits):
3. Department :
4. Cadre :
5. Present Post held(Attach copy of Posting Order or Form R-2) :
6. Field Office Name :
7. Field Office address :

8. Mobile Number(10 digits) :

9. Email ID:
10. Date of Joining into Government Service
11. Specimen Signatures:

Specimen Signature 1 Specimen Signature 2 Specimen Signature 3

Declaration: I hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are true and correct and I
undertake to inform you of any changes therein immediately. In case any information is found
to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable
for it.
Date: ____/_____/________ Signature of the Government Servant
For The Use of Drawing & Disbursing Officer Only

Declaration: I have verified the above information to be correct.

Name of DrawingOfficer:
Date: _____/____/________ Signature

Form - R 2
Department of Treasuries

Certificate of Posting
(To be furnished (in original) to Treasury Officer for registration in Khajane II in case
the government servant in unable to provide copy of Government Order for posting in
the present post)

This is to certify that Sri/Smt/Dr

(full name in capital letters) is presently working as
(name of post in capital letters) in the office of
(name of field office in capital letters) from _____/_____/__________ (date of
joining in the present post) vide G.O. No
(Government Order No. for posting the government servant to the present post).

Signature (with date) of the Reporting

Office Seal Name:

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