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Food Time: More People and More Food

You are to recreate an old recipe and calculate its cost. In this project you
must include:
a)A title page with a creative title for the recipe.
b)Your name.
c)Clippings of the price of each item.
d)Original and altered recipe.
e)Your budget.

Part 1: Pick recipes: Make a list 3 items you would like to make at the party.
Due Monday, December 3rd/2012.

Recipe 1: ________________________________

Recipe 2: ________________________________

Recipe 3: _________________________________

Part 2: Write down the recipes: Go to the internet and copy down three recipes of your
choice. Due Monday, December 3rd/2012.

Name of Recipe 1: _______________________ Servings: ______________

Ingredients Quantity/Measurements
Directions for recipe 1:







Name of Recipe 2: ________________________ Servings: ______________

Ingredients Quantity/Measurements

Directions for recipe 2:







Name of Recipe 3:________________________ Servings: _______________________

Ingredients Quantity/Measurements

Directions for recipe 3:








Part 3: Pick one of the the three recipes from Part 1: Rewrite the recipe approved of
by the teacher in detail and pick a creative name.
Due Friday, December 10th/2012.
Part 4: Convert the recipe: Calculate the right amount of each item required to serve 20
people for ONE recipe approved on by teacher. Due Friday, December 15th/2012.
Original Serving: ______ Calculation:_______________ New Servings Size:_______

Ingredients Original Calculation New

Amount Amount
Required Required
Part 5: Budget: Calculating the cost of each item. Make sure you have a flyers/clippings of
original cost of each item. Calculate the total cost at the end. Due Friday, December 15th/2012.
Ingredients Unit Cost Calculation Total cost
(cost of of
each) ingredient
Total Cost: Add all costs in the last column.

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