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Test: Are you Healthy?

1. How many hours a week do you do exercises?

a) 4+
b) 2-3
c) 0-2

2. How often do you get sick?

a) Rarely
b) Pretty often
c) Now and then

3. Is there a lot of junk food in your house?

a) There is a lot, but I don't eat it that much.
b) We have a chocolate bar here and there, but that's it.
c) Yes, tons. I'm so happy.

4. Your gym teacher just told you to run 2 km. How are you?
a) I think I did really well. I finished and ran or jogged the whole thing.
b) I finished the run, but I walked part of it and I wasn't one of the first to finish.
c) I died half way through

5. What do you usually eat on weekends?

a) A salad
b) Chicken, a cake, chocolate, chips
c) Fast food and a couple of beer

6. Do you eat junk food?

a) Never or once a week
b) Between two or three times a week
c) More than three times a week

7. Do you worry about being healthy?

a) Yes, a lot
b) Sometimes
c) Nope, I’m happy
8. Do you have belly?
a) Of course not
b) Yes, a little bit
c) Yes, the people tell me '' la gordis ''
9. Do you think you are healthy?
a) Perfect health
b) I think I’m pretty good
c) I don’t know, I wait the results of this quiz

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