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Modeling and Prediction of Hole

Khagendra Gupta Profile in Drilling, Part 1:

O. Burak Ozdoganlar Modeling Drill Dynamics in the
Shiv G. Kapoor
Presence of Drill Alignment Errors
Richard E. DeVor
A dynamic deflection model that incorporates the effect of the alignment errors that arise
Department of Mechanical and Industrial when a drill is held in the spindle assembly has been developed. The drill is modeled as
Engineering, an Euler-Bernoulli beam with clamped-free end conditions. Thrust and radial forces were
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, applied at the free end of the beam. The mechanistic model used to predict these forces
Urbana, IL 61801-2906 has been enhanced to incorporate the effect of the alignment errors and drill vibrations.
A method has been outlined to measure these alignment errors. The mechanistic model
demonstrates the ability to predict the drill vibrations and the radial forces within 6
percent of the measured vibrations and forces. The effect of these alignment errors on the
drill vibrations and the radial forces has also been studied. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1536932兴

1 Introduction and other geometric parameters, inevitable drill alignment errors

can have a significant effect on the dynamics of the drill. These
Hole quality parameters that are generally used to evaluate the
errors include the offset between the drill and spindle axes, i.e.,
quality of a drilled hole are determined from the hole profile. The
the axis offset, and the tilt of the drill axis with respect to that of
hole profile, in turn, depends on transverse vibrations of the drill the spindle, i.e., the axis tilt. The well known ‘‘drill runout’’ is the
and associated radial forces, both of which are strongly affected result of alignment errors as measured at the tip of the drill.
by the alignment errors such as drill axis offset and tilt. The in- Whereas the static effect of runout on the hole quality has been
fluence of alignment errors can become substantial when large investigated 关18 –20兴, a comprehensive dynamic model that ex-
length-to-diameter drills are employed. A thorough understanding plicitly includes the alignment errors on the vibrations of the drill
of the factors affecting the hole quality, and eventually the predic- and the cutting forces has not been developed.
tion of the hole quality, can only be achieved through an under- The objective of this paper is to model the drilling dynamics,
standing of influence of the alignment errors on the drill-bit dy- including the drill vibrations and the drilling forces, in the pres-
namics and drilling forces. ence of alignment errors including the parallel axis offset, axis tilt,
The machining literature includes numerous efforts for analyti- drill orientation, and locating angle of the cutting lips. In Part 1 of
cal and mechanistic modeling of the thrust and torque in drilling this paper a dynamic model for the drill bit under the action of
process 关1–5兴. Although thrust and torque have a considerable arbitrary axial and transverse forces in the presence of alignment
effect, the radial forces play the most dominant role in determin- errors is developed. Although the model is similar to that devel-
ing the vibrational behavior of a drill and associated hole quality. oped in 关15兴, in addition to including the alignment errors, the
The mechanistic model of Chandrasekharan et al. 关5兴 has been boundary conditions were modified from pinned-pinned to fixed-
shown to accurately predict not only the thrust force and torque, free, and the thrust and radial forces are applied at the free end. To
but also the radial forces, such as those arising from drill grinding accurately model the cutting forces in the presence of alignment
errors 共e.g., relative lip-height error兲. This model was then en- errors and transverse vibrations, the mechanistic cutting-force
hanced for drilling on parts with non-planar surfaces 关6兴. model developed in 关5兴 is enhanced. A methodology for the mea-
Research on the dynamics of drilling process has also been surement of the alignment errors is outlined. The drill bit dynam-
underway for many years. The effect of drill-geometry parameters ics model and the enhanced cutting force model are experimen-
and drill-margin forces on drill vibrations were investigated in tally validated by comparing the predicted and experimental
关7–11兴. Some researchers applied finite-element methods for the vibrations and forces. The paper concludes with an analysis of the
prediction of transverse vibrations of drill bits, which enabled not influence of the alignment errors and process conditions on drill
only the consideration of realistic drill geometries, including radial forces and vibrations. In Part 2 of this paper a comprehen-
flutes, coolant holes, and web taper, but also the evaluation of sive model for the hole profile is developed.
‘‘uniform’’ beam assumption that had been considered in the pre-
vious studies 关12,13兴. Ulsoy et al. have conducted extensive re-
search on modeling of drill dynamics 关12–16兴. The drill was con- 2 Model Development
sidered to behave as a pinned-pinned or a fixed-pinned beam This section introduces the alignment errors associated with the
under the influence of moving loads. The effects of rotary inertia drill when held in the spindle assembly and develops a new dy-
and gyroscopic moments were also included. It was shown that namic model that incorporates these alignment errors under the
significant deflections may arise due to gyroscopic effects. More action of thrust and radial forces experienced during drilling. The
recently, the above models were extended to include an axial drilling force model of 关5兴 is enhanced to include the presence of
共thrust兲 load, changing moment of inertia along the length, and the alignment errors and the algorithm used to solve the governing
shear deformations 关17兴. differential equations of motions 共i.e., the boundary value prob-
In addition to factors like drill rotary inertia, drill wandering, lem兲 of the drill is explained.

Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division for publication in the

2.1 Alignment Errors. The alignment errors associated
JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Manuscript received with the location of a drill in the spindle are shown in Fig. 1.
Oct. 2001. Associate Editor: T. Kurfess. x-y-z axes with the origin at O defines the spindle frame, where

6 Õ Vol. 125, FEBRUARY 2003 Copyright © 2003 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
Fig. 2 The effect of locating angle on the chip load

⫺90 to 90 degrees. It is to be realized that the locating angle is not

strictly an alignment error. In the absence of ␣ and ␾, ␥ ceases to
exist. However, when alignment errors are present, the angle of
the cutting lips relative to the direction of the net runout may be
Fig. 1 Alignment errors associated with the location of a drill
In this paper the four errors resulting from the misalignment of
in the spindle
the drill and the spindle are introduced as defined above. Two of
these errors, linear offset 共e兲 and axial tilt 共␣兲 can be thought of as
controllable alignment errors. The other two errors, orientation
the z axis coincides with the spindle axis and the x axis points to angle 共␾兲 and locating angle 共␥兲 arise as a result of the presence of
the base of the drill B 共i.e., the point where the drill projects out of
the spindle兲. D is a point on the drill axis, and T is the tip of the e and ␣ and impact the net runout at the drill tip and its relation-
drill. The drill plane (E-G-T) is a plane that contains the drill axis ships to the cutting lips of the drill.
and is orthogonal to the x-y plane. x̄-ȳ-z̄ with its origin at B 2.2 Modeling Dynamics of the Drill. This section explains
defines the drill frame, such that the z̄ axis coincides with the drill the procedure adopted to develop the drilling dynamic model for a
axis, and x̄-z̄ plane lies on the drill plane while ȳ is perpendicular rotating drill under the influence of axial and transverse external
to the drill plane. A plane parallel to x-y plane passing through D forces in the presence of alignment errors. In drilling, these forces
intersects the spindle axis at S. correspond to the thrust and the radial forces. The method used to
The alignment errors are then defined in Fig. 1 as: derive the boundary value problem for a rotating elastic shaft
1. Linear Offset (e): The linear offset is the distance along the simply supported at both ends given in 关21兴 is enhanced to incor-
x axis between the spindle axis and drill base, i.e., between O and porate the effect of the alignment errors. In the treatment, the
B. following assumptions have been made:
2. Axial Tilt 共␣兲: This is the angle between the drill axis (z̄) and
the line M N created by the intersection of z-x and drill planes. • The drill is considered to be a circular beam of an equivalent
Such defined, ␣ is the rotation about the ȳ axis. cross sectional area;
3. Drill Orientation Angle 共␾兲: This is the angle that the z-x • The drill cross-section has two axes of symmetry and the
plane makes with the drill plane. Defined in this manner, ␾ is a principal moments of inertia about these axes are the same;
rotation about the line M N in the positive z direction. • The beam is treated as an Euler-Bernoulli beam and has a
The net runout, q(z), at any point D along the axis of the drill uniform mass distribution;
can be obtained by performing a vector sum of SA 共the linear • The torsional and the axial vibrations of the drill have not
offset兲 and AD 共the projection of the length of the drill at a point been considered and only the first two modes of the transverse
D on the drill plane兲. Mathematically, the net runout can be ex- vibrations of the drill are assumed to be significant.
pressed as Earlier research 关10,12,17,20兴 considered the drill to be
q 共 z 兲 ⫽ 冑共 兩 BD 兩 sin ␣ 兲 2 ⫹e 2 ⫹2e 兩 BD 兩 sin ␣ cos ␾ . (1) clamped at the spindle and pinned at the drill tip. However, it has
been observed through experiments 关20兴 that when radial forces
Drill orientation angle plays a major role in determining the net are present, the tip of the drill vibrates. Here, the drill is assumed
runout at the tip. ␾ is defined to vary between 0 to 180 degrees, to vibrate freely at the tip and is only restricted by the radial
and for positive ␣, the net runout decreases continuously with forces.
increasing ␾. In the absence of the alignment errors, the equations of the
4. Locating Angle 共␥兲: This is the angle that the cutting lips motion for the transverse vibrations of a rotating elastic shaft,
make with the direction of the net runout at the tip S ⬘ T 1 , as considered as a distributed system, can be found in the literature
denoted in Fig. 2. The locating angle does not alter the net runout 关21兴. However, in the presence of the alignment errors, the con-
at the tip of the drill. However, it plays a major role in determin- tributions due to the gyroscopic terms and centrifugal terms in
ing the imbalance of the chip load seen by the two cutting lips and these equations of motion change.
hence the cutting forces. The locating angle can vary between In Fig. 1, the forces experienced during drilling, F x , F y , and

