1º ESO Revision

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1º ESO

1 Choose the correct answer. (8 points)
1. I’ve got a new bike. My / I / Our / His new bike is red.
2. Sharon is 12. I / We / He / She is in Year 8.
3. Have you got / You have got / Are you / You are in your room?
4. I is / am / are / have got at school.
5. We am / are / has got / have got new schoolbags.
6. This / That / These / Their are my parents, Mr and Mrs Green.
7. The children are / is / has got / have got in the park.
8. Bill is / are / haven’t got / has got a green pen.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be or have got. (6 points)
1. We …………………… English three hours a week.
2. …………………… your brothers at home?
3. Janis …………………… curly hair. It’s long and straight.
4. Mr Allen …………………… lazy. He has got two jobs.
5. Hello! My name is Johnny Depp. I …………………… an actor.
6. …………………… the boys …………………… their notebooks?
3 Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space. There can be more
than one correct answer. (10 points)
…………………… you got a favourite singer? My favourite
singers 2.…………………… Katy Perry and Rihanna. It’s funny
because 3.…………………… are best friends! I 4.…………………… a photo
of Rihanna here, but here’s one of Katy. In 5.…………………… photo,
Katy 6.…………………… black hair, but her natural hair colour 7.…………………… black.
It’s blonde! Rihanna has got different hair
colours and styles and 8.…………………… always looks
fantastic! 9.…………………… Rihanna popular because of her physical appearance?
No, she isn’t. She and her friend Katy are both popular because
they 10.…………………… beautiful voices.
4 Write questions according to the answers below. Use interrogative pronouns.
There can be more than one correct answer. (6 points)
1. ........................................................................................... ?
Paris is the capital city of France.
2. ........................................................................................... ?
Adele is my favourite singer.
3. ........................................................................................... ?
Christmas is on 25th December.
5 Choose the correct answer. (8 points)
1. There is / Is there / There are a car in the garage.
2. This / That / Those are beautiful houses.
3. Joe hasn’t got any cupboards in his room. He / They / I has got a small room.
4. Is it / Are they / Are there any windows in the kitchen?
5. I have got / am / are in the garden.
6. Has Sue got a / an / any big house?
7. We are / has got / have got some new chairs.
8. Have he / she / you got a cooker?
6.Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you
need. (5 points)
there is  are  have got  she  they  this  the
1. …………………… is in the living room.
2. The houses …………………… two bathrooms.
3. …………………… a blue rug in the bedroom.
4. The chairs …………………… very old.
5. Tina likes …………………… new curtains.
7 Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space. (12 points)
Tokyo, Japan is 1.…………………… exciting place to live, but the city 2.…………………… a
big problem. There are millions of people, but there isn’t space for many big
homes. 3.…………………… is a very serious problem in some places. But now, there
is 4.…………………… clever answer to the problem: the Cell Brick Micro-Home. These
beautiful homes 5.…………………… tall and narrow. 6.…………………… are very small,
but 7.…………………… is one big room inside them. During the day, the
room 8.…………………… a living room and the beds are inside 9.…………………… walls.
The bathroom and kitchen areas have got 10.…………………… shelves and cupboards, but
there aren’t 11.…………………… walls. The people in the Micro houses are very happy
with 12.…………………… small homes.
8 Write questions according to the answers. (5 points)
1. Q: .........................................................................................
A: Yes, there are. There are four shelves in my bedroom.
2. Q: .........................................................................................
A: My guitar lesson is on Tuesday at four o’clock.
3. Q: .........................................................................................
A: No, I haven’t. But I’ve got two brothers.
4. Q: .........................................................................................
A: The party is at Victor’s house.
5. Q: .........................................................................................
A: No, it isn’t. My house is small.

9.Choose the correct answer. (6 points)

1. James and Ron … their guitars every day.
a. doesn’t play b. are c. has got d. don’t play
2. Have you got … CDs?
a. some b. a c. any d. an
3. Pam and I are friends. … chat online three times a week.
a. We b. He c. They d. She
4. Gail … to bed at 11.00 pm.
a. has got b. go c. goes d. is
5. … a desk?
a. Has he got b. We are c. Are you d. I have got
6. Jim loves … dog. He takes it to the park every day.
a. its b. his c. your d. he
10 Write questions according to the answers in the dialogue. Use to be,have
there is / there are or the Present Simple. (5 points)
A: Jane, 1. …………………… on Saturday afternoons?
