Louise B. Brownell - Life Abundant For You - Ch2 Realization

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VERYWHERE today people are coming into a new
consciousness. Psychology (the science of the Soul)
is coming to the front in many guises and disguises, and
whether the mass of people realize it or not, they are con
fronted with the teaching everywhere, in books, in maga
zines, in newspapers, in the movies, in lectures both edu
cational and under the names of various advanced philoso
phies and religions.
Asthe natural outcome of all this, we very often these
days hear the cry going out— "I wish I could heal, or could
demonstrate the Christ Philosophy to better my own and
others' conditions." This increasing desire is the prophetic
forerunner of what is to be, for the time is fast approaching
when the people left on this planet will be able to demon
strate their Divine Heritage— "joint heirs with Christ."
This power to demonstrate is simply a matter of con
sciousness and the putting into practice the divine pre
rogative of every soul. "Beloved now are ye the sons of
God, and it doth not yet appear what ye shall be."
Do you really wish to be free of your limitations, to be
healed of your diseases, to be successful, happy, and to
prosper and progress along the Pathway of Life? This is
your heritage, therefore claim it for it is God's Divine Plan
for every soul born on this or any other planet. God's
Path is always a path of progress (we could not conceive
it to be otherwise) on every plane of being, physical,
mental, material and spiritual.
We came here for growth, on all planes of manifestation
possible in this earth existence, and the quickest and surest
Realization 15

way of obtaining this growth so as to develop into uni

versal, full-orbed souls, is to become fully conscious as
Jesus was conscious of the marvelous fact, "Ye are the
Temple of the Living God" and His Spirit in you enableth
you to do and to be all things whatsoever you desire.
This belief that God dwells within you must be
stamped indelibly on your consciousness, so you will at all
times be conscious that The Presence is closer than any
other member of your family, or any friend could possibly
be, for they of necessity are aside and apart from yourself,
while God is the very Essence of your Being.
This consciousness comes gradually to most souls, and
only comes through faith and belief in this Presence, and
the daily use of its Wisdom and Power. We grow Faith
in God by using His principles, just as we grow faith in
the lifting power of our hands, by daily using them.
To grow faster in this direction we must direct our life
to this end. A certain time should be set aside each day
to "Practice the Presence of God." Close your eyes and
get as still as possible. "Be still, and know that I am
God." Then try to imagine God, how He would look if
He (as a person) were suddenly to appear to you. If you
cannot imagine God, then visualize His nearest counterpart
that we have had on this plane, the Divine Master Jesus
Christ, in as ideal a form as you can imagine. See Him
a Glorious, radiant Being of Love, Energy, Mercy, Com
passion, filled with Wisdom and Power. Meditate on this
vision daily, until you can see it instantly anywhere,
always with you, ready to help you and back you in every
effort you make for betterment and progress.
When you have this vision firmly fixed in your mind,
watch it approaching you with the attitude of Divine
Blessing, see it enter into your Being, and become part of
you, your real, divine self, and realize that God has created
you to manifest Him on this plane, that He is filling you
with His divine energy, life, love, power, wisdom, and the
realization that all things are moving toward His Divine
Perfection. Feel yourself expanding in His Presence, and
16 Life Abundant for You
let that feeling grow in you day by day that you desire to
create Beauty, Harmony, Order and Perfection as God
creates through His directed thought-power put into action
through Divine Will and Purpose and Energy.
Remember, you are the temple of the Living God, and
God is Now in you, thinking through you, willing
through you, acting through you; and let every thought
and action be dominated by the thought — How does God
wish to use this body of mine, this brain, these different
organs which function in my body, these senses of sight
and hearing, these hands and feet? Send out the positive
thought, "This day I
will use all these divine faculties and
instruments which God has given to me in His service.
I will put forth constructive thought and action only, and
express only that which Iwish to blossom forth in my
life, or in the lives of any others to whom I may direct
my thought this day. God has created me that I may
represent Him on this plane. Iwill think and speak words
of life, health, beauty, harmony, and love, for they are
seed-thoughts to which God has promised to give increase
of their kind."
If you wish to heal another in pain or distress of mind
and body, close your eyes and visualize that person, then
mentally or orally (depending upon whether you are treat
ing a person absently, or present with you) place your
hand on his forehead, call him by his full name (especially
the given name which carries with it a powerful vibration
to that particular soul) and say positively, "God is using
me to heal and bless you. I place my hand on your fore
head, knowing that God indwells me and is blessing my
effort to do His will in you. God is now using me as a
channel through which to pour His life and energy into
your brain cells, to quicken this base of His Divine Intelli
gence within you, and to make you more receptive to the
Spirit of Truth. He is now blessing your mental faculties
that they may shine forth in a higher, purer expression of
Divine Wisdom and Intelligence. God is now blessing
your Subconscious Mind that it may be receptive only to
Realization 17

the highest and best impressions that come to it from the

Universal Mind, and that it may act upon the highest
stimuli given.
I place my hand upon your eyes and bless them with
the God-power that they may see only Good in all persons
and all things of God's creation.
I place my hands on your ears and God through me
blesses them to hear perfectly and only to hear that which
will be helpful to your growth and progress, material and
I bless your lungs that they may expand as you breathe
in God's blessed air and sunshine, and that your blood
stream may be vitalized, purified and quickened, and its
circulation be distributed perfectly to every cell of your
I place my hand — God's hand — on your stomach, and
will with His Omnipotent Will that the digestive and
assimilative processes shall go on in you to build a perfect
Temple for God to manifest through on this plane.
I bless your solar plexus (your abdominal brain) with
life and strength and power, that it may vitalize all the
nerve centers of your body.
I bless all the internal organs of your body, the liver,
the bowels, the kidneys, and the pelvic organs with God's
life and energy, and I will that they function properly and
according to the divine purpose for which God has created
I bless every cell
of your being and see you glorified with
the Presence of theLiving God, radiating His life and love
and beauty and harmony to all you meet on your daily
path. I see you clothed with the Light of the Spirit
(which never grows dim) , and manifesting in the Divine
Image of God, who sees you always perfect and divine,
immortal, clothed with the Sun, and like unto Himself
in whose likeness you are created.
Together you and I are lifted up to the Christ plane of
consciousness and from now on we will look out upon
God's world as did the Divine Master whom we wish to
18 Life Abundant for You
emulate, realizing 'I and the Father are one.' We will
claim our Divine Heritage and demonstrate it increasingly
day by day. God in us is Dominion and Power. He giv-
eth us the Victory over disease, poverty or limitation wher
ever it may present itself to us on the Path. We recognize
these obstacles as Divine Opportunity to demonstrate the
God-power within and we know that 'With God all
things are possible.'
This, dear friend, is "Practicing the Presence of God."
Try it just half an hour daily for a month and you will
make it a life-long practice which will pay you far greater
returns than any other thing in life. As you become a
conscious channel for the Indwelling Spirit, life will take
on a different meaning. You will realize why you are
here. You will become magnetic, and as you pour out
your love and blessings to others, "your own" will flow
to you increasingly in the blessed gifts of the Spirit.
You can bless your friends silently or audibly, absently
or in their presence, in the manner here indicated, and if
you are filled with the desire to serve and bless, and have
the consciousness that God in you is backing every effort
you make, and every word you speak, that word cannot
return to you void. It will work its transformation in
you, and in the person or condition to which it is directed,
and it will increase in power and influence as it (through
them) touches other lives, lighting many torches with its
undying flame. Let the Spirit use you! Love will reveal
the way!

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