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering FEBRUARY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 7

F z , are assumed to act at the tip of the drill. These forces are Following the derivation given in 关21兴 for this particular case,
determined from thrust force P and radial force components R x the boundary value problem becomes
and R y 共which are defined to act on the spindle axis兲 through a
coordinate transformation between spindle and drill frames. The mẅ x ⫹cẇ x ⫺m⍀ 2 cos2 ␣ w x ⫺2m⍀ cos ␣ ẇ y ⫹EIw x⬙⬙
curved-dotted line denotes the deflected position of the drill axis. ⳵
The spindle and drill frames are defined as explained in the pre- ⫺ 共 F w ⬘ 兲 ⫽m⍀ 2 cos ␣ 共 e cos ␾ ⫹z̄ sin ␣ 兲 ⫹F x , (2)
vious section. ⳵ z̄ z x
The Extended Hamilton’s Principle can be used to derive the ⳵
boundary value problem and associated boundary conditions of a mẅ y ⫹cẇ y ⫺m⍀ 2 w y ⫹2m⍀ cos ␣ ẇ x ⫹EIw ⬙⬙
y ⫺ 共F w⬘兲
distributed parameter system 关21兴. The derivation here is similar ⳵ z̄ z y
to that in 关21兴, except that an axial force and the alignment errors ⫽⫺m⍀ 2 e sin ␾ ⫹F y . (3)
are included here.
Referring to Fig. 1, let D be a point on the undeflected drill The associated boundary conditions can be expressed as
axis, and D ⬘ be the associated point on the deflected drill axis. w x ⫽0, w y ⫽0, w x⬘ ⫽0, w ⬘y ⫽0 at z̄⫽0
The location vector from the spindle base O to D ⬘ can be given as (4)
w ⬙x ⫽0, w ⬙y ⫽0, F z w ⬘x ⫽EIw ⵮
x , F z w ⬘y ⫽EIw ⵮ at z̄⫽L
rOD ⬘ ⫽rOB ⫹rBD ⬘ ⫽eI⫹w x i⫹w y j⫹z̄k, y

The forces F x , F y and F z are essential input to the drill deflec-

where I, J, K and i, j, k are the unit vector sets for spindle and
tion model outlined in Eqs. 共2兲–共4兲. As mentioned above, these
drill frames, respectively. The velocity of D ⬘ can then be written
forces are determined through a coordinate transformation from
thrust and radial forces P, R x , and R y . These forces are calcu-
vD ⬘ ⫽ṙOD ⬘ ⫹ ␻⫻rOD ⬘ ⫽ v x i⫹ v y j⫹ v z k, lated here using the mechanistic model developed by Chan-
drasekharan 关5兴. However, this mechanistic force model must be
where dot denotes the time derivative and ␻ is the rotational modified to account for the alignment errors.
vector affecting the drill.
The choice of the rotational vector is critical for correctly de- 2.3 Enhanced Force Model. In the mechanistic model, the
scribing the dynamic behavior of the drill. In parallel to the fixed- cutting lips are divided into incremental elements and the chip
free assumption, the drill is considered to be guided by the ma- load at each element is calculated to obtain the elemental forces.
chining forces at its free end. Therefore, it can be assumed that the In the absence of alignment errors and the drill deflection, the chip
rotational velocity that affects the drill is about the spindle axis load experienced by each incremental element is the same. How-
with an amplitude equal to the spindle speed, i.e., ␻⫽⍀K. This ever, due to the presence of the net runout and the drill deflection
assumption is valid so long as the runout at the drill tip is consid- the chip load changes continuously along the cutting lip.
erably smaller that the drill diameter, and thus the drill removes Figure 2 shows the locating angle ␥ associated with a drill
the workpiece material under the spindle axis, which is the case when it is inserted into the spindle. T 1 and T 2 are the positions of
here as can be seen from the hole profiles in Part 2. This is a the drill tip T at time t 1 and t 2 , respectively. S ⬘ is a point along
particular point that the derivation here diverges from that with the spindle axis such that S ⬘ T 1 and S ⬘ T 2 are perpendicular to the
the assumption of fixed-pinned end conditions, in which case the spindle axis. S ⬘ T 1 is equal to the static displacement of the tip of
drill will also have a rotational velocity about its own axis at each the drill and is equal to q(z)⫽q s . Let the solid line in Fig. 2
axial location. Thus, the velocity components become represent one of the cutting lips and the dotted line represent the
v x ⫽ẇ x ⫹⍀ cos ␣ 共 e sin ␾ ⫺w y 兲 , other cutting lip. Because of the locating angle, the cutting lips do
not emanate radially outwards from the center of the spindle (S ⬘ )
v y ⫽ẇ y ⫹⍀w x cos ␣ ⫹⍀ 共 z̄ sin ␣ ⫹e cos ␾ 兲 , and hence the chip load changes along the length of the cutting
v z ⫽⍀ sin ␣ 共 e sin ␾ ⫺w y 兲 . Figure 3 is the top view of the drill and illustrates the orienta-
The Extended Hamilton’s Principle can be expressed as tion of the cutting edges with respect to the spindle axis. Here,
␤ ⫽⍀t where ⍀ is the angular speed in rad/sec and t is the elapsed
冕 t1
共 ␦ T⫺ ␦ V⫹ ␦ W nc 兲 dt⫽0, ␦ w x ⫽ ␦ w y ⫽0 at t⫽t 1 ,t 2
time. Vector q⫽qs ⫹⌬q denotes the deflected position of the drill
tip (T d ) at time t with respect to S ⬘ , where qs is the static tip-
runout vector and ⌬q is the displacement vector that arises from
where t 1 is the initial time, t 2 is the final time, ␦ W nc is the work the vibration of the drill. The position of a point W at the cutting
done by nonconservative forces, T is the kinetic energy, and V is lips, rw , at time t can be given as
the potential energy. With the aforementioned assumptions, these
quantities can be written as rw ⫽q⫹L w iu ⫽qs ⫹⌬q⫹L w iu ,

