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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

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Kelas: VI D

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cinderella. She lived with
her three sisters and her mother. She was a diligent girl. Unfortunately, her
mother paid most attention to Cinderella’s sisters rather than Cinderella.
While Cinderella was cooking, her sisters went to the party. When they came
home from the party, Cinderella was sweeping the floor. These kind or
treatment had been usual for Cinderella.

One day, a handsome prince came to the village. He announced that he

would hold a party at this palace that night. Cinderella’s sisters were walking
on the street when the prince announced it. They were happy to hear that
because they intended to attract the princes attention. So, they hurried home
and tried the best clothes they had for the party. Cinderella who was cleaning
the house heard the announcement too. She really wanted to come but she
did not have any party clothes. She felt sad but there was nothing she could

That night, Cinderella’s mother and her three sisters went to the
prince’s palace. They were laughing and talking along the road imagining that
the Prince would choose one of them to be his wife.

Cinderella was crying when suddenly she watched a light came into
her. That light was an angel who came to help Cinderella. She said that she
would give Cinderella clothes and glass shoes for the party. Cinderella was
happy to hear that. But, she only had until midnight because she would
change into normal again at that time.

After she put on the clothes, Cinderella went to the party. She became
the center of attention because of her beauty. The Prince fell in love with her
asked her to dance. When Cinderella was dancing with him, her sisters were
jealous and grumbled. At midnight Cinderella seemed worried and hurriedly
went home. She did not realize she had left her glass shoes at the party.

The next morning, the Prince announced he would marry the girl
whose feet fitted into the shoes. Every girl in town tried the shoes. But, no
one filled into the shoes. When Cinderella tried the shoes, her feet fitted
completely. The Prince seemed happy because he had found his dream girl.
Finally, they were married ang lived happily ever after.

Dahulu kala ada seorang gadis bernama Cinderella. Dia tinggal
bersama tiga saudara perempuannya dan ibunya. Dia adalah seorang gadis
yang rajin. sayangnya, ibunya sangat memperhatikan adik perempuannya
Cinderella daripada Cinderella. Sementara Cinderella sedang memasak,
saudara perempuannya pergi ke pesta tersebut saat mereka pulang dari
pesta Cinderella sedang menyapu lantai. Pekerjaan ini biasanya dilakukan

suatu hari seorang pangeran tampan datang kedesa. Dia

menggumumkan bahwa dia akan mengadakan pesta di istananya malam itu.
saudara perempuan Cinderella sedang berjalan di jalan saat sang pangeran
mengumumkannya. Mereka senang mendengarnya karena mereka ingin
menarik perhatian para pangeran. Jadi, mereka bergegas pulang dan
mencoba pakaian terbaik yang mereka miliki untuk pesta tersebut. Cinderella
yang sedang membersihkan rumah mendengar pengumuman itu juga, dia
benar-benar ingin datang tapi dia tidak punya pakaian pesta. dia merasa
sedih tapi tidak ada yang bisa dia lakukan.

Malam itu, Ibu Cinderella dan ketiga saudara perempuannya pergi ke

istana Pangeran. mereka tertawa dan berbicara di sepanjang jalan
membayangkan bahwa Pangeran akan memilih salah satu dari mereka untuk
menjadi istrinya.

Cinderella menangis dan tiba-tiba dia melihat cahaya masuk ke dalam

dirinya. dia mengatakan bahwa dia akan memberi pakaian Cinderella dan
sepatu kaca untuk pesta tersebut.cinderella senang mendengarnya. tapi dia
hanya sampai tengah malam karena dia akan berubah menjadi normal lagi
saat itu. Setelah dia mengenakan pakaian, Cinderella pergi ke pesta tersebut.
ia menjadi pusat perhatian Karena kecantikannya Pangeran jatuh cinta
padanya dan memintanya untuk menari. Saat Cinderella menari bersamanya,
saudara perempuannya cemburu dan menggerutu.

Pada tengah malam, Cinderella tampak cemas dan buru-buru pulang

ke rumah. dia tidak sadar bahwa dia telah meninggalkan sepatu kacanya di
pesta itu.

kKesokan harinya, sang pangeran mengumumkan bahwa dia akan

menikahi gadis yang kakinya pas di sepatunya. Setiap gadis di kota mencoba
sepatunya. tapi, tidak ada yang mengisi sepatunya. saat Cinderella mencoba
sepatunya, kakinya pas sepenuhnya. Pangeran tampak senang karena telah
menemukan gadis impiannya itu. akhirnya, mereka menikah dan hidup
bahagia selamanya.

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