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By Brian McDonald,1 Associate Member, ASCE, and Alain Peyrot,2

Fellow, ASCE

ABSTRACT: A new method for determining transmission line sags and tensions is
proposed. The algorithm is based upon new elements developed explicitly for
transmission line systems. These elements make it possible to analyze lines of any
geometry under general loading, temperature, and creep history either clamped in
the service condition or suspended in the construction sheaves. Because the ele-
ments are derived from true catenary components, the results, including exact clip-
ping offsets and sag corrections, remain valid in any terrain. Examples are included
that provide comparisons to traditional analysis methods.


Because of the significant effort needed to find transmission line sags and
tensions using accurate catenary models, various computational shortcuts are
traditionally used (Ehrenburg 1935; Farr 1980; Winkleman 1959). Modeling
a series of spans with a single ruling span, approximating catenaries by par-
abolas, and using the semigraphical method all remain popular. While these
approaches are convenient for hand calculations and very accurate for sec-
tions consisting of level spans of approximately equal length, they may lose
accuracy in other cases. When faced with large sag-to-span ratios or signif-
icantly different support elevations, the parabolic approximation, whereby
the load per unit length is replaced with the load per unit horizontal projec-
tion, is no longer valid. If actual span lengths differ significantly from the
ruling span (say by a factor of two), the accuracy of the ruling span cal-
culations is in question.
A new method for analyzing overhead transmission lines is proposed. It
is a nonlinear, matrix displacement method wherein all conductor spans are
modeled as true catenaries. It utilizes three elements: (1) The cable element
is used to analyze a line under service conditions (Peyrot and Goulois 1979);
the element has been modified to handle conductor materials with nonlinear
response to stress, temperature, and creep; (2) the pulley element models an
elastic catenary draped over a pulley and is used to determine sags and ten-
sions during stringing and sagging operations (McDonald and Peyrot 1988);
(3) the clip element, introduced here, serves as a bridge between the pulley
and cable element analyses and is used to determine necessary insulator off-
sets when going from sagging to clipped-in conditions.
In this paper, the mathematical foundation and computer implementation
of each element are discussed. An algorithm that uses these elements to
analyze an entire line is described in the context of a new computer program,
'Sr. Engr., Failure Analysis Associates, 149 Commonwealth Dr., Menlo Park, CA
Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., 1415 Johnson Dr., Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI 53706.
Note. Discussion open until February 1, 1991. To extend the closing date one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The
manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on No-
vember 30, 1989. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.
116, No. 9, September, 1990. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/90/0009-2374/$1.00 +
$.15 per page. Paper No. 25034.


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

WSag. Sample results from WSag are provided for comparison with those
from more traditional analysis methods.
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At the heart of the proposed algorithm are the new structural elements,
the most basic being the cable element. Because the pulley and clip elements
are extensions of the same concept, the cable element will be discussed first.
It is basically the same as originally described (Peyrot and Goulois 1979),
but has been generalized to model material nonlinearity.

Cable Element
The cable element, as shown in Fig. 1, exactly models a segment of con-
ductor or ground wire as a catenary rather than a parabolic curve. Nonlin-
earities due to large displacements or materials not obeying Hooke's Law
are correctly handled. The cable is a two-node, planar element formulated
in an updated Lagrangian solution framework. There are four nodal forces
f (horizontal and vertical tension components at each node) corresponding
to four degrees of freedom x. In the reference, it was shown that for a given
initial cable length L and an admissible set of end forces, the horizontal and
vertical projections (H,V) of the catenary are given by Eqs. 1 and 2, re-
spectively. The vector f is admissible if static equilibrium is enforced, that
is, / 3 = —xf a n d / 4 = wL — f2 where w = the load per unit length of un-
stretched cable.

H= -/, L + LjZlfi (1)

ae w \Ti - A
v_Tj-T? | T, - Tj
2aew w
T, and 7} = the tensions at node i and j , and ae = the equivalent secant
modulus, described later.