1 L where L w is the distance of point W along the cutting lips from T d
T⫽ m vD ⬘ •vD ⬘ dz̄, and is constrained by the radius 共R兲 of the drill (⫺R⭐L w ⭐R),
2 0 and iu is the unit vector along the cutting lips in Fig. 3. Writing

EI 冕0
关共 w ⬙x 兲 2 ⫹ 共 w ⬙y 兲 2 兴 dz̄⫹
2 冕0
F z 关共 w ⬘x 兲 2 ⫹ 共 w ⬘y 兲 2 兴 dz̄,
qs ⫽ 储 qs 储共 cos ␤ 共 t 兲 I⫹sin ␤ 共 t 兲 J兲 , ⌬q⫽X d 共 t 兲 I⫹Y d 共 t 兲 J

␦ W nc ⫽ 冕 0
共 F x ␦ w x ⫹F y ␦ w y ⫹F dx ␦ w x ⫹F dy ␦ w y 兲 dz̄,
iu ⫽cos共 ␤ 共 t 兲 ⫺ ␥ 兲 I⫹sin共 ␤ 共 t 兲 ⫺ ␥ 兲 J.
The position vector rw can then be written as

where prime denotes the derivative with respect to z̄. Here m is rw ⫽ 关 q s cos ␤ 共 t 兲 ⫹X d 共 t 兲 ⫹L w cos共 ␤ 共 t 兲 ⫺ ␥ 兲兴 I
the mass per unit length and F x , F y , and F z are applied forces
⫹ 关 q s sin ␤ 共 t 兲 ⫹Y d 共 t 兲 ⫹L w sin共 ␤ 共 t 兲 ⫺ ␥ 兲兴 J.
per unit length in x̄, ȳ, and z̄ directions, respectively. These forces
are considered to be continuous over the entire domain by ex- To find the chip thickness at this location, the surface obtained by
pressing them in the form of spatial Dirac’s Delta function. F dx projecting the cutting lips on the x-y plane 共recall Fig. 1兲 is dis-
⫽⫺c x ẇ x , F dy ⫽⫺c y ẇ y are the viscous damping forces. We will cretized in polar coordinates with r w and ␪ w which are determined
assume a constant viscous damping coefficient c⫽c x ⫽c y . as

8 Õ Vol. 125, FEBRUARY 2003 Transactions of the ASME

Fig. 4 Methodology used for measuring the alignment errors

a point along the spindle axis 共see Fig. 4共a兲兲. The circle L 2 is the
locus of a point Q, which is on the periphery of the drill and is
farthest away from S at Q 3 . Q 1 is the point of the intersection of
L 2 and a line parallel to x axis and emanating from the capaci-
tance sensor located at C 1 . The capacitance sensor measures the
gap ⌫ between the point on the drill and the sensor along the x
Fig. 3 Determination of the chip thickness along the cutting axis, which varies as the drill undergoes a whirling motion around
edges S. The orientation of the drill spindle assembly when ⌫ is a mini-
mum 共shown in Fig. 4共a兲兲 can be obtained by manually rotating
the drill and finding the minimum sensor reading. Once this ori-