B: I usually chat online with my sister, Pam.
A: 2. ........................................................................................ ?
She’s in London.
B: 3. ........................................................................................ ?
No, she hasn’t. Her flat is very small.
A: 4. ........................................................................................ ?
Yes, we do. My parents and I often visit Pam.
B: ........................................................................................ ?
Yes, there are. There are three museums near Pam’s flat.
11 Complete the sentences with one or two words. (6 points)
1. I don’t like those boys. They …………………… friendly.
2. …………………… has got my pen?
3. …………………… a computer in the classroom?
4. Do you see my name on the ruler? It isn’t yours. It’s …………………… .
5. I have got …………………… orange schoolbag.
6. …………………… do you usually get up?
12 Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space. There can be more
than one correct answer. (13 points)
…………………… do famous teenagers do every day? Ask actress Elle Fanning.
Elle 2.…………………… the star of the film Bomb. She 3.…………………… a very famous
sister, too. 4.…………………… sister is Dakota Fanning. Elle works very hard on her films, but
she 5.…………………… want to get bad marks at school. How 6.…………………… Elle find
time to work and study? She 7.…………………… at a special school in Los Angeles –
Campbell Hall School. 8.…………………… students at Campbell Hall 9.…………………… to
become actors and the school helps them. For example, Elle 10.…………………… goes to the
film studio during the week and to school at weekends. Schools 11.…………………… usually
open at weekends, but Elle’s teachers want to help. 12.…………………… many child actors
in Los Angeles and 13.…………………… parents often send them to good schools like
Campbell Hall.
13.Complete the sentences with to be, have got or a suitable Present Simple or
Present Continuous verb. (9 points)
1. Ann …………………… shopping. The shops are closed today.
2. Jack and I often …………………… at the beach.
3. People …………………… usually …………………… sandals in the winter.
4. Jeremy can’t download songs because he …………………… a computer.
5. Messi and Ronaldo …………………… famous football players.
6. We …………………… lunch because there isn’t any food.
7. In this photo, you …………………… in a forest.
8. Mark …………………… you because you’re friendly, clever and good-looking.
9. I …………………… at the moment because I’m not tired.
14 Write questions with the words below. Use to be, have got or the Present
Simple or
Present Continuous. (6 points)
1. in the desert / right now / they / camels / ride
2. Gina / English / study / when
3. at this school / a student / you
4. chat / who / with your sister / at the moment
5. Joanne / how many / brothers
6. here / buses / every hour / stop
15 Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be, have got, there isor
there are. Add a quantifier or determiner to each sentence. (5 points)
1. I …………………… old grey coat.
2. …………………… good music on your computer?
3. …………………… red curtains on the windows.
4. Ben …………………… friendly boy.
5. …………………… Penny …………………… pink shirt?

16 Complete the blog entry. Write one or two words in each space. There can be
more than one correct answer. (10 points)
…………………… family and I are in Brasov today. 2.…………………… you know where
that is? 3.…………………… in Romania. Romania 4.…………………… green valleys and
beautiful lakes. 5.…………………… also many rivers and mountains. At the moment,
we 6.…………………… on a bus through the mountains to Bran Castle – a home of Vlad
Tepes, the real Count Dracula in the 1400s. There are 7.……………………scary stories about
Vlad Tepes and his terrible past. In fact, our guide 8.…………………… about him at the
moment. Of course, Dracula 9.…………………… in the castle. It’s
a museum now. Thousands of people visit the castle every year but
they 10.…………………… see any vampires!
17 Complete the text with the words below. There are more words than you
need. (8 points)
beach  get up  bedroom  surfing  brother  curly  poster  mirror  do sports athletic
Terry and his 1.…………………… , Paul, are very similar. They have both
got 2.…………………… dark hair and they are very 3.…………………… .