FIG. 1. Cable Element


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

Given the correct end forces f, Eqs. 1 and 2 will yield cable projections
compatible with the vector of specified node locations x. Any other choice
of f will result in horizontal and/or vertical misclosures r . The residuals r
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are given by Eqs. 3 and 4

n = (x3 - x{) - H (3)
r2 = ( * - x2) - V (4)
If r = 0, an equilibrium configuration is guaranteed. The residuals re-
sulting from an initial approximation of f are iteratively eliminated using
Newton's Method (Hildebrand 1956). To make the notation consistent with
the other elements, the primary unknown vector u is introduced. In this case,
u = (fi,f%) and/3,/4 must be admissible. Eq. 5 defines the rth improvement
of u; it is repeated until r vanishes within some specified tolerance
Ur+i = u r - j ; ' r r (5)
where the elements of the rth Jacobian matrix j r are
jm,„ = — (m,n = 1,2)
The FORTRAN implementation of the cable element consists of a single
subroutine, PC AFX. Given the end locations x, PC AFX returns the nodal
forces f as well as the local tangent stiffness matrix k {kmn = dfm/dxn), which
is needed to analyze the entire line, as described later.
When the cable element was first introduced, it was limited to linear elas-
tic material undergoing small strain. But the formulation is valid for non-
linear, inelastic material by simply replacing the ae term, originally equal
to the cross-sectional area of the cable strands multiplied by the constant
modulus of elasticity, with an equivalent secant modulus. This is especially
useful when working with a composite conductor such as ACSR (aluminum
conductor-steel reinforced). Typically, these conductors have their stress-
elongation and stress-creep properties defined by fourth-order polynomials
such as those used by the ALCOA SAGTEN program (Batterman 1972). A
conductor may be composed of one or two materials, each possessing in-
dependent stress-elongation and stress-creep curves as shown in Fig. 2 and
described in Eqs. 6 and 7, respectively

Stress-elongation curve:

sM — = a0 + a,e + a2e2 + a3e3 + a4e4 (6)


sM — = b0 + bie + b2e2 + b3e3 + b4e4 (7)

where A, = the total cross-sectional area of the strands, AM = the cross-
sectional area of material M, sM = the stress in material M, at = the jth
short-term stress-elongation coefficient (determined experimentally), bj = the
jth creep-elongation coefficient (10-year creep at 60° F, determined experi-
mentally), and e — the mechanical elongation (percent strain). The unloading


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

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02 Initial Curve

Creep Curve


- i — i — | — i — , — \ — i — i — i — i — i — | — i — i -

FIG. 2. Typical Elongation Curves for Material M

curve is a straight line through the point of maximum elongation and having
slope aeF, which is the final elastic stiffness of the material.
Besides the mechanical strain, temperature changes will cause an expan-
sion or a contraction em at potentially different rates for each material
M-AA? Aest) (8)
where the temperature elongation of material M = e,M; \LM = the thermal
expansion coefficient of material M; t = the analysis temperature; and ttest
= the temperature at which the conductor was tested.
The cable element uses the composite tension-elongation curve of Fig. 3.
The composite curve is constructed by shifting each material curve inde-
pendently by its temperature expansion e,M, then multiplying by the bare
conductor area A,. The curves are summed, keeping in mind that compres-
sion stress (negative sM) in a material is not allowed. This may cause kinks
in both the initial and final curves as shown in Fig. 3.
Given the average tension T in the cable, which can be determined from
fi, ft, and w, Eqs. 6, 7, and 8 can be used to calculate the elongation e for
initial, final, or creep conditions. Replacing the constant cable stiffness ae
with the secant stiffness (1007/e) for the current average tension T will re-
sult in the correct total cable stretch and thus the correct end forces f. With
this definition of ae (see Fig. 3), the original linear elastic cable element
formulation (Eqs. 1 and 2) remains valid for nonlinear materials. The Ja-
cobian matrix j should be modified to account for the dependence of ae on
/, and/ 2 . The cable element, as described in this section, can be used as a
substitute for all of the techniques used in the SAGTEN program. In addi-
tion, it can handle cables with unequal end elevations.

