Evidence That Ralph Chacon's Allegations Were Fake Stories Written by Victor Gutierrez

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There is even more to the Chacon story.

Please read this to see how implausible Chacon's allegations that he saw MJ molest Brett
Barnes/Jordan Chandler (whichever version he prefers on any given day) really is.


What makes his story even more ridiculous is that the prosecutors argued that MJ's room was a
fortress where no one could go in , they said there were locks and alarm in the hallway all
because he wanted to prevent getting caught while he was molesting boys. At the same time
they argued that MJ was so heedless that he just called for his security guard to be around right
when he planned to molest a boy, he went with him to the shower while his guard could see it,
and he molested him in a restroom where anyone could just walk in or see him through the
window. Throughout the trial the prosecutors flip flopped between two contradictory narratives:
that MJ was a stealth abuser and a blatant abuser.

This element that MJ called for an employee right before he wanted to molest a boy as if he
wanted to get caught appears in two other ex employee allegations: Charlie Michaels and Philip
Lemarque and Mark Quindoy and Kassim Abdool.

Not coincidentally all had contact with Gutierrez. Now what are the chances that MJ was so
stupid not once twice not three but four times that he made sure an employee would come to
see him just when he would molest a boy and the only employees who ever told such a story all
sold those stories to tabloids, all sued MJ for overtime pay or wrongful termination, none of
them reported anything to anyone after witnessing molesation and all of them talked to Victor
Gutierrez who had a boundless imagination when it came to sexual acts between MJ and various

Chacon's stories about seeing MJ molest Brett or Jordan smacks of Gutierrez's inimitable style
which you can recognize in other allegations made by people who had contact with him,
including the Chandlers.

MJ sued Gutierrez for defamation in 1995. Gutierrez made up a story of MJ molesting Jeremy
Jackson, specifically fondling him while naked, being in the shower with him and peforming oral
sex on him. Gutierrez said that a security camera taped the incident and he saw the tape with
the boy's mother Margaret Maldonado. None of it was true. There was no tape, MJ never
molested Jeremy, never met the mother. Gutierrez made the whole thing up. MJ won the
lawsuit, Gutierrez was ordered to pay 2.7 million. this is a rare media report of MJ's victory:

Diane Dimond who on Jan 9 1995 reported that the police was looking for this tape said that the
acts on the tape are the same Jordan Chandler said MJ performed on him. But after Gutierrez
lost and it was proven that he made it all up no one in the media bothered to ask why are
Jordan Chandler's allegations so similar to a fictional molestation tale that came from the
pedophilia advocate and NAMBLA supporter Victor Gutierrez? Can it be that they are so similar
because they were fabricated by the same man, Gutierez himself?

Well, there is a third oral sex story which came from someone who had conversations with
Gutierrez. Ralph Chacon's story of how MJ orally molested Brett Barnes and after Brett Barnes
made it clear that MJ never molested him Chacon simply changed the boy in the story to Jordan
Chandler! And with that he inadvertently managed to contradict Jordan Chandler himself.

According to Sneddon's prior act motion in the spring of 1992 Chacon saw MJ naked fondling
Brett Barnes being in the shower and performing oral sex on him. Sounds familiar? The exact
same acts were in Gutierrez's fake Jeremy Jackson tape story!


"Chacon recognized the boy as a child who spent a lot of time at the ranch. He described the
child's height as coming up to approximately Jackson's chin. He had dark long and straight hair.
His skin tone was tanned like Chacon's. He believes this child was a boy named Jordy but there
was another kid from Australia whose name was Brett Barnes, Barnes was the spitting image of
Jordy and something it was hard for Chacon to tell who was Jordy and who was Brett"

Jordan Chandler didn't have long straight hair Brett Barnes had so according to Chacon's tale the
victim was Brett Barnes. Another Sneddon motion


reveals that Sneddon, Weiss and others travelled to Australia to interview the Barnes because a
guard witnessed MJ perform oral sex on him. The motion shows that the Barnes accused
Sneddon and co. of being heavy handed, Brett Barnes testified during the trial that he was very
mad at being called a victim when he was clearly not. Brett is one of MJ's most ardent defenders,
to this day he calls him his brother his twitter account is dedicated to his memory recently he
had a baby girl born on MJ's birthday and he was happy about it all of which clearly show that he
was never MJ's victim, he has nothing but love and respect for him and nothing but disdain for
his accusers which he has made clear in his tweets:


He also defended MJ in 1993 in a TV interview making it clear that sharing a bed with MJ
involved nothing more than MJ sleeping on one side him on the other and that was it.

So Chacon lied, he never saw MJ molest Brett Barnes simply because MJ never molested Brett
Barnes. Probably because Sneddon and Chacon knew by 2005 that the Barnes were not on their
side they simply changed the boy in the story. During the trial Chacon claimed that he saw MJ
and Jordy Chandler in the shower and he saw a naked MJ perform oral sex on Jordy. Not Brett

He said this happened in late 1992 or early 1993, he wasn't sure which one.

