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Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Good morning ladies and gentleman, my name is Azis and my friend is leni. It is a wonderful
and precious chance for us, to be your Master of Ceremony in this beautiful day on
thursday, 27th of October 2016 in our big event: “PEKAN AKSI YUDIKATIF JILID 2 TAHUN

First of all, let’s say Thanks to Allah, who has been giving us guidance, happiness, healthy,
and mercy, so we can attend and participate in this event without any obstacles. Praise and
salutation upon our prophet Muhammad saw the last messenger, the best figure of this
universe. The person who was able to save us from Jahiliyah era.

In this beautiful moment, I would like to say welcome to all participants of this event, and
also all the audience in this place. the Headmaster of MA YUPI Cianjur, distinguished
teachers and guesses and of course all of my beloved friends.

And allow me to introduce our adjudicator for story telling competition, she/he is
Mr/Mrs.................................. From..................................

On this special day on story telling competition we have 6 participants who followed this
competetion, they are


Well, to take advantage of the time, Let’s start this competion by calling the first
participant, she/he is............................ ..................(time is yours)
Thank you very much to the first contestant
Step on to the following participant we call........................... as second participant come
from................................... (time is yours)
Thank you very much to......................................... as............................
Finally, from the deepest of my heart I do apologize for my mistakes in presenting this
event. Thank you very much for your kind attention and..

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatuh

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