Jezik U Javnoj I Interpersonalnoj Komunikaciji - Literatura 2. Kolokvij

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Jezik u javnoj i interpersonalnoj komunikaciji – literatura 2.


 Crystal, David (2002.) Language and the Internet. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, str. 66 – 98.
 Herring, Susan C. (2003.) „Computer-mediated Discourse“. U: Deborah Schriffin et
alli (eds.), The Handbook of discourse analysis. Malden (etc.): Blackwell Publishing.
 Labov, William (2001.) „The transformation of experience in narrative“. U: Adam
Jaworski and Nikolas Coupland (eds.), The Discourse Reader. London; New York:
 McLuhan, Marshall (2008.) Razumijevanje medija: Mediji kao čovjekovi produžeci.
Zagreb: Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga, str. 9 – 25.
 Meyer, Michael, Manuel Maria Carrilho and Benoit Timmermans (2008.) Povijest
retorike od Grka do naših dana. Zagreb: Disput, str. 5 – 55.
 Ryan, Marie-Laure (2002) „Beyond Myth and Metaphor: Narrative in Digital Media“.
Poetics Today, Tseng Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, 23:4, 582-609.
 Toolan, Michael (2001.) Narrative: a critical linguistic introduction. London; New
York: Routledge, str. 226 – 262.
 Toulmin, Stephen E. (1958.) The Uses of Arguments. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, str. 94 – 145.
 Walton, Douglas (2006.) Fundamentals of Critical Argumentation. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, str. 1-41, 84-132.

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