␪ w ⫽tan⫺1 冋 册
rw •J
rw •I
, r w ⫽ 储 rw 储 .
entation is determined, the drill is traversed vertically downwards
along the z axis and ⌫ is recorded at regular intervals. The slope of
the profile of ⌫ is then equal to the axial tilt ␣. To obtain the drill
The chip thickness that will be experienced by this location of the orientation angle ␾ and the linear offset e, a second capacitance
cutting lips can be expressed as sensor is located at C 2 共Fig. 4共b兲兲. At Q⫽Q 1 , SQ 1 can be ex-
pressed as
f r ⍀ 共 sin ␬ 兲共 t w ⫺t w0 兲
t c 共 ␪ w 共 t 兲 ,r w 共 t 兲兲 ⫽ , (6)
2␲ SQ 1 ⫽SD⫹DQ 1 ⫽ 冑共 x 21 ⫹y 21 兲 , (8)
where f r is the feed rate, ␬ is the half point angle, time t w is the
present time, and time t w0 is the last time a cutting edge encoun- where DQ is equal to the radius 共R兲 of the drill. The expression
tered this position of the surface. for SD can be obtained using Eq. 共1兲 in terms of e and ␾ as
If dc is the elemental thickness, the elemental chip area is then
expressed as dA c ⫽t c dc. The elemental normal (dF n ) and friction SD⫽ 冑共 e⫹m tan ␣ cos ␾ 兲 2 ⫹ 共 m tan ␣ sin ␾ 兲 2 , (9)
(dF f ) forces in the rake-face coordinate system are then deter-
mined as in 关5兴; where m 共shown in Fig. 4共a兲兲 is the measured distance between
the base of the drill and the plane containing the sensors (x-y)
dF n ⫽K n dA c , dF f ⫽K f dA c , and ␣ is the axial tilt. At Q 2 , a similar expression can be obtained
where K n and K f are the specific normal and frictional cutting for SQ, in terms of x 2 and y 2 . These two simultaneous equations
energies, respectively. The resultant thrust force 共P兲 and radial can be solved to obtain e and ␾.
force components (R x and R y ) in the global coordinate system can The locating angle, ␥, is measured in the following manner. The
be obtained as displacement behavior of the drill y(t), while rotating at an ex-

tremely low speed such as 60 rpm, is recorded using the capaci-
P tance sensor and can be expressed as
Rx ⫽

关 ␭ 兴关 K兴 dA c , (7)
y 共 t 兲 ⫽A sin ⍀t, (10)
where 关K兴 is a vector consisting of specific cutting energies and where A is amplitude of the displacement, ⍀ is the rotational
关␭兴 is a transformation matrix, as defined in 关5兴, required to trans- speed in rad/sec, and t is the elapsed time. Rotating at a low speed,
form the forces from the rake face coordinate system to the global for all practical purposes, eliminates the dynamics of the drill and
coordinate system 共i.e., the spindle frame兲. the profile recorded is a reflection of the net runout at the point of
measurement. The runout observed by the sensor when the cutting
3 Measurement of Alignment Errors lips are colinear to the line (C 1 Q 1 in Fig. 4共b兲兲 is recorded as
In order to validate the developed dynamic model, and to study y(t)⫽Y 1 . Substituting Y 1 in Eq. 共10兲, the time at which the cut-
and assess the impact of alignment errors on the radial forces, ting lips are colinear to the line C 1 Q 1 can be found and hence the
vibrations, and ultimately the hole profile, an accurate and precise angular position at which the value of the net runout is equal to Y 1
measurement of these errors must be obtained. can be obtained. This angular position is the locating angle of the
Figure 4 shows schematics of the setup used to measure the drill.
alignment errors. As the drill rotates about the spindle axis z, a It is important to note that every time a new drill is inserted into
point D, on the drill axis moves along a circle whose radius is the spindle the alignment errors associated with it will change and
equal to the net runout (SD in Fig. 4共b兲兲, where S corresponds to hence have to be determined using the above procedure.