They 4.……………………three times a week and they love football. They have got
a 5.…………………… of their favourite football team on the wall of
their 6.…………………… . The boys live near the 7.…………………… and they
go 8.…………………… in the ocean every weekend.
18 Complete the sentences with one or two words. There can be more than one
correct answer.
(10 points)
1. That is a tennis racket and ……………………. are tennis balls.
2. You ……………………. eat a big meal before you exercise. It isn’t good for you.
3. There aren’t ……………………. goals on a golf course.
4. He ……………………. surfing twice a week.
5. The cats ……………………. blue eyes.
6. ……………………. a net in a tennis court?
7. At the moment, Bella ……………………. breakfast. She isn’t hungry.
8. I always get dressed ……………………. when I’m late for school.
9. Dad ……………………. surfing but he enjoys skiing.
10. John usually swims ……………………. .
19Write questions to complete the dialogue.
(7 points)
Russ: Where ……………………………… , Cathy?
Cathy: I’m going to the golf course.
Russ: 2.……………………………… ?
Cathy: No, I don’t. I never play golf.
Russ: Why 3.……………………………… ?
Cathy: My sister is playing and I want to watch her.
Russ: 4.……………………………… ?
Cathy: Yes, she is. She’s a very good player.
Russ: 5.……………………………… ?
Cathy: Yes, she has. She has got some professional golf clubs.
Russ: 6.……………………………… ?
Cathy: Yes, there are. Many young people play golf at the club.
Russ: 7.……………………………… ? Yes, you can. Let’s meet at the Golf Café.
20Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space. There can be more than
one correct answer. (13 points)
Underwater football is 1.…………………… fun game to play. 2.…………………… similar to
ordinary football in some ways. For example, 3.…………………… two goals and two teams.
But in underwater football, each team 4.…………………… 13 players.
You 5.…………………… underwater football on a football pitch. You play it in a swimming
pool. The players 6.……………………be excellent swimmers
because 7.…………………… hold the ball in their hands and swim only with their feet!
You 8.……………………swim easily with a ball in your hands! According
to 9.…………………… rules, the ball must be under the water all the time
so 10.…………………… a special ball with water inside, not air! A
team 11.…………………… a point when one of the players puts the ball into the goal. Always
play nicely. You 12.…………………… hit or kick any of the players because
this 13.…………………… be very dangerous.
21Complete the sentences. (10 points)
1. The day before Sunday is S…………………… .
2. A dog is similar to a wolf, but it is d…………………… .
3. After I do my homework, I h……………… as……………… and go to bed.
4. Andre lives in a v…………………… between the mountains.
5. A duvet is similar to a b…………………… . You put it on a bed.
6. My friends and I don’t usually talk on the phone. We c…………… o……….. .
7. Get your r…………………… and meet me on the tennis court.
8. That parrot is green, yellow and o…………………… .
9. You can go kayaking and swimming at the l…………………… .
10. A ball and an apple are both r…………………… .
22.Write questions with the words below. Use to be, have got, there is / there are or
Present Simple or Present Continuous. (8 points)
1. elephants / drink / water / every day
2. worms / teeth
3. what / those chickens / eat / at the moment
4. any snakes / in Ireland
5. when / a dolphin / sleep
6. why / a butterfly’s wings / colourful
7. any food / for the mice
8. Max / hike / near the waterfall / now
23 Complete the sentences with one or two words. There can be more than one
correct answer. (10 points)
1. This is my scarf and …………………… are my gloves.
2. Miss Angelo …………………… maths on Mondays.
3. A turtle can swim …………………… .
4. Have you got …………………… flies for your lizard?
5. Jerry’s dog is tiny and Elaine’s dog is huge. Elaine’s dog is ……………………Jerry’s
6. Many pigs have got long ears and …………………… tails are curly.
7. Shhh! You …………………… talk loudly. Mum is sleeping.
8. I …………………… online with my friend at the moment.
9. A kitten …………………… dangerous as a tiger.
10. Jane is wearing my coat because she can’t find …………………… .
24 Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space. There can be
more than one
correct answer. (12 points)
Scuba diving with sharks 1.…………………… a very popular activity.
