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A one-on-one discussion for 60 minutes between a researcher and a customer to determine that
customer's buying behavior is an example of a: Depth Interview

2. When a researcher reads aloud possible brand names for a new soft drink and asks members of the
focus group to write down the first thing that comes to their mind after each name, this is an example of
a(n) Word Association

3. What type of decision-making situation exists when a problem itself is unclear to the researchers
Ambiguity ?

4. The researcher who leads the focus group discussion is called a(n) Moderator

5. What type of research is designed to clarify an ambiguous situation without providing conclusive
evidence Exploratory Research?

6. The application of the scientific method to attempt to find the truth about some business activity is
called a Business Resaerch

7. Research that is intended to focus on a specific business decision for a company is called an Applied
Business Resaerch.

8. Another term for basic business research is Pure Research.

9. What is the first stage of development and implementation of a business strategy Identifying problems
or opportunities

10. A small-scale research study with a few people is called a(n) Pilot Study

11. A one-hour discussion with a group of six to ten members of the target market to determine their
interest in purchasing a new model of a car is an example of a(n) Focus Group Interview

12. What is the most popular method of generating primary data in business research A Survey

13. What type of research is exploratory and is not intended to provide "hard numbers Qualitative

Multiple choice questions

14. What type of managerial value deals with a company providing value to customers?

a. Market-oriented research b. Product-oriented research

c. Production-oriented research d. Performance-monitoring research

15. Which type of research deals with providing feedback to managers that allows them to evaluate and
control the company's strategies?
a. Basic research b. Product research

c. Evaluation research d. Pseudo research

16. What type of research deals with a company checking on retail sales' trends to determine if the
marketing plan is working satisfactorily?

a. Performance-monitoring research b. Basic research

c. Product research d. Production research

17. When a company checks its sales to wholesalers for a trend, this is a type of what kind of research?

a. Product research b. Performance-monitoring

c. Basic research d. Production research

18. When a company tracks its market share in supermarkets based on the UPC code ("bar code") on its
packages, this is what type of research?

a. Basic research b. Performance-monitoring research

c. Product research d. Production research

19. When American Airlines gives a survey to its passengers to ask them to comment on the quality of
food on a transcontinental flight from New York to Los Angeles, what type of research is this?

a. Basic research b. Production research

c. Pseudo research d. Performance-monitoring

20. In deciding whether or not to conduct a research study, the fact that a decision has to be made by next
Friday affects which aspect of this decision?

a. Availability of data b. Type of decision

c. Time constraint d. Cost-benefit ratio

21. What type of decision involves a ball-point pen company trying to decide on the color of its pens?

a. Strategic decision b. Cross-validation decision

c. Performance-monitoring decision d. Tactical decision

22. Which type of research decision is trying to decide if a research project is the best use of its available

a. Product decision b. Benefits/costs decision

c. Production decision d. Performance-monitoring decision

23. Warrant card information for a Nikon digital camera is used to create what type of research?

a. Experimental research b. Exploratory research

c. Causal research d. Descriptive research

24. Survey research is primarily used in what type of research?

a. Causal research b. Exploratory research

c. Descriptive research d. Experimental research

25. When a company changes the price on one of its products in order to determine its effect on unit sales,
what type of research is this?

a. Causal research b. Exploratory research

c. Descriptive research d. Concomitant research

26. What Procter and Gamble performs a field test of a new type of shampoo in Kansas City and St. Louis
to determine its unit sales in those markets, what type of study is this?

a. Exploratory research b. Descriptive research

c. Temporal research d. Test market

27. Which of the following is the first stage in the research process?

a. Planning a sample b. Analyzing the data

c. Defining the research objectives d. Collecting the data

28. When a researcher goes to the library to attempt to find articles that relate to the research study that
she is planning to do, what is this called?

a. A literature review b. Causal research

c. Descriptive research d. An experiment

29. When Dow Chemical conducts a phone interview with prospective customers to decide which ones
are worth the cost of an interview by a Dow sales rep in their office, what type of research method is this?

a. A survey b. An experiment

c. A causal study d. A descriptive study

30. When a cable is placed across a street to count the number of vehicles which pass over it at different
times of the day in order to select a site for a new 7Eleven store, what type of research is this?
a. Experiment b. Observation

c. Descriptive d. Causal

31. When a researcher counts the number of nose prints on the glass in front of several children's exhibits
in a museum in order to determine the "most popular" exhibit, what type of research is this?

a. Causal b. Descriptive

c. Observation d. Experiment

32. When drivers are not aware that their car is being photographed as they drive through a red light at a
busy intersection, what type of research is this?

a. Unobtrusive observation b. Experiment

c. Causal d. Descriptive

33. Empirical measures that produce "numbers" that can be analyzed with statistical tests are part of
which type of research?

a. Qualitative research b. Pseudo research

c. Hermeneutic research d. Quantitative research

34. A researcher who pretends to be part of a snow ski group in order to observe their behavior is called

a. mystery shopper. b. cultural phenomenon.

c. participant-observer. d. theme researcher.

35. When U.S. banks study the promotional materials of Bank One in Columbus, Ohio, to find about new
cross-selling products that they might be able to adopt to their bank, this is an example of a:

a. participant-observation. b. case study.

c. pseudo study. d. experiment.

36. In a focus group, when the comments of one member "trigger" follow-up comments from another
member of the group, this is called:

a. participant-observing. b. piggybacking.

c. a case study. d. quantitative measurement.

37. When a focus group discussion is recorded on videotape so that it can be analyzed at a later time, what
type of advantage is this?

a. Scrutiny b. Piggybacking
c. Case study d. Narrowcasting

38. The written explanation for the topics to be discussed in a focus group are called the:

a. discussion guide. b. participant-observation.

c. case study. d. quantitative requirements.

39. What type of technique is used when respondents are asked to respond to this idea: "People who have
an American Express Gold card are ________"?

a. Free-association b. Paired comparison

c. TAT d. Sentence completion

40. When different researchers repeat a study and obtain very similar results, this is an example of:

a. free-association. b. replication.

c. a case study. d. narrowcasting.

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