Pulley Element
The pulley element extends the concept of the cable element to the case
of a cable supported somewhere along its length by a sheave. As shown in

J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

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to Final Composite
o Initial Composite


Material 1

, , , 1 , ,
Elongation (%strain)

FIG. 3. Composite Tension-Elongation Curve

Fig. 4, it is a three-node planar element with six nodal forces f and 6 degrees
of freedom x, two at each node. In the same manner as the cable element,
f is found by iteratively eliminating a residual vector r using Newton's method.
In this case, there are four residuals defined as the horizontal and vertical
misclosures at nodes i and j holding node k fixed. The residuals were derived
previously (McDonald and Peyrot 1988):

rt = Xi - j x5 - (L s + —j sin (£) - r sin (u2)

(xv x2)


FIG. 4. Pulley Element


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

- Pi 1— In I (9)
ae w \TA - pj _
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r2 = x2 x6 Ls H ) cos (p) + r cos (u2)

Tf-Tl T,
laew w

r 3 = X3 x5 - \LS + - ^ I sin (P) + r sin (K3)

1 *}+/,
Pi — + - In (ID
ae w \TB - p 4 ,

7*4 — X 4 x6 — [Ls-\ I cos (p) + r cos (w3)

, ?! ~ B , Tj
To simplify the residual equations, the following dependent variables are
used: p , and p2 = the horizontal and vertical tension components at takeoff
point A; p 3 and p 4 = the horizontal and vertical tension components at B;
T„ Tj, and Tk = the tensions at nodes i, j , and k, respectively; (3 = the swing
of the suspension element; Ls and aes = the length and elastic stiffness of
the suspension element, respectively; and Lx and L 2 = the unstretched lengths
of suspended cable in the left and right spans, respectively.
The independent unknowns u, chosen for convenience, are the unstretched
length of cable in the left span, the angle of declination from a vertical line
through the pulley hub to the left contact point A, the angle of declination
to the right contact point B, and the tension at A. Again, r is eliminated by
repeatedly improving u according to Eq. 5. Forcing r = 0 insures that one
of perhaps several equilibrium states has been found.
The pulley element implicitly distributes cable to each side of the sheave
in order to maintain continuous tension across the support; only the total
unstretched length of cable in the element is specified. In conventional finite
element and matrix displacement schemes, the length of an element is rarely
variable, making problems like this, in which the unstretched length of cable
in any given span is unknown, very difficult to solve. But with the pulley
element, very general, traditional solution methods can be used; it is treated
like any other element in an updated Lagrangian framework.
The pulley element also takes the form of a single subroutine PULFX.
Given the positions of the three nodes and the total, unstretched length of
cable in the element, PULFX returns the end forces f and local tangent stiff-
ness matrix k.

Clip Element
In the design of overhead transmission lines, one objective is to balance
the horizontal tension at each tangent tower. This results in a plumb insulator
string when the cable is initially clipped in. When the conductor is still in


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

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FIG. 5. Clip Element

the construction sheaves, however, the total tension, rather than the hori-
zontal component, is balanced at each tower. If the supports are at signifi-
cantly different elevations, the cable will flow downhill, thus increasing lower
span sags while increasing tension in the higher spans. Some redistribution
of the cable among the spans may be necessary to insure equal horizontal
tension in each span when the insulators are installed. The amount of con-
ductor shifted at each support is called a "clipping offset" and the differences
between the sags in the sheaved and clipped conditions are called "sag cor-
rections." The clip element provides a convenient and accurate method of
computing offsets and corrections even in the roughest terrain.
The clip element, shown in Fig. 5, is very similar to the pulley element.
It is a three-node planar element with six forces f corresponding to 6 degrees
of freedom x. Again the forces are found using Eq. 5 to iteratively reduce
the four residuals r corresponding to the horizontal and vertical misclosures
at i and j . But while the pulley element preserves the total tension across a
sheave by letting TB = TA minus possible losses due to pulley inefficiency,
the clip element preserves the horizontal component of tension across an
insulator clip by forcing TB cos u3 = TA cos u2. Consequently, the insulator
is guaranteed to be plumb and/ 5 = 0 in all cases. The residual equations
follow immediately from Eqs. 9-12 by setting the radius r = 0. Instead of
u2 and u3 being angles to the contact points A and B, they are now interpreted
as angles normal to the left and right spans at the clip, respectively.
It is interesting to note that there is no physical counterpart for the clip
element, that is, no real mechanism distributes cable to maintain horizontal
tension at a support. It is simply a mathematical tool that forces constant
horizontal tension in the transmission line model and thereby determines pre-
cise insulator clip locations. Again, the element takes form in a single sub-
routine CLIPFX.