It’s 2.…………………… adventurous than ordinary diving because sharks are very frightening
animals. It’s 3.…………………… amazing experience! People often 4.…………………… with
sand tiger sharks. At three metres from head to tail, they are 5.…………………… a human, but
they 6.…………………… huge as great white sharks. They swim fast, but don’t worry –
they 7.……………………usually dangerous. Tiger sharks 8.…………………… many big teeth,
but they 9.…………………… often attack people. People 10.…………………… swim near tiger
sharks, but they11.…………………… try to touch them. Tiger sharks are
not12.…………………… friendly as dolphins. They’re powerful carnivores with a big appetite!
25 Complete the sentences with one or two words. There can be more than one
correct answer.
(10 points)
1. Jessica has got two pet iguanas. …………………… names are Kiki and Miki.
2. …………………… any curtains on the windows. Let’s buy some.
3. Please put …………………… extra chairs in the living room.
4. Fred …………………… reads magazines. He doesn’t like them.
5. Beatrice is a terrible dancer but she sings …………………… .
6. The cat’s eyes are blue and it …………………… brown ears.
7. …………………… is Mum right now?
8. My baby brother is only two months old so he …………………… talk.
9. In football, you …………………… hit the ball with your hands.
10. A whale is …………………… a dolphin.
26 Correct the mistakes. (8 points)
1. Oliver doesn’t wants pet goldfish.
2. Have you to got new trainers?
3. Is Daniel surf the web?
4. Glenda she is standing on a surfboard.
5. There isn’t any whales in the sea.
6. You must to buy the red skirt.
7. An elephant is more heavier than a lion.
8. Meet my sister. His name is Angela.
27Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space. There can be more than
correct answer. (12 points)
Many people 1.…………………… bikes, but they 2.……………………
usually ride them every day. On very hot, cold or rainy days, they often 3.…………………… by
bus or car. Now, people 4.………………… enjoy
bike riding every day in any weather because 5.…………………… a new
sport called virtual cycling. With virtual cycling, you sit on a bike in 6.…………………… home
and you watch 7.…………………… computer screen in front of the bike.
You8.…………………… choose many different places to go on the computer, and also choose
to ride quickly or 9.…………………… . According to some people, virtual cycling
is 10.…………………… exciting than real cycling. But other people 11.…………………… real
bikes. For them, cycling at home is 12.…………………… adventurous as going to real places.
28 Complete the sentences. (10 points)
1. Don’t make any noise. We must be q … … … … .
2. Elephants are h … … … animals.
3. The opposite of dark is l … … … … .
4. People h … … … b … … … … … … … … in the morning
5. The Post family lives in a f … … … with three bedrooms.
6. The tenth month of the year is O … … … … … … .
7. We love that restaurant. The food is e … … … … … … … … .
8. You can d … … … … … … … s … … … … from the Internet and listen to them on an
9. On cold days, I wear a s … … … … … … over my T-shirt.
10. Tigers and gorillas live in the j … … … … … .
29 Match A to B to make sentences. (5 points)
1. You put a blanket … a. on your head.
2. There’s a net … b. in the kitchen.
3. A houseboat goes … c. on a bed.
4. You wear a helmet … d. on a tennis court.
5. I make meals … e. on a river.
30 Complete the sentences. Use words to show you understand the meaning of
the sentences.
(5 points)
1. People rarely wear ……………………. on their feet in the winter.
2. This pie is red inside. Is it a ……………………. pie?
3. A ……………………. is a dangerous insect.
4. Bring your swimsuit and ……………………. . We’re going to the swimming pool.
5. There isn’t any milk in the ……………………. in the kitchen.
31 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (8 points)