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering FEBRUARY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 9

Table 2 Comparison of the average vibrations of the drill at
sensor locations „a… and „b…

Sensor Location 共a兲 Sensor Location 共b兲

Experimental Experimental
共Predicted兲 共Predicted兲
Test P-to-V 共␮m兲 Percent Error P-to-V 共␮m兲 Percent Error
1 259.8 共270.0兲 3.92 231 共239兲 3.41
2 273.0 共280.1兲 2.26 258.4共266.2兲 2.94
3 313.1 共303.0兲 3.22 269.1共266.1兲 1.11
4 416.2 共425.6兲 2.16 403.0共391.1兲 3.12

chining forces can be considered as external forces, and the prin-

ciples of separation of variables and normal mode summation 共su-
perposition兲 can be applied. With this assumption, the solution of
the equation of motions can be determined by modal analysis in a
manner analogous to that described in 关21兴.
The eigenvalue problem derived from the boundary-value prob-
lem is first solved for its boundary condition and the resultant
time-dependent equations are converted to its state-space repre-
sentation. The ultimate time domain equations in state-space may
be solved using commercially available equation solvers like
ode45 from MatLab®. Thus, the vibrations of the drill at any axial
location can be found. Equations 共2兲–共4兲 were employed to pre-
dict the vibrations of the drill for the conditions listed in Table 1 at
Fig. 5 Experimental setup to measure the vibrations of the the two sensor locations 共a兲 and 共b兲. The applied forces (F x , F y
drill and the forces during drilling and F z ) in Eqs. 共2兲–共3兲 were set to 0. The vibrations obtained
from the model were compared to that observed during the experi-
4 Validation of Drill Dynamics The peak-to-valley 共P-to-V兲 vibrations of the drill predicted
from the model as well as those obtained from the experiments
4.1 Experimental Setup and Alignment Error Measure- and averaged over ten revolutions were compared using the rela-
ment. The setup used during the experiments to validate the tive error defined as
drill vibration model in the absence of external forces is shown in
Fig. 5. High speed steel drills that have a relatively longer shank 兩 P i ⫺M i 兩
and a shorter flute length 共known as aircraft extension drills兲 with E i⫽ , (11)
兩 M i兩
9.525 mm in diameter were used for the experiments. Capacitance
sensors 共ASP-20-CTA Accumeasure sensors, range⫽2.2 mm兲 where E i is the relative error at the ith measurement location, P i is
were used to measure the vibrations of the drill. the average peak-to-valley vibration as predicted by the model,
A 2 2 design with length-to-diameter ratio 共L/D兲 of the drill and and M i is the average peak-to-valley vibration as observed during
speed of rotation as the base variables was chosen. The alignment the experiments.
errors 共␣, e and ␾兲 associated with these drills were measured Table 2 lists the relative error between the observed and the
using the technique described earlier. The experimental conditions predicted peak-to-valley vibrations of the drill rotating at the con-
including measured alignment errors associated with each of the ditions of Table 1. Figure 6 shows a profile of the vibration of the
two drills are listed in Table 1. drill for Test 1. The observed and the predicted vibrations show
Because of the inability of the capacitance sensors to accurately the spindle frequency to be the most dominant frequency. It is
measure the vibrations in the fluted region, vibrations of the drill seen that the model predicts the vibrations of a drill to within 5
were measured at two other locations along the length of the drill percent of the observed vibrations.
above the flutes, namely, at 共a兲 100 mm from the tip of the drill
and 共b兲 111 mm above the tip for the shorter drill and 116 mm
above the tip of the drill for the longer drill.
4.2 Validation Experiments. The system of equations de-
scribed by Eqs. 共2兲–共4兲 can be classified as an initial-boundary
value problem. Although the machining forces in these equations
are nonlinear functions of the displacements, when the nonlineari-
ties are weak, only the linear terms of a series expansion can be
taken into account without losing accuracy. In this way, the ma-

Table 1 Experimental design for drill experiments

Test L/D Speed 共rpm兲 e (mm) ␾ 共deg兲 ␣ 共deg兲

1 21.33 1500 0.052 164.4 0.077
2 29.71 1500 0.044 21.2 0.029
3 21.33 4000 0.052 164.4 0.077
4 29.71 4000 0.044 21.2 0.029
Fig. 6 Vibrations of the drill: Test 1