The elements previously described can be used in various combinations

to model actual spans (all in the same vertical plane) in a line (not just a

J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

ruling span), either in sheaves or with insulators installed. Recall that the
element subroutines return the forces f acting on each node by each element
for given set of local nodal locations x. Summing the forces in the horizontal
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and vertical directions at each node yields a vector of unbalanced forces Q

for the complete set of current nodal locations X. In this sense, Q = a
nonlinear vector function of X:
Q=/(X) (13)
For a line to be in static equilibrium, Q must be the zero vector. An
equilibrium state is found by eliminating Q once again using Newton's method.
The Jacobian matrix K used to determine correction increments is the global
tangent stiffness matrix formed by summing the components of each local
tangent stiffness matrix at each degree of freedom Xm. Eq. 14 defines the
rth improvement of the initial approximation X 0 :
X r + 1 = X, - K r Q r (14)
where K,„in = dQ,„/dXn = (Sk,)m,„ for all elements i. This equation is anal-
ogous to Eq. 5, but applies to the entire line rather than each element. Eq.
14 is repeated, beginning with the approximate mesh geometry, until Q van-
ishes within a tolerance. Note that Eq. 13 represents the exact solution of
the inelastic catenary model; there are no approximations concerning ruling
spans or parabolic fits.
If the design horizontal tension is specified, finding a good approximate
solution from which to begin iterating is straightforward (Peyrot and Goulois
1979). Specifying the design sag in any span also serves to fix the horizontal
tension. Once the horizontal tension is known, the total unstretched length
of conductor in the line can be found. This is necessary to generate a mesh
in which all element lengths are fixed. At this point, an analysis of the line
(clipped or in sheaves) under general loading, including temperature and
creep, can be done. A new FORTRAN program, WSag, has been written
which uses this algorithm. Its logic is summarized here:

1. Given the structrure attachment locations, cable properties, and design hor-
izontal tension, element lengths and approximate nodal positions are calculated.
2. An analysis is done using clip elements to find exact insulator attachment
locations ensuring plumb insulators.
3. Clip elements are replaced by pulley elements and the analysis is redone.
Points directly under the structure attachments are compared to the insulator at-
tachment points to determine clipping offsets. Sags are compared to those found
in step 2 to determine sag corrections.
4. Pulley elements are replaced by triplets of cable elements, one for the in-
sulator string and one for each span of the clip element. The line is then analyzed
for any specified loading, creep, or temperature combination.


Clipping Offsets
A reference example (Winkleman 1959) is included here to demonstrate
the ability of WSag to calculate accurate clipping offsets. Using the method
described in the original reference, offsets are found by equating the total


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

TABLE 1. WSag versus Winkleman Long Form Clipping Offsets
Line Geometry (ft) WSag Long Form
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Attachment Elevation Span Sag (ft) Offset (in.) Sag (ft) Offset (in.)
(D (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
de 0.0 — — — — —
— — 450.0 7.16 — 7.2 —
12/6 -3.0 — — -2.3 — -2.0
— — 490.0 8.64 — 8.6 —
12/7 -50.0 — — -4.5 — -4.0
— — 690.0 17.38 — 17.3 —
12/8 -101.0 — — -9.8 — -9.0
— — 745.0 20.88 — 20.8 —
13/1 -190.0 — — -15.3 — -15.0
— — 650.0 16.45 — 16.4 —
13/2 -288.0 — — -18.1 — -17.0
— — 865.0 30.18 — 30.1 —
13/3 -405.0 — — -22.0 — -21.0
— — 760.0 24.07 — 24.0 —
13/4 -507.0 — — -23.1 — -22.0
— — 355.0 5.29 — 5.3 —
13/5 -545.0 — — -23.2 — -22.0
— — 870.0 32.30 — 32.3 —
13/6 -581.0 — — -22.3 — -21.0
— — 855.0 31.10 — 31.2 —
13/7 -522.0 — — -21.7 — -20.0
— — 360.0 5.48 — 5.5 —
14/1 ' -566.0 — — -21.2 — -21.0
— — 1,322.0 79.71 — 79.8 —
de -744.0 — — — — —
Note: conductor type: ACSR IBIS (397.5 Kcmil, 26/7); initial horizontal tension: 1,622
lb; 1 ft = 0.305 m; 1 lb = 4.45 N.