1. Pam ……………………. (not be) at home right now.
2. Jack rarely ……………………. (watch) TV.
3. Dan and I ……………………. (not come) home right now.
4. The food ……………………. (not be) hot at dinner last night.
5. I ……………………. (not like) swimming in the ocean.
6. What ……………………. you ……………………. (read) now?
7. We ……………………. (be) at the beach yesterday.
8. Mum ……………………. (put) ice cream on the cake right now.
32 Choose the correct answer. (10 points)
1. When / Who / Why are the rolls in the fridge?
2. The scarf is Jane’s. The gloves are she’s / her / hers, too.
3. Mice are as small as / smaller than / not as small as rabbits.
4. We sometimes / every day / on Tuesdays eat in the living room.
5. Paul must / mustn’t / can’t play football with you now because he’s sleeping.
6. The restaurant has got an / a / any unusual menu.
7. You can use John’s pillow. Its / It’s / It on the bed.
8. Are there / There were / Was there any shelves in the bedroom?
9. The cottage is / has got / there is a beautiful living room.
10. Chickens don’t fly very good / better than / well.
33 Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space. (12 points)
Food in ancient Egypt
Question: Which types of food
…………………….. popular in ancient Egypt?
Answer: Fish was 2.…………………….. popular food in ancient times and Egyptians
often 3.…………………….. fish today, too. 4.……………………..
a long river in Egypt. It 5.…………………….. the River Nile and it 6.……………………..
about 4,000 different types of fish!
Question: Were there 7.…………………….. pigs in ancientEgypt?
Answer: Yes, there were, but they 8.……………………. popular animals. According to ancient
Egyptians, it was bad luck to eat pigs. Ham 9.…………………….. popular in
ancient Egypt because of this.
Question: 10.…………………….. any steak in ancientEgypt?
Answer: The answer is yes, but 11.…………………….. was only for pharaohs or special
events. 12.…………………….. thousands of cows and many tasty milk products such as cheese
in ancient Egypt.
34 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (7 points)
1. …………………… (be) the game exciting last week?
2. Rita …………………… (swim) in the lake at the moment because she hasn’t got a
3. Where …………………… you …………………… (go) last night?
4. The eggs …………………… (be) hot. Put them on the cooker for a minute.
5. The models …………………… (get) dressed right now.
6. Bob …………………… (eat) an hour ago.
7. What …………………… people usually …………………… (donate) to the
35 Choose the correct answer. (10 points)
1. There are / There is / There was a fox in the garden now.
2. This / That / Those are amazing posters.
3. The event was in May last year. Where / What / When is it this year?
4. The ham wasn’t tastier / as tasty as / tasty the steak.
5. Sally isn’t helping us because it / they / she hasn’t got time.
6. There are any / some / the chairs in the garden.
7. The town haven’t got / hasn’t got / have got any clean water.
8. There isn’t / There weren’t / There wasn’t a musician at the event yesterday.
9. Have we got many / a / any money?
10. Be good at school! You mustn’t / can / can’t cause any problems.
36 Complete the text. Write one word in each space. There can be more than one
correct answer.
(13 points)
What 1.……………………you do to change the world last year? Right now, students around the
world 2.…………………… learning about the world’s problems and what
they 3.…………………… do to help. Once a year, they meet at 4.…………………… event
called “We Day”. We Day 5.…………………… only for teenagers and they learn about
creating change. They watch videos and learn important things, and
there 6.…………………… also concerts and fun activities. Then, the
students 7.…………………… home and organise events to collect money, food and clothes. On
the next We Day, the teenagers celebrate all 8.…………………… hard work. The 2010-2011
school year 9.…………………… more successful10.…………………… the 2009-2010 school
year and the students worked very 11.…………………… . In the USA and Canada,
they12.…………………… about 1.7 million hours of time and collected $5.4 million and 235
tonnes of food! On We Day, 13.…………………… were huge events to celebrate.
37 Complete the text with the words and phrases below. (13 points)
fizzy drinks  cycling  forest  went camping  restaurant  blankets
friendly  got up  coats  Thursday  amazing  ants  listened to music
Last Monday, we 1.…………………… next to the lake. We took camping equipment and some
warm 2.……………………to make our beds. We took warm clothes such as sweaters
and3.…………………… , too. On Tuesday morning, we hired bikes and
went 4.…………………… around the area. We were tired the next morning so
we 5.…………………… late. After breakfast, we went hiking in the 6.…………………… . We
walked very far beside the trees. That evening, we ordered pizza from
a 7.…………………… and ate it next to the lake. On 8.…………………… , we went for a trip
in the mountains. They were 9.…………………… ! We met some
very 10.…………………… people on our trip and they came to visit us at the lake. They brought
some food and 11.……………………and we had a party. We 12.…………………… and danced
until late. The food was delicious, but in the morning our clothes were full of tiny
black 13.…………………… !