10 Õ Vol. 125, FEBRUARY 2003 Transactions of the ASME

Table 3 Experimental design for rod experiments Table 6 Comparison of the average radial forces and the av-
erage vibrations of the drill
Test L/D Speed 共rpm兲 e (mm) ␾ 共deg兲 ␣ 共deg兲
Radial Forces Drill Vibrations
1 17.33 1500 0.0065 163.0 0.016
2 27.6 1500 0.0117 7.73 0.0063 Experimental Experimental
3 17.33 4000 0.0065 163.0 0.016 Test 共Predicted兲 共Predicted兲
4 27.6 4000 0.0117 7.73 0.0063 Case P-to-V 共N兲 Percent Error P-to-V 共␮m兲 Percent Error
1 52.9 共54.8兲 3.64 97.2 共100.1兲 3.02
2 59.8 共56.2兲 6.02 81.8 共84.8兲 3.60
Table 4 Relative errors between the predicted and the mea- 3 73.7 共71.1兲 3.56 86.7 共88.9兲 2.46
sured vibrations of a rotating rod in percent 4 74.5 共72.9兲 2.12 64.9 共63.9兲 1.66
5 42.8 共43.5兲 1.55 61.1 共60.0兲 1.84
Relative errors in percent 6 43.5 共41.5兲 4.59 36.6 共33.9兲 4.69
position 1 2 3 4
Tip 1.62 3.45 0.60 2.01 For all the above six cases, radial forces, thrust forces, and the
0.92L 3.89 2.66 0.92 1.41 vibrations of the drill were measured and the signals were condi-
0.84L 2.94 1.61 1.59 2.32
0.77L 4.44 3.01 1.44 3.10 tioned using a low pass filter.
0.69L 4.05 2.12 1.86 0.07 The force model, enhanced with the inclusion of the alignment
errors, was used to predict the forces associated with drilling. The
algorithm described in the previous section was used to predict the
vibrations of the drill. The measured peak-to-valley radial forces
and vibrations were averaged over ten revolutions and are listed in
To demonstrate that the model can be used to accurately predict Table 6 along with those predicted by the model for these tests. It
the vibrations at the drill tip and along its entire length, experi- is seen that the model predicts the radial forces and the vibrations
ments were carried out with precision AISI 1516 steel rods with of the drill to within 6 percent to that observed during the experi-
9.525 mm diameter. ments.
Table 3 provides the experimental conditions for the rod experi- Figure 7 compares the experimental results and the model pre-
ments and the alignment errors associated with these rods when dictions for the x-component of the radial force experienced dur-
held in the spindle. Vibrations of the rods were measured at five ing Test 1 while drilling. The model predicts the radial force in
different locations, namely, at the tip of the rod 共L兲, 0.92L, 0.84L, close agreement to that observed during the experiments. It can
0.77L and 0.69L, where L is the length of the rod. These corre- also be seen that the spindle frequency is the most dominant fre-
spond to locations that would be in the fluted region of the drill. quency, which indicates the dominance of alignment errors on the
The model was used to predict the vibrations of the rod under the radial forces. Similar observations can be made from Fig. 8,
conditions of Table 3. The relative errors for all the cases were which compares the vibrations of the drill for Test 1.
calculated and are shown in Table 4.
It can be seen that in all cases, the relative error is within 5
percent, thereby suggesting that the model accurately predicts the
dynamics at the tip of the rod and at locations along the entire
length of the rod.

5 Model Validation During Drilling

A special setup shown in Fig. 5 was designed to measure the
vibrations of the drill during drilling. This setup enables the ca-
pacitance sensors to be fed with the drill. A three-axis Kistler
platform dynamometer 共type 9255A兲 was used to collect the thrust
and the radial forces during drilling. High speed steel aircraft
extension drills with 9.525 mm diameter were used to drill the
cast aluminum alloy 356-T6. For all the experiments the vibra-
tions of the drill were measured at 103 mm above the tip of the
drill, which is just above the end of the fluted region.
Six experiments were run to validate the model over two levels Fig. 7 x -component of the radial force: Test 1
of speed, feed, and alignment errors. The conditions of the experi-
ments and the measured alignment errors associated with them are
listed in Table 5.

Table 5 Experimental conditions and the associated align-

ment errors during drilling

Speed Feed e ␾ ␣ ␥
Test 共rpm兲 共mm/rev兲 L/D 共mm兲 共deg兲 共deg兲 共deg兲
1 1500 0.150 20.0 0.014 151.8 0.046 5
2 2500 0.150 20.0 0.014 151.8 0.046 5
3 1500 0.225 20.0 0.014 151.8 0.046 5
4 2500 0.225 20.0 0.014 151.8 0.046 5
5 1500 0.150 22.66 0.024 172.9 0.026 11
6 2500 0.150 22.66 0.024 172.9 0.026 11
Fig. 8 Vibrations of the drill: Test 1

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering FEBRUARY 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 11

Table 7 Levels of the variables used for the effect analysis

Variable Low High

Axial Tilt 共␣ in deg兲 0.026 0.046
Drill Orientation Angle 共␾ in deg兲 15 165
Locating Angle 共␥ in deg兲 10 80
Speed 共rpm兲 1500 2500
Feed 共mm/rev兲 0.15 0.25