amount of slack in the properly clipped line to that when the conductor is
in the sheaves. Since this was a method intended for hand calculations, the
slack is calculated using the first term of the parabolic approximation. This
approximation, however, becomes less accurate for inclined spans, the very
case for which offsets become important. In the proposed method, offsets
based on exact solutions to the catenary model are found by forcing the total
amount of cable (rather than slack) to be equal in the clipped and sheaved
states. The answers remain valid regardless of inclination or large sag/span
ratios. In Table 1, the exact offsets for this 12-span example are compared
to the original results. The reader is referred to Winkleman (1959), for the
specifics of this example. Fig. 6 shows the actual tension profile (not the
horizontal component) along the line for the initial clipped-in case as well
as when the line is still in the sheaves.
Mountainous Terrain
In this example, an existing line of ACSR Bittern conductor (1272 Kcmil,
45/7) built in the Rocky Mountains is analyzed for two loading conditions:
30° with 1-in. (25.4-mm) radial ice, and 176° with bare conductor. The ini-

J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

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D In Sheaves
T& Clipped


-i—i—H—i—r~ T—:—i 1—n 1—
de 12/7 13/1 13/3 13/5 13/7

FIG. 6. Tension in Sheaves and Clipped

tial stringing condition is 4,900-lb (21,805-N) tension at 60° (bare wire). In

the WSag analysis, 5-ft (1.52-m) insulator strings were assumed. The line
profile is shown in Fig. 7 and the results are compared to those from the
SAGTEN program (which uses only a single "ruling span" for its calcula-
tions) in Figs. 8 and 9. Note that due to slight insulator swing but large
vertical loads, the horizontal tension does not remain constant throughout
the line for varying load conditions even though the insulators have been
properly installed (initially plumb).




Ruling Span: 883.1 feet (269.35 m)

Conductor: 1272 kcmil "Bittern" ACSR

FIG. 7. Transmission Line in Mountainous Terrain


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.


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4 2 0 0 -- CI
• o n • B B- ti E! B m O




3400- —i r

2 4 10


FIG. 8. Line in Fig. 7 at 176° with Bare Conductor



13750 -.


B B B H 11 l\ a a B
13000 -.

12750 -j

12500 -^
12250 —i 1 1 1 r- -1—
4 6 10


FIG. 9. Line in Fig. 7 at 30° with 1-ln. Radial Ice

Tower B Tower C Tower D Tower E

Vertical Scale x 2
Ruling Span = 972 feet (296.2 m)
ACSR Drake Conductor
5 ft (1.52 m) Insulator Strings

1 @ 1250 feet (381 m) 3 0 300 ft (91.4 m)

FIG. 10. Line Segment with Inclined Span


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

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TABLE 2. Vertical, Transverse, and Longitudinal Tower Loads (kips)

Tower A Tower B Tower E
Load case Vertical Transverse Longitudinal Vertical Transverse Longitudinal Vertical Transverse Longitudinal
(D (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Initial, 60° F, 0 mph wind,
0-in. ice -0.30 0.00 3.62 1.89 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00 -3.62
Initial, 0° F, 40 mph wind,
0.5-in. ice -0.66 0.47 7.27 3.70 0.60 -0.03 0.43 0.15 -7.23
Initial 32° F, 0 mph wind,
1.5-in. ice -0.55 0.00 15.76 9.21 0.00 -2.05 1.12 0.00 -13.35
Initial, 40° F, 80 mph wind,

