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Planning for our Unconference

Professional Learning 2016-2017

What is an unconference?

1. a loosely structured conference emphasizing the informal exchange of

information and ideas between participants, rather than following a
conventionally structured program of events.
2. An unconference is a conference organized, structured and led by the people
attending it. Instead of passive listening, all attendees and organizers are
encouraged to become participants, with discussion leaders providing moderation
and structure for attendees.
3. Unconferences allow participants to take control of the conference. Participants
get to propose, vote on, and run sessions themselves. This enables peer-to-peer
learning, collaboration and diverse session types and topics.
Our unconference: why?
● Lots of professional learning going on throughout the building
● Requirement of iPD grant & KCMS Tech Grant: Share Out
● Goal: to raise up ALL forms of professional learning, group & otherwise
● A challenge from Todd Engels
● Unconference Date: Wednesday, May 17
● Each teacher will share out for 10 minutes on an aspect of their learning that they
would like to “pay forward” to other teachers
Our unconference: how?
Today’s goal is to plan and prepare for this unconference

● Plan for it: access our Google Classroom and complete the GForm’s questions,
meant to help guide you towards a satisfying “share” idea & method of delivery
(YOUR CHOICE on what and how you decide to share out)
● What it will look like on the day of: our sign up sheet (not currently active)
● Low-stress, high-impact Professional Development: you choose what to share,
how you want to share it, and what you might like to learn from others
Planning Time: 15 minutes
Please take a few minutes to join our Google
Classroom, joining with the following class code:


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