6 Effect of the Alignment Errors on Radial Forces and

Drill Vibrations Fig. 10 Effects of ␣ and ␾ on „a… P -to-V radial forces and „b…
drill vibrations
The results obtained from the validation experiments show that
the drilling forces and the drill vibrations depend strongly on the
alignment errors. Comparison of the pairs of test 共1 and 5兲 and 共2 drill projection length 共216 mm兲 were kept constant. The spindle
and 6兲 in Table 6, which have the same speed of rotation and was rotated at 2500 rpm and the drill was fed at 0.25 mm/rev.
similar drill length, but different alignment errors, shows large Figures 10共a兲 and 共b兲 show the family of curves that represent
differences in radial forces and drill vibrations. the radial forces and the drill vibrations versus the drill orientation
To more clearly reveal the effects of the alignment errors on angle 共␾兲 obtained for various levels of the axial tilt 共␣兲. For a
forces and vibrations, the alignment errors, spindle speed, and particular drill orientation, as the axial tilt increases from 0.016
feed rate were varied in a 2 5 factorial design scheme. The levels deg to 0.056 deg, on an average, radial forces increase by 70
of these variables are listed in Table 7. The enhanced drill dynam- percent and the drill vibrations increase by 115 percent. It is clear
ics and the cutting force models were used to predict the radial from Figs. 10共a兲 and 共b兲 that the effects of ␣ and ␾ are both
forces and the drill vibrations for each test. It was found that the significant but act independently of each other, i.e., there is no
axial tilt 共␣兲, drill orientation angle 共␾兲, and the feed rate signifi- interaction effect. Furthermore, as ␾ changes from 0 deg to 180
cantly affect the vibrations of the drill and the radial forces. deg radial forces and vibrations decrease by about 40 percent.
An increase in the axial tilt increases the net runout at the tip of Clearly, as expected, the most favorable situation arises when ␣ is
the drill and hence increases the variation of radial forces 共i.e., the smallest and ␾⫽180 deg. For ␣⫽0 deg the effect of ␾ goes to
peak-to-valley兲 and associated drill vibrations. An increase in the 0.
feed rate causes the chip area and thus the radial forces and the
7 Summary and Conclusions
drill vibrations to increase. An increase in the drill orientation
angle 共␾兲 reduces the net runout at the drill tip 共recall Fig. 1 and A dynamic drilling model that incorporates the effect of the
Eq. 共1兲兲 and hence reduces the radial forces and the associated alignment errors associated with the location of the drill in the
drill vibrations. spindle has been developed. These errors include the drill linear
To understand the exact nature of the variation of the net runout offset 共e兲, the axial tilt angle 共␣兲, the drill orientation angle 共␾兲,
with change in ␾, the net runout at the drill tip 共when ␣⫽⫹0.026 and the locating angle 共␥兲 of the cutting lips. The mechanistic
deg, e⫽0.024 mm, and ␾⫽152 deg兲 was found for several values force model developed in 关5兴 has been enhanced to incorporate the
of ␾ and is plotted in Fig. 9. The levels chosen for ␾ in Fig. 9 span effect of these alignment errors. In particular, the chip load calcu-
the entire range within which it varies 共0 deg to 180 deg兲 and lation has been modified to take into account the vibrations of the
clearly demonstrate how as ␾ increases, the net runout actually drill in the presence of the aforementioned alignment errors.
decreases through the reduction in the influence of the linear off- The following conclusions are drawn from this work:
set for a given value of the axial tilt 共recall Fig. 1 and the descrip-
1. Model validation experiments have demonstrated the ability
tion of the net runout兲.
of the model to predict the radial forces and the drill vibrations
To show the extent of the effect of the axial tilt 共␣兲 and the drill
within 6 percent of those observed during the experiments.
orientation angle 共␾兲 on the radial forces and the drill vibrations,
2. The radial forces and the associated drill vibrations increase
the dynamic deflection model and the enhanced cutting force
with an increase in the axial tilt and decreases with an increase in
model were used to predict the drill vibrations and the radial
the drill orientation angle. The most favorable situation occurs
forces at various levels of ␣ and ␾. Six levels of ␣ from 0 deg to
when the drill is held in the spindle such that the axial tilt is at a
0.056 deg 共0 deg, 0.016 deg, 0.026 deg, 0.036 deg, 0.046 deg, and
0.056 deg兲 were chosen. ␾ was varied over the levels 0 deg, 37
3. The change in locating angle 共␥兲 has no appreciable effect
deg, 74 deg, 111 deg, 148 deg, and 180 deg. For all these cases,
on the resultant radial forces and the drill vibrations.
the locating angle 共␥⫽10 deg兲, linear offset (e⫽0.024 mm), and
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the National
Science Foundation Grant DMI 98-13457. The authors also thank
Professor K. F. Ehmann of Northwestern University for providing
instrumentation necessary to measure the alignment errors and the
drill vibrations.

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