J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

0-in. ice -1.00 0.99 6.15 2.56 1.24 -0.11 0.22 0.31 -6.03
Note: 1 kip = 4.45 kN; 1 mph = 0.447 m / s ; 1 in. = 2.54 cm.
Tower Loading from Inclined Spans
Predicting the loads exerted on a structure by the conductors and shield
wires becomes more complicated if the span is inclined. For a level span,
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the vertical load on each structure is simply the half the total weight while
the horizontal load is dependent on the ruling span. For an inclined span,
the horizontal and vertical loading on each structure is a function of the
temperature and loading. Furthermore, since the insulator strings will swing
to equalize the horizontal tension component in each span (between dead
ends), the span loading cannot be analyzed independently but is affected by
the other spans. Consider the loads on towers A and B in the line shown in
Fig. 10. In this instance, level ruling span analysis is not sufficient without
considerable extra effort. Since WSag does not rely on the ruling span ap-
proximation but models the entire line geometry, the tower loads are found
directly. Table 2 gives the loads on Towers A, B, and E for several load
cases (using the initial stress-strain curve) based on an initial horizontal ten-
sion of 3,620 lb (16,100 N) at 60° F. Note the large longitudinal load (2,050
lb = 9,122 N) developed at Tower B for the heavy ice case. WSag could
also be used to model unbalanced loads along the line.


A new algorithm has been proposed that can determine exact sags and
tensions for a transmission line in any terrain, whether clipped or still in the
construction sheaves. It utilizes a nonlinear, matrix method in which global
force imbalances are iteratively eliminated to ensure static equilibrium. The
method is based on elements that model true catenary segments undergoing
arbitrarily large displacements with potential nonlinear material behavior. A
new computer program, WSag, has been presented which uses the proposed
algorithm to solve general sag-tension problems. Numerical examples were
included to demonstrate good agreement between the results of the proposed
method and more traditional procedures.


Some of the concepts described herein have evolved from research spon-
sored by the Electric Power Research Institute.


Batterman, R. H. (1972). ALCOA's computer program for cable sag and tension
calculations. ALCOA Conductor Products Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Ehrenburg, D. O. (1935). "Transmission line catenary calculations." A1EE Trans-
actions, 54, 719-727.
Farr. H. H. (1980). Transmission line design manual. U.S. Department of the In-
terior, Water and Power Resources Service, Washington, D.C.
Hildebrand, F. B. (1956). Introduction to numerical analysis, McGraw-Hill, New
York, N.Y.
McDonald, B. M., and Peyrot, A. H. (1988). "Analysis of cable suspended in sheaves."
J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 114(3), 693-706.
Peyrot, A. H., and Goulois, A. M. (1979). "Analysis of cable structures." Comput.
Struct., 10, 805-813.
Winkleman, P. F. (1959). "Sag-tension computations and field measurements of the
Bonneville power administration." Trans. AIEE, 78, 1532-1548.


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.


The following symbols are used in this paper:

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At = cross-sectional area of material ;';

A, = total cross-sectional area;
ae = conductor secant modulus of elasticity;
aeF = final elastic stiffness of conductor material;
aes = elastic stiffness of insulator string;
a, = /th initial stress-elongation coefficient;
b, = rth creep stress-elongation coefficient;
e = elongation (percent strain);
f = vector of element nodal forces;
H = horizontal projection;
j = local Jacobian matrix;
K = global tangent stiffness matrix;
k = local tangent stiffness matrix;
L = unstretched length of cable;
L, = length of cable left span of element;
L2 = length of cable right span of element;
Ls = length of insulator or sheave suspender;
Pt = tension component in direction ;';
Q = vector of global force imbalances;
r = sheave radius;
r = vector of element residuals;
s, = tensile stress in material i;
Ti = tension at point or node i;
t = temperature;
u = vector of element primary unknowns;
V = vertical projection;
w = load per unit length of cable;
X = vector of global node locations;
x = vector of element node locations;
P = swing of insulator or sheave suspender; and
|x = thermal expansion coefficient.

i,j = node numbers;
M = material;
m,n = degrees of freedom; and
r = iteration number.


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:2374-2386.

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