Problem with that is that the Chandlers were never in Neverland in 1992 the first time they went
there was in Feb 1993 right after the Oprah interview MJ invited them. It's in the same Sneddon
motion: "The first visit occured around Feb 12 1993. It lasted two days."

And Jordan Chandler's version of the allegations contradict Chacon: he said he first saw MJ
naked in Monaco in May 1993 not in Neverland in Feb 1993. See Dr. Gardner's interview with
Jordan Chandler: https://jacksonaktak.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/j-chandler-gardner-
interview.pdf And according to Chandler's Aug 1993 DCFS interview the oral sex started in
Monaco, then two months later he changed that to only AFTER Monaco. Neither version
supports Chacon's story that MJ orally molested Chandler in early 1993 in Neverland. Moreover,
if you read Dr. Gardner's interview with Chandler, or read his lawsuit or his declaration or his
interview with the DCFS in Aug 1993 there is no mention of any such scene Chacon talked about,
it's simply not part of Chandler's allegations. In fact Chandler never claimed that he was ever in
the shower with MJ. He said he took baths with him, not showers. (Chandlers' allegations were
not true either and are also riddled with Gutierrez's trademark fantasies but they are not only
not true they are contradicting another liar's allegations against MJ, Ralp Chacon's)

The other incident Chacon supposedly witnessed closely related in time when both the Barnes
family and Jordan were on the ranch MJ kissed Jordan on the mouth in the arcade and half hour
later he put his hands all over Jordan , smooching him on the neck and then turned him around
and kissed him on the mouth. He said the kiss was passionate and MJ's hands went quickly down
into the child's private areas. Then they went into the house.

Putting aside the improbablity that MJ would randomly kiss and fondle a boy while a guard or
other employees could see him this story is also contradicted by Jordan Chandler's version of the
allegations themselves. The only time both the Chandlers and the Barnes were on the ranch
together was in Feb 1993, as the same motion states and so does the Chandler's book and
Gutierrez's book. However the transcript of Dr. Gardner's interview with Jordan show that
Jordan accused MJ of kissing him on the mouth first AFTER they were in Las Vegas together
which was in Apr 1993.

So Chacon lied not only according to Brett Barnes but Jordan Chandler too!

The striking similarities between the Jeremy Jackson tape story and Chacon's oral sex story is not
the only sign that Chacon got his molestation stories from Gutierrez. Other ex employees who
talked to him told eerily similar stories about how MJ acted with boys.

One recurring element is that MJ's hand and mouth were all over the boys' bodies. Another one
is that MJ acted with boys like a man acts with his lover or a boyfriend with a girlfriend. Since
Gutierrez supports NAMBLA's ideas about consensual pedophilia it's no wonder his "clients" talk
about molestation like that.

Mark Quindoy said : ""I swear I saw MJ fondling the little kid. Like his hands traveling from the
kid's face his thigs legs around his body"


and in Dimond's book he is quoted: "His employer was acting "like a lover" kissing the boy
passionately. It was like a boy kissing a girl in the backseet. he saw Michael begin to kiss the
youngster everywhere his neck head arms shoulders and body"

Ralph Chacon said: "They were facing each other. Both were naked. Michael Jackson was
fondling the boy. He could see Michael Jackson bending over and kissing all over the boy's face
and mouth. By "fondling" Chacon described Michael Jackson's hands moving all over the child's
body, as a man would passionately caress a woman"


"As soon as Sgt. Abdool was out of sight Jackson put his hands all over Jordan, smooching him
on the nexk and then turned him around and kissed him on the mouth. It wasn't for a long period
but Chacon described the kiss as passionate. During the kiss he saw Jackson's hands go quickly
down into the child's private areas. "

Adrian McManus:

"Jackson and young Culkin were standing face to face, byt sideways to her. She saw Jackson kiss
Culkin and place his hand on Culkin's buttocks area. She observed Jackson fondling the child's
crotch area outside the boy's clothing."

"Jackson and Barnes were side by side facing the door to the bedrooms and Michael Jackson was
on the boy's right. She saw Michael Jackson kissing Brett Barnes and fondling his buttocks area.
Jackson's left hand was over the boy's clothing and on the child's bottom. Jackson was kissing the
boy ont he right side of the child's face near his mouth. "

"Michael Jackson was kissing Jordan and fondling his crotch area, His hand was definitely down
between the child's legs. She also saw Jackson kissing Chandler on the mouth. Both were facing
each other. "
Just think about it: what are the chances that out of all the people who were around MJ in
Neverland and other places the only ones who witnessed molestation ALL had ties to Gutierrez
and ALL sued MJ for millions but none of them reported anything to anyone before the CHandler
allegations before the media started to give money for such stories? And what are the chances
that these ex employees saw multiple molestations involving multiple boys (all of whom were
cherrypicked by Gutierrez as MJ's "lovers" as he calls them) while dozens of employees who had
no ulterior motives to lie never saw anything inappropriate between MJ and any child over more
than 30 years?

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