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I. Your friend was at a party at the house of a millionaire. Use items from the list to make sentences.
delicious, luxurious, heart-shaped, by Picasso, old and ugly, interesting, young and beautiful,
full of roses, very expensive, very polite, famous, antique

1. The millionaire was old and ugly.

2. The millionaire's wife __________________________
3. The other guests _____________________________
4. The servants ________________________________
5. The house __________________________________
6. The swimming pool ____________________________
7. The furniture _______________________________
8. The paintings ________________________________
9. The gardens _________________________________
10. The food __________________________________
11. The wine ___________________________________
12. The conversation _____________________________

II. Look at these pictures of Bob and Sue and complete the sentences below. Here are some useful words:
babies,dark, energetic, friendly, generous, happy, healthy, poor
pretty, smooth, thin, very intelligent, young

1. Bob and Sue are old now but then ______________young. 2. Bob and Sue are
sad now but then __________ 3. Sue is fat now but then _____________ 4.
They are often ill now but then ____________ 5. Their skin is wrinkled now
but then ____________ 6. They are often angry now but then_____________
7. Their hair is grey now but then ____________ 8. They are often tired now
but then _______________ 9. Sue is forgetful now but then
_____________10. Bob and Sue are rich now but then _____________ 11.
They are mean now but then ______________12. Their children are adults now
but then _____________ 13. Sue is ugly now but then ______________.
III. Choose the correct verb.

Charles Darwin [was were] When Albert Einstein

born on February 12, 1809. He [waswere] young, his parents
[was were] a British naturalist worried about him. Einstein's
who became famous for his parents [was were]
theories of evolution and concerned that Albert was
natural selection. In South "slow." Albert [was were] a
America, Darwin found that terrible student who didn't
fossils of extinct animals [was want to attend classes
were] similar to modern regularly and take exams.
species. Many people [was Einstein's best-known work,
were] strongly opposed to the idea of evolution because the theory of relativity, [was
it conflicted with their religious beliefs. Throughout his were] published in 1905.
life, Darwin [was were] a reserved, thorough, hard Unfortunately, the theory of
working scholar. relativity [was were] used to create the atomic bomb.

IV. Complete the letter

Hi Everyone,
Last week _________ terrible. It __________ exam week. My friends
and I ___________ at the library every day. But this week is easy. We
___________ free to read and relax. No homework, no exams. How
__________ everyone at home? Mom, how __________ your flowers?
Beautiful, I __________ sure. And Ken, how __________ your arm? I
hope it __________ okay. Remember! Basketball __________ just a
game. Dad, thanks for the check. My classes ___________ terrific this
year, especially journalism.
Send my love to Grandma and Grandpa.

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