38 Choose the correct answer. (8 points)
1. That is Jean’s house. The car is theirs / her / hers, too.
2. There wasn’t any / an / a living room in the house.
3. Cherries are bigger than / as big as / not as big as apples.
4. There was / There are / There is a new chef now.
5. Is / Are / Were the TV host funny?
6. Can Louis dance good / well / better than?
7. Be quiet! You mustn’t / can’t / must talk in the library.
8. Are they taking / Do they take / Did they take their swimsuits tomorrow?
39 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. There
can be more
than one correct answer. (7 points)
1. We …………………… (leave) the museum in one hour.
2. I …………………… (not buy) any rolls yesterday.
3. …………………… Rob …………………… (visit) your relatives next year?
4. Cathy …………………… (study) English twice a week.
5. …………………… you often …………………… (hang out) with your friends?
6. The athletes …………………… (not work out) at the moment.
7. …………………… you …………………… (enjoy) the concert last night?
Circle the word or phrase that doesn’t belong. (6 points)
1. Amy is tall  hard-working  curly  cute.
2. A fox has got arms  feet  eyes  ears.
3. Going to the beach? Don’t forget your sandals  surfboard  swimsuit  sink.
4. I’m hungry. Let’s eat out  hang out  order pizza  have breakfast.
5. We’re going to buy a cave  a lamp  golf clubs  underwear at the shopping centre.
6. A worm is long  thin  round  noisy.
41 Complete the sentences with suitable words and phrases. There can be more
than one
correct answer. (9 points)
1. I often …………………… with my mobile phone.
2. An architect …………………… new buildings.
3. There are delicious chocolates at this …………………… .
4. How far can a kangaroo …………………… ?
5. A …………………… flies a plane.
6. I’ve got a blanket and two …………………… on my bed.
7. We live in a small …………………… on a river.
8. That …………………… hopes to become president in the future.
9. Mum …………………… in her bathroom and goes to bed at 11.00.
42 Write the word according to the definition. (5 points)
1. It’s the fifth day of the week. ……………………
2. We make chips from these. ……………………
3. You kick a football into this. ……………………
4. It’s the opposite of strong. ……………………
5. This bird can learn to talk. ……………………
43 Choose the correct answer. (10 points)
1. This isn’t my sweater. Is it … ?
a. their b. mine c. yours d. she
2. A spider … eight legs.
a. is b. didn’t get c. wasn’t d. has got
3. … some butter for the potatoes in the fridge.
a. There is b. There isn’t c. There are d. There aren’t
4. Anthony often … his homework at night.
a. is going to do b. does c. isn’t doing d. don’t do
5. A chicken is a bird, but it … fly well.
a. can b. must c. can’t d. mustn’t
6. I never go surfing with my sister. She … sport.
a. enjoys b. doesn’t enjoy c. isn’t enjoying d. enjoy
7. Jamie … his new job tomorrow.
a. started b. don’t start c. isn’t starting d. start
8. You … take water when you hike in the desert.
a. must b. can’t c. can d. mustn’t
9. … is the police station?
a. Why b. Who c. Where d. When
10. There aren’t … olives for the pizza.
a. some b. an c. the d. any
44 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. Use
an adverb of manner, a comparative adjective or (not) as … as. (5 points)
1. Horses are ……………………………… (big) foxes.
2. My mum cooks ……………………………… (good).
3. Rabbits are ……………………………… (intelligent) gorillas.
4. She swam ……………………………… (lazy) in the lake.
5. An amusement park is ……………………………… (exciting) a library.
45 Complete the text with the correct form of to be, have got, there was or the
correct form of the verbs in brackets. (15 points)
Niall Horan 1.…………………… from Ireland. He 2.…………………… beautiful blue eyes and
blond hair, and he3.…………………… (look) like a film star. When 4.…………………… 16
years old, he competed in the popular television program The X Factor. The producers of the
programme 5.…………………… (put) Niall in a band. 6.…………………… four other boys in
the band – Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik.
