Laporan Rekapitulasi Harian Kunjungan Kloter

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Laporan Rekapitulasi Harian

Kunjungan Kloter

Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 10 September 2015 Sektor : 8

Embarkasi/Kloter : JKS/26 Daker : Makkah
No Kode ICD X Diagnosis Jumlah %
1 A.01 Thypoid and parathypoid fevers 0
2 A.09 Infectious gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified 0
3 E.11, E.10 Non insulin dependent diabetes militus, insulin dependent diabetes militus, 1
ulcus gangrene
4 F.32,F.06, F.09, F.20 Depressive episode, other mental disorders due to known physiological 0
condition, unspecified mental disorder due to known physiological
condition, schizofrenia
5 G.44, G.44.2, R.51, Other headache syndrome, tension type headache, syncope and collapse 0
6 H.10, H.44.2, R.51, Conjunctivitis, sympathetic uveitis, hordeolum and chalazion 0
7 I 10 Essential primary hypertension 4
8 I.95 Hypotension 1
9 J.00, J.02, J.04 Acut nasopharingitis (common cold), acut pharyngitis, acute laryngitis and 19
10 J.09, J.10, J.11 Influenza due to certain identified influenza viruses, influenza due to other 0
identified influenza virus influenza due to unidentified influenza virus
11 J.12, J.15 Viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia not elsewhere classified 0
12 J.20, J.40 Acute bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic 0
13 J.44.1, J.44.9 Chronic Obstrucive pulmonary disease with exacerbation, unspecified 0
14 J.45 asthma 0
15 K.02, K.04.0, K.04.1, Dental Caries, pulpitis, gangrene pulpa, periapical abscess without sinus, 0
K.04.7, K.05.2 radicular cyst, acute periodontitis, gingivitis and periodontal diseases
16 K.12 Stomatitis and related lesion 0
17 K.25, K.29, K.30, Gastric ulcer, gastritis and duodenitis, dyspepsia, other diseases of stomach 6
K.31 and duodenum
18 L.20, L.23 Atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, moccasin foot, hyperkeratotic 3
19 M.06, M.13 other rheumatoid arthritis, other arthtritis 0
20 M.79.1, Myalgia, neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified, back pain 10
21 N.94.4/N.94.5 Primary dysmenorrhea/secondary dysmenorrhea/ dysmenorrhea 0
/N.94.6,N.92.1, unspecified, menometrorrhagia/ metrometrorrhagia (excessive and
N.92.6 frequent menstruation with irregular cycle), irregular menstruation
22 N.40, R.33 Hyperplasia or hyperthrofi of prostate, retention of urine 0
23 N.18 Acut or chronic renal failnure 0
24 S.72 Fracture or femur, trauma 0
25 Others Penyakit lain yang tidak termasuk kode di atas 1

Rekapitulasi Menurut Jenis Kelamin dan Umur

Kelompok Umur L P
< 40 Tahun 2 5
41 – 50 Tahun 4 3
51 – 59 Tahun 8 6
> 60 Tahun 4 7

Jemaah yang wafat hari ini: Nama/ Sex/ Umur/ Paspor/ Tempat wafat
1. ..
2. ..
Jemaah yang dirawat/dirujuk hari ini: Nama/ Sex/ Umur/ Paspor/ Tempat rawat/ Ruang
1. ..
2. ..

Petugas / TKHI Kloter 26 JKS Penerima Laporan

Laporan Rekapitulasi Harian
Kunjungan Kloter

Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 11 September 2015 Sektor : 8

Embarkasi/Kloter : JKS/26 Daker : Makkah
No Kode ICD X Diagnosis Jumlah %
1 A.01 Thypoid and parathypoid fevers 0
2 A.09 Infectious gastroenteritis and colitis, unspecified 0
3 E.11, E.10 Non insulin dependent diabetes militus, insulin dependent diabetes militus, 1
ulcus gangrene
4 F.32,F.06, F.09, F.20 Depressive episode, other mental disorders due to known physiological 0
condition, unspecified mental disorder due to known physiological
condition, schizofrenia
5 G.44, G.44.2, R.51, Other headache syndrome, tension type headache, syncope and collapse 2
6 H.10, H.44.2, R.51, Conjunctivitis, sympathetic uveitis, hordeolum and chalazion 0
7 I 10 Essential primary hypertension 6
8 I.95 Hypotension 0
9 J.00, J.02, J.04 Acut nasopharingitis (common cold), acut pharyngitis, acute laryngitis and 24
10 J.09, J.10, J.11 Influenza due to certain identified influenza viruses, influenza due to other 0
identified influenza virus influenza due to unidentified influenza virus
11 J.12, J.15 Viral pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia not elsewhere classified 0
12 J.20, J.40 Acute bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic 0
13 J.44.1, J.44.9 Chronic Obstrucive pulmonary disease with exacerbation, unspecified 0
14 J.45 asthma 0
15 K.02, K.04.0, K.04.1, Dental Caries, pulpitis, gangrene pulpa, periapical abscess without sinus, 0
K.04.7, K.05.2 radicular cyst, acute periodontitis, gingivitis and periodontal diseases
16 K.12 Stomatitis and related lesion 0
17 K.25, K.29, K.30, Gastric ulcer, gastritis and duodenitis, dyspepsia, other diseases of stomach 4
K.31 and duodenum
18 L.20, L.23 Atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, moccasin foot, hyperkeratotic 2
19 M.06, M.13 other rheumatoid arthritis, other arthtritis 0
20 M.79.1, Myalgia, neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified, back pain 7
21 N.94.4/N.94.5 Primary dysmenorrhea/secondary dysmenorrhea/ dysmenorrhea 0
/N.94.6,N.92.1, unspecified, menometrorrhagia/ metrometrorrhagia (excessive and
N.92.6 frequent menstruation with irregular cycle), irregular menstruation
22 N.40, R.33 Hyperplasia or hyperthrofi of prostate, retention of urine 0
23 N.18 Acut or chronic renal failnure 0
24 S.72 Fracture or femur, trauma 0
25 Others Penyakit lain yang tidak termasuk kode di atas 1

Rekapitulasi Menurut Jenis Kelamin dan Umur

Kelompok Umur L P
< 40 Tahun 4 7
41 – 50 Tahun 8 6
51 – 59 Tahun 6 5
> 60 Tahun 0 5

Jemaah yang wafat hari ini: Nama/ Sex/ Umur/ Paspor/ Tempat wafat
3. ..
4. ..
Jemaah yang dirawat/dirujuk hari ini: Nama/ Sex/ Umur/ Paspor/ Tempat rawat/ Ruang
3. ..
4. ..

Petugas / TKHI Kloter 26 JKS Penerima Laporan

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