They 7.…………………… (call) the group One Direction. The five teenagers sang together
on The X Factor, but they 8.…………………… (not win). But, people loved their music and
they 9.…………………… very popular so One Direction10.…………………… (stay) together.
Today, One Direction 11.…………………… three albums and over 10 million followers on
Twitter. Niall still 12.…………………… (play) the guitar and all the boys 13.……………………
(sing). Soon, they 14.…………………… (start) a new world tour. They 15.……………………
(want) to give £200,000 from their tour to Stand Up To Cancer.
… 46 Complete the words and phrases according to the
definitions. (10 points)
1. A room with a fridge and a cooker. k………………………………
2. Winter clothes for your hands. g………………………………
3. Very good-looking. b………………………………
4. It’s similar to a blanket. d………………………………
5. A tropical forest. j………………………………
6. Eat the morning meal. h………………………………
7. An orange vegetable. c………………………………
8. A sport people do under water. s………………………………
9. The opposite of lazy. h………………………………
10. A reptile with no legs. s………………………………
47 Complete the sentences with appropriate words. There can be more than one
correct answer.
(10 points)
1. He’s eating spiders! That’s …………………… !
2. There’s a small …………………… with an apple tree behind the cottage.
3. I don’t want to go out tonight. Let’s …………………… and watch TV.
4. My favourite book is The Hobbit. The …………………… is J. R. R. Tolkien.
5. I love to go on rides at an …………………… .
6. …………………… are domesticated animals. We get milk from them.
7. There are two …………………… on a football pitch.
8. …………………… is the eleventh month of the year.
9. They …………………… food and clothing for poor people in India.
10. Dr House works in a …………………… .
48 Complete the sentences with one or two words. There can be more than one
correct answer.
(8 points)
1. Angela …………………… blue eyes.
2. You live above our flat. Your flat is bigger than …………………… .
3. …………………… a lake near the town?
4. I hate football. I …………………… watch it on TV.
5. We have got …………………… warm blankets.
6. You …………………… kick the ball in basketball.
7. …………………… any buns in the bakery yesterday.
8. …………………… is my notebook? I can’t find it.
49 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (8 points)
1. Owen …………………… (buy) new golf clubs a week ago.
2. The engineers …………………… (work) now. They went home at 5.00.
3. The pilot usually …………………… (fly) to France.
4. …………………… you …………………… (wear) your new trousers tomorrow?
5. Lisa’s in the bathroom. She …………………… (have) a shower.
6. Jake is a vegetarian. He …………………… (eat) ham or fish.
7. This pie is delicious. …………………… you …………………… (make) it?
8. I …………………… (hire) a boat at the lake next week because I don’t want to go
50 Complete the text. Write one or two words in each space. There can be more
than one
correct answer. (14 points)

The Citibank building in Hong Kong is a very tall building and 1.…………………… many
people there every day. On 17th February 2009, 2.…………………… something very surprising
to see. People near the windows 3.…………………… a man on the wall of the opposite
building! The man 4.…………………… Alain Robert, a free-solo climber. It was
just 5.…………………… ordinary day for Robert because he 6.…………………… a very
unusual job. Companies hire him to climb their buildings for the publicity and many of the
buildings 7.…………………… very tall. People call Robert the “French Spider-Man” because
he 8.…………………… climb very high and he rarely 9.…………………… any climbing
equipment. In 2011, Robert10.…………………… to the top of the Burj Khalifa Tower inDubai.
At 828 metres, the Burj Khalifa is 11.…………………… all the buildings in the
world! 12.…………………… is Robert going to find an ordinary job? Never! Free-solo
climbing is 13.…………………… than other jobs, but Robert 14.…………………… stop doing
it. He loves his work.

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